Capture Protocol

Story by Zrathie on SoFurry

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#1 of Latex/Rubber

Jamie has broken out of an automated mental hospital that was thought to be abandoned. The fox has to make it through the wooded area to escape but he is being hunted by a squeaky creature.

Thank you for reading.

Capture Protocol

By Zrathie

Jamie had bitten off more than he could chew. He had never expected the urban exploring excursion to go so badly. There have been rumours that the Talon Busk insane asylum had been wholly abandoned. It was due to political wrangling on the effectiveness of a fully automated mental health treatment facility. The billionaire investor Talon Busk had sunk a large chunk of change into the venture, but he couldn't get government approval for its operation apparently. The build first, make sure it is legal later approach had evidently backfired.

The facility was located on a remote cliff overlooking the town of Pennatrope. Despite it being abandoned for more than ten years, it still looked pristine at least when viewed through binoculars. The facility was utterly off-grid using the latest in eco-technology. Its roofs were covered in solar panels, and it even had a couple of wind turbines on the surrounding hills. The facility's water was also gathered from rainwater collected from its gutters. The sewage was treated on-site using an advanced biological filtration system. This is what the advertisements had said about it.

What made the townsfolk curious was the fact that the buildings always had seemed to have power. Its lights would always come on during the night, and none of the systems ever seemed to break down. Occasionally there were deliveries. Just standard consumable items like light globes, spools of wire, cleaning and maintenance supplies. Many of these were ordered from Pennatrope's businesses. The invoices that Jamie had got his paws on showed nothing out of the ordinary. Just maintenance supplies and consumables for a facility that size. The supplies were delivered via an automated logistics system.

Talon Busk had perfected the automated vehicle. Soon most interstate trucking, local trucking and delivery services had been fully automated. The whole supply chain system from warehouses to retail outlets were taking advantage of Busk's logistics system. The driverless trucks looked like self-propelled flatbed trailers. Their batteries were stored between the wheels in the centre the modular cargo options from just standard shipping containers to log carriers, dump trucks and many other transportation solutions were placed on top of the flatbed.

What puzzled the fox was with the facility quite empty. Why hasn't there been any looting? Why was the enormous multinational business paying for an unused building that wasn't making them any money? In the end, Jamie didn't get all the answers. He had found that the facility wasn't as empty as first though. He had spotted the maintenance drones when he came closer to the main building and eventually met the coyote styled nurses who operated inside its doors.

As he lay strapped down to his bed that the robotic captors had assigned him, Jamie had plenty of time to think. He didn't want to dwell on how he was captured more on how he was going to escape. Jamie had managed to smuggle a spoon from the canteen. He had been using it to tease open one of the buckles keeping his wrist secure. Slowly sliding up the leather strap in the buckle using the handle of the spoon as a pry bar.

With a loud metallic clack, the buckle on his right wrist opened. He immediately reached across and unbuckled his left arm. Thankfully these were not locking fasteners. They were pretty low tech probably designed for ease of use over security. He reached down and undid the one strap covering his abdomen before sitting up and unhitching the last two buckles securing his ankles. Jamie got out of bed and took stock of his situation. He was wearing a medical gown, and they had put a plastic identity bracelet on his right wrist.

Somehow the automated systems had found out his name and his date of birth. They were printed on his identity bracelet as well as a patient number. The asylum's robotic nurses had taken his clothes and all his other belongings when they had decided he required treatment. Jamie had a full day to study the automated systems and the patrol routes of his enemies. The robotic nurses were modelled after the anthropomorphic coyotes. They looked like robots in a sense they had large round solid green eyes and were covered in the type of medical-grade latex instead of a fur and skin. They were digitigrade bi-pedal machines primarily.

Jamie had found out the hard way just how strong they were. While they looked pretty lanky and weak, they had a sturdy grip. Jamie was sure they could snap his limbs like twigs if they wanted to. At the same time, their control systems had stopped the machines from injuring him. The only harm they did was the sedative injection into his rear end. One thing they weren't good at was communicating. Jamie had tried to explain himself, speak to a flesh and blood creature in charge and demand to be freed. He had even quoted Isaac Asimov's rules of robotics to them, to which they had a canned pithy response that he had heard multiple times from the different coyote bots he had tried it on.

Jamie knew the outer doors to his ward were sealed and if he loitered near them during the day one of the coyote bots would insist that he move away. He was glad that they let him walk around his ward during the day, but he doubted they would ignore him if he was out of his room during the night. The fox had one plan; there was a laundry room located in the centre of the ward. He had a look through the glass door and saw there was a laundry chute inside. One that could be large enough for a slim fox to squeeze down.

"Could be" was a gamble. Jamie could get there and find it was too small. One option was to wait this out. He would be missed eventually, and furs would begin looking for him. When furs knew he was missing, they would find his car parked out the front of the facility. The obvious next step would be investigating the facility itself. For Jamie, he wanted to outsmart the machines. With the demise of taxis and interstate trucking and local delivery services, many furs were left unemployed or underemployed. The next venture was to make food service jobs fully automated in fast-food restaurants. The technology was there, but it was just the legislation that was stopping the big businesses from entirely removing the meat-sack factor from many of the remaining low skilled jobs. Part of the fox wanted to show that these machines were fallible, that they could be beaten. If they could not contain a simple fox, how would they hold a real-life mental patient?

Jamie opened the door to his room and slinked out into the hallway, his tail was pressed tightly to his rear not just because his gown didn't cover his rear end but because he was being hunted. The lights in the hallway were off the Jamie could see quite clearly with his vulpine night vision. The light click of his claws on the linoleum floor with some of the loudest sounds Jamie have ever heard in those brief moments. He was getting a feeling for how a mouse felt as it scampered from a dark place to the next across a barn floor hoping that an owl wouldn't swoop down and catch them.

In the end, there were no barn owls, and Jamie slinked into the small laundry room. The place was immaculate, the floors shined under the bright lights inside the small room. Jamie hesitated, what if he fell down and injured himself at the bottom of this thing? He was at least on the second storey. As far as he could tell from looking out the windows during the day. Jamie's tail swished excitedly so much, it knocked over a stack of folded towels. The soft sound of the linen hitting the ground was enough to make Jamie's jump into the air. It gave him the final resolve to jump down the laundry chute.

Jamie boarded the chute foot paws first. As he shifted his weight to travel lower, he then realised his gown was caught on something. It must have been the cart that was parked next to the laundry chute. It had snagged his gown. The fox reached for the tangled cloth but suddenly slipped downwards. He jerked downwards and his gown road up and covered his face. His limbs splayed outwards and bashed into the sides of the metal walls of the chute. His foot paws slipped, and his claws scratched, unable to find any purchase on the smooth metal.

The sound of ripping cloth made Jamie's pulse jump. His gown began to tear, and he jerked a few inches downwards and then a few more. Jamie slammed his limbs on the sides of the laundry chute, preparing for what was about to happen. A screech and a scratch filled the confined space as his claws dug in. The sound echoing up and down the laundry chute. The last of fabric ripped, leaving him nude and slipping down the chute. It turned out that it was fortunate he had snagged himself because he wouldn't have had enough time to control his descent otherwise.

He slid down, controlling his speed with how hard he pressed his limbs into the walls surrounding him. He made halting progress not wanting to pick up too much speed. Without warning, Jamie's legs left contact with the walls only to frail around in open-air. He was at the exit to the shute! He stopped his descent using only his arms but could only hold on for a moment. With a thud, Jamie landed in an empty laundry basket. Which soon toppled over. Jamie rolled out across a tiled floor and fell into a heap. He was aware he was alive; he could hear his own breath and feel his heart racing right up his neck. It must have been the adrenaline, but Jamie jumped up and spiralled into a crouch. He was lucky he hadn't broken anything. His earlier fantasies of landing in a full laundry basket had been tempered by reality. He was the only patient at the facility so there wouldn't be piles of clothes to fall in.

Jamie checked himself over. His rear and was a bit tender from the landing, but he hadn't broken anything. His limbs were still intact, Jamie didn't feel any cuts or scrapes. He was totally nude, but that concerned him the least. He looked around the laundry room. The lights were off here, but the few high windows on the wall let in the moonlight. Jamie went over to one of the windows. He climbed on top of an industrial-sized washing machine to reach it. This window had a latch! Unlike the windows in the patient area, which were all unable to be opened, or protected by metal cages, this window wasn't. It could be his ticket to freedom. Jamie twisted the latch, and the window opened outwards.

The window opened out at ground level, and Jamie crawled out onto wood chips that were used as mulch in a garden bed. He kept down low forcing his tail even lower between his legs as he took a look around, and got his bearings. Jamie found himself on the forest side of the facility that faced the wooded area that would lend him back towards the main gate and his car. He would worry about his car keys when he got to that problem, for now, the fox had the direction he had to go.

He looked from left to right, looking for any signs of patrolling robots. It was the same as it had been during the day. Only the small robots seemed to go outside, and Jamie could see any of them anyway. Jamie stood up and walked across a concrete path. He strode out onto a grassy area that was just before the tree line. Jamie's ears flicked as he heard an ominous beep. His keen vulpine eyes caught movement. There was a device that looked kind of like a sprinkler. It was rising up from a sunken hidey-hole in the centre of the lawn. There was a second beep followed by three distinct thuds. Jamie felt the thumps more than he heard them.

Thump!, Thump!, Thump!

He had been shot! He yelped more out of surprise than pain. Sure the hits stung, but the shock made him jump more than anything. He looked down to check for damage and saw three globules of an oily substance had impacted his soft white chest fur. It reminded Jaime of paintball rounds, but it was too dark to make out if they were coloured or not. Jamie didn't wait around to get shot more he took off in a sprint across the grassy area covering it in less than three seconds. He rushed into the relative safety of the forest. Jamie knew the driveway was a long one, but he didn't want to walk down the road in case they sent coyote bots after him. The fact they were shooting at him meant they knew he was trying to escape. He decided to stick to the trees and move parallel to the driveway but out of sight of any machines that could be patrolling it.

Jamie forced himself to slow down as he couldn't see where he was going. The tight canopy of trees stopped most of the moonlight. Leaves and branches whacked his muzzle also forced him to decrease his pace. He lingered behind a large tree keeping his back towards the facility for a moment to catch his breath. He stood there for several moments before he caught his breath and could sniff the air. He tried to find any trace of his pursuers in the scents around him. Jamie could only smell a strange mask. It was almost bubbling into the air. Jamie soon found its source. It was those weird paintballs he had been shot with. At first, Jamie was concerned they had sedated him again, and he would soon wake up from a drugged sleep back in his ward.

As he huffed in their exotic scent, he found they had the opposite effect at least for one part of him. He could feel that his cock had begun to stir; a good portion had slipped out into the cold night air. He was getting sexually excited despite the situation, not calling for it one bit. Taking his hand paws, Jamie tried to brush whatever they had shot him with off his chest. This only made things worse as the oily substance only spread out, giving it more surface area to react with the air. It was responding too, Jamie could hear a faint fizzing sound when he tried to brush the stuff away. Where it made contact with his paw pads, he could feel it bubble like soda pop. The oily material was evaporating at room temperature, releasing a musky gas that was driving his sex drive wild.

During the time he had stopped and now, he had grown even more sexually aroused. More of his canine length had come free. Even without touching it, he could feel his cock was slick with pre. It was if whatever this crap was put in him in heat, an artificial estrus response. Jamie began to move again. He was moving at a much slower pace than before. His unprotected sex was bobbing between his legs, making a rapid pace quite painful. It didn't take much longer before he couldn't stand it, his needy cock wanted attention. Jamie reached down and grabbed his sex. He could feel his rubbery paw pads press into his wet, hard erection. It didn't take long for him to begin to masturbate in earnest.

In his logical mind, Jamie knew he was playing into their plans. This must be something designed to slow down his escape until they could muster a response to recapture him. The crafty machines were using a biological creature's sex drive against them. Whatever he had been drugged with was like it flipped the switch in his brain to make him fully horny. He was so turned on that Jamie was sure he would blow his load in minutes, then he could continue his escape.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sensation that he was being watched. The horny fox released his grip from his throbbing cock. Jamie turned and saw that ahead of him was an inflatable deer. It was about the size of a real one only comically proportioned and stylised like a pool toy. It had painted-on eyes, mostly in a soft tan colour. It had oversized white inflatable horns and stood on four plump legs. It seemed to be watching him as much a creature like that could watch another.

Jamie felt the sensation of relief; it wasn't one of those coyote nurse bots ready to hunt him down. This was probably some hunters lame attempt at a joke. Hunting illegally on land that belongs to the facility and leaving silly pool toys behind. He should have taken it more seriously, though hindsight is always much crisper.

Before Jamie had time to react, the artificial creature bounded over to him and jumped up and pulled him into a hug. The inflatable deer was a feral model. Now that it was closer, Jamie could see it had black painted hooves that we're just stubby round and blunt. The creature held Jamie in a tight hug. Its limbs bending and wrapping around Jamie. Jamie could easily remove the beast, he gave it a few elbows. He would have soon shaken it off if it wasn't for how its smooth underbelly was brushing over fox rocket. He was being stimulated by the creature's unwanted hug.

He pushed at the rubber deer again this time half-heartedly. Jamie moaned as he felt the sleek latex brush over his sex. The thing didn't seem to want to harm him. Sure the hug had startled him, but perhaps the device was just lost a toy programmed to hug other furs. It felt good to grind against maybe he should have a bit of fun with it. He just had to take care of the heat between his thighs before he could continue his escape.

He rolled his hips and ground his fox rocket into the rubber deer. The material dimpled under his hard-on. He placed both hand paws on the back of the rubber deer and pressed the inflatable creature towards his sex. He continued to hump the rubber deer. This was a fantastic idea, using an impromptu sex toy that was just laying around in the woods. It didn't take long until a powerful orgasm overtook Jamie's body. A couple good ropes of cum splattered across his impromptu lover on its belly. Jamie's canine length twitched as he blew his load. He let out a loud cry of ecstasy, unable to contain himself.

"Stage 1 of the capture protocol complete. Aphrodisiac tagged patient located. Stage 2 of the capture protocol initiated," said the inflatable deer.

The artificial creature held Jamie with more force its hug tightened. Its limbs stretching, trying to come together behind Jamie's back. Jamie trashed and tore at the inflatable. Despite the inflated creature's resistance to blunt trauma, the fox had soon shaken it off. He would have escaped its clutches earlier, but his post-orgasm fox knot was very tender. He couldn't just rip it away.

Eventually, Jamie broke free. He tossed the inflatable deer aside and began to run again. It didn't take long for Jamie to make some distance between him and the strange deer creature. It was following him he could hear the peculiar rubber creak and squeak as the thing's legs morphed allowing it to move. The gap between Jamie and the rubber deer opened wider when finally, his vulpine erection subsided. His knot and tapered penis returned back to his sheath, allowing him to move much faster. Jamie could soon hear the sound of a slight buzzing. By the time he worked out what it was, it was too late.

Puft!, Puft!, Puft!, Thwack!, Thwack!, Thwack!

Jamie had been shot anew, and from the sound of it, it had been a drone. The attack stopped as soon as it began. He could hear the sound of the drone's engines fading as it moved away from him. He could have been able to dodge it if he was more on the ball, but he wasn't expecting flying drones with paintball guns to come after him. Jamie knew immediately he must have been shot with more of that aphrodisiac stuff. At least this time he needs better than to scratch at himself. A much more terrifying sound could soon be heard. The inflatable deer must have known that Jamie had been tagged again. He could detect it running up behind him. It appeared to be capable of running faster than him. It must have been matching his pace waiting for his drone friend to attack.

Jamie snarled and turned to attack the approaching rubber creature. He let it punch toward him, and Jamie punched it just before it made contact. The rubber deer fell to the ground only to roll to its feet in seconds. Next Jamie dug in with his claws; his fingers dug in a good inch or so, but it didn't seem to break the seal of the inflatable creature. The forest was filled with rubbery sounds of squeaks and creaks echoing in the woods as Jamie tried to puncher the inflatable monster. Despite being light and a fragile thing, it was taking quite a punishment. Being beaten upon by an adult fox but not breaking. He had no idea how it was meant to capture him. Sure could wrap him in a hug but it was no match for Jamie's strength. He could break the weak creature's hold with brute force.

Jamie tried to move back towards his goal. He was too busy fighting off the rubber deer to notice the tree roots under one of his foot paws until he was sailing backwards. He landed on the soft earth that was heavily covered in leaf litter breaking his fall. The creature leapt up on top of him. The inflatable rubber deer was grinding against him; it was a much more sexual manoeuvre then the fox had expected.

Jamie moved to push the creature away only to let out a large gasp. By now, the aphrodisiac was working on his sex drive. The soft, luscious rubber of the inflatable creature was rubbing over his sex. The next surprise was when the tip of Jamie's tapered cock found a hole. The rubber dear thing had a fuck hole, and it had found Jamie's hard sex.

The rubber deer felt desperate. I wanted Jamie's cock as much as an artificial creature could. At first, Jamie tried to keep still but with the aphrodisiac now fully in his system, and the creature's insistent thrusting Jamie was soon getting into it. The smooth, slippery fuck hole of the deer had just felt so beautiful around his cock. Again Jamie's mind realised he was playing into the hands of the asylum. This was a bad idea.

Jamie rolled over, taking the inflatable creature with him. The beast suddenly went passive and inanimate. It was as if it was encouraging him to mate with it. Jamie's full erection was embedded into the tight fuck sleeve. Jamie gave it a few experimental thrusts. It felt so good, much better than his hands had been earlier. Jamie straddled the upturned inflatable creature in a bit down hard on its neck; it still didn't pop it. Jamie's struggles were causing more stimulation around his tapered canine cock than he wanted to admit.

It was then Jamie gave in to his sexual urges. He began to thrust into the now docile inflatable deer rolling his hips and squeezing it tightly. The more Jamie pressed, the more the fuck sleeve compressed around his cock. He knew he was close he could feel his knot batting at the deer's hole. Jamie let himself sink in the artificial creature thoroughly before blowing his load for the second time this evening. He could feel his cum shoot inside the collection tube of the inflatable deer. He gave into his orgasmic bliss as he gave this strange device his fox cream.

It was then Jamie noticed his error. He looked down and saw that his arms had been sucked into the deer's flanks. They were nearly stuck up to the elbows. A sudden sound caught him by surprise; the inflatable creature was indeed inflating. The flexible grip was soon grabbing him with a decent amount of pressure. He awkwardly got to his feet as he struggled with the creature. It was just in time too, it was trying to wrap inflatable cuffs around his thighs. The beast was light enough to hoist off the ground. It was still made of a rubbery substance although he couldn't see the inner workings of the rubber deer.

"I am not going to hurt you, Jamie. I just want to restrain you, It's much easier if you surrender," said the deer.

Jamie let out of cry as his cock was given a stroke by the fuck sleeve. It was like a hand paw was pumped up and down his over-stimulated, post orgasm cock. It was more painful than pleasurable. With a view yelps from Jamie, he was able to free his sensitive organ from the deer that was trying to entrap him. Jamie quickly came up with an idea to free his arms. He had to ack before his elbows were covered. Escape would be much harder then. He jammed the inflatable deer between two branches of a tree that would low enough down for him to reach.

The new rigidity of the deer worked against it as he was able to wedge it firmly in place and use the leverage to wrench his arms free. First one and then the other. Jamie's shoulder barged the creature further into position. Its rubbery limbs flailed uselessly in the air. The fight was taking a lot out of Jamie as well as the sexual stimulation.

Jamie didn't want to stick around any longer. He had to move before his drone buddy would be back to shoot him with more of the aphrodisiac and make him an oversexed mess. The fox took off in a sprint not caring that his knot was still out and jerked from side to side as Jamie ran. This time he was really pushing himself sprinting as fast as he could. Jamie recognised a path of the head as the driveway. He was getting close to the entrance he would only have to make it another couple hundred metres, and he would be out of here pronto.

Rubbery squeaks in creaks could be heard behind him. He knew it was his new friend again. Somehow it must have freed itself and was coming back after him. You couldn't help it look behind him. He could see it running through the woods was advancing on him. Jamie knew he could fight it off again now that his mind wasn't crowded with the aphrodisiac, but he wanted to make as much distance as he could towards freedom. Part of him suspected the robots wouldn't chase him past the boundaries of the property. Despite his burning muscles and aching lungs, he continued running.

Jamie felt the creature land on his back. He kept his balance and kept running. Jamie would take the creature with him past the gate if it wanted to press its attack. He didn't notice the beast had changed form until it was too late; this time it was different. When the rubbery deer had wrapped around him, it was utterly deflated. The rubber creature wrapped around him tightly. The rubber material merging together until he was wearing a strange creature like a coat. Now, it was too late for Jamie to rip the rubber deer off his body. The beast had wrapped itself around his limbs and torso and the back of his head.

There was a loud roar of air rushing inwards; the deer was inflating. The rubbery deer was pulling Jamie inside its body. Jamie tried to push on desperate to get past the perimeter gate where he hoped the deer would deactivate. He could see it, and he could see his car just where he left it just metres away. Jamie fell forward as his foot paws got wrapped up in the inflating rubbery hooves of the inflatable deer. He couldn't break his fall as his upper torso and chest had been completely encased in the creature, and his arms refused to move from his side. The deer made sure to give the trapped fox a soft landing. Its air-filled body broke his fall.

"Got you," said the deer.

Jamie snarled at the deer's remark. He struggled and tried to twist or flex or push. Working everything he could to get any purchase, enough to break free from the trap. His foot paws were inside the creatures foot hooves. His hand paws were forced from his side and into the front hooves of the rubbery deer. Its size had grown much more substantial, large enough to accommodate the adult fox's size. Jamie could feel his face being pulled back into the device. He screamed out for help desperately but knew that no one was around. This was an isolated area perfect for the creature to kidnap him.

"I'm here. We're going to help you, Jamie," said the deer.

Jamie closed his eyes and held his breath as the rubber wrapped around his face. He wondered darkly if the creature was going to kill him, suffocate him to death. Put those thoughts were soon put to rest as a rubbery cock like gag was pushed past Jamie's lips. It held his tongue down and opened his mouth wide open. He could feel the rush of the air that came through the breathing tube that ran down the centre of the gag. The creature was providing him with oxygen. He opened his eyes and saw that his world had been changed to a translucent tan colour. It was still quite dark out, but he could make you out the sky and the stars only barely.

The creature had forced him on to his hand paws and knees. The rubber pressing all around him was forcing his body into the position it wanted him to be in. Jamie's arms were made to bend at the elbow, forcing his hand paws up to his shoulders, and they were secured there. Next, his legs were bent at the knee, making his foot paws poke out behind him; shrink wrapped in tight rubber. All Jamie could hear was the loud creaking echoing into his ears as the deer perfected its hold on him, making him totally helpless. In the end, Jamie has held in a position like a bondage bitchsuit locked down like a feral deer or at least encased canine. Even his fox tail was trapped inside with him. Jamie wiggled and moved the deer's limbs an inch at a time taking small baby steps. If he could drag his rubber prison past the gate, it might deactivate.

"Just where are you going, hmm?" asked the deer.

It was wearing Jamie more than he was wearing it. The inflated rubber squeezed him where it needed him restrained but allowed him movement where he needed it. He could still breathe his chest wasn't compressed by the deer, but it held his limbs tightly. He tried struggling even though it was useless. The rubber deer creature's reaction was just to heighten the pressure until it squeezed tightly; to an almost painful level. Jamie soon stopped his struggles, and this prompted a reduction of pressure back down to comfortable levels. The creature didn't want to hurt him; it seemed it just desired to capture him. He gave up letting out a whine into his gag.

"Escaped patient contained. Dispatch a recovery team to the main gate," said the inflatable deer.