The Gate-Way: Chapter 3 – Not In Kansas Anymore

Story by Grey Knight on SoFurry

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#3 of The Gate-Way

This is as you can see is chapter three of my Gate-Way series, hope you enjoy it as you have the previous ones. Just be warned it has some new parts I have never written into my other stories so I don't know how well they will turn out. I'd like to that all those who take the time to read it, a special thanks to all those who comment and a very special thanks to my editor Evernight1990, and my editor in chief and best friend (who does not happen to have a SoFurry account).

Once again all comments, constructive critisism and suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 3 - Not In Kansas Anymore

Matt woke with a start as a peal of thunder rolled across the sky; in the distance lightning flashed illuminating the clearing for a brief moment. Looking around he tried to remember where he was, then he heard gentle snoring next to him. Nestling his head back in the crook of Jake's arm, he watched the wolf's chest slowly rise and fall with his breathing. A sense of calm and security flowed through him as he felt Jake's arm wrapped around him, the muscles like steel cables.

Closing his eyes he ran his paw gently through Jake's white chest fur, it matched so well with his own thick coat of snow white fur. With a grunt Jake woke, raising his head as he blinked the sleep from his eyes. Looking down, he watched the small arctic fox cuddled up to him softly nuzzling his chest. Squeezing Matt tight against himself, Jake kissed him lightly between his brilliant blue eyes.

"Sleep well?" Jake asked grinning, slowly stroking Matt's side, bringing his other paw up he gently caressed Matt's muzzle.

A content smile grew across Matt's muzzle, suddenly a crack of thunder roared over head. Matt's eyes flew open in panic, he felt Jake stiffen and the pair looked up at the ominous clouds over head. Another clap of thunder boomed and a flash of lightning speared across the sky.

"We need to find some shelter before the storm hits, is there a cave or something nearby?" enquired Jake. "It's too far and too late to head back now."

"Yeah, there is a cave close to the waterfall. It'll be nice and dry and we'll be able to watch the show." Said Matt, standing up he grabbed Jake's paw and tried to pull the large grey wolf up.

With an evil grin, Jake pulled back, causing Matt to fall with a yelp of surprise. Wrapping his arms around the struggling fox, he laughed as Matt tried to rise. Finally giving up, Matt gave him an annoyed look, drumming his fingers on the wolf's chest, his tail flicked back and forth.

"If we don't get out of here now, the storm is going to catch u..." Matt began; suddenly Jake raised his head and planted his muzzle against Matt's. Matt's eyes widened then closed as he kissed Jake back, the large wolf placed a paw behind the foxes head kissing him fiercely.

"Thanks again for saving me," Jake said finally, breaking the kiss.

"No...No problem," Matt said his face flushed under his fur. "I...I really like you Jake, I have for a long time. When I saw you fall into the water I...I thought I had lost my chance at ever telling you how I felt."

Matt's voice cracked and his body shook as a tear rolled down his cheek, remembering just how close he had come to losing his best friend, and the love of his life.

"I...I love you Jake, I really do. I've never felt this way for anyone before. I'm sorry for all this, springing all this on you, and you're straight so, so it's not like we can ever be together." he said his lower lip trembling, ears dropping, he hiding his head in his paws as he felt the tears begin again.

Jake watched the arctic fox on his chest quietly sobbing into his fur. With a sigh he gently ran his paw through Matt's head fur, pondering his next words.

"I love you too Matt, a brother" he said a lump forming in his throat, shaking his head as he felt tears prick at his eyes. Matt watched him, confused. With a weak smile he continued "You mean a lot to me Matt, and not just because you saved my life. You're my best friend; I don't want you to worry about springing anything on me. I'm honoured that you trust me enough that you would be honest with me about how you feel. And what do you mean we can't be together? We are best friends aren't we?"

"I meant we can never be more than best friends," Matt said, ashamed. "I don't just love you like a brother."

Matt didn't look at Jake as he felt his face burn beneath his thick fur and tears prick at his eyes. He heard Jake sigh and saw the wolf lay his head back on the soft sand. Letting out a quiet sob Matt tried to raise himself up once more, only to find Jake still holding him firm.

A peal of thunder rolled across the sky, louder than before.

"Matt...I know what it's like to love someone and not be able to be with them. But Matt, what you and I have, our friendship, you can't get much closer than that. No we can never date, but we will always be there for one another and we can be together... just not a couple." Seeing the miserable look on Matt's face he continued "And just because I'm straight, doesn't mean I'm not willing to try a few things out with you. But I want you to know Matt that I will always be here for you no matter what."

"I understand" Matt said quietly as fresh tears trickled down his muzzle. "It's just from the kiss and the hug you gave me...I sort of hope we could be more...that you might want to be more"

Leaning his head back once more Jake sighed, he wasn't entirely sure himself. Yes he had enjoyed the feel of Matt in his arms, but when he had kissed him...was it just that he was in desperate need of affection. It had been too long since he had last been close to someone, let alone felt loved. The last time had been over four years ago, the night that his brother had...No he wasn't going to think about that now, he said to himself with an angry snarl as he felt tears prick at his eyes and a lump forming in his throat.

Had it been just a simple reaction to feeling what he had missed for so long, was he just grateful that Matt had saved his life? Or was there more to it? He didn't know anymore, he shook his head, only time would tell. Gently he kissed Matt's forehead, getting up he picked up his companion, who yelped in fright until he felt the strong arms of his friend supporting him. Jake became sombre and cold once more, he knew showing emotions was a bad idea all it had done was pull Matt closer to him only to be hurt.

"Now show me where the cave is before the storm hits," as if to put emphasis on his words a fork of lightning illuminated the clearing, and a crack of thunder rumbled. Yelping in fright Matt threw his arms around Jake's neck.

Slowly the pair made their way to the cave; Matt dug his head into Jake's chest fur inhaling the musky sent. He sighed; if he couldn't have a lover, at least he could keep his best friend. He mulled over what Jake had said, he wondered could he have more than just a best friend, could he have a best friend with benefits? As Jake carried him towards the cave, a plan formed in his head. Grinning, he nestled deeper into Jakes chest fur.


Shawn jerked awake, breathing hard his heart pounded in his chest. Gasping he looked around, the front window of the cockpit was smashed in and before him he could see the engine burning. His flight suit was singed and burned where he had been sprayed by burning oil. Around him a storm raged, wind buffeted his sorely damaged plane, lightning flashed and thunder boomed as rain lashed at the canopy.

Grasping the controls he fought the storm and the damage to his plane, despite to keep the plane in the air. Flipping on the com he yelled

"This is Flight Officer Shawn Wood can anybody hear me, does anyone read, over." Static filled his head set.

"I repeat, this is Flight Officer Shawn Wood can anybody hear me, does anyone read, over." Shawn sighed resting his head against the back of his seat as he flew through the storm.

It was as if no one was there, but that wasn't possible, even over the coast of France they were always in contact with the airfield. Shaking his head he wondered what else could possibly go wrong.

Suddenly the controls jerked and struggled in his hand, the entire plane gave a great heave and bucked in the wind. Fighting for control he looked out across the wings, to his horror large chunks of the left wing had been shot away and the aileron was slowly tearing itself off.

He watched with dread as the fierce winds tore and pulled at the wing; over the shrieking wind he could hear the groan of stressed metal. Shawn felt panic rising as he watched the aileron tear itself free, pulling a massive chunk of the damaged wing with it.

Shawn fought against the plane and storm to ensure it didn't flip over and spin out of control. The flames within the engine leapt high, as the overtaxed engine began shaking itself apart. A fuel line ruptured, spraying more burning fuel into the cockpit. Shawn screamed, letting go of the controls he patted desperately at the flames on his jump suit.

The Spitfire spun out of control as he put out the fire, the engine was ablaze and he was spinning down through the cloud layer. Below him stretched a great forest ending at a high rocky cliff face, a waterfall pouring off it.

Grabbing hold of the controls, he fought to regain control of the plane as it tumbled from the sky. Like a comet, the burning plane flew towards the ground. Shawn finally managed to regain control of the plane, stopping its insane spin he could do nothing to stop its heart stopping fall from the sky.

Shawn aimed the plane towards the clearing he could see around a large lake at the bottom of the cliff. Ripping back what remained of the canopy, he stood up and jumped away from the burning plane and into the raging storm.


"Now put me down so I can show you where the cave is," said Matt.

Jake gently set him on his feet; the two of them were standing at the base of the cliff near the edge of the forest. Looking back and forth Matt spotted the bush that he had used to hide the entrance to the cave.

Slowly walking towards the cliff, he swayed his hips back and forth. Reaching the bush he bent over at the waist, his boxers straining tight, ensuring that Jake had a full view of his ass. Looking back over his shoulder, he gave Jake a smile and a seductive wink hiding most of his maw behind his tail. Jake simply stared back as stoic as ever, breaking his sombre mask to give Matt a quizzical look.

Throwing the bush aside he waved Jake forward into the cave. Just as they stepped into the cave the sky opened up, with a defining roar thunder boomed, it sounded as though plane breaking the sound barrier. Lightning flashed angrily, the clouds opened up in a torrent of water to rival that of the waterfall cascading down the cliff.

The cave was quite large, a small tunnel led to a large cavern a small cot and blankets were set against one wall of the cave. Flashes of lightning illuminated the cave as they walked deeper. Matt walked up and pulled an electric lantern from behind the cot, turning it on he turned to Jake.

"Let's set the cot up just inside the entrance so we can watch the show"

Jake nodded his face solemn; Matt placed the lantern on the cot as they each grabbed a side and carried it to the entrance of the cave. After they were sure they would be able to see the lightning yet not get wet they set it down.

Sitting down on the cot Jake leaned back against the cave wall, staring off into the dark night illuminated by forks of lightning. As the thunder roared, Matt slowly crawled onto the cot with Jake. Crawling on his paws and knees he lay up against Jake, wrapping his arms around the wolf`s chest he nestled his head in the crook of his shoulder. Giving a content sigh he gazed off into the stormy night.

As thunder rolled across the sky he felt the small arctic fox next to him jump. Jake wrapped his arm around Matt, holding him tight against him gently caressing his side. Matt sighed as he felt the arm around him; he had never felt so safe and secure as he did at that moment.

Matt looked up at Jake, blushing beneath his fur. Giving him a gentle squeeze, the wolf looked out into the storm raging across the sky. Stretching up Matt gently kissed Jake's muzzle, stiffening slightly he looked down at Matt. A flash of fear split across his features just as the lightning flashed across the sky.

Flashing Matt a cheerless smile, Jake kissed Matt softly between his bright blue eyes. Jake turned his attention once more to the storm roaring over head as another rumble of thunder threatened to deafen him.

Matt nestled deeper into Jake's soft fur, listening to the strong beat of the wolf's heart. Nervously he began gently running his paw through the soft fur of Jake's firm stomach. He blushed again as he heard Jake murr, feeling the wolf's large paw began travelling its own path across his furred back. Closing his eyes he let out a soft, content sigh.

Carefully he reached up and lightly kissed his way down Jake's neck. As he nestled his head once more against Jake's chest, his paw slowly tracing a path lower and lower through the wolf's fur. He felt Jake's large paw gripping his back tightly before it resumed its random track gently though his fur.

Cautiously he ran his paw just under the band of the wolf's boxers. Feeling Jake kiss his forehead once more, Matt placed his paw on Jake's knee. Slowly running his paw in a circle he heard Jake sigh contently.

Jake began running his paw through Matt's soft short head fur as he felt his companion's paw work its way in lazy circles further up his leg. Matt stopped as he reached the opening of Jake's dark boxers, his sheath outlined by the tight material. Matt felt his pulse quicken and his maw begin to water as he stared at the bulge before him, imagining what it would be like to be taken by the large wolf.

Feeling the fox beside him shudder Jake pulled Matt tighter against him, gently kissing his forehead, assuming the shudder was from the storm and not his presence. Matt returned to tracing his paw through Jake's chest fur as he felt his own sheath begin to tighten. Thankful for the darkness that hid his pink tip, Matt slowly traced his paw lower once more. Carefully running his paw just beneath the band of Jake's boxers, he watched as Jake's sheath began to expand and stretch the already tight fabric.

Grinning he switched once more to caressing the wolf's leg. Slowly running his paw in circles and he walked it slowly up the inside of Jake's leg. Once again he stopped at the opening of Jake's boxers, however this time he quickly ran his paw along the top of Jake's leg, as close to the growing bulge as he dared.

The fox blushed as he heard Jake murr over the sound of his quickening heart beat and the storm overhead. Growing bolder he ran his paw right over the bulge in Jake's boxers. Gently caressing it through the material, he began kissing his way down Jake's firm muscular chest. Jake murred as Matt kissed his chest softly.

Slowly he kissed his way down Jake's leg, careful to avoid his bulge. As his kissed a trail up Jake's other leg he slowly began tugging off the wolf's tight boxers. He gasped as Jake's length sprung free of his boxers. Fully extended from its sheath, the sight of the eight inch length made his mouth water. Lightly kissing Jake's stomach he took the eight inch length in his paw. His paw wrapped around Jake's cock as he kissed the inside of the wolf's thigh. Jake shuddered both nervous and in anticipation as he watched Matt playing with his cock. Feeling the blood pumping though the thick shaft, Matt gently kissed its tip. Jake gasped as Matt ran his broad tongue up his shaft, licking around the pointed tip he slowly pressed it into his muzzle.

His paw firmly gripped the shaft, pumping it slowly as he bobbed his head up and down. Taking more of it into his muzzle he ran his tongue around the shaft, rewarded with a moan from Jake. Feeling him shudder, Matt pulled his muzzle off the twitching length. Pumping the thick shaft in his paw, kissing up Jake's stomach he grinned as he heard the wolf shudder.

He gently kissed Jake's chest and stomach as he pumped the thick meat in his paw. Jake's breathing became heavier and Matt could feel his knot swell slightly. Lapping at Jake's furry balls he ran his tongue up the throbbing length. Bobbing up and down he took more of it in his maw.

Reaching down he took hold of his own throbbing member. Quickly pumping his own cock he took more and more of Jake into his mouth. Running his tongue along the underside of the shaft he grasped Jake behind his growing knot. Matt bobbed his head faster, tongue swirling around the twitching cock.

Hearing Jake's breathing quicken he opened his muzzle wide allowing Jake's knot to slip into his mouth. Grasping Jake firmly behind his knot he pumped it as his tongue swirled around the shaft. Jake moaned loudly, he shuddered at these new sensations.

As Matt bobbed his head he pumped his own seven inch member, his knot fully formed.

Groaning, Jake placed his paws on the back of Matt's head as he began humping into Matt's warm maw. Slipping off the throbbing member long enough to slick up one of his fingers Matt continued taking Jake's thick meat in his maw. Gently Matt placed his slick finger at Jake's tail hole as the wolf thrust into his muzzle.

Circling the virgin hole with a finger he slowly pressed it inside. He felt Jake's ass clench around his finger as Jake yelped. Bobbing his head faster he waited, feeling Jake's muscles relax he pressed him fingers in deeper. Slowly withdrawing it, he pumped his finger into Jake's tight furless end as Jake fucked his muzzle. His breathing was heavy and his heart was pounding in his chest.

He felt his orgasm building as Matt's finger danced over his prostate, balls tightening he thrust forward. Matt pulled his head back as he felt Jake's cock twitch. Jake moaned and cried out as a torrent of thick creamy cum shot from his dick, spilling across Matt's tongue. Savouring the salty taste as he greedily swallowed the thick load. He screamed around the pulsing length as his own orgasm hit, squeezing himself behind his knot his cum splattered across Jake's legs, even catching himself beneath his muzzle. Pulling Jake's cock free of his muzzle he continued pumping Jake's shaft as it continued shooting thick ropes of cum. He caught more or the sweet load in his maw as the rest splattered across his muzzle.

Gasping and shaking Jake caressed Matt's head fur as the fox cleaned his shaft. Matt looked up at him, whipping his tongue out to lick at the creamy cum dripping down his muzzle. Grinning he crawled his way up Jake's chest. Pressing their muzzles firmly together their tongues intertwined, he could taste his seed on Matt's tongue. Jake squeezed Matt's furry ass as his other paw pressed the young arctic fox's muzzle firmly against his own.

Finally the pair separated, gasping for breath. Laying down on his side, Matt looked out into the storm. Crawling in behind him Jake wrapped his arms around his companion, pulling them tightly together.

Kissing Matt's cheek as he gently caressed the arctic fox's chest Jake said.

"That...that was...awesome, thank you."

Grinning Matt gently caressed the backs of Jake's paws

"No problem, any time you need some, um, help," he said with a smirk. "Just ask."

As the pair looked out into the storm they saw a flash brighter than any lightning. Suddenly, there was a sonic boom, and out from the raging storm clouds shot a ball of fire. The pair leapt up as the ball of fire screamed towards the clearing on the other side of the lake.

Crashing into the ground, the ball of fire bounced; coming down again it skidded along the ground, digging a great trench in the clearing. Slamming into a rock the thing went near vertical before crashing back down.

Most of the fire had been put out by the wall of dirt thrown up by the crash. They gasped in shock and awe at what appeared to be an ancient plane. Looking at one another the pair took off as fast as they could towards the crashed plane to see if the pilot had survived.


Tumbling through the air, Shawn pulled the rip cord on his parachute. The canvas chute tore free from its carrying case, pulling him up and slowing his decent as it filled with air. As the storm raged and the wind and rain tore at him he watched his burning plane plummet towards the ground.

The burning plane spun over slowly as it fell, engine still ablaze. His moan of despair was swept up by the storm as he watched his beloved plane crash into the ground. He watched as it bounced once before skidding into a large rock at the edge of the clearing.

Shaking his head, he attempted to guild the parachute as best he could in the storm towards the clearing. Suddenly, in a flash of lightning he saw two figures running towards his downed plane.

Shawn swore, he was sure the two figures running towards his plane were an advanced German patrol. Running a hand across the grip of his standard issue Smith & Wesson, he knew he was more than prepared to kill any Germans that got in his way.

Fear gripped him as he realized he was coming in too fast, he screamed as he saw the tree tops rushing up to greet him. Crashing through the forest canopy branches broke and tore at him and his chute.

His decent came to a jarring halt as his chute caught up in the branches of the trees. Gasping for breath he tried to see the ground, but the thick canopy blocked out all but the brightest flashes of lightning. Hoping he was but a few feet off the ground, Shawn hit the release on his chute.

Shawn yelled as he fell through the air, falling twenty feet before impacting the hard unforgiving forest floor. The impact knocked him out.


As they neared the crash site they realized they were looking at the wreckage of a plane. Not just any plane though, an ancient plane that looked a great deal like those that Jake's grandfather had flown during The Second World War.

The entire front end of the plane had been smashed and warped, both from the crash and the heat. Most of the left wing had been torn away and the glass of the canopy smashed. Rushing up Matt and Jake quickly kicked dirt on those fires still burning.

Cautiously they peered inside the abandoned plane. The interior looked just like the pictures they had seen of the one Jake's grandfather had flown. Stuck in the corner of the cockpit was a rather singed photo, Matt reached out and plucked it from the canopy frame. What he saw shocked him.

Within the black and white photo stood two of the strangest creatures he had ever seen. Both were wearing flight suits much like those of Jake's grandfather. The two creatures were identical, handing the picture to Jake, Matt watched as a look of horror and concern, spread across Jake's features. Matt looked at Jake as the wolf studied the picture with almost a look of familiarity cracking his stern visage.

Neither of the creatures had any fur, other than atop their heads and around the lower half of their faces. As far as he could seen they did not have tail or claw, and they certainly did not have muzzles. Their eyes were set above what Matt guessed was a short triangular snout, over a small mouth filled with short flat teeth, save for two canines. Their ears were small and rounded set on the sides of their heads instead atop.

"Have you ever seen anything like them?" asked Matt.

"No... Never... I have no idea what they are..." Jake said quickly, his face just as serious as ever.

Over the storm came a strange noise.

"Hey can you hear that?"

"Yeah, sounds like canvas flapping"

Suddenly, over the storm they heard a scream and the sound of branches breaking and canvas tearing. Looking at each other Matt and Jake took off running towards the sound.


Shawn groaned, gasping for breath as he rolled over on to his stomach. Trying to get to his feet, he screamed as hot pain shot through his left leg. Collapsing hard he looked down; the legging of his flight suit was a ragged mess. Large pieces of the canopy had logged themselves in his leg; the fall had dug them deeper. Blood seeped from the wounds as he staggered to his feet, his left leg shaking and hurting as he tried to place his weight on it. His chest and arms stung where they had been burned by the burning oil. Hobbling towards the nearest tree he slowly sank down to the ground. Trying to catch his breath, he waited for the pain to go away and for everything stopped spinning.

He took a shuddering breath to calm himself. Shawn knew he had to find the plane and scavenge whatever supplies he could from it. Then he would have to find a village with resistance fighters, if he was in France, he thought. He had to get back to Britain, though now he didn't really see the point. The last person he ever cared about was dead; there was nothing left for him.

Resting his head against the trunk, he fought and failed to hold off the burning tears. Over the sound of the wind howling through the trees he though he heard something. Looking around he realized someone was running thought the underbrush. He swore again, realizing the German patrol must have seen him come down.

Ducking behind the tree he pulled out his revolver, he would make them regret taking his brother from him. Taking aim, he waited for the Germans to show themselves. What rounded the corner nearly caused him to drop his gun.

"Are the Germans breeding werewolves now?" he gasped.

Shawn looked on in awe at the strange creatures that rushed into the small clearing. Both looked like animals he had seen before. A wolf, its grey fur surrounding the white and tanned fur of its muzzle, ears and chest stood next to a snow white arctic fox. The only difference was that both creatures were standing on their hind legs, and their front paws looked more like hands. Their fur was matted down and water logged.

Cautiously the two creatures crept closer to the empty parachute. Their eyes glowed with every flash of lightning that illuminated the dark forest. Remaining partially hidden behind the tree, Shawn kept his revolver drawn and targeted on the two animals.

As they drew closer he realized they were both wearing boxers. A gust of wind blew from behind him, carrying his scent with it. He swore as the two creatures stopped and sniffed the air. His leg was shaking badly now, the pain was almost unbearable as he crept backwards in a low crouch.

The two animals crept slowly into the clearing. Suddenly with a yell and loud crash, he fell backwards his leg collapsed under him.


Running through the woods Matt and Jake came to a halt, rain falling around them, softer than before. Peering around, they followed the sound of flapping canvas until they spotted the tattered remains of an empty parachute hung up in the branches of a large oak tree.

Carefully they inched forward, Matt shivered from fear and the cold rain water running through his already soaked fur. A gust of wind blew up; carrying with it a strange scent towards them, taking a deep breath as the smell washed over them.

"You smell that?" whispered Jake.

"Yeah, but what is it? I've never smelled anything like it before." replied Matt, gazing through the dark forest for the source of the smell.

"Well I thought I caught a faint sent of it from the plane, but it was difficult to tell over the smell of burning oil."

Breathing deeply a wet musky smell assaulted his sensitive nose, along with the smell of fresh blood and burnt fabric. It was like nothing he had ever smelled before, and this worried him.

Slowly they made their way forward, following the scent. Suddenly they both jumped as they heard a crash and yell, it came from behind a tree not twenty feet from them. Glancing nervously at each other they made their way carefully towards the source of the sound, and the smell.

As they made their way around the trees they came to a jarring horrified halt. There on the ground before them lay one of the creatures from the photo. It lay on its side; eyes shut tight, breath rasping through clenched teeth.

It had its hands wrapped around its leg. Though it was too dark to see the blood they could smell it. Creeping forward they tried not to startle the large creature. Matt groaned as his foot came down snapping a large twig.

The creature's eyes flew open, wide with fear. They watched as it tried desperately to drag itself backwards, it's left leg useless. In it hand it held an old revolver, switching its aim between the two of them. Pain flashed across its features and it collapsed backwards, its hands grasping at its leg as fresh blood welled from its wounds.

Its teeth were clenched and its breath came in ragged pained gasps. Jake carefully inched his way closer to the creature. Seeing this it brought its revolver back up, pointing it at Jake it yelled.


Jake took a step back, hands raised out before him, a look of concern flickered through his cold eyes. Matt's head was cocked to the side a look of confusion and surprise flashed across his features. He had not expected to find the creature, let alone understand it.

"What do you mean dog? Haven't you ever seen a wolf before?" Jake asked.

"Fine werewolf... whatever, just stay where you are,"

"We just want to help you, let us take a look at that leg of yours." said Matt, peering over Jake's shoulder.

"What are you?" said the creature with a look of confusion and fear.

Desperately it began trying to dragged itself backwards, its leg bloody and useless. It yelled as one of the large jagged shards of metal shifted. With one last pull it collapsed backwards, unconscious.

Carefully Matt and Jake crept towards the strange creature. Kneeling to either side of it they could see the large bits of metal imbedded in its leg. The flight-suit it wore was shredded and torn, its chest and arms were singed.

"We have to get it to the cave." Matt said looking across at Jake. "The storm seems to have died down but we can't just leave it here."

Jake grunted in acknowledgement, not taking his eyes off the creature, Matt saw a strange look of fear and concern flash across his eyes that scared him more than the human and Jake's normal sullen look combined. Just like in the picture, it only had fur on its head and around the lower half of its face. In place of fur it had lightly coloured flesh, much like he had seen on his own muzzle after a barbecuing accident.

From what he could see through the tattered flight-suit, the creature must be very strong. Its arms were thicker than his and its chest rippled with muscle. Grunting the pair picked up the unconscious creature.

Slowly they made their way back towards the cave, the creature cradled between them careful not to jostle it too much and cause it any more pain.

The worst of the storm seemed to have pasted. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed, but it was off in the distance. As it receded, calm returned to the forest, the only sounds the rain that still fell from the sky and dripped from the trees. Damp twigs and leaves rustled underfoot as Matt and Jake made their way through the dark forest in silence, neither knowing what they would do with this strange creature, both wanting desperately to know what it was and where it had come it had gotten here.