Bathhouse Cuck

Story by Kiingdrgn on SoFurry

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Something about cuckolding is just really fun to write. I dunno what it is. So I wrote more self indulgent stuff about Roland getting cucked. Enjoy!

Roland and Croix both belong to their creator, Croix Almer.

(If this does not display right on FA, you may have to read this over at my Sofurry; kiingdrgn)

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"Can I get a double room for the two of us, please?"

The man standing behind the counter nodded, punching their total into the register and handing Roland the debit machine. The raichu tapped his card on the terminal, finalizing the transaction as the cashier returned with two towels and two sets of keys. "Alright, you guys are in room 096. It'll just be down the hall and around the corner. Lockers and showers are down the first hall on your left. Enjoy your stay!"

Roland looked tense as he grabbed his towel and keys. Croix, on the other hand seemed excited. They walked through the double doors into the bath house, making a beeline for their rooms in order to change. Roland's nerves were running high, anxiety oozing off the Raichu in waves. Croix seemed to sense this, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and squeezing it tight.

"Roland... you know we don't have to do this if you don't want to..."

"I know, Croix. It's not that I don't want to. I'm just... scared and excited at the same time. I mean.. what if-"

The raichu was silenced by a finger to his lips, Croix stopping in the hallway and staring Roland in the eyes. "There is no what if. I'll always love you, you big lug. Sex never has changed that. And it never will.?"

Roland felt warmth rising within his chest, unable to stop the smile that spread across his face. He tugged Croix into a tight embrace, squeezing him hard before letting go.

"Now c'mon. Lets get changed and prepped up. I want to have as much time as possible to enjoy this! The clock's ticking, cuck~" The nickname sent chills down Roland's spine, and turned a few heads. Some nearby furs took interest, following them from a distance to see where they were headed.

Roland and Croix got to the room and shut the door behind them, turning up the lights as they took a look around the space. It was relatively simple; a TV with porn running, a dimming light, and a double bed that was about as comfortable as a wooden board. Not that it was meant for sleeping on, anyhow.

The two lovers made quick work of their clothes, throwing them into an unorganized pile and shoving them into one of the under bed storage containers. Roland noticed Croix staring at him, following the jackalope's gaze to his chastity cage, Roland's cheeks flushing while he moved to hide it from view.. "You know, I was right. That blue goes perfect with your pubes~! I love it!"

Roland blushed and uncovered himself. "Y-yeah it looks nice, but it's embarassing!"

"Oh hush. You say that now, but it was your idea, wasn't it?"

Roland gave an indignant huff, unable to come up with a retort. He pouted and crossed his arms, breaking eye contact. "Whatever.... So ar-"

"So... how are we going to do this?" Interupted Croix, the jackalope's eagerness finally showing itself. Roland scoffed at how he was cut off, but he was used to it. When Croix was excited there was no calming him. "I saw a chalkboard on the way in. I think-"

"I was getting to that before you interupted." Roland rolled his eyes at the half hearted 'sorry' from his boyfriend. His sex drive wasn't always present, but when it was, Croix could get really exciteable. "I could go write something on the chalkboard for us. You stay here and uh, maybe warm up with yer hole for the uh, other guys or somethin."

Croix gave an enthusiatsic nod, already searching for the bottle of lube they'd brought with them. Roland left the room, heading towards the front. On his way out he passed by a jock clad lemur who immediately took interest in the metallic blue glint of his cage. The man gave him a thumbs up and slapped his ass on the way by, Roland's dick throbbing painfully within its confines. As Roland turned the corner he heard a knock, some hushed whispers from a voice that sounded familiar, then a door shutting. It wasn't too hard for him to imagine who's door that was. A shiver ran down his back, thrilled at the thought of what he'd come back to. The attention made Roland begin to leak though the cage, precum dribbling down to the tip and dripping to the ground, leaving a damp trail as he walked.

Roland made it to the chalkboard, grabbing a stick and beginning to write. 'Come cuck me! Fuck my husband. Room 096.' He gulped, staring at what he'd written, smothering the impulsive urge to rub it all away. He hated it, but at the same time, he wanted this. Bad. Lately it was one of the only fantasies he could get off to, and he found himself unable to finish if he didn't atleast invite a fuckbuddy to share Croix's hole with.

Roland steeled his nerves and turned on the spot, heading back towards the room. As he grew closer the sounds of hushed voices grew louder, and he began to walk faster out of curiosity. Rounding the corner, Roland found his answer. Just as he'd suspected, the first guy he'd walked past had been invited into the room, and in his eagerness he'd neglected to close the door. Now a line of guys were waiting patiently, idly rubbing their dicks as they let the man have his turn.

Roland wiggled past the line of waiting men, flashing his room key so that the men would budge. When the raichu finally stumbled his way into the room, his dick strained painfully against its cage at the sight that lay before him; A slender lemur was currently hotdogging Croix, thick dick grinding between the jackalope's fat cheeks. Noticing the new presence, the Lemur looked up and made eye contact with the Raichu, putting two and two together when he took notice of Roland's caged dick. A wicked grin crossed his face, and the lemur began to leer at Roland.

"This get you off, eh cuck? Bet you're dripping wet just thinking about all the men here to fuck your boyfriend. Hardly a boyfriend if he's doing this to you though, ain't that right piggy?" The slender male grabbed a fistful of Croix's hair, giving it a yank and spanking the jackalope's ass at the same time. Croix moaned, back arching as his ass stung. The lemur spread the jackalope's cheeks, hocking a glob of spit directly onto Croix's desperate hole. He made a show of lining himself up, taking his sweet time spearing Croix open, leering at Roland all the while. His dick flexed, hesitated for a moment, then, with a wet slurp, in popped the glans and then some. Apparently done teasing Roland, the lemur quickly switched it up so that he held a tight grip on Croix's shoulders. In one swift, unyielding thrust, the lemur had buried himself balls deep in Croix's ass, earning a squealing moan from the jackalope.

Roland's cage was a mess, the Raichu constantly oozing pre through the tiny metal slit. Croix had never moaned like that for him! It was so fucking hot hearing his partner moan like that because of another man. Sure they'd been open, but Roland never got the chance to explore just how much the thought of Croix with someone else got his rocks off. Roland couldn't will himself to stop staring at the Lemur's hunched form, cock drilling in and out of Croix's hole with no sign of slowing down. The rhythmic clapping of their hips and Croix's moans soon joined the flurry of others that made up the background noise of the lustful venue.

Roland watched the lemur's nuts swing as if held by a spell, the primape's fat sack slapping Croix's cheeks over and over. Impacting them with a wet slap each time, smattering Croix's fur with excess lube. The shoddy bedframe rocked with every thrust, sounding like it would collapse at any moment. The air was filled with the lusty grunts of the lemur drilling the jackalope, drowned out by aforementioned jackalope's cries of ectsasy.

"God yes! Fuck me! Fuck better than that pathetic cuck of a man ever will!"

Deep down, Roland knew that the lemur wasn't a better fuck than him. Croix, and many others had made him well aware of the fact that he was one of the best tops around. Croix simply knew how to mash Roland's buttons, as evidenced by the Raichu's knees going weak while ropes of jizz gushed from his cage. He winced as his dick throbbed hard, trying its best to break free of the metal confines. His dick throbbed, making the lock bang against the cage and drawing even more attention to himsef. A pang of shame and excitement raced down Roland's spine as he felt multiple sets of eyes land on him. Meanwhile the lemur fucking Croix laughed as he began to get more forceful, slowing down so he could really drive home with each thrust. Croix's moans increased in volume and the entire bedframe shook, sliding a few inches on the floor.

"Nngh! Gonna bust in your bitch anytime now cuck!"

"Mmh yes~! Cum deep in my hole! Show that pathetic cuck who this ass really belongs to!" Croix made sure to make eye contact with Roland when he next spoke, ensuring he really drove the cuck experience home for his partner.

Croix's dirty talk pushed both males over the edge simaltaneously. Roland let out a whimpering moan as his knees went weak and his balance all but out the window. His cock throbbed and strained painfully against its cage, spurting rope after rope of thick raichu cum weakly to the ground, hot seed wasting away on the cool tile floor. At the same time the Lemur ground balls deep into Croix's asshole, cramming his cock as deep as he could possibly manage while he passed the point of no return.

"HhhHhHrf! Here... -ngh- H-here it fuckin comes, slut!"

His dick erupted in a fountain on thick, creamy jizz, the liquid coating Croix's insides thoroughly. The lemur resumed thrusting as his orgasm hit, his whole body shuddering as he rode his climax out using Croix's ass. The thick jizz gushed out of Croix's hole in thick globs as the Lemur bucked, oozing down to soak into the mattress.

Behind him Roland could hear the gathered crowd laughing at his pitiful display, several of them taking the chance to take jabs at his ego.

"Yeah, like that, cuck?"

"Bet that little bitch won't touch your pathetic cock again!"

"Yeah, mark that bitch's hole! I call sloppy seconds!"

Each remark made him cum harder and harder, the raichu's orgasm lasting impressively long for someone who hadn't even touched their own dick. Roland's orgasm got so intense the 'chu collapsed to his knees, caged dick still firing off rope after rope of jizz, moaning about how much of a pathetic cuck he was. By the time his orgasm had begun to taper off, the lemur had already pulled out of Croix's ass and was cleaning his dick on the sheets. Croix looked up as the lemur completely ignored his presence, smiling to the men at the door as he made his way out. "He's all yours, boys. I appreciate you all waiting your turn, but this slut's been staring at your dicks the whole time, even as i was plowing his guts. I doubt him or the cuck bitch care either way~"

As if an imaginary gate opened, several men came pouring through the doorframe at once, and in an instant their room looked like the set of a gangbang shoot. While multiple men beelined for their chance to fuck Roland, the Lemur made his way to Roland, who was still knelt in a pool of his own jizz. He grabbed the base of his dick, slapping it against Roland's cheeks. "Now be a good cuck and clean me up nice and good~"

Roland was about to comply, opening his mouth only to feel a hand clasp around his neck from behind. Roland reached for his neck, but the hand was gone, and in its place he found a collar. Before he could look down at it he felt a sharp tug, nearly falling backwards as he turned to face the owner of the leash. He came face to boot with a leather clad tiger, who was currently bickering with the protesting Lemur above him.

"What're you doing? Can't you see we were busy?"

"And what about it. You've had your turn. You want another, back of the line. This pathetic slut is gonna be the fluffer anyway~"

Apparently satisfied, the Lemur shut up and pushed past the tiger, who's attention was now fixed on Roland. "Come, little piggy. There's many bulls you must prepare for your boyfriend. Wouldn't want them to let him down like you did~" The tiger's tone was sweet, but mocking. It stung Roland's pride, but made him strain all the harder against his cage. The only thing he could think about while crawling behind his apparent tiger master was 'I have to do this again.'


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