Draconicon's R34 Harem 10: Home, For Now

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#10 of Draconicon's Rule 34 Harem

Another chapter in this series, finally giving a chance for everyone to see just what's going on back at Draconicon's home base, and maybe have a breath to see just what sort of stuff he's planning.

Sponsored by Lorvianne

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Draconicon's Rule 34 Harem Chapter 10: Home, For Now Sponsored by Lorvianne By Draconicon

With eleven new subjects, Draconicon's little dimension was starting to grow in power. Not to the point that it needed to be in order to survive, but definitely doing better than it had been, particularly with the subjects in question.

The black dragon looked down from his makeshift tower. The great spire had been pulled out of the earth when he first arrived here and took over, dragged from the depths and then shaped through one compaction spell after another until the stone was as hard as the strongest metal and denser than osmium, requiring spell after spell to keep it from collapsing under its own weight. Despite that, it loomed over his capital city without actually being threatening, and considering the effort that he put into making sure that it protected the place, that was a feat in and of itself.

He looked down from the top of the spire, his eyes following the white lines in the dark stone. Here and there, they crisscrossed each other, looking like a circuit board that had been drawn into the rock. The lines channeled power up and down the tower, making sure that it was a wellspring of energy that he could draw from at any point. Flags marked with his head in profile - and some with his footprint on them - flew from each of the four corners of the tower, flapping in the breeze.

Further down, about two thousand feet down, his city began. It was a large, jagged-edged thing, where the different neighborhoods stood out with shimmering lines in the street marking where one ended and another began.

It's a miracle that they don't shove each other apart, some days, the dragon thought, chuckling to himself as he watched the lines flare from his position. Some of them come from universes that were never meant to touch...

But that was the point of this particular place in the multi-verse. Rather than one universe absorbing other for primacy, this one was meant to take everything that it could find and make them work together. No more shattering different places and absorbing their substance. His world was a place where it would all work together...

At least, that was the goal.

There were dozens of neighborhoods, hundreds. Some sported steam-powered airships, while others were populated by flying horses and dragons. Still others had space-ships flying over them, and others still had superheroes and villains taking to the air to get around. Some streets were dirt, some cobblestone, some concrete, and some were steel. There were buildings of mud all the way up to structures of hard-light.

The capital city had been built out of a scrap-yard of universes, all pulled here one by one by the dragon's own power. Some had broken down on their own, while others were the remnants of universes that the Prime had taken and destroyed. He had pulled them all here, giving them a chance to rebuild and expand.

And from here, it was clear that some were doing well, and some...were not.

Draconicon shook his head as he saw one particular neighborhood towards the south side of the city, near the waterfront. It was slowly shrinking away, surrounded by neighborhoods that were growing all around it. The simple thing was little more than a cartoon that had been all but abandoned, left to die when the fans in one of the over-universes decided that it wasn't as good as they thought it was.

Much as he had tried to give them room to grow, there just wasn't enough life left in them to keep them going. The black dragon shook his head, making a mental note to try and save what was left for stasis, if nothing else.

"Hey, man, you going to teach me anything today or not?"

Draconicon smiled, looking over his shoulder. Jake Long was leaning against the spike that surged from the top of the tower to the sky, arms crossed over his chest, wearing a robe of his own these days. The black dragon turned, undoing the strap on his own robe.

"Are you that eager for your next lesson? Or do you just want to skip to the end, where you'll be begging for something else?" he asked.

"Hey, teach, I'm learning. I just...Heh. I'm just not at your level yet."

Nor will you be, but that doesn't stop me from pushing you.

He'd been surprised at how quickly Jake had taken to the lessons he'd put together for the younger dragon. From martial arts to some of the more basic magics, the younger dragon had thrown himself into them with a will, and with each successful spell or properly-learned move that he got, he seemed to be that much hungrier for the next.

In truth, Draconicon had had to slow Jake down just a little bit. For all that he had been prepared for a student, he hadn't thought that the other dragon would get so far, so fast. The martial artists that he'd dragged up for the job had been outstripped in mere weeks, and the spells that he'd left behind before heading down to the Marvel worlds and to the MLP universe had been absorbed even quicker. It was only a matter of time before Jake was ready to start heading out and collecting people himself, making invitations to this universe to those that might be able to help them out.

But until then, the younger dragon needed to remember who was in charge, and who he served.

Draconicon pulled his robe the rest of the way open, letting the black cloth hit the rooftop. He shifted his stance, letting his legs spread slightly more than needed so that his balls could sway properly, his cock flopping out into the open now that there was no cloth to restrain it.

As usual, the soft, warm scent of dragon masculinity rose in the air, and the dragon in human form blushed. He rubbed the back of his neck, groaning.

"I'm never going to get used to that."

"You better, or you're never going to get stronger."

"Come on, teach. You know I got the skills."

"You have some. Now, come for me."

Jake shook his head, taking off his own robe. The young man showed off a slender, if muscular, human body as he did so. It was all the better to see the former college student's dick in a cock ring, though. That was a hot sight, the metal circlet pushing Jake's balls forward, forcing his cock to stay at least half-hard at all times.

Of course, that was only in human form. In dragon form?

"Dragon up!"

And he's still falling into the old habits.

In the time it took Jake to shift from human to dragon, Draconicon covered the distance between them. A punch sheathed in black flames almost took the red dragon in the cheek, but Jake had improved enough to dodge the first blow. A return jab came for his gut, caught on a magical barrier, before the black dragon managed to get his leg up. Jake jumped back, flipping backwards and landing on the spire.

With most surfaces, he would have been able to clench with his toes and punch his claws right through. On this skyscraper, however -


Jake fell flat on his face, groaning. Draconicon shook his head, rolling his student over and putting a foot right on his face.

"What'd we learn?"

"Remember your surroundings," Jake groaned from beneath the black-scaled sole.


"Don't backflip if there's something behind you."


"...Stop doing the catch-phrase."

"Good boy."


"Heh, yes, Jake?"

"Mmmph...sweaty foot..."

"You may lick."


"You know you want to."

He felt the slight surge of heat beneath his foot before Jake started dragging his tongue along his sole. It was a slick, wet feeling, one that he rather enjoyed as the smaller dragon flicked it up and down, up and down. The slippery feeling of dragon spit on his sole was almost as good as the continued embarrassment that the younger dragon felt for being put in a situation like this.

That was always the fun part for him. Jake, as well as some of the others that he had collected, was always a bit embarrassed at how much he wanted to submit to his master. Draconicon encouraged that; a bit of embarrassment made it all the hotter when they eventually did.

He rolled his foot along Jake's snout, feeling the soft huffs and puffs of breath against his toes and along the ball of his foot. His shaft twitched between his legs, rising to a half-mast, but Jake's? The younger dragon's cock was already fully hard.

Draconicon chuckled, grabbing it with his tail and giving it a few strokes. Jake almost jumped out of his skin, the other dragon groaning under his breath.

"Hey man...mmph...not fair..."

"What, you don't think you should be hard as a rock under your master's foot?"

"I didn't have a foot fetish before I met you, you know!"

"Most people don't, but that's half the fun."

Still chuckling, still stroking, the black dragon thrust his toes into his student's mouth. Jake grunted, arching his back as he started sucking along his master's toes, panting softly as he submitted to the urges already in him, giving in to the hunger that Draconicon had put into him all that time ago.

That's it...just remember how much better it feels to be underfoot...how much better it feels to serve...

That was the only price to living in his universe. Everyone had to remember who was in charge, and who was looking out for them. As long as they remembered that, as long as they remembered to keep an ear out for his orders, then they were good.

It was the ones that forgot that irritated him.

It was the ones that believed that they could do better, when they were obviously wrong, that infuriated him.

Thankfully, there were far fewer of the latter than there were obedient subjects, but every now and then he stumbled on them. He remembered the last time that he had to deal with a bunch of those assholes, and he remembered how they had tried to fight him. It hadn't gone very well for them, and he'd had to load them onto a little travel spell and send them flying off to the other end of the universe as a result.

I can't have them jeopardizing the others. If they're going to try and pull a coup while I'm away, then they might try something worse. Everyone here is here for my protection, and if they want to try and take that away...

The black dragon had to stop himself from stomping on Jake's head as he growled under his breath. Those people, concerned only with their own power, thinking that they could just take over when he wasn't looking...the danger that they put everyone else in...it was enough to make him utterly furious.

But that wasn't Jake's fault. That wasn't his fault at all.

Draconicon pulled his foot back, his toes slippery with saliva, and Jake's dick throbbed with all sorts of excitement. Draconicon chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he pulled his tail back. The red dragon moaned in frustration, shaking his head.

"Come oooooon. I was getting so close."

"Yeah? Well, you know the sort of training you can do to fix that."

"That's not fair."

"You know you love it."

"I'm trained!"

"Not for this, you're not."

Hefting his shaft, the black dragon bobbed it up and down just enough to make its heft and size clear. Even Jake looked down and away at that, the red dragon blushing worse. He imagined that his student was remembering the last time that it had been inside of him, how it had opened him up so much and made a mark on his butt that nobody else would ever equal.

That was a mark of pride for him, and part of the reason he enjoyed fucking the people that he brought here. It left a mark on them. It reminded them who had dominated them, who had picked them, who wanted them in ways both practical and hedonistic. He liked the idea that once they were touched by him, they would have a hard time being satisfied with anyone else.

Jake, of course, was one of many servants and sexual partners that he had brought back to this world, and he was one of quite a few that had a hard time taking his master's cock without having a lot of help from the master's musk, as well. There was something to the scent that helped them relax, to be able to take something that was physically too large for them to enjoy without something to draw the mind down into a submissive state.

Someone had once compared them to poppers, but Draconicon's scent was different than that. It didn't damage the body or the mind while being used. Yes, it lowered inhibitions, but it also gave someone a great deal more direction. It told them what they should want, what would make them feel better.

And it made sure that their bodies weren't injured in the process. Something about it seemed to stretch them, give them stamina and capabilities beyond their normal levels. It made them more...fun.

But he wanted to make sure that Jake could eventually do it without losing his mind to musk, too. That was why they kept training him on dildos and more between the fight sessions. Draconicon pointed to the door back into the tower.

"Head back to your quarters and pick one of the bigger ones. I want to see you taking it up to the hilt by the time I get back in a half hour."

"What? Come on. Those are horse-sized."

"And I'm even bigger. Do you want to go dragon-sized?"

"Horse-sized is good."

His student raced off before anything more could be said, and Draconicon was left alone on the roof. He shook his head, smiling to himself before looking over the city once more.

There were other members of his servant-harem, and he knew that he should check on at least some of them before the day was out. The turtles were down in the sewer, stabilizing things in the underground and ensuring that the run-off from the different neighborhoods didn't mutate into something dangerous, while either Spider-Lizard or just The Lizard were busy in the science labs.

Could check the skies for Spyro, or go and visit the horses...

He had left some of the ponies back in the MLP world. Big Mac needed to be there to keep things open for when he eventually went back for the ladies, but Braeburn and Shining Armor were worth bringing back. Braeburn worked well as a law enforcement officer between the different neighborhoods, while Shining Armor...

Draconicon looked up at the skies. Fed by the power of the skyscraper, the unicorn officer had managed to put together a barrier that covered the entire city. It wasn't enough to completely cover the water, nor enough to go all the way across their little pocket universe yet, but it was enough to make a big shield.

And that shield had come in handy more than once, already. With all of his experiments touching on the different universes out there, he'd left a series of dimensional rips in the sky that he needed to get around to repairing. Each of them had a chance of letting visitors through, but that wasn't the main danger. No, that was -

Shimmer, shimmer.

Here it comes...

Draconicon shook his head, gesturing at his robe and floating it over as the debris from the world between worlds started to fall through the gap. It was dimensional trash, gathered from the cast-offs of different worlds. Most of it had already been rendered down to its constituent parts, bits of mineral here, bits of emotion there, and more besides. It was a strange mix of ephemera and substantia, but one thing was common between all parts of it.

It was dangerous, often deadly, and infused with the void-nature of the world between worlds. The times that it had gotten through before he'd recruited Shining Armor, the explosions and the damage had been...well, massive. Far more massive than a meteor shower should have been.

Then again, most meteor showers didn't have a portal to jump right into the low atmosphere.

This time, however, the debris started shattering as soon as it hit the bubble of light that was wrapped around the city. He watched as the pieces of solid metal exploded on contact, while the more ethereal stuff started sliding around the bubble, spreading further and further until it was no longer able to hold itself together.

Crackle, pop, boom. The pieces of debris from the other dimensions soon scattered into nothingness, and he chuckled to himself as he shook his head.

Now that man was a worthy addition, he thought. Barrier powers are more useful than anyone really expects.

That made his decision. He'd go down and check on Shining Armor, and then head down to the city proper to see how the turtles were doing under the streets. Considering that they'd been offered a house but preferred their space underground, he imagined that they'd probably be doing something weird when he found them.

Then again, most people were doing something weird in his city.


Unsurprisingly, he found Shining Armor in the nude in the quarters he'd given the stallion. The skyscraper had an abundance of them, considering that it wasn't used for financing, and only the lower levels were used for city planning. There was no business here save for what the black dragon decided to conduct, and most of that was sexual.

The white-furred stallion was reclined in a chair, his cock throbbing in his hand and his fingers clenched tight around the medial ring. He hadn't even noticed the black dragon coming in, his eyes closed and his other hand dropped just under his balls, two fingers already deep inside of his pucker.

It was just about what he expected, honestly. Shining Armor had been all too eager to submit to dragon cock once that whole 'superior species' thing got started back at the village, and once the horse's mind had been opened up to playing with guys, it had been all too easy to snare him. He wasn't entirely sure why; there were still bits of bisexuality to him, which Draconicon wasn't too eager to iron out. Maybe there was just something to that world where gay characteristics got flattened out in favor of proper breeding lines or something.

In any case, he walked up to the big guy, lifting one foot and poking the horse in his oversized testicles. Shining Armor almost jumped out of his seat, gasping in shock, and Draconicon chuckled.

"Looks like you were enjoying yourself a bit much, there."

"Mmmph. Can't help it. I was thinking of you."

"Still that infatuated with me, are you?"

"I, um, might have been thinking of you with my wife..."

"It's only a matter of time until she's welcomed here, Shining."

"I know. I just...well, it's a hot thought."

And one that they had discussed before, as well. Shining's love of males was as strong as his love for his wife, and there were days when the unicorn's hunger for her pussy put him in a bit of a bad mood until he got another good dose of dragon musk. But even in those days, it wasn't that he wanted to leave his new master behind.

That had been an interesting day, to say the least. Finding out that the grumpy stallion wasn't resenting his new status as slave so much as wishing that he could expand it. He wanted to bring his wife here, to submit her to his 'superior master', and then watch as she got to learn how good it felt to be under the dragon's dick, as well. The pair of them had even gone through different fantasies on the matter, from one where Shining prepared the dragon's cock like a good little slave for the conversion of his wife, to one where the dragon converted Cadence while Shining wasn't watching, then brought her in to show off how much she preferred dragons.

All of them had made Shining blow load after load, all encouraged by a fat cock in his ass. Draconicon chuckled at the memories.

"Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the shield."

"Oh? It worked?"

"Like a charm. Nothing got through."

"Heh, well, I'm glad. I thought that it would work, but..."

"Biggest thing that you've ever had to defend?"

"Oh Celestia, you have no idea," Shining said as he sat up. "I thought that Canterlot was huge, but this place..."

"Is it draining you?"


"Is maintaining the shield draining you?"

"Oh, no, not at all. I mean, I expected it to, but this is...This is so much easier."

Shining stood up, the stallion gesturing down at the white lines that ran through the stone floor. He'd been standing on one of the circuit lines the whole time, drawing power from the tower to feed his own abilities. Draconicon was rather proud of that feature; it meant that he had the chance to empower his people without having to fuck the energy into them.

And he liked looking at bare feet. That helped, too.

"I've been able to hold it together without even thinking about it, for the most part. It's, uh, why I was able to think of other things."

"Like my dick?"

"Like your dick."

"Heh. I'm glad that you've opened yourself up so much since you arrived."

"Well, um, you did...open me up a lot."

"Still gaping?"

"Celestia, yes."

"Show me."

Draconicon smirked at the blush on the other male's face, spinning his circle when Shining Armor hesitated. The white stallion turned around, lifting his blue tail to show off his muscular ass. After another moment, he reached back and spread his cheeks. Not that he needed to; that puffy donut stood out past the cheeks just fine.

Spread, however, it showed just how much of a gape the dragon's dick had left behind. There was a lovely spread there, the hole pushed apart and clenching, releasing, and clenching again all too happily. A little spit-shine made the hole gleam in the room's buzzing light, and Draconicon chuckled as the puffy hole pushed out, in, out, in.

The fact that the rim didn't close completely made it all the hotter. It made it clear that the stallion had been dragon-fucked, and more to the point, it made it clear that he wanted to keep being dragon-fucked. The obvious practice that he had put into getting his hole nice and spread made it all the better, and the urge to rut him right then and there was almost overpowering.

Almost, but not quite. Draconicon slid a finger past that pucker, and Shining Armor stiffened almost immediately, moaning under his breath.

"Mmmph, please, master..."

"Later. For now, I have to check in with the turtles."

"Mmmph...just a quickie?'

"Not today."

"Even if..."

The stallion lifted one leg, showing off the underside of his foot. The soft, smooth sole was definitely a temptation, particularly on an equine. He'd always held the opinion that an equine became ten times sexier if they were given humanoid feet rather than hooves, and it was one reason that he had searched out a universe where all the ponies and stallions and mares had such anatomy.

But even with that, it wasn't enough to make him change his plans. He had things that needed to get done, and that included checking in on the turtles. Besides, as hot as stallion feet were...

"Heh, later, Shining. I promise."

"Fine. I'll keep the shield up."

"Good man."

He slapped the stallion's ass just hard enough to make it ripple over the muscle, then teleported out of the room.


Rather than arriving directly in the sewers, Draconicon appeared on the streets of a New York suburb. It wasn't exactly a direct replica of the turtle's hometown, but it was close enough. He shook his head, smiling as he leaned back against an office building, observing the men and women walking down the street.

For the most part, they were the same as anyone else in a world like this might have been. Dressed in all kinds of ways, from official suits and ties down to nothing but a t-shirt and jeans. Some were loud, some were quiet, and most were somewhere in-between.

And all of them were barefoot.

He smirked as he looked from one figure to another, watching as they moved about. Every time someone lifted their foot, he saw his emblem on their sole, a mark that was placed on them when they arrived. It was a way of telling who belonged here and who did not; an order that spanned all the different neighborhoods that filled the city, and a mark that covered every citizen.

Most of them were involved enough with their daily lives that they didn't notice him, but one or two citizens turned to look at him as the smoke cleared from his teleportation. One fox gasped, immediately falling to his knees, while a pair of dolphin women bowed at the waist.

"Master. How may we serve?" they asked in various degrees of synchronicity.

"Not at all at the moment. I'm heading underground."

"Is there anything that you need done?" the fox asked.

"Not at the moment. However, for asking, take a $500 bonus to all of your accounts, payable from the central authority."

It was a simple thing. Considering that he owned this particular universe, rewarding his citizens was simplicity in and of itself. He could give them nearly anything, if he so chose. Not that they knew that. They just got the reward, and were happy about it.

They nodded their thanks, bowing their heads once more before moving on with their lives. Draconicon chuckled, shaking his head as they left.

It was a boon to owning a universe, he supposed. When people were aware of him, he could do almost anything. He could order them to strip and allow him to fuck them on the street. He could order them to fall to their knees and praise him as a god. He could tell them to rob a bank, bring him the money, and then confess to the crime. Most of the time, unless they were exceedingly strong-willed, they'd do it, too.

But why would he? Sure, some leaders might have, but why would he? He had everything that he wanted already, the people were more than willing enough to play if he really needed that sort of thing. Why would he choose to make their lives worse for his amusement when he could make them better?

Shaking his head, the dragon walked over to a man-hole cover, flipping it open. As soon as he did, a flicker of energy ran by, one of many little pockets of power that drifted between the districts due to the mix-and-match nature of the city.

He waited for it to pass completely, then hopped underneath the streets. Just like there were things to watch out for on the sky level, there were plenty of things to watch out for down here, too. That was part of the reason that the turtles had been deployed down here, to keep an eye out for them and to take them down if there was need.

And that was only their local task. They were still being trained, just like Jake was, in other styles of combat. They were learning proper ninjutsu that was more than just martial arts, stuff that verged on magic that they could take with them out into the multi-verse to hunt down more candidates for this place.

The more power I have here, the more likely it is we can stand against the Prime universe, he thought. The more power I gather, and the more varied it is, the harder it will be for the Prime universe to just eat us.

That was what he was banking on. The more different styles of universe he managed to hold together, the more anachronistic his universe would become. Prime overwhelmed things by virtue of its 'purity', by being the thing by which all others are measured. But if he could make a universe that was so different from the Prime universe that the storylines no longer matched up, then there was a chance that they wouldn't be just consumed. It would force the Prime universe to actually mount an assault, instead, to wipe them out on the ground. And that...

That was a fight that he might be able to win.

He felt the presence coming up behind him before he saw it, and he saved his greeting until he was sure the 'surprise' tap on his shoulder was about to happen. Draconicon grabbed a green wrist just a hairs-breadth over his shoulder, smiling as he looked back.

"Hello, Leonardo."

"You're better than Splinter."

"I have to be."

"What are you doing down here?"

"Oh, looking for a status report, and maybe a bit of fun."

"How may I serve you, Master?"

"I think you know."

"My feet, sir?"

"Heh, of course."

Just like that, the blue-banded turtle flopped onto his back. He held up two-toed feet that were surprisingly clean for wandering around the sewer, merely damp with a slight layer of sweat more than anything else. The dragon smiled, pulling his dick out and flopping it between the soles. Just like that, Leonardo got to stroking, grinding his smooth feet up and down along the sides of the dragon's cock while his toes squeezed around the head.

"Now," Draconicon said between his moans. "Tell me about what you've seen down here. Any new monsters that might be useful?"

The End