Freedom in a Cage - Chapter 8

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#8 of Freedom in a Cage

Warning: This chapter contains rape+sex...I really don't have any creative or not creat...

Warning: This chapter contains rape+sex...I really don't have any creative or not creative comments about disclaimers to add to this one...It does have some emotions in it!

Seven wins. That was Jonas' current standing. He wasn't sure whether he was proud of himself or not, considering that not a week earlier he had told himself that he would never rape another creature here, regardless of what these so-called 'producers' wanted him to do. They were simply educated people turned demigods, and that was the problem with all of these set-ups. Any person or group of people that had the power to abduct a person from their home and force them into this kind of scenario had way too much power. Unfortunately, some of the wars back home had been like that, so there was some irony in play.

Zereck seemed to be quite pleased with him. He hadn't figured out why the dragon was still hanging around. He could have just beaten him and Viridan and been done with it. He was still taking him down to the training room every once and a while, and though he was usually the victor, Jonas had come out on top a couple of times. He still felt like the dragon was holding back, and saving his energy for when they would fight in the actual arena. Either that, or he simply wanted Jonas to feel confident in his abilities.

"Viridan has thirteen wins," Zereck said over Jonas' shoulder. "You need to catch up, or he'll beat you out of here."

"I'm in no competition with him." Jonas replied.

"Aren't you still angry for what he did to you to get in here?" Zereck asked.

"A little, but after I won my first match, I've kind of forgiven him." Jonas said with a shrug. "That kind of feral lust that drives you. Not even I could resist it, and I was firm in my belief that I would never do it."

They were standing in the training room, near the arena entrance, in front of the giant screen that scrolled through the standings of all the current competitors. Zereck still stood at the top, and Jonas was down near the bottom. Viridan was only three spots up from him.

"You know they are going to make you fight him soon, right?" Zereck asked. "That was the match they had been planning all along. They've stopped watching you, for now, but the cameras have been fixed on Viridan for a while now. Since you left, apparently he's become quite vicious. Not that he wasn't before, but..."

"I wish you would stop saying bad things about him like that..." Jonas said. "He was very nice to me before we got up here."

Zereck said nothing.

"Why do you two hate each other so much, anyway?" Jonas asked. Zereck responded with a sigh.

"Yes Zereck, why do we hate each other?" A voice said from behind them, and they both turned. Viridan was walking towards them at a leisurely pace, a smug expression on his face.

"Well, if you want to know the truth, I guess it would be best if I told the story." Zereck replied. "You see, Viridan and I were both on a survey ship. One headed to Earth, as a matter of fact. Anyway, it was the middle of a sleep cycle, and Viridan is up in the middle of it, and he sees the tractor beam that pulls everyone away hit him. So, in a rush, he dashes into my room and grabs hold of my arm. The tractor beam expands around both of us, thinking that we are one being, and we both get sucked here."

"Yes, so going to get my big brother's help and protection was a plot to drag you down with me." Viridan remarked.

"You knew that you couldn't get away from the tractor beam, but you came and took hold of me anyway. That sounds pretty suspicious to me." Zereck replied.

"If the anti-particle shield had been up, then the tractor beam wouldn't have been able to lock onto me. Last I remember, that was your station. Remember that three year training course you took? Because I do."

"Alright, alright, everybody calm down." Jonas said, stepping between the two large dragons. They looked like they were about to pounce on each other, and though standing between them wouldn't be the best place to be if they fought, it might get their attention. "I got what I wanted to know. There is no need to fight. If you want to go at it, the sparring rings are right over there." He added, pointing over towards the half-filled rings.

"I think that is a great idea," Zereck said. "Come, brother. Let's resolve this in a more civilized manner."

Both dragons stalked over to an empty ring and stood opposite each other. Jonas stood about five feet outside of the ring, so as to not get in the way. The two began to circle slowly, staring each other down. Dust wafted up from the dirt floor, adding a layer of dramatic effect to the scene. Within the blink of an eye, both dragons were on the ground in the middle of the ring, both grappling for some ground over the other. There claws tapped noisily together as their feet locked, and their tails whipped up at the other's. With a roar and a mighty heave, Viridan threw himself up, rolling Zereck until Viridan was above him, with his brother's feet pinned to the ground. Wasting no time, Zereck flicked his hind legs out of his brother's grasp and planted a solid kick into his gut. Viridan flew up and back, hitting the ground hard about three feet away. Zereck leapt to his feet and stood over his brother, who was writhing on the ground in pain. He rolled the stunned dragon onto his stomach and almost leisurely raised his tail, exposing an opening. He draped the tail over his shoulder and leaned his weight onto Viridan's back, putting his mouth next to his right ear, with his erect penis inches from its target.

"This will be merely a taste of what you will feel very soon." Zereck whispered, and then slammed half of his cock into Viridan's anus. Viridan let out a half-yelp, and Zereck tore his cock from his brother's hole.

"Let's go, Jonas." Zereck said, and began towards the door. "I'm through with him."

"You go on ahead," Jonas replied, staring back and Viridan, who was now whimpering on the floor. "I'll catch up with you later."

"I insist," Zereck said, turning back and fixing him with a firm glare.

"So do I," Jonas replied, his response equally firm. They held the glare for a good thirty seconds before Zereck simply shook his head and turned.

"Fine," He said simply, and stalked away. As soon as he was out of sight, Jonas went to Viridan's side and knelt by his head.

"Hey, are you going to be okay?" He asked. Viridan didn't even look at him.

"He's got me beat," He half-sobbed, tears beginning to well up in his eyes. "I had him in the perfect position, and he still managed to flick me away like an insect. I don't even think he was trying. He's going to let me build up my wins, and then knock me all the way back down to the bottom again."

"Hey, don't worry about that." Jonas said reassuringly, wiping the tears out of the dragon's eyes as they fell. "You'll find a way to beat him."

"Why do you care? You hate me anyway," Viridan replied. Jonas was having a hard time controlling the tears at this point. "I've done a terrible thing to you, for my own benefit, and you shouldn't forgive me for that."

"No, I forgive you, I do," Jonas replied. "After I won my first match, I realized that you couldn't help it. It felt good to you, physically, and you were right, it never caused me any physical pain. And it wasn't a selfish thing to do. You got both of us up here. I never would have been able to get here without your help. So, I should be thanking you, not hating you. I'm sorry."

Viridan sniffled, and looked up at him. Jonas smiled, and wrapped his arms partway around the dragon's neck in a strange embrace. Viridan reached out and slid Jonas forward, leaning into the embrace a little in return. They stayed like that for a good, long time, until two other creatures appeared on the edge of their ring.

"Hey, if you two aren't going to spar, get out of the ring." One said gruffly, and they unwillingly released each other and moved out of the way, to the frame of the exit.

"I'd like to move back into your cage, if it's alright with you." Jonas said, looking up endearingly at the dragon.

"I'd like that." Viridan replied, and led them back to the room filled with cages that they, unfortunately, called home. They walked right up to the guard, who looked back and forth between them curiously.

"I'd like to move cages, back in with him." Jonas said.

The guard tapped his earpiece and began to speak to whoever was on the other end. Jonas was fairly sure that it was someone who worked with the producers. After a minute of conversation, the guard nodded, switched off his earpiece, and led them both towards Viridan's cage.

They walked by Zereck in the hallway, who looked up and locked a scowl on the back of his brother's head. His brother was stealing from him again, but no, the boy had simply abandoned him. He would not let this go unpunished. As soon as the guard made his way back to his regular spot at this end of the room, Zereck slammed the door with all his might, almost knocking it clean off of its hinges. The guard hurried over to him.

"Call it in to the producers. I want my second last fight with that human boy." He ordered, his voice filled with hot fury. The guard nodded and walked away, all the while talking into his earpiece. Meanwhile,

Zereck was circling in his cell. He would show his brother who was superior, first indirectly, and then directly. He had dragged him into this hell, and Zereck was damn sure that he wasn't going to let his brother out. He had powers here, and he intended to use them. He would pay. No, they would pay, now that the human had betrayed him. And soon, he would have his revenge on both of them.