Pokephilia Story - An Embrace from the Embrace Pokemon (Remastered)

Story by JCSolis01 on SoFurry

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#6 of Pokephilia Story (OLD)

I took down this story to make some adjustments. I hope you'll enjoy what I changed, even though it's no longer Valentine's Day.

Pokemon is Copyright (c) of Game Freak and The Pokemon Company.

This story is purely Fanfiction, and I do not intend to infringe on copyrights.

Pokephilia Story - Remastered An Embrace from The Embrace Pokemon

By J.C. Solis

It was three days until Valentine's Day, and the air was already full of love and affection. Romance was everywhere, and chocolates were bought by the bushel and in many heart shaped boxes. Red rose and other beautifully colored bouquets of flowers were being grown and prepped for the day in which they would almost all be sold out. Sweethearts and soon to be sweeties were preparing for this very festive time in Lakeshire Town. And, even the pokemon weren't immune to the effects of the romance in the air, as pokemon began to gather in droves to meet the other sex in their same species or egg group.

But today, February 11th, was not a festive day at all. Justin was with his Uncle David--his father's younger brother-- as well as with his friend Jason and his pokemon partner, blaziken Camilla. All four were in all black attire as they went down the isle, carrying a steel coffin towards the pulpit and where it would be above it's final resting place. Late Arceus Pastor Apolinar C. Solis was in this solid steel coffin, Pastor Christian Solis' Father and Justin's Grandfather. Lillia, Justin's Gardevoir partner pokemon since childhood, wore a black gown and mourner's veil, as did the majority of the women who were at the funeral. Sariah and Kiara were at the front row of the funeral, with their partner pokemon Razor and Lance, respectively. There, the four waited for Justin to arrive, where they would then try their best to comfort their dear friend and hopefully allow the mourning grandson to find peace.

But emotions roiled inside Justin's heart, which seemed ready to burst from the sheer grief pent up inside him. As they walked down the isle, Justin recalled all the fun memories he had when his grandfather was still alive, the adventures they embarked on, and all the pokemon battles they battled against each other--with the wiser and older Late Pastor Solis usually winning. But there where times in which Justin would come out on top, despite the fact that he battled with the Psychic-slash-Fairy type Lillia versus Grandpa Solis' Dark type pokemon. The now widowed grandmother, Maria Lourdes Solis Ramirez, was accompanied by the Apolinar's partner pokemon, a Darkrai named Michael. Pastor Apolinar would always call him "His Best Friend", and though he technically didn't belong to the late pastor, their friendship was indeed true. It was extremely rare for a Mythical Pokemon, much less a Darkrai like Michael, to befriend a human and be so close to people. Yet, this one seemed to enjoy company the company of people.

Pastor Apolinar Solis' living brothers--older brother Carmelo and younger brothers Miguel, Juan, and Antonio--were with Grandma Solis and Michael, seeing their dear brother finally reach the culmination of his life's journey. Justin and the other three lowered his grandfather to the alter, where right in front, Pastor Christian began to start the eulogy...

"Family, Friends, Acquaintances, and all of Arceus' dear children. We are gathered here on this forlorn and solemn day, to give our final farewells to a great man, one who I proudly call 'My Father'. Though three days away from St.Valentine's special day of chocolate, flowers, and love, we must now show our love for such a deep-"

Justin couldn't baer to hear the words of his father any longer. His only thoughts were now on the passing of such an important person in his life; he was already suffering heavily from Major Depression and Anxiety, and not even working as an engineer in the Silph Co. Pokeball Factory helped drown his sorrow. Noticing her master's distress, Lillia grabbed her trainer and wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head against his. The warm embrace of the Gardevoir was soothing, yet only seemed to slightly mitigate what the young man felt. Feeling as though he needed another woman or two to warm up his heart, Sariah and Kiara went up to Justin and wrapped around him as well; Even Camilla joined in the warm cuddle of the three women. Jason, Razor, and Lance knew their friend needed warmth to heal, and his female friends would be sure to give him that. Mary Solis--Justin's mother--came up to his son, as did his younger siblings: Sarah, Jonathan, and little Esther. His siblings too missed their grandfather as much as their he did, their tears and bloodshot eyes evident to their older brother's grief.

The four girls let go of Justin so his family could come to him, and his College student sister Sarah, High School senior brother Jonathan, and Freshman sister Esther, came to console their older bro; out of all of them, he taking their grandfather's death the hardest. Major Depression had wracked his life ever since it's onset when he was fifteen, and picked up in unbearable intensity when he hit seventeen, causing him to miss his entire Senior year of High School. It was a sort of experience that Justin himself said he wouldn't wish even on the people who bullied him when he was a child. And, it almost cost Justin his academic career in University after a massive relapse returned him to the critical state he was in at seventeen. Justin owed his continued existence to his loving family and friends, and especially from Lillia. The Gardevoir was highly sensitive to Justin's emotions, as the Psychic type could sense his emotions through the horn on her chest. Ever since he hatched her from her egg as a Ralts when Justin was a young boy, Lillia was Justin's stalwart pokemon partner, loyal to him to the very end, and his protector against anyone who would dare accost him.

Pastor Solis continued talking about the life of his father: his empathy and kindness, his bombastic nature and sense of humor, and even his determination to help those who were in need--traits that were obviously passed down from the Late Pastor to the Current Pastor.

...Like father, Like son...

But even Pastor Christian could not hold back his grief fully. Though he had given many eulogies before--some of them to close friends and family members--it never was an easy thing to carry out. And the death of his beloved father was a heavy burden; though, what made him even more saddened was that it proved too much that it broke the Camerupt's back--this being in reference to Justin's anguish. He knew that what Justin had to do next will be the most harrowing thing yet...

This came in lowering the coffin into the grave, as Justin tried to dam back even more tears when he, Jason, Uncle David and Camilla lowered the casket into the six foot deep pit. The pit would not be filled in until after the funeral, but the already emotional Justin was already having enough.

"Justin," said Sariah gently. "Please, if you ever need someone to talk to, you can call any one of us, at any time."

"I wish you well, Justin," said Razor in a warm voice. "I understand this is extremely difficult for you." Justin knew exactly what the Greninja said in human speak, thanks to Arceus' gift being passed from Pastor to his children. He knew that his three close friends were Pokephiles, but Justin was more reserved and conservative, meaning he preferred to wait until the perfect 'human' mate came along.

"Dealing with a heavy loss is never easy," said Lance the Lucario. "I can sense your aura. Your grief is tremendous, but I hope that in the end you will regain your strength."

"Wanna chug down a pint of your favorite Alolan Ale at the Crusty Crabrawler after this, bro?" said Jason, edging on Justin's shoulders. *conk* "OW!"

"Dumb-dumb," chided Camilla after knuckling her trainer's head, "He'll only get more depressed by drinking beer."

"I agree," said Kiara. "Beer makes you feel even more shitty if you're down in the dumps."

"Thank you all for trying to comfort My Master," said Lillia telepathically. "I'll be sure to take good care of him."

"Lillia, how many times have I told you to stop calling me 'Master?'" remarked Justin. "And, to be honest, I kinda do want a drink. Make that four pints of Alolan Ale, Jason."

"On second thought, I agree with the gals," Jason said, revoking his invitation. "I just brought up beer cause it sure does help me cheer up!" *conk* "Ow!!"

"You really are a Dumb Dumb," chided Camilla again after conking Jason again, all to everyone's laughter, except Jason's. Justin let out a slight laught through his grief.

Jason and Camilla alway knew how to cheer people up. The funeral was now ending, and most people had already begun to eat some of the treats and sweets that were offered at the food tables. Pokemon food was also offered so the invited's pokemon too could also grab a bite to eat. Justin's friends, however, stuck around with him. They knew how hard he was taking his Grandfather's death, and that they would need to keep an eye on him for the next few days. When the friends finally got up to leave, they were stopped by Pastor Solis, who's tearful eyes showed worry for his son's wellbeing.

"Justin, son. Are you alright?"

"Yeah," said Justin as he sniffed. "I'll be fine. I just need some time to myself and be alone."

"That is ill advised," said a familiar voice. The group turned to watch Michael walk towards them. "A broken heart should be tended and treated with much care. I know how dear your grandfather was to you, Justin. He was very dear to me, too." The Darkrai turned to see the widowed Grandmother and the four brothers approach. "And he was very dear to Mother Maria, as well as to Masters Carmelo, Miguel, Juan, and Antonio."

"Justin," said Grandma Maria. "Please take good care of yourself. I know you miss your grandfather greatly," she said, letting loose a tear of her own. "But stay strong. Your grandpa wouldn't want you to be like this."

"She's right, mijo," said Great Uncle Carmelo. "Stay strong, and make sure to always maintain courage in your heart."

"Arceus will always be with you," said Great Uncle Miguel.

"And your family and friends will always be with you, too," said Great Uncle Juan.

"And so will your pokemon," said Great Uncle Antonio. "I'm sure your younger siblings feel the same, too," he said, point to some people who were behind Justin. Justin was accompanied home by his friends--his father and family had to attend the rest of the patrons to the funeral. The Great Uncles and Uncle David, all of them being Pastors of Arceus, stayed behind as well to help Pastor Solis with the guidance giving and to help aid the mourning. The group arrived at Justin's home - a grand silver manor with marble columns supporting a large front port.

"Thanks for bringing me home, guys," said Justin, turning to his friends and their pokemon to bid them farewell. "But, I need some time to myself for right now."

"Are you going to be okay?" asked Sariah worriedly. "You look a bit pale."

"Yeah. Will you be fine once we go?" followed up Kiara.

"I can sense your aura," said Lance. "You're still very much distressed."

"Hang in there buddy!" Jason cheered. "You know Camilla and I got your back."

"You know it," added Camilla with a wink.

"And please don't do anything rash," said Razor. "Your emotions are running high. Don't let them overwhelm you."

"Thank you, everyone," smiled Justin. "I'm just going to take a break. I think I need to sleep it off, you know."

Lillia then came up front just as he turned his back to open the front door. "Thank you for your concern, everyone!" the Gardevoir smiled. "I'll be sure to take care of him while he comes to grips with his grief." And like that, Lillia waved everyone good-bye as she followed Justin inside, after which Justin slammed the door--his smile a facade to his true emotions and intentions.

Justin and Lillia were now in the living room of the manor, with luxurious furniture, cushy fine fabric sofas, a large flat-screen LED TV mounted to the wall, and much more were present. Both of them headed down a hallway which would lead them to the stairs that that went up to the bedrooms. After climbing them, Justin went to his room. The door had a poster with the initials KRU, which stood for the Kalos Regional University, and had Lumiose City's Prism Tower on top of the letters. They entered the room, which was dark because of both closed window blinds and curtains, yet Justin felt no inclination to let the sunlight in. He instead turned on a lamp next to his bed, and laid down on said bed and closed his eyes. Lillia laid down next to him, and leaned next to him.

"Justin? Are you well?" she said. Her chest horn could sense his emotions; he was still very much upset.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Lillia," said Justin with a smile - another facade.

"Would you do me a favor and grab me a can of Poke-Cola Pop Soda from the fridge? I kinda want a drink."

"Sure thing!" she said, but first she hugged him and wrapped her arms around him. "But once I bring you the soda, I want to see you smile a genuine smile, not the fake ones that you just gave me and to our friends."

"Who says I'm faking?" rebuked Justin with another smile.

"You're doing it again," chided Lillia.

"Oh, just get me the soda already!" he ranted.

"Fine! But when I come back, I better see you smile," she said teasingly. And with that she left. She exited the room, went down the stairs and was heading to the living room when she heard the front door knock. She sensed with her powers who it was, and was relieved to see that it was further company. Opening the door, she came face to face with Jason and Camilla again, with Jason holding a six bottle box of Oranguru Bortus' Alolan Ale.

"Oh, Jason. Camilla. I didn't expect you two to return again," said Lillia.

"Mister Beer Goggles here wanted to cheer Justin up with his favorite drink," said the blaziken. "I kept telling him not to, but he's more stubborn than a Gogoat."

"Now hold on a second, Miss Rotisserie," Jason rebuked to Camilla's words. "I'm just trying to cheer my co-worker slash buddy up. Is that a crime?"

"He sent me to get him a soda," stated Lillia. "But I don't know if an alcoholic beverage will be suitable for his current mood."

"That's what I said," Camilla said, face-palming herself to her trainer's insistence.

"You're both girls, so you don't know a guy's true emotions," said Jason. "Come on, let's go see him." The two guests followed the Gardevoir into the kitchen, where she got the can of soda Justin wanted, and the three went down the hallway. But Lillia sensed a strange and ominous aura from Justin's room. It was definitely out of place and a sure sign of distress. Worried he might be getting close to another Anxiety Attack, she ran ahead of the others, much to Jason and Camilla's confusion. When she opened the door to his room and saw him-

"OH, ARCEUS!!!" she shouted and immediately went inside. Noting the Gardevoir's horror, Jason and Camilla rushed forwards and went inside - only to be just as horrified as Lillia.

*Gasp* "Oh, my-" said Camilla.

"JUSTIN!!!" bellowed Jason, dropping his box of beer to the floor as he ran towards Justin, nudging and pushing him to wake up. "For Arceus sakes, Justin! Wake up!!!"

Justin was unconcious on the bed... after overdosing on his antidepressants and sleep medicine, to which both bottles were spilled on the floor, the pills spread out and scattered. Jason immediately took out his phone to call the paramedics as Lillia desperately tried using Healing Pulse to resuscitate Justin from his self-inflicted coma... or at the very least, keep him alive. Depending on how fast he would get to the hospital and how hard Lillia tried in keeping him alive would determine if he would survive.

Justin was incoherent, his eyesight was blurry, but it seemed that his goal was reached--he saw a white light as he began to open his eyes. Justin realized that he was now dead, and he was, despite having left hs terrible existence in life, was in a state of peace. He didn't think about his family, nor did he think about his friends, or even his partner Lillia. He was just glad and relieved to have the nightmare he lived on a daily basis had finally come to an end.

"...Justin..." a voice called out. Hearing this, he realized that he was nearing The Horizon--the heavenly plain where the Legendary Pokemon and The Alpha would be at, as well as his grandfather and the many passed people and pokemon who were to live forever in paradise.

"...Justin.." the voice said again. It won't be long now, he thought. "Justin. Please don't go..." said the voice, now sounding strangely familiar.

"Justin... *sob* Please..." Justin then realized where that voice was coming from, and which plain of existence he was in - he was still alive, and the voice of Lillia was calling him to wake up from his slumber. When he opened his eyes more, he saw a green and white figure next to him, with the figure's face and red eyes looking right back at his slowly opening eyes. He tried to lift up his right arm to reach for her, but he found that his hands was bound by a handcuff to the hospital bed.

"Li... Lillia..." he said in a weak voice. "Justin!" she squealed, and she immediately hugged him.

"Oh, thank Arceus that you're alive," she said as she burst into tears on top of her trainer. Justin's field of view opened to see more figures around him. Two of them were similarly colored--red, black, and white. He saw Michael the Darkrai, and his father, Christian Solis, next to him on his right. He looked forwards to see His mother Mary and Grandmother Maria, along with his three younger siblings. To his left were Sariah and Kiara, who were shedding horrified yet now joyous tears at seeing that Justin had indeed survived the medicine overdose. Jason was behind the girls, as was Razor, Camilla, and Lance. All of them had the same emotion: Worry.

"Justin," said Pastor Solis, as he looked at his son with disbelief. "I'm sorry son," said the Pastor in a trembling voice. "I should have paid more attention to you. You were showing signs of distress, and I didn't notice it."

"This would have happened even if you stepped in, Dad," Justin replied morbidly.

The Pastor was shocked at hearing this. "But why, son? Why would you want to end the very life that Arceus blessed you with?"

"Justin," said Michael, who looked at Justin with contempt. "You disappoint me. I'd imagine you'd show better care for your life than this."

"That's the thing, Michael," said Justin, though weakly. "The thing is that I stopped giving a fuck about my life when I took all those pills. I just wanted to end it all: the pain, the heartfelt and extreme emotion, the feelings of feeling like shit..." His face changed to indifference and poignance, a state in which he felt no remorse or guilt. "I just wanted to die, and I still do."

These uttered words caused all of his friends and family members to gasp... except of course for Michael. The Darkrai at this point had heard enough. "You are a fool," said Michael coldly. "In that case, let me show you all the pain your stunt has caused your family and friends," and he extended out his right arm and an aura of dark energy began to form around him.

"NO!!!" screamed Lillia. Realizing what the Darkrai planned to do, she jumped in the way of the Dark Void move and was instantly KO'd and sent into a nightmare-filled sleep, with her sleep-induced body slumping right on top of Justin's.

"LILLIA!!!" shouted Justin, instantly bringing all of his senses together and awakening him fully.

Immediately, Pastor Solis angrily pushed Michael away from his son, pinning him against the adjacent hospital wall. "What on Earth are you thinking, Michael?!?" he roared. "The last thing Justin needs is more pain! He needs Nurturing, not Punishment!"

"Justin obviously doesn't value his life," rebuked Michael. "I planned on sending him down a trip that will make him value all the people he thought didn't give a damn about him."

"MICHAEL!!!" bellowed Justin, who was now livid and furious, trying to force himself up despite being handcuffed to the bed. "I'm the one who should've taken that move, not her! Wake up Lillia, now!!!"

"So... It seems that You do care for others," said the Darkrai as soon as Pastor Solis let him go. "Now if only you had that love for yourself."

"Michael," said Lance, who began forming Aura Sphere in his paws as a threat. "I suggest you get rid of the nightmare my friend is undergoing, if you know what's good for you."

Kiara was in agreement, glaring at the Darkrai. "You took things too far," she said.

Sariah, Jason, Razor and Camilla did the same, with Razor forming a water shuriken in his webbed hands and Camilla fists lighting on fire.

"So be it," said Michael, realizing that he had inadvertently caused Justin's friends to retaliate. He went up to the convulsing Gardevoir, who was now sweating and groaning from the unbridled horror of her nightmare. He placed his hand over the Gardevoir's head, and she immediately recoiled in terror, only for her to settle and calm down. When Michael retracted his hand, Lillia slowly opened her eyes.

"Lillia... Are you alright?" asked Justin worriedly. "I... I had such a horrible dream," she said confusedly. Curious, Justin asked, "What did you dream of?" Her body tensed, as she really did not want to relive her dream's experience. "I dreamt that you died..."

Officer Jenny, along with Justin's Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, came to undo Justin's handcuffs, which she explained were placed because she was afraid he'd go into a violent rage at not having died and try to commit suicide again. As was the region's Mental Health Code, Justin was going to be sent to a Mental Crisis Ward to be monitored over for the next seventy-two hours. But Pastor Solis stood in their way, arguing that the Mental Ward would cause the already emotional Justin to commit again due to being in a place where people far worse than him were at. He offered an alternative: he'd allow Justin to be put under House Arrest for seventy-two hours while being vigilantly watched by him and the rest of Justin's family. Knowing that the Pastor was a man of his word--as well being an incredibly influential member of society--Justin's Psychiatrist and Therapist agreed, to which Officer Jenny reluctantly agreed as well. The Psychiatrist said he'd be increasing the dosage of Justin's Antidepressant and Anti-Anxiety medicine, while the Therapist said she'd visit the family every day until Valentine's Day, which would be the last day of Justin's house arrest, to see his mental status. Justin could roam around the house freely, but his movements were to be closely monitored and was not allowed access to anything that could harm him, such as knives and blades.

Officer Jenny also put an Ankle Bracelet on his right ankle to notify the police that he was leaving his now Court Ordered House Arrest. Breaking that order, she warned, would mean more time in house arrest, and if he broke it enough times, he was heading straight to a mental hospital--no matter what his father would say. Lillia was given the task of being Justin's Guardian, and that no matter where he went she would go to stop him if he ever tried something. Yet ever since yesterday, when Justin was at the hospital, he couldn't get his mind off of what Michael had said about him not loving himself but still loving others. Lillia undergoing the nightmare caused by Dark Void was enough to shock Justin out of his suicidal state and make him value himself again. But at seeing what happened to Lillia, Justin had a strange feeling in his heart for her that began to manifest. It was like as though he was... attracted to his savior.

Realizing that these thoughts would probably lead to him committing Pokephilia--which he didn't mind his friends doing, but not himself--he tried to brush these thoughts out of his head. Meanwhile, Lillia took to heart her assigned position to being Justin's guardian. Even when he was in the bathroom, she used her psychic powers to try and figure what kind of emotions Justin was having - in order to see if he was in low spirits and heavy with negative emotions. But mostly, Justin confined himself to his room, playing video games, working on engineering design projects on a CAD Program on his PC, and hanging out with Jason and the girls whenever they had time to come over. Though Justin couldn't leave the house, that didn't mean his friends couldn't drop by and visit. But even with his friends and family and Lillia checking up on him, he was still having feelings of loneliness. The second day of his House Arrest, February 13th, was a day that was utterly filled with depression, especially over the thought that the following day, Valentine's Day, would be even more depressing and lonesome than today. Justin, in truth, was a very lonely person--despite being constantly being followed and protected by Lillia. He only had one girlfriend in his life, but it ended up a disaster when he fell gravely ill mentally. He told his then girlfriend that he couldn't be the right man for her because he was so ill and unstable, therefore he cut off the relationship. When Justin managed to recuperate and get better years later, however, he went back to his now ex-girlfriend and tried to see if they could patch things up and be a couple again. Unfortunately for him, she was engaged to another man now--and was pregnant with that man's child.

This was a serious blow to Justin's psyche, for he would never try to get together with another girl again. It wasn't that he was no longer attracted to women; he was even sometimes made a sucker by a pretty face--only because Jason got him too drunk to watch out for himself. It was just that he felt that he didn't want to break another person's heart, or have his broken again. Lillia, of course, sensed this, and wondered what she could do to cheer Her Dear Master up and lift his spirits. It was now late, and Justin and Lillia were on bed, as it was nearing the end of the day, but Justin was still under his depression spell.

"Are you okay, Master?" she asked.

"Stop calling me Master, Lillia," chided Justin. "And I'm fine, thank you."

"My psychic powers tell me otherwise," she said.

"Why are you sad, Justin?" Justin just looked forlorn at the TV, which was showing a funny sit-com that didn't make him laugh or feel any joy. "It's because, deep in my heart, I feel alone."

"But why? You have your family, your friends, their pokemon, and me," she said.

"But lonely in a different sense," he said. "I just... it's just that-" Suddenly, the door knocked, but from the lower part of it. Lillia, realizing and sensing who it was, used her psychic power to release the locks and open the door. A small Riolu came in, followed by a Sylveon and Duskull. Each pokemon carried a separate food item: A bowl of berries, two cans of Cola, and a small pill cup with Justin's medicine. "Oh hello Jax, Sylvia, and Spooks," greeted Lillia with cheery eyes. "Are those for us?"

"Yeah," said Jax the Riolu. "Mama Mary wanted to send you some berries."

"And she also sent us with something to help wash them down while you eat them," added Sylvia the Sylveon, holding the two cans with her ribbons.

"Don't forget your most important meal, or should I say, 'Meal to Rest in Peace' this night, hee hee," joked Spooks the Duskull as he clutched the small pill cup.

"Thank you," said Justin, "but I don't want anything to eat or drink. Just give me the medicine cup, Spooks. I have some water bottles here to drink them with."

"But Master Justin," Spooks began to protest, "You haven't eaten anything all day! Surely you must be hungry."

"Are you still sad, Big Bro?" said little Jax.

"I'm fine," said Justin.

"I can feel your emotions. They're-" Jax tried to say.

"I'm fine!" Justin yelled, causing the three little helpers to recoil.

"Justin, don't yell at them," chastised Lillia. "They just want you to feel better. As do I." She then pulled the sodas, berries, and the medicine toward the two with her psychic powers. Lillia opened up a can of soda and gave Justin the pill cup for him to take. "Here. Drink them. Hopefully, they can help you shoulder the pain."

"I doubt it," said Justin, but still taking the medicine with a sip of soda. The three helpers then left, and, with her powers, Lillia closed and locked the door. "I'm going to hate tomorrow."

"Why?" asked Lillia curiously.

"Because I don't have a special someone who loves me." The Gardevoir thought for a long while after hearing this. Lillia felt that this was not true, for she loved him very dearly.

"You have me," she replied to his sardonic jecture. "But not a human partner who I could call my mate."

Lillia once again pondered. She wondered what she could do to make her master feel a lot better. Many girls have been interested in Justin, but some were just gold-diggers because he came from a wealthy family, or were simply in it for a one night stand. Lillia got to thinking: If Justin was lonely and didn't want to be mate-less, then why not?...

"Then I'll be your mate," Lillia said, and her began to activateher powers.

"You know I'm not into a pokephilia relationship, Lillia. Why must-" Justin tried to scoot away from her, but it seemed he was bound to the bed by a strange force. Lillia then turn to climb on top of Justin, and her now sensual gaze met Justin's nervous gait. "Lillia. What are you doing? Why can't I move?"

"Like I said, Justin, I'll be your mate," she said, lowering her head slowly towards his. "And I'll be your mate until you either find an appropriate human one or until either one of us passes," she stated. Before Justin could reject her, Lillia pressed her lips against Justin's, and she kissed him softly as she wrapped her arms around his head to pull him closer to her. Suddenly, Justin had that same feeling as before--the same feelings towards Lillia when she was with him at the hospital. He only just now realized what those feelings were - Love. Justin and Lillia continued on kissing, with Justin not doing anything to break the two apart. Not that he could anyways, since Lillia's powers had him pinned to the bed, making almost all movement impossible. He then suddenly felt a feeling in his groin, to which Lillia smiled and broke the kiss. "I think your body is trying to tell me something," she said with a wink. "I believe it's about time we take it up a notch," she said lustfully.

Justin didn't utter a word. With her powers, Lillia undid Justin's clothes, using Psychic to unbutton his shirt, pants and remove his undergarments until he was fully naked - showing off his muscular yet still large frame.

Though he was timid and soft-spoken, Justin was an equal pairing of brain and brawn. Once, he KO'd a man in self-defense due to the man being a bully from the university. He had the nerve to call out Justin when one day he wouldn't back down. He finally had enough after seeing some of his other friends being accosted by that same bully, he dodged and took several hits from the bully--who happened to be a Karate blackbelt. Yet Justin was a trained boxer, and with just one punch to the side of the bully's skull was the bully knocked down. But, as quicky as the bully fell, his nerves almost knocked himself out due to having an Anxiety Attack over what he had done. But Lillia was there to console him and warn school officials that Justin was the victim, and therefore not receive punishment for his act. What was also shown was that Justin was well endowed, for his member was now fully erect, and his mind was starting to fill with sexual intent. Though lustful desire and sexual drive began to fill his mind, Justin was still unsure of continuing on.

Pokephilia was a major taboo; though from hearing from his Pokephile friends, it was simply divine and out of this world. But if he was caught having sex with his Gardevoir partner, there would be no telling how dire the consequences could be--and the shame it would bring to him and his family if word got out among to the public. But Lillia's warm yet lustful gaze made Him strangely comfortable and secure. He felt a sense of trust in her; that she would not only make this moment a sworn secret between them--and their friends, if they decide to reveal this to them--but that she would also not go too far out of his comfort zone. Though now becoming more complacent by the second, Justin's heart was still gripped by Depression and his terrorizing Anxiety Issues.

"How about a blow job, Master?" she asked, lowering her body and mouth to his privates. Justin just nodded his approval and consent. Lillia was like a pro, and gripped Justin's rod like a vice, causing an intense reaction of both pain and pleasure. She stroked him softly for a while, all the while looking contently at Her Master as she felt through her chest horn his emotions. She was happy to feel that his Depression and Initial Anxiety began to erode as his mind began to give in to the feeling of being stimulated. Finally, she lowered her head to his penis, and opened her mouth to commence the really stimulating part. Justin led out a gasp as he felt Lillia's lips and tongue lap around his cock and put pressure, while at the same time using a hand to continue stroking. This, obviously, led to even more pleasure than Justin had ever experienced. His mind became consumed by this overwhelming sensation. Having his member sucked, licked, and stroked at the same time felt like something out of a fantastical dream or drug high. But being that Justin was a complete virgin--a fact he tried to keep hidden for fear of being labeled a wuss for being twenty four and never having sex--he knew that his stamina was not that high. Yet for some reason, his pleasure in his mind began rising, but his cock was not being so excited as to cum.

Something was suppressing his orgasm - but of course, he knew who it was who was using her Psychic powers to give Justin loads of pleasure without releasing too early. 'Are you feeling better, Master?' said a voice in Justin's head using telepathy. 'How does it feel?'

'Incredible, Lillia,' replied Justin.

'Well, then," she said to Justin, 'I hope what I'm about to do next will be much more enjoyable... for the both of us.' Lillia stopped her blowjob and climbed on top of Justin. She enjoyed sucking on his cock and tasting his cum, which's flavor came to Lillia's liking. Human sperm had an almost aphrodisiac feel to her. She then un-did her white gown to reveal her crotch, and her now exposed sex was visible. She positioned herself over Justin's cock and began to lower and align her pokemon vagina to his penis. But before intercourse would take place, she wanted to check up on Justin one las time.

"Are you ready, Justin?" she said. "I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have so far." In all honesty, Lillia was somewhat nervous as well; she too was a virgin. But Her Love for her trainer and her goal to make him happy eclipsed all the nervousness and insecurity she had.

"Yes," said Justin with absolute certainty. "I'm ready, Lillia." He then smiled right back at her - a genuine smile, one that Lillia was overjoyed to see, for Justin had not let out a genuine smile in so long.

She smiled right back. "Whatever happens, Justin," she said as she lowered her to where his cock was right at her entrance, "Know that I will always love you." She dropped hard Justin's cock going balls deep on the first initial drop. This sent a huge shockwave of both pleasure and pain to both of them. It was especially painful to Lillia, who let out a loud gasp at having been filled in so quickly. Her virgin hymen was broken in a painful snap, causing her to bleed quite a bit. Justin saw this blood drip down his penis and was immediately worried.

"Lillia! Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. "You shouldn't have just dropped so hard onto me like that."

"Well, I'm not exactly experienced in having any form of intercourse," Lillia replied still trying to get used to the unusual yet incredible feeling of having something inside of her body, especially somewhere so intimate. "I guess... *gasp* I guess I was too eager to know what sex felt like."

"I'll say. But just be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourelf." But this didn't stop the now invigorated Gardevoir to ride her trainer as she raised and lowered herself slowly onto him. The feeling was incredible to Lillia, and to Justin too. She then lowered her upper body and chest onto Justin's, with her horn directly above where his heart was. Upon doing this, their hearts connected and began to beat as one. Human and Pokemon were in complete sync with each other, and the emotions that began to grow in their hearts only further drove them together. Lillia then wrapped her arms around Justin's neck and kissed him while she slowly humped. She wanted to make this moment as special to her and Justin as possible, and going out with a quick and violent bang was not her goal. She wanted to keep the ecstacy at a constant high and prolong it for a long as possible. To her, this was the purest form of her love she could express to her trainer. She wanted to show Justin how much she cared for him, and how much he meant to her. And by having intercourse and having a part of him literally inside her, she wanted to show that she welcomed him in every aspect of life. Lillia kept kissing and slow hopping for what seemed like an hour, with neither Her nor Justin reaching close to orgasm. But after said hour, the two broke the kiss and looked at each other.

"I love you, Justin," she said to him, with her whole heart into those words. At hearing these words, Justin laid silent. He hadn't heard that phrase in such a long time. He hadn't felt this kind of love in such a long time, either. His heart, which had been shut tight by past pains, which hurt so heavily by the weight of Depression and Anxiety, and now more recently by the Grief caused by his dear Grandfather's Death, had begun to open. His eyes began to water, and tears began to drop down from his eyes. "Are you alright, Justin?" said Lillia worriedly. "Did I say something or do something wrong?"

"I'm fine, Lillia," said Justin. "In fact, for the first time in a long while, I am Happy."

Now this time, at hearing these words, it was Lillia who teared up. She then decided that maybe it was time to take things up... and intertwine themselves for time forever... She picked up the pace of her hoping, and a primal instinct for pleasure decided to flood her mind. In an instant she began riding Justin hard and fast, even catching him by surprise by this. But he took it like a champ and endured the heavy riding and the intense tightness of her sex as she decided to suppress Justin's orgasm slightly, to try and have an orgasm first. She wanted to ride his cock until she out senseless. And that said orgasm was coming fast... and Justin, for some reason, knew it...

"Oh, Justin... *gasp* ...I... I think-"

"You want to go first, don't you?" he said, catching Lillia off guard as to her intention. She didn't think Justin would know what she wanted to do, but he smiled and made a face, saying, "I don't mind if you go first, so don't worry about it. I want you to get the most pleasure out of this, after-all. "Do it, Lillia."

And no sooner than he said these word, Lillia felt an enormous amount of ecstacy shoot her brain to the sky. Her vagina convulsed and pulsated and milked Justin's cock hard, causing him to strain and grasp the sheets underneath him as his orgasm was closely not behind. But for Lillia she was already at a point where she felt she was at her peak. But when Justin came, shooting cum into her womb and filling her with warm sperm, her mind went out like a burned out light bulb, and she stopped moving entirely... till she collapsed forwards on top of Justin--who he himself was in a euphoria of sexual excitement. But despite this, and with Lillia no longer holding him in place with her powers--due to the fact that she basically KO'd herself from the sheer intensity of the orgasm--he caught her fall and brought her close to him, with her chest now above his. Their hearts were still interconnected as they beat in tandem.

Though she was out cold, Justin didn't worry too much. It seemed like the bang she got was too much for her to handle. Still, Justin was both happy and content with what had happened this night. He managed to finally open his heart, one he thought had been frozen shut and was never again to open. Not to mention that he got a very good feeling from the whole 'Having Sex with Your Pokemon' thing. He considered doing this again in the future... maybe. Now he knew why his friends became Pokephiles in the first place. He got out of bed and went to his closet, where he got a two small towels and wet them both with a bit of water from a water bottle. One he used to wiped his own crotch clean, and the other was for Lillia's. Thankfully, none of Lillia's blood spilled onto the bed, so there wouldn't be a need to come up with a hasty excuse as to why there was a bloodstain on his sheets. He rubbed her clit and her entrance, as well as the rest of her crotch--with Lillia expressing a few moans. She may be out cold, but it seemed that she still felt pleasure. After that, he got into his underwear and then into some pajamas, lifted Lillia up, pulled back the blankets, and tucked her in bed. She really was knocked out, he thought. And he thought him being knocked out two days before was something.

But before he would join Lillia in bed, he looked at the shadows of his room, and made visual contact with the Peeping Tom Pervert who was hiding while he was becoming an official Pokephile.

"Michael, you can come out now," he said. "You may have hidden well from Lillia's psychic powers, but I could feel your dark aura the whole time." The Darkrai manifested itself from the shadows, looking a bit embarrassed by him being caught, despite being able to remain hidden from Lillia's Psychic powers. "Did you get off from what me and Lillia just did, or were you just observing, you perv," chastised Justin.

"I'll admit, it was quite the romantic and sexual scene," admitted Michael with happy eyes. "But The Alpha, as you know, is allowing for romance between Humans and Pokemon, so I guess I wouldn't be surprised if many of the younger generation began to... experiment."

"So why were you spying on me having sex with Lillia?" he demanded.

"You have been so forlorn and heartbroken for so long that I felt pity for you, Justin," said Michael. "You worried me terribly when you tried to commit suicide, and though I lashed out at you for me thinking you as ungrateful, Your Father was right. You needed Nurturing, not Punishment. Plus, what better comfort and nurturing is better than that from a lover?"

"I guess you're right," chuckled Justin. "You're not gonna tell my Dad, are you?"

"I imagine The Alpha is already revealing to him what you just did right now as he sleeps. But it is not him you should be worried about," warned Michael. "What you did, though condoned by The Horizon, is still a major taboo. I shudder to think what would happen if word got out to people who do not understand this. You, and perhaps your entire family, could fall in disgrace."

"I know," said Justin. But looking back at the sleeping Gardevoir, he knew what his response would be. "But so long as I keep this under closed doors, I'll be sure to keep sharing my heart with my new love." And seeing Lillia's smile, Justin would make sure that he would embrace The Embrace Pokemon with the same amount of love that she shared with him this night...

"So... How was it you two?" prodded Kiara curiously, with a wry smile and squinted eyes.

"Yeah! How was your first time with each other?" asked Sariah. "I hope it was as romantic as how me and froggy here got together," she said, wrapping her arm around Razor and pulled her cheeks to his. Razor didn't say a word, but he blushed a lot.

The whole gang was inside of Justin's room, doors locked, of course. The two new Love Birds had confessed to their new 'Relationship' that they formed overnight. And though the Pokephiles were curious as to how exactly they 'Did The Deed' for the first time and how they officially became Pokephiles, they were also equally happy to see Justin in great spirits. This was the first time they had seen him in being truly Happy in a long while. In fact, his mood change was almost an overnight event. Thanks to Lillia's love, he was able to open up his heart once more, and once again love. Though Justin's Depression was not gone, and he still felt grief from his Grandfather's death, at least having a romantic relationship meant that he wouldn't have to bear it alone.

"I am glad that you discovered love again, Justin," congratulated Lance. "Your aura is so much different from yesterday."

"And now, you got a fantastic, non-human partner slash sex-buddy whose love you can't reveal to the world," joked Razor, who clung onto Sariah tighter as everyone laughed. "But in the end, no mater what the danger is, it is totally worth it," he said, looking at and kissing Sariah with a peck to his tongue scarf.

"Welcome to the Cool Kids Club now, Justin!" joked Jason. *Conk* "Ow! What the hell did I do this time, Camilla?!"

"You just keep flapping up nonsense, don't you Dumb Dumb," said Camilla. Everyone, even Justin this time, laughed... except, of course, Jason.

Today was finally Valentine's Day. And, it seemed that Justin, who initially had dread over today, was now paired with someone who would be there for this wonderful day. He and Lillia cuddled on the bed as he drank a cold can of his favorite drink: Oranguru Bortus' Alolan Ale. Jason had bought an twenty four can pack for everyone, even the pokemon partners, to enjoy. Though he didn't receive a gift from Lillia, nor did He give her one, he was still happy to have the gift that was their new romantic relationship. After all it was Valentine's Day, and Justin could only daydream at all the cool things he would get to do on from out in the world with Lillia...

...that is, until Officer Jenny removes his Ankle Bracelet and releases him from House Arrest...

Pokephilia Story - A Spy Lizard for a Valentine (Rose's Tale P.2)

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Pokemon Story - The Crooks and the Krookodile Ch. 2

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Pokephilia Story - A Froggy Merry Christmas (Everyone)

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