Becoming a Bunny Breeder - Chapter 2

Story by FurryGunns on SoFurry

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#2 of Becoming a Bunny Breeder

Eric, now Luna, is getting used to life as a hyper-fertile bunnygirl, but left one day to her own devices she orders a pizza and loses track of time.

Luna stood in front of a full length mirror, her curvaceous body naked and on display. It'd only been a week since her birthday, the day she'd gone from being a relatively average human male, to an excessively curvy female rabbit. In her past life, she'd probably have been gawping at her figure, the massive breasts, thick thighs, bubbly rear, a figure that looked better suited for a porn star, but now all she could stare at was her stomach.

In only a week her belly had gone from flat and maybe mildly chunky, to being a large eyesore that made her look as though she were ready to pop any moment. It was so large, heavy, and, if the progress at which her lapine pregnancy was going was any indication, it would take only a month for her to reach full term. There was no telling how many she was carrying inside of her, but she was certain to find out soon enough, after all, this was why rabbits were so prolific, not the number they could produce in one pregnancy, but the speed at which they could do so.

And if the size of her stomach wasn't bad enough, she was already suffering through a myriad of symptoms that any mother would expect. Her breasts were swelling day by day, even the once insignificant nipples beneath her prodigious bosom growing into full, aching mounds, her mood would swing at a moment's notice one way and then the other, she had to pee constantly and when she wasn't starving for food, in the various ways cravings demanded of her, she was exhausted. Yet, what was perhaps the worst of them all was the-

Her stomach turned, a hand swiftly covering her mouth as she sprang, as rapidly as her gravid weight and shape could carry her, towards the bathroom. The toilet was ready for her with the seat raised as she stuck her head into the bowl, losing what little was in her stomach. It wasn't the first time that morning she'd ran to the toilet to throw up, but she thought she was passed it by the time lunch came around. She was starving, but lost her appetite halfway through the meal, thinking about the potential young she had in her stomach, and she was grateful at that moment that she'd stopped eating when she did, not that it made throwing up much better.

Her ears twitched, hearing the soft clapping of hooves on carpeting before they transitioned to the tiled flooring. A pair of hands grabbed her ears and pulled them back along with her hair, her body shivering at the touch on her long, immensely sensitive ears, but grateful for the assistance so they were not resting in the toilet bowl with the what remained of her partially digested lunch. Once she'd stopped she felt a hand on her back, rubbing in slow circles to comfort her as she recovered.

"Thank you," she managed after a bit, resting her cheek on the rim of the toilet - cleaned thoroughly after her last use - in her weakness. She looked at her partner and, for a brief moment, she was grateful for him. Then, as quickly as the gratitude came, it went and was replaced by barely simmered anger towards the unicorn.

Ozymandias was crouched down next to her and the toilet, his hand releasing her ears and hair, but still rubbing at her back. "Of course, glad to help in any way I can for the mother of my children," he said in a charming tone that made her anger with him fade. He had that effect on everyone, capable of making anyone do his will, either by suggestion or by thought.

It was these abilities that had given him, and by extension Luna, a comfortable life. Money was a triviality, to such a degree that they lived together in a penthouse apartment that he didn't so much as have to pay for. On a whim, and with the command to the right person, he could own the entire building. It was a terrifying skill that kept her from being able to resist his desires.

He offered a hand to her, Luna taking it to help stand with a heavy sigh. Once she was vertical he pulled her close, pressing her body against his. Her ears grew warm and she lowered her chin, feeling his irresistible allure wash over her. She was pregnant, but the ache of heat still remained, kegel muscles clenching on reflex, aching for her stud to be inside her. It was so shameful, but even when she was a straight man she couldn't resist that desire, and her ability to give even the most token effort of resistance was diminishing with each day.

His arms opened up and drew her towards his body, her hands hesitating before lifting and drawing around him as well. She allowed herself to enjoy his embrace, as a small, platonic pleasure. Yet even then, his touch brought a tingle of delight to her all-too-sensitive body. He drew his muzzle close, her body already primed for his lips as they met one another. She continued to hold herself close to his body as they kissed, his hands pulling away from hers to caress and rub at her stomach, a moan rising from her throat at the touch.

Her lips remained puckered after he pulled away, lost in his rubbing on her bare stomach. He smiled at her expression, still rubbing over her stomach, the sigil marked in the fur beneath her navel glowing brightly. The heat in her stomach bloomed through out her body, the sensitivity of her hide growing more intense and almost needy. He gave her neck a gentle kiss, making her gasp in feminine delight.

"If you need anything, call my assistant, and if there's an emergency call me, but try to relax or have some fun," he whispered to her, one hand sliding down from her belly. Her legs straightened up and she squeezed her body tight against him. She was already wet, as she tended to be in her persisting heat, the muscles in her sodden passage tugging on his digits. "And if you're feeling particularly excited I keep the toys in the chest at the foot of the bed."

His fingers pulled free and Luna found herself whining at the emptiness aching inside of her. Since the night of her birthday they had spent much of the day together frequently in bed, sometimes in the bathroom, or up against the fridge, or even, on two occasions, out on the balcony. She couldn't resist him, and she had found herself not wanting to several occasions. If she was honest with herself she wanted him to pin her underneath him and plow her once more, not that she would admit that to even herself.

"Okay... the meeting won't be long, will it?" she haltingly asked.

Ozzy smiled and straightened his outfit, a pristine black suit with a flawlessly white shirt. Somehow there didn't seem to be so much as a single strand of fur from either herself or his own out of place against the smart black coat jacket. "I'm afraid it will be. Meetings with mystics usually mean my influence won't effect them like it might mortals. I'll try to keep it brief though."

She realized she should have been excited or perhaps relieved, but she only felt dread at the thought of being left alone for most of the day. Yet she found the strength to nod and escort him to the front door as he left. She wanted to follow him, but she quickly remembered that she was naked, and was in little shape to be out even if she weren't.

Left to her own devices in the apartment, particularly while she was on a break from college, she found boredom quickly setting in. Access to the internet, video games, TV, a rather luxurious hot tub, it all brought little enjoyment. Her mind was singularly focused on one thing, constantly gnawing at the back of her mind where she felt she should have been apathetic towards it: sex. She'd had so much of it since losing her virginity a week ago, and yet she felt no shame in wanting more of it.

Her mind wasn't this usually singularly focused, but the need that was tickling at her mind every second was too loud to ignore. It had been less than an hour before her attention turned to the trunk full of toys. And full of toys it was, sectioned off and packed fully with genres of toys she'd been familiar with and not. Yet the need she felt was focused on won out, looking through the various shapes and sizes of dildos for something to fill her walls with.

Even with her diminutive height, all of the toys seemed just too small for her, particularly when compared to the likes of her lover. Yet she found herself desiring something different from what her partner was paired with, eyes lingering curiously on one with a knot and a myriad of bumps and nodules.

However, by the time she'd decided, her stomach was feeling far too empty for ordering even the fastest of deliveries. She wasn't nearly as particular about the food, ordering a pizza from some place nearby with little more than an absent thought to what she was doing. By the time she was off the phone she was on her back, legs spread with the tip of the toy at her nether lips. Her eyes closed and she relaxed her jaw, head falling back as she laid on the couch.

Positioning and inserting the head of the toy was more difficult than she'd anticipated, the length large for someone her size and thus not easily wielded. Yet the need was persistent, and so was she, her attention training on the one task with laser-like focus. She could not say how long it took for her to line up the toy in a comfortable position, her belly proving it to be a more difficult challenge than she expected. On her knees, on all fours, on her sides, crouched over the toy, before physically and mentally settling on her back.

She started slow at first, yet once she felt the tip parting her lips she quickly ached for more. Her breathing heavy, the weight of her breasts so large they almost dwarfed her stomach pushing down on her, she rocked her hips towards the base, fingers nimbly working to press more into herself. She wasn't quiet as she enjoyed herself, pumping the toy in and out of her massaging mound, clenching and releasing as though she were with a man and trying to drain his balls of their seed.

Her fantasies ran away with her, picturing herself pinned down to the couch, legs lifted and spread as someone pounded themselves into her, fucking her like she was a toy to dump his own pent up need into. It didn't matter who he was, or what he looked like, she just needed dick. Big dick, small dick, fat or long, if it was attached to Ozzy, all the better, but it didn't matter who it was, as long as it was real and inside her. The toy just didn't sate that need, its latex texture firm and solid, but cold and without the presence that came with a person between her legs.

The facsimile phallus was at most a foot long, thicker around than she could wrap both of her fingers around, but still small in comparison to the supernaturally endowed unicorn. She let the tip tease at her opening for a few moments, trying to rub her swollen, needy clit against the length, but it was the fulfillment of having her walls filled with the shaft that she really desired. Inches vanished into her, stopping only at the tight clenching muscle of her cervix.

Slowly, but surely, she pumped the toy in and out, relishing the gentle plucking of odd lumps and bumps caressing her aching walls. The rubbery barbs glided over her clit and ground against the sensitive folds of her cunt. It was curiously satisfying, but yet still lacked much of the intimacy that came with having a partner.

She got so lost in the world created in her mind that she didn't hear the door, nor doorbell. The door opened, unlocked with the presumed safety of the penthouse apartment, a delivery person entering in through the doorway. The woman called out, looking for someone at home to deliver her food to, yet saw no one and got no response towards her questions of anyone being home. The residents were obviously used to a certain degree of privacy because of their position in the building, the scent of sex lingering freely in the apartment, sweat and bodily fluids mingling together, but to the more acute senses, the smell of estrus thick in the air. A sharp nose could follow it, but anyone with ears could more easily follow the passionate sounds of pleasure echoing through the large apartment.

No, Luna was not quiet, not quiet all, and even with her acute, lapine ears, she didn't hear the delivery person. Her nose, however, easily and quickly found the scent of the person in the house, only adding it to the mental images dancing in her mind, right until she felt empty. She whined and arched her back, fingers groping feebly at the slick toy as it was pulled free from her cleft. Her ears twitched and she felt the couch shift, hands on her hips, lifting her, repositioning her. So lost in fantasies, she didn't realize that it was every bit as real until...

Grunt, thrust, sigh, Luna's eyes eyes snapped open and she looked up, a face covered in the darkness of long hair hanging above her. Brown fur, colored in various shades with spots, lips spreading as their muzzle spread into a smile.

"Why, good afternoon horny rabbit," the stranger said, her voice a lithe, feminine tone.

It took a moment to process what Luna was seeing, but soon the breasts pressing against her own pieced together was was happening. The smell and the woman's curves only further fed the image of her new partner, yet the shaft she felt inside her was very real. As the woman pulled back and drove forward more details came together, recognizing the woman as a hyena, female in every way that Luna could make out, save for the cock inside her and the musk wafting off of her.

However, it was just what Luna was aching for, her willingness to deny her animalistic need crumbling as the hyena's grip and thrusts pierced deep into her small body. Her toes curled and she drew her legs around the hyena's thighs as best she could, keeping her from pulling out too much and pulling her in deeper as she drove forward. The hyena's smile spread open wider, and her claws gently dug into the rabbit's hide as she redoubled her efforts.

"D-don't stop, please... more!" Luna found herself begging, hands holding onto her breasts while each thrust from her new, nameless, partner made them bounce and jiggle into her face.

"No need to... wonder how you got pregnant," the delivery woman remarked, drawing her muzzle to one of Luna's nipples, teeth gently nipping at the teat with sharp canines. Snout pressed into fur and the hyena took a deep breath. "Hmm, but you still smell like you need your... belly filled with cubs. Interesting."

The seed of the thought planted in her mind, Luna's walls clenched tight, the ache of her heat flaring with a need to be bred. But she knew there was no need for concern, she was already thoroughly pregnant, and Ozzy's magic could easily rid her of any STDs she might contract. She was full of shame for the thought, but she felt like she needed it so badly. She grabbed her long ears and covered her face, gasping sharply as the hyena drove into her sensitive passage.

"That's right slut... ah, just lie there and enjoy yourself," the hyena muttered.

Luna gave her head a subtle nod, squeaking out a sharp gasp as another thrust rocked her body into the couch. She held her stomach, arms squeezing her breasts together as she tried using her weight to push back against the hyena woman's rough drives into her. Her head pushed back into the couch cushions, moans bashfully muffled by her ears while the hyena pounded her as roughly and forcefully as she was aching for.

Another nibble at her nipples made Luna cry out, eyes looking down as the hyena's focus drew to her own pleasure and suckling on her breasts as though they were already full of milk for pups to drink. Yet with each draw on her teats Luna could feel an odd pressure building up in her breasts, rising higher and higher until her breasts finally yielded their bounty to the hyena's maw. Fresh milk flows freely with each hungry draw on the nipple, Luna's eyes wide and gasping in shock as she felt the stream of milk rushing from her breast.

The hyena lifted her head from the breast and licked her lips, turning her head to the other breast while her paws drew up Luna's frame, hands coming towards the smaller, but still swollen, apparently with milk. Her hips shifted and her front two buck teeth biting into her lower lip as more cream rose to be released into the hungry mouth and from milk swollen breasts.

"Good to see you again Sasha," Ozzy said, holding mail in his hands as his hooves clapped against the concrete floor. He stopped just at Luna's head, peering up from the mail and matching Luna's gaze. "Enjoying yourself there I hope."

"I... am," the hyena, apparently named Sasha responded, pulling up from Luna's breast. "Your new girl is... very welcoming. She was begging for more as soon as I started." She looked down at Luna and let her toothy grin spread wide. "Isn't that right? Door un... locked, legs spread wide."

Ozzy opened a letter casually, nodding in response as his eyes scanned over what appeared to be a bill. "Yes, she's very obedient and eager. A little shy, but I think we're working it out of her," he remarked, walking away to set the mail on a table and beginning to undress. "Though I will say, from the sounds of it you didn't even ask for permission from anyone Sasha. I will have to punish you for that."

Her smile fell and her ears flattened against her head. "Shit, took me a week to recover from last time."

"Should have thought of that before deciding you needed to get your dick wet, but I'll give you a little reward this time," the ivory unicorn said, putting up his suit before returning to the couch. He looked down at her and shook his head, his cock already half hard and balls so close to her face. She averted her gaze from his, but her eyes came back to his in short order. "You will need to be punished too for your behavior. I expect better from my pets."

She nodded haltingly, her eyes becoming fixated on his manhood. He smirked and positioned himself so the head of his cock was growing hard above her head. Her nose wiggled in sniffing at his cock, a thrust from the hyena making her gasp and shudder. Her arms stretched out and she drew the tip down closer to her mouth, tongue lapping out at the head of his shaft.

He reached down, his fingers lifting her chin so her head leaned back. Magic trickled out from his fingers as he drew some basic symbols on her neck, the sigils finishing up to create a choker-like inscription in her fur around her neck. "Sasha, can you get our girl on all fours?"

Sasha looked up, head lifting from one of Luna's leaking breasts. She offered a shrug and pulled out, helping Luna to sit up. She looked confused, but did as told, at least after getting a look at the Hyena's canid-like cock and large balls then turning around and getting on all fours before the hyena. She squeaked out sharply in surprise as the hyena delivered a swift spank to her rear before lining up and driving in. Balls clapped against her thighs and the slowly swelling knot kissed at the bunny breeder's lips.

Luna's entire body shifted forward, breasts and belly swaying underneath her as she watched the woman taking her. Yet her attention was refocused when Ozzy's cock tapped at her cheek, the wetness of pre-cum staining her fur with his thick, musky, lubricating essence. She turned back and found herself face to face with the head of the unicorn's pink and brown, molted length. She swallowed nervously, but opened her mouth, writing of magical runes around her neck glowed as she prepared herself to suck on the head of the cock.

Hands gripped at her head, grabbing ears and lifting them while she began to suck on the tip of his cock, moaning with each thrust from the delivery woman behind her as the virile taste of pre smeared over her taste buds. He waited for a few moments, allowing his bunny lover to give attention to the head of the cock, but once he grew bored he shifted his hips forward, popping the flat tip of his cock into Luna's stretching jaw.

Where there should have been pain in the sudden jarring tug of her jaw being forced open so unceremoniously, she only felt a numbness in the joints of her jaw. It wasn't comfortable, but she was able to focus on his cock instead of any pain, her hands stroking over his cock and playing with his balls. Not that she expected him to be satisfied with this, but she wanted to play with his cock before he grew hungry for more.

And for a moment, he was content with those attentions, her hands milking out some of his pre-cum into her gaping maw, balls enjoying gentle massaging of her delicate little fingers, the way her tongue tickled at the opening of his urethra. However, when he demanded more, he simply said, "Take a deep breath," just moments before his cock drove to the back of her mouth and began spreading open the tight confines of her throat.

Her throat bulged out, eyes squeezing shut tight as his girth spread open her gullet. His grip on her head, and her sensitive long ears, growing more firm as he forced his cock deeper into her throat. It was a very tight squeeze, one that he was determined to enjoy fully thanks to the magic of the runes around her neck.

Not that it meant she needn't worry about anything, gag reflex still untrained, causing her to cough and choke as more inches pried open her throat. This wasn't even mentioning that she still had to breathe, and while she did what she could, it was still a challenge to maintain her breathing with a thick cock sunk into her throat and another cock pounding into her pregnant pussy, while her heavy breasts and stomach swayed back and forth with the pair pounding her from both directions.

Luna's throat clenched and milked as her walls did the same, gagging as the flat head and medial rings scraped through her throat, smearing pre-cum down her esophagus and filling her stomach. She was beginning to feel lightheaded the longer they went, Ozzy's cock down her throat giving her less time to refill her small, lapine lungs. Tears began to sting at her eyes, sweat covering her body as she began to feel faint, still quivering in orgasmic delight around her hyena partner.

She knew they were both close, particularly as the shallow thrusts of Sasha's knotted cock began stretching her opening wider, the head flaring on Ozzy's equine shaft, only making her throat feel even tighter for the both of them. Sweat dripping off of her, saliva drooling down her jaw while errant droplets of milk fell off her hanging teats.

She wasn't sure who was going to cum first of the two, but it mattered little as her supply of oxygen was growing more strained with each passing second while Ozzy's cock was thrusting in and out deep enough to have his balls clap against her chin. She held out as long as she could, but she wasn't getting the breaths she needed. She lifted a hand, trying to slap at Ozzy's thigh to tell him, throat constricting and spasming around the cock as she tried coughing, but it was little use. He paid little attention to her, so close to his own orgasm as Sasha's knot reached its finality.

The fringes of her vision began to grow dark, lungs burning for oxygen, strength fading on her as the flare of the unicorn's cock slid up and down through her throat like a plunger until finally, darkness. Her body went completely limp, passing out while Ozzy came into her stomach. Gallons from his immensely productive balls flowed into her empty belly, a sigh of relief coming from his muzzle as he slowly began to pull back, bathing her tongue with cum when her stomach was full.

Not that it mattered. She was still alive, even perfectly healthy, but completely unconscious as he came, cum flooding her maw and soon being sprayed over her head and onto her breasts as her body shuddered with coughs to fill her empty lungs. Muscles clenched and twitched on reflex as the heaviness of both of loads filled her from both ends, the hunger in her stomach for the pizza being sated with the potent flooding into her stomach as the other hungry need in her stomach was fed with the hyena's own virile essence, every drop trapped inside thanks to the knot. What she couldn't hold, would drip onto her breasts adding to the musky sheen of wetness on her fur.

"Whew, f-fuck, I do love myself a good pregnant slut," Sasha growled, her claws raking over Luna's hide, leaving light streaks of shallow cuts that gave her ass cheeks a subtle, pink hue.

Ozzy nodded and wiped the drooling tip of his cock against Luna's cum-stained cheek. "Not bad oral either for only the second cock you've sucked. I may just keep you," he mused, rubbing the stains of his cum into her fur with a thumb. He paused after a moment then gave her cheek a light slap. Her head rocked away from the slap, then rolled back, chest still rising and falling in calm breaths, but the lights clearly out in Luna's head. "Well shit, she passed the fuck out."

The hyena's ears perked and she looked at the back of the small, bred bunny still wrapped around her cock. Sasha giggled and delivered a spank to Luna's soft ass cheek. "I'll be honest, I could go again. I know she's knocked up, but she smells like a bitch still riding her first heat," she remarked, hips rocking her knot into Luna's already seeded walls.

"Oh, she is, and she always will be," Ozzy remarked, walking around towards Sasha's rear.

His mitts gripped her hips and he pressed the tip of his cock up between the hyena's ass cheeks. She whined and wiggled her hips, trying to pull away, but the effort was weak. Hips bucked forward and she gasped, tailhole spreading forcibly spreading open for his length. Slowly he pushed forward, her hips bucking against Luna's body as the grinding of thick shaft against her prostate began milking more cum from her balls until he was fully hilted in her. His hips rocked, teasing the hyena to make her gasp and moan, squirming as she gradually grew used to his size, even as it created a bulge in her stomach.

Sasha shuddered and gripped tighter at Luna's hips, even as her body sagged into the couch at the front of the line, pounding harder into her cunt. Knot testing at the bunny's opening before yanking it free, Luna reacting very little beyond her cleft squeezing at the shaft as honey and cum leaked from her fertilized folds. Another thrust from Ozzy, however, sank the knot back in, the unicorn's grip on the hyena's hips taking control in fucking both of the women.

"Ah... f-fuck, I'm going to hay...hate you after this, but... hmm, you feel so fucking wonderf-ful inside me. Heh, I'm going to end up filling this poor doe with so much cum if she weren't already... pregnant," Sasha said, chuckling as each thrust from Ozzy made her dick spasm inside Luna's fertile walls. "One of these days, you gotta do to me wh-what you did to her."

"Oh, you don't want that. She's going to go through the rest of her life in heat and fertile as the day I broke her in. In fact, you're probably going to be a father a few times over with how much you're spilling into her. I doubt she'll ever be without a litter or two inside of her so long as she lives."

Sasha grit her teeth, a nervous chuckle escaping her throat as another hard thrust into her ass made her balls release again. "Well shit, just don't let her know I'm... ah, the father. I can't afford this muh-ah..." She stopped mid-sentence, rocking her hips back and forth as she felt one of his medial rings grinding roughly into her prostate, milking out every last drop from her into Luna's cunt. "Child support."

He chuckled with her, though his tone more jovial than the hyena's. "I got you covered, just make sure most of your cum gets in her instead of on my couch. It's worth more than she is."