KAVUA Chapter 6 - Mad About Siara

Story by SpiritCreations_Xelaros on SoFurry

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#6 of Kavua Series



"Damn it!" Kuve grumbled to himself as he threw a fur blanket off of his body. The sun was halfway to the top of the sky and he still had not fallen asleep. In being the Chief Warrior(1), Kuve was scheduled to help train a young potential warrior earlier that morning, however he told the others he was going to resign as he wasn't feeling well. Kuve pulled a thick curtain made from leaves and grasses over a window in his hut, trying to block out any possible sources of light from the outside world. He had remained awake the entire night thinking about Siara. Many times he had tried to relieve his sexual frustration but after every ejaculation, he would quickly become aroused once again. Kuve pulled a pillow over his face, whimpering loudly and angrily threw a pillow across the room when images of a nude Siara flooded his mind. He thought of her the day he found her bathing. Her full, soapy and slippery breasts calling out to him.

"I'm going to kill Tahni!" He shouted as he firmly grabbed his penis in his left hand and began to hastily rub the bottom of the shaft. He snatched some wali(2) oil for use as lubrication and imagined himself penetrating Siara deeply. Kuve quickened the pace as his hand slid up and down the shaft, occasionally rubbing the head of his well-endowed member. Eventually he came, thick white juices erupting from his penis like an angry volcano. Large amounts of sticky semen covered his hand and a good portion of his abdomen as he panted heavily, finding an old cloth to clean himself up with. Kuve had only experienced this kind of sexual tension twice in his life when he was in estrous(3) at the ages of twelve and sixteen. Never before had a male or female caused these passionate feelings to well inside of him. He had never been in lust.

Kuve stood to his feet and stumbled over to a wooden table he had carved himself. He carefully picked up numerous vials of oils and extracts that he had knocked over earlier that night and set them on the table. He ran a hand through his thick, black hair and headed towards his private restroom. Fresh water awaited him in a beautiful turquoise shell bowl and he liberally splashed it onto his face.

"I've got to get a hold of myself," He stated. He clenched his stomach as it cried out loudly, slightly doubling over. He had not eaten dinner the night before and had grown very hungry throughout the remainder of the night. He staggered back into the main room of his hut and remembered two large, round ipu(4) that he had picked the day before sitting side by side on another table. He began to take one but stopped when he noticed that while sitting side by side, they resembled Siara's breasts. Kuve clicked and cursed at his penis as it became completely erect. Kuve stood naked, staring down at his penis as it stared back at him. He flopped onto his bed and slathered his penis with the wali oil and began another session of masturbation. Kuve peeked over at the ipu, using them as inspiration and he began to feel a bit of satisfaction. His penis began to twitch and throb as he felt the rushing sensation of an orgasm approaching when Kio'he impolitely burst into his room without knocking. Kuve shrieked loudly and quickly pulled some covers over him. Kio'he stood motionless in the entrance to Kuve's hut, at first not saying a word.

"Were you charming it?" Kio'he smirked as he walked over to his frustrated buddy. Kuve had a look of anger on his face.

"I was but you scared it away!" Kuve shouted. Kio'he laughed and fell onto Kuve's bed beside him. "I wouldn't sit there if I were you."

"Yeah," Kio'he agreed when he felt a cool, sticky substance beneath him. Kio'he wiped himself off and decided to sit on the floor instead. "I just wanted to come by and see if you were okay. The other warriors said you weren't feeling too great."

"I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well last night," Kuve explained.

"Bad dream?" Kio'he asked. Kuve wrapped his ula around his naked body.

"No," He simply stated. Kio'he glanced away.

"It wasn't because of what Siara said about your dad, was it?" He wondered. Kuve flattened his ears in response.

"No. Actually I had forgotten about that," Kuve told. "Until you just mentioned it, anyway."

"Sorry," Kio'he slouched. "So, the harvest is in and I was wondering if you wanted to help me gather some food."

"I really just want to be alone and try to sleep," Kuve admitted.

"Come on! It's fun. Plus, we can slack off and abandon the others and canoe down river later on!" Kio'he tempted. Kuve laughed and nodded.

"Let me just clean up first," Kuve insisted. Kio'he smiled.

"I'll get the canoe ready!"

"Damn it!" Siara also grumbled to herself as she tore through an incredibly messy hut in search for a particular something. Siara too had not gotten much sleep the night before, also due to sexual frustration. Throughout the night, Siara had ransacked her new home, tossing anything and everything out of her suitcases in search for a makeshift dildo. She eventually decided to use a decorated gourd she had found in the main room of her hut. She had torn all the beads and husks from it, hoping she wouldn't become cursed or offend the maker of this beautiful decoration but she just had to find some sort of relief. Her stomach had begun to cramp terribly due to the constant pulsating waves throughout her feminine areas. Curse or not, it was going in. Still, it was rather large in girth and a bit too much for Siara to handle and eventually she decided to find something smaller. She had found a thick permanent marker but it was too small. The handle of her hairbrush was ribbed, however, it was painful after a few minutes of use. She had even tried a number of vegetables but after one broke in half while inside of her, she figured that that was not a very good idea. She threw clothing and supplies everywhere, cussing and ranting to herself when Tahni had entered her home to find a very upset Siara.

"Did something explode in here?" Tahni chuckled.

"Yeah, my temper," Siara flopped onto a pile of clothing in the corner of her main room. Tahni stepped over a multitude of objects and sat next to her.

"I'm going to pick fruits today and help with the harvest. Wanna come?" She offered. Tahni had found the permanent marker and took off the cap and sniffed it, which resulted in a rather sour face. She dropped the marker onto the ground and rubbed her nose.

"Sounds good. I'll do anything to get my mind off things," Siara agreed.

"What is your mind on?" Tahni asked, examining one of Siara's bras. Siara giggled and fastened the bra correctly over Tahni's clothing.

"Oh... well, it doesn't matter," Siara said, wishing she had kept her mouth shut.

"Sure it does, otherwise your home wouldn't look like the last days(5)," Tahni pushed her breasts up in the bra and smiled, enjoying her new found perkiness. Siara put on a clean pair of shorts and a new shirt and after cleaning off her brush, she combed out her long, dark purple hair.

"It's alright," Siara smiled. "Where is the harvest?"

"In the valley past the jungle. It's a long walk," Tahni informed.

"Good. I could use the exercise to relieve these cramps," Siara tied a bandana over her hair. Tahni, after dubbing the bra uncomfortable, removed it and tossed it aside.

"Are you menstruating?" Tahni asked.

"No, a different kind of cramping down there," Siara smiled. Tahni laughed.

"Ah, I understand now. We do have men to help you with that. Or women, whichever your preference," Tahni educated Siara.

"Men, and I don't know any of them," Siara chuckled.

"So? What else are they good for?" Tahni playfully winked. Siara laughed.

"I like to get to know the guy first," Siara explained. A mischievous grin grew on Tahni's face.

"You know Kuve. What about him?" She asked, resulting in Siara choking on some water.

"You ready to go now?" Siara's voice heightened as she changed the subject.

"Uh huh," Tahni hummed suspiciously. Siara shook her head and dragged her towards the door. Tahni playfully shoved Siara and looked at the bra as it lay on the floor. "How can you stand wearing that thing?"

Siara stretched as she walked out into the near noon sun for the first time that day. The city was bustling and busy, all preparing for the big summer's harvest. A group of men and women sat in a circle underneath a large palm intricately weaving large baskets out of palm prongs, bark and vines. Siara saw Chief sitting on a rather hefty sized bench in the center of the city, which had been made especially for him. One child sat on each knee, being entertained by some sort of story Chief was telling. Tahni nudged Siara.

"Let's go get a basket," She coaxed, pulling on Siara's arm.

"I'll be there in a minute. Get one for me," Siara stated and walked towards the Chief who noted Siara's arrival and shooed the children away, promising to continue the story at a later time. The children laughed as they ran past Siara and mingled with others their age. Chief scooted over, trying to give Siara a little room to sit next to his large girth. Siara sat down next to him, nearly falling off the bench as she was given only a few mere inches of sitting space.

"Tell me, Siara. What do you think of Kavua?" Chief asked as he observed his city. Siara smiled softly.

"I think it's the most wonderful place on Xelaros," She told. Chief gave a hearty chuckle that echoed throughout the temples. Chief had a laugh that could be heard across the city, which always made Siara smile.

"You are comfortable, yes?" He made sure his guest well taken care of. Siara nodded.

"Very! I feel relaxed here," She informed. "It's nice having a bodyguard too since I don't really know the area well. I've been wanting to thank you for that. It was very considerate."

"Who is your bodyguard?" Chief asked.

"Kuve. Don't you remember? He said that you told him to protect me," She reminded. Chief laughed hard and shook his head in disbelief.

"That little sneak!" He bellowed. Siara cocked her head.

"What are you talking about?" She wondered. Chief caught his breath and placed a plump hand on Siara's shoulder.

"I never told him to protect you," He informed. "I think he was just wanting an excuse to hang around you."

"He lied to me?" Siara smirked. Chief sighed in laughter.

"Just a little white lie," He smiled. "He's shy and that was probably the only thing he could come up with so he could be near you."

"He could have just offered," Siara shook her head and smiled. "I do like having someone around in case I'm in danger."

"Just be careful when you tell him you found him out," Chief winked. He struggled to stand to his feet. "That boy's been acting crazy as it is."

"I will," Siara promised, pushing on Chief's back to help him stand upright.

"Thank you!" Chief exclaimed and brushed off his ula. "Now, let's grab some grub!"

It was now past noon and Kuve had wandered deep into the steamy jungle. He had told Kio'he he needed the restroom but he really needed some time to himself to collect his thoughts. His mind was still on Siara as he and Kio'he had been picking ipu the entire day. Kuve had found a soft place behind a fallen tree where he would surely not be found. He stared into a bright blue sky as his stomach began to rumble. He still had not eaten, due to a constant feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He grabbed an ipu he had snatched from Kio'he's basket and bit into it. However, he released his bite when he noticed this ipu was a light purple, the same color as Siara's breasts. He clicked as he became erect once again and did not waste time in undoing his ula and grabbing a hold of his penis. Kuve grinned to himself as he began to kiss and lick the ipu, masturbating with his free left hand. He began to rock his hips slightly, the juices from the ipu running down his chest and mixing with his own around his pubic area. He let his mind wander, not hearing a small rustling in a bush behind him.

"There you are!" Tahni shrilled as she jumped high onto the fallen tree. Kuve screamed loudly, quickly retying his ula onto his waist. He growled at Tahni as her jaw dropped. "You really like ipu, don't you?" She was bewildered at her fruit-loving friend.

"What do you want?" Kuve grumpily asked. Tahni ran a hand through her hair.

"Friends since childhood and there are still things I don't know about you!" She stated. Kuve threw the ipu at her. "That was scary."

"Did you want something or not?" Kuve barked. Tahni smirked.

"You've been really pissy lately," She retorted, turning away from Kuve. He put his hands over his face.

"I have a lot on my mind," He explained.

"No reason to take it out on everyone else!" Tahni snapped. Kuve sighed.

"You're right. I'm sorry," He apologized as Siara ran towards the fallen tree towards Tahni.

"I found a Kuve!" Tahni exclaimed. Kuve chirped loudly in frustration.

"That's nice," Siara panted, trying to catch her breath as she collapsed onto the jungle floor and lay against the tree.

"Are you okay?" Tahni laughed. Kuve tugged on his ula, rearranging any of his masculinity that may have been showing through the tight, red cloth.

"I think I may have vomited up part of a lung but I'm alright," She replied and took a deep breath. Tahni gave Siara a quick pat on the back.

"Okay then! We've got to go help the others. Where are you and Kio'he picking at?" Tahni asked Kuve who was still adjusting himself.

"I'm not really sure," Kuve answered with a shaky voice. "I'll go find him."

"Alright," Tahni watched Kuve walk off in a hurry. She snorted to herself.

"Bye, Kuve!" Siara called out, still out of breath. Kuve turned around and gave Siara a smile and a short wave. Tahni jumped off the tree and grabbed her basket.

"Something is wrong with him," She whispered to herself.

"What?" Siara asked, concerned. "He seems fine to me. A bit flighty but he seems okay."

"No, no. He's not acting like himself," Tahni taught. "You should have seen what he was doing with some fruit when I found him!"

Tahni and Siara had joined a large group of men, women and children in the Kavuan valleys. Tall yet thin, green mountains stretched ever higher and melted into a clear, blue river below. A herd of papulo picked at and bounded in a field of wildflowers that seemed to go on forever. There was an abundance of fruits and vegetables, rice and grains. All ready to be picked and plucked. Rows of natives walked to and from the main city carrying the foods to be stocked and coming back for more.

"Let's pick over there!" Siara pointed excitedly at a row full of trees, each covered with various fruits and berries. Tahni shook her head.

"Those rows are for the animals," She taught. Siara nodded and followed Tahni towards a group of women who were working on a laba'o tree. Tahni sat down near the women next to a row of various vegetables, Siara following in her lead. She watched how Tahni carefully pulled the vegetables out of the ground or delicately twisted the stem and plucked fruit from the vines. Her first few attempts resulted in failure and ruined fruit but she would soon get the idea. A hot afternoon sun beat down upon them as they gathered the harvest. Sweat quickly began to bead down Siara's face and chest.

"Kind of hot out here today," Siara noted, putting a hand over her eyes to block the sun as she glanced at the hopelessly clear sky. Tahni agreed.

"Eat this. It'll give you water," Tahni gave her an olox'ipu(6). Siara cracked it open, sharing half with her female friend. Siara bit into the sweet fruit, cool juices quenching her thirst with every bite. Siara relaxed for a bit and enjoyed her treat as she watched everyone working hard. A few groups of natives joined in song to help turn the work into play. Children helped their parents and others pick and carry smaller baskets back to the city. Large plumes of smoke rose in the distance of slash and burn crops that had already been picked clean by either Kavuan or animal. Siara's and Tahni's ears perked high, as well as many others, when they all heard loud cheering and chanting coming from a waterfall close by. Siara laughed as she watched Kuve and Kio'he in a canoe ride the tall waterfall down to the rushing river below. Tahni shook her head.

"Slackers!" She stated as she pulled up a long row of vegetables.

"Kavua even has its own amusement park!" Siara said to herself and laughed.

"It's fun but they should be here helping us," Tahni mentioned. Siara nodded.

"Yeah but Kuve needs some cheering up," She said. Tahni simply shrugged and grunted as she pulled up a row of spicy vegetables. Dirt flew from the roots, hitting Siara in the face. Siara laughed and took hold of a long, slender type of vegetable with a hard, red outer rind. Tahni snatched it from Siara and smiled.

"This, my dear, will help you satisfy any need!"

Kuve's hair whipped around violently as he and Kio'he soared down the rushing rapids of the jungle and soon would be out to sea. Kio'he had lost hold of his oar during a second ride down a shorter waterfall, which made it hard to steer the canoe. Fortunately, there weren't any more waterfalls on this natural roller coaster as they were now approaching sea level. A herd of tekeka(7) peacefully drank from the rapids as Kuve and Kio'he swiftly approached them.

"Get out of the way!" Kuve shouted to the large herbivores.

"Move it!" Kio'he called out. A few tekeka heads shot up in alarm as others bounded away. High rocks were growing near as Kuve tried to push the canoe out of harms way. "The left! Your other left, Kuve!"

"I know what I'm doing!" Kuve yelled as he steered clear of the mossy boulders. They flew past a few remaining tekeka brave enough to continue drinking from the water. The tekeka scattered about, a handful of them running beside the two young warriors along side the riverbed. Kuve lifted his oar up high, whooping and hollering from a rush of adrenaline.

"Make this thing go faster! Let's race these guys!" Kio'he urged his friend.

"I can't control how fast we go!" Kuve reminded, slapping his best friend playfully upside the head. Kio'he shook his head and grabbed the oar from Kuve's grip.

"You can if you row!" He taught. Kuve took hold of the oar only to have Kio'he pull it away again.

"Give it back! We won't go any faster!" Kuve hollered, as it was hard to hear due to their fast speed. Kuve grabbed one end of the oar again. He and Kio'he were now in a childish game of tug-o-war. Kio'he took his end and forced it into the water, making Kuve trip. Fortunately, Kuve remained inside the canoe. However, in the process, Kio'he had accidentally turned the boat sideways. "Give it back, Kio'he! You don't know how to steer!"

"I can steer just fine!" Kio'he shouted, tugging hard on the oar. Kuve's tail poofed up large.

"No you can't!" He screamed, pulling harder.

"Yes I can!" Kio'he retorted, pushing Kuve lightly to release his grip.

"No! You! Can't!" Kuve insisted, pushing Kio'he hard. The tekeka called out loudly as if in warning to the arguing friends. Kuve's attention focused ahead of them as the canoe remained sideways and a sharp boulder approached. "Jump!"

The canoe had slammed into the rocks and was split in two, sending the two warriors flying high into the air. They crashed into the water which swiftly carried them downstream. Kio'he surfaced, gasping for air.

"Swim with the current!" Kuve shouted to his friend.

"I know how to swim!" Kio'he mocked, who was actually struggling to keep his muzzle above water. One half of the canoe drifted by Kuve who grabbed hold of it, using it as a type of boogie board. Kio'he swam over to Kuve for the safety of a floating device, however Kuve kicked him off.

"Get your own!" Kuve laughed. Kio'he spit a stream of water at Kuve as the second half of the canoe drifted towards him. The stream quickly lead them out to the open sea. Still, there was a swift current which pulled them towards the lagoons. Kavua was abundant with lagoons that offered secret passageways underneath the island to different parts of Kavua, however these channels were hard to navigate and dangerous. Kuve tried hard to balance himself on his half of the canoe and held tight, Kio'he following his lead.

"Ready for part three?" Kio'he called out. Kuve nodded and grinned. Three okana leapt over the warriors and splashed in the water, howling and chirping loudly.

"We've got company!" Kuve observed. The okana frolicked beside them, also enjoying the rush of a Kavuan water slide. One okana dove down into the water, the others following. Kuve and Kio'he held their breath as the current pulled them underwater into the lagoon. They gripped their pieces of canoe tightly as the power of the current flipped them upside down numerous times. They sped past schools of san and reunited again with the okana. Kio'he straightened out his body and lowered his neck, making it easier for the current to carry him at a faster speed, Kuve doing the same. They raced past the okana who seemed to chirp an underwater goodbye at the warriors as they turned towards the right down a different current. The two resurfaced, now speeding through the same lagoon Siara had went inside during her arrival. A few of the odd guards peeked from behind the rocks at the playful pair. One odd guard quickly pulled back the draping kudzu, however, Kuve and Kio'he were being carried down current too fast as they soared through the moss. A swarm of pink and orange insects sleeping in the kudzu awoken and fluttered around them and into the sky as they were carried once again into the open ocean. Kuve balanced himself and stood on top of his piece of canoe when he noticed a large, rolling wave behind him. Kio'he too stood on his makeshift surfboard as the wave lifted them into the sky. They maneuvered around each other, each performing a personalized trick and showing off. Kio'he spun three hundred and sixty degrees in the water, Kuve only laughing in shame at his friend. Kuve had performed a flip, landing with grace. Kio'he attempted to do a flip himself, however he lost his footing as the wave grew smaller and crashed on top of them and pushed he and Kuve onto the Kavuan shore. They spat and sputtered, coughing up saltwater that had rushed up their noses. The two laughed hard from the powerful rush as they lay on the soft sand. However, Kuve noticed the familiar feet of a friend. Kuve glanced upwards to see a not-so-amused Tahni peering down at him.

"We bust our asses all day and you and Kio'he were surfing?" Tahni began her banter. "I've been poked, pricked, bit and stung and don't even ask me about this bump on my head! And you two were surfing?"

"If it makes you feel any better, I hit my head on a rock," Kuve laughed as he stood, brushing the sand out of his wet fur. Kio'he followed in laughter. "And I kicked Kio'he in the stomach."

"He did!" Kio'he confirmed, nodding playfully. Tahni snorted.

"Well I hope it really hurt! No thanks to you two, we did have a good harvest and we have enough food to carry us until the fall," Tahni scolded.

"Lay off, Tahni," Kuve started. "There are four hundred and ninety-three members in our tribe. If two of us take the day off, it's no big deal."

"He has a point," Siara agreed. "Plus, he needed the cheering up."

"Whatever. I hope you feel better now, Kuve!" Tahni sneered as she stormed away towards the city.

"And she says I'm pissy?" Kuve smirked. Siara helped Kuve wring the sand and water out of his tail.

"Don't mind her. She sat on a insect and it stung her," Siara chuckled. Kio'he belted out a loud laugh.

"That's great!" Kio'he chortled. "I'm grabbing some dinner. I'll see you guys in a bit."

"Save me some san!" Kuve called out to Kio'he. Siara blushed as she noticed she was untangling Kuve's hair. She had been in thought while grooming him, admiring the thick, wiry texture of his hair. Not knowing what to do and feeling rather awkward, she quickly grabbed his thick, yellowish-orange tail and began to fluff it, Kuve wiggling the tip in happiness. Siara cleared her throat in embarrassment.

"Here's your... tail," She stammered, handing Kuve his own tail. He hugged it as he watched Siara strut away, giggling to herself.

Kuve gazed at Siara as she enjoyed her meal with a mother and her child, interviewing them about the harvest and jobs within the tribe. Siara learned that jobs are not assigned to anyone due to size, gender or family history. Kavuans are raised to work with their passions. To not do so is the equivalent of what a Kavuan would call sin. If one loves to paint, he or she is to be an artist. If one loves to build, he or she is to be a carpenter. In this practice, work becomes play and in playing they work hard and perform to the best of their abilities. However, all work on Kavua is fun for everyone as they make a game out of every activity they do. Everyone pitches in and helps. Kio'he sat down beside Kuve, carrying a basket of fruit to munch on as they sat on the steps of a temple.

"They sure worked hard today," Kio'he observed a tired tribe. Kuve nodded, not paying attention to what his friend was saying. He stroked his tail where Siara had been fluffing it earlier as he watched her talk and laugh with the others. "Those okana were pretty cool, too!"

"Yeah," Kuve murmured. Kio'he waved a hand in front of Kuve's eyes. Kuve did not blink.

"Are you paying attention? What did I just say?" Kio'he asked, pointing a vegetable at Kuve in a scolding manner. Kuve shook his head.

"No, I'm not hungry," He replied. Kio'he laughed. Kuve snapped back into reality and ran a hand through his hair. "What?"

"You're out of it," Kio'he stated matter-of-factly, playing with some light purple ipu, which made Kuve become around.

"I'm fine. I promise," Kuve assured Kio'he. Kuve took an ipu from his companion. "Do these look like boobs to you?"

"Yeah, actually they do!" Kio'he laughed. He took the second ipu from Kuve and held them both up to his chest and giggled.

"Knock it off," Kuve shook his head and chuckled, pulling on his ula to hide an erection. Kio'he stood and danced around on the steps.

"I'm Siara! Look at my breasts! So full and firm and juicy!" Kio'he sang. Kuve roared and tackled Kio'he, eyes dilated, forcing him onto the stairs. Kuve bit into Kio'he's neck, digging his hard penis into Kio'he's pelvic area. "Uh... I love you, too?"

"The hell?" Tahni said as she painfully stumbled up the stairs, one side of her buttocks swollen and large from where the insect had stung her earlier. Kuve came to and stepped away from Kio'he.

"Sorry. I'm really sorry," Kuve stuttered and sat down on another step. Kio'he took a deep breath.

"You really need to get laid," Kio'he remarked. Kuve stood and cleared his throat.

"I just need sleep. I didn't sleep last night," He replied as he headed down the steps. "I'll see you in the morning."

"It's not fair, Tahni," Kio'he joked as they watched Kuve descend down the temple. "He won't even cuddle afterwards!"

"It's the ipu," Tahni taught. Kio'he twitched his black tail.

"What?" He asked, poking the purple fruit.

"He... has a thing for ipu. I guess they're an aphrodisiac... maybe?" Tahni wondered. Kio'he shrugged. Tahni laughed to herself. "Nevermind. I really don't want to relive it."

Kuve sneered as the once creamy white ejaculate had become hard and stuck to the cloth cover of his moss mattress. He flipped over his mattress after deciding to clean it off in the morning. He lay on his bed and listened to the rhythmic beat of the drummers as the sun of a soft lavender sky dipped into a playful blue ocean. He came quickly after a short session of masturbation. He felt too exhausted to become aroused again as he closed his eyes and fell asleep to the first sparkling stars in the sky, holding his tail and grinning wide. After one last love-filled sigh, he fell asleep to dream of his foreign beauty. Siara too settled down early after making an outline of her report on jobs in Kavuan society. She checked her email and received a letter from her parents. They missed her terribly and sent her their love. She learned that her cousin just had a baby boy named Kelan who was eight pounds and four ounces. Siara wrote her parents a short letter and after sending her love back to them, she told them about her day at the harvest. She also told them about her new friend named Kuve. She didn't realize, however, that she wrote a nearly two-page letter telling them everything about him and she had forgotten that she had already sent them three previous long letters about her crush.

Siara watched a star in the dusk sky. It seemed to smile upon her. She closed her eyes and made a wish. She wished she would never have to leave Kavua. She wished she could fall asleep in Kuve's arms on a balmy summer night. She wished her job were more than just a job. She closed her large cerulean eyes and nestled deep into her pillow, sighing deeply to thoughts of her handsome warrior. The star was in fact smiling upon her that night. It twinkled brightly before blending into the twilight sky, smiling large and acknowledging her greatest desires. Would she be granted her lover? Would she stay in Kavua? It would come to know that Siara would soon be granted a dream she never even knew she had.

(1) The Chief Warrior is responsible for all decisions, activities and training of all warriors and is the third highest position in Kavua. The Chief Warrior also decides where and what to hunt.

(2) Wali are a type of large nut grown from water palms and also provide milk and oils. One should be careful while drinking the milk from a wali as it is a natural laxative. Wali shells are also used for instruments, decorations and playing games. Wali hurt if they land on one's head.

(3) Estrous occurs when male Xelorians produce a higher than normal amount of testosterone. Estrous occurs only a handful of times throughout a male Xelorian's life approximately around the ages of 12, 16 and 22 when a male Xelorian is developing and again at around 45 and the last occurrence around the age of 80. Males in estrous may be very temperamental and have very high amounts of energy. Some rare males become very violent and dangerous. The estrous period lasts only for one agonizing week where the male can only think about sex and will stop at nothing to satisfy his needs.

(4) Ipu are a type of melon-like fruit with a hard, edible outer shell. There are many types of ipu and are not native to Kavua.

(5) "The last days" is a popular saying among Kavuans when something is out of order. It derives from their belief that every million and a half years or so, there is increased solar activity which causes planetary chaos and wipes out most life on Xelaros and the planet will tip on its axis. Records of such events are recorded in the Kavuan Codex. Archeologists have proven this belief, which is not only native to Kavua, to be incredibly plausible and accurate. However, the Kavuan Codex is not known in the world and would be an incredible treasure to all of Xelorian society.

(6) A type of large ipu, which is a fruit with a hard yet edible outer shell, grows on thick vines. Olox'ipu are very sweet and abundant with water and juices. The vines from this fruit are used to make ropes, clothing, baskets and more.

(7) Tekeka are large, hooved herbivores donning a cream, black and white coat and medium length tails. They sport short, straight horns. The female's coat will turn a tawny red in the fall which is a sign that they are ready to mate.

KAVUA Chapter 5 - Something About Lai

**KAVUA** **CHAPTER 5 - SOMETHING ABOUT LAI** It looked like a game of connect-the-dots as Siara woke to find countless numbers of itchy, red insect bites dotting her entire body. Somehow during the night, she had managed to fall...

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Chapter 4 - You Don't Always Get What You Want

**KAVUA** **CHAPTER 4 - YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT** It had been only one week since she first stepped foot on Kavua and slowly she was acclimating to her new lifestyle. Already she missed the luxuries of her life in Mariana,...

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THE XIXITSU'S Chapter 1 - A New Place

**THE XIXITSU'S** **CHAPTER 1 - A NEW PLACE** " **KEADE** - very clean, private, 2 bed/2 bath apartment plus amenities. 1500 wan(1) plus half utilities to share w/ fun, 19 year old(2) male smoker. Avail immediately. 9053-72-1420." ...

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