Cursed... (part 5)

Story by yzmar13 on SoFurry

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#5 of Cursed...

Part 5!! Wow, I didn't expect to reach this far in the story on such an early part! (maybe because every single part is 60 pages of A4 or higher, btw this part is 88 pages lol please don't hate me) I can safely say that I'm at the middle of the story by now.

Also, a fair warning: (R18+) which I forgot to include in part 4... ouch...

Yes, this is an adult story, with male/male action (with mild drama squeezed in between for the sake of the story), bad language and mild violence (in yiff at times), so if you are disturbed by such things, or simply get a turn off by some, do yourself a favor and don't proceed. Consider yourself warned.

Tiger, Human, M/Solo, mm, Masturbation, Kissing, Sweat, Cuddling, Making up, Bad Language, Drama, Story Progression.


"Who is it?"

"Four in a Clover."

"... oh, it's you."

"My master sends his regards."

"That aging crumbling fox? How long has it been now?"

"My master needs your... services on some matters."

"I'm afraid we'll be charging some 'extra' funds this time around."


"I'm sorry, yo, it's just that we rely heavily on our payments to live. That's why we keep getting the job done."

"It's alright."

"So? Who's the 'unlucky' bitch this time?"


"... in English, if you don't mind."

"Maybe you'd recognize him by his 'real' name, by any chance?"




"Rings any bell?"

"You... You found him?!"

"Are you taking the job?"

"You sick fuck, you want us to take one of our o-"

"He's not Ramzy anymore."


"Is that a 'yes' or...?"

"We'll do it."

"You will?"

"On one condition."

"There we go..."

"Since you guys have no use for him, you wouldn't mind if I try to convince him to-"

"Do as you wish."

"... really? That was quick..."

"Bottom line is, my master doesn't want him to interfere with his plans... I hope that's not hard on you, because-"

"Hard?! Did you just say, Hard?!"


"... *cheh~* My mood is great after hearing that you found him, punk, so I'll pretend I didn't hear that."

"I do apologize for my lack of manner."

"Tell your 'master' to consider it done in a week."


"I was clear in my condition, wasn't I?"


"Good, then get your butts moving and tell him already, you and your mute big gorilla companion."


Turbo got out of his room, stretching his arms up and checking again if he didn't forget his wallet and keys. A happy smile climbed his face as he stared out at the weather from the window, looks like it's going to be a little cloudy today, another nice morning towards Winter. He got to the kitchen and didn't find Yzmar there, he drank a quick half-filled glass of water and went to his room, knocking the door quietly.

"Yzmar? You awake?"

Soon, the door got open and a frail figure of a staggering human emerged, his green hair was all messed up and his eyes were still half-closed as the sleep was as clear as the sun in his eyes. Turbo got a little freaked out at the black lines under his eyes, he took a step back and put on a panicked attitude, teasing him.

"W-What's with you?!"


"... couldn't sleep?"

The human said nothing, only shaking his head left and right. He began coughing in effort as he held his neck. Turbo stared at him for a minute, sniffed the air then sighed.

"You caught a cold."

"... from yesterday... *cough~*... yea..."

The tiger smiled, he placed both his paws on Yzmar's shoulders and nuzzled his snout at his hair. He then got down on one knee to level his head with the human's, his voice came out warm.

"Aren't you lucky, though? The boss gave you a week off, so you don't have to worry about-"

"I still wan-*cough~*... to go..."

Turbo sighed, he moved his right paw from his shoulder to his head, brushing at it slowly.

"As stubborn as ever, even when you're sick."

"... I've lived my whole life with a disease, a stupid flu is-*coughs~*..."

Turbo smiled, shifting his paw again to his forehead this time and poking at it playfully.

"Well, you should have been more careful in that cold weather."

"It was you who took me there, Tur-*cough~*-bo..."

"Yeah true... but you went all emotional on me and got out."

Yzmar looked back at him in annoyance.

"I'm sorry for-*cough~*-thinking about your... *cough~* happiness back then."

Turbo fell in confusion, then he smiled, getting the human closer and hugging him tenderly. He purred as he rubbed his back to ease him a bit.

"Woah, hey... don't get moody now, it wasn't like I didn't adore that."

"... *cough~*"

"You were ready to break up just for my sake, or so you thought. But I felt proud at that time, you instantly accepted something you don't want in order to protect me."

The human said nothing, blushing a bit at Turbo's words. His body wished for this hug to go on forever.

"But promise me something, Yzmar."

"... *cough~*... what?"

"Promise me that you'll never do it again... ever..."


"I told you before that your life doesn't belong to you alone anymore; it's 'our' life from now on, we're both in this together now. So don't decide things by yourself, ok?"

"... s-*cough~*... sorry..."

Turbo smiled, brushing his head again with his paw as he broke the hug gradually, he planted a slow soft kiss on his lips and stood again.

"Well, I'm off now, my number is near the phone just in case."

"Ok, no-*cough~*... worries..."

Yzmar stood where he was, looking at Turbo's back as he went out, preparing to close the apartment's door behind him. He was already missing the warmth Turbo showered him with last night.

"Turbo... *cough~*"

"... yes, mate?"

Yzmar gazed at him for a bit, then blushed again, he diverted his look to the glass table in the living room and mumbled.

"S... say hi to... eve-*cough~*... everyone for me."

Turbo smiled and nodded, closing the door behind him. Yzmar stood there for a couple of minutes, as his heartbeat raced a bit.

'Say hi? That wasn't on your lips at all.'

"... I got embarrassed, when he looked at me I just..."

'I understand, you can always thank him later.'


'Aren't you glad?'

Yzmar smiled to himself, he raised his hand to his chest, he pulled at the chain from under his shirt and stared at the pendant...

(Glad? Even that word fails to translate my feelings now, I owe him a lot.)

He moved slowly, still sleepy but not really in the mood for sleep. He reached the kitchen, blocking his mouth again as several coughs forced their way out. He wailed as his throat throbbed from the powerful coughs. He reached for the fridge and looked around, taking out a pot of honey and two slices of bread.

"I think I'll just make a simple breakfast and relax in front of the TV, my head is killing me."


The tiger left the apartment building, taking one big breather and staring up; this is a great day indeed. He turned towards the far public park and took a couple of steps, but suddenly a black paw knocked his shoulder softly twice, drawing his attention. Turbo turned around, finding a black doberman in casual silver shirt and blue pants, he wore sunglasses but the faint red dots behind it suggested his eyes to be red. Turbo tilted his head in confusion.

"... I hope it's not trouble that you want."

"As a matter of fact, it could be, yes."

Turbo narrowed his eyes; the way he said that bothered him, but his voice was somewhat familiar. The doberman removed his sunglasses and raised his head a bit, looking Turbo in the eyes. Turbo instantly identified the guy; black eyes with red-colored irises...


"The hell have you been yesterday, you idiot?!"


"I thought we agreed on me coming at eight thirty and checking Yzmar's condition."

(... crap, I forgot...)

"What's that?!"

"Err... hey, I'm... I'm sorry, ok? Chill-"

"Where is he?"


"No, Santa Claus..."

"... who?"


Turbo looked at the doberman as he began to huff in fatigue.

"... you alright, doctor?"

"Hey... I've had a rough night, ok? Please, understand."

"... o... ok, sorry about that. Yzmar is in the apartment, he has a week off."

Ix sighed, putting his sunglasses on again, he left without saying any other word, clearly pissed off. Turbo shook his head; there can't be a 'perfect' day, something just has to happen and make things look gray.

Ix reached the fourth floor, walking across the hallway until he reached the apartment's door. He rang the bell and waited for a bit, no answer... Ix grunted as he rang twice more, still no answer... he knocked hard on the door, and finally the human's voice came from the other side.

"If it's another delivery, then I'm not opening."

"... delivery?"

"Sorry, but I have some bad experience with deliveries. Please, leav-"

"Yzmar, it's me, Ix."

A couple of seconds passed in silence, but soon the sound of the chain-lock lingered and the door got open. Yzmar looked at the doberman in front of him, puzzled.

"Doc? Why are you here?"


"... Aww, don't tell me... damn it, did-*cough~*... Turbo ask you to check my flu?!"

"... no, though I was wondering why you look so... *ahem~*..."

"... come in, doc."

Yzmar walked to the couch and dropped himself on it, he sat there with his head bowing down in fatigue as Ix looked at him in shock. He entered the apartment and closed the door behind him, then he drew near him.

"Pardon me, doc, I'm just too tired right now."

"... not a problem."

"There's some juice in the kitchen's fridge, just... help your-*cough~*... argh."

Ix stood there as he watched the human reach for his neck and breath slower, trying to rest his lungs not to cough too hard. He sighed and went to the kitchen... 5 minutes later, they were both in the living room, setting on the couch as Ix sipped the juice.

"... sorry, I didn't make coffee yet and my head is-"

"It's alright, I don't mind a juice once in a while."

Ix placed the glass on the table, and turned to Yzmar, who just sat there gawking at his own untouched orange juice. The human turned back to him, and shook his head.

"So Turbo didn't-"

"No, even if he did, I wouldn't be here this fast."

"Then-*cough~*... what is it?"

"I'm checking on you, can't a doctor check on his patient?"

"... I'm doing fantastic."


"... well, I'm ill at the moment, but I trust you meant The Grim."

"Yes, but even if you say you're fine, I'm still going to check."

Ix noticed the bothered look on him, and closed his eyes as he insisted.

"I'm sorry, I need to check on my own."

"Does it have to be-*cough~*... n... now?"

"I know you don't feel like it, but I can check on the flu as well while I'm at it."

Yzmar said nothing to that, his head was about to drop from its place from the fever. It was an achievement that he placed his glass on the table without accidentally dropping it, and then he prepared to lay his body on the couch. But Ix shook his head as he stood up, giving him his paw.

"Would be better on the bed."


"At the very least, it's better for your back."

"... ok... *cough~*"

The doberman gave him his shoulder as they moved slowly to Yzmar's room, he helped the human lie on the covers, then he took the desk's chair and dragged it near the bed. He fiddled inside his shirt's pocket and took out a flat wooden stick and a very small hand torch.

"Open your mouth now."

Yzmar responded... but the dog didn't seem so satisfied and ordered again.

"Tongue out, please."

Yzmar stuck his tongue out, as he felt the wooden stick resting on top of it, pressing lightly down to allow the doctor to examine his throat. Yzmar closed his eyes, letting Ix do his job, he suddenly gasped and turned away, blocking his mouth as he coughed strongly. Ix tossed the stick to the recycle bin near him and returned the flashlight to his pocket, staring at him coughing and gasping in effort.

"Swollen, but nothing that you can't live through..."

"... *hard coughs~*..."

"... at least, I think so..."

He wondered for a second, curious as to how he caught cold.

"Where the hell were you yesterday?"

"... w... why?"

"I came to check on you guys last night, and no one was here, I just gave up at ten sharp."

"... we were... somewhere..."

"... date?"

Yzmar said nothing, but Ix smiled as he saw the sudden shift in reactions at the first mention of the word 'date'. That was definitely the case, then. He didn't press on the matter further, and turned to his small case, taking a stethoscope and hanging it on his neck.

"Shirt off."

"... *cough~*... e... eh? My shirt?!"

"Take it off, c'mon."

Yzmar turned a bit red, but this guy was a doctor and examining bodies is what he does. He took a long sigh to calm down, as he slipped the shirt up and placed it near him. Ix eyed the pendant a bit but his eyes shifted to the bite mark on his shoulder. He couldn't hold a smile at the sight of his shoulder, but he soon got back to work. The cold touch of the chestpiece's iron made Yzmar twitch and gasp, while Ix laid one paw on his shoulder to keep him still.

"Breathe normally."

"O... ok..."

The cold steel moved from spot to spot, Yzmar glanced at the doberman's face while keeping his breather normal, his face was tense and focused, already driven by his career's field. His paw holding the shoulder moved a little to the back and pushed slowly, forcing Yzmar to bow as he began checking his back now, sending short jolts with the chestpiece in his paw.

"It's... *gasp~* cold..."

"Suck it up, a little more and I'm done, just focus on your breather."

He finally stopped, still humming to himself as he put the stethoscope back and took a pen and a notebook. He wrote something hastily, then cleared his throat.

"Lay down again, I'm checking your muscles."

"My what?!"

"Just do as I say."

"But why?"

Ix looked at him with a cold look, saying nothing. Soon, Yzmar got laid by two paws slowly back to the pillow, as his eyes looked back at two dark red dots that seem to hold no compassion.

"W-wait, w... what are you..."

"Didn't you hear me?"


"What the..."

Ix's eyes connected with Yzmar's, as the dog was wondering why he was looking at him in worried and helpless faces. Ix suddenly grasped what Yzmar was thinking, and chuckled... though his voice came a little ticked off.

"You brainless human, I should chew your face off!"

"... eh?"

"I said I'm checking your muscles, and that's exactly what I'll do. But your twisted 'watermelon' up in your head had to think of funny stuff, didn't it?"

Yzmar said nothing, embarrassment got the best of him. Ix got up from his chair as he bowed forward over him. He moved the pendant aside, then he placed two paws on his chest and began pressing softly at some places. His paws' touch was so soft it almost made some electric sparks inside Yzmar, it was warm in comparison with the stethoscope, which made the poor human shiver a bit in guilty delight. Ix was clearly a little angry even though his voice was low.

"Stay still, please."

"... I..."

"I'm running out of patience here."


Yzmar closed his eyes firmly, clutching both hands at the covers as he tried his best to think of something else. His face was blood red by now, he thanked God the doberman didn't notice it, or maybe he did but he avoided an embarrassing and awkward moment. The paws kept exploring; abdomen, torso, shoulders, arms... he soon reached way too close to his underbelly, and it made Yzmar open his eyes wide and quiver in response.

"Too close! *gasp~* Not too close!"

"Shhh, I'm doing my job-"

"You have a 'job' down there too?!"

"Why you-Could you just shut up? You're so noisy!"

After what almost felt like a teasing torture, Ix sighed as he stood straight up again. Yzmar instantly sat up and bent his knees a little up, a frail attempt to hide the 'camp' in his pants.

"Don't worry, I had to work with your... 'type' before."

"... what do you mean by my type?"

"I mean the tent you're trying to hide."


"It's ok, I know you can't help it. But I had to do what I did, it's important for me so I can spot any usual side effects."


"Ok, that's it for the flu. Now, I'll need to take a bit of your blood."

Yzmar, instantly realizing that the doctor was checking on his disease, extended his arm in front of him. Ix examined his pulse first, then took out a small needle as he cleaned a spot in his arm. He felt a shiver as the needle came to his sight, he looked at Yzmar and he was closing his eyes, but fear was written all over his face.


_(Want a shot, kiddo?)


(It'll do you good, just like it does me.)

(... n... no... I don't want...)

(Tch! Better not waste it on brats like you, I guess.)_

Yzmar shook his head, his body shivered less now.

"Heh, there's no need to lie to me, Yzmar."


"It's not something to be ashamed of."


Having seen and worked with many people before, Ix said nothing as he stared at him. Yzmar wasn't breathing quickly, and that last 'alright' was rather too calm for someone scared; he wasn't scared of the needle, something happened in this human's past that seems to have created this reaction over every needle he sees. Even though he was curious to know what it was, Ix kept his relationship with Yzmar as patient and his doctor. He was quick about it and took out a small bandage.

"How's your chest wound?"

"... it doesn't hurt anymore."

"Good, that means the stitching was perfect. Just give it more time."


"Yzmar, do you hear voices?"

"... v... voices? Like what?"

"Anything, voices... as if someone else is talking to you."

Yzmar remained silent, but his mind suddenly came to his ears and whispered.

'Heh, voices, he said.'


'Well, it's not considered 'voices' if it's the same person thinking inside himself, is it?'

'I really don't know about that.'

'What do you mean, Heart?'

'I can't put it to words...'

'Nonsense, ever since he was Ramzy he always thought deeply like that.'

"I'm no longer him."

"You're no longer... who?"


Yzmar looked at Ix in shock, realizing that he spoke out loud as the doberman looked back at him in serious glares. The dog brought his chair a little closer as he bent his upper body forward, trying to squeeze this bit of information from him.

"Who were you talking to?"


Ix hummed in thought, then turned to him again.

"Since when did you start hearing those voices?"

"... what voices?"

"Yzmar, I warned you about lying to me."


"No matter how real or true they are, try to resist it, it's just The Grim playing tricks on you."

"... *cough~*... tricks?"

"Call it hallucination, it's when you see or hear something that isn't real."

"... but... but sometimes it feels like..."



"I've seen this disease many times, and believe me it will be your end if

you can't resist it."

Yzmar coughed, still thinking about his words. His 'mind' and 'heart' do sometimes have a voice of their own, maybe the doctor is right. He came back to his senses as he suddenly saw his shirt hanging in front of him by a paw, Ix handed him his shirt back and stood up, returning the chair where it was. It seems that The Grim is somewhat stable for now, that's a good sign.

"Warm yourself up, it's the best cure for flu."

Yzmar's gaze got lost on the shirt being placed on his lap. He turned slowly at the room's window, spotting a couple of birds flying in the sky. He fancied the idea of how an animal's life must feel so... free and simple.

"... it's not the flu that I want a cure for..."

Ix said nothing, his back was to Yzmar when he heard those words. Ix got down with a grunt as he returned his tools inside his case.

"Oh? So... was treating it a waste of my time? Should I leave you to suffer from this flu as well?"


"As a doctor, I've been treating a lot of people, Yzmar. I've seen many things that can make anyone throw up."

Yzmar remained at the bed, looking at both his hands as he heard Ix speaking, he gulped hard as the doctor went on.

"I've seen many patients having something as silly as flu, but I've also seen many corpses as well. People suffer from different things everyday, some are easy to deal with, and some are really dangerous and require serious treatment... but the smile of gratitude that I get at the end is just the same. Both bow and repeat thanking words that are valued equally in my ears. When it comes to health, there's nothing wasted."

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I truly am grateful for everything."

"Then stop looking at life through a black-and-white screen."

"... I... I don't know... how..."

"Then reach for help, call for it, scream if you have to."


"You have great support from Turbo already, if something is troubling you, don't keep it inside or you'll become sick again. Don't think too hard about your disease and end up forgetting everything else around you."

"What's the point? Either way, I'm going to..."

"We all die at the end, some die of age, some of car crash, some being killed... some by an illness."


"But the worst form of death is when you're dead while still being alive."


"Never give up, Yzmar. That's all I can tell you for now, but please believe in yourself a little more, don't end up an empty shell."

Yzmar shut his eyes closed, if only he could do that, if only there was a way. Whenever he finally thinks that he's starting anew, his past explodes those thoughts to bits. Ix rolled his fist tightly, almost grunting to keep himself quiet about it.

'All I need is more time, and if it proves successful, you'll see how you'll get your life back.'

Ix carried his case and looked at him for a minute, he threw a small medicine bottle at the bed near him.

"Make sure you take that three times a day; after breakfast, after lunch and before sleep."

"... what is this?"

"For your flu."

"How come you... have it? I knew it, Turbo told you-"

"Actually, I have the flu as well."

Yzmar took a quick look at the bottle, and it was clear that it was used. This is Ix's medicine!

"I've been waiting for you both last night for an hour and a half, I was like... asking the flu to strike me."

"... then keep it with you, I'll go buy-"

"Don't worry about it, I'll be on my way home anyway, so I'll drop by the pharmacy and buy another. You just stay rested."

"... why?"

Ix looked at him for a bit, not grasping the meaning of the question. The human turned to the bottle resting near him on the bed, his face turned serious now. This new life he's about to march in... it's so different, so... alien. Were there such people back then too?

"I've... I've never... I cannot repay this."

"What? You broke? Don't you know that FEVA paid me in adv-"

"I cannot repay everyone's kindness..."

'K... kindness?'

"I'm suddenly surrounded, overflowed by kind people. It's too much, I don't... I don't know what to..."

Ix smiled and came back closer to the bed, he placed one knee on the bed near Yzmar, he bowed and placed his paw on his bare shoulder since he didn't wear his shirt yet, and he lowered his face a bit to peek on his sulking face.

"You do not need to repay kindness, silly."

"... but..."

"Or else, you'd be indebted to Turbo your whole life and still can't repay him fully."

"But I feel so disabled... like I'm being... carried, some extra luggage, a burden."

"There's nothing wrong with feeling weak, we all need a shoulder to stand up again in our lives at some point, there's no shame in that. Just make sure you never let go of the shoulder that's been given to you."

The human shivered, still not believing how his life changed, he wondered how his stay in Velencia would have been like if Turbo never gave him his 'shoulder'. Satisfied with that much, Ix stood up and placed one paw inside his pocket.

"Turbo told me that he programmed one of the quick dials in the apartment's phone to my number, so make sure you ring for me as soon as anything happens."

Yzmar's sulking head made no sound at all, he nodded as he took the shirt and prepared to wear it again. Ix kept looking at that strange gaze, it's as if Yzmar was thinking that he doesn't deserve any of this. A couple of weak coughs broke the silence, he took the bottle and kept staring at it. Ix walked to the apartment's door, and called over before stepping out.

"Remember, just keep your body warm and you should do fine. And I know the medicine tastes like crap, but just put up with it until you get better."

Yzmar moved after hearing the sound of the closing door, he went to the kitchen, took the honey pot and bread, returned to the living room and placed everything on the table there. He sat heavily and stared at the medicine bottle. His mind came back alive again.

'Heh, taste... he doesn't know yet.'


'Wonder what face he'd put should he know, heheh."


'Hey, what's with you? You've been so awfully quiet.'


'You... You're ignoring me, aren't you? Do you believe that dirt dog?!'


'Yzmar, don't make me angry now, this isn't funny.'

"You said 'make me angry' just now!"

'... eh?'

"Aren't you me, to begin with?!"

'What's with all this pointless load of crap? Of course, I am you!'


'Hey... I'm telling you, that shitty dog doesn't know a thing, I'm not your fucking Grim.'

Yzmar sighed as he reached for the TV's remote.

(If I'm to stop thinking, I need to be busy with something else.)

He switched the TV on and it was on the news, he shrugged as he didn't really have anything in mind to look for, he just wanted to hear some 'other' voices to banish the ones in his head. He reached for the honey pot and began covering his bread with it using a small knife, while listening to the news.

"And on other news, we got some interesting evolution going on in Flander's Environmental Validation Association, also vastly known as FEVA, as it mark some unbelievable progress-"

Yzmar suddenly sat straight on the couch as he heard the company's name. He smiled to himself, at least something interesting is showing up on the news for a change. He kept working on the bread in his hand and began paying full attention to the orca reporter.

"-one of the residents close by happily informed us of this development. The hyena also said that it was timed with the arrival of his fellow human friend as he got his hands on the job within the company's factory."

Yzmar looked puzzled a bit, that human being mentioned is - without a doubt - himself, but he didn't come to Velencia with any 'friends', let alone a hyena. But what he saw and heard next almost made him drop the honey-smothered bread on his bent leg, the hyena's picture on the screen... it was that guy with the buffalo, the limo driver... Amado! This must be his doing! What are they planning?

"-he was even kind enough to accept a quick interview, which he happily informed our reporter with the following."

"So tell us more about this human."

"I don't know what to tell you, man, my friend is just a master tinker, that's what we call him. Just put him in one room with a couple of computers and other tools and BAM, he made a robot!"

"He's that good?!"

"No, though he's getting there."


"But the point is... I never was able to understand his complex mind, it's a real shame such a bright guy is infected with... *gasp~*"


"... Infected?"

(... shit, I made that slip.)

"Is he ill?"

"I'm... I'm sorry, I've already told you more than I should, he asked me to keep it a secret, so I'm afraid I have no further comments about him. But I'm sure FEVA have one of the best engineers this world will surely remember."

"Sadly, he refused to give any additional details about this triumph card FEVA got its paws on, or else it would have been a nice addition. But it was a hot topic nonetheless, since FEVA is one of the top companies that work for the evolution of everyone's lifestyle. We move now to-"

Yzmar stared at the TV screen in horror, the news was about something else by now but his thoughts no longer wondered in the colorful screen in front of him. He clutched his teeth as he reached for the remote again and switched the channel to some funny play, but it was already too late, he wanted to think of something else but there he was, thinking about his condition again.

'Bastards, they even know about... damn... Damn it, he almost told the whole world, that was a clear threat to me right there! Those fucking snakes, how much do they know?!'

He stood up, the bread still in his hand as he walked about the living room.

'Just how far are they planning to go? Why can't I open a new page? Why must everyone shove it in my face like-'

He stopped, reaching for his throat as series of coughs barged in. He put one hand on the small table in the living room that had the phone placed on it, and began coughing. After a while, the coughs stopped, leaving him gasping for air, he then smiled sarcastically to himself.

'Is it that much fun to screw with one's life? I don't even have much of it left, why don't you fuckers find someone else?'

He looked at the bread in his hand as he felt the slimy honey leaking to his thumb. Looks like he didn't hold it right when he was coughing. Suddenly, his chest began to hurt a lot, and his heart shrank. His eyes widened as he couldn't remember the last time it was this sharp.

"Ack... *gasp~*... damit..."

He quickly fished inside his shirt from its collar, taking out the pendant. He pressed at the top of the T shape and the rubber needle emerged at the other side. One small bee sting to his neck and his heart began to calm down again. A couple of pants broke free in respite as he stared at the pendant, and Turbo's image quickly flashed in his vision.

(Or else you'd be indebted to Turbo your whole life and still can't repay him fully.)

'Heh... I keep getting my ass saved by him, don't I? Well, Better eat something to get that damn medicine, or else the coughs might do me before The Grim does.'

On weak feet again, he went to the glass table and sat on the couch. He turned the TV off and - for some reason - his thoughts were all blank. Finally finished with his breakfast and drank his medicine, the sleep knocked the door on his eyes again, reminding him of how he couldn't rest all night. He wobbled a bit, not feeling any strength left for returning the honey pot to the fridge at least. He soon dropped himself on the couch, resting his head on the middle of the couch with a small pillow, bending his left leg down to rest his foot on the ground and extending his right leg over the couch's armrest.

(Phew... just relax for now, think later... right now, I'm dead beat.)

He closed his eyes gradually, hoping that this time he'll be able to get some sleep...


The car stopped at the public park and the engine died with it, Turbo got off and - although being as hasty as he was - made sure to lock, not repeating the same stupid mistake he did when he first got his badge stolen.

(Shit shit shit, I hope everything's alright. I should have taken some days off too, shit. Why didn't he answer the phone, for fuck sake?)

He began to sprint his way to the apartment, furries made way to this rushing tiger as they wondered what his problem was. He made it to the fourth floor, almost tripping over the last step and turned the key in the keyhole hastily. He stepped inside, and was struck speechless by the scene.


Yzmar was asleep, he was lying on his back and both his knees bent and resting over the armrest. Near him on the table was a small plate with some bread crisps and a closed honey pot with a knife on top of it, and a small medicine bottle. A number of rolled-up used tissues were near him on the table, and a box of tissues resting on the ground between his couch and the table.

'... He's...'

He walked slowly inside the living room, staring at the human in his peaceful snooze. A faint grunt escaped Turbo's jaw as he sat at the opposite couch and held his bowing head with both paws.

'Fuck, and I was worried sick and shit... the guy was asleep... *phew~*...'

A groan ringed in his twitching circle ears, he looked at him and Yzmar was shifting his head a bit to the side. A clear look of discomfort was on his face, but it wasn't enough to break his sleep. He was dreaming, no doubt about it, but his forehead was shining with sweat beads. His flu gave him a hard time, but at least he's asleep now. Turbo stood up, moved to his couch and, carefully and slowly, sat near his head, staring at him for awhile. He raised Yzmar's head and shoulders a bit gently as he swayed the pillow away with his tail. He then shifted a bit closer, bending his right foot under his left knee, he then rested Yzmar's head lightly on his bent leg to be used as a pillow. He smiled to himself, glad that Yzmar didn't wake up. He turned his upper body a bit to the right, facing the TV, and laid his right arm over the couch. He stared at his body as it went up and down with every breath he took, Yzmar's expression was a little better now, though he still had trouble with his nose and so his lips parted slightly to breathe, a low grunt full of effort accompanied every exhale. Turbo lost himself for a bit as he began brushing at his mate's head and hair whenever he made another painful groan, taking in his smells and closing his eyes in awe.

(God, even when you're feverish, your smells and looks are so damn hot.)

Turbo began thinking while staring at him in his sleep, he still couldn't understand how this guy thinks most of the time, but his heart was almost bursting open for him.


He brushed at his head more, loving the touch of his hair.

'Even though you wear a strong personality usually, you're just a young man like everyone else. You have a strong shell, you're so strong on the outside, but all this time you wanted someone to break your barrier and reach for your heart, didn't you?'

He raised his head a bit, looking at the medicine on the table.

(Just like me, eh?)


The graveyard was just as it was; dark, dusty, windy and without any source of light other than the full moon. Yzmar turned about himself, not believing where he was. It's the same freaking dream, or maybe calling it a nightmare would be more suitable. He let out a sharp gasp, stepping back a bit, as a big figure of rigid black cape flapped in front of him.

'How kind of you to visit again, human.'

That same demonic voice, those same white glows and gigantic scythe. Yzmar closed his eyes, whispering inside himself that it's all just a bad dream. But, although his eyes were closed, he could see the thing drawing near, extending one hand and resting it on his head. The touch wasn't soft at all, the figure's hand had no skin nor flesh, only clean and cold white bones.

'What's wrong, mortal? Is being dead all that scary to you?'

"It's just a dream, it's just a bad dream."

Suddenly, everything vanished. Yzmar opened his eyes slowly, and stood motionless as he was staring at himself when he was young. The young Ramzy was worried, he gazed at a closed door and his hands were brought together in a hopeful prayer. A clear sound of fighting and angry quarrel can be heard from the other side, and it wasn't just anyone's voice. Yzmar couldn't move, he just stared in horror at his own memories being played in front of him again.

"... no... stop it..."

(... no... mom, dad... please, stop fighting...)

He reached for his ears, pressing hard on them to block these sounds. But it didn't do him any good, the fighting and shouting was as high as it was, and the door looked more and more creepy.

"... enough, stop it already!"

(Mom, Dad, stop this, please!)

The sounds suddenly stopped, and a long choking silence sent a shiver to Yzmar's spine. Young Ramzy began to panic, he turned left and right, then to the door again, not sure what he must do. He turned to Yzmar and looked at him in the eye, his face was sorrowful. Yzmar closed his eyes and shouted in anger.


The door opened slowly, as a drunken man with a bottle of beer emerged. He fished inside his pocket and took out a needle, clearly some kind of drug. He looked at Yzmar and smiled.

_(Want a shot, kiddo?)


"... *gasp~* oh please... stop..."

_(It'll do you good, just like it does me.)

(... n... no... I don't want...)

(Tch! Better not waste it on brats like you, I guess.)_


The man turned around, as if he couldn't hear Yzmar, and started to walk away, gradually fading in the veil of the darkness around him.


Yzmar took a couple of steps to the door, then stopped... afraid of seeing the same scene, the same horrible bloody spot, and the smashed chair, and the stinky heavy air, and her...

"... m... mom..."

Yzmar gulped hard, cowering to go any further, stopping just in time not to see anything past the open door. He dropped his head down and stood there, confused, worried, weak... he was now at the hospital as he just turned 14, a doctor with a folder full of paper sheets was looking back at him in sad gazes.

_(Son, your father... he's... in a coma)

(... what's a cow-ma?)_

"... please stop... everybody just... shut up..."

The doctor bowed a little to look in young Ramzy's face, he pat his head gently and tried to pick his words carefully.

_(He'll be... asleep for a long while.)

(... oh, that's alright, he usually sleeps most of the day.)

(No, I mean... asleep for, maybe... more than a month.)_

"No more... please..."

_(... a... month?)

(Maybe longer...)

(How will he eat and drink?)

(Don't worry, he'll be fine... but, son... you're...)_

"No... stop it..."

The place changed again, as he stood in the middle of the playground at school. Kids from all grades kept their distance, screaming and crying whenever he does as much as looking their way.

_(Oh, no! It's the walking disease!)

(Waaaaaaaah~ I don't want to die!)

(No... St-stay away!)

(Why would they allow him in school?!)

(Beat it, corpse!)

(Go die somewhere else!)_

The kids began throwing everything at him to keep him at bay; food, shoes, rocks... Young Ramzy stood there, only trying to defend himself from all the missiles thrown his way, as his ears kept hearing the rabbling insults and curses. But soon the teachers would come for his rescue whenever that happened, shooing the bullies away and taking care of him. They always told him that it's not his fault, he was a kid like the rest, and he was smart only shy. But, all the while, he never blamed any of them, he began gradually hating himself instead. He believed this curse to be his own fault. After all, his father died on the hospital bed because of him, and his mother was weak and ill most of the time because she still 'had' to give him milk. Yzmar's whole body began to shake, his hands reached to his face to cover his eyes, but the images remained in his vision. Now he was in a dark old building that lacked furniture and wall paint, cracks filled the place but that was the least of concerns back then. All kinds of men were around him, laughing and drinking amongst themselves, while he retreated quietly in a corner, sobbing and rubbing his back sides in pain. Fear reclaimed Yzmar's heart, being so awfully familiar with the experience this scene is sending to his nerves.

"I'm... scared... it just won't stop..."

'Don't be, I'm always with you, Yzmar.'

Yzmar opened his eyes a bit, confused to hear someone else's voice. Turbo was standing in front of him, they were in the middle of the graveyard again, a warm smile was spreading across his cat face. The tiger reached for his head with one paw, swirling it slowly and softly against his hair.

"Tur... bo..."

'Yes, I'm here, mate, I'm here for you.'

A number of voices emerged suddenly, moans and cries of pain radiated from every epitaph, and the ground began to shake slightly. Yzmar quickly stepped closer to Turbo as he felt the tiger hugging him back, he shivered in fright, blocking his ears.

"Turbo... the voices..."

'Calm down.'

"Turbo, make them stop... please, make them stop."

'Do not worry, mate, for I am here for you.'

Yzmar suddenly choked, realizing to his surprise that Turbo was now strangling him off his feet. The tiger looked up at his panicking face in angry glares, as his paws pressed harder on his neck.

"Tu... aaargh... kk..."

'I said I was here for you... human filth...'

"Wh... what did I ever... do to..."

Yzmar's eyes cried, his heart felt the kind of pain he never wanted to feel again, being used like trash has always been the case with him. Looks like things didn't change one bit. He looked at Turbo down, as his eyes begged him to stop. He found his body being sealed with cold chains as he was suddenly naked, he struggled against them with everything he got, screaming and shouting in horror.


Suddenly one of the iron chains whipped his face, striking over his eyebrow wound to open it again. Yzmar shivered and his struggles all died off instantly, this lash just now...

'Hurt, doesn't it? Still a bad dream?'

Yzmar was now staring at Turbo naked, the tiger's darting eyes were so fierce. He moved to the tied up human and trailed one paw at his cheek, wiping a bit of the blood on his face. Yzmar watched in fright as Turbo brought the paw to his muzzle and licked at it in slow delighted eagerness, moaning wickedly.

'I think I did tell you that you taste... wonderful... right?'

"No... this can't be... happening..."

The tiger slowly turned around him, he hugged him from behind as Yzmar felt his rear being poked at. His heart almost got out from the horror as two paws reached to his chest and belly slowly. He could hear the tiger moaning, his muzzle was now over Yzmar's left shoulder, panting slowly. He grunted in sudden shock, feeling Turbo's paw digging a little inside the flesh, drawing a bloody scratch slowly across his chest as it went down diagonally.


"... *fast breather~*"

'Good, because you should be.'

"T-Turbo, please s-stop..."

His pleading was all ignored as he felt it, the feral cock forced itself inside with a loud slimy squash every time he thrusts inside him. Yzmar couldn't believe how painful it was, it was abnormal, nothing like the times he got fucked before. It felt like an iron drill down there, not a cock of flesh and blood. On top of that, Turbo was making strange and furious grunts, he was enjoying this tormenting session so much he didn't stop at the first release. Yzmar's body rocked with every thrust, barely holding on and withstanding the pain... but suddenly, the anguish feeling increased as the knot joined in too, sending him whimpering and crying.

"Hu... rts... s... sto-"

Suddenly, Turbo's right paw went up and snatched at the front of his hair, pulling at it brutally as he went on fucking him. Yzmar raised his head up to ease the pain a little, crying in effort as the pounding filled his ears.


'Human, you WILL know your place.'

"T... Turbo... st... op..."

'Quiet, and enjoy it.'

"S... s... *sob~*... sto... STOP IT, IT HURTS, PLEASE STOP!"

"-after that, you keep it in the oven for about 1 hour and-*static~* He dashes between their defenses! HE SHOOTS! Awwwww, he just-*static~*"


Suddenly, everything went blank... the chains were gone, the graveyard, the voices, the pain, Turbo was no longer with him, he couldn't even see himself. It was all pitch black, void. Only this strange mic-like sound...

"-don't know what to say, Jim; both of them have almost the same record in wins and loses. But I think Remeron has a better body build, so-"

'Who's... who's there?'

"-Oh, he got up, he pushed him just before the third count! Looks like he's not giving up this easily, folks!-"

Yzmar parted his eyes a bit slowly, getting a little blinded by the lights of the living room, his ears picking the sound of continuous cheering and whistles. He felt something really soft under his head, it was so warm and cozy, this paw toying with his hair, these masculine muscular tiger smells... it was all familiar! He raised his head a little upward and saw his tiger sitting near him, offering his leg for him to rest on it as he sat back watching a wrestling match on the screen. He noticed a smile on Turbo's muzzle, and his paw didn't stop playing, he clearly was enjoying himself and didn't focus on the screen as much as he focused on rubbing his head.

(Just make sure you never let go of the shoulder that's been given to you.)

Yzmar felt his heart leaping up again, but it wasn't The Grim, it was... happiness. He was relieved that he woke up from his dream, and in the hold of his loved one. He felt safe again, he recognized this tiger... the one his body started to rely on. He let out a faint grunt as he bent his knees up, feeling his muscles being so stiff from lack of movement. Turbo lingered down and spotted his half-opened eyes, the human was still breathing from his mouth slowly; whenever he clears his nose, it kept getting blocked by... stuff.

"Oh... you awake."


"... hi there."

"... hi."

"I'm sorry, did the TV wake you up?"

"It's ok... don't worry about it, I had a good sleep..."

"That's good to hear."

"... thanks to you."

Turbo smiled warmly and closed his eyes, his tail began wagging lightly in joy, happy to hear those words, he turned his attention back to the TV. His paw never stopped, making the human close his eyes again and sigh in comfort. He whispered 'thanks to you' again on his lips, in which Turbo's ears did catch, grateful for him to be there. Turbo couldn't help but put on an even wider smile, he looked down at him and Yzmar's eyes were closed again, still breathing slowly from his mouth.

'No, Yzmar... Thank you, thank you for opening up, thank you for returning my love with love... thank you...'

He shifted his right paw and gripped on the couch, his left paw caressed the side of his face as he lowered his muzzle gradually. Yzmar felt all these movements, but never opened his eyes, troubled enough by his flu. Soon, Turbo's muzzle reached his forehead, and a tender, affectionate kiss rested there.

"No Yzmar... sincerely... truly... thank you for being strong."

A tear slipped through Yzmar's closed eyes, this tiger is unbelievable. The poor human was agitated, he tried to control this killing feeling to cry. Never did he find such support in his entire life. Another paw reached for his right shoulder and began massaging him, draining his stress to nothingness. He opened his watery eyes again, and he was now staring at Turbo's face up-side-down.

"Feeling better?"

"Yes... yes, love... much better."

Turbo's heart pulsed in heat, this was the first time Yzmar says that word to him. He's getting close, he never got to see him smile from his heart but he's sure now that he's on the right track.


"... hmm?"

Yzmar shivered as Turbo's muzzle whispered at his face, it went for his slightly open mouth and breathed on it. Slowly, their lips touched as he planted a kiss, then drew back to let him breathe, licking at his lips. Yzmar's cheeks burned red, his tongue unconsciously getting out a bit begging for more, and another kiss soon found its way inside. A scurfy tongue intruded this time, but it was slow and passionate, and got welcomed by the human's mouth as Yzmar opened up wider, closing his eyes and feeling the love covering him from above his head.

'Someday, Yzmar... someday, I'm going to make you smile and laugh, so much your mouth will hurt from spreading and grinning. I'll never rest until I do it, and I know I will... yes... someday.'

He broke the kiss and stared at his face, the human opened his eyes a bit in a dazed delight, but he couldn't do anything since his head felt so heavy. Turbo bowed down again, and began licking all over his face lazily, cleaning him from all the sweat that got formed by his fever, ending it with another kiss on his lips. Yzmar felt a bit better, feeling the faint tongue against his face, cooling his skin.

"Yzmar, get better soon, ok?"

"... yeah... I will... it's just flu."

"Did you take your medicine? When do you need to take it?"

"Don't remind me... it tastes awful..."

"Heh, there's no 'sweet' medicine yet."

"... what time is it?"

"It's noon."

"What?! Shouldn't you be at the facto-"

"I rushed back here because I called and you didn't answer."


"I didn't know you were asleep, so I excused myself and the boss didn't mind. I was really worried about you, idiot..."


"... you know? You're more than a mate to me, love, you're like my savior... my salvation."

"W... what's wrong with you, all of a sudden?"

Yzmar looked at the TV screen, a little abashed. The earlier match already ended, and another one was starting up soon... not that they cared. He soon got hugged a little tighter than before, he looked up at Turbo as the tiger faced him down and closed his eyes, smiling at him.

"If it wasn't for you, I still would have been the same hard-headed tiger that I was."

"C-Can you..."


"Can you ease a little bit?"

"Oh, sorry."

Turbo's smile went wider, he eased his hold, noticing clearly how much Yzmar was sweating because of his flu.

"Come to think of it, you're... burning."

"... misplaced flattery... mistimed, too."

Turbo exploded in strong laughter, his eyes watered a bit since he was stressed out himself. He looked at him for a minute and closed his eyes in a glee, rubbing the human's shoulders more.

"You naive bastard, I meant your fever."

"... oh."

"Sheesh, you're unpredictable at all."

"Say, can I get a pack of ice?"

"What are you going to do with the ice?"

"Mentioning my fever, I feel like my head would melt."

"But Ix told me to keep you warmed up, ice will make it worse."

"... *sigh~* ok, how about a cold shower instead?"

"It would still have 'cold' in it, so I'm afraid not."

Yzmar frowned in discomfort.

"Being too 'warmed up' is tiring..."

"Oh, stop whining like a baby."

"But all this sweat is making my clothes feel terrible."

"... then remove them, no?"

Yzmar instantly got the roses in his cheeks, he looked straight at the TV, not wanting him to see his blush. Turbo smiled, he didn't have to look at his face to understand this sudden silence, he moaned as he licked at his forehead, sending him a shiver.

"... *purr~* Why not, mmm?"

"... d... don't be stupid, you yourself said that I should warm myself up. If I remove my clothes, won't that make me feel cold?"

"Then wear new ones."

"And keep wearing new ones whenever I sweat? I don't think that wou-"

"Then stay naked, I'll keep you warm..."


"No problems there, right?"

Without saying any more, Turbo moved his paws slowly to Yzmar's shirt, tugging at it up and began removing it slowly.

"I like you more without clothes, after all *rawr~*."



"I-I didn't approve of your idea yet! Besides, flu is contagious, isn't it?"

"I don't mind anything you send my way."


"Why are you so embarrassed about it anyway? We're mates, aren't we?"


The tiger's smile turned to a devilish grin filled with stirring passion, his paws still getting the shirt off.

"And it's not like I've never seen you bare-skinned before."

"Th-That's not the point!"

Yzmar felt himself getting more rosy, the paws were now starting to force his arms up as they removed his shirt, slowly undressing him. The human wanted to stop him, but his body didn't respond as it was busy enough fighting against his flu. As the shirt slipped off, Yzmar instantly hugged himself, shortly feeling strong arms and paws hugging him in their turn and bringing him back to Turbo's strong form again. Yzmar's expression soon changed, sitting up on Turbo's bent leg and being hugged to his chest. The arms around him felt so warm, warmer than before when he had his shirt on.

"It feels... warm..."

"See? I told you I can keep you warm."

Yzmar's eyes got a little dazed, when was the last time he got hugged like this before? When was it that he felt this feeling of being taken care of? It felt so familiar, yet he couldn't remember... maybe because he never got cradled like this in his entire life. No, someone must have embraced him with love like this before, or else he wouldn't... wait...

'... mom...'

Yzmar dropped his head slowly, feeling this strong protection sensation swarming around him again.

"Feels... so warm... safe..."

Turbo smiled warmly to himself, gazing at the now relaxed human, happy that he could at least make him feel better. His body was red a bit from the heat... or maybe his entire skin blushed, it looked so cute in Turbo's eyes. He moved him away a bit and felt the human shiver, trying to hold him in place.

"P... Please, stay like this for-"

Yzmar stopped as he felt him licking the back of his ear, the tiger then whispered quietly, shoving the side of his human's head with his muzzle.

"Don't worry, my love, I'm not going anywhere. I'll just remove my clothes to warm you better, hang on."

Turbo tried to be quick, removing his top garment and shirt. He stood near the couch and slipped his pants down, keeping only his boxers on. He sat behind him again and hugged him to his bare body, purring softly in his ears. Yzmar felt his own body melting again, not from fever but... no, maybe it can be called 'fever' here too; it felt hot all the same anyway. His body didn't stop sweating, but this time his sweat got sucked up by the fur around him. Only the soft, tender touch of Turbo's strong physique surrounded the human, and a continuous rumbling timed with purrs and exhales dug deep up his head. Yzmar felt furry paws wondering around his chest, making him moan a little. His paws reached lower and lower, getting to his legs and caressing at them softly from over his trousers. His claws partially emerged and made some low stripping noises as it scratched gently at the human's pants, but not hard enough to rip it apart, only debating the idea. Yzmar twitched a bit, not believing how he can get a hard-on while being ill. There's just no stopping this damn arousal.

"Does my lovely lollipop want these off? Hmm?"

"... uh-oh, someone's being a naughty kitty."

"Aww, being a naughty kitty is not so bad once in a while."

The feline moved his jaws closer, nuzzling against Yzmar's left cheek and giving out a soft, low and innocent meow sound. Yzmar chuckled as he felt his paws getting up again from his legs to his underbelly, lingering a bit at the top of his trousers.

"C'mon... this naughty kitty only wants to play."

"You know, putting on a submissive attitude doesn't suit you at all."

"Oh? I think I'm doing really good so far."

"Maybe... but as I said, it just doesn't suit you."

"... Well, at least I tried!"

Yzmar laughed a bit, a laugh that ended up turning to a painful cough. He took a deep breath and stared at the TV in consent as one of the wrestlers stood on the corner and raised the golden belt in a victory pose, he was ill but he wished for the time to freeze forever. He rested his back against Turbo's burly muscles and sighed in relief, his voice came so serene and low.

"I wonder if it's ok..."

"... what is?"

"I... I'm not sure... Turbo, my love for you is... beyond words."

Turbo smiled bashfully and his tail wagged more wildly, he couldn't put it any better himself. Yzmar went on.

"I love you like a sibling; like a big brother, or a father that I've never had, but it feels much much more than that... I can't describe it."

"That's how having a mate in your life feels like."

"A mate..."

A slow, soft lick brushed against his hair.

"Siblings and parents are close to you by blood, they're from the same family and usually stand for one another, some get so close they can feel for you, too."

Yzmar began thinking about his parents... if that was really the case then his father wouldn't... no, he just wouldn't if it was true... his thoughts broke as soon as the tiger rubbed around his body in a loving cuddle, one of the paws went up at Yzmar's bandage while the other stayed at his groin.

"But mates have connections deeper than that, a mate is close to you by merging his own soul with yours."

"Merging... his soul?"

"The moment I saw that dagger at your chest... my own heart felt the wound, it felt as if I was about to die with you there."


"Mates, although couples, have only one soul. If that soul gets as small as a scratch in it, both mates feel exactly the same amount of pain-"

Yzmar felt the tiger's muzzle rubbing his cheek more, the bushy tail reached from in between their legs and danced a bit over Yzmar's pants, rubbing lazily over his ballsack as Turbo finished his sentence.

"-and, of course, same goes for passion and love."

At that point, the paw down his belly slipped slowly under his pants. Yzmar didn't resist, though, all he could do is let out a staggering moan. The digits intruded through his underwear too, rubbing themselves all against his privates softly, but stopped as the human reached for the bulging paw from over the trousers.

"Stop... teasing... please, I'm just tired right now."

"But this naughty cat still wants to have fun."

"I guess this naughty cat will have to wait so we can eat first?"

Yzmar gasped as he felt Turbo's paw rubbing in between his legs more. The tiger smiled wickedly as he rumbled in his ears.

"Mmmm, *rawr~* but my meal is right here in my paw's grasp."

"... for real, Turbo..."

"... *snickers~* Ok, ok."

As Turbo moved his paw on Yzmar's chest, the bandage came off in his claw. They both stared at the bandage for a second, silence caught their tongues; Yzmar stared at the bandage in surprise that it dropped off quicker than he thought, and Turbo in fear that he might have caused it to drop before the wound closes. Yzmar smiled to himself.

"Heh, how ironic; I can go back to work once the bandage falls, but I'm totally sick."

"On top of that, don't forget the punishment the Boss laid on you."

Turbo glanced at the spot in Yzmar's chest, the small space that the bandage was covering. It wasn't that bad by now, but some marks of sewing were still clear. He let out a small painful moan as his ears went down, looking at it brought back the scene in his mind. He licked at Yzmar's cheek and traced along his closed wound lightly, feeling guilty.

"Sorry, my love."


"Back then, if I had stayed at the apartment-"

"Hey, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself."

"If only I could cook, I wouldn't have gone to order something that day."

"... it's ok."

"No, it's not. I don't want anything happening to you."


"I'll... I'll learn to cook!"

"E... excuse me?"

"Yea, that's it! I'll teach you how to become my soul mate, and in return you teach me how to cook!"

Yzmar gave out a small sarcastic laughter, remembering the burned potatoes. If he seriously had to teach this furry how to cook, then his hair might fall before he could teach him anything.

"Yeah that would work..."

"Let's begin, then!"

"Hey, I was being sar--Woah! H... H-HEY!"

Turbo instantly wormed his arms about Yzmar's body, he carried Yzmar by placing one arm under his two bent knees and the other was supporting his upper body. Yzmar found himself carried like a princess in the arms of her own knight in... white boxers? What a cheesy thought, that was. His arms were bent to his chest as he didn't digest yet what Turbo was doing, he turned his head slowly up, looking at the tiger's face with a questioning gawk.

"W... What are y-"

"To the kitchen, shall we?"

"E... eh?! But..."

"C'mon, c'mon... please? Teach me?"

He stared a bit at Turbo's expression, and the tiger was looking back at him in glee, his tail swayed in joy and gloat. Yzmar sighed to himself in defeat, the silly kitty is far too excited for any hope of changing his mind.

"C'mon... I really want to get better at it."

"... you need to get 'good' at it first, you dork."

"Ever since I tasted that noodles of yours... *rawr~* Even that meat dish's taste at the cruise didn't last in my mouth as much as your food did."

Yzmar's face suddenly sulked a little as Turbo began boasting about his mate's cooking skills, he lowered his head a bit in thought.

"Wonder if my cooking improved since..."

"... since... when?"

"Eh? Err... no, nevermind... just me thinking to myself."

"So you're gunna teach me?"

"... I suppose, since you'll tea-"



Turbo couldn't wait any longer, and began walking around the glassy table, making his way to the kitchen with Yzmar in his arms. He drew near the wooden table in the middle of the kitchen, carefully placing Yzmar on it as he stepped in front of him in attention... and on fire.

"SO! Tell me what I need to do!"

"... I don't know... what do you want to make?"


"... *sigh~*"

"Ok ok... umm, how about... hmm..."


Yzmar suddenly began to chuckle quietly, Turbo lingered at him with puzzled gazes, but the human's chuckle grew louder by the second.

"What's so funny?"

"A cook in his boxers... that's what..."

Turbo took a quick glance at himself and threw a chuckle in his turn. He brought his arms up and placed his paws behind his head, buffing up his chest a little bit, then he faced him and winked.

"Oh well, call it fan-service?"

"God... *laughter~* that was *cough~* LAME!"

Yzmar laughed for a while, held his head then sighed in fatigue... his flu sapped him much of his strength, but he was glad that Turbo is actually trying to make him forget his illness. His tiger, however, didn't see the smile he wanted to see yet. The smile that can assure him that everything was great. He just needs to discover what Yzmar is looking for, what he's in need for... Turbo grinned, flexing in front of him and showing off the might of his packed muscles and form.

"I could make for a sexy cook, right?"

"A bulky sexy cook... hmm, without a doubt..."

"And what's more, I'll be YOUR bulky sexy cook."

"... *chuckle~* enough with the cheesy jokes, let's start already."

Turbo wore a toothy smile as he turned to the fridge and opened it, he moved aside to let Yzmar see what they can make from the stuff they had.


"Well, we don't have much since I usually order my meals."

"I think I'll need to go shopping after I get better."

"... sorry about that."

"Hmm... we can try something quick and easy."

"That's always a good start."

"Pastries can be tricky sometimes, though, so you'll have to follow my commands very carefully."

"I'm up for it!"

"Right, take out a couple of tomato-"


Turbo turned to Yzmar and gave him an accusing devil look, which made the human stagger a little.


"Did you know-"

Turbo took out a tomato in his paw, bringing it so close to his boxer's front, which made Yzmar blush and gulp in silence. He then raised his paw all the way across his beefy body slowly, touching his furry skin with just one finger until the tomato reached his muzzle. He then looked at him again and whispered, as if talking to the tomato in his paw.

"They call these stuff 'love apples' at your homeland."

Yzmar burned red a bit, then coughed as he shook his head.

"We're not using real tomatoes, Turbo."

"... huh?"

"I was about to tell you to take out a couple of that tomato 'paste' in the refrigerator's door."

"... o... oh, I see... you like it gooey from the start, don-"


Turbo laughed loudly as Yzmar began to sweat from embarrassment.

"God... Turbo, you're so mean."

"Heheheh~ Ok, I'm sorry, I'll stop fooling around."

Yzmar glanced at his trousers and the tent was still there, he brought both his hands over it and tried to focus more on what he was doing. Turbo soon started, keeping in mind every little hint he get from Yzmar, and following his every command. The human kept staring at his back as Turbo was busy doing everything he was told, he smiled a bit as the tiger's tail didn't stop moving from one side to the other, hardly able to stay still, maybe Turbo has what it takes to be his bulky sexy cook one day after all. After 20 minutes, the pastries were already in the oven, still rounding up and not brown in color yet.

"Say, Yzmar... aren't we going to put anything in them? Why make them so flat?"

"We will, it's just the first step, don't worry, we'll take them out before they brown up and then return them inside once we're done. Cooking is a puzzle board which only becomes clear near the end."

"... wow..."

"Alright, the rice is done."

"I've been meaning to ask... why rice in pastries?"

"Oh, no it's another dish, I'm actually making you prepare two things."


"The white rice is for some kind of food I've learned to make in Nihon; called Mochi."

"Mo... shi?"

"Mochi, it means 'rice cake' and it tastes so sweet. Making it, however, is a bit hard, so I'll give you a hand."

"Eh? No, you need to re-"

"I'm fine, don't you worry... I'll just show you how it's done."

Yzmar got off the table, and came closer to the confused tiger, standing near him in front of the kitchen table. He shoveled a handful of puffed white rice in his hand, while Turbo looked in shock.

"H-Hey, didn't we cook that just now?! It's still steaming with heat!"

"Heheh, what a pussy cat."


"Rice is so soft, and it becomes cold quickly when the wind hits it."

Turbo stood there, observing the human as he flattened the rice in his open hand, took a small grip of the chopped-up fish and greens Yzmar asked him to prepare earlier, placed it in the middle and began working with both hands to cover it all inside the rice.

"... wow, that was amazing! Why won't it fall apart?"

"The rice I used is thick, and since it's still a little bit wet, it can stick to almost anything."

The human didn't stop, his hands began shaping the rice, making one as a small ball. He soon shoveled another handful of rice, repeated, and this time made a cube... and another one, a triangle... and another two, rolled up like fish fingers, only connecting one in the middle of the other to form the letter T.

"Wow! Awesome!"

"Heheh, try it, you need to make lots of these to finally get skilled at it."



"Phew... wow, that was great."

Yzmar stared at Turbo's heaving torso as he sat back on his chair, rubbing his tummy, a bit out of breath. His plate was completely empty.

"You liked it?"

"Liked it?! Dude, can't you tell?! I think I could get used to this... I had enough near the end but I couldn't stop... damn!"


"But you didn't eat much..."

"I made do with a few... wasn't that hungry."

"... weren't you the one who wanted to eat?"

"Did it look like that?"


"I was just sick of doing nothing, I thought maybe cooking would make me feel good again. I didn't eat much, though watching you eat was really enjoyable and satisfying."

"Man, food tastes better in my mouth when I make it, I can taste the effort spent in it much clearly."


"Those rice cakes didn't feel so tasty when I tried them as they were, but the dipping we made... just... wow... cooking sure is magic!"

Yzmar gave a weak smile, a bit thankful that Turbo wasn't looking. At least, Turbo's reaction of the food spoke loud enough.

"I still can't believe why my rice cakes opened and crumbled later while yours stood proudly the way they were."

"You didn't apply enough pressure on them."

"How hard should I press? I was afraid I might crush the insides out."

"No one can tell you that."

"What? How so?"

"Everyone has his own body, so the force of their hands differs. It's really tricky to be good at making Mochi, that's why you need to make a lot of them, to finally be able to judge the amount of force you need."


"It all comes with trial and error, don't feel bad. You did a great job for your first lesson."

Turbo sat straight again, looking deep into his mate's face. That was the first time they try something together even though it was something as simple as cooking, it felt like Yzmar was really starting to open up, all that Turbo needs to do is keep at it, make him feel like he's home, feel that he belong here... belong with him. The human shuddered as he noticed him gazing in his eyes.

"W... what is it?"

"That lesson... it was fun. Lots of fun, in fact. Let's do it again sometime."

"... sure, glad you think so."

"Thank you."

Yzmar panicked again, his heart is just not used to flattery, it was only a co-operative cooking session, why must this stupid tiger thank him like that? It's as if he saved someone from drowning in the sea. Yzmar came back to his senses as he felt a paw resting over his hand.

"It was so sweet, just like you... I really enjoyed that."

Yzmar gazed at the orange paw on his hand, it felt so warm, so... caring. He began to wonder if he'll be able to contain all this amount of love rushing his way. He looked up at Turbo, and the tiger was still gazing in his eyes with yellow beams, soft but heavy at the same time. Yzmar gave a smile as he tried to stand, but the paw pressed on his hand, demanding him to stay seated. The tiger stood in his turn and took the plates, one over the other.

"I'll do it."

"... it's no big deal, just cleaning the-"

"No... please, let me."

"... ok."

He stared at the back of Turbo's body as the tiger went to the sink, the tail has yet to stay still, he was so overjoyed and the human was clueless as to how one cooking lesson made him so happy. But he didn't wonder for long, Yzmar suddenly felt his head spinning, he bowed a bit at the table, putting both his hands on his forehead and hair. It felt like it would drop off his shoulders any minute, he didn't even get seasick at the cruise, but now it feels like the whole building is rocking.

'Woah... I guess I... should have made those Mochis while seated...'

He suddenly held his chest with one hand, while covering his mouth with the other.

'Urrfff... but... I didn't eat more than...'


The human turned to Turbo, the tiger already finished washing the plates - since it was only pastries and rice cake crisps that got stuck in it - and was now full of concern.

"Hey, you ok? What's wrong?"

"... urf..."

"... a heart clutch?!"

Yzmar couldn't reply, the hand at his mouth pressed even harder and he bowed a little more at the table. Yzmar tried to stand, but his head felt so dizzy he was sure to fall down once he take a step. He shook his head a bit, but Turbo didn't catch his head's movement and so bowed near him.

"Talk to me, man!"


"Get that hand off your mouth, what's wrong with you?"

Turbo reached for his hand, but Yzmar jolted a bit away, bringing his other hand at his mouth and closing his eyes in effort. Once the eyebrow scar opened again, Turbo couldn't stand watching any longer. He gripped his hands with both paws and forcefully pulled them away from his mouth.

"Hey, why are you-"


"... oh dear!"

Suddenly, Turbo froze in shock, wishing he could understand such reactions by just looking. But it was already too late, he did pull Yzmar's hands, and the poor human couldn't stop throwing up on the table. Yzmar gasped a bit, still his hands in Turbo's paws, but he faced away from his paws not to throw up on him. Turbo instantly let go of Yzmar, rushed to the recycle bin and placed it near Yzmar's chair.

"Yzmar, here."

The weak figure of the human turned a bit to the bin, he let out a painful burp that instantly turned to another wave of vomit. He bowed his upper body forward, getting the pendant dangling from its chain as he pressed hard on his stomach. Turbo kept rubbing and brushing at his bare back, holding his shoulder with his other paw and encouraged him to take it all out. After a couple of minutes, he gave him a glass of warm water, for he noticed his lips were getting so dry.

"Here, drink up."


"It'll help."

Yzmar took the glass, drank a little, twitched then gave him the glass back.

"Hey, that won't do... drink it all."

"I... can't..."

"Yes you can, it's just water."

"My throat hu--urff!!"

"Uh!! Again?"

"... *gulp~* oww..."

Turbo kept looking at him for awhile, then helped him up. He instantly carried him up and went to his own room, placing him gently on the bed's cover sheets. He stared at him a bit as he began to breathe again from his mouth, all he did was breathing from his mouth, but it felt like he was in pain just breathing right. He went to the kitchen, cleaned up the table in a hurry using water and soap, and then took the glass of water with him back to his room. He came near Yzmar again and offered the water, still insisting.

"You've been sweating a lot, and this barf made it even worse. You need to drink something to replace all that liquid, even I know that."

"... I... ca... n't..."

"... c'mon, I'll hold the glass for you."

He pulled a bit at his shoulders and placed another pillow behind his back, he bowed a bit and brought the glass to his mouth slowly.

"Here... just open a bit."

Yzmar's continuous breathing from his mouth didn't stop, he turned his head away, still panting.

"Yzmar, c'mon!"


The human turned again to the glass.

"Yes, that's it... only one glass, you can do it."

"... I'll... try..."

"Yes, c'mon... you'll do it, I know you can do it."

The tiger tilted the glass carefully at his lips, a small sip followed another... suddenly, Yzmar muffled a cough, turning away and coughing repeatedly, gushing what little water he sipped in his mouth drooling past his chin.

"I... I ca-*cough~*..."


Turbo remained silent for a bit, thinking of how he could at least let him drink it. He stood up again, bending his left knee and placing it to Yzmar's other side as the human's legs extended under the tiger. He lowered his chest and brought his head to Yzmar's face, blowing soft air at his face as he whispered.

"I'll... I'll help you."

"... *pant~*"

Turbo turned away, drank a little from the glass, but didn't gulp it down. He turned again to Yzmar and held the side of his head with his other paw, he slowly brought his muzzle and touched Yzmar's mouth. The human, catching the hint, opened up on his turn, and felt the furry mouth lock with his. Water was drained down to his own mouth, little by little, Turbo was giving him all the time he wanted to drink and also breathe when he needed to. Once Turbo's muzzle got drained completely from the mouthful he took, he broke the kiss, turned away to gulp another, and returned to the kiss. Yzmar didn't move, only laying there on his back as the tiger sitting lightly on his crotch bowed several times to send him water directly to his mouth. His breathing got quicker, as he felt Turbo's tongue now with the last couple of kisses, he stopped gulping as the water began leaking out of his mouth. Turbo broke the kiss and looked at him in worry.

"Don't let it spill out, drink it."

"... hurts..."

Turbo saw a lone tear slipping from his mate's closed eyes, the poor guy can't even gulp down water without hurting his throat. Yzmar soon felt the tiger brushing at his forehead with his muzzle, trying to ease him, whispering calmly.

"I know it does, but you're doing good, not much left now. Only a couple more and you're done, c'mon... stay strong."

Turbo looked at the glass in his paw, only a small portion left, he can do it in one kiss. It would be easier on him to do just one. He took it all in his muzzle, placing the glass on the table near the reading lamp, then brought his other leg up on the bed. He laid down near him, hugged him closer and gave him the last kiss.

'Be strong, Yzmar... just one go... please...'

Yzmar opened his mouth again, his body was so hot and feverish he couldn't decline Turbo even if he wanted to. The tiger began getting the human's body as close as he could, his tail rolled over them and his paws reached to his lower back and shoulder. This last kiss was clearly a passionate one, Turbo's tongue was getting inside, flexing amazingly in and out, doing all the work of getting small doses of water inside Yzmar's mouth. The human rolled up his fists strongly, trying to withstand the pain.

'You can do it, Yzmar!'


'Turbo's doing all of this for you, you have to try at least, you bastard!'

(Just make sure you never let go of the shoulder that's been given to you.)



"I can do this... I will do this!"

His fists relaxed with his resolve, resting on Turbo's chest as his arms got caged between his tiger's body and his own, almost limiting all his movements. It felt so hard to gulp the water in his mouth, but in the same time it didn't feel so bad, he started feeling Turbo's body getting heated up, his mate is getting more and more excited but he's calmly chaining his desires aside just for him. He can feel his arousal gradually, but Turbo had his eyes closed, only this continuous purring filled his ears with the sound of water dancing between their muzzles and tongues. His paws rubbed along Yzmar's shoulders and back, trying to keep him comfortable all the while. Even after sending the last bit of water inside Yzmar's mouth, Turbo didn't break the kiss, it felt like it would go on for the rest of the afternoon. Yzmar didn't pull back, he stayed in his lover's hold as he kept kissing him and purring inside him, the human felt his own crotch poking forward now. His mouth was no longer dry, and it made sticky sounds as Turbo worked inside him in slurps.

Finally, the kiss grew weaker, Turbo broke the kiss and pulled just a little back from Yzmar's mouth, lazily licking at his mouth and lips as the trail of saliva that connected them after the kiss disappeared. His gaze was almost drunk again in this drug called Desire, but he remained there, panting on his mouth as Yzmar slowly opened his eyes to meet his. Turbo was so excited, there was no doubt about it, it was written all over his furry face and gazes. He was panting quickly, like a horny dog that would ram the first hole its eyes will fall on, but he was concerned about him as well, he kept him close as he stared at his face. Yzmar looked back at him tiredly, he was panting in his turn, he soon closed his eyes and whispered 'sorry' as his pants faded, becoming short, slow but heavy breaths. Turbo's look changed to a sad stare, feeling guilty for forcing him into this. He broke the hug gradually and caressed his face.

"Good job, mate. Rest for a bit, I'll call Doctor Ix right away."



"Turbo, it's me..."


Turbo opened the door and let the dog walk in, he was wearing jeans and his usual - maybe favorite - 'live dog, evil god' dark blue shirt. He stared at Turbo as he closed the apartment's door, the tiger was only in his white boxers, not that he mind, being furry himself too. Turbo turned to him again, and his face reflected many worries.

"Doctor... I don't know, but it seems like his flu is getting worse."

"Hmm... where's he now?"

"In my room, fast asleep."

"What happened?"

"He threw up, and his throat hurts him so much he can't even drink water by himself-"

"Hold on, tell me exactly what happened."

10 minutes later, the doberman stood up and wandered a bit in the living room, while Turbo remained seated and stared at him in hope. Ix was angry, his golden eyebrows turned a little and his snarls were almost muffled up. He looked at turbo with his dark red eyes and sighed in disappointment.

"You made him do what?!"

"Hey, all he did was giving me instructions, until the very end he wanted to show me how to-"

"And you told me about this 'foreplay' you did, what was that about?"

"... nothing, just a little fondling."

"Damit, Turbo, I said he has to rest, yet you forced him to drink?"

"I know... I... I thought he lost a lot of water and..."

"Turbo, he's not sick by the flu; he lived his life affected - body and soul - by The Grim, any illness that strikes him can be dangerous."

"... what? Why is that?"

"The Grim becomes stronger when the body grows weaker, and right now his body is fatigued by the flu."


"Did he take his medicine?"

"Yes... yes, he did."

Ix looked at him intensively, he came near him and bowed a little, leveling his head with Turbo's, looking into his eyes.

"He did?"

"... yes."

"What did he say about it?"


"The medicine! Did he say anything about the medicine?"

"... I remember asking him, and he said it tasted awful in his mouth."

For a strange reason, the doberman looked bothered by that answer, but he didn't argue further about the matter. Something was up, that much Turbo could grasp, but the doctor was angry with him it made Turbo forget about asking.

"T... Turbo?"

Both of them turned at the slightly-opened door, a frail figure of a skinny shirtless human lingered weakly there, using the frame of the door to stand right. The very sight of him made Ix freeze a bit in his place; Yzmar's face was pale, his lips lost their color and were so dry.

"Yzmar! You shouldn't move!"

"Turbo... I don't feel... s... so... ghhho--*urgh~*"

The human twitched, bringing a quick hand to his mouth and blocked it with force. Turbo knew this time what he had to do, but found the dog responding way faster than him, bringing the living room's bin to his feet. And there it was again, another surge blasted out... it was all colorless and gooey, clearly the water he was fed not too long ago.

Finally done with the second vomit, he remained at the door on all four, gasping for air and panting heavily. Sweat was forming all over his body, his skin lost its usual light-brownish tone and was now starting to get somewhat bluish. Turbo knelt near him, holding both his shoulders to support him. It felt the whole planet went wild and span faster than ever, but he kept holding up... with everything he got left, his flinching eyes refused to give up, refused to close.



Ix bowed near Turbo and pat on his shoulder.

"Get him back to bed, his body is nearing its limits."

"... what?"

"Don't panic, all he needs is some rest..."

"His skin, what happened to-"

"It's alright, he just lost a lot of water. But rest assured; I've read somewhere that the human body can tolerate losing 5 to 8 gallons of water before entering a critical state of dehydration, so he should be fine."

Back again inside the room, Yzmar was placed again on the bed's cover sheets, his eyes were still half close, not letting up just yet.

"Yzmar? You awake, buddy?"

Even though the tiger was so concerned about his mate, Ix didn't waste a second; he pushed lightly at Turbo, who instantly got the message and gave him the space he needed. Ix snatched a needle out, but it was connected to a tube from the back this time, he turned to Yzmar and - just as he though - the human reacted instantly at the sight of it, closing his eyes and shivering lightly in his place.

"What now, Doc? He needs water, but he threw up the only glass I managed to make him drink."

"Don't you worry about him, I'll use a tube, it won't hurt him at all."


"I'll take care of him; I'm a doctor, and this is my job. In the meantime, you could at least ... 'relief' yourself."


Ix smiled at him, since he was a furry, he should know better about their powerful 'sniffing' senses. On top of that, Ix was a furry 'dog' of all things.

"You already have the stench on you, and I can understand why you've been holding yourself up until now."

Turbo's face flushed for a second, he looked at Yzmar as he breathed heavily from his mouth, irresolute a bit. He turned to Ix, bowed as he excused himself then made his way to the toilet. Ix let out a sigh as he had a job to do. He turned to Yzmar, he was looking up in pain-drugged eyes, waiting patiently for him to aid him. Fixing the needle in place and putting the water-filled plastic bag near him, Ix looked at him again, remembering what he said about the medicine.



"You took your medicine, as I've been told, right?"

Yzmar nodded.

"How did it taste?"

A weak slight smile was all he found to his question... Ix, wanting to make sure, repeated his question.

"How did it taste, the medicine I gave you?"

"It... it was..."

"Bitter? I know..."

Ix looked at his face, but the human's smile was still there, he slowly shook his head.

"Nice try, Doctor Ix."


"I know the trick."


Yzmar looked away, facing the toilet's door, where Turbo was. Silence ruled the room for a minute, this secret has finally been dragged out of him. He closed his eyes, giving up on hiding it from Ix any further.

"Yes, you got me..."

"... do you know what that means?"

"I do, but I'm going to live my life for him, what's left of it, anyway."

"That's good."

"He's putting a lot of faith in me, he's..."


"... I'm sorry for hiding it, but-"

"I understand; don't worry, he doesn't need to know."

Yzmar closed his eyes again slowly, returning his head straight again and sighed in effort. The strain on his face got eased up a bit.

"... I owe you one, Doc."

"You owe me nothing yet."


"Save it until after we get it off you."

"... You still believe you can, don't you, doctor?"

That question made the doberman frown a bit, this guy is still down. Just how can anyone be so hopeless like this? What could possibly be the cause of his shaded view on life?

"Believe? Not just believe, pal, I know I can."

"... heh, and how will you do it?"

"Let me worry about that, you only need to hang in there. Live your life with your mate, you only get to live once."

"... ok... I'll wait for that moment... eagerly..."

"That's the spirit."

Ix reached inside his case, and placed a medicine bottle near the reading lamp. Yzmar, getting a glance at the bottle, sighed and closed his eyes again in disturbance.

"What now? More tests?"

"Heh, no. This time, it's real medicine."

"... if you say so."

"It's good for your flu, mixed with selected herbs, it will help in calming down your coughs."

Meanwhile, closing the door behind him, Turbo faced the mirror in the bathroom, leaning on the sink as his paw reached inside his boxers. His mind bringing him the images of Yzmar when he finally marked him as his the other day, and his paw worked down there, still not getting the boxers off, just making do with slipping under.


He lowered the boxers' front enough for his member to spring freely outside. He rolled his paw around his dick, and imagined it was Yzmar down there, naked, doing it for him.

"... *grunt~*"

He imagined his face, looking up at him with needing eyes, two green glittering gems full of desire and submission. Gazing at him, admiring his presence, his existence, as a pet would do to its master. His face came lower to Turbo's dick, giving a hesitated slow lick, then came another more courageous one, then came a third, still courageous only much slower this time to savor it, yearning, longing for it.

"... *moan~*... *purr~*..."

His face flexed a bit higher now as he sat on his knees, positioning his head to directly face the quivering and throbbing member. He kissed the head, licking at the cut on the top, then slowly... slowly... worked his way along his length. His mouth was open just enough for the cock to make it through, squeezing around it in Turbo's mind as his paw tightened around his dick.

"... *gasp~*"

His head went lower, and lower, and lower... his lips reached far, opening wider just so he could get the knot through as well, then tightened around his base again, deep-throating him. His nose hit his groin, as he took a big gulp and moaned at the strong smell of his daring crotch. He started to work his head up and down, licking along the dick as Turbo began leaking pre in his own paw.

"... *pant~* Yzmar... *grunt~* damn..."

His lover's image worked his head skillfully, reaching with his hands to Turbo's body, sensing the strong underbelly and going around it to reach the base of his tail. His hands then went a bit lower, marveling at the strong buttocks, feeling them and pressing a bit. His mouth released the throbbing dick, giving it a couple of loving licks before burying it again deep in his mouth, thrashing at it in unbelievable hunger.

"... *pant~* ... Yz... Yzmar *pant~*... rrr... rrr-RRRaaa-*roar~*"

With one, really tight paw at his dick, and one quick gulping deep-throat from Yzmar at his mind, Turbo twitched as he didn't last long. He opened his eyes wide, shooting his junk all over the mirror and the sink, panting in delight... delight that didn't last long... he looked at his own pre-and-cum-covered paw, his mind's Yzmar turned from the sexy naked into the frail ill, and gave a short angry grunt, disgusted at himself.

'Fuck... what am I doing? My mate is over there, sick, and here I am, getting the hots while fantasizing about a blow-job?! I'm just so awful, so twisted...'

He instantly cleaned up, washed his paw and the mirror. He stared at his reflection through the wet mirror, and couldn't stop cursing himself. The image reflected was so hazy from the sliding drops of water on it, the tiger on the other side looked so pathetic and self-centered.

'Mates feel for one another? I'm not even acting like that... shit, what a shame... SHIT!'

He delivered a punch to the wall, it was so strong his knuckles turned red and clear under his fur. His teeth gritted strongly against one another from the pain, but his mind wasn't satisfied; that tiger in the mirror still looked hazy. He punched the wall again with the same paw... again and again... his closed eyes now almost watered... the feeling of shame remained unchanged. He thought pain would at least ease this chocking feeling to drown, to disappear, to seize to exist and be replaced with someone that deserves Yzmar. But all those feelings were still there, surrounding his mind like fog.

'If... if only I could take that fucking Grim from him and carry it inside me... if only that Grim thing was a person I could beat up with my claws and chew with my jaws.'

He brought his paw to his face and looked at it, that lingering sharp pain... it must be nothing compared to that disease, yet all he can do about it is get afflicted by it every now and then, just so his DNA can develop an elixir... at least, that's what the doberman told him to do. He washed his paw and got out of the restroom, just to get welcomed by the strange gaze from Ix.

"You're done?"


"That was really quick."

"I'm done fapping while my mate suffers like this, the fucking idea makes me sick now."

Ix said nothing to that, he bent down and took out a small flashlight from his case on the ground, staring at the human as he breathed calmly now. A needle rested on his arm with the help of some tapes, connected with a tube that delivered bits and bits of water from a plastic bag hanging close to the bed. Looking at his bare chest, his appearance could fool anyone to be the trouble-maker type; a scar on the edge of his left eyebrow, a bite mark on his left shoulder and a knife wound on his chest... while the truth being totally the opposite. Turbo came near him, staring at him in his turn, he bent one knee, getting one paw to his forehead and brushing at his hair and cheek.

"How is he?"

"Better. His body is doing great so far, resisting two illnesses at once is something even I don't want to experience."

"He's strong... he'll make it, I know he will."

"He got balls and guts alright, but he needs your support as well."

"He'll get all the help he wants, be sure about that."


"He has to live... he has to, and I'll be by his side to ensure that."

Ix hesitated a bit, then nudged his shoulder, aiming for his attention.

"Turbo, you've been doing what I told you to do, right?"

"... what do you mean?"

"Getting yourself infected-"

"Oh, that... don't worry about it, we are mates, and we keep... you know... kissing one another regularly."

Ix chuckled, feeling how stupid his concern was, and how inappropriate his question was when Turbo was worried about his lover.

"Alright, then. I'll be taking a small dose of your blood to examine the progress."

"No problem."

Turbo kept gazing at the human's face, his expression was blank and cold, but his eyes spoke of worries to no end. Although weak and delicate unlike him, this human kept reminding him of his past... his actions were gradually evoking events from 6 years ago... was it 6 years? Maybe it was more, but how many years has it been now? Not wanting to go through it again, Turbo closed his eyes shut and sighed heavily, twitching a little as he soon felt a sting diving inside his arm, sucking a portion of red out of him. He opened his eyes again, and noticed that Yzmar was looking at him now, his eyes were darting at the needle on Turbo's arm as Ix tried to be as still as he could.

(... he needs your support as well.)

Turbo smiled, brushing at his face again with his paw, he whispered softly as his paw now returned to Yzmar's right cheek.

"Hey there, handsome."

A small weak chuckle coughed its way out in response, followed by a sigh. Not wanting to scare him, he put on a slight smile and shook his head at the corny greeting.

"How are you holding up?"

Yzmar returned his eyes to the ceiling, just looking to his side made him dizzy.

"... I hate needles."

"Does it hurt?"

"... no..."

"It's ok, just a little more and the doctor will remove it, just stay rested."

"Rest, rest, rest... I'm so fed up with all this."

"... I know... but you can't really do anything about it."


Ix drew near, holding his small flashlight and a wooden stick.

"I'll take another look at your throat, if you don't mind."


"Say 'aaaaaa' now."


"Thanks again for everything, Doc."

"Don't mention it, I'm seeing this to the end, be sure to keep a close eye on him."

"I will, I'll take some days off too to look after him."


Ix stood at the apartment's door, in the hallway, checking his cell phone and sighing to himself in depression. Seven miscalls and two messages, looks like the day is still young for some, although it's already 2pm. He shove the thoughts away as he reminded himself of his duty as a doctor, slipping the phone inside his pant's back pocket.

"Umm... doc?"

Ix turned to the tiger who stood at the door from inside the apartment, he was looking down, clearly troubled by something.

"What is it?"

"Is... is it really..."

"... is it really what?"

"Is it p... possible... to..."

Gradually, his words were getting weaker, there was a hint of nervousness. Ix began to sense this unsure tone, how he hates it when people start talking out of doubts and worry, he instantly knew what he was about to say, it didn't really need much thinking.

'Damn you, silly cat, if you have time to get scared, then... tch...'

Ix shook his head, taking a long big sigh. His paw reached to his own neck, cracking the stiffness in his body before talking.

"You think he's dying little by little, don't you?"


"Tell me, Turbo, what do you think? Will he make it?"


"I'd like to know what you think, is it possible to cure him or not?"

"... h... how should I know? You're the doctor, not me."

"I'm a doctor, I'm no fortune-teller."


"What do you 'think', Turbo?"

Not grasping the meaning of the question yet, his balked face remained motionless, and his jaws parted a bit to speak but the words didn't come. Turbo always lived his life standing strongly on his own feet, but now he was looking down, afraid.

"Sometimes... I just wonder about that myself, I don't know what to think."

"... seriously, how can someone like you look after Yzmar?"


"And here I thought you'll be giving him courage and strength, you look like a scared pup. I bet you could use some yourself."

"I know I keep encouraging him about it, I always say that we'll succeed... I'm just worried that-"

"You think I'm not worried?"


"As an ex-surgeon, perhaps it's only natural that I show a strict gaze to my patients, but I'm just as worried as they are... if not more."

"... why?"

"Do you know the burden of 'killing' someone, Turbo?"


"Do you know the burden of killing someone even though you know you could have saved him?"


"Us doctors live on a daily bases carrying that fear deep inside our minds, scratched with a scalpel. That fear reminds us of who we are, helps us to give everything we have for the life of a patient."

The doberman's lingering gaze connected with Turbo's eyes as he raised his head a little, looking at his pathetic face and almost spitting at it.

"If we feel worse than you do, then you have no right - at all - to be weak like this."


"I said it before and I'll say it again, you need to stay strong for him."

Turbo's frozen-up face almost broke a sweat just nodding to that sentence, his eyes remained the way they were although Ix already made his way towards the stairs.



"... I can't give you promises yet, but his condition seems calm. It's possible."


"I took a dosage of your blood to see how things are going, and I wouldn't be lying if I said that he seems to be doing well... A cure is possible, but you need to believe that first to make him believe it, so he won't be an easy prey for The Grim before your DNA kicks its sorry ass goodbye."


Turbo - trying to be polite, which was a rare thing to witness - bowed a bit in gratitude while Ix waved from over his shoulder tiredly, walking down the stairs. Little by little, the tiger began to get this feeling that he was blessed by meeting him; who knows if other doctors would put up with anything like this? He was paid in advance by FEVA, yes, but something tells him that Ix is actually putting extra effort for his mate. Clearly, he was giving them the majority of his time, he also helped Turbo on how to deal with him in a couple of times. Such people are so hard to come by... unless there was a catch that he didn't discover yet.

Getting inside the apartment again, everything felt so quiet. It was a little past the afternoon, but he didn't feel like doing anything. He returned to his room to find Yzmar still the way he was, his eyes were closed and his breather was short and quiet. He wasn't asleep, but his body was too fatigued to get up. He drew near him slowly, bowing over him a bit, placing one paw on the bed to support himself. He lowered his muzzle and kissed his forehead, and - just like a sleeping princess - Yzmar opened his eyes to meet his, but soon closed them again, focusing on... whatever he was trying to focus on.

"Psst... Hey."


"How's my charmer doing?"

"Other than this killing daze in my head, this fever and The Grim... I'm just grand."

Yzmar felt a tab from his tiger's paw at his forehead, he applied little force at it that made Yzmar grunt and open his eyes at him.

"Ow... Turbo, don't do that, it hurts."

"Then don't bring up The Grim, it... hurts."


Yzmar kept looking at Turbo's bare chest over him, he raised his left hand slowly - as Turbo observed it all the while - and reached over the middle of his pectoral muscles, feeling the strong body under his fur. Turbo smiled and brought a paw over his hand.

"It's over here."

With a lazy trace, the feral paw guided his hand a little to the left, and rested on top of it, keeping it in place. Soon the vibration of the heart's drum reached his hand, making Yzmar sulk a bit at the quick pace of his beats.

"Sorry for worrying you, Turbo."

"Hey, it's nothing... you said it yourself, remember? It's just flu."

"Sorry for worrying that little fellow inside, he's beating like crazy..."


"I'm sorry for worrying my... my mate."

Turbo stared at his eyes fixed on his chest, so woozy and frail, Yzmar was concerned about him even though he should be worried about himself more right now. The human closed his eyes again, whispering 'sorry' slowly on his lips. A light hug snuggled him, and another pile of slow loving licks smeared him, now that new sweat drops formed again on his face. His voice returned, just as soft... just as tender...

"Hey, you hungry? You just threw up what little food you had before."

"... I don't feel like eating."

"Not eat, I'll make soup to warm you up. It will be easier to swallow."

"... sorry for the trouble."

Turbo smiled at him childishly, and spoke with a happy tone, trying to cheer him up.

"Hey, stop apologizing like that, it's so awkward."

"... sorry."

"Hey, I said stop saying sorry!"

"Ok, ok... sor--err... *cough~*..."

"... well, I guess we're getting somewhere, that's good."

"... heh."

Turbo glanced at his lips, there was a smile... it was smaller than the times he caught him smile, seems likes smiling was also hard for him right now. He brushed at his lover's forehead a couple of times, then returned his hand from his torso to his side as he stood near the bed.

"You have any favored flavor or..."

"Eh... I'm too tired to be demanding right now..."

"... *chuckle~* I'll make what I can find then."


Yzmar felt bad about it whenever the subject was brought up, hiding it from 'the only one he can love' was so agonizing, but thinking about it right now made his head swirl even more...

After one more gaze at his lover's face, Turbo left the room and stretched his arms and chest, trying to stay focused. It was a hard job he was about to march in, and he's to do it alone; cooking! He entered the kitchen, and for a second he knew he would screw things up somehow, even when it was just a stupid small bowl of stew. He opened the drawers near the fridge, he remembers seeing packets of 5-minutes being there somewh... Ah, there they are! He stared at the small boxes in his paws... mushroom, cream curry, thick tomato... clear vegetables! That ought to be best, he thought, as he returned the rest inside. He opened the packet while reading carefully through the instructions.

'Hmm, how hard can it get? I only need to empty one bag and add boiling water...'

He smirked to himself, still not sure if he can pull this off without screwing up. Shrugging that idea aside, he filled a pan with water from the sink and started the electric oven, placing the pan on top of it. He looked at one of the small bags he snatched from the packet and couldn't help but wonder, it felt like he was 'already' doing something wrong... but what could it be? It's just boiling water and one of these things together. But this damn feeling... where is it coming from...

(And here I thought you'll be giving him courage and strength, you look like a scared pup...)

Turbo's feet got frozen back then... he remained gazing at the boiling water, the doberman's words rang hard in his mind as his past flashed yet again to his eyes.

(Do you know the burden of killing someone?)

"Tch, don't give me that shit."

Turbo almost spat out, opening the small soup bag in his paw and preparing to mix it up inside the pan, the water was starting to make bubbles all over the surface and steam began to rise.


(Do you know the burden of killing someone even though you know you could have saved him?)

"... D... damn it."

He stood there... the small bag was open in his paw, and the water kept boiling... his thoughts were boiling as well, still wondering if things could have taken a different route. What if he was still with him? What if the three of them were still best friends to this day? What if he didn't have to change? What if his parents didn't die there? What if he didn't aim that gun to his face and pull the trigger? What would have happened then? He let out a heavy sigh, feeling his heart pulse in anger.

"Fuck, stop thinking like that..."

He sighed again, trying to snap out of the past and start living in the present. He took a large wooden cooking spoon and began making circles and circles, hypnotized by the changing color of the water as his other paw emptied the bag inside the pan. The circles kept the water moving, until he made sure that everything got mixed up nicely. The smell was fuming to his snout, he smiled to himself as he left the pan, emptying it in a small red bowl.

"Things are different now, I have a mate, and my life with him has just begun."

Walking outside the kitchen, Turbo noticed the medicine bottle on the living room's glassy table... the one thing Ix didn't remember... Turbo took the bottle and placed it in the plate with the soup, thinking that he needs to get it soon, or else Doctor Ix wouldn't have left it here. He went inside, drawing near the resting human on his bed, and placed the plate carefully on the bed near him, then whispered softly.

"Yzmar, the soup is ready."

Hearing his soul mate's voice again, Yzmar opened his eyes slightly, feeling those same furry paws helping him sit up. His head dropped forward, but he soon raised it straight; the smell of the soup was good. The plate was placed gently on his lap over the blankets, Turbo sat near the bed and remained there, looking at his face and anticipating his reaction.

"I picked the vegetables one, since it was a clear soup, I thought it would be the easiest on you."

Yzmar remained there for a bit, staring at the bowl with a sad face. He can smell the soup, and the smells made his mouth water almost instantly. His body needed food, needed anything at that moment, but the idea of actually putting that in his mouth... He came back to himself as he felt a paw resting on his shoulder, he looked at Turbo's face; he was worried.

"You alright?"


"Don't worry, it should be fine, I followed the instructions on the packet."

Yzmar couldn't help but smile at his face, he turned to the soup and looked at it a little more. He didn't notice Turbo moving from there, going to the other side of the bed, until the bed rocked a bit as the tiger got on it and shifted himself close to his mate. He sat on the bed near him, still worried and looking at his face.

"What's the matter?"

"... it's... nothing, nothing at all."

"It's better if you eat it hot."

"Yeah... I will."

Yzmar sighed, taking the spoon in his hand and shoving it inside the soup. There were little bits of greens in it, it gave the soup a better look since it was 'clear' soup. He brought the first spoonful to his mouth and blew lightly, looking at it... he still felt Turbo looking at him in eagerness, he wanted him to try it so bad, that much was clear as the morning sun. He braced himself and took it in his mouth, feeling the warm heat of the soup traveling around his tongue and the inside walls of his mouth... no good... the taste was... not...

"How is it?"

Yzmar returned the spoon to the bowl, he sighed to himself, caught up in his own thoughts. Turbo sulked a bit; he knew it... he must have done something wrong, it couldn't be helped, even 5-mintues soup was impossible for him to make properly. He knew it would end up like this, the sweet potatoes felt easier to make, but he burned them to black blocks in mere seconds. The kitchen just hates him, it was as simple as that.

"I'm sorry, I just suck at cooking... like... totally. I don't even know what I did wrong this time."

Yzmar's hand moved, to Turbo's surprise, and brought another spoon to his mouth. He looked at Yzmar, but the human didn't seem to mind anything. He dug the second spoon again inside his mouth, and returned it inside the bowl to shove another.

"Turbo, your soup is fine."

"... r... really?"

"Yeah, you only need to have more faith in you. I mean..."

Yzmar let out a small laughter, he looked at Turbo and shook his head.

"C'mon, how hard can adding soup powder to boiling water get?"

(That's what I thought... until...)

"Believe me, it's awesome, don't worry about it."

Turbo suddenly found Yzmar's hand brushing at his muzzle from below, stroking at his fur.

"It tastes good, Turbo. Thank you."

"... you mean it?"

"Stop worrying, will you? I don't like it when you get worried."

Turbo forced a smile, Yzmar was still thinking about him. He brushed closer and wrapped his arm behind Yzmar's shoulders, tugging him closer and placing his snout over his head, sniffing his hair.

"H... hey, watch it, I have soup in here."

"You're wonderful."


"Yzmar, you're just so fucking wonderful, my love."

Yzmar blushed, being tugged close to his bare chest and smelling his scent. This feeling of protection loomed all around him, and his eyes got this dazed look on them again. He shoved another spoon inside his mouth, his body needed the food, and his mouth had little choice in the matter. Turbo didn't move a feather away, he remained seated next to him, securing his body close to his, savoring this delightful moment. He felt so happy, even though Yzmar was ill, Turbo was close to being over the clouds by now. He closed his eyes, kept snuggling his hair as Yzmar almost finished half the bowl, but he stopped.

"I don't think I can finish this..."

"Oh? You're full already? This was just one packet, you know."

"I don't feel like eating... I'm sor-"

"It's ok, no problems there, you don't need to force yourself."

He pointed at the bottle on the plate.

"When do you need to take it?"

"Three times; Morning after breakfast, after lunch and before sleep."

"After lunch... does that mean now?"

"I guess, what time is it?"

"It's already half past two."

Yzmar took the bottle, removing the cover and glancing inside it. The medicine looked so colorless, like water, but Ix told him it was mixed with herbs... Turbo took it from his hand and smiled.

"Let me do it."

"Eh? Hey, I'm not a ki-"

"How many spoons? Did he tell you?"

"... one spoon."

Turbo instantly snatched the spoon from his lover's hand and raised both his paws in front of his face, tilting the bottle slowly. The human remained there, not bothering in fighting over feeble matters, but he sure didn't like to be treated like that. Well, at least his tiger looks happy.

"There, open wiiiiide~"

"Will you just quit it, you idiot?"

"... *chuckles~*"

"... seriously..."

The spoon rested slowly on his tongue as the human closed his mouth, getting it all inside. Turbo was giving him a focused look, his eyes didn't leave his mouth for one second. Yzmar couldn't ignore all of this, the bastard was enjoying himself, but he let that slip. Soon, Yzmar's face turned a bit disgusted.

"... *gulp~* Yuck~!"


"... *cough~* herbs... baaurgh, just thinking that I need to take this stuff three times a day..."

"Heh, you're just like a little kid yet you don't want to be treated like one."

Yzmar turned to Turbo, totally irritated and sending spears of glares towards him, but the tiger blasted in laughter and brushed all over his head. He returned the bottle and spoon to the plate, and got off the bed, carrying the plate in his paws.

"I'll finish with these in a minute."

Walking out the room again, Turbo closed the door behind him and stared at the plate. There was still little soup in the bowl which his mate couldn't finish, he smiled to himself as he walked to the kitchen, he'll just have to finish it himself. He placed the plate on the food table and glanced at the medicine bottle...

(a mate is close to you by merging his own soul with yours)

Remembering his own words, he took the bottle in his hands and stared at it. He wanted so much to at least 'share' that pain his lover was feeling, he wanted to ease him so much it hurts him to be unable of doing that. He opened the bottle, then stopped... he remained silent for a while, but he soon grunted in resolve.

Recalling how Yzmar didn't like the taste of the medicine, and how 'mates' are supposed to feel the same, he took the spoon from the plate and poured a small portion of the medicine in it. He looked at it, still unsure. He sniffed the liquid, but there was no smell... he diverted his snout to the bottle in his other paw... no smell at all...

'Huh? I've never heard of a medicine without strong smells before, I can't even smell this one.'

He looked at the spoon again, it's even more puzzling that the liquid was without color at all. True, some medicines have no color, but this looked so glassy, so pure. He couldn't help but wonder where Ix got his paws on such strange stuff. He closed his eyes, and swooped it inside his muzzle... he was paralyzed for a while, not from the taste, but from the 'lack' of taste. The liquid was in no way like any other medicine: it had no smell, had no color, had no... tas... wait a second...

"W... Water?!"

His mind suddenly tried to work extra hard to question this fact he just discovered, the bottle was clearly not a medicine bottle... well, it 'was' a medicine bottle only filled with water instead. But Yzmar clearly didn't like the 'taste' of it, what he did taste other than water, which shouldn't have a taste to begin with, was the thing Turbo couldn't understand.

"Hold on..."

He turned to the unfinished soup, and the idea stroke him with fear. He returned the bottle to the table and shoveled a quick spoon at the soup, and put it in his mouth. There it was, vegetables, but the soup was bitter... why was it bitter?

"I added water and emptied the bag, nothing else, so... wait... I..."

He instantly remembered adding the water from the sink, that's why the soup just happened to be a little bitter; it wasn't 'sweet' water that he added, the water was already a bit bitter... Yzmar just told him that it was awesome, so why? But suddenly, the final answer of the whole math problem slapped him in the face. His paw let go of the spoon that dropped down to the floor near him, and both his paws reached to his head, his eyes were wide open... the final answer to the math problem was correct, but it wasn't pleasing...

"He... he can't..."

_(... I *gulp~* liked it. Turbo, I'm not lying this time, you can tell, can you not?)

(I said it was one of a kind, should I say more?)

(It tastes like... seafood?)

(Don't remind me... it tastes awful.)

(... *gulp~* Yuck!)

(--baaurgh, just thinking that I need to take this stuff three times a day.)

(Turbo, your soup is fine.)

(Believe me, it's awesome, don't worry about it.)

(It tastes good, Turbo. Thank you.)_

Unconsciously, Turbo's eyes began to cry, he couldn't still feel the pain Yzmar was going through, and just the thought of 'not being able to taste anything' almost paralyzed his entire body motionless on the chair. His body began to shake and his paws felt so strong and heavy on his head, yet he couldn't move them away, feeling their pressure... feeling the pain's pressure...

"He can't taste... anything... damn it, all those clues, all this time..."

His teeth gritted harder, remembering all the times he's been asking about such things, and how he smiled at his face and reassured him that it was alright. Even now, seconds ago, he was asking him about his favorite 'flavor' for the soup. It must have been so harsh on him, but he was so good in hiding it, he clearly 'was' hiding it from him, it made Turbo all the more hurt and angry. His body finally responded to his brain, he got up and went to the sink, washing his face and head. Splashes didn't feel enough, so he bowed at the sink, getting his head directly under the water as it slid past his ears and muzzle. He stood like this for a good minute, then reached to close the water, sighing heavily with a ripped heart, listening to the drops of water dripping off his face. He opened his eyes, still silent, thinking if he should act like he didn't find out, or just confront him with it.

(You have to be careful with him, emotionally more than physically.)

He stood up straight, covering his eyes with one paw, while the other was tightening around itself strongly it nearly drew blood out. He dried up his head and went back to the room. Looking at him in blank gazes, Yzmar was sitting up, feeling a bit better since his body was finally energized with some food. He looked at Turbo and smiled bashfully.

"Thanks a bunch, Turbo. I think I'm getting much better, maybe all I lacked was food, huh?"

Turbo's ear twitched at the word 'lacked', his eyes suddenly spotting another medicine bottle near his bed, which was the bottle that was supposed to be the medicine. He walked to Yzmar's side of the bed and sat near his extended legs, turning his upper body towards him and placing one paw over Yzmar's right knee. The human noticed his lifeless eyes, and got a bit worried.

"Turbo? What is it? I thought you'd be happy that I'm getting better."

"Yzmar, how did the soup taste?"

"... it was fantastic-"

"It was bitter."


"I just tasted it... it was bitter."

"... oh."

"Why did you lie?"

"I'm... I'm really sorry, it was something you made for me, so I didn't want you to get ups-"

"You're lying again."

"W... What? No, I'm... *sigh~*..."

"How did the medicine taste?"

Yzmar looked at him in the eyes again, but Turbo was looking down at his own paw stroking the human's knee, clearly awaiting his answer. Yzmar grunted, shaking his head.

"How can I describe the taste of 'yuck' or 'herbs' here?"

"You don't need to, because it was neither."


"Yzmar, it was water in that bottle."

Yzmar froze for a second, Ix was smart enough to be doing that trick to him, but he never expected Turbo to be trying the same thing. He remained speechless, wondering how he should reply. Turbo reached with the other paw to the table near the bed, and took the medicine bottle in his hand, showing it to Yzmar.

"This bottle here doesn't look like it was opened, I wager this is what you need to take?"

Yzmar's eyes got open wide in fear, the earlier bottle he drank from, it was the bottle Ix gave him first... the faked bottle. Looks like Turbo found it and thought it was the medicine. When Turbo poured the medicine to him and held the spoon in front of his mouth, he was too focused on Turbo to notice that it was the fake bottle again; they both looked the same anyway. And, since his head was so heavy, he didn't have the power to look to his left, at the small lamp table, and find out that the 'real' bottle was still resting there. Turbo, not really eager for a reply this time, opened the bottle and poured a bit in the cover, sipping it calmly in front of Yzmar's confusion, he gulped then shook his head.

"Hmm, I think I know how to describe 'yuck' and 'herbs' now, huh?"


"Here, open your mouth, you need to take your dose first."

Yzmar closed his eyes in agony, he opened his mouth and felt the bottle's cover pouring a bit inside his mouth. He gulped it down and remained there; there was no need for acts now... no need for 'yuck' and 'herbs' statements. He remained seated, not moving a finger, not saying a word, not opening his eyes. But his ears soon caught a whimper, then he got hugged lightly, the furry body felt so weak this time against his bare chest as the feral muzzle whispered near his ear.

"Bastard... you shouldn't have hidden it."

"... I'm sorry."

"All this time... my God, all this time, you've been..."

"... I'm sorry."

"Stop saying sorry, damn you. Why are you being sorry?"


"I should be the one saying sorry, I never knew..."

"I'm sorry for hiding it... I didn't want you to wo-"

"Damn it, Yzmar! Stop worrying about others before worrying about yourself!"

Turbo suddenly felt the human's arms getting up, his hands reached around his body and he returned the light hug with a light hug.

"But it made you worried..."


"Turbo, it pains me when I see you worried."

"I'm not worried, damn it. I'm just... shocked... we said we'd open up to one another, and suddenly I find this?"

"... I'm sorry, it's my fault."


"But I've... tasted something... back then."

Turbo broke the hug and looked in his face with teary eyes.

"Back then?"

"Remember when I made some noodles? Remember when you breathed inside my mouth?"


"I've... I was able to... taste the noodles through your mouth."

Turbo didn't say anything, his heart was already bothered with this recent discovery, but Yzmar kept talking even though Turbo hugged him again tightly this time.

"Turbo... I think... I think I was able to taste the noodles because... because it was you that fed me... Turbo, I could also taste you. Every time we kiss, I can taste you in my mouth..."

Turbo didn't answer back, his whimpers grew stronger, rubbing along Yzmar's back and snuggling at his face. Realizing that he's not even hearing what he's saying, Yzmar sighed out and allowed himself to relax at his lover's hold. His mind was still feeling bad for hiding it, feeling the guilt weighing heavier and heavier. He sat still, as the vibrated furry pack of muscles kept him secured in place, trying to swallow this fact inside and be done with it.

"I'll do it..."

Yzmar looked at the back of Turbo's head, since Turbo was hugging him and placing his head over his own shoulder.

"Do what?"

"I'll... feed you... always."

"Turbo, no. I didn't mean it li-"

Turbo broke the hug and looked at him in his eyes. Yzmar shivered, Turbo's face was so burdened, his paws pressing in hold on his shoulders as he looked at his face. He pulled him quickly for a kiss, breathing inside him and purring loudly, and the human couldn't do anything but allow himself to be kissed. Soon, the kiss ended, and both their eyes got locked together again.

"Whenever you want, just say the word."


"I can't help you with your pain, but I'm always there for you, Yzmar."

"... Turbo..."

"I'm prepared to do anything for my mate, there's actually nothing that I wouldn't try for your sake."

Turbo instantly hugged him again, whispering in his ears.

"I love you, Yzmar, I love you with my whole being. You know I do. And nothing will change that, nothing in this world will change my love to you... never."

"... yeah... I feel the same."

The human's hands reached for his back and surrendered to his touch.

"Thank you, Turbo... thank you. I just can't help but thank you for this chance in life, you've brought me a whole new meaning to stay alive... thank you... so... so fucking much."

They hugged one another, kept their bodies clasping close, both feeling the need for the other. The purring rumbling of the bulky feline returned, filling Yzmar's ears again. That soft lovely sound, it told Yzmar a lot. It tells him that his mate was alright, it tells him that everything is going to be alright, it tells him to stay strong. He rubbed his cheek against Turbo's strong torso while the tiger licked slightly at his hair, just like every time he fancied cuddling with him. Ix's words were right, Turbo knew all along that he was right; Yzmar was strong and ready to face the impossible... just because his strength's source was Turbo himself, just because that one single love was inside his heart now. Yzmar felt like his courage was fueled up to the top just by Turbo, he can beat two illness at once... Hell, he'll beat everything in his face just for him, his heart never felt this strong before, but it sure is strong now.

'Oh, so NOW you're trying to live a normal life?'


'Sigh... still ignoring me, aren't you?'


'You'll end up digging a deep wound inside everyone's heart, kid. This lover of yours, those idiots at work, your so-called friends...'


'Or... are you perhaps believing in those 'cure' claims now? Even if they were true, do you think you'll have enough time?'


'Tch... do what you wish, why would I care anymore...'


Yzmar opened his eyes again, finding himself still in Turbo's bedroom, there was this warm feeling of fur all around his upper body, and a muzzle nuzzling up at his head. Soon, he heard Turbo whispering, licking at his eyebrow's open wound that slowly started to close again.



"You suddenly collapsed, you ok?"

"Yeah... I just... feel so frail, I don't feel like doing anything but stay laid like this."

He shivered a bit as he felt a lick at his hair, then the warm breath of his mate brushing at him as he whispered back.

"Exactly my thoughts, love."

Yzmar smiled, he relaxed his body, feeling his lover rubbing at his skin and cuddle him with his paw. His other paw was stretching under Yzmar's head as it flexed on the human's chest, and Yzmar's head was resting on Turbo's arm, close to his shoulder.

"I want to stay like this with you forever, mate."

"... Turbo... thanks, it feels great..."

"Yeah, I like cuddling with you too."

"No, I meant... you being here."


"It... makes me able to believe in myself... Thank you..."

"... in that case, I should be thanking you too, shouldn't I?"

Suddenly, Turbo's cell rang in the lamp table's drawer. Turbo felt bothered for a bit, not wanting to answer the call and ruin this happy moment, but Yzmar turned to him and smiled, nodding for him to answer. With a grunt, Turbo flexed a bit to sit up, loomed over him to reach for the drawer and pull his phone out. Yzmar's heart almost leaped up when Turbo did that, his whole body was over him, naked, with only white boxers. His smells and fine-tuned body brushed at his existence... he would have sworn that Turbo was teasing him again if it wasn't for the serious look on his tiger.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, the number is familiar but not recorded in my card's memory."

"... well?"


"Answer it, no?"

Turbo flipped the phone open, returning to where he was near Yzmar, holding the phone with his right paw, keeping his left arm under Yzmar's head and his left paw on his mate's body, still brushing at him lightly. Yzmar was somewhat hypnotized by Turbo, and the fever of his illness made it all that easier to fall into his stroke, he could hear his mate greeting the caller, then a little conversation happened before Turbo freeze in his motion and almost blast at his phone.



The door of the locker room slammed open, and a hyena stepped inside, walking straight past two rows of lockers in the dark room and turning to the left for this locker. He flipped the key and sprang the door open with a loud bang, grunting in disturbance.

(Why would that idiot of a fox agree on this 'week' business?)

He loosened his tie and snatched it off, throwing it inside in a messy manner. Starting to unbutton his top dark blue tuxedo, he picked up his phone with the other paw and stared at it, it was a message.

(Sheesh, this never ends.)

Soon, the presence of another furry cut the threads of his thoughts. The big buffalo was walking slowly across the room, but it was clear who he was looking for. He stopped several feet behind him, and stood there in silent until the hyena sighed in boredom.

"What is it, big guy?"

"Their condition for the job, and this week period... what's that about?"

"Why not ask our master about it? I'm just as puzzled as you are."

"It's your fault for not trying to-"

"Oh? It's not like you did anything to help back then."


"Standing like a wall in there, just like a big gorilla pet indeed... Tch, you piss me off."

The buffalo stepped closer and laid his heavy hand on the hyena's shoulder, grasping at it lightly and pulling it slowly. There was no force, but it was clear that he wanted him to look him in the face. The hyena turned, and with a cold stare looked up at him and said nothing.

After a brink of awkward silence that could be mistaken for a lover's quarrel, the buffalo snatched at the hyena's white shirt and slammed him back to the lockers, locking his grasp around his neck. A slight grunt escaped the hyena, but he soon looked at him again with those cold eyes and said nothing.

"Listen, you sneaky pack of laughter, I don't trust you one bit."

"... you're starting to scare me; we have the same feelings towards one another."

"This is no joke, you asshole."

"So you DO talk a lot when you want to, who would have thought?"


"It's not like I need your 'trust' in the first place, barbarian."

"The master might trust you with his work, but I'm not that careless."

"Hey... your grasp is starting to hurt my neck, knock it off."


The hyena reached with one slow paw to his wrist, holding it softly at first but beginning to apply more force, gradually closing hard on his wrist.

"Let go, brute."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll do it myself."

The hyena then 'turned' his own paw around his wrist in a circle motion, while still grasping hard at him. It made his hand weaken a bit, but that's all the hyena was asking for, as he turned his whole body clockwise and broke free from his grasp, standing aside and tidying his shirt up.

"Do you always result to your fists before talking? Jeez..."


"Instead of 'doubting' me, maybe you should start to think about what the master really aims for."

"... what are you implying?"

"He said he wanted that Ramzy fellow to join us, since with his Grim we can finally finish our project. So then why does he suddenly ask for a scandalous organization to snuff the bastard?"


"No matter how I think about it, it doesn't make any sense."

"Our master knows what he's doing."

"And we don't?"


"Plus, agreeing to their condition, that they'll keep Ramzy with them should they succeed in convincing him... doesn't that mean we still can't use him for the project since he'll be allied with them?"

The buffalo calmed down a bit, and started to divert his eyes away in thought, humming to himself and stroking his thick small beard.

"You could be right in doubting him."


The buffalo instantly eyed the hyena again, his eyes were wide and piercing through him. It made the hyena a little bit alarmed of any sudden attacks he might deliver.

"But still... my loyalty to the master comes before anything else."


"I'm keeping my eyes on you, Mr. chuckles-"

"... heh."

"I will not hesitate to kill you should you try anything funny."

The buffalo walked out the locker room quietly, with slow strong steps, as the hyena unbuttoned his white shirt and took it off. He grunted a bit in pain as he rubbed around his neck, cursing at that brute's bulldozing strength.

"Hmph... Mr. chuckles, was it? I'll get you for that, you no-brainer."

He picked up his cell phone and dialed a number...

"Things are about to get REAL messy... I don't like it."