Quick Announcement 1

Story by ElevenKeys on SoFurry

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I currently have 5 ongoing story series. At the moment I only post chapters and episodes for "Pitch", and "Escape", but I thought you guys might like to know about the stories I don't post here.

  1. "Welcome To" is a story set in a world where the apocalypse hit. A woman by the name of Fate is the main character who was lucky enough to find a safe haven at her place of work. When a demon takes over her grocery store it offers her and her coworkers a place to stay out of the chaos as long as they continue to keep the store running. In order to survive, Fate has to work as the demon's right hand in a literal dead-end job.

  2. "Is There Philosophy" is a story about Rejection. For those of us with thick skin it rolls off like rain, but even the strongest of us know a time when "no" was too hard a word to hear. Rejection sticks with us. It burns into our history like a branding iron. What does rejection make of us, for better or worse? Find out what it does to the life of Monte, a kid in the foster system all grown up and starting a life.

  3. "In Line" is a story set in a world of medieval kings and queens. After the downfall of the mad king, a new system was born. Whenever a king and or queen gave birth to children they would adopt two newborns from the kingdom they presided over. The royal family would never know which of the three children was their own blood, so they could not favor one over the other. When the children grew up and their parents, the king, and queen that raised them, finally passed it would become the people's decision as to which of the three heirs would become the next ruler. Of course, the system had its flaws. Who decides what children are given to become royalty?

If any of these stories sound interesting or draw your attention, you can read them on my Wattpad page.


I post chapters to all of my stories on a rotating schedule. That means if today I posted a new chapter to "Pitch" tomorrow I'll post a new chapter to "Escape", the next day will be "Welcome to", and I'll continue down the list until I get to the end in which case I'll start back from the top.

Pitch Episode 21: Exhaustion

Shopping for clothes before the new school year was an age-old tradition. Due to my unnatural proclivity for getting into accidents Dad usually bought me clothes in bulk. I had at least 100 copies of the same shirt hanging in my closet and 50 of the...

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Pitch Episode 20: Scribe

I stumbled for a while. The teleportation threw me for a loop. How did I end up back in "The Endless Hallway"? Turning around in circles I inspected the area. The silence in that place was haunting. Though there was a constant low humming wind, on my...

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Pitch Episode 19: Walk Home

There were two weeks left before my senior year of high school. By then I was in better shape from my injuries but I hadn't gone into work for Beth in a while. My dad didn't think it was safe anymore, and after what Wes told me I didn't think it was...

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