Dark Ark, Episode 1

Story by Arkham_Beast on SoFurry

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#1 of Dark Ark

Hello-Hello, everybody!

First of all: I wanted to apologize for the sudden hiatus, just lost the drive to write for a while. But I'm back, this time with some slice-of-life, starring my very own fursona!

Second: I know that I have other projects that you prefer to read and I'll get back to those as soon as possible, all I ask is that you be patient with me here.

That said, hope you enjoy reading the first episode as much as I liked writing it!

The large, widescreen TV blared out loudly in the penthouse, showing a wrestling match, it was a live bout between a large tiger and dark-furred wolf, who was clearly smaller than the feline in the muscle department, anyone could see that the wolf was a jobber, or more like fodder since he was barely putting up a fight against the tiger, who was practically tearing him to pieces.

A loud sigh almost echoed around the empty penthouse as its owner sat, sprawled on the wide couch, watching with complete boredom on his face. Arkham Bennet was a fighter himself, also winner or runner-up in a few lightweight bodybuilding tournaments, he hated watching this big-league wrestling matches, they were fake, and this match is no different.

The rat had dark gray fur all over with lighter gray going from under his snout, over his front and inside his thighs. A somewhat thick golden ring hanging from his nose and a pair of rings from his nipples, with his left arm having a swirling purple tattoo going from his wrist to just below his bicep. His build was pretty thick and heavy-looking, despite him being on the short side, heightwise. His hair was silver in color and slightly smoothed back in a faux-hawk that reached just below his nape.

He was a part of a fighting league himself, employed by one of the organizations affiliated with said league, but at least they don't orchestrate the entire fight. They pit fighters against each other and let them go at it to their heart's content, real punching, real kicking, the fighters actually leave the fight bruised and tired, not simply sweating and looking like fitness models.

The rat was super bored right now, no gigs for him in the last month and his body was getting fidgety and restless, he was raring for a fight. He let out a huff through his nose as he turned the TV off, just as the big tiger was doing his 'finishing move', stood up from his seat and went to the built-in gym of his penthouse.

The place was pretty spacious, filled with all kinds of equipment and gear, ranging from dumbbells to complex equipment. He took off his tank and tossed it aside, his golden nipple rings glinting under the light, standing on a cardio mat and started doing some warm-up exercises, followed by some stretching, twisting and turning his body in, almost, painful ways, letting out small groans as some bones popped in place.

Once he was done with those, he went for the dumbbells, grabbing a couple of heavy ones then stood in front of the wall mirror and started doing some curls, grunting slightly as his biceps bloated and deflated with each rep. He was slowly remembering his early days with the Free Brawl League, the people he signed a contract with, he made sure to earn lots of brownie points early in his career, that mostly means beating up those who people mostly bet on, in this case, the veteran fighters and top leaguers.

The crowd cheering and roaring out his name as he entered the ring, riling and heating them up for the battle to come, he was as wild as they wished for both in the ring and out. And speaking of coming...

His memories slideshow-ed all the way to those post-fight nights. The clubs, the drinks, and most importantly, the adoring fans laying themselves out for him, he did pick a lucky one or two for some... private wrestling bouts and everyone left or slept, happy.

Aaaand there goes the boner, he placed the dumbbells back on their rack before adjusting himself as he made his way to the chest press machine. Adding some weight before starting his presses, his chest puffing out with each deep breath he takes and each rep, trying his best to ignore the meat log in his pants, laying across his thigh.

But the more he worked out, the harder he got and the more distracting it was, he actually lost count a few times, he was slowly reaching the limit of his concentration, his mind flashing with images of some of his fans and recent flings in various states of undress and arousal, their faces, voices, and sounds they were making during those times echoing right in his ears. Losing count one more time was the last straw, "Okay, godammit, I hear you, the fuck you want me to do?!" he yelled at his hard dick, still trapped in his pants, which gave a couple of small throbs as if telling him 'You know what I want'. "Drama queen."

Just then, the doorbell rang, "Now who the fuck could that be?" he stood up, not bothering to put his tank back on nor adjusting his hard and very visible man meat bulging out of the leg of his pants.

He checked the intercom and a wide smile spread on his face, quickly unlocking the door and swinging it open, greeting the visitors with wide arms. "Babe! Sweat buns!" He greeted the pair of rabbit brothers that came. The smaller, younger brother was a harlequin rabbit with mostly white fur, with black and brown splotches in random places, a brown splotch was over his left eye while a black one was over his left. The bigger, older brother had normal brown fur, with a lighter hue going from his lower jaw, over most of his front and the inside of his thighs.

The smaller one, David Summers, had a slim and athletic but tight build. His muscles weren't as big as Arkham or his bigger brother's, but he still had a well cut and sculpt to his physique, his blonde hair was short and styled in a faux-hawk that aimed forward instead of backward like Arkham. He was wearing a low hanging tank top that showed off his firm chest and barbell pierced nips as well as some baggy sweatpants. "Heya, stud! We had nothing to do, so we decided to come here!" He held up the duffel bag he brought along and opened it up before showing the rat the contents. It was filled with some of the newest games, some change of clothes, and essential toiletries.

The bigger brother, Tyler Summers was way taller than both, he stood at an imposing seven feet and three inches, easily towering over David's six feet and two inches, as well as Arkham's five feet and three inches, sporting a pair of the best pecs on a man, in Arkham's opinion, anyways, his hair was blonde like his brother, but had some strands dyed brown, it was just a mussed up in general. His own attire was somewhat similar to his brother's, although his tank top was tight enough to hug and show off his thicker and heavier build under it, including his washboard abs and perked out nips as well as some tight sweatpants that were strangely a bit flat at the front. "Hey, hun! Figured you'd want some company since you didn't have anything planned for the day" He also carried pretty big duffel back, though the contents were very different from David's. His own contained a wide variety of sex toys with varying sizes, as well as some lube, poppers, condoms of different sizes, and some leather harnesses, belts, and cuffs.

How the hell did he cram all that into that one bag would be the question of the day. He also had his nipples pierced, a pair of silver nipple rings hung from his perked out nubs.

Both brothers stepped into the penthouse, but not before giving the rat a small smooch on the lips, Arkham licking them briefly. "You guys came at the right time, just started on a quick workout to relieve some stress."

After tossing both bags on the couch, David walked up to the rat with a small hum, reaching with one hand to rub his palm against Arkham's throbbing lump. He was pretty surprised when the rat's body jumped and shivered as he let out a small gasp. "Whoah, someone's really stressed out, huh?"

Arkham huffed softly with a semi-glazed over expression. "You have no idea~" But pulled with a semi-forced smile on his face. "But let me finish met workout first, you guys are free to join me~" then made his way back to the built-in gym. The brothers followed behind him soon enough, right after setting everything in place.


A few minutes later. The gym was filled with the hot and thick air of testosterone and adrenaline.

The trio were all sweating up a storm, puffing hard for breath as they took turns doing some barbell squats, both Arkham and Tyler were doing pretty heavyweights being a fighter and amateur bodybuilder respectively, while David was doing lighter weights since he was a gymnast.

Tyler just finished with his last set and placed the bar back in place with a heavy huff. At this point he and the other two were pretty much naked, save for their jockstraps, the older and bigger Summers sibling was wearing a thong though, still suspiciously deflated at the front, fur matted down and fussed up from sweat, most of it rolling down their bodies.

Arkham clapped his hands a couple of times before speaking. "Well, that was a fun past time, let's get cleaned up so I can whoop your asses in some games!" Just as he turned to leave, he was suddenly picked up by Tyler by his pits, right before the bigger rabbit gave him a mighty bear hug, mashing the rat's face between the two flesh pillows for pecs. "Or we could do that, I don't mind~" his voice was muffled from being buried between those doughy moobs.

"Oh yeah. You owe me big for last time, and I'm planning to collect tonight~" Tyler replied with a mischievous smile on his face. "But now, let's hit the jacuzzi, haven't worked out like this in a while, to be honest."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" David asked as he walked past the other two, giving it a light swat on the rear as he passed.


After a quick wash, Arkham was sitting in the wide jacuzzi, the water heated to perfection, he let out a sigh as he leaned on the edge, clearly enjoying the water as he felt his soreness melt away.

The door opened and he saw the brothers walk in, his eyes taking in both their different yet equally attractive physiques. Then his eyes drifted down to what they're packing.

David was just like Arkham, both were showers, the rabbit's hanging at a nine point two in length and three point four in girth, while Arkham's own was a whooping ten long and five point four wide, as his cock hung low between his legs, although it was showing signs of arousal, he also had a ring hafada piercing in the area connecting his sac with the underside of his shaft. In Tyler's case it's what he lacked, instead of some big package, he had a swollen-looking vagina, with a small fuzz of light brown fur on the pubic area.

Seeing the sight of those two, Arkham couldn't help but lick his lips a bit, his own manhood twitching in excitement under the water. "Well, what're you waiting for? Hop in!" Good thing the jacuzzi was big enough to fit all three of them and still be comfortable to be in.

The brothers stepped in, both letting out a sigh of relief and content once they sunk in, their own sore bodies feeling the relief as well. Tyler scooted closer to the rat until their bodies were touching, wrapping one arm around Arkham and pulling him close, the rat's face smooshed against one of those soft pecs.

A few minutes later, Arkham jumped in surprise before he practically melted in the jacuzzi. Tyler raised a brow at that, then his head lifted up... David was nowhere to be found. His face turned into a brief scowl before his hand reached under the water, right between the rat's legs... and pulled out his younger brother out of the water by the ears. "Dude... not cool."

"Come on, bro. You saw how pent up he was." David replied with a small smile. "I was just helping out, wasn't gonna let him cum, yet~" But he seemed to shrink a bit under Tyler's piercing glare.

The relationship between the trio wasn't really that complicated. Both of them liked the same guy and agreed to share, long as the rat treated and loved them both equally, then there won't be any problems. All of them were very happy with these arrangements, even if it meant that David and Tyler would be in a semi-incestuous relationship.


After the rejuvenating soak in the jacuzzi, they made their way to the lounge/living room, all three of them fully naked, booted up one of the game consoles and started playing some rounds. The scene right there was practically right out of a frat house. A small group of jocks sitting in front of the tv, game controllers in hand, lots of cursing, yelling, cheering, and booing, not to mention the multiple attempts to ruin each other's focus. One of those times had Arkham trying his hardest to focus when both brothers were on either side, teasing his cock and balls to near orgasm before stopping.

During that time, the doorbell rang, David got up to answer, still very naked. It was almost ten minutes before he came back carrying their order from a nearby pizza place, it was a pretty hefty order. Two large pizzas, some side orders, and some drinks. "Yo, Dave. You, uh... got something on your mouth, right- right over here." Tyler tapped the side of his mouth a couple of times, David simply licked that area, smacked his lips a couple of times before shrugged, then the trio finally dug into their food.


It was the evening by the time that the day's shenanigans were coming to an end. Almost...

That night, Arkham found himself cuffed to the bed, blindfolded with an eye mask, and his cock hard and aiming straight up at the ceiling. "Come on, dude. I know I left you high and dry that time, but it wasn't my fault!" The rat looked around, trying to find the rabbit in question. "It was a close call, the guy that was supposed to show suddenly came down with food poisoning, I was the only one available at the time!"

His ears perked to the left as he heard the unmistakeable heavy steps of Tyler, "True, but you could've at least made it up for me when you came back." the rat heard the bed creak and felt it shift a bit, before something leathery tapped him on the nose. "But what do you do instead? You sneak in, through the balcony and doze off on the bed."

"Didn't I apologize for that?"

"Not enough, hon. Now, be a good boy, lay still, and let me handle everything~" Before Arkham could speak, he found a ball gag shoved into his mouth and fastened around his head, the only thing he could muster after that were groans and whines.

Tyler started off slow, gentle kisses and nibbles on the rat's neck, then kissed his way down to his chest, softly licking his pecs and nips, occasionally taking one of the piercings between his teeth and giving it a firm pull. This would cause the rat to let out a sound that would've been a high pitched squeak if it wasn't for the gag in his mouth.

Tyler then continued gently kissing his way down, going ever each of the rat's abs, planting a few small ones on his fuzzy pubes, taking a few breaths of the rat while he's at it, then ran his tongue under Arkham's cock slowly, from base to tip. He did this a few times before pulling back, watching with slight glee as the rat's dick twitched and throbbed, demanding more attention from the rabbit, Arkham himself was getting a bit fidgety.

The rabbit continued teasing the rat in this manner for a few minutes, once he was satisfied, he finally took Arkham's pole into his mouth, slowly sliding down until it slipped snugly into his throat and his snout was pressed deep into the rat's pubes. He would stay like that for a few seconds, massaging the shaft with his throat, before pulling back and teasing the head with some sensual and soft licks and kisses.

Arkham, at this point, was just twitching and shivering, his body clearly demanding proper attention than this constant teasing, his lustful groans, moans, and growls were another indication.

Tyler noticed and figured that he had his fun, so he gobbled up Arkham's dick and began bobbing over it once again, this time going at a pretty quick pace that caused the rat's body to convulse almost violently, Arkham clearly cursing and swearing his head off behind the gag. But Tyler wasn't letting up, this was supposed to be punishment as well, after all, he coiled his thick arms around the rat's thighs, pulled them apart and went back to devouring the cock in his mouth, the sounds of wet slurps and sucks echoed loudly all around the room.

But soon enough, Arkham hit his peak, with a loud groan he was blasting one of the biggest loads he had right into Tyler's throat, the rabbit wasn't that phased by neither the force nor volume of it, he simply pushed his face hard and deep into the rat's crotch, forcing the cock head right into his throat and began gulping loudly, it was pretty audible if one got close enough, that's how strong Arkham's orgasm was at that moment.

Tyler managed to swallow every drop that the rat gave, Arkham now laid spent, huffing and puffing for breath as he drooled all over the gag in his mouth, some of it even dripping down the sides. But the big rabbit wasn't down, he gave Arkham's shaft a few more sucks before pulling off, noticing that it was still hard and ready for more, "Perfect~" he moved further up until Arkham's face was pressed between his moob-like pecs, his pussy hovering over that still angry cock. "Such a good boy you're being~" Once the head was pressed in place, Tyler began lowering himself down, eliciting a loud moan from both him and the rat under him.

He was about halfway down when he stopped. "Whoops, almost forgot!" he quickly got off of the rat and then the bed, leaving Arkham to whine and beg silently through the gag. Seconds later the rabbit came back, holding a condom pack, it was one of those flavored ones, melon to be exact, he tore it open and was going to wrap Arkham's shaft in it... if the rat would stop wiggling out of the way, that is.

Tyler got fed up with that pretty quickly, grabbing the rat by the throat to hold him still, pressing their snouts together, "Oi! What the fuck did I say, earlier? This is a punishment!" then bit hard into Arkham's neck, leaving quite the bite mark and hickey.

Arkham wasn't against wrapping up his meat before stuffing someone, he just didn't like doing so when he's with the brothers. But the rat calmed down soon enough, letting out a small whine of defeat as he allowed his cock to be rubbered up for the night.

Once it was securely wrapped up, Tyler gave the tip a small kiss before taking that cock into his mouth, sucking on it for a few seconds before pulling off and assuming his position over the rat once again. This time, he lowered himself until he was sitting perfectly in Arkham's lap, rolling his hips a few times, "There we go. Good boy, good boy~" he teased the rat, even giving his head a few ruffles, messing his hair a bit before he started moving, slowly at first but steadily picking up speed and force until he was bouncing hard on that cock. "Fffuuuucckkk... this cock is always so good~" Poor Arkham could do nothing but lay there, huffing and puffing as he was being ridden like a blow-up doll of sorts.

Tyler, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. His strong boyfriend tied up and at his mercy, and he was going to milk this moment dry of all it's worth. Soon enough he began bouncing harder, practically twerking at this point, until he slammed down onto the rat's lap, one last time, letting out a loud moan as he began squirting his hot and sweet juices all over Arkham's crotch, the rat's own orgasm triggered by the clamps and clenches of the rabbit's orgasm, he blew his own load into the condom, bloating out the head of it as it was a pretty impressive one despite having busting earlier.

Tyler simply lifted himself off, took the condom off of Arkham's cock and sucked the shaft clean of the remains, before lifting himself up, pressing his snout to the rat's own and lifting one side of the eye mask. "Don't think that we're done yet, babe. We've got a looong night ahead of us." before the rat could reply, he lowered the eye mask, pulled out another condom, cherry-flavored this time, wrapped up that cock and gave it the same treatment as earlier, right before taking another ride, this time sliding it into his ass.

And this went one for what felt like hours. Both of them left spent, tired, and sweating buckets all over the sheets. Arkham was nearing his last orgasm for the night, so Tyler decided to reward him for being a good boy, snapping the rubber off of his cock and slipping it back inside, bareback. The rat missed this sensation so much, that he actually blew his final load the moment he felt his entire shaft slide deep into his big rabbit's pussy, his body convulsing and twitching in both pleasure and overstimulation.

Tyler just sat there and took that hot load in with a gleeful look on his face. After that, he was satisfied, he claimed what he was owed in full, finally uncuffing the rat and pushing the eye mask over his head, Arkham's eyes were tired and unfocused but a happy smile was still spread on his face. "Fu-... fucking hell... If this is my punish- punishment... then I should be a bad boy... full time, huh?"

Tyler chuckled slightly as he planted a gentle kiss on the rat's lips before getting out of bed to put everything away. Just as he was about to get lie back down, he hesitated a bit. Arkham noticed that. "What's up, hon?"

Tyler looked at the bed briefly... before looking up at the rat "Hey, babe? How about we sleep on the sofa bed tonight, maybe watch something until we doze off?"

Arkham was about to ask why, but his eyes fell on the sheets and it dawned on him. "Oh, yeah... think that's a better idea." So they both stripped the sheets off the bed and threw them with the laundry, before hopping into the showering, helping each other clean up a bit. Arkham even gave Tyler some oral service, sucking and felching his load out of the rabbit's nether lips before snowballing with and feeding it to him.

Both showered and content, the grabbed a spare blanket, laid out on the sofa and turned on the tv, with the volume set to low, of course. It was a late-night rerun of a movie they saw a short while ago, so they weren't really paying much attention to it, in fact, all the action, gunfire, and explosions were strangely lulling as they both drifted off near the end.


The next day, Arkham woke up with his nose twitching and wiggling at the smell of food. He sat up and stretched with a groan, his bones popping into place while his body ached from last night. Hopping off of the sofa and making his way to the kitchen bar just behind the lounge area to see what's cooking, literally.

He smiled softly as he saw David making breakfast, leaning on a nearby wall with his arms crossed. "Where's Tyler?"

David smiled but didn't turn around as he answered. "He's in the gym, the one nearby, not the one inside." He flipped a couple of pancakes, then began plating others. "He woke up way earlier than either of us. Was quite surprised after the fun you guys had last night."

Arkham's body and cock twitched in delight at the memory, then his eyes roamed over the younger brother's body, slowly sliding down his back before finally resting on his rear, still clad in nothing but a jock. The rat simply licked his lips and went behind David, wrapping his arms around him in a gentle embrace, the rabbit didn't mind it much, even when those hands began roaming over his front, rubbing his abs, chest, even giving his hardening shaft a few strokes.

David was shivering at this point, luckily for him, the pancakes were almost done, just this last batch and breakfast will be ready, but the feeling of his body being 'molested' like this was too good to pass up. His body jumped slightly as he let out a small yelp when he suddenly felt something firm and wet prod and slide over his pucker, Arkham's skills with his tongue were the best he's experienced so far, he simply leaned forward, not too much as not to press his chest into the pancakes and let the rat have his fun.

Once Arkham was satisfied, he stood up and spat in his hand a couple of times, using that to lube up his shaft, taking his position behind the rabbit, and finally driving his entire, hard shaft balls deep into David in one smooth slide. Both rabbit and rat let out a loud moan, David suddenly clamping down on Arkham's invading shaft, "Fuck! You... mmff... don't mess around, do you?" Arkham didn't reply, instead, he began sawing his cock in and out of David's insides.

He started with long but strong strokes, thrusting in hard then slowly pulling back and repeating. But he steadily began applying more speed and force until the telltale sounds of flesh smacking hard against flesh.

Seems like being tied up all night last night and having his body used like a sex doll had him a bit miffed, he was going extra hard on David's ass that morning, he even began spanking his ass hard, his hands raining down smack after another on both cheeks, leaving them pretty red, almost glowing even. But David wasn't phased, in fact, the rabbit was having the time of his life, he loved it when Arkham got rough, but this was sending him up to cloud nine and back.

Near the end of their morning quickie, Arkham actually grabbed both of David's ears and yanked them back, hard, forcing a loud, and pretty whorish, groan out of him, "Yes! Fuck me, daddy! Use me!" the rabbit was screaming a string of curses, swears, and other demands like that until he felt the rat spear his insides deep, before letting his first load of the day burst inside, this coupled with the treatment he was getting, David actually blew his own load, hands-free, all over the floor below them.

Arkham pulled out of David, but not before giving each ass cheek one last smack, "Turn around." was the only command he gave, the rabbit could only obey as he went down on his knees and turned to face the rat's cock, giving it a few licks to the underside before taking it into his mouth, thoroughly cleaning it. But seconds into the 'cleaning', Arkham gently grabbed the back of the rabbit's head, pushing him deep into his crotch just as his body relaxed, letting out a sigh of content.

David felt the stream on his tongue before actually tasting it, he couldn't help letting out a drawn-out moan of delight, eagerly and gleefully gulping down the rat's morning piss until he had nothing more to give. Once the stream ended, he sucked on the head a few more times before fully pulling off, swirling the remains in his mouth a few times before finally swallowing, humming to himself. "Thanks for the free drinks, stud~"

Arkham planted a small peck on the rabbit's forehead. "Gonna grab a quick shower, then heading to Mr.Ueda's place to ask if anything landed for me. Getting really twitchy here."

"So, no dinner plans tonight?" David asked as he stood up and finished the last batch of pancakes, a couple were slightly more burnt than the others.

"Depends on what he says, so until then, it's fifty-fifty." Then Arkham disappeared into the bathroom for his shower. During so, he began remembering how he met the brothers and the events which lead to their current relationship.

He actually met David first at a comic-con held in the city. It was a pretty big event at the time, lots of well-known studios for movies, comic books, novels, so on and so forth, attended the convention, even small-time groups and individual artists were there. Of course, Arkham being Arkham, he introduced himself while trying to get into the rabbit's pants at the same time, David willfully let him in and it thus their relationship began, as fuck-buddies at first, but soon enough bloomed into something more.

Before that took place, he met Tyler while visiting the local gym, the older Summers sibling was still pretty tall back then, but not as stacked and beefed up as he was now, it was actually thanks to the rat's almost abnormal routines that he packed all that muscle in such a short time. Their relationship took after one of their workouts, lead by Arkham, of course, at the time, the rat hasn't seen the big rabbit naked before, Tyler wasn't as confident with his body at the time, especially with what he had between his legs.

Arkham being himself, coupled with his weakness to transmen, couldn't stop himself from dropping one of the lewdest 'compliments' he could think of, this caused the rabbit to practically run out of the showers but was soon chased after by Arkham. After that, and some heavy apologizing later, they sat down and talked, the rabbit telling him all about how he was insecure about his body and especially his sex, so the rat decided to show him just how sexy and beautiful he was.

That, of course, meant a very long night of sex and love-making between them, that not only lead to Tyler accepting his body as it is but also boosted his confidence sky-high. A little while after that, he was introduced into the leather and bondage scene, thanks to the internet and became quite the powerbottom.

Long story short, he also grew feelings for the rat, his younger brother found out, and after some long discussions, plus some very heated arguments, the duo decided to give the rat the ultimatum: He either takes both or neither. To their surprise, Arkham agreed with very little, if any, hesitation. And thus began their current relationship.

By the time his trip down memory lane ended, he was done with his shower, toweling and drying himself off, he grabbed some clothes, a sleeveless hoodie with the zipper done up halfway, showing off some abs and chest, and some jogging shorts then went back to the kitchen, taking a seat at one of the stools just as David placed the first plate of pancakes, coated in a healthy layer of honey. "Eat up, babe. Knowing that big bear, you might need it~" David shot him a knowing wink before going back to plate the rest of the pancakes.

"Nah, doubt it. He's got some people coming over this morning. Probably plumbers since his sink stopped working a couple of days ago."

"Ohoo~ Well, hope they're ready for a biiig payment~" This earned a chuckle from both of them as they ate their pancakes, shifting their conversation to other stuff.


Soon enough, Arkham was out the door and making his way to the elevator, he was about to press the button for Mr.Ueda's floor when the 'stop' sign for the elevator came on, "Huh... guess they're doing some maintenance." he simply put his hands into his hoodie's pockets and made for the stairs. "That thing has been making some strange and alarming noises lately."

He took the few flights down the stairs to the desired floor, making his way to Ueda's room while whistling a random tune to himself. He stood in front of the door with a confused look, "What the hell?" what was in front of him wasn't the usual door, but a fully tiled glass door, only the edges and outer rims of the door were wood. "Since when did he put this up?"

It was the kind that was still a normal window, but you couldn't see into the other side unless you or someone from the other side pressed themselves or something against it. And that's exactly what happened. The moment Arkham finished his question, a large, white, and heavily muscular frame was literally slammed against the door, he immediately recognized the polar bear as his manager, Matsuri Ueda. His stubbled face pressed sideways against the glass, his face the perfect example of 'ahegao face', after that his body kept slamming hard against the door, the loud *BANG BANG BANG* of his body against the door echoed throughout the hallway.

It was pretty clear what was happening behind that door, but it became even clearer when a pair of big hands grabbed the polar bear's hips, the owner of said hands clearly giving it to him as the bear began screaming his head off in absolute delight, tongue hanging out of his mouth, drool messily trailing down the sides and smearing all over the window and the bear's face.

Soon enough, the person behind the bear must've finally busted his load as he let out a loud growl, while Ueda moaned like the slut he was. He didn't get to rest long as a new pair of hands grabbed his hips and drove home before going to town, and the bear went back to moaning and howling like a bitch in heat.

This actually went on for quite a while, Arkham counted four pairs of hands, including the two he saw, so it was four people in there taking turns on the polar bear's ass, all while his body was pressed against the window for anyone who passed by the room to see, luckily no one was there.

Once things finally calmed down, the silence in the hallway was almost deafening, earlier it was like a thunderstorm was passing in it, back and forth. Few seconds later, a pair of stockily built men came out of the room, a beaver with pretty impressive gut and a pair of the biggest buckteeth that Arkham ha seen, followed closely by a white and brown splotched bulldog with a way smaller gut than the beaver, that the rat recognized. "Morning Mr.Mendez!"

The bulldog turned to the voice and found the rat sitting crosslegged beside the door, then stood up to greet the big male. "Hey there, Bennet! Always a pleasure to see ya!" His voice was in the middle of both being deep and highpitched. He turned to the beaver to introduce him. "This is one of our newest employees, Markus Coleman." Then he gestured to the rat, introducing him to the beaver. "And this is Arkham Bennet, he's one of the best and most pleasant fellas you'll meet around here, Coleman." Both rat and beaver took each other's hands in a firm shake, nodding to each other in greeting.

"So..." Arkham started nodding to the apartment they just came out of. "Finally fixed the old man's pipes?" His voice carried a hint of sarcasm and suggestion.

To which the bulldog smirked widely. "Oh yeah, had to get really deep in there to get to the problem." Followed by a suggestive waggle of his eyebrows. Coleman instead blushed and coughed a couple of times, Mendez turned to him and gave him a small smack on the arm. "Oh don't go acting like a fucking virgin on me now, Mark. You actually went twice, yourself!"

He checked his watch and let out a low whistle. "Fuck, we're behind on our next client. Luckily they're the last for the day." He tipped his hat at Arkham. "See you around, partner!" Coleman just gave him a nod before both left in a small hurry to their next job.

Arkham just chuckled and shook his head before entering the apartment. The inside was a mix between modern and oriental, multiple ornaments adorned the walls, from fans, to swords, even a few kabuki masks, the lounge area was well carpeted, but the rest of the apartment was tiled, the kitchen design was similar to Arkham's penthouse, complete with stools, but there was a dining table a few feet from it, clearly for bigger gatherings out on the balcony, there was a tatami mat with a small carpet over it, a small table and chair on the side, with a tiny bonsai tree sitting on the table.

And then there was what seemed to be the running theme here: All of the doors were glass doors, but unlike the one at the front door, these were smooth and provided a clear vision of the other side. The rat didn't pay this strange decor much attention, having been here plenty of times he knew the reason behind them, what he didn't expect was seeing two other fighters from the organization he's employed at sitting in the lounge.

"Yo, Dark! Wassup!" That was Flint Berkwood, a buck with a slim but tight build. He had a bunch of tattoos covering his body that one can't tell where they start nor where they end, his antlers were accessorized with rings of various colors, a few random ones had the tips cut and replaced with precious stones, also of various colors. He was sitting shirtless with nothing but jogging shorts and some socks.

"Hey man. You were called too?" This was one of the rookies who recently joined, a ram with a wide build, he wasn't as tightly cut and sculpted like Arkham or most of the other fighters, but he still had a pretty impressive physique. His clothes consisted of a sleeveless hoodie and some sweatpants, his bare feet crossed over the sofa.

"Hey Ares, Lift~" The names they called one another were nicknames they hung onto, summarizations of their ring names. Their real names were Deneb Marques for the buck and Simon Belmont for the ram. "What's going on?"

Simon shrugged before replying. "Nothing really, just waiting on our dear manager to get our gigs. I bet you're here for the same thing?"

"Yeah, been sitting on my ass for a while. My body's been itching for a while and getting really fidgity." Arkham let out a huff of irritation before hopping onto the sofa.

Just then the door to the bathroom opened, their manager, Ueda, just finished with his shower, toweling himself off and smoothing his black hair back, walking out as naked as he was earlier. "That is why I called you two today. Good thing you came too, Bennet, I was going to call you as well." He went over and sat down on the love seat, facing the others. "Got a few good gigs for you and thought I'd get your input before signing you up."

He reached with one hand to the small cabinet under the widescreen tv, pulled out a thick file, then laid out its contents on the table before separating the papers and pictures so that they went for the proper one of the present three. Arkham and the other grabbed their papers and began reading through them, Simon frowning a bit at one of them. "Jesus, how long are they planning on treating me like a fucking jobber? I'm a proper rookie now, aren't I?"

"You think you have it bad? They want me to go against Lock Jaw!" Deneb let out a snort. "He'll turn me to paste in the first minute."

Arkham, on the other hand, remained silent, going through his options quietly. But as he read the current one, he let out a small scoff. "They're joking here, right?"

Ueda took the paper that the rat was holding and reading it over, then flipping to the page of Arkham's supposed opponent. "Hmm... that is strange. Usually, they don't pit those of your ranks against jobbers or rookies."

The guy in question was a pine marten, a jobber who joined shortly after Simon did. His build was nowhere near good enough to be a fighter and in this league to boot, he was on the lanky side, barely any definition to his build, the only word that could describe the guy was 'twink'.

"I did ask the heads about letting this kid join. They said that his enthusiasm was convincing enough."

Simon and Deneb leaned over the table to see the guy in question. "Holy shit, this guy?" The ram started as he sat back down. "Dude's only useful as a punching bag. Seriously, all I've seen him do at HQ was stand there and let the others practice their moves on him."

Deneb nodded and added his own tidbits. "Yeah, seen him around, myself. He gets bruised and banged easily, yet he always comes out of it smiling and all cheers." He crossed his arms and shook his head dismissively. "Every time I ask him about it, he only replies that 'His time will come' and leaves it at that."

"Maybe he's just optimistic and truly believes that his time to shine will come, sooner or later," Arkham suggested as he grabbed the paper and tossed it on the table. "Anyways, I'm not gonna do it, they're even asking me to go all out. I might kill the guy if I did."

Ueda let out a small breath through his nose. "Well, I'm sorry to say that this is all I've got for you, Bennet." He grabbed a separate folder and stuffed Arkham's papers into it before handing it over to the rat. "Just keep these with you and read them over at your leisure."

Arkham just huffed and place his folder on the table in front of him, leaning back as he took a deep breath... then let it out. "So... finally fixed your sink, I see." He stated with a hint of suggestion in his voice. "Hope you tipped those two well~"

"It was more of them tipping me... Well, it was more than just the tip." That earned a chuckle from everyone.

"Speaking of which..." Simon started, leaning back in his seat and manspreading, showing off the growing tent in his sweats. "About that second round, Mr.Ueda?" The polar bear simply smiled and silently stood up, walking over to the ram and taking his place between his legs.

He wasted no time in pulling down those sweats and gobbling up Simon's meat club of a cock, throating it quite easily. He didn't stay on oral for long, quickly standing up and turning, expertly aiming that cock at his hole, right before slamming his ass down onto the ram's lap.

As the buttfucking ensued, Arkham grabbed his file and stood up. "Well, I'm gonna leave you guys to it." Then made his way out the door, just as things were getting a bit heated back there.

He made his way to the elevator, noticing that the stop sign was off this time. "Guess they fixed it."

"Finally?" He turned as he heard Deneb behind him, wearing a low-cut tank top, probably the one that was discarded earlier. "That thing's been making a lot of noises. Plus do you know how hard it is to walk all the way up here on the stairs?" The rat knew, but he wasn't as bothered by it as most. To him, it's more of an annoyance that a tiring trek.

Just as they got into the elevator, a loud CRASH came from the polar bear's room, followed by an equally loud. "FUCK YES! BREAK ME, NEXT!!"

The door's of the elevator closed just as the duo inside muttered in unison. "Holy shit."


Back at the apartment, Arkham walked in and closed the door behind him, just as he heard a low sounding moan coming from the lounge. He peaked his head in and found a slim-looking cheetah he's never seen before just making himself comfortable on the sofa while some movie was blaring from the widescreen tv.

Arkham began slowly and silently creeping his way towards the feline, a few alarm bells ringing in his head. His hair began glowing a faint hue of purple, while his scleras were slowly turning from white to black, one of the stools at the bar began shifting and turning in its place.

Once he got close enough though, he calmed down and everything went back to normal. The cheetah was a delivery boy from the burger place a couple of blocks away and was currently getting quite the tip from David.

David noticed the rat looking over the cheetah's shoulder, but Arkham quickly gestured for him to keep quiet. "Come on man, hurry it up!" The feline was clearly the impatient type, that or he's got other deliveries to get to. Most probably the latter.

So David doubled his efforts, the loud and wet sounds of slurps and suck returned to the lounge, one hand stroking that cock while the other rolled the cheetah's balls. Soon enough, he let out a small yowl as he let his load loose. From his expression, it seemed like the best and biggest load of his life.

Arkham leaned on the back of the couch, his head right beside the cheetah's. "Having fun?" The feline jumped from the sudden voice right in his ear, hopping up on his feet and almost tumbling over from his pants practically tying his ankles.

"Holy shit, I-I'm sorry... t-th-th-this is not what it looks like!" The cheetah as already fumbling with his clothes as much as with his words.

"Whoa, dude. Chill." Arkham saw the utter distress in the guy's eyes and tried to calm the situation.

"I'm really sorry. It won't happen again!" He managed to straighten out his clothes as much as possible before practically racing out the door.

Arkham blinked a couple of times, before turning back to his boyfriend, gesturing to the door with a thumb. "What crawled up his ass?"

"He was super cute and nervous when he came in. I, of course, answered the door in the buff and was sweating slightly." David said as he stood up and wiped his lips with the back of his hand. "Both you and Tyler were taking your sweet time, so I had to occupy myself, somehow."

"So you took advantage of the poor delivery boy~?" Despite the scolding words, his tone was full of sarcasm. "Speaking of which: Tyler didn't come back yet?"

"Yeah, he came back a few minutes ago. He's in the shower, though."

Just then, they heard the undeniable heavy steps of the older Summers brother, both blushed softly as their eyes roamed over that wet, freshly showered form of Tyler. Drops of water slowly cascaded and danced over every muscle and valley of his build before dripping onto the floor below, the towel around his waist just made the sight all the more alluring.

Tyler simply chuckled and place his hands on his hips, "Okay, if either of you wants a piece of this..." he gestured to his body. "Then come and get it. Otherwise, you can stop visually molesting me already." He went over to the fridge and grabbed a juice bottle and took a few gulps. "So..." he started as he turned to Arkham. "No proper gigs, yet?"

The rat shrugged his shoulders before replying. "Nope, one of them was probably just a staged thing. Well, half staged, I suppose." He told them about how one of his options was fighting one of the jobbers and was supposed to go all out. "Don't know what they were thinking with that, but I wasn't gonna be part of it."

"Well... do you have anything else to go for?" David asked as he sat on the sofa.

Arkham took off his hoodie, tossing it on the head of the sofa before joining him. "Nothing worth mentioning, but there was supposed to be an interview about my workout style and ethics for a sports magazine. Guess I'll take that."

Tyler smiled suggestively. "Ohoo~ Going to show off those strong muscles of yours at work, eh?"

"Oh, shut it." The rat laid down on the sofa, his head in David's lap. "But yeah, something like that. It's basically for those who can't come up with an exclusive routine of their own."

Just then the rat's phone rang, he got up to take the call. "Yeah?"

"Hey, Dark. My man!" That was another one of the fighters employed alongside Arkham. "Haven't seen you around HQ for a while, now. Figured I'd call and see if you're up for a little spar?"

Arkham looked at the watch on his phone, then took a brief glance at the brothers who were busy watching a cooking show. "Sure, I'll be there shortly." He ended the call and addressed the brothers. "I'm gonna head out to HQ. Might be back late." He grabbed his hoodie and made his way to the door. "If so, go ahead and have dinner without me." He heard them bid him a good day as he left the apartment.


The HQ of the organization was this tall tower with the name 'Cosmo-Ring' hanging from the very top, almost forty stories high. The ground floor is the reception and public lounge, the first floor was the gym, exclusive for the employed fighters and complete with a locker room, showers, and even a ring for sparring, the second was the employee's lounging area, filled with tabletop games like pool and ping-pong. From the third floor to the fifth were dorms for the fighters who used to live far away and those who can't afford an apartment.

Arkham was sparring with one of the fighters on the ring, taking a muay-thai stance with one knee lifted up, almost touching his elbows. The fighter in question was a white tiger, his blue-dyed hair done in a messy style, took a boxing stance, although he was panting slightly.

"Come on, man. You can't prove yourself if you're panting this early in the round." He mocked slightly, but there was a hint of encouragement in his tone.

"Yes sir!" He gave the tiger time to compose himself and allowed him to get in close, dodging one punch, then another, and another, once he saw an opening he quickly jumped and his knee connected to the tiger's guts, hard, leaving him reeling back and gasping for air.

"Ohohoho, damn! Go easy on the kid, Dark." One of the audience, the guy who actually called Arkham earlier, suggested. He was a tall bull, one of their heavyweight pros, and one of the rat's many rivals.

"Oh, stuff it, Stampede. He won't get anywhere if he can't hold his ground against me at least." Arkham retorted with some annoyance.

"This coming from the guy who floored half of the pros around here the first month he got drafted." The bull replied, eliciting a chuckle from the others watching.

Arkham turned to the tiger, who still had an arm around his midsection, softly panting for breath, the rat let out a small sigh before taking off the gloves and other protective gear. "Let's call it for today, yeah."

"Sure... s-sorry." The tiger apologized as he took the rat's offered hand and stood up.

"Don't sweat it, you'll get your chance sooner or later." He checked the clock on the far wall, it was getting a bit late. "Gonna hit the showers and head home for the night." He made his way to the locker rooms, taking off the shorts he wore, they were the only thing on him since he didn't want his hoodie to be soaked in sweat.

He got under one of the showerheads and began lathering himself up, as he was doing so, he heard someone coming in soon afterward. "Come on, move it slut." He turned his head and saw the tiger from earlier, naked as the day he was born, followed, or more like being pushed by a heavily built, black-furred wolf. "Get into position and get to work while I shower"

The young tiger got on his knees in front of the wolf, just as he turned the shower on, slowly lathering himself up and taking his time, meanwhile, the tiger was sucking his dick, right there in the shower room, in front of everyone present. Though strangely enough, no one seemed to bat an eye.

"Fuck yeah. Suck that dick, faggot." The wolf growled lustfully, one hand grabbing the tiger's head tightly and slowly face fucking him. Unknown to him, Arkham's ears twitching as his muscles tensed briefly.

"Hey dude, watch your fucking mouth." Another guy in the showers warned, shooting the wolf a glare.

"What? It's his job isn't it?" The wolf looked down at the tiger with an irritated expression, actually giving him a firm smack on the side of the head. "Though he's doing a shitty job. And here I believed the rumor that a queer's mouth is better than any girl's."

The wolf let out a small yelp as he felt something reach down between his legs and grab his balls in a vice. He turned to see who the fuck it was, but held his tongue as it turned out it was the big bull from earlier. "Hey boy. How about you get outta here? Wait for me in the locker room." Those instructions were for the young tiger, who instantly stood up and obeyed. Once he was out of sight, the bull's grip on the wolf's balls tightened. "Now listen here you waste of breath. If I hear you talk like that again, I'm gonna rip your sorry excuse of a sac and shove it down your throat."

"Now... you're gonna go out there, apologize to the kid, and never bother him in any way, shape or form, you don't get to use his services until you straighten your act." Only then did he release the wolf from the death grip on his balls, the lycan knew better than to mess with big ol' Stampede. So he silently cut his shower short and headed out to do just that.

Arkham silently and hatefully watched the wolf walk out of the shower, finally finishing his own seconds later. He walked out of the shower room, towel around his waist and water dripping from his body, he found the tiger sitting on one of the benches, waiting for someone to require his services.

His 'job' was actually in one of the applications for the many jobs offered in this specific organization. All of the fighters become tense either before or after a match, those with the tiger's job are supposed to be there to offer any kind of relief or tension release, yes, including that kind.

He walked up to him and gave him a tap on the shoulder to get his attention. "Sorry about that asshole. He shouldn't have said those things."

The young man shook his head, a small, genuine smile on his face. "It's alright. I knew I'd run into guys like him sooner or later, considering what I do." He gave the rat a somewhat hungry look over. "Do you require some help?" There was a hint of hope in his voice.

"Nah, I'm good." Arkham leaned down and placed a small peck on the tiger's head. "Thanks for offering anyways. Keep up the good work!" A couple more taps of praise on the shoulder and Arkham walked away to change and headed home.


Back at the apartment, he actually snuck in, noticing that the lights inside were turned off, he figured that the brothers might be sleeping and didn't want to disturb them.

Once inside, locking the door behind him, he stepped in as quietly as possible, looking around to find any hint of the brothers... only to find them sleeping, huddled up together on the sofa while some late-night drama show blared away in the background.

With a small sigh and affectionate gaze, he first picked up Tyler, effortlessly at that, despite the evident size difference and carried him as gently as possible to bed, tucking him in then headed out and came back with David, once both brothers were in bed, he got out of his own clothes, brushed his teeth real quick, and slipped in between them, sandwiching himself between his boyfriends.

Just as he was about to drift off, he felt them shifting around until the pressed against him, properly sandwiching him between them. With a small sigh of content, he closed his eyes and joined the brothers in dreamland.