Change of Plans

Story by Oniric on SoFurry

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Hello everyone! I'm back with another vore story!

This is one I've wanted to write for a while. A hungry fox tries to eat his bear friend's lunch (a shy rabbit who really wants to be food), but things don't go as he expected. Luckily, the two preds manage to find a satisfying solution to their problem.

There's some sex, but the main focus in this one is the vore. Unlike most of my stories, the vore here is explicitly fatal, but it's treated very casually and there's no pain or suffering involved.

Also, I've had a few people mentioning that they'd like to see disposal in my vore stories. I'm not particularly interested in that subject, but I wrote a short disposal scene as an experiment and a little bonus for the people who enjoy that stuff. It's completely optional and can be safely omitted if you're not into it (just don't read the epilogue).

Content warning: This story contains oral and anal sex between male characters, with knotting and light cum inflation. There's also very casual FATAL VORE that starts semi-unwilling but becomes willing later. Digestion is mentioned multiple times but is not depicted. There's also an optional epilogue featuring a post-vore disposal scene with scat and piss.

Story length: ~4400 words.

It was another beautiful day in the forest. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and a gentle breeze was blowing. None of that mattered to Frank, though. There was only one thing in the fox's mind, and that was his painfully empty stomach, which had been loudly complaining for hours. He'd already skipped breakfast, and at that rate, he'd probably have to skip lunch too.

"Ughhh, what's up with my awful luck today?" he said out loud. "I really need to find something or someone to eat soon!"

The fox continued walking through the forest, feeling more and more discouraged with every step, until he heard some unusual noises coming from further ahead. He raised his ears and listened carefully.

Were those... moans?

Frank walked closer to the source and hid behind a tree. It never hurt to be careful, being just a humble fox in a forest where much bigger preds dwelled.

Indeed, the moaning voice belonged to a very large pred, but Frank sighed in relief as he recognized the fat bear as his friend Boris. He soon identified the cause of the moans as well, as a small rabbit was eagerly sucking the bear's cock.

"Ohhh, yes, just like that!" Boris moaned, holding the rabbit's head and pushing it towards his crotch.

Frank had been friends with Boris for a while, and he knew that the bear was a gentle soul who would surely feel pity for the poor hungry fox. He came out of his hiding place and waved towards the bear.

"Hey! Boris, my good friend!"

The bear was startled for a second, and then noticed the fox. "Oh, Frank. Sorry, I'm a bit busy here."

"Oh, please don't worry about me, you can keep doing your thing, I'll just watch."

Boris sighed. "As long as you just watch, I guess that's fine."

Frank walked closer. "So, who's the little guy?"

"He's my lunch. Lunch, say hello to my friend Frank."

The rabbit was so focused on the blowjob that it took him a few seconds to stop, get the bear's cock out of his mouth, and wave timidly towards Frank. He was a very petite rabbit, but he had a bit of a belly which Frank found very cute.

"Enjoying yourself?" Frank asked.

The rabbit nodded eagerly. A strand of saliva connected his mouth to the bear's cock. Frank smiled. He'd sucked that fat cock himself many times, so he could perfectly understand the rabbit's enthusiasm.

Boris gently but firmly guided the rabbit's face back to his cock, while Frank continued watching the scene. Then, the fox's belly rumbled loudly once again.

"Oops, apparently I'm a bit hungry," he laughed.

Boris just ignored him.

"Any chance you have some food you could share with this poor fox?"

The bear didn't even bother looking his way when he answered. "No, sorry."

"Aw. No big deal, though. You keep doing your thing."

Damn, that rabbit looked really tasty. But he was Boris's lunch, so there wasn't much he could do about it. Or was it? Regardless, the scene was pretty hot, and Frank soon found himself getting erect. He grabbed his cock and started idly stroking it while he watched. Then he noticed a trail of cum leaking from the rabbit's asshole, and suddenly the rabbit's unnaturally swollen tummy made more sense.

"Hey, Boris. Since you already used his asshole, can I fuck him while he sucks your cock?"

Boris sighed. "Okay. But I'm not waiting for you to finish. As soon as I cum, he's going into my belly, so don't waste any time. I want to take a nap after this."

Frank smiled. "Sounds good to me."

"Lunch, raise your ass for my friend, he's going to fuck you."

The rabbit followed the bear's orders obediently, and Frank walked towards the pair. The fox grabbed the cute rabbit butt and shoved his dick inside. Frank had a really big cock for a fox, but the rabbit didn't even flinch.

"Hmmmm, so tight, even after being fucked by you! What a great find, Boris!"

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun with him. And he's so eager to be my food too. I got really lucky."

Frank's belly growled again at the mention of food. But he didn't have time for that. He really wanted to cum inside the rabbit's asshole, so he needed to reach his orgasm before the bear did. He knew from experience that Boris lasted a good while, but he didn't know how long the rabbit had been sucking the bear's cock before he arrived, so Frank went straight to the point, thrusting hard and deep.

"You know, maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all," Boris said. "He seems even more motivated now that he has two cocks inside him. I'm not sure if I'll last much longer at this rate."

"Oh, then I better hurry," Frank said, thrusting even faster.

"As long as you don't knot him..."

Frank didn't answer. He only had one thing in his mind, and it was fucking that nice rabbit asshole as hard as he physically could.

As he felt his orgasm approaching, Frank slammed his hips hard against the rabbit's, and soon exploded and started filling him with cum. At the same time, Boris pressed the rabbit's head against his crotch and roared as he also reached his orgasm. Frank watched fascinated how the little rabbit's already swollen belly got even bigger with the two new loads of fresh cum.

"Ahhhh, that was so nice," Frank said. "Thanks for sharing him with me, Boris."

The bear didn't answer. He had his eyes closed, and was still pumping cum down the rabbit's throat. When he finished, he had a satisfied smile on his face, but it turned into a frown when he opened his eyes and looked at Frank.

"Dude. You knotted him. I told you not to knot him."

"Eh? No, I didn't," Frank said, and tried to pull back his cock, but he was tied to the rabbit. "Well, maybe I did," he laughed nervously. "But it's no big deal, right?"

Boris's belly answered with a thunderous growl that put Frank's previous ones to shame. "I told you I was going to eat him now!"

"Maybe if I pull hard enough..."

"No, that could hurt him. I'll just wait." Boris sighed, and took out his cock from the rabbit's mouth. "You can wait a little longer, right?"

The rabbit nodded meekly.

"Besides, I'm sure he loves having a big fox knot in his ass," Frank said.

"What do you think?" Boris said to the rabbit.

"It feels... really nice..."

"See? I told you!"

Boris sat on the floor, mumbled something unintelligible, and then let out a big yawn. "I'm so sleepy. I really wanted to take my nap with a full belly, but..." He yawned again, closed his eyes... and started snoring.

"Mister bear!" the rabbit said.

"Don't worry, he'll wake up soon. I know him, he sometimes falls asleep just like that."

"I hope he's still hungry when he wakes up."

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that. He's always hungry." Frank smiled. "You really want to end up as bear food, eh?"

The rabbit nodded, seemingly embarrassed.

Frank gave the rabbit's head a short lick and fondled his belly. "I'm sure he'll love eating such a tasty cream-filled rabbit."

He just moaned. Then Frank realized that the rabbit still hadn't had his orgasm, and his cock was hard as a rock. So he reached for the little cock and started stroking it.

"Look at him," Frank said, pointing at the sleeping bear. "Look at that fat belly. You'll be in there very soon."


"Heh, you're so horny. So eager to be bear food. Oh, I can't wait to see you curled up in there. You'll make a really cute bulge."

"Will you stay with him... after he eats me?"

"Would you like that? Would you like me to fondle that big belly and feel you while you're digesting inside my friend?"

"I... I'd really like that, yes..."

"Good. I'll make sure to give you a nice massage."

"Ahhhhhh, yes!!"

"You're about to cum, right? Come on, cum for me!"

The rabbit moaned louder as Frank jacked him off, until he finally had his orgasm, coating the fox's hand with cum. While the rabbit recovered, Frank noticed that his knot had deflated to the point where he could safely pull back his cock from the rabbit's asshole. He smiled as he watched an abundant stream of cum leaking from the used hole.

"Thank you so much, mister fox..."

"Hmmm, you're welcome, little bunny. Although, if you want to thank me in a really special way, you could do me a little favor, and it'd make me incredibly happy."

"What kind of favor?" the rabbit asked with a curious expression.

Frank smiled. "Would you want to be fox food?"

The rabbit stared at Frank with his eyes wide open. "But... I promised mister bear..."

"Here, let me show you something. Come closer."

Hesitantly, the rabbit walked towards Frank. The fox hugged the rabbit and pressed his face against his belly, which responded with a timely growl.

"Did you hear that? That's the sound of a very hungry belly. I'm famished, little bunny. Wouldn't you want to help me sate my hunger?"

"I... I would, but... mister bear is hungry too..."

"Yeah, I know, he's used to eating a lot. But look at him! He's so fat. He could survive for months without eating anything. And you're so small compared to him, that after he eats you he'll be hungry again very soon anyway. But you could be a very filling lunch for a smaller pred like me. I'd appreciate eating you far more than he would."

"But... what about him? Won't he get mad?"

"Oh, I'm sure he'll understand. I'm his friend, after all."

"Well, in that case..."

"You'll be food today anyway, so it's the same thing for you."

"Will you... will you still give me that massage you said?"

Frank smiled and nodded. "Of course. I'll give you a really nice massage. You'll love it." He grabbed the rabbit and started licking his face. "Damn, you taste so fucking good!"

The rabbit shivered. "Mister fox..."

"Hmmmm. I can't wait to feel you digesting in my stomach."

"Tell mister bear... that I enjoyed our time together..."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll tell him."

He couldn't wait any longer. Frank shoved the rabbit's head inside his mouth and started swallowing. It was so easy. The rabbit didn't complain or struggle at all. He just... slid in, peacefully, having already accepted his fate as fox food.

The cum-filled gut was somewhat challenging to swallow, though. Frank put his hands on the rabbit's buttocks and pushed. In the meantime, he noticed with his tongue that the rabbit's cock was getting hard again. That was pretty cute. He wasn't going to wait for the rabbit to cum again, not when he was so hungry, but he still inserted his finger in the rabbit's asshole and toyed with it for a while, before he resumed swallowing. The little guy would have enough time inside the fox's belly to finish dealing with his erection.

Frank could feel the rabbit squirming and moaning in pleasure as he descended through his throat. It was just adorable. Soon, the rabbit's feet disappeared down his throat, and not long after that he felt his prey curling up inside his stomach.

"Ahhhhhh, fucking finally," Frank said, patting his belly. "Thanks, little bunny. That was just what I needed."

"Mister fox..." the rabbit said, his voice muffled but still audible. "It's... really hot in here."

"Better get used to it, because it'll get even hotter."

The rabbit moved inside Frank's belly. "Hgggg..."

"Are you jacking off in there?"


"Good. Be sure to enjoy it, because you won't have another chance."

"I'm... really enjoying it, mister fox!"

"I'm glad to hear that. Try to squirm a little while you're still conscious, I really like how it feels. Yeaaaah, just like that. Oh fuck, this feels good."

Frank looked down and smiled at the sight of his full belly. He placed his hands on the dome and felt the rabbit moving inside. He was so lucky having found such an easy meal just when he was starving. He felt tempted to lie down, jack off and take a nap, but he should probably leave before Boris woke up. Hopefully the rabbit wouldn't pass out yet.


A particularly energetic movement inside his stomach caused Frank to let out a loud and satisfying burp.

Loud enough to wake Boris up, apparently. The bear was staring at Frank with a shocked expression. "You... you ate him!!"

"What? Who?" Frank pretended to act confused.

"You ate my food! Again!"

"Oh, you mean the rabbit? Well, he practically jumped into my mouth, there wasn't much I could do. It really took me by surprise."

"That can't be true. He wanted me to eat him!"

"Well... I guess he changed his mind?"


"Is that... is that mister bear's voice?" the rabbit asked from inside Frank's belly. "Is everything alright?"

Frank ignored the rabbit and continued talking to the bear. "No need to get angry, Boris. I can... I can try to regurgitate him! I haven't even started digesting him yet."

Boris took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "No, you don't need to do that. I have a better idea."

"You'll just let me keep him?"

"Yes." Boris walked towards Frank and held him in a tight bear hug. "And I'm going to eat you instead."

"What?! No, Boris, I'm a pred too! You can't eat a pred."

"Oh, of course I can. I've eaten other preds before, some of them far bigger than you. You'll be no problem at all."

"But I'm your friend!"

"That doesn't meant I can't eat you. I've eaten friends many times too."


"I really wanted to eat that rabbit, Frank. So I'm only getting back what's rightfully mine. With a little extra, of course. Think of this as payment for all the times you stole my food. I'd say it's pretty fair."

"I'll never steal again! I'll be your sex slave, I'll do whatever you want! But please, Boris, don't eat me!"

"Come on, dude, don't make this awkward. You know I prefer willing prey. Do it for me. One last favor for your good pal Boris. Let me eat you, and I'll forgive you."

"And if I don't...?"

"I'll eat you anyway, but I'll be very sad."

"Well, it seems I'm not getting out of this one."

"Nope. But look at the bright side. You'll never be hungry again. You won't need to steal food from better preds to survive. You'll nourish my body, and you'll make me very happy. It doesn't sound that bad to me."

"Yeah, I guess there are worse ways to go. And besides... I had a feeling that this could happen eventually..."

"I have to admit that the idea of eating you has crossed my mind many times. I'm surprised you've lasted this long, to be honest." Boris laughed and pressed the fox against his fat belly, which let out a powerful growl.

Frank's own belly moved in response, and the rabbit spoke from within it. "Mister fox? What's happening?"


"Hey, little guy!" Boris said, speaking to Frank's belly.

"Mister bear!"

"I have good news for you. You'll still end up in my belly!"

"I thought I heard something, but I wasn't sure. Are you really going to eat mister fox?!"

"Yep. Fun, isn't it? You'll be inside two bellies at the same time! Although I guess you won't get to experience mine directly, but I'm sure my good friend Frank here will tell you how it feels. Right, Frank?"

"Ehhh, sure," Frank answered.

"Okay then," Boris said. "Let's do this."

"Don't you want me to suck your cock one last time?"

"If you're trying to trick me so you can get away, it won't work."

Frank shrugged. Or at least he tried to, because Boris had him firmly held. "Well, it was worth trying."

"No more tricks, fox. I'm hungry, and you're my food. That's the only thing that matters now, so stop trying to delay the inevitable."

Frank sighed. "Okay, fine. Do it. Eat me."

Boris smiled, licked his lips, and looked at Frank with a hungry expression. The fox had seen that expression on the bear many times before, but not directed at him. Well, it was bound to happen at some point. "Thanks, my friend," Boris said. "Enjoy the trip."

"I'll try."

The bear grabbed Frank and guided his head towards his gaping maw. He licked the fox's face for a while... and then pushed. Frank entered the bear's throat, and everything went dark.

Just as Frank expected, Boris's throat was tight and wet and warm. The bear took his time tasting every part of the fox's body with his big tongue, which was strangely comforting for him.

Frank continued descending through the dark tunnel, and his hips soon reached the bear's mouth. He'd seen the bear eat multiple times, so Frank wasn't surprised when he felt Boris's tongue exploring his cock, and it didn't take long for him to be fully erect again. He knew his friend liked to make his prey cum in his mouth before swallowing them, and this was no exception. He almost felt bad for having swallowed the rabbit so quickly. Almost.

Frank had sucked Boris's cock many times during the course of their friendship, but the bear had never returned the favor. He said it was something that was reserved exclusively for his prey. Now Frank was finally able to experience it firsthand, and it was even better than he expected. The bear was incredibly skilled with his tongue, and made Frank squirm in pleasure as he licked the fox's cock, balls, ass, and pretty much his whole body. If he'd known in advance how good it'd feel, Frank probably would've offered himself as food to the bear a long time ago.

With his torso completely immobilized inside the bear's throat, there wasn't much Frank could do other than wait and enjoy the bizarre but extremely pleasurable full-body blowjob. He didn't want it to end. Maybe because some part of him still didn't like the idea of becoming bear food, or maybe just because the experience felt so damn good. Probably the second option.

But Frank knew it had to end eventually, and when he felt his orgasm approaching, he didn't try to hold it back. He could barely move his hips, but he still humped against Boris's tongue until he came. The bear gave him a moment to recover, and it felt as if Frank's whole world had stopped. And then Boris swallowed.

His descent was swift. Frank had thought that his rabbit-filled belly could've presented a problem for Boris, but the big bear swallowed the rest of the fox with no issues. After landing face-first on the stomach floor, Frank shifted until he found a more comfortable position. That was it. He was in Boris's stomach. Unless his friend changed his mind for some reason and regurgitated him, which was extremely unlikely, he was now just food for the bear. And being completely honest, he didn't really mind anymore. After all, a humble fox like him was very likely to end up as food for a bigger pred eventually, so he was glad that said pred ended up being his friend Boris.


"Good one," Frank said in response to Boris's deafening burp.

"Thanks. I have to say that you were absolutely delicious. I should've eaten you sooner."

"Well, better late than never."

Boris let out a hearty laugh that shook Frank's entire world, and then gave his belly a few soft pats that the fox felt through the stomach walls.

Then, Frank heard a soft voice coming from his own belly. "Did mister bear eat you already, mister fox?"

"Oh, you're still there". He'd almost forgotten about the rabbit. "Yeah, he ate me. I guess we're both food now."

"That's great to hear, mister fox! Ahhhhh, I think I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum!!"

Frank smiled when he realized the rabbit was still jacking off. He remembered that he'd promised the little guy a massage, so he pressed against his belly and fondled it, while feeling the erratic movements of the rabbit inside.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh yessss!!!"

He continued massaging his belly during the rabbit's orgasm, and even after it. "Did you have a good time, little bunny?"

"Yes, mister fox, I enjoyed it a lot!"

"Good. Ready to be digested?"


"What about you, my friend?" Boris spoke from the outside. "Are _you_ready?"

"I hope so. To be honest, I never planned to end up like this, so it's a little overwhelming. But it's alright. I'd much rather feed you than some random dude I'd never met."

"Well said. You made the right choice, Frank, and I'm very proud of you as a friend."

"I'm glad you still consider me to be your friend."

"You were a little annoying sometimes, but all of that is forgiven now," Boris said, and he started massaging his belly tenderly just like Frank was doing with his own. "I couldn't stay mad at you when you were such a cooperative meal. I have to admit, I feared that you'd be harder to convince, so I'm very happy that you accepted your role as my food so well."

"You were very convincing."

Boris laughed, and then let out a yawn. "Well, I think it's time for me to resume my nap, and for you and the little guy to get digested. Good bye, Frank. You were a great friend, and an even better meal."

"Good bye, Boris. Sleep well."

He felt the bear lying down, and soon he heard him snoring. Frank smiled. If there was something to be said about Boris, was that the bear never had trouble falling asleep.

"Well, it's just the two of us now," Frank told the rabbit, but he obtained no answer, and he didn't feel any movement inside his belly anymore. "Huh? Passed out already? Well, I guess it's just me, then."

With nothing else to do at that point, Frank curled up inside his friend's stomach. While the chamber was very hot and wet, it was more spacious than Frank had expected, and he was reasonably comfortable, all things considered. He could think of far worse places to spend his final moments.

Then, he felt a weak kick inside his belly.

"Oh, you're still alive!"

No answer.

"If you can still hear me, I just want to let you know that you were pretty damn good for a final meal, and I'm glad that I got the chance to eat you. Even though I ended up as food myself, it was absolutely worth it. So thanks again, little bunny."

The rabbit didn't reply.

"Well, I hope you digest nicely. Don't worry, I'll be joining you very soon."

Frank smiled and rubbed his belly. He'd been hungry far too many times during his life, but at least he'd die with a full stomach, and in the company of a friend. Knowing that his body would end up nourishing said friend made it even better. Honestly, he couldn't complain...


Boris let out a big yawn as he woke up, still lying on the forest floor. The day was cold, but it wasn't an issue for the fat bear. He stretched his arms and legs and looked around him to find the grass covered in dew.

"Wow, did I really sleep so long?"

He was planning on taking a short nap after his lunch, but he ended up sleeping throughout the afternoon and night. Well, it wasn't the first time it happened to him anyway. Especially after such a nice lunch.

"Who was it this time...? Ah, yeah, that cute little rabbit."

He smiled as he fondled his belly, but suddenly stopped, feeling confused. That didn't make any sense. That tiny rabbit alone couldn't have been so filling.

Then he remembered.

"Oh, that's right. I ate Frank."

Frank had always been somewhat annoying, but Boris still enjoyed his company, even though the fox had a bad tendency of stealing the bear's food. Well, _that_wouldn't happen anymore, at least.

"Damn, fox, you were really fucking good. I'm glad I finally decided to eat you before someone else did."

He'd probably miss the fox for a while, but he didn't regret his decision, and he was pretty sure that Frank felt the same way. Besides, it was meant to happen sooner or later. Most of Boris's friends ended up in his belly at some point.

The bear's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pressure in his bowels. "Hmm, it seems you want to come out, eh?"

Boris walked towards a tree and squatted. He pushed, and moaned as the first log of shit started coming out of his asshole. It slid down easily, and fell to the ground with a thud. A second log followed, and then a third. It smelled awful, but Boris wasn't expecting otherwise.

"Ahhhhh, fuck, this feels so fucking good."

Once he was finished, Boris turned and looked at the pile of shit that once was his friend. There was nothing recognizable in there. Nothing that hinted that it used to be a fox. And the less said of the rabbit, the better. The poor little guy was digested twice, although he seemed very pleased with that outcome.

Boris held his cock, pointed it at the steaming pile of shit, and started pissing, making it steam even more and leaving a nice yellow puddle below it.

"You guys won't smell any better after this, but I doubt you care."

When he finished emptying his bladder, Boris shook his cock to let out the last few droplets of piss, feeling relieved. He looked one last time at what was left of his friend and the rabbit, and walked away smiling, very satisfied with himself.

And then his belly growled loudly.

"Well, I guess it's time to look for breakfast."

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