...and ends up in someone elses hands.

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#2 of Kayla's Story

This is part two of a two part story. If you don't want to read the first part, I'll recap. Kayla is a cheetah in elementary school who is being blackmailed by Aaron, a lion in high school for having a crush on her teacher, Mr. Rigan, who is a Dingo. Aaron has set up a game where he threatens to tell Mr. Rigan about the crush unless Kayla does what he wants, but he didn't tell her what it was that he wants, and she only has three chances to guess before it's game over. So far, she's used two guessed already, having licked his feet and cleaned his rather messy living room. The day was drawing short though, so Aaron promised to do Kayla's homework for her so she could use the good grade she'd get as leverage to spend the night at his house.

It turned out that Aaron's plan went even better than hoped. Mr. Rigan complemented the work, which greatly pleased Kayla, and it also pleased Kayla's mom who instantly insisted she spend more time with Aaron. She agreed whole heartedly when Kayla suggested spending the night, much to Kayla's surprize.

Aaron was delighted when he heard the news and grinned all the way to his house. Kayla was greeted with a familiar scent when she walked in the door and noticed that the living room had already been messed up, much to her dismay. The lion plopped himself on his couch before ordering, "Before you start, take my shoes off."

Kayla half-reluctantly and half-excitedly took his shoes off which let loose his scent like before, but this time it didn't catch her quite off guard, though it was still quite strong. She sat there for just a while, sampling the scent of older male after a long day. After a short time, the scent became too much and she got up and did just a bit of tidying up before finishing the game.

While she was cleaning, Aaron stripped again, throwing his clothes haphazardly on the floor before sitting back down in his shorts. Kayla sighed to herself and picked up the clothes before doing some final touches. Needless to say, she was quite alarmed when she heard Aaron proclaim, "Good job once again cub, but this wasn't what I wanted yesterday and it's still not today. Looks like it's game over."

"What?! That's not fair! I never said that was my third guess!" exclaimed the flustered young cheetah.

"Well you never said it wasn't."

"I was only tidying up!"

"You should have said so. It looks like I'm just gonna have to tell Mister Ri--"

"WAIT! Please don't! I'd just die if you did that. Please! I'm begging! I'll do anything if you just don't tell!"

Those were the exact words that Aaron wanted to hear. With a grin he asked, "You promise to do absolutely anything?" And even though she felt a little unsettled by his toothy smile, Kayla immediately affirmed, "Yes! Anything! Just, please, keep shut about Mr. Rigan."

"You promise to be my slave and do whatever I tell you to no matter what?"

"Of course! Yes, yes whatever!" replied the girl with tears welling in her eyes.

"Then take your clothes off," ordered the lion.

"What?! No!"

"Oh? I thought you'd do anything. Oh well. So much for that," said Aaron as he got his cellphone and typed in some random phone number that was obviously invalid. At least it was obvious if you actually saw the number, but Kayla couldn't see it, all she heard was Aaron say, "Hello. Mr. Rigan?" and that was all it took for her to jump up and frantically grab the phone and shut it off.

"Okay, okay! I'll do it."

"Excellent," was all Aaron said.

Kayla whimpered as she undressed. She had no idea what sex was, but she knew it was wrong to be naked in front of people. Her reasoning was that everyone wore clothes, so not wearing them must be bad, and she was doing something bad right now. When she looked up, Aaron was doing something bad too.

Both of them stood in the living room that began to smell like a regular room thanks to its recent cleanings. They both stood there naked, looking over eachother's bodies. Kayla noticed Aaron's chest that had muscle clearly visible without being over the top. She noticed the fur color get lighter on his chest and stomach, but get darker again near his crotch. And she noticed his sizeable sheath. She knew that's what boys had, but she had never seen one till just now. And she gawked at the red part of it that kept sliding outward getting bigger and bigger.

Aaron noticed the sweet cream colored chest of the young cat. He noticed the curves of her hips and the sweet, untouched cunny that was practically begging to be used. The more and more Aaron noticed, the more his cock filled out, until it was jutting forward at full alert.

Aaron sat back down and stretched his arms along the back of the couch before asking, "Remember what you did with my feet yesterday?" After getting a timid nod from the cheetah, he instructed, "I want you to do that again with this," after which he gestured to his throbbing meat.

"Ew! That's gross!"

"Licking feet is gross too, and you don't even know what this is. So shut up and get over here."

Kayla's ears were pressed firmly to the back of her head as she walked slowly up to him before kneeling. The smell here was intoxicatingly strong, and unmistakeable Aaron's. She closed her eyes and pushed her tongue from between pursed lips for an explorative lick. She found it tasting slightly salty from sweat, and overall the same as his feet, so she gave each new lick slightly more force until she was licking all the way from base to tip. She had just gotten a rhythm going when she was instructed to, "Suck."

She stopped, with a trail of precum and saliva connecting the head of his lionhood to her feline tongue, and looked at him with he mouth still held slightly ajar.

"It's okay," said the older male while putting both his hands on the back of her head, "Just suck on it." And with that he pulled her in slowly until the tip of his cock was poised to penetrate her young lips, "Just be careful not to let any of your teeth touch it."

And with that as her only advice, Aaron pulled her in, parting her lips with his thick penis. At first she just let it keep sliding in, until it was nearing the back of her throat. Then, all at once, she started sucking on it, using the moves she had learned from before. She'd pull off every now and then with a slick squicking sound in order to add a lick or two with her sandpapery tongue. She remembered when she had given Aaron a massage and began to mimic the actions with her hands from before.

Between her feline tongue, her oral motions, and her manual attention, the older male wouldn't last very long. His purring became louder and louder, and the hands on her head that were dead before slowly became full of life. Going from a light grip to a firm one to a strong one, he started pumping her head on his cock.

The new actions from the lion confused her and she had trouble controlling what was happening in her own mouth with her own tongue, and it just spasmed all over the place, like it was fighting with the cock that was trying to replace it. Her lips were soon aquainted with the signature feline spines, making it difficult to keep the suction on despite the intense thickness, resulting in many loud slurping and sucking sounds, like someone trying hurriedly to finish a popsicle before it melts. Those sounds were interrupted with a vocal sort of noise every time his cock ventured too far into her maw. At those times, she tried to pull off, but Aaron's grip had become quite powerful, and she was held steadfast, so a noise that sounded like, "Gawk!" was all she could manage at those times, which became increasingly frequent.

Aaron had long stopped purring and was instead giving off sporadic moaning noises while his tongue lolled out to the side. The young girl was both trying to pull herself away, yet continuing her service. It was far from skillful, but Aaron had been thrusting into the girl's less-than-eager mouth for quite a while. Eventually, her small inexperienced tongue proved too much for the male. He tensed his grip and arched his back, and, facing upward, he gave a long and loud moan while rope after rope filled the tiny mouth.

Kayla had no idea to swallow, so it began to build up until the pressure began to force it past her lips and back onto the male it came from. Her cheeks began to bulge from the amount of this stuff that tasted very salty, and incredibly manly, and absolutely like Aaron, the male that was still pumping his load into her mouth.

The older cat moved his hands to her snout and pressed them closed after removing his still spurting cock. The result was that her mouth retained all of its bounty, and her face got a few jets too. Aaron admired the sight of his cum-drenched kitty before instructing, "Swallow it. And when you're done clean me up."

Kayla really had no idea what this stuff was, and had even less of an intention to swallow it, but her mouth was being held shut, so she had little choice. There was so much of the stuff held in her bulging cheeks that she had to swallow three times to get it all, and there was still an amount coating her maw, covering everything with a layer of white. Then Kayla moved in to finish her next order. Her feline tongue easily picked up the cum that covered the male's crotch and thighs.

When she was done, she asked, "What was that stuff? Pee?" To which Aaron responded, "No, but this is. Open up." At this moment Kayla would have liked to recoil in shock, then deny his request utterly, but it was no use. The older lion pressed with his thumb and forefinger on her cheeks, opening her mouth. He admired the sight of a cum-coated maw, with ropes forming from the top to bottom for just just a moment before taking aim and letting loose a heavy stream of pee.

"This is practice," he instructed, "You didn't swallow before so you must need practice. Gulp this down, if you miss one drop, you'll have to do it again."

That last bit was slightly cruel, as it filled her mouth and much of it spilled out all over her chest. But that didn't deter the child from suddenly trying her best to absorb the never ending stream. It had the same manly quality that she had become accustomed to, but it was overpoweringly bitter and stank. Despite all that, she mixed the semen in her stomach with urine.

When the older male was finished he looked down at the kitten. Some of it got on the carpet, but most of it was soaked up by her fur, giving her creamy chest a decidedly darker hue. "Clean that up," he ordered, "Then you can bathe."

The young cheetah was on the verge of tears, but didn't want Aaron to see it. Her jaw was sore from being stretched, she had to swallow some weird stuff, then had to drink his pee, and now she couldn't even wash herself off. She made an effort to finish cleaning quickly. There was piss on the floor and some of the stuff from earlier leaked onto the couch. She took another sampling taste of it before quickly cleaning it off as well as the mess on the floor, then followed the lion to his bathroom.

When she got into the shower, he climbed in behind her, causing Kayla to shout, "What are you doing?!"

"I'm going to shower, of course."

"Not with me!"

"Why not? You don't have to look at me, just turn around."

So she did, and was soon comforted by the sound of rushing water. It ran all over her body, replacing the cum on her face and everything else, the scent and the piss. After a while, she felt something on her shoulder. She turned. It was Aaron's hand. She looked up. He was smiling and holding shampoo with his other hand.

"You know," he said to her, "If you tip-toe, you'd be at the perfect height to do all that over again."

That comment drew her eyes downward to notice that his balls were practically resting on her nose.

"No, thank you," She responded sarcastically. She turned away from him because she was enjoying the smell, which surprized her. Then she felt the older lion's hands lathering her hair. They were so forceful before, but now they were completely gentle. A gentleness that comforted her, and the comfort allowed her to ask, "So what was all that?"

"All what?" the lion asked to clarify.


"Well, what you were sucking on was my penis, there are a lot of names for it, but all you need to know is that it makes me feel good when you touch it."

At that, Kayla blushed. Thinking of the noises he was making and how strongly he held her head, she must have made him feel really good.

"The stuff that came after is called cum. It's a special stuff that guys only give to special people, so be sure never to waste a single drop, okay?"

The lion grinned when he heard the young cheetah respond, "Okay." The rest of the day passed with less sex and more slave labor. Aaron had Kayla clean his whole house while he worked on her homework. He would occasionally stop to tutor her in small amounts. At other times she was allowed a small break where she was permitted to service his feet. Aaron relished the thought that she was given a break from serving him, in order to be allowed to serve him further. She had gotten used to the thought of being underfoot, and by now her ministrations were genuinely pleasureable, so the lion employed her often.

When the whole house was done the stagnant scent had left the house and most of the energy had left the girl. When she asked if she would be given any rest, Aaron only said, "Not yet." Then bekoned her to follow him into his room (which was now clean).

"There's only one thing I want you to do before you're done for the day."

"Finally," she sighed, "What's last?"

"Get on the bed," he said, "And bend over."

Kayla recognized his tone and was a bit uneasy, but she did as she was told. She climed up on the bed with her legs folded under her and then put her elbows down and waited. She felt him walk up behind her and felt him kneel. She felt one hand grab her hip, and the other grab her tail. She felt him pull up sharply and felt something press against her asshole. At that she gave a surprized yelp and turned her head to face him.

She saw him smiling mischievously, and saw his erect penis pointing in her direction. "Calm down. This is going to feel really good," he reassured her. Then he made her face forward before adding quietly, "For me at least."

At that, he slowly drove his cock forward. No lube, and no time to prepare. Her tight ring of muscle struggled valiantly, but in the end it was no match for the might of the male's tapered cocktip. Kayla gasped sharply as she was penetrated for the first time.

The tip was nothing for her, but the rest of his malehood was unbearably thick. It stretched her flesh until it was taut against his rod, and then even further. He looked down and smirked. Not even one-fourth of the way home and already her ass was stretched to an obscene O. As he continued his drive forward, he was rewarded with the sound of a series of small, pained gasps. He pushed himself into her slowly, but steadily. The denseness around his cock was perfect, tight beyond belief and he could be as rough as he pleased. And he did please.

As he continued forward, his barbs began to flare. They stood rigid and tenacious by the time her tailring finally met the halfway mark of his cock. When the young girl felt them she released a painfilled whine. She yelped and her whole body tensed. At that the older male moaned loudly in pleasure, then hissed, "If you don't relax, it will hurt even more."

"Huh--how am I supposed to relax like this?!"

"I don't know, figure something out."

After that, he pulled himself out of her slowly, raking his barbs along her abused walls. Dragging moans from both of them for different reasons. Her only releif was that her had started to leak precum profusely, easing the process ever so slightly. Aaron saw streaks of blood where he had torn her skin from his intrusion. Kayla felt relieved because she thought it was over, but when Aaron's cocktip was reaquainted with her tailhole, he pushed forward again, at his agonizing pace. Agonizing for Kayla because it was much too fast. Agonizing for Aaron because it was much too slow.

He repeated this treatment over and over. Each time her skin would surrender to his flesh, being enticingly tight at best, and becoming stretched far beyond its normal bouds at worst (depending on who you were). Each push forward would press her insides just before the point where they would tear. Each withdrawl would rasp her tight skin with barbs. The only difference in the never ending attack was that each one was just a slight bit stronger and faster, taking him just a fraction deeper each time.

Kayla's body was not as elastic as Aaron would have like, however. After ages of this torment, she finally reached her limit, signaling it with a loud lamenting wail.

Aaron stopped at once and looked down. "Damn," he thought, "I'm as deep as I can be and I still have more than a third to give her." He just relaxed like that for a while, enjoying the waterproof seal that his cock was driving into. He pulled all the way out to view his handy work, but was surprized when he saw the young girl's tailstar form neatly again, rather than remain slighlty open. He grinned. If it wasn't for the pre that oozed out, along with small patches of blood, you wouldn't even be able to tell that she had just been taken.

The older lion was instantly refilled with a furious energy. He wanted to make his mark on her. He reached beneath the girl and pulled her legs out to the sides from under her. The new angle would let him penetrate her more fully. He instantly began pounding as hard as his adult body would let him. Taking his sturdy flesh to the point from before, where her skin would once again become strained, then taking it all the way out with a sick squishy slurp. He the way his scratching spines made her kick and moan and writhe.

Kayla was panting. She would wince at every raking barb scratched her on the inside, and hold her breath every time he filled her till she was taut. Besides squirming and moaning, panting was all she had time for. Luckily for Kayla, the male behind her wouldn't be able to keep this agonizing pace for long.

All in one instant the male behind her grabbed her legs and pulled with all his strength, his unyielding flesh spurted into her for the second time that day, the girl, alarmed with this last sudden burst, howled in pain. The older lion roared in complete euphoria as the young girl's body milked his cock for all it was worth (and it was worth a lot). Aaron experienced the most powerful orgasm he ever had in his life, and more cum was made in turn. He pumped and pumped her full of his seed, marking her insides as his.

Kayla's skin held steadfast, not letting a single drop of cum past its watertight grip. All of it had no where to go, and Kayla's belly looked more and more distended. The two of them panted as the lion cock continued firing, not letting up in intensity even after several minutes of cumming. Audible ragged breaths could be heard from both of them as the male eventually collapsed on the girl, his cock trying to push forward just a little more.

They laid like that till the older lion's stream finally subsided. When it was done, Kayla's belly swelled visibly, like she had just eaten a small melon. The male looked down and saw that he had managed to just barely force his cock in a small ways further.

He rolled onto his side and spooned with his new pet and friend, gingerly lapping at her ears. She fit around him so tight, and he was content to just lay there for a long while, kissing and nibbling the whole time. Kayla rubbed her swollen belly and groaned. That was an ordeal she would rather not repeat any time soon. Shaft buried in her was still fully erect, sealing all of the lion's load inside of her. Poked her insides and, even though it wasn't outright painful, it was still far from comfortable (for her at least).

The older male was petting the girl who he was speared deep into, spooning her with affection when she asked, "Hey Aaron. How about...uh...you know...letting me off the hook?"

"Are you kidding? My best friend's birthday is coming up in a week and I think I have some ribbon that you will look absolutely adorable all tied up in."