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#112 of Commissions

A YCH commission I did for Bunnyoffuzz and Cloud006 about James being at the end of his wits and looking for a change in his life.

Warped By: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect. This work contains underaged content and brainwashing. You have been warned.

"Naivety is the sister of innocence

and the cousin of ignorance."

-Pierre Decourcelle

The old saying goes; that something that seems to be too good to be true, often is? When an offer so alluring that it tantalizes every fiber of your being. These are the times we must remain focused and ever vigilant in preparing ourselves against the onslaught of false expectations. Of course, there are times when sheer necessity, or desire, drives us to do these things. It is in these dire straights that we must be careful and do what we can to not be taken advantage of.

James was a young boy at the end of his rope. He had a rough childhood, where his parents often neglected him. Each and every year he got older and the abuse seemed to have gotten worse. On the night of his 11th birthday, he decided it was time to run away. Taking everything he loved and cherished in a small bag, before throwing it over his shoulder. He didn't have much of a plan, just to run away as far as he could and hope someone to help him out.

The kid lived in the suburbs of Springfield and certainly wasn't alien to the idea of independence. Even before he ran away, James had spent as much time as possible out and about both with his friends and alone. When the time finally came, the idea didn't even remotely bother him. He hadn't thought much about it. Even forgetting about the fact that while his parents were far the best, he still had a roof over his head. All he knew is that he wanted out and sooner rather than later.

On that fateful night, the bunny climbed out of his window. It was a one-story home so the hop down really wasn't that treacherous. Besides he had pretty strong legs from taking part in the school soccer team. Once the rabbit was outside of the window, he looked back at the home and spit on it. That house was certainly not something he wanted to see again. Straightening his white fur and jeans he began to run off into the distance, with no clear sense of direction.

It was pretty late at night and street lights were already lit to light the way along the street. James kept to the main roads as cars occasionally sped by. The rabbit had skipped dinner that night in order to get out of the house. Already within the first hour of him running away, James was feeling hungry. The thought of food began to predominate his mind as he wandered further and further away from the neighborhood he called home.

Upon seeing the city limit for Springfield, a sense of renewed hope kindled inside of him. Surely someone inside this bustling city, someone would care to help him. James couldn't help but trek faster, sure that he would eventually find some sort of aid. When he arrived at the center city itself, only the occasional car drove by. It seemed to be a slow night with most restaurants closed. What James had not realized was that it was a religious holiday and many places were not open for it.

Each and every time he approached someone, they ran off frightened. It wasn't like he was big, or scary for that matter. But he knew he had to keep trying, or surely he would have to go back and he didn't want that. It was rather disheartening, making him feel more distraught than he already was. Soon he found a large bulletin board with all of the local events posted on it. Some of the papers offering employment, but one yellow flier standing out more than the rest.

"An offer you can't refuse; Offering GOOD money, food, housing, and all basic needs for a test subject for a new research project."

Underneath the offer was an address and a phone number. Since James had no phone to speak of and had no other option, he decided it was worth a shot. Looking around, he began to search for signs of the road where the location might be. He saw a police offer and decided to ask her where the place was. The hefty boar woman pointed to the direction of where it was and the boy was smart enough to heed the guidance. Though it never occurred to him to ask for help from the woman.

James made his way down a few twists and turns down the streets of Springfield. Eventually coming into a gated area that had a few houses inside. There was a small box situated at the entrance with a dial of numbers. The cub punched in the numbers, assuming it worked the same way as the one as his former home did. Sure enough, it began to ring, an unfamiliar voice sounding over the intercom.

"Yes?" A womanly voice spoke over the speaker.

James responded with a nervous quiver in his speech. "I'm here about the job."

"Great. Come right in. BEEP" The gate to the community slowly opened.

The rabbit waited for the gate to open and headed in once it did. Looking around the community didn't seem to be very large. Four houses to one side and four houses to the other. James headed to the right and noticed that all of the house numbers were even, so he headed to the opposite side for the odds. He found the number he was looking for on the furthest end. A large satellite on the top of the home was the only thing that set it apart from the otherwise cookie-cutter houses.

James took a deep breath as he approached the door and worked up his nerve to knock. Once he did, it was mere seconds before the door was opened rather abruptly.

"Welcome, Welcome." A tall skunk stood in the doorway, in a lab coat and goggles over her forehead.

The rabbit looked up. She was much taller than he was and her black fur glistened against the artificial light on the ceiling of the entrance.

She motioned her paws as to coax him inside. "Come right in, child."

The inside of the house reminded him of his old house. It was rather homely and a long rectangular rug led throughout the hall leading into the main parts of the house. It wasn't very well lit but the outside lighting provided a little illumination through the hall.

"I guess introductions are in order. The name's Sky, Cloudy Sky. The tall woman stroked her gray her as she kept a lead in front of him.

"James...nice to meet you?" The rabbit followed closely behind her, feeling a little nervous.

She opened the door to the kitchen where a feast awaited. "I presume you are hungry?"

"Uh...how did you know that?" James was feeling a little weirded out her sense of omniscience.

She looked back at him. "You could say that I am observant of the obvious." Fixing the glasses on her nose so they didn't droop so low on her snout.

"Okay..." James walked closer to the table which had a large plate already prepared for him.

The rabbit was hungry enough not to care. In front of him was a veritable feast of greens, veggies, and fruit. It seemed much larger than anything he was used to.

James didn't wait a single second after sitting down and dug into it as if he had never seen food before. "Yum, this is really good. Thanks, Mrs. Sky!"

"Sure, a growing boy needs his food after all." She stood there pleased that her cooking had appeased the boy's obvious hunger.

The rabbit spent the next few minutes indulging himself in the fine meal. It quickly satiated his hunger and the pain gradually dissipated.

"So what's the job?" Curiosity was getting the better of him, now that he was finished eating.

Cloudy bent her finger back and forth. "Come child...No need for silly questions."

The skunk's voice was strangely smooth and reassuring. James found himself unable to resist it's allure as he followed her out of the kitchen. After a few moments, they went up a rather short set of spiral stairs.

At the top, the rabbit was surprised to find a huge laboratory. On the ceiling was a skylight that offered starlight into the room, even if the place was overly lit. A huge metallic table in the center with a rising platform underneath it. All around him were all sorts of gadgets and gizmo's, none of which he recognized. A small tray sat overtop the little table with some tools on top of it. Once again James began to feel a bit nervous.

The woman leaned over and stroked the boys head fur. "Don't be worried, child. I assure your safety."

"Okay..." The soothing nature of her voice reassured him a bit.

Cloudy brought him to the table and lifted him easily so that he sat right on top of it. Before long taking his bag and placing it to the side. James watched as if a little concerned, but showed no effort in trying to stop her.

Cloudy pointed. "Shoes...off..."

James nodded and slid off his footwear. They were a little big for him, so all he had to do was kick them off and they flopped right on the floor.

"Lie down and relax." Cloudy fixed an overhead lamp and brought it right over the cub's upright body.

The rabbit showed no signs of protest. Each time she made a request, he was more than willing to comply. Within moments the skunk brought the lamp directly over the cub. Cloudy had already decided that there was no need to tell the boy what was going on. After all, there was no way he would defy her. What he didn't know is that she had drugged the food, which made him more susceptible to her orders. All she cared about was the pursuit of science, no matter the means.

She stepped to the side of the table, which had a small computer station set on the side. Cloudy fixed her glasses so she could read the screen. Pressing a single button, the lamp above James began to hum a little louder. A small command screen appeared in front of her as she began the activation code for her project. Each time she hit a button, an audible beep sounded. The access gave her freedom to a larger display which materialized in front of her.

James watched as the light in front of him began to spin. Whirling around and round into a spiral of colors. Shifting from yellow to orange, to red, to pink, and then fading in and out of just every color in the rainbow. It was entrancing and he found he couldn't look away from it. It was entrancing him to continue staring into it. Soon his eyes glazed over and he laid their motionless. His mind blurred, unable to think of even the smallest consideration.

Cloudy smirked as she saw the cub's body slump on the table. She pulled a small syringe that was on the tray just above the table. Approaching the boy, she grabbed a small alcohol swab and prepared for the second step in her plan. She wiped the boy's right arm with the cotton ball and then quickly injected him with the needle, before plunging the medicine inside of him. Now all that was left was to reprogram him, just the way he wanted. But that would be to wait until the morning.

The next morning, when James awoke he found himself in an unfamiliar room. It was a light beige color with colorful flowers and hearts spread painted on the walls. The rabbit's vision was still a bit blurry and he couldn't see straight. The cub had a bit of a headache and brought his paw to his forehead in order to ease the pain he was experiencing. Rubbing his eyes, he could see a baby mobile hanging overtop him. The ornaments hanging off it were pink and shaped like elephants. He could hear the light sound of unfamiliar music played.

It took a few minutes before the boy finally came around. He was still groggy and couldn't remember anything.

"Waking up, child?" A familiar voice sounded from somewhere in the room.

A few moments later, James finally came around. His vision began to return to him and he could make out his surroundings. Looking around he found himself barred inside a bed. The rabbit reached out and touched one of the bars. They were wooden and didn't seem to budge much when he pushed against them.

The skunk approached the crib and looked over it. Looking at the boy, he didn't seem to look much like a boy at all. He was wearing a bright yellow footie pajama which covered most of his entire figure.

She waved her longest finger back and forth. "Tsk tsk. Don't be a naughty girl."

Girl? James thought about it a moment. He wasn't sure anymore what he was. The woman's voice was reassuring and he was compelled to trust it.

The rabbit couldn't speak. Each time he tried to utter words, all that came out were incoherent goos and gas. They sounded quite similar to baby speech. Cloudy smiled as she watched the helpless cub lay sprawled out in the crib. It seemed he had responded quite well to the serum. James was now very much in her control. It seemed like she had gotten exactly what she wanted. The woman walked over to the side of the bedroom and fetched a bottle, which she had preheated.

The skunk headed back to the crib with the bottle in hand. She guided it over the top of the bars and handed it to him.

"Drink up and you'll grow up to be big and strong." The woman smiled softly at him and rubbed his stomach.

James cooed softly and began to drink willingly. The liquid was warm and he guzzled it quite readily down his maw. Within moments the contents of the bottle were gone. Cloudy smiled and took the bottle away from him.

The bunny found himself strangely wanting more of the milk. He began to cry and wail as he kicked his legs up and down, throwing a fit. Cloudy rolled her eyes and bent over and picked up a large red cat plush toy and brought it inside the crib. James looked at the cat and quickly clutched it as soon as it was brought within his reach. It smelt of lavender and he hugged it rather tightly against his body. It brought a sense of reassurance to him as he clung to it.

Cloudy pulled her phone out of her pocket and took a quick picture of the cub. "Time to show my friends."

Once she was done, she hit the lever on the side of the crib which gave James more freedom to move. Even despite that, he had no desire to move from where he was, finding he only wanted to be around Cloudy.

"Alright big guy, I'll help you sit up." The skunk reached in and grabbed the boy, shifting him so that his legs hung off the side of the crib.

The woman was feeling rather playful and upbeat, deciding to play with her newly semi-adopted cub.

She slowly moved her open paw towards the boy's nose and clenched her grip.

"Got your nose!" Sticking her thumb through two of her fingers, to imitate the stolen appendage.

James gasped and grabbed his face. Sure enough, his nose was still there. "Ooo!"

"Haha, like that? How about this. Let me have your hands." She allowed his hand to rest on her own.

Slowly she unfolded his paw so it remained flat on top of her own. She began guiding his other hand so that it was resting against his other. Cloudy bent the cub's index finger on his right paw, before stretching his thumb through a hole between his fingers on the other one. Guiding it away, it looked like his finger was being ripped asunder.

James' mouth stood agape as he watched in amazement. "Aaaah"

When he tried to repeat the trick, he wasn't able to do so on the first try but after some further guidance from his makeshift mother, he was able to make do,

"One more trick, then we'll play a game." The woman stepped away from the crib to a table and pulled a knife from the top of it.

The skunk brought it over to the cub who watched her with ever-increasing interest. Cloudy tilted her head back and opened her maw. Hovering the knife over her maw she began to insert it inside. Slowly but surely the hilt of the weapon crept ever closer to her lips. Watching Jame felt a sense of terror come over him, crying as he thought she was trying to hurt herself. The skunk immediately feeling bad and retracting the knife from her orifice.

She showed him the knife and pushed it against him. "See...just a toy. It's ok. I'm not hurt."

"Squee" A smile soon returned to the bunny's face.

Cloudy patted him on the head and ruffled his head fur. "Good girl. Now, let's play a game. Help mommy by hopping off from your bed.

The skunk eased him off the edge of the crib. He was too heavy for her to lift, so she eased the fall enough so he didn't hurt himself. Now that he was on the floor he could crawl, which James began doing by instinct. Soon Cloudy joined him by crouching down right next to him on the floor.

"Okay, get on my back and we'll play horsey!" She hoped he wasn't too big to at least try doing that.

The bunny understood the commands well enough to know what she meant and pulled himself on top of her, before straddling over her back.

Skye began crawling around as if she were a real horse. Even going far as to make neighing noises and very soft bucking motions. It was nothing super-aggressive since she was still worried about hurting him. The skunk making two entire rounds around the small room before feeling like she was going to buckle under his weight at any given moment.

Cloudy instead, easing herself down flat on the floor, "Off mommy, please...", huffing a bit.

The skunk began to relent not making him smaller and decided that would have to be an issue she would deal with at a later time.

Cloudy smiled at him warmly once he dismounted her. She felt immediately better and reached under his chest to coax him to roll over. He didn't understand the gesture, but nonetheless enjoyed the affection from his new guardian.

"Alright, time for food then." She picked herself up and left the room for a moment.

James was alone for a few moments and began crawling around the room rather aimlessly. The whole room seemed huge, but then again he was on the floor so it was perspective more than anything else.

A few moments, Cloudy returned with a small jar and a spoon in her paw. The rabbit looked over his shoulder to see her approaching him again.

Cloudy bent over and eased the boy into a sitting position. "Sit up, please."

James did as he was told and his new mother sat opposite of him, cross-legged. She opened the jar and began to dip the spoon inside before fishing out a small helping of the caramel brown mush inside.

"Open wide for Air-Jamie. E-yoooo-mmm" The skunk imitated the best plane sound she could come up with.

The woman guided the spoon inside is maw. "Cleared for landing...Screech." Mocking the sound of stopping tires.

The rabbit gobbled up the mouthful rather eagerly. It was sweet, sugary, and had no taste. She repeated the game until the entire jar was empty. When it was done his new mother patted him on the head.

"Good girl...time for a nap." Cloudy got up to grab her gauntlets to help her in getting him back to the crib.

Once she had them on, it was much easier to manage to lift him back into the bed. Upon being returned to the bed, James found himself compelled to sleep and his eyes fluttered.

The skunk leaned in to kiss him on his head and tucked him in. "Sweet dreams, princess."

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. Cloudly patting his head and turning the lights off, once she exited the room.

Soon James' thoughts turned to dreams, of being cradled by Cloudy. He could only think of his new mother, his old home forgotten in the blink of an eye. Still, the situation seemed to have improved itself. No longer did he have to worry about neglect or abuse. Now he was very much in the loving care of another...and he couldn't be happier.

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