Draconicon's R34 Harem 17: Scientific Help

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#17 of Draconicon's Rule 34 Harem

And so we come to the end of these uploads, with Draconicon and Asriel taking a little time to explore the Underground. And...well, let's start with the closet pervert.

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Draconicon's Rule 34 Harem Chapter 17: Scientific Help Sponsored by Lorvianne By Draconicon

Alphys didn't know what had happened in New Home, but she knew that the cameras hadn't gone dark on their own. She might not have quite as much genius as Gaster did, but she knew her machines well enough to know when something went down due to failure and when it went down due to someone fiddling with it. This time, it was most definitely fiddling, and it wasn't Undyne throwing spears at them, either.

The short yellow dinosaur stared at the screens, half-hoping that they'd start up again without her having to leave the lab. She knew that wasn't going to happen, but the hope refused to die as she kept staring at them, wishing for them to start up again, for the flickering screen to clear and show her what was going on. There were too many mysteries now, too many things that she didn't know.

And it didn't help that she was getting a tease from another monitor, too.

She flicked her eyes to the left, catching sight of Undyne in the waters near Waterfall. The captain of the royal guard had already stripped down, her body soaked in water, her eyes glittering in the little moonlight and star light of the different glowing stones down there. She was naked, up to her waist in water, her small breasts completely on display. She arched her back, and the captain had to know that she was showing off to one of Alphys's small cameras hidden all over the Underground.

But if she did, Undyne didn't seem to care. She arched her back further in a long stretch, showing off her tall, lithe, muscular body. It was humiliatingly arousing to watch her from here, knowing that she was so...so free, and so out of her reach.

Alphys blushed, turning away and shaking her head. No matter how hot that was, she needed to keep her eyes on the situation at hand, to figure out what had happened to her cameras.

Because this wasn't normal.

They're immune to all the fire magic that Asgore uses. I made sure of that. And there's nothing else that strong in New Home. Why did they go down?

It had to be due to that strange reading that she'd picked up just before the cameras had gone down, just before everything stopped sending her reports from the capital. She'd just started turning the cameras toward it when everything stopped, when nothing made sense.

The more she thought about it, the less she liked the implications. However, there was no denying it. Someone had invaded New Home from the outside, and they were trying to avoid getting detected.

I need to get in touch with Asgore. Tell him what's going on...

She'd try Undyne, but she knew better than to worry the warrior woman about what was going on. Until she knew what was happening for sure, it was better to leave her out of it. The Underground didn't need to be pierced through by a thousand spears as Undyne reacted as violently as she could.

Even if that would be so cool.

She turned to the camera facing the naked warrior again, blushing as she watched the piranha woman stretch her arms over her head, as she watched her wind her way back towards shore and her armor. So much muscle, so much slick flesh, so much...so much ass...


Her cheeks burned as she fantasized about what she'd do with her dear friend if she just had a few hours with her, and the confidence to actually go through with some of her ideas. There were so many machines in her lab that she had made out of horny desperation, never showing to anyone, never daring to let anyone find out about. She could do so much to the captain, make her moan and scream her heart out. They could have endless hours of fun...

But no. That wasn't going to happen. Not with her being terrified out of her mind of what Undyne would think of her if she ever found out.

Still...the idea of her best friend stretched out like that...of that body being held down and fucked and...

She shivered, her pudgy fingers sliding down beneath the gap in her lab coat. She was halfway to fingering herself before she realized what she was doing. Slapping her cheek to stop herself, she shook her head rapidly.

"No, no, n-not good. I need to...I need to find out who the intruder is."

The first thing that she had to do was run a restart. That would at least clear the system of the interference that was going on. After that, she could make a decision about what needed to be done, or even what could be done.

In the meantime, she could make a phone call.

She reached down to the cell phone that she kept at the side of the desk, tapping a few buttons. As soon as she held the phone to her head, however, it merely beeped at her.


"We're sorry, the call cannot be completed as dialed. Please hang up and try again."

"What? What?! That's never - you don't do that! You just call!"

She looked down at the screen. No, the number was exactly the right one. She had made double-sure of it. What in the world wouldn't it connect?

Alphys looked back at the console before her, half-expecting it to revolt against her, too, but no. It was still in the process of rebooting, taking away the flickering screens and the sexy distraction that Undyne provided.

She sighed. The machines would be at least a half-hour in rebooting and restarting. They hadn't gone through one for weeks, anyway, so it was probably due. For now...

Well, for now, she'd go and distract herself. Maybe it would make her feel better to let off some steam. After that, she could figure out what to do about the phone.

A shower helped a bit, but not enough. She could still feel herself getting all hot and bothered from watching Undyne in the first place, and she couldn't stop thinking about what she'd do if she had the time, the confidence...the power...to really enjoy herself. And it wasn't just the captain of the guard that was dancing through her fantasies, either.

She still remembered the Queen, and remembered the few times that she had been able to spy on her and Asgore having fun together. The sight of the two goats slamming into each other, the rough power that they had as they submitted and then dominated each other in bed, had fed her fantasies for a while. She would have loved to be either of them, enjoying the feeling of the other taking control and using her...or being the one to take control of them.

She remembered staring at Asgore during some of the royal events that she had been invited to, seeing the bulge that pushed out the front of his armor, seeing the way that he handled things so confidently. She would have loved to go down on her knees to satisfy him, to give him some...satisfaction.

The wolf of Snowdin, too. He was a big guy, and without pants...oh, god, the things that she had seen and imagined there...

The little yellow dinosaur blushed, rubbing her cheeks as she stared at herself in the mirror as she got out of the shower. She was a mess, a total mess, and she couldn't help it. She got so little from...from anyone, and all she wanted was to be...


She blushed as she looked at herself. There was no way that anyone was going to be thinking of her the way that she thought of them. Even out of her lab coat, she wasn't really a prize to be won, someone to be fought for. She had a pudgy belly, the kind of shape that most would just throw onto the exercise track and then forget about. Sure, she had the sort of hips and breasts that some would like, but that was mostly from sitting down and not exercising, her weight going right into her butt and boobs.

She wasn't a tall woman, either, so she didn't feel like she carried the weight well. She felt like a little dwarf that wasn't even worth anyone's time.

Her glasses felt like the killing blow to anything that might have called her attractive. She felt like a nerd, like a little dweeb from the animes that she watched. The humans always looked down on people like her, and she felt like the monsters did the same.

Looking at herself, she wondered if she would ever be able to try out any of her fantasies with someone. She had a lot to offer, at least, in her head. And she was willing to be very...very perverted, if it meant that someone would give her something in return.

Like that will ever happen. I'm a dumpy little thing. I'm...I'm nothing...

Alphys sighed, leaning forward against the mirror, not quite at the point of beating her head against it but feeling closer to it than she really wanted to. The idea of being lonely for the rest of her life was a horrible thought, and she wanted to fix it, but that wasn't something that science could do anything about. Not that she had been able to figure out, at least, and she had been able to figure out a lot of stuff so far.

But this...this was beyond her abilities.

She sighed again, rubbing the back of her head. She needed to find some way to drag herself back from being completely depressed, and there was only one thing that worked well for that. She had a number of different methods, depending on how far down she'd gotten, but there was only one that worked every single time.

Where'd I put the Mega-Pounder?

Going down to her hands and knees, she walked from her shower to her bedroom, looking under the mattress. There were dozens of boxes under it, each one labeled with a different scientific name to keep people from looking inside. The last thing that she needed was for some visitor to accidentally find out that she kept this many toys for herself.

She pulled out the first one, opened it, and then tossed it over her shoulder. Human size, too small. Another one, opened, then also tossed over her shoulder. Tentacle, too soft.

One after another went over her shoulders, piling up at the far end of the bedroom. She was starting to bury the room in dildos, making a giant mess for herself to clean up later, but she was far enough gone that she didn't really care. She just wanted something to make herself feel better, and she was going to find it.

Finally, after nearly five minutes of examining one dildo after another, she found the one that she needed. The Mega-Pounder. She opened the box and smiled at the old favorite, a thick cock that was almost three inches wide, one with a series of ridges along the sides of the shaft, and one that had balls at the bottom that could be filled with fake seed for that lovely filling effect. It was an extreme measure, considering the way that it would stretch her out to use it, but good lord, it worked well as a distraction.

She sat it down on the floor, wiggling her hips already as she thought about how it was going to feel to put it in her, and she slowly pushed down. Her pussy was still wet, despite the shower, and she ground along the rounded head, feeling it rubbing against her, teasing her. It bumped her clit, making her feel a shiver of pleasure running from her head right down to her toes. The need that it filled her with, the warmth that came along with it, made her moan louder than she had in some time.

Ooooh, if I had the time...if I had the...the...

Oh, the things that she'd do to the Underground if she had the time and patience and power. She would make it so much more fun for everyone. She'd show them that the power of science could bring everyone closer together. She'd take it from an anime to a hentai without even thinking about it. Every guy would have a big cock, every girl would be interested in everything, and...and...


They'd be interested in her, too. They'd want her, make her feel better than the dumpy little thing that she was. She would feel like they were attracted to her, and her machines would help her with that.

She was just on the verge of dropping down on the dildo, on the verge of opening herself up all over again, when the doorbell rang.


A black dragon and white goat stood outside of the lab, their bare feet resting on the warm stone that led from Hotland to the great building. The goat looked up at the dragon, shaking his head.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?"

"Trust me, she's ready for this." He smiled. "I think that you're going to be surprised at just how eager she actually is, once you get past her walls."

"She's got very big walls."

"I don't mean the lab ones."


"Heh. You're lucky you're cute."

"And magical."

"That, too."

Draconicon shook his head as he turned back to the sheets of metal that kept them out. Technically, either of them could have teleported in, but that would have been bad manners, at the very least. It was honestly just better to wait, to allow Alphys the chance to let them in rather than just barging through and taking over.

That would come later.

Draconicon closed his eyes, looking through the metal with his magic. He could sense the little scientist in the upper floors of the lab, her body warm and heated through. There was something between her legs, something of surprising size for someone like her, and she was shivering in humiliation and indecision.

She didn't expect us to be here, obviously, but she's trying to decide whether to risk coming down.

He could understand that. Obviously, she had a lot to protect in terms of her image with the other members of the Underground and people like that. But on the other hand, she had a lot to gain, too. She needed to remember that.

He glanced up at the little bubble over the door, knowing that she'd be using that to try and see who was there if she was ever able to leave the bedroom. No reason to make this easy, though. A flick of his finger, and black fire shot out, blocking it, keeping it from seeing through the writhing flames.

"What kind of magic is that?" Asriel asked, pointing up. "I haven't seen that before."

"That's because it's my style."

"Are you going to teach me that?"

"Maybe. If you can master the other stuff, first."

"I'm the God of Hyper-Death. I can do anything."

"Heh. We'll see."

He closed his eyes again. Alphys was on the move, running down from her bedroom to the camera control console. She was peering down at it, hitting buttons frantically, but she wasn't going to have any luck. After all, this time he hadn't damaged the camera, or done anything to sabotage it. All he had done was the magical equivalent of putting a piece of paper in front of the lens.

She'd have to come out to fix it, eventually. He crossed his arms, tapping his foot impatiently, and Asriel chuckled.

"I thought you were willing to wait."

"I am. It doesn't mean I like it."

"You could just have some fun, you know."

"That would be a bit cruel."

"But it might tease her out."

"Or just give her a show."

"Who says the show would just be for her..."

The goat prince was already reaching down, his hand inside of the dragon's robe. Ever since the moment of 'breaking', Asriel had been particularly affectionate, almost as if he had been afraid to lose the one person that was giving him kindness again. Draconicon shook his head with a smile as he felt the soft fingers running down his belly, then over his crotch, fondling his cock a few times.

He didn't push the goat prince away. There was no reason to stop the fun, after all, and if Alphys happened to open the door, he was pretty sure that she'd enjoy the sight of two big guys in the middle of some 'fun.' He didn't want to be completely occupied with it, which was why he wasn't returning the favor, but it didn't seem to bother Asriel at all.

If anything, the goat was getting ever more into it. The grip around the dragon's cock got tighter, and he could see the prince's purple robes starting to tent, pushing up, getting stiffer at the crotch.

"You can't help yourself, can you?" Draconicon asked.

"Not when I'm around you..."

"Don't worry. You're not going to be replaced."

"I better not. I earned this. I am getting better, and I earned this."

It was hard to tell if Asriel meant the dragon's affection or his cock, because he was squeezing the latter rather hard as he kept referring to 'this.' The goat leaned in closer, nuzzling under the dragon's chin, giving him a little bleat of affection as he ran his hand up and down the black dragon's shaft. Draconicon could feel himself getting stiffer and stiffer, his own cock soon making a hefty bulge in his robes. There was no way that Alphys was going to miss that.

Of course, if he didn't do something to slow this down soon, Asriel was probably going to get on his knees and start sucking him. Not that it would go unappreciated, but he didn't want to take the show that far. That, and the level of musk that he would put off at that point...

It was positively cheating just how much that affected people, but it was a useful enough tool that he didn't really complain. It was better to have that option than to not have it, even if it was...a bit disconcerting how easily people fell under his control with it.

Actually, it was rather nice that Asriel wasn't completely consumed by it. Yes, the goat was eager to enjoy it, but in the last few hours, the prince had proven that he could resist it if he wanted. There was more of a willing obedience there, and he preferred that.

Still, the runes on his robe were going to prove their worth, too. The goat was getting him all riled up, but so long as he wore the robes, Alphys wouldn't be affected by them. At least, not too much.

Finally, he felt the presence of the dinosaur woman coming to the door. She was hesitant, of course, but he knew that she was going to be interested in them. She couldn't just walk away from this mystery.

As she reached out, he realized that she wasn't going to open it. She was reaching too low for that. So what -

Oh, yes, the panel in the door to see what was going on. And so conveniently placed.



"Open our robes."

"Heh...good idea. This is going to be fun."

Alphys didn't know what to expect when she walked over to the back door to her lab. She knew that someone had to be out there, but she thought that it might be one of the monsters or their kids playing a joke. That had happened a lot in the past, but this was the first time that they had gotten rid of one of her cameras completely.

Then again, she had to admit that it was possible that it was the same person that had invaded New Home doing something down here. She had to be ready for that, too, she told herself, trying to brace herself and be brave.

But of all the things that she had expected, she hadn't expected a pair of dicks to be leveled at her face as soon as she slid the panel open.

Her eyes went wide at the pair of them. Both were vaguely like the human dildo that she kept in shape, but the sizes far outstripped what she was used to seeing. The smaller of the pair, a pink, fleshy thing, had a bit of foreskin that pulled up and over the head like a weak version of a sheath, but the rod itself was at least eight inches long, and it had a lovely twitch to it, making it bounce over an equally lovely pair of white-furred balls. She breathed in sharp, and the smell -

Oh, it was beautiful, making her feel just like the girls in the hentais when they were exposed to monsters that were going to fuck them. Lightheaded, a bit afraid, but so eager. Her pussy dripped down her legs as she looked at the other cock.

If the first one had been beautiful, this one was intimidating. It stretched out just over a foot in length, and it was somehow thicker than the Mega-Pounder that she had been about to start riding. Her eyes went wider and wider in the little slit-panel in the door, her mouth falling more and more open. If the hole had been any bigger, she might have actually pushed her tongue out, like those videos that showed a...a hole of glory? Was that what it was called?

She didn't know, and the little reptile didn't care. Those were huge, and they were on display...for her?

Oh, god, that made her blush. The idea that they might be there for her, that these two huge cocks were just...just on offer...

"May we come in?"

The voice was thick and heavy, deep and gravelly. And it reminded her that she was dealing with more than a pair of walking cocks. She was dealing with people.

Just like that, the hunger for them almost disappeared. Almost. There was something to the smell...

Alphys blushed as she realized that she was almost drooling, slamming the panel shut again and slumping against the door, her heart beating a mile a minute. The air was thick with pheromones, she realized, making it hard to breathe, hard to think, hard to hold herself together.

Not my fault. Not my fault. Not my fault.

She held her hands to her chest, pressing down on her heart as it kept pounding away. It was not her fault that she was so horny. Not her fault. They had presented themselves. They were making a show. It was like Undyne on camera. Nobody could fault her for getting horny for that, when there was no harm.

But those cocks...

They danced in her head with all the other naked bodies that she'd seen, and it was impossible for her to get them out. She wanted them inside her, inside of her lab, where she could play with them. She wanted...

She needed...

Knock, knock.

"Can we come in?" the voice from a moment ago repeated.

Oh god, they're not leaving. They need to go. Need to go. Can't be a pervert. I'm supposed to be a scientist, not a sweaty little nerdy pervert and...and...

She buried her face in her hands, trying to calm down, but it was impossible. She could barely breathe. She couldn't stop panicking, couldn't stop -

"We're not hearing no."


Alphys looked up, her eyes going wide as the cocks came in, and so did the people that carried them. They appeared in a rush of black fire, almost like they had been summoned by it, and stood over her with their dicks almost right in her face.

And she was still naked.

The chubby little dinosaur covered herself as the reptile and the goat pulled their robes closed, and the scent of musk in the air was cut down. She shivered as she felt some of the hunger disappearing, but not enough of it to keep her from being utterly soaked down there. Her fingers felt like they were swimming against her pussy, trying to stem a tide that was impossible to slow.

The reptile - a dragon, she belatedly realized, judging from the wings and face shape - offered her his hand. She stared at him for a moment, trying not to get lost in the white eyes before she took it.

As he helped her to her feet, the goat spread his arms wide. He glowed with a rainbow of light, and in a flash of white fire, he made a robe out of nothing. It wasn't that different from her lab coat, either, though it was flashier, a shiny white-gold rather than just pure white. As soon as he offered it to her, she put it on.


She didn't know what else to say. They had essentially invaded her lab, yet, they were being nicer than the average monster to come and visit her on the regular. They were nice enough to cover her up, and - judging from the bulges in their robes - they weren't disgusted with her body, either.

Alphys tried not to blush at that.

"W-who are y-you? W-what do you want? Wait. Wait. Are you...are you the one that messed up the cameras?" she asked the dragon.

"That'd be me."


"Mostly to get him," he said, nodding at the goat. "Then I thought, hey, I'm already here, let's see to a few other people."

"Him? You mean - wait." Alphys blinked, pushing her glasses up a bit on her snout as she fixed the goat with a harder stare.

Up until that point, he'd looked rather confident, almost cocky, in a way, but when she stared at him a bit harder, he suddenly went blushy, almost like he was embarrassed. The way that he rubbed the back of his head, the way that he let out a bleating sort of laugh -

No. No, that was impossible. There's no way that he could be back, and no way...but...but there it was...

"...Asriel?" she asked, her voice almost dead in her throat.

"Yeah, um...it's me."

"You...but you..."

"I was a flower for a while, but Draconicon helped me get better."

A flower. Determination. Her experiments. And her journals of different fantasies about them. Her...her experiments, her...fault...

Alphys's eyes rolled back in their sockets, and she fainted dead away.

The dragon looked down at the unconscious scientist, slowly shaking his head. He should have expected that once Asriel revealed who he was. Then again, he supposed that it was probably pretty likely that she'd do that once she realized that she was being invaded by two big perverts.

And Asriel was definitely almost as much of a pervert as he was.

"Well...looks like we're going to be waiting for a while."

"Want to get comfortable, 'master'?" Asriel asked with a chuckle.

"Maybe in a bit. I want to see what she has in her secret lab."

"You think that she's got a perverted one under the real one?"

"I know she's got a big messed-up one under the fake one up here, but I would bet you that there's a few secret doors to a perverted one somewhere around here. Someone like her doesn't just fantasize about the things that she wants to do. They start putting together a way to make it happen if their luck ever changes."

Asriel nodded, but Draconicon could see where the goat was looking. He knew what he was thinking, and he chuckled.

"And maybe, maybe, one day you might be able to put me in there, if I ever felt like I wanted to switch around. But right now, let's see what we're working with."

"Sure. Are you going to be, um..."

"Fucking her?"

Asriel nodded.

"Probably, but not if she doesn't want me to."

"You can make her want it. I've seen that."

"That doesn't mean it's right." Draconicon shook his head. "Besides, she's going to want to. You saw the way that she was staring. You can still smell it, for that matter."

"Heh...I never thought that the royal scientist was that...eager."

"You were a kid. You weren't supposed to figure that out."

Shaking his head, he gently pulled Alphys's new robe closed again, making sure that the soft little scientist wasn't completely exposed to the world. Much as he imagined that she was going to be a fun partner, he knew that she deserved a bit of respect.

Having the chance to take his time made him enjoy this so much more than he otherwise would. There was a chance to take it slow, to not just force it the way that he had to do with all too many members of his harem so far. The more time that he could take to slowly break someone in, to let them get to know him and let them make their own decisions, the better.

That wasn't to say that he didn't take a great deal of pleasure out of corrupting them. In fact, if he'd had the time, he would have let Asriel run around, trying out various levels of power and magic here in the Underground, letting the goat learn a bit more about him over time rather than dumping it all on him at once. But...well, he was seldom going to have the luxury of time. Not in the levels he wanted. So, he'd savor it when he got it.

At least this time, he would be working with someone that had the brains to grasp the more complicated ideas that he had for them. Most people had a hard time understanding the whole idea of the multi-verse, making him waste time explaining it while he was trying to get them on his side. Alphys, on the other hand, had seemed to have quite the mind on her when he'd spied on her. She had the mental fortitude and agility to actually understand the concept quickly, which would give them more time to enjoy each other here.

Setting the dinosaur up against the wall in a reclined sleep, he turned back to Asriel. The goat was still staring at his ass, and the dragon chuckled.

"If you're good, I might let you have a turn."

"Is this the first time that you've let someone do that?"

"Not really. I'm very flexible."

"That'll help," the goat said with a deliberate nod southwards. "You know I have a fair bit to work with."

"I know. And it's going to be fun. But for now."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Lab."

"Right. You start on this floor, and I'll start on the second one."

"What's up there?"

"Her bedroom, and an inordinate number of sex toys."

"That feels like where the lab would be."

"Probably, but you never know. You get to work down here, I'll start up there, and we'll meet in the middle."

And hopefully Undyne wouldn't burst in before they were done.

The End