The Sleepover: Part 2

Story by KaenEmbertail on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales of Youthful Exploration

A wolf decides to reward her beloved caracal with a little one-on-one attention...for a small price.

When evening rolled around, the twins and Eisla had invited Riley to watch a movie with them, much to his surprise. In his mind, aside from as a toy for their amusement, he didn't think the girls really wanted him around. Feeling somewhat touched by the invitation, he hastily accepted, though he was also quick to throw a hand between his legs to protect himself from any surprise attacks, much to the amusement of the girls. As the evening wore on, Riley found himself inadvertently paying more attention to Eisla than the movie, sneaking glances at her now and then. She lay sprawled out across their recliner in the living room, her head resting against one arm while her feet dangled over the other, lightly spread apart. She had changed back into her sleeping clothes for the night, her black Metallica shirt and black pajama pants. He couldn't help noticing that her relaxed position had her shirt riding up just below her belly while her pants rode only slightly lower than normal, exposing the smallest bit of bare hips.

Fortunately for him, she seemed absolutely enthralled with the movie and appeared to take no real notice of his glances. Since the previous night when she'd gotten him off, she'd slipped into his mind like a thief in the night, and that was only worsened earlier that morning when she'd flashed him. Over the rest of the day, Eisla hadn't really made any mention of either of those events herself, and mostly just smiled and waved whenever she saw him.

Sneaky as the young caracal male thought he was being, his wandering gaze hadn't managed to evade the notice of River, seated next to him on their family's couch between him and Skye. During one such moment, she playfully poked his side with her elbow and whispered in his ear. "Can't take your eyes off her, huh? Got a wolf fetish all of a sudden?"

Riley shot her a surprised look, the inside of his ears glowing red at his sister's insinuation. Luckily, Skye, who would have been much less tactful about it, was just as focused on the movie as Eisla. "S-Shut up...I don't have a...wolf fetish..." He kept his voice as hushed as he could, making sure only River could hear it.

"You're right. You don't have a wolf fetish." She smirked playfully, letting the air between them settle for a moment...before stirring it up again. "You have an_Eisla_ fetish."

Riley's ears pinned against his head, his eyes widening slightly. He didn't dare dispute her too hard, lest he draw the attention of the others, so he simply scoffed and turned his attention back to the movie. River giggled softly to herself, her tongue slipping out to lick her muzzle, ears perked and eyes shining with her victory. Much as she liked to tease, she found her younger brother's fascination with her best friend to be quite adorable, and in spite of whatever he may have been fearing, she knew Eisla would too.

After the movie had finished, Skye was the first one to jump up from her seat and throw her arms up, stretching. "That was really good! I haven't laughed that hard at something in a long time!" Her tail swished playfully behind her as she turned back toward the couch, a wicked glint in her eye as she eyed her brother. "Unless we count abusing Riley's balls, that is!" This drew laughter from the other two girls and Riley curled a paw between his legs, his ears drooping.

"It's not funny, that really hurts, you know!" he shot back, glaring at her.

"Nope, I don't know!" she said. "We don't have those!" She stuck her tongue out at the younger male.

Riley grumbled. "You're lucky you don't...if you did, I'd have kicked you in them so hard by now!"

"Aww, poor Riley, all frustrated 'cause he can't get back at his sisters." She smirked playfully and ruffled the fur between his ears. "Tell you what, if I ever magically grow a pair, I'll _let_you kick them!"

"That would obviously never happen, you idiot!"

"Exactly!" She grinned. "So I've got nothing to worry about! You, though..." She stepped closer to him, a predatory look in her eye. "You'd better be careful, or I'll get you when you least expect it." She raised her foot and brushed her toes playfully against the hand he had curled between his legs, causing him to wince in imagined pain and hurriedly push her foot away with his free hand.

"Isn't it about your bedtime already?" He glared at her again, then turned away from her, his gaze naturally moving to Eisla as she sat just beyond where Skye stood. She was giggling to herself over his interaction with his sister, and stopped when she caught his gaze, smiling back at him and giving him a small wave. She'd sunk further into the chair, paying no mind to her shirt which had been drawn up just slightly past her belly by the cushions. He gulped softly, feeling a tingling sensation as he thickened up slightly in his sheath. Suddenly, he became keenly aware that everyone had gone dead silent and was now staring at him. "...what?" he asked, looking around with a baffled expression.

River nudged him playfully. "Your boner is sticking out above your hand, Riles." She stifled a giggle and pointed down at his lap. Riley followed her gaze and spotted a hint of red having escaped the confines of his pajamas through the opening in front. He yelped and threw his other hand over it, though he quickly regretted that as he did so a little too hard and ended up hitting the tip rather than just covering it, causing him to double over and yelp even louder, which caused the rest of the room to erupt into laughter.

"I guess you don't need us to hit you there, huh?" Eisla asked with a wicked smile. "Looks like you do a fine job on your own sometimes!"

"Aw, shut up...!" Riley said, wincing in pain. It wasn't as bad as nailing himself in the balls, but it sure was unpleasant. He glanced up at Eisla when the laughter had died down, his ears still pinned flat to his head. She was looking at him with a smile on her face and a curious look in her eyes, her tongue sweeping out to lick her nose and muzzle. He knew from the previous night that Eisla liked what she saw, and from past experience in general that she got a sort of twisted enjoyment out of his male pain. But he couldn't really tell what was going through her mind at that moment.

"Well, he's right anyways!" the wolf cried, straightening up in the chair and jumping to her feet. "It's time for us to get to bed, it's getting pretty late." She started towards the stairs, the twins following close behind her as they all said good night to him. Just before Eisla did, however, she turned back to him. "Oh, and Riley?" she called in a sweet, sing-song tone. The words caused his breath to catch in his throat, remembering the events of that morning. "You should probably go to bed too, if you know what's good for you." She stuck her tongue out at him and then quickly ascended the stairs. What did she mean by that, exactly? Sometimes, that girl just confused the hell out of him.

Shortly after, Riley took Eisla's advice and ascended the stairs leading to the hallway that held his bedroom and the twins'. He'd taken the time to get a glass of water, drink it and turn the TV off before starting up. He honestly wasn't that tired, but he figured he could read in bed or something until he was. His sisters' door was closed, with no light shining from the crack beneath it, but curiously there was a lamp turned on in his own bedroom. Blinking, he slowly started towards it, his heart thumping in his chest. He _knew_for sure he hadn't left any lights on. But when he stepped into the room, he initially didn't see anything else amiss...until he stepped closer to his bed and heard the door close behind him. He spun around on the spot and saw Eisla standing there, a bright smile across her muzzle.

"Took you long enough!" she said, her tail wagging happily behind her as she approached him. "I wasn't going to wait much longer."

Riley's eyes widened slightly, confusion written all over his face. "I...what? But...what are you doing in here? Why aren't you...with my sisters?"

Eisla reached forward and pressed a single finger to his lips, grinning at the adorable look of bewilderment on his face. "Shhh. Did you forget what we talked about this morning?"

"What we talked about...?" He thought back, before her flashing him and after her kicking him in the balls, admittedly the two things that had sunk in the most from their morning encounter. Like a freight train, it hit him within moments.

Be a good kitten today, and maybe...just maybe...I'll do something really nice for you and your balls tonight.

He swallowed hard. "I...I thought you were just teasing me. I didn't think you'd actually..."

Eisla's free hand slipped quickly down the front of his pants, her paw pads gliding swiftly down his sheath before coming to rest on his balls, which she took into her grasp and began fondling gently, drawing a soft groan of delight from the caracal's lips. "Do you _want_me to have just been teasing? I can still walk back out that door and go to bed." The last words she spoke held a sing-song lilt to them, clearly intended to tease him further. Riley shook his head quickly, his eyes wide and tail swishing excitedly behind him. Eisla chuckled softly, her fingers kneading his testicles further with gentle rolling motions. "Good kitten..." She purred the words and slipped her hand up to stroke his length as it quickly spilled from his sheath. She wrapped her fingers around it and slowly stroked from the base of his shaft to the tip and back down again, velvety paw pads dancing along the sensitive flesh with each repeated motion. Riley's groans of pleasure slipped into moans, his eyelids fluttering as his eyes rolled back slightly. Eisla watched his face with a curious smile, then slowly withdrew her hand, much to the male's disappointment.

"Get naked," she said softly. "I want to see you in all your glory again."

Riley paused for a moment, then slowly nodded. The inside of his ears burned scarlet, but he held nothing but anticipation for having her see him naked again. He started with his shirt, peeling it up over his head and tossing it aside. As he did so, Eisla put a hand against his stomach and brushed her claw-tips through his soft belly fur, staring intently as he slipped his fingers into the waistband of his pants and slowly pushed them down. As more of his lower body was revealed, she licked her nose and leaned closer, pressing her muzzle to the soft fur of his groin just above his erection, startling Riley only slightly. She gave a soft canine purr and nuzzled up against him. As his pants came all the way down and he stepped out of them, she pulled her head back to take a long look at his equipment.

Riley cleared his throat after a moment of silence, feeling somewhat bashful. "W-Well?" he asked. "What do you...think?"

"Hmm?" She tilted her head playfully. "Think of what?" The sing-song lilt of her voice had returned, telling him she clearly wanted to tease him into saying it.

" know! My...cock and...stuff..."

Eisla burst into a fit of giggles. "And stuff, huh? Well, I think you already know the answer to that from last night, but just in case you somehow missed it...I like it a lot. All of it."

Riley swallowed hard, his chest swelling somewhat with a sort of nervous excitement. "R-Really...?"

"Mmhmm." She gently ran a soft paw pad from the tip of the red spear that jutted up from his sheath, all the way down to his balls and back up again, smirking as she watched him shiver. "Feel good?"

He nodded, his voice caught in his throat. Prior to the night before, he'd never have even imagined he'd someday end up in a situation like this with her. "Am I...dreaming?"

She chuckled and looked up at him. "I don't know. Are you?" Then an idea came to her, a grin spreading across her muzzle. "You're going to hate me for this. But I'll make it up to you."

"Oh no...what do you wanna do...?"

"I've never gotten to kick a naked pair of balls before...hmm, I believe I mentioned this last night, actually. So let me tell you what...if you let me do it, I'll get naked too. Completely. And to really make you feel better..." She leaned up to whisper in his ear, giving it a lick as she did so. "I'll give you a blowjob."

Riley swallowed hard again. His fear of being kicked in the balls was slowly becoming outweighed by all of his other desires. "Just...just one kick, right? And no blindfold?"

"One kick. No blindfold. How do you feel about that, kitten?" She smirked and let her tongue slide forward from between her teeth, wiggling from side to side in a teasing manner.

Before he could have second thoughts about it, Riley stood up straight, his legs parted to give her a clear shot. "Just make it quick, okay?" He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and whined softly, anticipating the pain to come any second.

Eisla giggled. She stepped back a few steps, sizing up the distance between them, then glanced up at the fear written all over his face. She decided she was going to help him out a little bit. "You know what, Riley? I've actually seen a few guys naked before you. But I think you just might be the biggest...down there."

His eyes shot open in surprise, and before he realized what was happening, she'd already lashed out with her bare foot and connected solidly with both his feline testicles, the tops of her toes crushing them against his body. The caracal doubled over in pain, his knees crossing as he slid to the floor, his hands moving to cup his poor injured kitten makers. "AWWH...FUUUCK...!"

Eisla watched him writhe around in pain, smiling. She stepped closer to him and ran her fingers through the fur between his ears, which were now pinned against his head, ruffling it and cooing to him. "There, there. It's over now. That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"It was...pretty bad..." He coughed and looked up at her. "But you'll...hold up your end...right...?"

"Mmhmm. Keep your eyes on me, stud. I'll make you feel a lot better." She stepped back a few steps and placed her hands across each other at the bottom of her shirt, slowly peeling it up over the soft fur of her belly. She went teasingly slow, enjoying the pained but enraptured look in his eyes as he stared. She drew the garment up just below her breasts and drew it slightly tighter against her as she moved up, pulling her breasts up with it. As a result, when the shirt passed her breasts, they spilled free in a slightly more dramatic fashion, bouncing lightly upon her chest as she pulled the shirt over her head and discarded it. Riley stared longingly, taking in every detail of the feminine mounds he'd only seen for a handful of seconds that morning. The pink of her nipples stood out clear as day against her white fur, and it was also clear they were about as hard as Riley was. She took a moment to let him stare, then hooked her fingers into the waist of her pajamas. It quickly became apparent that much like Riley, she didn't bother with underwear under her sleeping clothes as her pants came down at an excruciatingly slow pace and revealed more and more of soft white fur below her waist. White fur slowly gave way to the soft pink of her sex as the garment slipped past her thighs and all the way down to her feet, where she promptly kicked them aside and struck a playfully sexy pose. "Ta-da! Naked wolf. My turn to ask. What do you think?" Behind her playful demeanor, Riley could see that same hint of scarlet in her ears that he had that morning. Her breasts rose and fell rather quickly in time with her breathing, and he could tell she was perhaps slightly more bashful than she was letting on.

"Perfect..." he muttered, unable to tear his eyes away from her. "Everything is...perfect."

She gave him a warm smile, relaxing visibly. "Thank you, Riles. That...means a lot to me, actually. Now! Lay back for me, so we can get to making you feel better. Spread your legs so I can get real close."

Riley did as she asked, though some quiet part of him was afraid of opening himself up so much to the girl who'd just kicked his balls into his stomach, but the louder parts of him felt that he could trust her. She moved down to her knees between his legs and placed her hands on either side of his waist, moving up to press her muzzle to his chest and softly lick him. As she did so, her body pressed against his erection and rubbed against it as she moved. She nuzzled and licked down his body, pressing close to rub every inch of her against him. Soon, his length was pressed into the space between her breasts and she looked down for a moment, then up at his face. "Look, Riles!" She spoke with her trademark teasing sing-song lilt and wiggled her chest softly, rubbing his length with her soft womanly mounds. Velvety soft fur and the heat of her body wrapped around his length as she pulled her arms closer to her and squeezed them around him, causing his eyes to roll back softly.

"E-Eisla..." he moaned. "That's...mmmm...!"

She chuckled softly. "Someone's happy. Forgetting about the pain yet?" With her arms still squeezing her breasts around his length, she slowly rubbed up and down at a slow pace, each stroke of her soft furred flesh sending ripples of pleasure through him and Riley soon found himself tempted to thrust against her.

"Y-Yes...starting to..."

"Good!" She leaned her head down and flicked her tongue against his tip, moving further down his body so she could lick more of him. She ran her soft, velvety tongue from his tip down to his sheath, then back up, swirling it playfully against each spot that made him moan the most.

"W-Where the hell did you learn things like that...?" Riley asked, his breathing becoming heavier as the pleasure intensified.

Eisla looked up at him for a moment, a bashful smile on her face. "I may have...done this at least once before, and also looked some things up. I kinda...really like it." She scratched at her cheek, embarrassed, and gave him a playful grin to hide it.

"Really...? With who?"

"A guy I used to have a crush on, before I moved here. It was a few years ago now. But, I was curious, and we were moving, soooo...anyways, I liked it, so I looked up...if I had done it right. Learned some fun things that...I get to try on you." She returned her muzzle to his length and lapped at the tip, swirling her tongue around it. Then, she surprised the caracal by taking it into her mouth entirely, at which point Riley tightened his hands into fists and shuddered. Eisla pulled her lips over her teeth to keep them away from his sensitive skin and rolled her tongue against him, sucking gently.

Shivers ran up and down Riley's spine with each sensation, and he felt himself quickly approaching his limit. It was his first blowjob, after all. "E-Eisla...I'm going to cum soon..."

The wolf raised her head briefly to look at him. "It's okay. Just let it out when you get there." With a smile, she returned her mouth to his length and began bobbing her head gently, stroking his length between her tongue and lips. Each bob of her head sent shocks through Riley and within moments he was already there, shooting wave after wave of his feline seed into Eisla's mouth. She took him as far in as she could and sucked him hard as though she were attempting to drain every last drop from him. Some of it spilled out and coated her chin, but for the most part she managed to get it all down. When there was none left, she spent a moment sucking his overstimulated length, drawing soft, whimpering mews from the caracal before she released him and sat up. "How was that? Feel good?" Her tongue slipped out and swept over her muzzle, cleaning up the last bits that'd escaped her mouth.

"That was...amazing..." He collapsed backwards, panting softly. Part of him still couldn't believe he'd just gotten his first blowjob from the girl he had a crush on. He'd already struggled somewhat with believing the events of the previous night, but it was helped by the fact she'd conspired with his sisters for that. This, she did all on her own just because she wanted to.

"Glad you liked it. Well, I'm going to go and grab a shower and...finish myself off...and then I'm going to go to bed. So, good night, Riles!" She stood up, smiling, and started towards the door. Before she could make it very far, however, Riley sat up and grabbed hold of her wrist, surprising her. "Riles?" She looked at him curiously, her tail swishing behind her in a slightly anxious fashion.

"Don't go yet...let me...repay you..." He forced the words out, against his own anxiety. His heart pounded in his chest. He didn't want her to go yet. He wanted to finish her off himself and give her the same pleasure she'd given him. Most of all, he just found himself wanting to enjoy her company for as long as possible.

Eisla's eyes widened slightly in surprise, though she didn't make any attempt to pull away from him. "You want to...repay me? Like, with your mouth?" When Riley nodded, she licked her nose and turned back towards him. She hadn't exactly expected that. Honestly, Riley surprised himself as well.

"I want you to feel good too. And...I just want to enjoy your presence for as long as I can before..." He swallowed hard, his throat tightening slightly. "Before you have to leave. Tonight's the last night you're staying, right?"

Eisla looked him over curiously. His ears were starting to pin back against his head. "It's not just about that, is it?"

He shook his head. "I've liked you...for a while now. So, this whole thing has been...pretty surreal to me. And I don't really want it to end yet. Of course...if it's too awkward, I understand if you wanna leave now..."

She smiled, reaching out to ruffle the fur between his ears. "Oh, Riles. I already knew that. We all did. It's not exactly a big secret, you know?"

He blinked quickly, his jaw dropping slightly. "Really? It was that obvious? And here I worked up so much courage to tell you..."

"I'm proud of you for that. You know...did you consider why I told your sisters I'd help them out with their little plan last night? Or why I teased you so much this morning?"

"Huh?" He stared at her for a moment, trying to read her expression. Then it hit him. His eyes widened and his ears flushed scarlet. "You mean...!"

"There ya go!" She giggled and patted his head softly. "Was beginning to think I'd have to spell it out for you. But, just in case..." She knelt down and pressed her muzzle to his neck, licking him softly and nuzzling against him. "I like you too, you silly caracal." She eased back away from him and laid back on the floor, parting her legs the way she'd had him do so earlier. "Now...what was that about repaying me?" She gave him a playful grin and motioned for him to come closer. Slowly, he leaned forward and crawled towards her, resting between her legs as she'd done. She wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and drew his face into her chest, surprising him slightly. "Start here. You can touch them, in fact...I want you to touch them."

"You don't...need to tell me twice..." He pressed his muzzle into her cleavage and gently nuzzled against her, his hands slipping up to grasp the soft mounds. They fit rather perfectly in his hands, and felt much softer than he'd originally thought, but also a little firmer. For a moment he just sort of fondled them, rubbing them against his muzzle as she'd done against his cock earlier. She groaned only slightly in pleasure, and he quickly began to work out that there were probably better things he could be doing. Working up his courage, he pulled his head back slightly and pressed his muzzle against one of her nipples, flicking his tongue against it.

Eisla gave a cute little yelp and quickly covered her mouth, clearly embarrassed by the sound she'd made. "S-Sorry, that...was a little more intense than I thought it'd be..."

Riley grinned. "Really? I've barely even gotten started..." Growing bolder, he flicked his tongue out and gently swirled it around her nipple in slow, firm strokes. Where his hands were still touching her, he could feel the shivers that crept through her and heard the whimpering groans that slipped through her fingers. The sound of her enjoyment started to give him confidence, the motions of his tongue becoming more defined as he sought out the individual spots that caused those sounds the most. With the hand that held the breast he was neglecting, he squeezed it softly and ran soft paw pads against the other nipple, seeking out the same places he did with his tongue. Curious, he glanced up to see Eisla watching him intently, her ears splayed out to either side and twitching softly. Around him, he could feel that her legs had naturally drifted further apart as she was no longer putting any strength into them. Riley switched his mouth to the opposite breast with his fingers picking up where his tongue had left off, wanting to give the pair equal treatment before he moved elsewhere.

"You really like them, huh?" Eisla giggled, gently scratching his head between his ears and grinning when they twitched. "Though I suppose that's normal for boys."

He pulled back and gazed into her eyes, smiling. "I like...everything about you, really...but yeah, I do like them a lot."

"Everything, huh? Even the way I kick you in the balls?" She gave him a playful smirk and brushed her toes against his leg.

He gave a soft whine, his ears folding back slightly. "I could...get used to it, if it means I get to do things like this more often..."

"Is that right? Well, I'll be sure to give you plenty of rest in between at least. Wouldn't want to break anything." She giggled and ruffled one of his ears. "There, there, kitten. You've had enough kicks today, I think. Unless you_really_ want me to..."

"N-No, that's fine..." He gave a nervous laugh and slowly started to move down the front of her body, nuzzling affectionately through her fur as he did. When he reached her groin, he slowed his pace considerably, which drew a playfully frustrated whine from Eisla.

"You're really gonna tease me like that? I thought you were nicer than that!"

"Call it...a small amount of payback for my balls." He gave her a devilish smirk.

She giggled and shook her head, scratching between his ears. "Fair enough, kitten, fair enough."

Pleased with himself, he finally dipped his muzzle between her legs, nuzzling against her soft lower lips. When he'd pushed them apart slightly, feeling her aroused wetness soak the fur around his nose, he gently flicked his tongue against her inner folds, causing the wolf to jump slightly and give another cute yelp. If she was going to do that every time he surprised her with a pleasant feeling, he would definitely have to pleasure her more often just to see the adorable reactions he could get. Satisfied he was doing something right, he slipped his tongue in further and swirled it against her inner walls, drawing moans that tickled his ears and made them twitch. As if to further encourage him, she drew her legs closer together, locking her knees behind his head, effectively making it so he couldn't withdraw until she allowed him to. That was fine by him.

He curled his arms around her waist and brushed his fingers against her ass, enjoying the feel of soft fur and flesh beneath his pads. As he continued to swirl his tongue, he lifted his gaze somewhat to find an exposed pink nub above her entrance, drawing his curiosity. Withdrawing his tongue from her, much to her voiced disappointment, he instead flicked his tongue against the curious nub. All at once, she yelped and moaned perhaps the most pleasured sound he'd heard so far. Clearly, he'd found the sweet spot. Not giving her a moment to come down, he began to swirl his tongue against the nub, treating it much the same as he had her nipples. He could feel the shivers running through her body, and heard her try to muffle her moans with her hand to keep quiet. That only made him want to play with it more. He touched his tongue to the bottom of it and pulled his lips across his teeth as she'd done for him earlier, then made an effort to gently suck at it. She shuddered with each stroke of his tongue, twirling her fingers through the fur between his ears.

"Mmm...Riles...that feels really...really good..."

With his mouth occupied with her pleasure, he just listened and enjoyed her praise, gently nodding his head while rolling his tongue against her. He felt her grip on him tighten, the shudders running through her growing stronger.

"I'm...I'm cumming...!"

Riley dipped his muzzle lower to her entrance and lapped at it as her juices overflowed. She'd done as much for him, so now he was going to taste of her as she came. Her body spasmed and her legs pulled tighter, drawing him closer to her as she moaned and tugged at his fur. When she finally came down and loosened her grip on him, he raised his head and grinned at her, his muzzle dripping wet.

"Wow, you really got in there, huh?" She giggled, reaching out to wipe at his mouth.

"For you? Absolutely." He nuzzled her hand as it came close to him, purring softly. He glanced at her, clearing his throat gently. "Do you want to stay the night with me? I assume my sisters already know you came here..."

"They do, yes. And that sounds...quite nice, actually." She slowly got to her feet, her knees wobbling slightly. Riley stood up as well and helped her keep her balance. "I do really need a shower though. And could probably use one too. Come with me? We'll cuddle after that." She gave him a playful smile, watching his eyes light up at the idea.

"Yes! I mean, I'd love to." His tail swished happily behind him, his ears perking up.

Eisla giggled. "You're adorable when you get all excited like that, you know? Come on, kitten...let's go take a shower."

She left the room, holding Riley by the hand and he eagerly followed after her.