Hogwart's Secrets: Ravenclaw

Story by icewand on SoFurry

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#1 of Hogwart's Secrets

Hello! This is the first of four stories set in modern-day Hogwarts. This is my first time writing so I hope you enjoy it! I am a big Harry Potter fan, and this short story tries to bring together two worlds, although I admit that this story is not particuarly explicit.

A few pointers: the characters are sixth-year students, one Ravenclaw, two Slytherins and one Hufflepuff. Fiendfyre is a game I made up, in which each participant chooses a category and gets asked questions by the others related to that category; if he answers correctly, he can cast a spell on the person who asked the question, but if he answer incorrectly, he is the one who gets jinxed; after he answers all the questions the game moves to another participant.

ATTENTION! Suggestions and criticisms are welcome! Tell me what you would like to see in the next stories.

[Credit for the image go to Pesky on https://www.furaffinity.net/view/21383818/]

The light was shining through the azure stained glass, making the chamber full of dancing dust. The boy opened his eyes, slowly, then closed them again. Friday was a long day; although he had most of the afternoon free, he still had an extra-curricular language class and then a meeting at the Transfiguration Club. Also, his friend Malcolm sent him a flying note during Charms saying he had managed to smuggle a few bottles of Muggle ale into the castle, and that they should arrange a meeting on Friday night. The boy opened his eyes again. He looked at the wind-up clock on his bedside cabinet: it signalled seven in the morning. He didn't want to get up, but ultimately preferred an early start then a late one.

The wooden floor was cold under his bare feet, which gave a tingling sensation. He undressed, putting on his robe and slippers, and left his dirty underwear on the floor for the House-elves to pick up. The time was punctuated by the muffled snores of Michael and Corn, hidden behind the curtains of the beds. His other three roomies were also still sleeping, but not for long, since everyone in his year, especially fellow Ravenclaws, formed the habit of getting up early to revise or prepare for class. He grabbed his wand and left for the men's bathroom at the end of the corridor. The steam, coming from the shower room, was pervasive. Some students, especially younger ones, valued privacy more than others, and tended to shower early in the morning or at odd hours. He did not care anymore, and after brushing his teeth dreamily, he hung his robe, removed his slippers, and grabbed a clean towel from the cabinet near the entrance.

He didn't like his wand getting wet; he knew the damage that steam and water could do long-term, especially without proper and regularly wand care. But he didn't care. His morning erection was not as strong as when he woke up, but it still instilled a feeling of horniness in him. He reached the shower cubicle, drew the curtain, and turned on the water. Once the splashing sound was strong enough, he whispered 'Manamicam'_pointing at this member: an invisible force began massaging his penis back and worth, which grew harder and harder. Short pants were accompanied by an increasing amount of pre-seminal fluid dripping on the drain while water was poring on his body. A clear image was forming in his mind, but before it was complete it slipped away as he reached orgasm. He whispered '_Finite' and started showering properly.

* * *

The morning class was long and boring. Charm was getting overly complicated, less magic and more theory. He often regretted taking a high number of N.E.W.Ts, but what he regretted the most was taking classes that leaned towards theory over practice. Of course he loved reading, researching and understanding theory, but he missed his previous years at Hogwarts. He had to abandon the Painting Club during his second year, which often organised painting session outside the castle; his Quidditch career, encouraged by his father, was short and disastrous but wholly enjoyable; also, he had to drop Herbology, which not only meant no more interesting plants, but also seeing Malcolm less.

Fortunately, they were having lunch together soon after. He could hear the noise from the Great Hall growing and growing with each step towards it. On Friday everyone was cheerful, and he didn't blame them. The weather was also supposed to be nice for the weekend, which didn't hurt. He spotted Malcolm sitting towards the end of Slytherin table and walked towards him, waiving at some of his blue-and-bronze housemates sitting on the other side. Sometimes he felt guilty sitting with Malcolm, and sometimes he was saddened by the look of disdain younger Slytherins would direct at him, but in truth he didn't bother him; the Ravenclaw and the Slytherin tables were near each other and he could talk to his friends no matter where he was sitting.

'Hey mate,' Malcom said, stuffing a spoonful of turkey stuffing in his mouth.

'Yo, M', he responded. 'Hey Suzie, hey Carl'.

'Hi Enton. How was Charm? I heard Professor Perkins is not happy with you lot,' asked Carl with a hint of grin.

Enton grabbed some turkey and Yorkshire puddings. 'Well, we are starting elemental conjuring and she is not happy with the way it was taught to us before, you know, in Transfiguration. So we had to go over the basic again, and also had to review the most common concentration techniques to make the spells last longer. She gave us each a cauldron to fill with the Water-Making Spell, and I mean in only one go. I managed to only fill half of the cauldron before losing concentration'.

'She's a bitch. Donkers is so chill,' said Malcolm. 'Yo, you coming tonight? To the fifth floor? I've got the beers. Carl and Grizzy are in'.

Enton was torn. 'What time? I've got Transfiguration Club at eight'.

'Eight at night mate? Fucking hell,' laughed Carl. 'What do you need it for anyway?'

'Yeah mate, you should've left that shit ages ago if you ask me. You're one of the top Trans students of our year anyway', seconded Malcolm. 'Anyway, the meeting is at eightish'

'No shit, what do you think the club is for? It's good practice and revision,' responded Enton between bites. 'I'll come afterwards'.

Enton became friends with Malcolm through Quidditch, during their fourth year. Malcolm had been playing as a beater for two years and was much more popular than him. He was also much more muscular than Enton, trying to exercise as much as possible to improve his stamina. He also tried other ways to improve his physique, which included ordering muscle potions of dubious origin: the results were disastrous and sent him to the infirmary a few times, even though he never admitted what he drank. He kept in contact with his seller though, which often sent him some spirits or beers disguised as something else. Enton was not a big drinker but enjoyed sneaking in the castle and spending some time with his mates.

* * *

At nine o'clock, Enton left the small room that hosted the Transfiguration Club and made his way upward to the fifth floor. He could see younger students running through their corridors, hoping to return to their common rooms before being found out of bed; he also saw older couples wondering hand in hand, looking for a secluded place perfect for snuggling. Upton reaching the fifth floor Enton turned to the east corridor and made his way to the third classroom on the left, making sure there was no one following him. The classroom was an older one, with a blackboard full of indecent drawings students and desks and chairs scattered around. As far as Enton remembered, it had never been in use, at least not for classes. Malcolm's brother, who had left Hogwarts already, told him about a secret room hidden in the classroom, only accessible by a door disguised as a wooden panel on the wall. Enton imagined it was a teacher's cupboard, since he found a small keylock on the panel upon inspection; but since the classroom was not used, he assumed that the staff had forgotten about it. He pointed at the lock and quietly said 'Alohomora', with the panel swinging inward, revealing the cupboard.

'What did I miss?', asked Enton before sitting on the mouldy carpet. The rooom smelt damp. Malcolm, Carl and a Hufflepuff boy nicknamed Grizzy were drinking beer on the floor, lit by a few candles suspended mid-air.

'About time mate! Catch it,' said Malcolm with a smile, throwing a bottle of ale. 'We are playing Fiendfyre. Your turn now'.

'Again? My teeth are still a weird shade of yellow,' sighed the Ravenclaw.

'Oh yes! I chose creatures, Carl jinxes, Grizzy plants. And you?'

Enton pondered. He played Fiendfyre a number of times now. In which area what he most knowledgeable? Charms? No, too many. Transfiguration? Good option. Astronomy? Could be difficult for me. Hmm, Transfiguration was the safe bet though. 'Transfiguration' he said, opening the beer with the tip of his wand.

'Of course, club boy,' smirked Carl. 'Let me think, hmm,', he said, scratching his head. 'Got it. What kind of leaf do you have to keep in your mouth for a month as a step to become an Animagus?'

'Tough one,' laughed Grizzy in his low voice. 'I know the answer!'. Grizzy, whose real name was John, was an amicable boy, bulky and hairy, with blond, lengthy hair. He was their supplier for porn magazines.

'No shit Puff, we should ban you from choosing Herbology every time. Unfair advantage. Yes, yes, I've heard the question. Mandrake?', answered Enton tentatively.

'Yeh, you got it. Go ahead, but not my hair again!' shouted Calm, while the other were laughing. Last time he lost a round Malcolm turned Carl's blondish hair ginger.

'Fair, no hair,' said Enton. 'Wait, I should really practice my Water-Making Spell. Aguamenti'.

A jet of water flew into Carl's open mouth as he was trying to retort. Grizzy and Malcolm jumped away from him, laughing, as he was getting wetter and wetter, while trying to save his beer from watering down.

'Good one, cheers!' encouraged Malcolm. Everybody took a sip. 'My question now. What spells turns things into rabbits? Bet you don't remember this one'.

'Lapifors', replied Enton cockily. 'Mate you should pay more attention during class. Maybe this will help. Engorgio!'.

Malcolm's ears started to grow, doubling in size. He laughed heartily at his batty transformation.

'Alright, last question for the round. What is the most common hardening spell?' asked Grizzy.

'Hmm, Duro', replied Enton, 'let me see if I remember it. Duro!'

'Ouch!' cried Grizzy, squeezing his penis and ballls, and then knocking on them.

'Keep that in mind, it might be useful' added Enton among everybody's laughs.

The game went on for another hour, when the alcohol supply was emptied, and the banter worsened. Enton was missing his nose and his brows were green. Grizzy's left-hand fingers were melted together and was burping every 30 seconds. Carl removed his shirt since Aguamenti was used on him a few more times and was now covered in fur. Malcolm also grow giant brows, a spiky chin, and a big belly.

'Alright, alright, last round. Do your worse. But only one question each, so chose your opponent carefully. Grizzy, your turn', declared the Slytherin's beater.

Grizzy looked around the room, burped, and chose Carl: 'C'mon mate, ask away.'

'Right, tell me one plant ingredient for the Shrinking Solution.'

'Fuck... hmm, something fig, hmm, Shrivelfig! Fuck off!' laughed Grizzy victorious, standing up in excitement, with a pitched tent in his trousers. 'Fellatio!'

Carl's looked at his own hairy body, waiting for the effect. His chest, covered in grey long hair, reminded Enton of a young wolf. He knew the spell that was cast, because he had tried it on his hard penis a few times but had never got it quite right. He looked at Carl's nipple, pink, protruding from the gray fur, being pulled back and forth by an invisible force, making it turgid and swollen.

'You perv! And looking at your boner! You enjoying this?' cried Carl, although his pleasure was clear from his voice. A bit lightheaded, he laughed with the others while Carl was covering his nipple, trying to stop the spell.

'C'mon M, ask me a question', said the Ravenclaw smiling.

'Easy or hard?'

'Hard as Grizzy's cock,' he chuckled.

'Fair,' laughed the Slytherin, 'but get ready for a big punishment if you get it wrong. What's the spell to conjure bandages?'

'Bandages? Who fucking knows! I'm are still doing immaterial forces...'

'Haha, gotcha!' laughed Malcolm, holding his big belly.

'What is it? And how do you fucking know?' asked amazed the boy.

'My uncle works at Mungo's, it's Ferula.'

'Yeah mate,' said Carl still covering his nipple, 'even I know that. Should visit the infirmary more often!' cried the other Slytherin. Enton thought he saw something moving in Carl's trousers.

'Ready En?Verpa canis!' said Malcolm pointing at him.

Enton felt something moving, or better, shifting, in his underwear, and quickly unbuttoned his trousers. Everyone was wondering what the happening, while Malcolm was laughing loudly. Enton peaked in his underwear but didn't see his dick, but something else, covered in fur, blackish. Was it... an animal penis?

'What is it? Let me see', asked Carl, curious.

'Yeh mate,' seconded Grizzy, fairly drunk, blushing.

Malcolm moved quickly, as a true athlete, and pulled the Ravenclaw's pants down. Enton was curious as the others but didn't dare to touch it.

'What the fuck Malcolm, where did you learn this?' asked Carl surprised, while Enton pulled his pants and trousers up.

'Can't reveal my sources mate. Anyway, it will last for a few days'.

'For real?', asked Enton incredulously.

'I'm afraid so mate,' laughed loudly Malcolm. 'Do you want your revenge or not?'

'Fair. Let me think... where are Nundus from?'

'Easy, Africa'

'Not enough, which countries?'

'Is this a geography question? Fine, Tanzania, Kenya, Somalia...,' said Malcolm sheeply. Enton bit his lip then sighted. He would have never expected what would happen next.

'Incarcerous!', uttered Malcolm, as Enton's arms were tied behind his back by invisible strings.

'Hey, what are you doing prick?'

Malcolm ignored him. 'Oi, Carl, this is your chance!'

Carl was lost in thought massaging his furry chest. 'What? Oh, you want me to challenge En? Fine... What's the spell used to conjure birds?'

'Avifors!' quickly exclaimed Enton with a smile. 'C'mon M, let me go.'

'Wrong, it's Avis!' laughed Malcolm. How did he get it wrong? I bet Carl didn't even know the answer, though Enton. 'Wait, what are you doing?'

Malcolm pulled down his trousers and pants, exposing his new canine penis. It was big, black and furry. The others were staring at it, drunkenly curious.

'C'mon mate, I wanna see it!', said Malcolm to his mate. There was excitement on his face, but a different kind. Did he use this jinx before? He must have, first attempts are usually disastrous...

'Fellatio!', scream Carl, laughing.

Enton felt an invisible force touching his penis, engulfing it. He thought of the Friendly Hand Spell he cast in the morning while he was in the shower, the sensation... no, he couldn't think about it. He needed to stop himself. But it was hard to combat the pleasurable sensation he was experiencing. He didn't dare the look at the others, nor looking down, but something was happening.

'It's coming out!' said Carl in a whisper. Nobody was laughing. Enton opened his eyes and saw his mates looking at his groin: Malcolm was ecstatic, standing still, but a bulge could be seen in his trousers. The others were also silent, with Carl still touching his chest. And finally, Enton looked down. His penis was there, red and pulsing, with a huge knot at the base. The invisible force was moving it up and down, and sticky liquid was coming out of it. It felt good...

'Alright, enough lads', called Carl, stopping the spell. 'You know some weird shit M, I give you that.'

Malcolm looked disappointed for a second, or was that just Enton's imagination? The strings that were holding him disappeared and he was free. Carl and Grizzy, slightly embarrassed for what had happened that night, began undoing each other's spells.

'Have you got any counter-jinx for this thing?' asked Enton to Malcolm, blushing at this erect penis.

'Yeh I do,' said Malcolm, getting closer to Enton. He touched it with his wand, making it swing up and down for a second. Malcolm laughed but Enton did not found it amusing. 'Sorry if I did that, I always wanted to try it. Hope I didn't embarrass you, you know, it wasn't your real dick after all. Anyway, the alcohol and all...'

'It's fine,' lied Enton. 'Just be careful.'

'Deverpa canis!', whispered Malcolm, as Enton's penis started changing back to its normal shape. 'Alright lads, see you next weeks?', asked the other boys before exiting the room. 'Carl, you coming?' His voiced echoed from the empty classroom.

Grizzy jokingly punched Enton's shoulder as he left, and trying to break the tension he smiled and whispered 'mate, that cock was huge, lucky you'.

Enton laughed, put off the candles and left the room, making sure the entrance was concealed again. On his was back to his common room, making sure he wasn't caught out his bed, he couldn't stop thinking about his termporary penis. It was huge, pulsating, and the way Malcolm was looking at it... it couldn't be disgusting, could it? If Malcolm was looking at it that way...

The boy went to sleep full of thoughts that night.