A God Experiment

Story by David FoxMoare on SoFurry

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An anthropomorphic tells a tale in a time where animals have evolved as humans have destroyed one another completely. Anthropomorphic creatures at this point wish to be better than us and learn by studying what went wrong with us. However, in this story, the anthropomorphic that's telling this tale, helps us learn a lesson in science that hopefully in today's reality, we can learn, which is to cease God Experiments.

A God Experiment


Waking up first thing is the morning is hard for me, especially since I'm a lone astronaut scientist on The Red Rock. I've got no contact with others and have a dull routine. Eat, work, rest, work, rest a bit more, play a tad, work more, eat, then go to bed. It's completely dull for me, but, when I joined the space program, the reality should've sunk in hard. This aching creature had had to work so hard to even get to this point. It literally was a mind strain with the loads of preparation what with learning what to do if the return home didn't function as planned, or what would I do if the suit got damaged and how to repair it. The life then was to me extremely rough.

There is though one good thing about waking up on The Red Rock. It is, to say, great to head outside in my space suit, drive the rover to a site for mining information, and stare out at the rising sun for only a second, or two. One shouldn't watch the sun too long, or else risk losing their sight. It's a glorious sight to think something that has been rumored that'll engulf the whole universe can bring it peace and calmness. Sometimes, I really wish my eyes were invincible, that is, they wouldn't burn out and leave me a sightless figure. It truly is sad all I can do is dream.

When I work my body temperature is warm and sweaty, but that's due to having a heavy suit on and the rising sun beating down on me. If I could, I'd stop working, tear off my clothes, expose myself to the sun, and call it its deity name that of long past for respect, then hopefully be rewarded with a relaxing hot hug. Now, why do I speak weird, I'm out here now, working, and I feel warm as I spoke at the start of this sentence, but, inside, I feel cold and depressed. I really want someone to cheer me up. Another good attribute to the morning, there's less sadness.


The sadness on this place is grand, but, then again, I am the only one. Sure there are A.I. to keep me company, but, they cannot replace real creatures such as myself. I wish someone had sent another to keep me cheerful, but for awhile, all I had was the sun and A.I. Now, to answer those burning questions as to what I mean by 'For awhile,' what I mean is that I was able to have another such as myself keep me company. Sadly, this will be divulging too early, but, to hell with all the critical bastards out there, I, was able to create company for myself that was flesh of the flesh. As the humans of their so called Bible had put so many years ago before becoming extinct from their desire for war and conquest: Adam fell asleep, a rib was taken, and woman was made.

For years mankind had been working to create copies of others. Now the picture is clear, yes, see what I'm saying. On The Red Rock, my colleagues assigned me the task to create, to produce clones. Clones are archaic to me, the word that is, my brain prefers, another me, but to shorten clones shall be the chosen word for the layman. My work on clone creation, had started small, first was figuring out how D.N.A. was structured to be able to take a sample of it, and reproduce it. Creating a mirror of the same D.N.A. was not easy. Many times the clone copy became more different than the same. It took me three months to be able to produce the clone.

Once the D.N.A. sample became a success, I worked on creating clone of an insect, a roach to say it simply. Working with something that had more than one D.N.A. proved to be tricky. It was quite hard on me, and, often my will nearly broke. My brain wanted to quit for failure kept happening. Then, one day, when my brain wanted to stop, the machine that I'd been using to create the clone worked. Before my eyes roaches of exact structure crawled to me. They scurried towards me and into the roach tank before my feet.


Two successes had been completed for cloning. Now, I should've reported my findings to my boss, but, something had me, a tight invisible grip. After I put the roach tank back on the shelf, I turned towards the cloning machine, and wondered, was it ready for trial of the complex? Now, I admit I jumped the gun into asking the question, but something just had me wondering. I mean, think, the humans were able to reproduce without hesitation by God's might in their story, so, why should our kind, our evolved kind I should say, us intelligent creatures, not have the ability to say when we're ready? Then again, one shouldn't test science so strongly.

This scientist though went beyond his thinking. I stepped into the machine and activated the device to see if I could do it. At first, my mind voiced inside, screw the others, it might not even work. For all I know nothing will happen the machine may malfunction and find an error in the process. Then the true scientist of the evolved echoed. Damn it! What the hell am I doing? I should report my intel before doing this. For goodness sakes there should be more with me to make sure I don't die by chance. I don't want to die. I want to see my friends and family. What...

The process was over in a flash before I could voice anymore. I stepped out of the chamber for me and moved zombie like towards the roach tank. Then I heard distant heavy breathing behind me. With a turn, my eyes caught it, another me, a clone tip top perfection, with sweat falling down its face. It was as if it'd traveled far, ran from someplace, to greet me with its presence. It wiped his forehead and walked up to me slowly. I didn't know what to do at the sight of this other me. I trembled in fear, stared at it as it stopped in his track in front of me, and gulped. It breathed in sharply through his nose and then grew a wide charming smile.

It quickly wrapped his arms around me into a vice hug. "Me, I've missed thee a lot."


This clone broke off at me and stared at my horrified face. "Why is thou horrified of me?"

"I'm not..." the rest of the words would not leave my mouth. It could see this and hugged me tighter. "Stop! You're hurting me! Just let loose! I command you to let me go right now!"

My clone let go of me and we stared into each other's eyes. I could see many similarities about us, clothes, fur style, hair color, nose sizes, clipped claws, it was all there. However, something did separate him from me. Its eyes, they were the same in color, but there was a strange powerful glow coming from them. It was as if it'd been created without something, which, still to this day, the mind cannot figure out. The clone walked over to the machine and massaged it sexually, as if, sodomizing it. My eyes watched as it fingered its self in the butt.

"Excuse me, but, what in the world are you doing?"

The other me turned with a grin on its face. "I'm preparing for the walls to go down. As they say so long ago, the shit hits the fan."

A worry spread across my face. "Are you saying danger is coming?"

The clone nodded and stopped its actions. "Terror is coming, damage will be done, and there is no escaping it. Only one is truly prepared while the other must fight to prove the other wrong."

Before I could speak my other me walked up to this lonely speaker and grabbed hold. I was wheeled round, pants pulled and plunged into anal rape. The pain ached so bad, my cheeks clenched and my innards pulsed pain throughout me. Though I struggled the clone forced until it wanted to climax into me. However, this one jumped up, elbowing the attacker, and got free.


I grabbed a knife from the bench where the roach tank was and pointed it at my own creation. "What the hell is wrong with you? I made you from me! Show me respect, damn it!"

My clone chuckled low. "Thou made me? Thou really thinks that I was made from thee?"

"Who else could've?"

This other self bared his teeth. "I'm not the creation of the curiosity. I am from the depths of your deprived ideology. I was created with mind and body, but without him, the one who instills the energy that feeds the engine. Then the heart, this one's heart, is always black as coal. I am you and you are me, but, of the two of us, I'm the one that you shouldn't have allowed to be. Now, I shall take that knife, cut you free, puppet, and then cut me free, so we suffer as one."

"If you're looking for a fight, come at me!"

The clone charged me, but I dove out of the way. I grabbed it, put it into a chokehold, and stabbed it from behind. The clone cried out, let out a high pitch screech, something I'd never heard from something of my kind. It sounded Eldritch and haunting to every sense of my makeup. My clone fought to get itself free, the screeching, the horrible sound not letting up. I pinned it to the floor and repeatedly stabbed it. Vast amounts of blood covered the knife and my clothes. I took the knife and stabbed it hard at the wrist of the other me's left paw. It transformed the screech into a disturbing bellow of agony. I cut the paw up and shoved it into its mouth.

"Eat that you wretched freak!" I screamed. "Eat that and choke to death you fiend!"

I felt water from the clone and saw tears were falling down its face. "Why? Why was I born only to die without ever the chance to live and have the life I want? Couldn't I be God?"

It collapsed dead. My clone was gone. I recall that I buried it. Never did I report this.

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