A Tale of Two Lives || Chapter 7: Flowers of Love

Story by Achroma on SoFurry

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#7 of A Tale of Two Lives

I've been wanting to get this one out, but I also wanted it to feel as special for the reader as it is for me, so I took my time, and I hope it shows! Hopefully you all enjoy this!

As Nolaltro enters the secluded room, he notices something on Crystalia's pillow, but he doesn't recognize it until he walks over and looks it over carefully. It was a small, dull gray package and it was perfectly square in shape, with a small bulge near the middle. His heart rate immediately jumped, and he yiped in surprise when the door closed a distance behind him with a low thud. He had been so wrapped up in his excitement that he had completely forgotten that he wasn't alone, and so he wasn't prepared for the question he received when Crystalia walked up beside him.

Crystalia quietly walked forward towards her flame as he stood next to her bed, where he stood, holding some object that he had picked up from atop her bed. When she had gotten close enough to notice the gray package that camouflaged well against his earthen scales, she tried to figure out what it was- to no avail. Quietly, the young female whispers to her lover the simple question she wanted answered, "What is it?" She quickly regretted the decision to speak so suddenly when Nolaltro jumped in his scales, and his heart rate grew to become audible to her, even though her ears were at least a foot away from the bottom of his rib cage, where his heart was. Just as quickly as she had thought that, though, Crystalia knew it had to be her own heartbeat that she could hear so clearly- she recognized that package, or at least the description of it. Her mother had told her about it when she had found one lying in the kitchen a few years ago, and one specific thing the older female had said stuck in her young mind very firmly, "I use it when I play with dad." Of course, Crystalia now knew what her mother meant by 'play', and it simultaneously made her both incredibly nervous and unbelievably happy to see this item in her lover's paw. It would be not only physically demanding if they decided to go through, as her parents had chosen to allow, but it would also be mentally stressful- no doubt she would worry the entire time about underperforming for the most important moment of her life.

As he looked down at the packet he held between two toes, Nolaltro felt his gut flip, with both excitement and dread rushing into his mind moments later. He had done it- he had actually convinced this dragoness's parents to let him be with her, and he had done it in only one day. It was shocking, but Nolaltro shook it off and let his thoughts wander again towards the dragoness he felt hovering just over his shoulder. He was ready to take her, eager, in fact, but he needed to make sure this beautiful female accepted his advances, and so he nuzzles her and whispers the question to her, Crystalia, my love... Do you feel okay going through with this or do you want to wait?"

It took Crystalia a moment to fully process what Nolaltro had asked, but the dragoness instinctively new her response immediately from the moment she heard. "Not yet... if it doesn't happen on its own, let's not rush it... I want to be with you, but I want to wait... in case something doesn't work out", The young dragoness whispers, cringing as she felt her lover tense up at the rejection, and he shakes his head suddenly, as if distraught by her words- she hadn't meant it to hurt him, she had just wanted to be safe.

Nolaltro winced at Crystalia's rejection. While he may have known that her concerns were valid, it didn't make it any easier to deal with, and he almost broke down into tears, but a random memory came to mind and the young drake shakes his head slightly. Just like in the forest, he shouldn't prejudge her intentions- his interpretation may just be wrong.

Crystalia smiled at her fire as she jumped up on the bed, rolling to the other side, where she waited as her lover jumped up and got comfortable. Her face grew warm as her hide flushed with blood, but she paid it no mind as she gently pulled both herself and her lover to the middle of her... no, their bed. It wasn't just her bed anymore- now it was shared between them, and Nolaltro was welcome to join her on it whenever he pleased. When Crystalia returned from her thoughts, she found her forepaws roaming her lover's sleek body while her hinds simply stretched out behind her and her wings lay loosely against her back, trembling alongside the rest of her body with each of her breaths. With a lustful fog starting to cloud her mind, Crystalia's inhibitions slowly begin to melt away into the tender touches she gave to the scaley body beside her, and she eventually pulls his snout close and opens her maw slightly, urging him into a long, deep kiss- a lover's kiss, where their tongues embraced and their teeth clacked quietly as they passionately exchanged saliva.

It was so wonderful to be in bed with his love slowly feeling along his body, tracing every scale she slid her paw across with expert precision. Nolaltro couldn't think of any way that the feeling welling up in his chest could get any better, until he felt his head being pulled forward, and saw the lustful look in his female's eyes. He slowly parted his jaws and let his teeth rake against hers as Crystalia wrapped their tongues together in a sloppy, passionate kiss. It wasn't long before they both pulled back, though, as the excitement of the situation had them taking small, quick breaths that needed to be refreshed far more frequently than normal, thus leaving them breathless much faster. After recovering his breath, Nolaltro closed his eyes for fear of retribution and looked away slightly, asking, "Crystalia... I-I know you said you wanted to wait for it to naturally happen, but... can we...play?"

Crystalia sighed at Nol's question- he certainly knew how to ruin the mood, but she tried her best not to let him see that as she replied, "Not yet... I want some more time with you before I go the whole way..." With her face reddened by a deep blush, Crystalia slowly leans her neck forward and gently licks Nolaltro on the very end of the snout, reigniting her lustful mood. Truth be told, Crystalia wanted very badly to let Nolaltro have her body, but some deep-set paranoia kept her on edge, in fear of a betrayal, so she needed the lust to cover up that feeling before she could let him have what he wanted.

It took Nolaltro only moments to regret his question as he was turned down a second time, but this time he noticed the lustful gleam return to Crystalia's eyes much sooner, and so he quickly set his thoughts aside to focus on her- to hopefully bring desire to the forefront of the dragoness's mind, so it could cloud her judgement and give him the opportunity to take her. Though, almost as soon as the thought had formed itself, Nolaltro despised its existence, because it revealed to him just how self-centered he was, and how willing he was to take advantage of such a beautiful young female. But was it really taking advantage of her? She did seem to yearn for it too- she just needed something to distract her... like when he had first learned to fly and gotten himself stuck up on a large pillar of rock that had fallen off of a mountain overhang- his mother simply spoke to him and got him interested and started walking away, causing him to follow her- right off the ledge he had refused to touch only minutes before. And he was still alive after that; his instincts had taken control and he glided down safely before even realizing what had happened.

Crystalia took measured breaths as her rational mind fought with her instincts, both vying for control of her body, but for completely different reasons. Her rationality worked to keep her from letting this young male have her entirely, while her instincts were hellbent on producing the next generation to insure that her genes would continue through time. It was a difficult fight, and every single moment her senses were assaulted by Nolaltro's lovely scent and the roughness of his scales on her pawpads, and the gentle touch of his forelegs as they wrapped around her body to pull her closer- then something flipped in her head. Though she hadn't noticed it, Nolaltro had slowly wrapped his tail around hers, pulling them as close together as possible. The sudden realization of that one simple fact settled the war inside her head, and the young female's eyes gloss over fully as she lost focus on the world around her, letting out a lustful whimper before nodding towards the item Nolaltro had set on the small table at the far side of the bed.

The earthen-colored male knew instinctively what the glaze he saw taking over Crystalia's eyes meant, but he respectfully waited for her to gesture towards where he had placed the package that had been waiting for them on the bed. When she did, he disentangled their tails and used his to grab the package, coiling the prehensile appendage around the object before pulling it towards them. Once he got his claws on it, Nolaltro tore the paper wrapper off of the rubber implement and tossed the package aside. Letting his hips buck slightly, the earthen male starts the process that releases his sensitive shaft from its slit. It took him no time at all to get the elastic at the end of the cover over the tip of his spire of flesh and, when pulled down, it left just enough space at the end for his knot to form. A few moments of worry tried to grasp the young male's mind as he questioned if the tightness of the protector would be enough, but he decided that Crystalia's parents definitely wouldn't risk their daughter's wellbeing, and that would mean making certain she wouldn't have eggs after tonight.

Crystalia gasped and her face flushed a deep red as she watched Nolaltro buck his hips against the air for a few seconds before his red, fleshy organ emerged from his genital slit. It was amazing for her to watch as he used his claws to open the small package, which he had retrieved, and take a small tube from it. He proceeded to slowly slide the translucent, rubber-looking thing over the majority of his shaft, though she was confused as to why it didn't cover the whole length.

The entire time the young dragoness watched her male prepare his body, she was completely in awe of his lack of apprehension; each of his movements was done fluidly and without even a hint of hesitation, and he never so much as glanced at her- his gaze remained affixed to a random spot on her bed just in front of him. But eventually, the enrapturing display ended as Nolaltro slowly lowered his head and turned it towards her, his body following as he stalked closer, the tips of his shoulder blades and hip bones visible as he slowly moved closer.

Nolaltro kept his body lowered as he moved towards Crystalia. Even though he hadn't so much as thought of her from the moment he had started bucking his hips until the moment he finished sliding the protector over his erection, and it took him only one glance to understand the true effect his mindless little display had on the lovely dragoness he was about to claim. It made him feel all that much closer to her as he straddled her tense form. It was in the same moment that the young male realized the power he had to take his lover's attention that he decided that he would not take this further without her verbalizing her consent, because that is what mattered to him- her consent. He knew she couldn't enjoy this if she didn't want it. In light of his decision, Nolaltro stepped back and lowered his chest until it touched Crystalia's belly, at which point he softly licked the crown of her chest before lowering his gaze to look only at her chest.

Crystalia was immediately confused when Nolaltro's confidence apparently vanished, leading him to rest his ribcage on her belly, and gently lick her chest before bowing his head- didn't he know how much she wanted this? Immediately, Crystalia leaned forward and lapped at the top of the male's head, but he didn't move. She tried nuzzling him, but he ignored her. She even tried pulling him down into her out of desperation, but he was strong and he resisted. As she was about to give up and whimper in frustration, an idea came to the young female, one that offered a promising explanation for the male's behavior, and so she took a chance to answer the question he might be asking with his actions.

After standing there, ignoring Crystalia's nonverbal cues for five minutes, Nol was beginning to think she might not catch on, so when he heard her quiet, "Go ahead, Nolaltro- I want it~", he happily obliged his lover and started rubbing his member against her slit, but do something about it just felt off, though he had no clue what, and so he faltered, giving his lover a curious look, hoping for an explanation that would ease his discomfort.

It only took Crystalia a moment to realize why Nolaltro had stopped so close to penetrating her, and so she loosely wrapped her tail around his member before guiding it into her cloaca and lining it up with her birth canal before releasing and explaining to him, "I have different anatomy than most females... my slit and tailhole are in the same place..." A deep blush quickly grows across her face as Crystalia lays there, expecting to receive more questions about the nature of her sex. To her surprise, though, Nolaltro simply nods and bucks his hips forward, settling his tip inside her before realigning to go deeper.

It took quite a bit of effort, as he was unpracticed, but Nol eventually got the very tip of his engorged organ settled inside his lover's passage and, in his excitement, the male quickly pushed deeper. He had just pushed past a very slight resistance when he heard Crystalia let out a small yip, and he licked her snout apologetically as he waited for the pain to fade from her visage. Once the young male was certain the pain his lover had felt had subsided, he pulled his hips back and leaned forward, pressing back into the female before him, burying half his length into her folds as he did.

After the pain faded, Crystalia trilled happily- experiencing the new sensations that gripped her form was something she couldn't keep quiet about, and so she continued to let out soft groans, which grew louder and more drawn out each time. As her lover got into a steady rhythm, the young wyrm came to notice more and more about his body, even with the low hum of pleasure dulling her senses. The first thing she noticed was that Nol's belly never quite touched her crotch, meaning he wasn't using his entire length to stimulate her- not that she was upset by it, though, because there was already plenty to experience. What really caught Crystalia's attention, however, was how strongly her flesh was pulled back after every one of her lover's thrusts. Each time he pulled his hips back for the next buck, she gasped softly from the overwhelming pleasure that coursed through her body, like fire in her veins, and it only seemed to encourage the male. His movements slowly started to flow together as he got used to the repeated motion, and his increasing control only added to the bliss the young wyrm felt.

Nolaltro whimpered and nuzzled his lover as he pressed forward with all his might, burying his knot into her sex, which caused her to yip and dig her claws into his sides as she tried to find something to use as leverage in an attempt to pull her body away. Despite his regret, the male quickly forgot about the pain he caused when that familiar buzz of pleasure shot through his knot the first time, then a second, and again- until he lost count, at which point he gave in and simply rested his head on his lover's chest, as each spasm sent more of his essence into the end of the protector. The young male lost track of time entirely after his climax, and he simply closed his eyes, letting himself fall asleep while his body remained intimately tied together with that of his love.

Crystalia yipped loudly as a large mass at the base of her lover's organ slammed into her tight, inner folds, locking them together as she felt his sex pulsing as it deposited his virility into a pocket at the tip of the protective covering. While her body may not have been quite satisfied, the young female was still entirely content to curl up with her Nolatro as they drifted off to sleep, cuddled tightly in a ball of love and enjoyment.