A Child's Need Drakonian part 4

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#6 of A Child's need

A Child's Need Drakonian part 5

I truly thank many of you who loved and respected my last chapter. I also did what many of you have asked and I sent your blessings to the child's adopted mother.

**She was young at the time and couldn't handle it much at the time. Now, she is a mature woman who has a baby boy who is her biological son. She named him the same name after her first son.

She thanked me and the rest of you for letting your hearts out for her. Her son is now three years old by the end of the month and is currently happy, knowing that she is there with him.**

**Now as for this chapter, this is something that I have changed a bit and this is something based off a real life thing (except anything sexual or incest based) Nobody dies in here but feelings do get hurt and it's something that I am allowed to share to the rest of you. Also this doesn't connect to the incident in real life so I changed it.

Also... all series of "A child's Need" will be based on some real life events. Again names are changed and I do this to show you how truly the world of the human race is.

My opinion on how they are and why I am and others want to stop them.**

A Child's Need Drakonian part 5

Katie sighed as she sat back on her chair. She had finished her work project in an earlier time and was now relaxing. She was still in her pink pajamas and her coffee was by her table stand next to her. She wiggled her toes a bit to get her feeling back from sitting on her chair almost eight hours.

She sighed and closed her eyes and leaned back against the chair. Her mind began to wonder.

It has been ten years since the incident that happened. Ten years since that little drake came to her home and was found beaten. Draco, as he was called, was the best thing to happen to her. The drake had brought her joy into her life that she had never had before.

She wished that none of that which had happen to him had occurred. She had nearly died, trying to protect him and he nearly died protecting her as well. Dake died on the way to the hospitable and she prayed that he was suffering in hell for taking away Draco from her.

She let lose a single tear as she remembered when he whispered the last words to her.


Those words were still in her head when she lost him.

The sound of the door opening caused her to open her eyes and turn her head to see a medium size drakonian come in. HE had a backpack on his back and was closing the door before he let his backpack slide off his shoulder and onto the floor.

Katie smiled and was glad to know that her son, Draco was home. She was glad that everyday that he had survived after that beating.

He was legally dead for nearly three minutes before the paramedics had revived him.

However, the way his body was when he got to the hospitable was in bad shape. He went into a coma for about a period of two months. Normally, many children at that age wouldn't survive in a coma but he did and she was blessed to know that he survived.

Draco was now fifteen years old and was attending high school. He was a freshman now and his body was as strong as a normal teenager. Years of therapy and having to regain his muscles have left the teen a strong one.

Now he was a proud drake who had already has two girlfriends and were none other then Katie's younger sisters. After the accident in the following months, Katie's mother had come to help her with legal problems of Draco's adoption and to help her out with settling Draco in to her house and to help get back to health.

Her sisters also helped Draco but in more then one ways. They help him get into the first days of school and get settled in it. Then they became more siblings over the years of elementary and middle school. Before high school, they acted like boyfriend and girlfriends and they kept it like that ever since.

Draco smiled up at his mother who was working.

"Hey mom!" he said as he took of his school clothes.

"Hello son. How was your day at school" she asked as she stood up and hugged her son.

Draco hugged her back.

"Eh, same as usual." He said with a large smile as they separated.

She lifted her eyebrow at him.

"You mean the usual as is you and my sisters try to have sex with each other during your breaks?"

He chuckled and nodded.

"What time do you get out of work then?"

She smiled and checked her computer clock. It was about 3:00 now.

"In about four hours. Can you wait till then?"

He nodded and kissed his mother on the check before heading to his room which was once a spare room. She sighed with a smile and sat back at her desk.

Ever since her first experience with Draco, the two have been constantly screwing each other. After half a year of the incident, Draco began pleasuring her again.

At first, Katie had her doubts about doing it because of all that has befallen him and his injuries but then, Draco enjoyed making her happy and continued doing it. When he turned seven that was when the two got closer and soon, Katie was pleasuring him. He was small at the time so she had no rush for him to get huge in any way and he only had dry orgasms. But when he turned ten, that was when he was taught real lessons in sex and had his real orgasms.

However when it came to the two screwing each other when he was a bit older, he was caught by Natalie and Samantha. At first it was a shock to them but when they realized that he was only doing it because of his mother; they had no problems with it.

Then Draco and the sisters soon got into their own sexual acts and have been doing it ever since. His mother didn't mind it, just as long as they were being safe about it and they had no fights on who goes first.

She sighed as she got back to work to finish off the day, which meant doing more sitting and less bathroom breaks.

Towards the evening, Draco had already finished his homework and was already watching TV. The drake's room was turned into a nice room that most wouldn't except from a teen. His room was painted dark blue. It was small in a sense but it was because he had a large bed. It was a king size one and it covered most parts of the room. It only gave him enough space to put a TV by the wall and a dresser along with a small book shelf. He had a closet to put his other clothes in and that was it. The small walk way was only to the back of the room to the doorway.

Reasons why was because sometimes Natalie and Samantha spend the nights over for homework studies and several of other reasons. Some of the closet space has some of the girls' closing including pajamas and small clothing which include the obvious. Occasionally, he would sniff at the clothing, just to remember their wonderful scents.

He was just in his shorts at the moment, no t-shirt. His body wasn't all strong but he kept a few muscles and he didn't try to work out. In fact, he was actually a smart teen. His early childhood dreams might become a true thing but for now he was just taking only small advanced classes.

He sighed a bit before slowly getting out of his bed and checking on his mother. He walked out of the living room and saw her turning off the computer. He walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You done yet?"

She chuckled and held his arms.

"Yes but now I have to start dinner."

He licked the back of her neck. He was still shorter then her so he only came up to her neck.

"Can't we just skip dinner and go for desert?" he asked lustfully.

Katie smiled and turned around to meet his eyes.

"You know, you act like you're my mate and yet you are my child."

Draco smiled and brushed his head against her breasts, which seemed to harden when he touched her.

"Well I do love you and we do mate, so what?"

She smiled and hugged him close to her breast.

"Yeah well first I am hungry and I know you are too. After we are done eating... then desert." She walked away, giving him a small slap on his face with her tail, just to keep his lust in his pants.

He chuckled and went back into his room.

When dinner came, both Draco and Katie were eating steak. Nothing too special, just a regular dinner which always became meat. Draco talked about his day which again was the same boring lectures and when and what time he screwed the twins. Although Katie enjoyed talking to him about the sex, he always had the urge to rub his feet against her legs and his tail try to rub her crotch. She would try to stop him but he would always find a way to rub her where her vent was and he would often find a way to move her panties aside and use the edge of his tail to spread her lips, just enough for him to rub through her pajamas and barely enter her folds. She would often moan and he was just enjoying the show as he messed with her and eats at the same time.

Right now was no exception and as soon as she was close to climaxing, Draco stopped and continued eating as if nothing had happen. Katie was panting right now and her pajamas were soaking from all of her juices. Draco just smiled as he finished the last parts of his meat before slowly standing up and walking to the kitchen. He washed his plate and came back to his mother who was slowly calming down.

"Thanks for the dinner mom. I will be in my room waiting for desert." He said with a chuckle.

Katie was beyond pissed off. He would always do that. Once she was close to climaxing, he would stop and then leave and wait till they were both in bed before continuing on. She wasn't really angry at him just annoyed that he would do that and makes her soak her panties and pajamas for fun.

However she couldn't resist that when they do have sex, he makes her have the greatest climaxes ever and that is why she can never hit or be angry at him. Even before he was old enough to have sex, he would bring her to the ultimate climax using his little tongue and hands.

She sighed, standing up and set her plate on the kitchen before turning off all the lights and headed into her room where she found Draco on the bed with only his shorts on.

She smiled and slowly began taking off her pajamas.

"You know," she said to him with a hint of lust in her voice. "You can get really annoying when you don't allow your mother to climax." She took off all of her clothes leaving her just with her already soaked panties bra with her hardened nipples showing.

Draco just chuckled.

"Yeah I know but you get better climaxes in the end, don't you?" he asked as he quickly removed his shorts and boxers, showing her his large drake hood. It stood long and hard about nine inches.

She smiled seductively and removed her panties and bra, showing her wonderful body to her loving son. Draco gazed at his mother's wonderful and beautiful body as he did so many times. Her wonderful frame with her breast that weren't too large but just enough to use them fro good purposes. Her vent was already open, showing her inner pink walls that had juices sliding down her legs.

With out a second thought, Katie quickly got on bed and fell on top of her son. Draco smiled up at his mother as he saw her lust deep within her eyes. He massaged her large breasts, making her moan out loudly.

Draco ran his fingers through her nipples, giving them an occasional tug or just pinching them. She growled to him lustfully as his drake hood pressed against the top part of her clit. She slid it against her, making small amounts of her son's precum rub on her white scales, being a dragoness, no pubic hair made less of a mess to clean up.

Draco continued to massage her nipples in till he lowered his head a bit and gently let his tongue out of his maw and ran it on her right nipple. She moaned loudly as he licked one of her nipples and squeezed the other.

"Yes my son." She said in a soft voice. Use my breasts any way you want to."

Draco growled with lust and then gently bit down on her nipple, causing her to groan out softly. That was it! She was just lost in lust to care but all she needed right now was her son's cock inside of her. She quickly sat up and positioned his cock in her vent. She teased herself and Draco a bit before sliding it and slamming herself down on him. They both moaned out loudly at their great joy. Draco still had his maw on her nipple and slowly let go.

Katie looked down at her son and Draco looked up at his mother. Nothing was there but true love and lust for one another.

Draco smiled with loving care at her and she smiled the same way. He then reached for her neck and pulled her down on him and gave her a hug.

"I love you mother." He said softly and then began trusting inside of her sweet vent. Their juices made it slick for him to easily enter her body.

With each grunt she spoke.

"I... love... you... too...son." With those words, he began trusting faster into her as he had his head by hers and held her with a hug. Katie was the same but had her eyes closed and her mouth was next to his ears, panting heavily as he entered and left his mother's body. His trusts inside of her made her groan out and pant heavily.

Draco could feel her breast squished between them and the wet walls of her insides which held his cock. The sweet and wonderful feeling of being inside of his mother was a missed feeling. Even with what happened ten years ago, he still loves her with all of his heart and nothing would take that away from him.

Even as he continues to thrust his cock inside of his mother, he does it out of love. For every trust that enters, it was love that enters her. With his pre starting to drip faster within her, he held his loving mother with desperate attempts.

To have him close to his body was the greatest feeling, but was greater when he was inside.

Katie was panting heavily as her son's thrust became faster and harder. She was crying out in delicious ecstasy as she finally climaxed on top of her son's cock and legs. Draco felt her walls closing around him and that got him into the edge. He growled out and shot his tick seed deep inside of his mother. A few seconds went by before he stopped spilling his seed in her.

They lay there panting for a moment. Katie was still on top of her son and Draco was still inside of his mother. These were the wonderful times many of them love to share with each other. They both fell into a gentle and loving sleep with both of them still hugging each other.

The next morning, the two were sitting down for morning breakfast. They often didn't discuss the events at night because they both knew that they loved each other a lot.

Draco was getting ready for his day at school, Katie was starting her computer for her work and I was a glorious day.

Once breakfast was done, Draco was heading out the door.

"Bye mom," he said. "I'll see you later.

"Bye son," she said to him.

Draco opened the door and nearly fell back as he saw a drakonian women standing at the door. He was surprised by this but slowly regained himself.

The drakonian woman saw him and was looking a bit nervous.

"Sorry I startled you." She said in a firm but low voice.

Draco gave a slight smile.

"It's okay. May I help you?"

Katie walked over to them.

The drakonian women looked a lot like Draco only feminine with her breasts, curves, and all out appearance of looking like Katie.

The female gave a slight smile but had a nervous agitation on her.

"Um... my name is Delsy and I was wondering if this is the home of Katie and her son Draco?"

Katie nodded.

"Yes. Why do you want to know that?"

Delsy sighed and looked to Draco.

"I... I came here because I am looking for my son and... from what I had gathered from my sources, you are him."