Little Red and The Wolf

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Little Red Riding Hood

By: Vivi the Fox

Once upon time a little 8 year old red fox cub named Randy who lives with his 21 year old brother Tony and the

smell of red leaves falling from the trees, Randy favorite holiday was here. "Wake up Little Red it's time for school

lazy bones" said Tony while he is waking up Little Red, Randy nickname was made by his big bro because Tony

started to notice Randy playing with dolls, wearing a dress, and always asking "Am I a princess big bro?" Of

course Tony didn't care he thought it was cute and Randy favorite story was Little Red Riding Hood so he thought

what a perfect name for Randy. After breakfast, Little Red put on his costume that he and his older bro picked

together but the thing is that boys from his school will make fun of him by his costume because he act like a girly

girl "Big bro can I put my costume on when I get home please?" Little red asked Tony "Is it because of the boys,

don't worry Little Red those boys won't make fun of you they never seen your costume or in a dress silly but don't

worry just ignored them" Tony said witch made Little Red smile and hugged him. While on the way to school Little

Red notice the Halloween decoration's on the houses and all the young cub's wearing their costume's before they

go out trick-or-treating. Little Red always loved Halloween because it was the time of the year when you can dress

up like monsters, ninja's, and funny costumes like a banana saying "it's peanut butter and jelly time!" Now at Little

Red school where everyone is all dressed up and made Little Red feel like he was going to be made fun of, but he

saw his big brother smile and he felt better and got out of the Ford Focus "Have great time at school little bro and

don't wet yourself" Most cub's giggle and embarrass Little Red Tony always like embarrassing Little Red. The boys

who bully Little Red were all wearing pirate costumes and all ready to plan their Halloween candy route. Little Red

walked right past them and they didn't see him walk right pass them maybe his older was right for once but one of

the boys went to the bathroom but on the way he saw little red in his costume and didn't say anything "That's

strange? Why didn't he make fun of me maybe he had to pee so bad he didn't say a word oh well time for class"

And hopped to class. As it was almost time to go home and get ready for Halloween Little Red was counting the

clock down "5....4....3.....2.......1" The bell rang and everyone rushed out the door like cubs with candy but Little Red

ran out the door first because he was near the door lucky place to be when it comes to Christmas and last day of

school. While walking home from school he noticed one of the boys walking towards to him. Little Red just stood

there getting ready for what was going to happen but all he heard was "Hi there the name is Leo, Leo the wolf"

Little Red felt shaky and shy but words came out "uh.... Hi Leo" Leo got confused by Little Red voice but as time

recalled he did made fun of him because he brought dolls to class and understand why Little Red would be shy to

talk to someone who bullies him but he walk Little Red home and he ask Little Red if he can go trick-or-treating

with him, Little Red answer was a nod. After the Halloween trick-or-treating run with Little Red, Leo, and Tony they

went back to Little red home and had some hot coco with marshmallow and the sweets they got from trick-or-

treating "Wow!" Leo Said "How do we get the most candy on the block man the guys are going to be jealous, oh

that reminds me can I spend the night?" Little Red was happy he got so much candy but that question that Leo

asked made him silent "well sure what harm could that do right" Little Red giggled "can he spend the night big

bro?" Little red asked Tony. "Well ok but you need to wash up and Leo Call your parents ok?" "OK!" Leo and Little

Red said, Little Red went to the bath room and washed up and Leo called his parents and they said he can stay.

When Leo mom dropped off Leo pj's and tomorrow clothes and kissed him and left. After a few minutes Tony just

forgot to get the chicken for tomorrow, "I have to go somewhere I'll be right back so don't destroy the house that

means you Little Red" and left. Little Red was finish with his bath and Leo went to take his bath and after he was

finish he just dried off and stays nude Little Red notice Leo wolf nude body "Why are you naked Leo?" Little Red

Asked and Leo respond was "Well when I was at my friend house his parents let us be nude and it was fun you

should try" Little red just blushed and looked away. Little Red felt something in his lower area and he felt Leo wolfy

soft paw on his bum witch made Little Red blush even more. "Well if it's fun then I'll do it too" Little Red said and

took off his clothes and his panties that his big bro picked out for him, Leo was blushing like crazy when he saw

Little Red panties and his bulge his panties "Uh what's this" Leo point to Little Red bulge. "Oh my big bro told me

about this it's normal for boys to have these" Little Red explained to Leo "you want to see?" Little Red asked. Leo

nodded and Little Red Took his panties off and showed Leo his little fox boner. "See it's normal and I can see

you're getting one" Little Red pointed at Leo Wolf semi-boner witch made Leo Blush. "So how do you get rid of it?"

Leo asked Little Red, "Well I one time saw my big bro and his friend playing a game and I think how to play it" Leo

was eager to learn about this game Little Red big bro and his friend did "Really?! How do we play?" Leo asked.

"Well I do this" Little Red started to lick Leo balls and worked his way up to his wolfy cock, Leo gasp and softly

moan while Little Red sucked on Leo cock "Oh it feels so weird but it's so good". Little Red Stopped and got on all

four and lift his tail in front of Leo "put your penis in my bum" Little Red told Leo. Leo did what Little Red asked him

to do and inserted his cock in his bum "Mmmmmmmm! Now thrust in and out" Little Red told Leo and Leo Thrust

in and out slowly and speeded up and went deeper "Oh it's so warm and tight..... Ughhhh something is happing I

feel like I....Have...To..." Leo was cut off and he climaxed in Little Red and Little Red and Leo passed out but before

they passed out Little Red heard Leo say "I love you Little Red" When Little Red heard that he smiled. After a few

minutes Tony came home "Stupid clerk Thinking I was stealing chicken just because I'm a fox, I'm going

to....Hmm?" Tony said and smiled when he saw Little Red and Leo naked and sleeping and put the both sleeping

cubs in bed "Hehe that's so cute Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf sleeping naked and together" Tony said to himself and shut the door quietly and smiled.

The End

I hope you enjoyed my story leave a comment if you like it (Always looking for more ideas for yiff stories leave a comment for any ideas)