Slip and Sleep

Story by Wpython on SoFurry

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Sadonaro was looking forward to have a succesful first romantic encounter with a fox that was close to his heart. So, the dragon decided to ask for help to an expert which turned out to be way more complex than what he expected

He's going to mess up with his mind as told. Yet, he's dying to be with him.

Sadonaro, the soft blue and white belly scaled dragon laid tense on a green, loveseat couch. Even if his body was used to be put under pressure at the gym almost every day, tonight it was his mind the one causing tension.

His stressed muscles which were easy to be seen thanks to his time at the gym were hidden under a pair of dark blue jeans and burgundy red shirt. Most of this shirt was hidden under a black vest that generated enough heat to keep his reptilian blood warm for the night.

The blue scaled reptile held his breath for a moment before sliding his hand to his neck to play with a thin necklace that he wore for the occasion. As he did this, he locked eyes on the only other anthro present for the moment and the mastermind behind this.

Nolbora, the brown Deer sat and relaxed his slim body on one of the two, single green couches placed at the opposite side in front of the dragon which were part of this living room. The deer stretched his hoofed, long legs on the also green carpet that held a small coffee table in the middle which divided the loveseat from the two single couches. The blue dragon was nervous about what he was about to do to Rinuben, the fox who owned this house.

"Are you sure about this?" the reptile pulled his hand back from his necklace before turning his gaze to the closed kitchen door standing a few meters away. His throat closed and his muscled legs quivered as he imagined the humiliation he would be through if he were unable to surprise brainwash the unsuspecting Fox. But most of all, the pain would be unbearable if Rinuben the fox were to rejected him after realizing his true intentions.

"I have made several test every time you have taken him to me, and I am sure he is quite susceptible," a soft voice that reflected no worry or interest replied while those big, black and round eyes joined the golden and slitted eyes of the dragon to guard the kitchen door.

"And is going to be a bit of testing and that's it, right?" the reptile asked in a attempt to encourage himself to go forward with this. "I don't want things to get too crazy."

"That's not the real problem you have. The thing here is that you are selling yourself way too short. Since you are here to do this, you might as well go all the way in.

Besides, I am sure once you overpower him, you wouldn't want it to stop. You will love how good it feels. You will love how happy, peaceful and blissfully charmed your little victim will become. After this night, he will find you irresistible..."

That last part painted a grin on the dragon's snout. The reptile had to admit that he loved the idea of having that handsome, twinky and yet, nice vulpine both in his arms and on his knees, deeper than lost under the power of his draconian whims.

Or at least, that's what Nolbora the Cervine has been pushing into him since he approached the deer who was the most popular guy at the bar he frequents for help him on his desire to get close to Rinuben the fox.

The deer confessed that his secret of popularity was hypnosis, and that he would be more than happy to teach his ways to the dragon under the condition to be allowed to observe and study in details the first sessions that the dragon held.

And now that Rinuben the Fox became used to open the doors of his home for both himself and Nolbora the deer, it was the opportunity for the blue reptile to figure out if this fox was also interested into males and into someone like him.

"If something goes wrong," the concerned reptile locked his eyes on his deer mentor and away from the kitchen door. "Can you help me to..."

"Sorry for taking so long," a familiar voice for Sadonaro the dragon interrupted him. This voice came accompanied by the sound of a door being open. This interruption halted the secret plotting that was deciding the last details on the demise that was about to befall on the vulpine.

"I thought I had some beer, but I didn't. I found a fancy wine, but I can't remove the cork," Rinuben the fox appeared while wearing a long sleeved, white shirt currently half unbuttoned and a pair of dark gray formal pants as he offered a tired, yet wide smile after closing the kitchen door with a footpaw.

As Rinuben juggled with three glasses and a bottle of wine, Sadonaro flicked his tongue half a second in pleasure, like he does so every time that perfect fox with strong legs, delicious, slim waist and small chest was in the same room as himself.

The blue reptile amazed himself everyday with that perfect being who was given the shiniest, warmest and the fluffiest soft coat of orange and white fur he has ever seen. But what he loved the most was that sincere and happy smile which was always present in those vulpine chops along with that pair of vibrant, green and slitted eyes.

it was the same perfection that caught his heart the first time he placed his eyes on the vulpine at the gym lockers. It were those things that made the dragon to be curious about what would it be like to be with another guy. But it was his nice personality that made him decide that this particular fox had to be the one and only male he would want to have such experience with.

But even since another gym regular, an equine, began to act too flirty with the fox as of late, the reptile felt pressured to find out whether the vulpine was into males or not.

"Don't apologize about something like that," Nolbora the Deer minimized the concern of his host. "You are already doing a lot by keeping us here so late," the cervine offered a soft grin in hopes to ease the vulpine. Yet, there was something off with that gesture.

The deer locked his eyes on the vulpine with a powerful glare that reflected some kind of arrogant superiority. It was as if the cervine were forced to stand before a lesser being while his muzzle squeezed itself shut and his neck to grow stuff in order to suppress his grin to grow with even more malice.

Or at least, that's how the Dragon Sadonaro felt.

"Oh please! It is a pleasure for me to have both you and Sadonaro here," the fox spoke after placing three cups of glass and the wine bottle over the coffee table before he too also took a seat on the remaining single sofa. "After all, mister dragon here has spoiled me with so many drinks since when we party at his place that sometimes I wonder what is he planning to do to me once I am all drunk!"

After a good laugh shared by the three antros at the living room, the dragon took control of the conversation to explain himself.

"No, nothing like that!" The dragon attempted to sound not stressed by the comment. "I enjoy to spoil great guys such as you." After that, Sadonado offered a draconian grin of his own. A toothy smile which he hoped that would appear way less venomous than the one he witnessed from the cervine a moment ago.

The fox proceeded to hold the wine bottle to uncork it, but Nolbora the deer was quick to stretch one of his hoof-tipped hands to put it over the black furred ones wrestling with the tightly shut bottle.

"Don't waste a good bottle of wine on us," The deer replied before pulling his hand up from the black furred ones, yet keeping them a few centimeters next to those confused vulpine fingers.

"Don't you worry about the bottle, I assure you that I..."

"We're abusing your kindness here," the Cervince took once more control of the conversation. "You are such a little, pure soul. I can see why Sadonaro enjoys having you around," The cervine gave the fox a few pats on his hands before pulling his hand back. "In any case, we need to be on our way out. It is late and you must be so very tired..."

Those last six words almost made Sadonaro the dragon to jump from his seat. It was the phrase previously agreed by himself and his cervine friend for him to do what he had to do.

The dragon felt his belly growing tight along with his gullet shutting off all while his legs shook. He now had second doubts about doing this to such a nice one, but if that equine were to take his fox away, the pain would be too much to bear.

Even if he's risking himself to fail to hypnotize Rinuben and be exposed, there was no other way. The only option was to trust in the training Nolbora the deer gave him to do this.

It was time to act now or to lose everything.

"I... before we go, there is something that I wanna show you..." the reptile almost forced himself to spew those words out as he was about to puke in nervousness.

"Huh? is everything okay?" The vulpine asked with a voice that reflects a mix of both concern and uncertainty. It is obvious that the insecurity Sadonaro is feeling has flooded out and become more than obvious.

"Oh, nothing wrong I can assure you," The deer jumped into the conversation for the umpteen time. "Our friend here has prepared for you a small thing that you will most likely enjoy."

"Oh? Please, you shouldn't have bothered," the Fox replied with a much more calmed stance.

The reptile was quick to slide his hand into his t-shirt and warmth generating jacket in order to remove both off of him. With this, he exposed his ample chest and pectorals forged in the gym along with his slim waist and toned abdominals walls in display under his white belly scales.

This act revealed the necklace that the dragon was wearing tonight. The lace around his neck held a tiny, onyx like stone whose upper half was wrapped in a golden wire to keep the stone bound to the string.

The reptile was quick to use his index clawed finger to unhook the stone from his neck and to hold it as a pendulum before the man he so wished for himself.

"W... well, cute little stone you brought me," Rinuben affirmed after snapping from the surprise to have his muscled friend shirtless at his house. The vulpine rose from his seat and stretched his hand towards the blue dragon to pick the jewel up, but the reptile was quick to jerk it back before he swung it before the vulpine's face.

"What are you playing at now?" The fox asked in frustration once he collapsed back on his green seat. Those pretty green eyes squinted as the fox squeezed his hand into a fist after having the shiny, onyx stolen from him at the very last second.

The vulpine asked the same question after a few moments of being exposed to the swinging, black and shiny stone. However, his voice sounded not-so-amused with the first time hypnotist.

"I want to show you a nice trick that this stone can do," the reptile explained while trying to smile. "A trick that should help you stay relaxed and to sleep deeply during long, boring nights such as this one..."

"Oh? okay?" The vulpine sounded as skeptical as before while evidently struggling to not to roll his eyes in frustration.

This made the dragon's confidence to drop all the way down to his ankles.

Is Sardonado the Dragon making a fool of himself as he feared? When is the cervine going to step in to help him? Nolbora the deer promised that the fox was highly susceptible to this. But Sadonaro, the first time hypnotist dragon, was failing to see any trace of that.

His instructor promised that there was nothing more relaxing and pleasurable that being put under a hypnotic trance for the subject, and he also promised that as hypnotist, the experience would be the greatest rush of power he could ever experience. But the gym dragon was failing to see this.

What was he missing if everything was set in place?

The dragon almost slapped his face when he suddenly remembered the script he had memorized! Sadonaro was so nervous that he forgot the actual induction.

"It is a nice stone, thank you Sadonaro," Rinuben the fox spoke after releasing a soft yawn. "I'll use it at nights and also wear it at the gym every now and then, promise."

As the fox's hand stretched to take the swinging item from the dragon's hand, it was a slow and shy gesture before the retrieved his arm back. This gave the reptile a surge of confidence.

"Keep your eyes on the pretty stone, don't you worry about anything else at all my friend."

While the fox's face repeated the confusion from earlier, there was something keeping the rest of his body relaxed. And his attention now was attached to the stone being waved before his eyes.

That was the entrance door that Sadonaro the dragon required to get into the fox's mind.

"It is because you are so tired that you need a little help relaxing. After all, you worked out a lot today at the gym. And on top of that, you performed at work and you also worked here to make us feel welcomed at your place.

Now is time for you to take a deep breath and relax," the blue reptile suggested as the swinging onyx stone reinforced his words.

The confusion on the fox's eyes faded a bit more with every blink he made. Those green and slitted eyes shifted into a more serene gaze.

"You are doing so well. Breathe in and breathe out at your own, relaxing pace. Allow your thoughts and worries to swing away until all you can think about is the stone and my words."

It was thanks to the training that he received from Nolbora the deer that the reptile interpreted the body language of the Fox. And the first time hypnotist saw that his victim was spiralling down into an inescapable trance.

"As you breathe in deeply, I will count down from ten to zero. Upon reaching zero, you will fall into a deep, peaceful, mindless state where your mind will become open. All your worries and thoughts will float away along with any sense of resistance.

When I hit zero, I will snap my fingers and you will close your eyes and you will slip and sleep on the couch. Nod to me if you understand."

The dragon went quiet as he wasn't sure if this was causing the effect he desired. Certainty came after a couple of seconds later when the vulpine gave short and lazy nod to his inexperienced hypnotist.

While the vulpine kept his green eyes open with difficulty and his head was struggling to not to lay against the backrest of his green seat, his black furred fingers dug his blunt claws against the armrest while his black furred toes were tightly curled against the carpet on the living room.

Sadonaro gave a quick glance towards his mentor in hypnosis, but Nolbora the deer was quick to ignore him and focus on the the half-hypnotized vulpine instead. With this gesture, the rookie hypnotist felt abandoned by the expert mesmeriser. But since he was already halfway through fulfilling his goal, he proceeded further.

"Take a deep breath and we will begin," the dragon commanded once he was ready to continue.

"Ten, taking another deep breath and relaxing, knowing that you are at your own living room and with me. Knowing that you can sleep at the best place and sleep for the best anthro possible... "

"Nine, descending deeper and deeper. With each number and each breath, you go deeper and deeper into slumber for me..."

"Eight, eight times the relaxment that you are feeling and eight more times that it is easier and easier for you to slip deeply into my hypnotic trance."

"Seven, taking another deep breath and realizing that life is so easy when you sleep and slip..."

As the blue and now shirtless reptile kept on counting down, the fox allowed a soft smile on his muzzle to appear and to grow as his fingers became loose and undug from the armrests on the couch.

The dragon noticed that every time he counted down, it was almost like pressing a pleasure button on the fox that sent waves of blissful relaxation that manifested on his body language.

This motivated Sadonaro to continue, for the cervine which taught him hypnosis was right; It was a great, pleasuring sensation for the victim and a powerful rush of power for himself, the hypnotist.

"Three, My voice takes over from now on, you can't escape or resist the power of my voice in your mind. You realize now how good this feel, and how much better things are going to be when you let it all go and submit to me. And that's the reason on why you allow your thoughts to leave, to be silenced, and to make room for the only words that matter, mine."

"Two, we're getting there now, so deep now, and you want to take it deeper and deeper because you love this feeling of deep trance and you love the idea to obey my voice."

"One, one step for you to get what you want, let's not waste any more time and give you that blissful emptiness and submission you crave for."

The dragon's scaly hide tingled from excitement. He was one step away from achieving what was impossible.

"Zero," with a snap of his scaly fingers, the vulpine allowed his head to fall back against the backrest of the couch where his body splayed with no energy left for him to do anything but to fall into the deepest level of the trance.

"Zero resistance, Zero thoughts; Completely and helpless under my trance now as you slip and sleep. From now on, everytime you hear a snap of fingers and the phrase 'slip and sleep' you will return to sleep into trance. If you are in a trance when you hear your trigger word and the snap of fingers, you will fall even deeper into trance while doing what you are told to. Nod if you understand this."

After witnessing a nod from the fox sleeping on the green seat, the dragon placed the onyx stone necklace down on the coffee table. He had reached the end of the script he had memorized. The scene with the sleeping fox in such a deep state made the reptile to amaze himself with the skill level he demonstrated.

"Is he?" The surprised dragon asked to nobody in particular as he stood up to approach his victim who rested with no willpower left to be found.

"Yes, he's pretty deep into trance," the cervine spoke as he also approached the tranced fox to observe him closer. "In the beginning your behaviour was a little too disappointing..." the buck spoke as he ducked down to observe the sleeping fox in detail.

"I... well, it was my first time!" The dragon explained himself. "Before this, all I previously had were simulations and..."

"Fortunately," the deer forced himself into the conversation the same way the dragon did a moment ago. "You knew how to handle the rest of things and you had a great success. I can say that you have a natural perk for putting unsuspecting victims in deep trance. You are living proof that reptilians were granted a natural talent with hypnosis."

At this point, Sadonaro didn't know what to say, he feared to be scolded again, but he decided to focus on the fact that things went fine.

"Now," the deer continued. "You two had a battle of willpower and you overcame your victim. It matters little whether it was thanks to raw power or if he gave into you. The final result is that he lays empty minded under your power."

Sadonaro was more than aware that he wanted to have a quick chat with the hypnotized fox, but this deer guy kept making things a bit too creepy.

"Slip and sleep little Fox," the deer commanded with a snap of fingers. Sadonaro noticed the vulpine had curled both his toes and fingers for a split second before relaxing his digits.

"I will ask you a few questions as you sleep. Nod if you agree, shake your head if you disagree. Am I clear?" after being asked with a soft, yet dominant tone, the vulpine gave a lazy nod.

"You desire is to submit yourself to Sadonaro, yes?" the hypnotized fox replied with another nod while the dragon was now as confused as Rinuben was a couple of moments ago.

"And this includes sexual submission, isn't it?" After hearing that, Sadonaro tried to stop the conversation, but the deer was quick to stretch his arm to halt the reptile. All while the fox wasted no time to say yes in his deep trance.

"In your lone, cold and horny nights, you have seen yourself in your fantasies submitting to Sadonado as his sexual servant, haven't you?" in the same fashion, the vulpine nodded to the expert hypnotist.

"And this desire has always been strong, so strong that you can't deny it now, can you?" After the question, the vulpine replied with a long and constant nodding that was a bit too enthusiast for someone hypnotized.

After this reaction, the deer repeated that same, unsettling and malicious smile from a few moments back.

"And you accept yourself to submit as a hypnotized slave to sexually please your reptilian superiors, and you do it realizing your place as a subservient mammal. isn't it?"

Even if the Fox nodded once more, Sadonaro wanted none of this. What the hell was wrong with Nolbora?

"I've cut the chase and got to the point," The deer replied as he adjusted himself back on his seat. "You should have zero restrains on enjoying the spoils of your victory. Since this is your first time as master and his as slave, you should begin with something simple for both of you."

"Oh I know!" Nolbora spoke before the reptile could complain. "Have him to bow down and worship your feet," The deer tilted his head down to stare at the dragon's clawed feet.

The deer was suddenly behaving so strange, and Sadonado didn't liked it. But his legs and feet were particularly sore today after leg day at the gym that not even the hot shower he usually took was able to soothe it away. Besides, he did all this in order to be with that sexy, twinky and cute fox before him. What could go wrong with a nice rub?

Once the foot massage was over, the reptile hoped to finally snap awake his friend and keep things as normal.

Under this logic, the blue reptile leaned back against the loveseat sofa to stretch his strong legs. "Get down on your knees and kiss my feet if you are so willing to be my slave," Sadonado commanded even if he felt ridiculous saying that while he presented his four toed and pale blue scaled feet and lower legs before wiggling his toes.

The hypnotized vulpine needed no more motivation to fall on all fours before crawling his way across the living room to approach the dragon.

A second after, something cold was pressed against the top of the strong scales covering Sadonaro's feet. While at the same time, something warm and padded slid back and forth along his softer, yet still scaled soles.

While at first the reptile was afraid to be tickled by the furred digits of the vulpine, Rinuben was careful to rub his padded fingertips along his broad and clawed feet.

The dragon wiggled his toes and allowed his tired feet to relax unde the firm touch of the hypnotized fox.

As the massage continued, Sadonaro gave into the temptation to press his feet a bit harder against those furred palms massaging his claws. The constant pampering along his feet were fast to soothe away the soreness he accumulated through the day.

"Take it further now," A commanding voice returned Sadonado to the moment before he were about to fall asleep under the foot rub. "Use his face as a foot rest. I am sure he will like it too, and massage his face back with your feet. He will love his blissful submission a lot more."

Since Sadonado was loving this so far, he decided to listen to the suggestion given by the deer. He was quick to retrieve his clawed feet from those dexterous paws to bury the face of his hypnotized friend under his reptilian feet.

As the grinding began, it brought an even greater relief to the rookie hypnotist. It was as if he were massaging his sore feet against a soft and warm carpet. The dragon was amazed at how effortlessly his beloved fox could melt his soreness away with his complete submission as a foot servant.

But this realization and submission wasn't as comfortable, for it came accompanied with a nagging tent under his dark blue jeans.

"In the beginning, I was worried that I had put too much faith in your natural skills," the dragon almost jumped in surprise as he was pulled back from almost falling asleep again by a new, sudden weight behind him. It was a heavy and coarse hand, as rough as if it had hooves.

"But look at you now. You could serve that fox a big slice of cake at the top of your feet and he would eat it. Then, lick the icing off of your feet clean without even noticing that he's under trance," Nolbora spoke as he squeezed those draconian shoulders.

"We're done here, right?" the dragon asked, urged to snap his fox friend awake as the vulpine lapped along his clawed toes and his tent began rise even further.

"Done? We haven't even started! Time for you two to get rid of your clothes. Let me see how mindlessly devoted this fox rides your dick without a thought or care in the world. After that, we might finish this experiment."

"What?" The dragon felt his most intimate self disturbed by such request. "We aren't getting naked before you! That's a private thing between us."

"That's not how things are," Nolbora explained after shaking his head. "This is part of my study and payment because this is happening under his first hypnotic trance. Besides, I am sure your mindless slave here would rather worship something more than your feet."

Sadonado wanted this to be a private moment, but the knew the risks of going against the deer were high. He learned a few days after closing the deal with his tutor that Noburo was blackmailing another regular bar member after a dispute they both had.

Since he didn't want the deer to ruin things between him and the fox, Sadonaro was pressured to do as commanded.

Yet, this was so humiliating! Sadonado felt his blood to boil. As soon as this was over, the dragon promised himself to never go that bar again and to never speak to this asshole either!

Once the dragon pulled his toes out of the fox's maw, he stood on his moist feet. The blue reptile undid the button of his jeans to allow the weight of his wallet and his cellphone to drag his pants around his thick ankles to reveal a white jockstrap that was currently tenting under the pressure of his cock.

At the same time, the deer made sure no piece of clothing remained on that orange and white furred body. This exposed his slim, yet masculine view and plump, white sheath to the two friends he trusted in. And whom in return, gave him a through brainwash.

"On second thoughts, keep the jockstrap on for a bit more mister gym," Noburo the deer spoke once he brought the naked fox back down on his knees. The deer turned around to pay attention to the reptile that stood almost naked before him.

"A shame our pal here is too mindless to realize the sweet treat he got all for himself," the deer placed both hands on the dragon's shoulders to push him down against the couch. "Luckily for him, we can make him so addicted to your dick that every time you visit him here or you bump into each other at the gym lockers, he'll become unable to keep his muzzle off of your cock."

While the blue drake was still mad with the deer, that comment made the dragon's scaly hide to tingle in arousal. Even if that was kinda evil.

"But i digress," the deer halted his train of evil post-hypnotic suggestions as he gave the reptile a few more shoulder squeezes. "Sleep and slip little fox," the deer spoke after snapping his fingers to take control of the situation. "You are going to behave like the slave you were born to be and suck your master's dick. And you will make it a good suck, but you cannot remove his jockstrap. Am I clear?"

The fox laying on the floor, still at the mercy of the hypnotic trance couldn't help it but nod.

"Pull his pants away too little fox. I don't want them to get in the way for what's coming after that."

As the fox made sure the ankles of his reptilian master became free from his pants, the dragon tried to bend down to help the fox, but Nolbora was quick to yank the dragon back and to force him to rest against the couch. "It is all part of the experience," the deer explained as he squeezed once more that muscled body. "Don't do anything but to enjoy the ride Mister Slavemaster."

Slavemaster? that forced Sadonaro to release a loud hiss in annoyance. However, he became distracted from his worries when something warm and damp was pressed against the contorn of his erected cock that soaked his white cloth.

After squirming and gasping under the pleasure that the restricted attention gave him, the blue scaled dragon grunted as Rinuben licked and pressed his snout over and over again against the white cloth forming his tented jockstrap in a fruitless effort to get his muzzle around his dick.

Even if the cloth was keeping his reptilian cock away from the vulpine's muzzle, the dragon felt the hot and wet muscle grinding against his needy meat. Sadonaro also felt his jockstrap to grow cold as the slobber from the fox mixed with his presemen and soaked his cloth a lot more than what his feet were.

Sadonaro attempted to lower his hands to get rid of his restrictive jockstrap. But once again, he was scolded with a corrective push around his shoulders. The dragon turned his head up to dig his slitted eyes on the deer.

That sinister grin of arrogance on the cervine's snout welcomed the eyes of the reptile. Nolbora was having the time of his life by forcing both hypnotist and hypnotized to struggle.

A sudden change in the tending to his imprisoned meat forced the reptile to pay attention to the fox. Rinuben was pressing the side of his head on those scaly thighs as he was trying his best to slide his muzzle sideways into the jockstrap.

And the dragon was more than happy to lift his right leg enough to earn the needy fox partial access to his dick.

This small change rewarded Sadonaro with the sensation of his hypno slave to lick around the base of his erected meat which made him to hiss and groan in pleasure.

After receiving a few licks around the base of his shaft, the dragon turned his gaze towards the cervine. Sadonado expected to have erased that grin of satisfaction off of that arrogant snout, but the thing remained drawn there.

The reptile felt intimidated to have this deer to witness his sexual act. But most of all, he was forced to behave as cervine wished. Even if he feared it a moment ago, perhaps it was time to ignore those interventions just a little bit for the sake of finding release.

He had to feed his dick into that willing snout trapped in his jockstrap.

The dragon rested his back against the backrest of his seat and planted his feet on the floor to raise his hips and give his jockstrap a good tug towards the fox.

This gave the so needed freedom to his pale pink and ribbed meat that extended from his genital slit. When the dragon was about to slide his meat back into Rinuben's snout, he was surprised to find that the fox wasn't alone any longer.

"He's still under trance, yet able to come up with ways to sort difficulties," The deer stood behind the fox, stroking the thick pelt of orange fur along the fox's neck and head. "This is even better than what I thought. He will make a great, first slave for your harem of slaves"

"Harem of slaves? I told you that I only want him," The blue drake was quick to remind the deer about his true intentions.

This act of rebellion was enough to finally punch that cocky smile off of that white and brown snout and leave a scowl in its place.

"Is that what you believe?" the deer shook his head before he squinted his eyes and portrayed a smile that displayed his wide and flat teeth. "One day, you will see things from another perspective."

Sadonado had to admit that this expert hypnotist was one stubborn son of a whore.

"Slip and sleep Fox slave," the Deer commanded with a snap of fingers. Then, he pulled the Fox up by holding him by the armpits to bring him up. "Sit on your master's lap and submit to his desires. He seems oh so anxious to give you an early reward..." The cervine spoke with a mocking voice before he walked towards the closed entrance door where he disappeared.

Before the dragon could see where the deer was going, the fox settled down over the scaly lap of the gym dragon while facing him. With a bit more of privacy, the dragon did his best to accommodate his hard dick under the shifting, furred weight that was looking for a comfortable position.

Sadonado accommodated his legs once the vulpine had settled down. This rewarded him with the sensation of his maleness throbbing against the middle of those furred buttocks.

The reptile released a soft hiss of pleasure as his needy meat was tickled by the soft fur resting along his pink maleness.

Sadonaro held the slim waist of his hypnotized victim with both of his clawed hands and gave that belly a few possessive squeezes. Has this fox fantasized about doing this with him before? The drake used his forked tongue to lick a few times along that white furred neck and steal a bit of the flavor of his fox.

Sadonaro flared his nostrils as his cock to grew even harder as he felt invaded by the idea of this fox becoming his and only his. To fill him up with his dick and to dump his load deep inside him every time he wished to. "I have craved for that nice ass of yours since the first time I saw you squatting at the gym," The reptile confesses to the mindless fox. "Now is all mine so it can now squat with my dick stuck inside it."

The dragon locked his gaze with the green and slitted eyes of the fox which were gone to another place, to another dimension. Yet, his muzzle remained open and his lower jaw was tense, as if he were caught in the middle of a surprise when he was hypnotized.

Even with the weight on his lap, the dragon was strong enough to grind his maleness enough to keep on teasing the entrance under that bushy tail and rear placed over him.

In the heat of the grinding, Sardonado felt his tongue and throat to run dry. His heart beat faster as something inside him told him that he was thirsty for a kiss from that relaxed muzzle. The rookie hypnotist flicked his forked tongue a few more times as the thirst to kiss his first male became too much.

The reptile examined that muzzle again with the slightly tense expression before pressing his muzzle against that lost one with the hopes to satiate his inner fire.

The reptile tilted his muzzle to the side and slid his forked tongue to now play and tease the warm tongue that pleased his clawed feet and ribbed meat a moment ago.

The dragon allowed his scaled palms to slid up and down along the fox's sides and back as he pressed the fox into the depth of the moment. His fanged muzzle wasted no time to suck around the warm tongue to invite the hypnotized fox to submit more into the dragon's touch.

Once Sadonaro noticed his fiery thirst to subside, he decided to pull back. He found Rinuben's snout to remain open. Yet, the tension had melted away to match the lost pleasure that the fox gave with his eyes.

But he also found a fully erected, vulpine maleness which had left copious ammout of presemen over his scaley abs.

"Had I know you have always wanted to be mine like this, I would have collared you at the locker room the first day I saw you," the dragon spoke to the fox while licking his orange and white snout repeatedly. "But now you are my property, my hypnotized fox pet to fuck to my heart's content and to dump all of my load into your pretty little snout and hole of yours every day after working out."

The reptile placed one hand around the fox's neck to give him a dominant squeeze, simulating a collar as he pushed his hips back and forth, using only the fat tip of his dick to search for that warm entrance he was craving for. "And you'd be begging for me to pump your insides with my dominant draconian seed, won't you?"

As the fox nodded the best he could with his neck trapped, the dragon licked his lips. He released the fox's neck to wrap both of his hands around Rinuben's waist and give him yet another dominant squeeze.

The same, untameable fire rekindled itself with the sudden urge to impale his latest slave with his meat and to fulfill his dominant role to bring the fox into submission to his desires.

Yet something was wrong...

However, a strong, lightheaded sensation made Sadonaro to stop worrying. The blue drake saw himself stuffing this vulpine over and over again with this dick while keeping him as nothing more than a lowly slave at his feet. His hand lowered instinctively to search for the soft spot under the fox's tail that he were to use to please himself.

Once again, something was unnatural. But this time, the dragon forced himself to become aware of his surroundings.

And for his surprise, the sensation of something over his shoulder made him turn his head back enough to bump his scaly nose tip against the cold and hot tip of the deer's snout while those coarse tipped fingers held him close by the upper arms.

"What are you doing?" Sadonado felt his blood to boil again as he pulled his lips back from the deer's snout.

What was going on here? When did Nolbora got behind him? For how long has the deer been witnessing his intimate moment with the fox so closely? Is the cervine to blame for his sudden change in dominant attitude towards the fox?

This was the breaking point for the reptile.

"You know what? We're done here," the dragon felt his throat to close and his jaw to tense under the current situation.

"What? Why?" the deer asked with a tone that matched the anger of the reptile.

"You are being a creep, that's why. This is definitely a huge turn off. I just can't perform like this!" the dragon explained as he helped the mind blanked fox to get back on his feet.

"You promised that you would do this and let me study it," the voice of the deer explained with the same anger.

"But not with you being a creep all over me!" the dragon felt the tightness on his throat to also expand to his belly.

"Are you breaking our deal? Don't you dare to..." The deer threatened his protegee as he tensed so much that the dragon saw the muscles on his neck while his eyes returned to that squint of disgust that the cervine has been demonstrated several times tonight.

"Of course I am," the dragon replied, not considering the consequences of clashing himself with the expert hypnotist. "You ruined this, congratulations!" Sadonaro yelled almost loud enough to snap awake the fox from the trance, yet he knew the real reason of his sudden anger was to hide the fact that he was creeped out by the strange effect that the close presence of the deer had on him.

This night went from great success to a catastrophic failure. He abused of the one he wished to keep close to his heart and he alienated himself with his mentor. But at least, the deer had it coming unlike the innocent and sweet vulpine.

Once the reptile took a deep breath or two to relax himself, he found the cervine to lean against the exit door with his arms folded against his chest while he stared at the reptile with the same anger as if he had robbed him in a alley.

This made the reptile to shake his head and squeeze his face with his hands in order to calm himself down further. "I... Just grab your things and i'll give you a ride to your place."

As the dragon looked for his white jockstrap, he found it next to the fox's plantigrade and black footpaws. This made Sadonaro to remember that he left the fox with blank brains and a throbbing erection.

The dragon was flooded by shame. He came here to find out more about the fox, not to abuse of the sweetest and fluffiest thing his eyes has ever seen. How could he be such a heartless and abusing son of a whore?

But before he had time for regrets, he knew he had to get rid of the deer and think things through.

"Slip and sleep Rinuben," the dragon commanded with a snap of fingers and the fox relaxed his chest and arms. "As soon as we leave, you will snap you awake, not remembering anything of what happened. You will lock your entrance door and go back to sleep, thinking you stayed up late watching a porn movie after we dropped you early back home."

The dragon was quick to dress up while ignoring his ruined moment of pleasure for the sake of making sure the deer would not try anything else before unlocking the door. As soon as the dragon was ready to go, Nolbora the deer immediately left the scene before Sardonado the dragon walked out and closed the door hard enough for the sound to snap Rinuben fox awake from his trance.

[Gay Hypnosis Text Game] - Astraifort Estate

# What is Astraifort Estate? AE is a Gay Hypnosis themed, Choose Your Own Adventure Interactive Novel that narrates the tale of a demon hunter who finds himself exploring an abandoned mansion in the middle of nowhere that once belonged to a legendary...

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Astraifort Estate: June/July news

Good day demons and demon hunters! I have been receiving a lot of notes and questions about Astraifort Estate. People are wondering if the game continues to be under development and my answer is the same as always. Of course, yes! Game development...


Astraifort Estate RC1

As promised, here comes the first release candidate for Astraifort Estate. First of all, like I promised on twitter, I placed a little sneak preview on the Master Wing for the players who complete the full run. So that should help people I...

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