Astraifort Estate RC1

Story by Wpython on SoFurry

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#18 of CYOA - Astraifort Estate

Astraifort Estate release candidate 1

As promised, here comes the first release candidate for Astraifort Estate.

First of all, like I promised on twitter, I placed a little sneak preview on the Master Wing for the players who complete the full run. So that should help people

I promised two surprises, so there they are:

=== The first surprise that I brought are Achievements. ===

You can unlock in-game achievements during your exploration on Astraifort Estate! With these, players should be able to measure their progress so they make sure that they have inspected every route available! These achievements will also work to unlock the Epilogue of the story.

=== The second surprise is the "Ending Library". ===

Now players can re-read the endings they have previously unlocked as many times as they wish without having to replay the whole thing!

Related to the poll, here are some improvements to the game:

>Fully functional save system<

Now you can save during exploration mode and after clearing a boss encounter (but not during boss battles) so players can save and close their game at the place they previously were without losing progress when they return!

>Re-written Pharaoh and Living armor scenes: <

The introduction and closing to the Armor chapter along with the Intro and Closing for the Pharaoh were re-written and improved to make them easier to understand. They really needed a lot of improvement!

>Re-written Introduction/Background scene: <

This also needed more work than what I originally thought was needed, but I got it covered now.

>Re-play beaten scenarios: <

Added the option for players to go back and replay the area they just cleared instead of advancing further. This should please all the curious players who'd like to scrub every corner of the abandoned mansion.

>Improved text formatting from the first half of the game: <

Paragraphs now are well formatted and they aren't jumping all over the place.

>Added a splash screen: <

This one should give the game a better presentation to the players :>

>Added FAQ request and Bug submit forms<

At the footer of the game, players now can submit questions and requests for a game walkthrough. Also, there is a bug submission form. Players can now report any in-game problem or grammar issues they might find.

And with this, the groundwork for the game should be done. I'll be working on the ending now. Of course, any game breaking bugs encountered will be fixed and corrected along with grammar problems, but Release Candidate 2 will bring us the so awaited Master Wing :>

That's all for tonight demons and demon hunters. Good Luck


January 23st, 2019 (Release Candidate 1) R.C.1

Codename: Space Oddity.

>Depured and Formatted whole game text.

>Depured Hellhound Lord, Living Armor and Anubian Pharoah Introduction and Closing Scenes

>Formatted Garden scenes

>Added Achievements

>Added Ending Library for re-read

>Added Save System

>Ending-locking bug discovered and Grammar errors from beta 0.11b corrected. Credits to avatar?user=65564&character=0&clevel=2 meheggs


Astraifort Estate 0.10


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Astraifort Estate 0.9

Play at []( as usual :\>

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Astraifort Estate 0.8


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