
Story by Corben on SoFurry

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#95 of Against All Odds Universe

An after-hours gym session - one of the perks that comes with Sam's job at the leisure centre, and the perfect opportunity to offer Marek some instruction in the process.

But, after a whole week apart, there could well be some energy to expend that gym equipment just cannot help with...

Workout, a.k.a 'Horny Pandas' to remain in-keeping with most of the stories featuring Sam and Marek so far.

I wanted to write a quick, fun short story featuring these two as a change of pace from the longer pair I've written previously. This here is a little window into the friskier side of their relationship, showing what might happen when a mixed-size couple that enjoy healthy servings of sizeplay and fantasy get together after some time spent apart.

Hope you enjoy!

_ Workout _

"Are you sure this is okay, Sam?" Marek asked, again, creeping down the last step on the stairway. "I don't want you getting into any trouble by doing this."

"How many times?" I chuckled back from my soft, belly-backed seat in his paws. "I told you. We're doing nothing wrong."

He stopped near the double doors to our handball court, peering down at me with sinking, turquoise-tipped ears. "Honest?"

"Hon, I wouldn't have made the offer if this wasn't okay." Climbing onto my feet, shifting them around his palmpads, I put on the biggest smile I could. "This is a private, after-hours training session. Us instructors are well within our rights to offer them to members of the leisure centre, but the responsibility's all ours... So try not to go breaking anything." His head tilted a shade. I pushed forward to stroke at the steep valley of his broad chest. "Happy?"


I sighed. "I'm an instructor here. Right?"

"You are."

"And you're a member."


"So then, this is fine!" I flashed him my keycard, thumbing towards the end of the deserted corridor. "Let's get ourselves into the gym."

Finally, Marek got over whatever cautiousness had him tiptoeing all the way from his car, through the main entrance and all the way downstairs. Either that, or he'd just given up trying to talk me out of this. It wasn't a lie that us gym instructors could offer sessions to members after-hours... and I'm pretty sure that still applied if said member happened to be our boyfriend. Why wouldn't it? What risk could that possibly pose that might have management thinking otherwise? None, that's what. Here we were, a couple of red pandas, one big Visoka, one smaller Maleni, off to have a private, Sunday workout in what amounted to our own personal gym. I could sense the grin stretching from ear to ear over the prospect. A grin wide enough to get even Marek's rounded, white-furred cheeks lifting.

The gym itself sat in murky darkness. All but silent, if not for the faint whirr of the heating working to save us from the December chill outside.

Marek ducked and squeezed his large frame through the doorway, bringing the lights flickering on to our presence, welcoming us to get started wherever and on whatever we wished. Treadmills, bikes, weight machines and more: this place was ours and ours alone.

Tempting as it was, I'd decided to pass up the opportunity to spoil myself over on our Maleni-sized equipment. After all, we were here for Marek, and it was only fair that I gave him my full attention... Not that giving my huge 'panda anything less was ever an option. Especially after so long apart.

We started off on one of the treadmills. Our usual first port of call during a session. To his credit, Marek had been putting in a heapload of work with his running, both with me, and during his own solo sessions. Compared to when we started at the back end of summer, he'd gotten so much faster, capable of running so much further, putting in runs that were downright impressive for someone carrying as much bulk and muscle as he did. I was so proud... and so blessed, too.

"Keep on pushing," I called from my usual spot in the spare bottle holder, about level with the top of his steadily bouncing gut. "Your pace is strong. You're doing great, hon."

Marek's tongue lolled from his hanging jaw, breathing hard, but not heavy. Pushing, not struggling. A good sign for his fitness... and his teasing, too.

Stride after solid stride sent fierce tremors through the machine, rising from the belt and losing little by way of power before rattling my whole body. The edge of the holder acted like a railing on a balcony. Crucial support during the ongoing event that was my giant boyfriend's casual, ground-trembling run.

"Not too much for you, am I?" he posed, smirking through his fatigue. Even then, his charming, boyish glow couldn't be suppressed. "You're clinging on awful tight there."

"I'm coping just fine," I rallied back, tail batting about as I shifted for a view of the console. "I've gotten used to all the crashing and chaos you create while on this thing."

"Huh..." He took on a bigger gasp of air, ruffling my fur with the strength of his following exhale. "Good to know."

"Eight laps down now..." I turned to him again, sucked on in by a particularly heavy shift of his hefty, barrel-like gut, not a single curve hidden by his tight black gym shirt. Each thundering stride set off another, rocking his girth between the rails that it so very nearly threatened. Mmf... I looked forward to snuggling up with him later this eve--

"Eight laps down, two to go?" Marek nudged me with a finger, grinning. "Is that what you were gonna say?"

"Uhm... Yeah, right, two. Two laps left now."

"Goofy 'panda."

"If you say so."

"I_do_ say so." Another deep breath. His grin didn't waver. "So much for getting used to me."

"Like I said, I'm getting used to all your crashing and--"

"But still you can't tear yourself away from watching." He put a paw to his hip, patting, squeezing, adding to the growing, hypnotic sloshing. "Are you hard yet?"

"Gods..." I grabbed my trousers, loosening the tightening crotch. He knew the answer as well as I did. "Maybe."

"Of course you are." Marek winked, returning to his proper running form, but not letting that triumphant smirk get away. "I don't blame you. Standing there in prime position to watch all this 'panda move... Maybe the question should be 'when are you not hard?'"

"You're terrible, you know that--?"

"Don't go making a mess in your boxers, now."

"Stop!" I cried as best I could past my laughter. "Okay... maybe I've got a semi on."

"See? Knew it."

"Can you blame me?" That 'semi' called for another firm tug of my trousers. "Between all your thumping, and all this sexy 'panda in full motion, it's a damn wonder that I can even think straight."

"Tsk." He shook his head, thick orange and brown tail swaying heavily behind his view-filling form. "Barely a week since we last saw each other in person, and already you're undressing me with your eyes."

"Listen to yourself. Like I'm the only one." I pulled myself away for another look at the readout to my right. Still, the pounding rumble of my big 'panda's strides kept the blood flow firmly directly towards my crotch. "Still on course... Keep on going."

"Oh, I'm not planning on stopping..." Marek's eyes creased with that taunting, handsome smile, turquoise highlights to match his ear tips glistening under the lights. "Horny as you are, I'd--"

"Horny as you are, too--"

"Like I was saying," he gruffed in fake outrage, sucking down another big gulp of air before continuing. "Horny as you clearly are, I'd gladly smother you with my gut right here, right now... all over that holder, the panel... but, you did say not to break anything."

I huffed hard, tugging my shirt collar. That timid 'panda I had to convince to even come here had certainly changed his tune. For the better. "That'd be less breaking, more destroying."

"True... Even with the weight I've lost since the summer..." A firm slap added rippling to the swaying tide of his stomach, upping the seduction to even hotter heights. "I've still got plenty to throw about. Still carrying the heaviest of heavy artillery."

Gods... There was no way I could stop the grunting, wanting growl that seeped out from my tightly clenched muzzle. Marek's lovable smile compounded the arousal, homing in on the unashamedly full mast I was sporting. A quick fondle was a must. The delightful tingle that ran from my cock to the rest of me had me shuddering. A sharp gasp paved the way for panting.

But, as much as my focus was on thoughts of my big boyfriend flattening me, I couldn't leave his teasing without responding to say, "Still huge and heavy... but you know I'll love you and your work no matter what size you are."

"Aww," he cooed, beaming around his increasing exhaustion, tail swishing so wide now that it reached way beyond the treadmill's rails. "That's very sweet, little 'panda... Just for that, instead of a belly press... How about I tuck you in for a ride down the back of my shorts?"

"Fuck." I grasped the edge of the bottle holder with both paws, cock tensing so hard that the rest of me did, too. "I might... uh, it might get a little hard to coach you with all that 'panda in my face."

"I'm sure something would get a little hard... If it wasn't already."

"You're absolutely awful, you know that, right?"

"And_you_ absolutely love it."

My whole body warmed. The fondling at myself became full-on groping, thinking as I was about being squeezed against Marek's enormous fat butt, those orange-flanked, brown-furred, beach ball-like cheeks jiggling heavily, each one bigger and wider than I stood tall, with curves for days... More than thick enough for me to get lost between. A ride to end all rides.

"That got your attention," he quipped, washing me in yet more heat from his forceful breathing.

I should've expected this from my big 'panda after our week apart, alone in the whole centre as we were... Not that I wanted him to stop. "You know I love it."

Marek scoffed, breathing increasingly laboured. "Small little 'panda... smothered, overwhelmed... Forced to hump and grind... against all that butt."

"I... Mmf... I don't think 'forced' comes into it."

"_Something_sure comes into it."

"Oh my gods... You're definitely the horny one right now."

He started to laugh, but found himself cut off. A heavy, struggling gasp, joined by a stumble in his stride. We'd both got carried away. "Damn."

"Okay, okay." I tugged the crotch of my trousers loose from the rock hard tentpole beneath. "Don't give in, hon! Steady your breathing, mouth and nose, and push on through it."

"Right... Right."

Waddling, I scrambled to get a good glimpse of the treadmill's display. "Just one more lap to go. You can do it!"

Marek dug deep, followed my instruction and regained his composure. Still puffing, still weary, he defied what must've been a loud, convincing cry to 'stop' wailing over and over in his head. One foot after the other, he closed in on his goal, maintaining, then building his speed.

Gunning around the final curve, reaching the final straight pictured on the display, Marek opened up into a sprint, stomping down on the treadmill with enough force to start me hunkering down and clinging tight to the edge of the bottle holder. The shaking was more like quaking. Booming. As if affecting the whole room itself. Dramatic as it might sound, but from my view, beyond his heavy, rhythmic bouncing, I half expected to see the walls and the ceiling themselves begin cracking, crumbling and caving, giving out under the strain, powerless to resist the spectacular force of my very own huge, rumbling 'panda.

A triumphant beep screamed through the onslaught; the cue from the treadmill for Marek to slow, ease, then go limp. To stop those seismic strides and sag forward, catching himself by the rails before he wound up smothering me and the display for real.

"Great effort!" I called from the shadow of his overarching chest, flooded by the humid gusts of his tired panting. Creeping upwards, I caught sight of the final stats presented on the readout. "That's almost a minute off your personal best. Fantastic!"

"That's... cool."

"Well done." I couldn't resist throwing myself forward, reaching beyond the bottle holder to wrap my arms around as much of Marek's belly as I could, squeezing to it as tight as possible. Its comfortable warmth overtook then pulled me in, growing and receding with all that heavy grunting and tired puffing. "I'm proud of you."

"Aw-haw... Tha... Ugh..." He started to move, blanketing me with even more of his softness. My swaying tail brushed over his fingers as they gently curled around my back, butt and thighs, easing me with care into his pads and away from the holder that I'd been coaching from. "Thanks... little 'panda..." Up beyond his sprawling, heaving belly we moved, directly into the valley of his chest. "Couldn't do it... without you."

"Sure you could..." His big heart greeted me, racing, thumping away. The tight hug was heaven enough, but the gentle, affectionate nuzzling between my ears took me all the way there. "...But I'm happy to make it so you don't have to."

Run complete, we broke for a few minutes to allow Marek to cool down, recover and take on some fluids. Tough as it was not to be taken by the sheer scale of his stomach from my position, level with his navel atop the water dispenser, I did make the best effort possible to keep my professional hat on... But those staggering curves, sweeping wide paths up towards his imposingly broad, hill-like pecs... they made stopping my arousal from charging back to retake centre stage extra tough. I needed a distraction.

"So..." I waited a second, giving Marek space to gulp down some more water. "What are you thinking of tackling next?"

He lapped a few stray beads from his whiskers, tongue still half-lolling from our previous efforts. All the different equipment lying free and available gave him food for thought as he scanned the place. Enough to chew on to need more than a couple of passes.

"There's the rowing machine..." I posed, taking a look of my own, if only to pull myself from my 'panda. "We've got the bikes, or..."

"Strength training." A hard sigh brought his breathing back closer to normal. "That's what I'm thinking."

"Sure. Gonna hit the chest press?"

He shook his head. "I want to change it up today. Get on the good old fashioned barbell instead."

"Oh." I peered across the room to the barbell bench, surrounded by our more elaborate weight equipment. "Sure."

"That sound good to you?"

"Hey, it's your call. It's a similar workout, targeting the same muscles..." I looked back up at him, observing... admiring said muscles. Lurking beneath heaps of cuddly softness, his powerful pecs stretched towards a pair of broad, sturdy shoulders, angling down, barely narrowing on a path towards solid, brown forearms. Midway, there was no missing the star of the show. Enormous, orange-furred biceps, packed with enough solid muscle to leave them barely hidden beneath thick, rippling layers of bulk. They gave the sleeves of his t-shirt a workout of their very own as they strained to contain them. Truly, a rushball tackle's physique. "...and..."

Marek's head cocked. A knowing smirk grew, exposing his teeth. "And?"

"And... uh, I've gotta say, you probably know weight training just as well as I do... maybe better."

He followed me to the bicep I'd stopped to ogle at, giving a quick, shirt-stretching flex before treating me to a far sweeter smile. "Let's get to it, then."

Marek welcomed me into his paw, waiting until I took a seat atop his palmpad before tipping me into a recline against his stomach. Plenty of padding on offer to keep me comfortable on our way across the gym. In fact, more than plenty.

Each step he took through the maze of equipment, careful as he might've tried to be, still brought with it strong shifts of his bulk, pushing from beneath his shirt, pouring out over my shoulders, wrapping tight around my sides. To some, I could imagine it being unsettling. All that 'panda could've outmatched me in an instant, burying me deep below an avalanche of heat and fur, stopping for absolutely nothing... But for me, if I ever felt exposed or overwhelmed, all I had to do was peer up past the underside of Marek's happy muzzle, see the sweetness in those soft green eyes, and know that I was in the safest of hands. Overwhelmed? Heh. For every heavy shift of his considerable weight, I just sat back firmer, smiled, and let my 'panda wash over me, basking in the sensation. I loved him so much... I hoped he knew even a tenth of it--

"Having trouble down there?" he chided playfully, given away by the musical carry of his voice, and the delicate stroke of his fingerpad down my cheek, pressing me yet closer to him as we cut towards the weight benches. "There'll be plenty of time for cuddles at my place later, little 'panda. Promise."

"Are you gonna be okay here without a spotter?" I asked, resting on my elbows from my position atop his stomach, both watching and feeling him wriggle and shift into position beneath the barbell. "I... don't think I'll be much help if you drop all that."

"It's fine," Marek called, smiling past his chest at me. "I'll be careful."

"Be sure you are." A soft rub at his belly won me a firmer, affectionate crease of his eyes.

The solid thud of his paws to the grips of the bar above served as a reminder of the strength at his disposal. Inhaling deep, his sweetness faded, replaced instead by a cold, laser-like focus on the task at hand.

Clank. He jerked the bar clean off its rest support, easing it down to his chest. His muscles twitched and flexed, fingers tapping and finding position. With another deep breath, Marek began, extending his huge, burly arms and thrusting all that weight high above us both. The first of his reps.

One, two, three, four, quick, smooth, again, and again. Even with two of the larger plates stacked at either end of the bar. I hadn't expected... such speed with what must've been an awful lot of weight. I hadn't paid too much attention to what Marek had set up... Far too busy watching him from here on the bench, bent over as he had been, putting each and every sizeable asset firmly on display for me. Honestly, how could I not be distracted?

Either way, he looked to be lifting way more than most would have used for anything other than a few short bursts... and it was all so easy. Casual. He pumped and pumped with barely an effort, pecs and triceps flexing and rolling beneath his fat and fur, like a well-oiled machine. His form was fantastic... lifting technique, too.

I settled down on my stomach, sprawling across the peak of Marek's own, softly nosing and idly stroking at the gentle sway of his bulk. His light grunts were easily missable, but oh so attractive. I'd long lost count of how many lifts he'd made. "I never realised you rep as much as that looks to be. It's... impressive."

He paused for a moment, arms fully extended... rising like mighty orange and brown trees of muscle. It was nothing for him. So much so, I'm sure only one paw took the brunt of the weight as he practically tossed the barbell back onto its rest. "Impressive?"

"Yeah." I sank down even closer to his stomach, breathing him in, heart fluttering at the sensation of his softness all around me. "Real impressive."

He peered back to me again. His boyish charm was impossible to resist a smile at. "From what I can feel, I think there's a word other than 'impressive' that you'd like to use."

It took me a moment to make two plus two. A lift of Marek's brow helped me get there, starting me snickering. "Yes..." I squeezed two pawfuls of his stomach, grinding my hips, pressing my growing, throbbing arousal deep into his heft. "...Hot."

"Mhmm." He eased himself up to sit, holding me to the top of his trembling belly with one paw, showing off the bicep of the other. "I guess I can see where you're coming from..."

I'll admit, as much as I'd experienced and marvelled at my 'panda's build plenty of times before, something about this whole setting had me gasping in awe as he tensed and flexed his arm for me. All of that girth shifted and expanded, rippled beneath his fur, adding to the jaw-dropping display of his bicep bursting like a mountain from an already imposing, rolling orange hillside. Another flex, firmer, forcing his sleeve to retreat, piling yet more height onto that incredible peak. Gods... if his shirt hadn't admitted defeat, my big 'panda would've burst it at the seams with ease.

"So," Marek sang, full of warmth. "How does that look?"

"Fu... Shi... Dude... super hot." He snorted. My tail slapped against his paw with the same force that my arms grabbed and rubbed at his belly. "How much are you benching there exactly?"

"This? Just taking it easy for today. Pushing for cardio... one-ninety."




"One, nine, zero. One-ninety..." His brow furrowed. "What?"

"A good number of people would be happy with strength training at that kinda weight..." Composure and professional hats, be damned. My arousal exploded into an achingly full-blown erection, burrowing into the smallest expanse of my massive 'panda's might. A big, wanting buck of my hips offered the only relief. "And you're like... yeah, 'just for cardio'."

"Heh, well I have trained for a good few years now, but I suppose it is a fair amount when you think about it..." Marek paused, watching me squeeze and grind away, running something through that head of his, I just knew it.


He laughed under his breath, tail audibly sweeping the carpet beside the bench. "I mean, numbers are good, but if you wanted to put it another way, I'm lifting about, oh say... five of the single-deck buses we build for export to Polcia at our factory."

I stopped my own pumping, watching that devious smile stretch wider and wider. "Buses?"

"Fully loaded with passengers your size, of course." He shifted and adjusted, closing his eyes, ears perking. "Mmf... Imagine that. More than a couple hundred Maleni, easily. All dragged along on a diversion from their trips and commutes, just to help me tackle some cardio."

"Holy..." I shuddered so hard, like an icy cold had blasted through the room. My grinding kicked into high gear, feeling, and looking I'm sure, way more like full-on fucking. Grunting, groaning, I scrambled to hug and squeeze as much of my 'panda's belly into my possession as possible, wanting so much to claw through his shirt and bury myself directly into his thick brown fur and colossal gut... Not once, not on any workshift, had I ever imagined I'd be dry-humping my boyfriend in the middle of the gym like this.

"Hah." Marek tightened his paw, stroking over my whole body. "Who knew going out with an engineer could be this hot, huh?"

"I..." I slowed my thrusting, feeling just how warm and slick my crotch and thighs were getting. "I shouldn't be doing this here, though."

"I suppose." His ears flicked, half-splaying, before springing back up even higher than before. "But we are alone here, right?"


"And you are coaching me, yes?"

"...In a sense."

"So..." Here came Marek's shining, mischievous grin, tail swishing wide enough for it to sweep almost as high as me in his grasp. "Shall we see exactly how much I can lift? With your help, of course."

The heat in my pulsing, aching cock had me gasping, rushing out to spread all the way up to my flushing cheeks and eartips. I bit down on my lip, losing myself in Marek's half-lidded green eyes. My head had doubts, but my libido saw clearly that he made a very good, and very sexy point. "You're terrible... Let's do it."

Marek set me in the shade between his hulking thighs, hauling himself up from the bench to begin lugging some extra weights onto the barbell. All the while, I kicked back to drink in the view I had of his vast, curvy butt, accented well by the steady sway of his fluffy, tower-like tail. Of course, every now and again, I got a wonderful glimpse of that mighty belly, too, and of his hefty, brown paunch peeking from under his shirt. Every move my big 'panda made, small and large, hit the highest heights of erotic. It took all I had not to whip out my cock and start pumping away on my own workout.

As for Marek, he soon found himself repeating an impressive routine. For every increase in weight, he crashed back down to the bench, offering me a front row seat atop his belly to his demonstration of strength. Throughout the display, he told me all about how much he was lifting. Five Maleni-sized buses became six, then seven, increasing onwards and upwards with every plate he fitted to the increasingly packed barbell. If watching him bench one-ninety with ease was arousing, and it was, make no mistake, then the display he put on to lift these greater and greater weights had me shaking with pure lust.

We hit the three hundred mark. The six sizeable weight plates stacked on the bar were impressive enough, but Marek made sure to paint me a far grander picture. Eight buses, crammed with several hundred people my size. Enough to fill an entire office, and a large one to boot. Staggering, but still not enough to pose my 'panda any real resistance. But, what it did achieve, was to draw an even greater spectacle from his incredible body.

Every lowering of the barbell preceded another powerful lift, punctuated by a strong, dominant grunt that barked, 'I can't be stopped'. All that weight, more than a lot of Visoka could've hoped to lift even once, flew towards the ceiling yet again. Beneath, sprawling before Marek's delicate but determined smile, his huge pecs put in work, flexing and rising below the trembling twin peaks of his chest. Either side, those massive, burly arms did their part, huge orange triceps bulging to lift these ever-increasing weights. Yeah, his biceps might not have been getting much airtime, but gods damn it, my so-called 'professional hat' was well out of the picture by now. I was happy to settle down, relax, and watch and admire their absolute girth, centre in a display of awesome, unrivaled power. Forming one part of a mighty, moving landscape. A force of nature, all blanketed by a cuddly layer of warm, comforting softness that defined my big, beautiful 'panda... And he wasn't done yet.

"Four hundred." Marek gruffed, thumping onto the bench yet again. "We're getting heavy, now."

Eight enormous weight plates crowded the barbell, fighting for space. An imposing sight on the rest support above us. We had ourselves the more advanced, 'competitive' versions of weight equipment at our gym, but still, this was pushing towards the maximum load possible.

"But never mind the numbers," he said with a low, teasing growl. "We're past ten now. Ten whole buses, filled with five, six hundred passengers all trying to get someplace. Heh... maybe a concert hall. A huge crowd of people, helping my workout instead of seeing a show."

"You're a menace," I called back, giggling into his stomach. My humping had slowed, reduced to the occasional heavy grind and grunt, but only because doing any more might have had me finishing in my boxers right there and then. "Gods damn."

"And if buses of Maleni-sized folk are getting stale, we build trucks, too..." His big paws rose to the barbell, wrapping around and setting against the grips. "Articulated trucks."

Either my libido was starting to scramble my brain, or the words my 'panda was firing off were getting a little complicated. "...Wah?"

"I'm about to lift four trucks, little 'panda." He smirked. "Four trucks, with fully-loaded trailers, snatched right off the road in the middle of their deliveries and into my possession."

I pictured that in my head, playing out the scene. My giant 'panda's paws, thudding along a highway in Polcia, chasing down and heaving these massive machines from the road with frightening ease. The occasional grind of my crotch into his mountainous stomach... became a lot more than occasional.

"Thought that might get you going again," he sang, right before he tensed and trembled, grunting as he hauled the barbell off its rest. So much weight, all under his control, being nursed down steadily to my big 'panda's hill range of a chest. "And, a little closer to home... Heh, all this here is very nearly as heavy as I am, even with my extra padding... All in my grasp. All about to be moved."

Marek sucked in air, exhaled hard. Either side, those four massive weights flanked him, fighting to drive that barbell down even further than his sternum, with only his clenched paws there to resist them. The sight, and the story being told by my boyfriend were as impressive as they were alluring... but exactly how much weight he was dealing with began to hit home. "Be careful, hon."

"Always." He flashed me one last smile, throwing in a wink. "And you, too..."

Another grunt pierced the air. Below, the whole bench rocked, shook. The aftermath of my big 'panda going at it with full power, lifting all of that weight away from his torso.

I clung on tight amid the onslaught, bouncing with the forces being issued out. Amazed, aroused, but never not concerned. Even so, I had no reason to doubt him. Those two massive stacks of iron rose just like the rest, upwards and upwards, until Marek's huge, bulging arms extended to their maximum, putting the barbell firmly on display. No match for my mighty 'panda. Not even close.

"A truck stop in Polcia," Marek growled through his exertion, carrying an intensity that ran straight down my spine and into my throbbing, pre-drenched cock. "Just another name for..." he paused to take on air, easing the bar back down to his shifting chest. "...What I'd call my very own, personal weight set."

Just like before, Marek dug deep, driving all those trucks, buses and people back up high towards the ceiling, not once struggling as his brawn bulged hard beneath his equally substantial bulk. Right there, I honestly thought I had cum all over myself. But no, just another hard smattering of pre, drowning my crotch as that second lift became a third, then even further onwards.

Marek made it up to five solid, impressive reps, changing course on the final descent to settle the bar back on its rests with a clattering, echoing boom. The last of the fur-tinglingly devastating noises to rattle through the gym.

"Ah..." He dragged himself up to sit, rolling his shoulders, panting lightly, but smiling all the same. "That felt good."

"Looked good," I replied, rising with his paws towards his chest.

"Pleased to hear it." Into his embrace I went, held close and tight to the soothing beat of his pounding heart. "But I'd best stop now... I could go a little higher, four-twenty, four-forty, but it's probably not smart to bench around my maximum without someone here to spot me." He leaned down to nose between my ears. "Not that you're not a great workout partner, little 'panda."

"No problem." A happy grumble slipped out from my lips. Only a soft kiss at his chin could stop it. "Last thing I want is for you to hurt yourself." I freed my arm from his squeezing hold, stroking his muzzle and ruffling his whiskers. "That was so damn intense. Great to watch."

"Thanks," he sang, lifting me higher to plant a kiss to my cheek and snout, then to start nosing over my crotch. "I can tell that was a genuine comment, too."

I aimed to laugh, but only managed to find a strained squeak, wrapping my arms around and cuddling him as close as I could. "What can I say? I've got a weak spot for my big 'panda showing off." I felt his smile, and his heavy breathing on my tender shaft. "Not to mention talking about all that... hot stuff."

"Mhmm..." His bright eyes shifted, peering down past me. "Seems you're not the only one that enjoyed that talk."

I followed his lead, resting back in his grasping paws and peering down beyond his fingertips. That thick mound of white on black was unmissable; the ferocious bulge of Marek's own erection rising from between his gigantic thighs, straining those tight shorts, pressing at and peeking out from his considerable underbelly.

"Grrf..." Marek's growing grumble pulled me from the magnetism of his crotch. "I'm feeling that." His lip creased with another round of shoulder rolling. "Reckon this'll be a good place to call this session complete."

"No problem..." Now, where did I put that professional hat again? "You did, uh... some good work today."

"Uh, you don't sound so sure," he shot back, beaming along with his two-sizes-too dramatic scoff."

"Fine. It was great. And sexy."

"Better." His ears flicked. My tail, too. "I aim to please."

"Now that you did for sure."

"Heh." He glanced towards the far wall, finding the clock with an, "Oof. Almost six-thirty. Definitely time to get back home, shower and make ourselves some dinner."

"Dinner together sounds wonderful." I pulled myself up by his thick cheek-fur, kissing him right on his sweet chocolate stripe. "A shower, too."

Marek's ears perked to their highest, cheeks lifting, eyes creasing almost closed. "Do you mind if we grab a drink before we go, though?"

"Sure." I nosed at his fur. "Let's head to the staff room. We've got more than just water there."

"Sounds like a plan... This workout made me awfully thirsty..."

Safe and secure in Marek's paws, I guided him out from the gym and down the corridor to our break area. It wasn't a long walk, especially with a huge pair of legs to help, but I made the most of it, reaching up to stroke the soft, creamy neckfur of my giant 'panda. I didn't have much longer to wait to get back to his place. Of course, I loved visiting him, and adored the times when I could stay over for two, three, fours nights at a time or more, spending as much quality time together as possible. But after how this gym session had played out, and the intense effect it'd had on me and my... everything else, I was looking forward to spending time of the highest quality with Marek. Not long now, Sam... Not long at all.

"Oh my gods," he spat, barely two strides inside the staff room door. "Is that what you have to use here?"

"What?" I shifted in his grasp to turn and face forward, gazing down to search for whatever he'd pointed out. "Where?"

"There." He flicked his muzzle to our left, still stomping on over towards the kitchen area. "That table."

"Oh, that." Mystery solved. He'd found the old hardwood coffee table positioned at the centre of three tatty Visoka-sized armchairs. "What about it?"

"It's older than I am. More worn out, too."

I petted him under his chin. "You're better to look at as well."

"I should hope so!" His paw squeezed me closer. "I don't think you could fit many more chips and scrapes onto that thing."

"Well, like you, it's big, sturdy and it gets the job done."

Marek rocked with a hack of laughter, ruffling a finger over my headfur. "Touche, little 'panda."

"We_do_ have a new table in our supply room. In its box... as it has been for weeks. Management says it's a shame to throw this one out while it's still good."

"I guess." His thudding steps began to slap the tiling of our kitchen. "Though I'd argue 'good' is more generous than it deserves."

Marek helped me out of his paws, fingers forming a step down onto the countertop. We didn't have any Maleni-sized seats or facilities up here, but I wasn't above improvising. Seemed like one of my Visoka coworkers had forgotten to throw the box to their microwave meal away. That'd make for a makeshift seat at least.

"Here you go." Marek reached down, offering a glass between thumb and fingerpads. "Are you sure just water's okay?"

"I'm sure." I reached up to take it. "Besides, I don't wanna have to go hunting through the cupboards in our section for juice and stuff."

"I don't mind carrying you. It's only across the room."

"It's fine. I can get something nicer once we get back to your place anyhow. Thank you, though."

He shone bright, grabbing his own me-sized glass to pour himself some juice. "Hey, don't take this the wrong way, little 'panda..."


"When you're up on countertops like this... You're so cute."


"Yeah," he replied with a shrug. "Sitting on boxes and such... It's adorable."

"Cute_and_ adorable? I've been called worse, that's for sure."

"Heh." His ears flicked rapidly, a sweet, delicate smile giving away the blush I'm sure could be found beneath his cheek-fur. "It makes things like cooking with you extra special... I'm looking forward to it later."

"Me too, hon."

Marek set his glass down, muzzle creasing with a slight but unmissable edge. Affectionate, but menacing all the same. "It also helps when it comes to having some fun with you." He pulled his arms back, paws slipping beneath the shade of his thick, jutting underbelly. A few teeth came on display, taunting, right before his biceps tensed and a powerful growl rattled through the staff room.

All of that gut rose, shifting and hefting, looking more like a rising landmass than a part of my boyfriend. From my box seat, I had the perfect view of a teasing show of thick brown fur escaping from under his shirt, pouring and sagging out over his paws. Far too much for even the biggest 'panda to handle.

A single step forward sent a heavy ripple through it, casting an ever-growing shadow over an outrageous amount of the counter. Marek was so large, his belly extended as far as my seat beside him, almost halfway back on the worktop. "Ready?"

"Uh... sec!" I remembered my Normaliser at the last possible moment, plucking out the earpieces. If I was gonna watch this, I wanted to enjoy it at full, unrestricted volume.

"Incoming..." He pulled his arms away, leaving all of that soft 'panda pudge to come rocketing down from way over my head. Even more of himself pushed free of his shirt. It'd only add to the aftermath.

A slapping, thunderous boom struck my ears, joined by a blast of air, a shockwave, hitting me right where I sat. Everything shook. A quake-like tremor rolled through the whole counter, sending stacks of plates and containers of cutlery clattering, condiment shakers bouncing and falling. Even Marek's glass jumped, splashing juice out over the rim, forming a puddle that easily overtook and erased the water I lost from my own glass. Maleni or Visoka-sized, nothing was spared. All was at the mercy of my gigantic 'panda and his dense, wobbling paunch, sprawling as it now was. An erotic show of soft orange hips and chocolate brown belly, waiting to be hauled up and dropped to create yet another bomb-like impact.

"Oh, hon," I gasped, jumping from my seat, shamelessly shoving a paw straight down my trousers to ease the newly-returned ache in my rock-solid shaft. "You missed me."

"Sorry," he chuckled back, much louder and deeper in his gruff, natural un-Normalised voice. "I'll aim better next time."

I rushed past the tumbled salt shaker, jumped the puddle of juice, and practically dove straight into Marek's hip. "That was hot."

"Seeing you throw a paw on your cock in no time flat told me as much."

"Heh." Pushing his shirt up a little higher, I nuzzled deep into his fur, paws sinking to find the warmth of his skin below. "Can you blame me?"

"No." He squeezed me tighter with one paw, reaching over with the other to retrieve and offer the buds of my Normaliser. "Need help over to a seat?"

I took them from between his fingers, spreading my smile for him. "Please."

"Of course." His huge hug eased. Two fingers brushed my tail aside, nudging at the back of my legs, waiting for the moment to slip through, curl up, then rub deep into my crotch and stomach. Marek's most special of holds. "Let's go."

I was delighted to take a seat in one of the Maleni chairs on our old coffee table, even if it meant having to tear myself away from his expert fingers. See, from down here, I had myself the best view of Marek's massive butt, jiggling around like two beach balls fighting in a pair of shorts as he walked back to grab his juice.

Work staff room or not, I had no way of resisting against pulling out my cock and tugging away, all too aware of the tension and pressure building deep in my crotch. I'd been pushed so far by my big 'panda in the gym, but being presented with a perfect upward view of his tight white shorts clinging to every steep, arousing curve was pushing me closer to an unavoidable conclusion.

"Now..." Marek turned from the counter, hiding his fat rear... but revealing the bulging stiffness still very much present in his shorts. "Which of those seats there look good?"

"Take you pick," I called, sinking into my seat. "Just be careful. That's a whole lotta butt you'll be asking them to hold."

"Oh, really?" He started back towards me and the seating area. So busy I was watching his belly sway, and his grin grow, that I almost missed the fact he'd forgotten his drink. "Now, if you're suggesting that these big chairs will struggle... then what about these little ones up where you are?"

That took a couple of tries to process. The second run got my head tilting. "What?"

"If I'm gonna break something..." He stopped directly opposite, at the end of the coffee table I was sitting atop. "Then it may as well be these old things."

That time, I got his answer in one. "No."

"Yes." Marek put all of his back on display again. For the first time... ever, I think I was somewhere close to being unhappy to see it. Even more so when it started to grow. "After all, you claimed they were sturdy."

"Yeah, the table!"

"That's something at least." Hovering his plump rear, casting a wide, curvy sky, he brushed his thick tail aside. A wiggle of his hips came right before a snickered, singing cry of, "Better spread those arms wide, little 'panda."

Marek brought himself down with care. I knew that. He always did. But no matter how gentle he tried to be, that much 'panda being thrown around couldn't fail to create absolute carnage.

The air turned humid, hitting me a split second before the expanse of his butt. I got a faceful of white, darkening as I fell into the shadows. The pressure was incredible. No part of me could escape the sensation of a 'panda hundreds, thousands of times heavier than me parking just a fraction of that weight right atop my seat.

My head flew back. I winced with joy, giving out a strangled, gurgled groan of pleasure, muffled by the overwhelming softness enveloping me. Crack after crunch, my chair trembled and sank, no match at all for the impact of my building-sized boyfriend.

"Oh? Is that complaining I hear?" Marek rose just a touch, but soon settled back down with even greater force. "There I was thinking you were getting used to handling me."

The whole table trembled. Devastating snaps of crumpling wood rolled out from further beneath Marek. A muted chorus of destruction generated from the other chairs around me, not to mention the smaller coffee table between them... Safe to say my glass of water was no more. "...Guh."

"You can do better than 'guh', little 'panda." I heard the thudding slap of his paw to his rear. "Show me some love."

The rippling came on delay, smothering my face and my cock, heightening the pressure and the pleasure. I had no reason to disobey. No desire to, either. I reached out my arms as far as I could, grabbing, squeezing and rubbing as much as I could of his cheeks. Of course, buried almost directly in line with the base of his tail, just able to see its heavy sway, it was tough to reach much. His butt cleft fit me well.

"That's better," he called, grinding his hips. "Keep it up."

"Gods, you're so heavy." I nuzzled at his shorts, pressing my bare, drooling cock as deep and as hard against him as I could. "M-mmf."

"And still you make such a great seat." His massive butt started to rise, giving me light and air for just a second, before it all came tumbling down once more. The old table beneath us creaked and groaned. The smaller furniture atop it crackled and complained even louder. My own chair included, back snapping and legs bowing, barely left standing before he lifted to throw himself down all over again. A slow, steady, thundering lap dance, each drop adding to the chaos, drawing out slams, thuds and crashes that wouldn't have been out of place in a disaster movie.

I thrusted my hips as best I could with each sit, grinding myself into the wide canyon between Marek's cheeks. The experience was incredible, exhilarating, and downright hot as fuck. One that could only soar to even loftier heights with Marek whipping off his shirt, then sliding down his shorts, slowly, tauntingly freeing more and more of the brown fur at the centre of his enormous rear. With every huge sit, every teeth-chattering tremor, those hefty, all-consuming curves spilt and cascaded further over the waistband, dropping heavily into my waiting arms and all over my grateful cock and muzzle.

Forced down firmly, paws able to do nothing but cling to and sink into his fur and bulk, I had no intention of pulling back, even if that were possible.

Instead, as best I could under his awesome weight, I grabbed on tight and thrust my hips upwards, grinding against the darkest fur disappearing into the deep cavern between those massive bare cheeks. The roughness danced all over my sticky flesh, sending me shuddering from the electric tingle that came with it. My humping grew stronger, the sensation more addictive, peaking like a thunderstorm rolling through my crotch. I growled, biting down on myself, writhing in delight, pumping my excruciatingly thirsty shaft against Marek's soft fuzz and even softer, wobbling rear, basking in the smothering, all-consuming presence of my big, sexy mountain of a 'panda.

"Feels like you're having plenty of fun down there," he sang out loud, underscored by the strengthening panting that told me he was having the same. "Such a horny little thing."

I wasn't about to argue. Even if I was able to above all my grunting and gasping. I pushed as far away from my crying chair as possible, balls throbbing, blasting another smattering of pre all over myself and Marek, nosing deep into his warm, sweet 'panda-scented fur.

"I need to be careful up here," he rumbled, grinding to press me yet deeper into his bulk, forcing another brutal snap from the chair I needed less and less support from. "It'd be oh so easy to overwhelm you... and this old table, too." His chuckle vibrated through me, a wondrous experience to go along with my deep kissing and petting. "I think those other little chairs are already history, though."

Marek paused his bumping, plucking me from his butt and lifting away from the table. Sprawled out in my seat, huffing like I'd been on a long run, I caught a glimpse of the other furniture he'd been sitting on. To my surprise, they'd held up relatively well. Both the table and the chairs had crumbled, broken, but were still mostly standing, albeit mercilessly torn from the supports that once held them in place atop the larger coffee table. "Well... they're not completely crushed at least."

"Huh... Now that won't do at all." Marek shifted forward to get a look of his own. "If you're gonna do something, then you've got to do it right." He moved again, navigating his imposing rear a small ways from me in my seat, casting those ruined seats and the useless table in a deep, ominous shadow. "Don't you agree, little 'panda?"

I didn't get the chance to reply. He'd barely finished talking before letting himself drop, slamming that monstrously wide butt hard atop the table, chairs, everything.

They disappeared in a flash. Hopeless to resist. Their helpless cries barely escaped his descent, the sounds of wood shattering silenced by the apocalyptic boom of Marek's heft hitting and spreading the full width of the table supporting us.

I clung to my own chair, finding myself at the epicentre of what felt like a quake hitting the gym itself. Even the Visoka-sized table struggled to cope with my big 'panda, screaming, crackling, sinking even, as it too started to bow and cave.

"There." His tail flicked, rising along with the rest of him. "That ought to do it."

Marek revealed the damage... so much damage, as well as his brown-furred wrecking balls, bouncing with how hard his pawing at himself had gotten. I couldn't look away, be it from his thick cock, heavy balls, or immense cheeks, smeared with what remained of our Maleni-sized furniture. He'd utterly destroyed it. Turned everything into little more than shards of wood and dust, stuck to and falling from his butt, skittering around the harsh, splintering cracks now scarring the Visoka-sized table itself. Not even this thick slab of hardwood was a match for Marek's hulking size and power.

"Never stood a chance," he posed, growling and assertive, bringing back a paw to brush the rest of the carnage from his fur. "I wonder what would've happened if I'd put all my weight into it."

"Gods damn." I trembled in my seat, grabbing one collapsing arm with one paw and my pounding cock with the other. "This is unreal."

"Aww, so soon?" He snorted, smirking past his own pawing. "You don't look to have long left down there, little 'panda."

"So soon? I... I've been going at you... since you were pumping all that weight."

"Fair..." Back came his butt, moving to blot out the rest of his handsomeness. "Let me show you some real weight."

Marek dropped those twin meteors of a rear, parting the air, but showing far more restraint than he'd offered to the ruins around me. I was buried, pinned, helping to buckle the legs of my chair, but still free enough to buck, hump, hug and kiss at him with an ever-growing lust, libido hitting overdrive as that deep, irresistible pressure built and built in my crotch. I had to go to town on him. Turned out my 'panda had just the same thought...

"All those things I was talking about lifting earlier," he called, rocking his beautiful fat cheeks back and forth, driving more and more of my muzzle, hips and shaft between them. "You know, I'd have absolutely no problem crushing them, too."

The harder I fucked, the further I pressed, the more his words were muffled by his bulk shifting and pouring all around me. Whether he'd hear me or not was a thought far down the list of those crossing my mind. "I don't think there's much that'd stand up to you, hon."

"Those cars we export to Polcia... those I could do one, two at a time, easy." His taunting matched the beat of his bumping, bouncing and smothering me in a thick sea of 'panda butt. "Get the whole of them crushed nicely to my cheeks... feel all that metal buckling and collapsing... yet more victims, just like everything else I drop myself atop."

"Fuck..." I pulled my muzzle free, painful with the size of my greedy, gleeful beaming. Above, I had his tailbase sheltering me, a blanket of waving brown and orange. "You're such a... fuck."

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment." Back he thrusted, driving my muzzle deeper into the fuzzy cleft between his gigantic brown cheeks. Deep beneath it, I could feel those massive muscles clenching, shifting, sending out heavy, jiggling currents to pound me with a tiny measure of the force they'd be capable of. "You're not too bad yourself."

I fought to put my own work in, but damn it if all I could do was hold on tight and let him have his way with me. Now, it was less me grinding on Marek, and more Marek grinding on me.

"All those cars... their poor owners watching on from their little homes. Heh, they'd soon be fleeing once they realised those two-storey houses... Well, if they stop around level with my butt, I can't be blamed for wanting to use them as a seat, too. And I _definitely_can't be blamed for enjoying the way they slowly crumble underneath me."

The picture he painted, the sheer force and impact of his rolling, bumping hips; it all forced the loudest, most strangled growl of delight yet. There was no let up. No pause. Just bump after thrust after devastating slam of his rear. My ears perked up high to the crashing and thudding, desperate for the continuation of Marek's intoxicating tale.

"It wouldn't take long. A matter of seconds for most of that house to flatten beneath me, and a second or two more for the rest of it to rattle and tumble into ruin. Too easy. And too bad for their neighbours... I'd have no choice but to heave myself back up again, stomp on over, and do it all again..."

He thumped down hard, shaking the table.

"And again."

Another heavy slam, backing up and adding yet more weight atop me, sending the biggest electric storm yet through my frenzied cock and crotch.

"_And_then again, until that whole street, then that whole neighbourhood had been reduced to little more than tens, hundreds of muddy, rubble-strewn prints left behind by my big butt and balls. All lining roads filled with cars crushed way deep into equally huge dents in the ground... That's not to mention the buses left looking like squashed tubes of toothpaste, abandoned by all those little folk rushing to get away from such a massive, unstoppable 'panda... And I'd have you along to enjoy the whole ride with me."

I groaned out loud, strangled by the mind-blowing forces my 'panda had churned within me. With two snatching, greedy pawfuls, I squeezed his destructive rear with all my strength, shuddering, shaking, bucking between the cheeks that'd just so ruthlessly decimated an entire imaginary neighbourhood. My gasping growl was one of pain, even in the absence of it, partnering an orgasm so huge, so fucking intense, that I'm sure I'd sent my lust into every crevice and coated every strand of fur. Even that of a 'panda as huge as mine.

Again and again I fired off cannon-like loads of heat, trembling, weakening with each release, adding to my own aftermath, wondering if I'd ever stop. My gods, the things my Marek does to me...

After six solid, crotch-tingling shots, the seat beneath me finally gave out completely. The breaking of wood had no chance of interrupting me from clinging, nosing and smooching at my 'panda's colossal butt. "Holy fucking gods, that was so hot." I trembled again, sucking down as much air as I could. "So fucking hot, hon..."

"Heh. I'm glad to hear it, and feel it, too." I could hear the grin he'd said that with. The blasting of air at my back told me all about how hard his tail was swaying. "But... I'm not finished yet, little 'panda."

Marek lifted himself, dragging me from the mess he'd turned my seat into. In turn, he sent down a paw to peel and gather me from the mess that I'd created on and in between those cheeks. I still couldn't think straight, lost in the haze that marked the start of an afterglow to rival the intensity of my climax.

"Now then..." He curved his paw around the gentle orange of his hip, lowering me past that steep brown hillside of a belly. His big, throbbing shaft lied in wait, slick with his own arousal. "Be a sweetheart, won't you?"

No need to ask me twice. And no need to squeeze me too hard into the heat beneath his fuzzy belly apron. One paw lowered me face down atop his slick, body-wide shaft, the other scritching at my side before the force of his gut grew enough to hold me firmly in place, blanketing me, pulling me into all that magical furry bulk. The perfect setting in which to get to work. I stretched and wrapped my arms almost the whole way around him, clinging tight, stroking, licking and sucking away at the most sensitive of his flesh, leaving him completely at my mercy.

"A-ahh," Marek blurted. As straight as he tried to play his tale of sexual devastation, he couldn't hide his delight. "N-Now... with that neighbourhood flattened... It'd be way past time for us to move onto some bigger targets..." Every well-placed move of my paws and tongue had him rocking and trembling, coating my muzzle in fresh jets of sticky pre. The table moaned away beneath us, but it couldn't outdo those splitting the words of my big 'panda. "Downtown... That'd do nicely."

"Good choice," I grunted back, forced tighter to his shaft with a weighty roll of his massive belly. "Imagine all the fun you could have there."

"_We_could have." I put my claws to work, goading even harsher tremors from his enormous frame. "You'd be right there with me, riding along, watching me squeeze between those Maleni-sized office blocks and apartment buildings. Unf... how amazing it'd feel to have their facades crumble and break with a swing of my hips." He spread out his arms. "Then..." Threw them into sides. His stomach sloshed hard, rumbling as the sheer force of those slaps echoed through the staff room. "...One big thrust of my gut would finish them off perfectly. Cracking, bending, then tumbling down into clouds of smoke and rubble, adding to the mayhem unfolding at the feet of your big, building-breaking boyfriend."

If Marek was getting himself off with this kinda talk, my gods, he was doing a fine job of keeping me on a high, too. That familiar spark of excitement hadn't wandered too far away.

"It'd take me minutes at best to carve a path through that city... on to a place where we could really have some fun together." Gush after strengthening gush of 'panda-scented pre caused carnage of its own down under his belly. Not a strand of fur on either his body or mine survived untouched. As hard as he was working, I just had to put in overtime, grinding my hips over him with the force to match my tongue and paws. "Visit those trucks we build, all gathered at a depot... Parked up, perfectly positioned, as if asking me to test them with myself."

I closed my eyes, able to see in perfect colour the image of my gigantic 'panda leaving that broken, smoldering city centre behind him, rumbling through those narrow streets to the trucks trembling helplessly on their axles. "Those people would be coming back to find one hell of a scene left behind."

"Got that right." Gravity shifted. Marek had begun to raise those wide hips of his, casting the coffee table in a shadow to match this truck depot. "Their fault for building things without taking us Visoka-size 'pandas into account, and for leaving those trucks just begging me to slam myself down on them."

He dropped himself with force, gut, thighs and everything else rolling and rippling from the biggest impact yet. The intensity of the crashing it issued out, like a building really had tumbled, had me doubting whether I'd remembered to put my Normaliser back in. Gods, how fucking massive would it've been without it!?

"The whole middle of its trailer just gone, almost turned into foil, way down deep in the dent my big butt drove into the asphalt. Either end of it broken and buckled, looking like gravity had tried to pull it into my print along with the rest." Marek rose again, repeated the feat, leaving me grasping his cock tight as he announced, "A second sit. That'd be enough to finish the truck cab off. Leave it looking like greasy smear with how fucking easy it flattened beneath me."

"Jeez." I gasped for air, battling the heat and humidity, the strength of his nose-tingling scent, and the mind-melting effect of my 'panda's story.

"Once I'd done that again, and again, and again, left not a single truck standing, well..." Marek hauled his huge self up again, rising beyond where he'd stopped before, then further onwards. "No trucks, no need for the depot any more..." His paw parted his heavy underbelly from his pounding cock, gathering me up while his other took over my pleasuring duties. I wouldn't move too far. Only into a close, intimate hug against his bare belly fur. "No other option than for me to crash on over, set my feet, and throw my whole body right on top of the building... smashing down belly-first, absolutely obliterating anything and everything caught underneath me. Whatever's left standing, outer walls and stuff, they'd crumble and tumble to the ground from the impact alone... Just like this."

He tipped forward. Planted even more of himself all over me. His softness swallowed up my frontside, holding me just as tight as the pads at my back. I barely had a moment to bask in that newfound closeness. Busy instead defying gravity as the whole of us, both me and Marek, rocketed upwards.

A red panda as big as mine was no exception to the rule that whatever goes up, must come down. And when a 'panda as big as my Marek comes down... it's an event not to be missed.

His bulk shifted with our descent. Muscles clenched. Time paused. I tensed up, gripping him as hard as he did me. My ears perked and my body trembled to the musical tones of splitting, snapping, falling wood. It barely had an effect on Marek, only to draw a harsh, throaty growl that rolled right through him. A menacing, dominating roar that barely had airtime before a thunderous, cataclysmic thoom shook me, him, and I swear to every god above us, the entire damn leisure centre.

From my deep, quaking bed of 'panda, I caught just a small picture of his impact beyond his sprawling gut. What broken shards of table escaped his butt raced outwards, carried by the shockwave to form an upward hail of hardwood. The devastation rolled on, forcing even the full-sized armchairs around us to hop and tremble from the sheer size of the shockwave. Beyond, not even the contents of the kitchen countertop were safe, clattering and rattling. Hell, even the shelves above it fell victim, with huge, fully-filled bottles of juice dancing to my massive 'panda's rumbling tune. Next to them, the empty glasses simply couldn't stand up to the force Marek that smashed to the ground with, bouncing so hard that a couple cleared the shelf completely, shattering violently all over the countertop with a crash that only added to this destructive soundtrack. Urf... if he really showed his power, not even furniture and houseware made for Visoka could stand up to my big 'panda.

The chorus of chaos around us gave way to the wicked thud of Marek falling onto his back. He groaned hard, mouth wide. His hips spasmed, adding to the trembling, a precursor to the immense volcanic eruption that was his climax.

Rope after massive rope of hot white blasted up from fast-pumping paw, smashing into his wobbling underbelly and beyond, reaching the peak covered by the thickest fur at his navel.

The paw around me lifted, exposing me to his lust. As his fur thickened and matted, so did mine, adding and adding to the hot, musky fallout. A fallout so fierce, so incredible, that it left me no choice but to stroke my tender self all over again, pushing me on and on until I burst out into a body-rocking secondary eruption of my own.

The shaking, stroking and rumbling eventually subsided, leaving a calm silence as I panted softly along with my 'panda. Gentle pets over his messy fur won the same in return, until Marek's huge paws came to claim me completely. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I smiled, patting him on the nose once close enough. "Your belly cushioned the fall."

"Good," he replied with creasing cheeks, easing me with the utmost care into his cream-coloured chestruff. "Uh... I think we might have gotten a little carried away here. What a mess."

"A little... Maybe." Facing the ceiling, I drew in a slow, deep breath, picking up all the sweet, strong scents dancing through the thickened air. "Gods... I hope for Polcia's sake you're never asked to go visit."

"Hah. Now, you know I'd be on my very best behaviour if I ever got authorised to go for real." He scritched a blunt claw over my belly. "See, sitting on our customers' property really isn't good for business... And besides, imagine how long it'd take to clean all that dirt and debris out of my fur. I'd go through so much shampoo..."

I grinned along with him, reaching up to rub at his chin. "Hon?"


"That was amazing."

"Right back at you." His finger moved from my stomach, nursing and stroking my cheek and muzzle.

"Damn sure I'm gonna think about that last drop of yours the next time I... have some time along back at home."

Marek snickered, turquoise ear tips lifting up high while he licked gently at mine. "More than happy for you to think of me in your hour of horny need."

"How can I not?" I spread my arms and legs, tail sweeping lazily through his chest fur. Any part of me was his to explore. "There's no shortage of you to think of."

We lied there for... a while. Settled and comfortable, like we were curled up in bed, not flat out on the floor of my work's staff room. No matter. As ever, we were completely alone, and I had zero interest in bringing our shared strokes and affections to an end any time soon.

"Hey," Marek cooed, guiding his delicate, accurate claw from my neck to my muzzle tip. "I'm so glad you're getting more confident with our sizeplay. Didn't even need to use the safeword this time."

"Me too." I shuddered as his claw left my chin, drinking in his handsome, full-cheeked smile. "Even with all your... you piled on top of me, crashing about and all, I feel... safe. Always."

"You're never not." I could hear his huge tail slapping over the carpet. "But I'm happy to hear it."

As if to demonstrate that for me, he settled two soft yet strong fingers over my chest and stomach, holding me in place as he pushed himself up to sit. From this new vantage, I peered around with him, observing the arcing waves of bent and broken wood scattered each side of his bare rear.

"Hmm..." He peered down at me, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. "Do you think smashing this old table counts towards those 'damages' you were worried about?"

"Probably... Same as those glasses your huge self shook off the shelf." I turned, pressing my chest to his. "But I guess it's an excuse to put that new one together now."

"A positive spin." His nose bumped and nuzzled at my ears. Another sweet, slow lick followed. "I like it."

"It should work out well, actually... I'll just say we were gonna start it tomorrow, so we threw this old one out." I grabbed his muzzle, playing with his big whiskers while I shared a quick kiss between his lips. "I'll leave out the part where you drove your big, sexy butt through it."

"Sounds like a plan." He snickered away, shifting me over until I was cradled between his belly and forearm. Held with a care and delicateness that belied all that strength he'd displayed in the gym, and all that weight and power right here. At that moment, Marek was my whole world, and how lucky was I to be able to experience it. What's more, from the shine of his smile and the glint in those pretty green eyes, I just knew he felt the same.

"I'll see about dumping all this mess outside," he said, lifting me back to his chest and dipping his muzzle. "As long as you promise me one thing?"

"Anything." I scooted closer, arms wide to accept and squeeze at my big, strong, soft 'panda.

"That we have ourselves another workout at my place tonight... Maybe without destroying my furniture."

"Sure thing." I licked his nose. "I'm missing having you on top of me already."

"Oh?" He licked the rest of me in return. "Don't go pushing me on too much, now... Else I might start dropping myself so hard that we pay my downstairs neighbours a flying visit. All of them."

"Don't go making promises you can't keep, big 'panda..." I grasped around for a line to finish my taunting... but failed to find anything but Marek, hovering, watching. My mouth opened, ready to declare my love for him, only to be cut off... No matter. The deep, tender kiss that he shared, we shared, touched deeper than mere words ever could.

Gameface: Part 4 (Final)

_ **Part 4** _ I decided to skip our usual post-match ritual long before the final whistle. Usually, I'd have been only too happy to help celebrate a win at the pub with my teammates, especially against a team flying high in the league. Not that day....

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Gameface: Part 3

_ **Part 3** _ We broke. Everything that needed to be said, had been. Fifteen of us went our own ways, jogging into our starting positions. The five waiting in reserve joined Coach and Tomas on the bench, Damian included. Our referee for the day, a...

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Gameface: Part 2

_ **Part 2** _ Sunday morning. Gameday. Biting cold, with blue skies. The heavy rain we'd had since Thursday had finally moved on, but not without leaving a calling card by way of drenched, muddy parkland. Even the gravel paths were more slick than...

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