Isabelle's Perfect Morning (An Animal Crossing Jeeves Prompt, Posted with Permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#24 of Smut

Isabelle has a huge cock. She likes to suck it. An Animal Crossing-themed prompt, penned by Jeeves, posted with his blessings.

  • So, since Animal Crossing is back in the public sphere, I figured why not send Jeeves an Animal Crossing themed prompt? So have Isabelle enjoying her hyper cock, in a wonderfully sex-driven little village. Good times are had by all. So, as is the standard, Jeeves wrote this as a Pateron reward for me, and granted me his blessings to publish it here. Remember to follow his SoFurry or FurAffinity accounts, and donate to his Patreon, if you can. Anyways, off we go.

Isabelle's Perfect Morning

"Good... ah! Good mnhh... morning, everyone. It's eight AM on Wednesday, May the sixth, and... o- oohh..., and it's a beautiful day here on our wonderful island home. Today we have a visitor at our campsite, so feel free t-to... oh, y-yes... to drop by and say hello. Also, t-there... h-hhahh... there have been reports of... o-oh god... oh! Reports of... f-fuck... oh, d-dear, apologies for my... mmhhh... my bad language, I... I just... oh. Oh, dammit. Ohh god, fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I... I'm gonna... t-this is Isabelle, s-signing... signing o-ohh... ohhhhhhyes! Yes!! F-fucking god, I'm cumming!!"

Isabelle barely had time to back away from the microphone on her desk before the first fountain of her cum sprayed out of her throbbing two foot cock and splattered the ceiling of resident services. The golden furred shih-tzu's toes curled and her head tilted back just in time for the first torrent of her cum to rain back down all over her, not to mention the floor surrounding her and the desk she had thankfully gotten into the habit of keeping as clean and free from objects liable to liquid damage as possible. Her paws pumped and rubbed at her thick, straining shaft as she howled and grunted in bliss, more and more thick, creamy spurts of cum launching up into the air and splashing back down again all over and around her naked body.

It took more than a minute before Isabelle's body settled. More than a minute before she could bring herself to stop stroking her cock urgently enough to keep her orgasm going. Even as it trained off though, there was no regret in the dog's eyes. No diminishing of the lust etched onto her features as her fingers continued to caress and manipulate the length of her straining, colossal erection. She giggled and huffed in satisfaction, however temporary, and pulled her still rock hard cock closer to her body as her somewhat weakened legs gently scooted her seat closer to the sticky desk before which she was seated. Holding her erection between her ample breasts, Isabelle gave a ragged, breathless sigh of joy as with her free hand she pulled open one of the desk's drawers, pulled a Nook Inc branded beach towel out and began to dab the puddles of cum off the desk's top itself. As she did so, she bowed her head towards where the tip of her still drooling, dribbling erection was poking out from between her breasts, and idly wrapped her lips around it for a few moments before turning her gaze upward a little more, across her desk to the one resting opposite her own.

"Mmh... d-did I... miss anything out in the announcement, boss?"

Isabelle murmured between slurps and playful kisses to her own cock, smiling warmly at the crimson cheeked, wide eyed face of Tom Nook who just as on each and every morning since Isabelle had moved to the island was sitting bolt upright in his chair, trembling with bashful awe and glistening across his face with fewer, but still abundant streaks of his resident manager's overflow.

"N-nn... no..."

The tanuki groaned, one hand resting on his cum-splattered paperwork while the other remained conspicuously absent, hidden beneath the desk from where a gentle 'fap-fap-fapping' sound could be heard.

"...e-everything's perfect. You're... p-perfect, Isabelle. Yes yes."

Isabelle giggled, beamed, and nodded gratefully to her boss.

"Thank you so much! Well, I'm gonna take my first break now, okay?"

She smiled warmly as Tom nodded frantically, and no sooner had she risen from her seat, reluctantly removing her muzzle and breasts from their proximity to her cock for the time being, she heard a desperate grunt escape the male seated across from her. She was barely at the rear door to the resident services building when she heard Tom let loose a strangled yelp, and had she turned around just as she was heading outside to the beautiful island, she knew that she would have seen the tanuki shuddering and writhing as he either painted the underside of his desk or the inside of his trousers with the rich ribbons of his own orgasmic load.

Giggling as her bare, cum-streaked body was bathed by the morning sun, Isabelle relished the feeling of grass between her toes as she padded out onto the island itself. Stretching off along several pathways she could see almost a dozen houses spread out, each with their own little fenced off garden though all welcoming to any visitors who might have been wandering past. She however walked with her two foot cock bobbing in front of her around the front of the resident services building and across the plaza towards the beach. Her hands never stopped roaming her cock as she walked, and thick dribbles of pre-cum painted the brickwork of the plaza floor as the several figures standing around whispering together froze at the sight of her.


Isabelle beamed at them, giggling as she watched Renee's legs squeeze together, Bam hold his soccer ball suddenly and abruptly in front of his crotch, and Raymond just openly stared at her bare cock and breasts. She strolled past without a care in the world, and before long found herself on the beach where gentle waves and the rustling of coconut tree leaves provided the perfect, peaceful backdrop as she flopped down onto a lounger that one of the residents had set up, and bent her knees to better guide the angle of her cock back between her breasts, and into her giggling, moaning muzzle.

Her first break of the day was supposed to be fifteen minutes long, but needless to say Tom hadn't complained about her taking longer ones at any point in the last couple of weeks, so as Isabelle slipped the first four or five inches of her cock into her mouth and began to suckle hungrily, she was in no rush. She held her hands either side of her breasts and used them to rub her cock's throbbing shaft with the soft, considerable curves of her chest. Her fingers just barely crept up to the peaks of her nipples, but tweaked them with their very tips for an extra dimension to her pleasure. The lounger creaked slightly as her hips twitched and bucked, fucking an extra couple of inches into her maw and rubbing at the back of her throat with the tip of her cock, but Isabelle was a pro when it came to her own erection. She didn't gag, in fact she revelled in the sensation, and soon leg go of her breasts so she could reach down and wrap her hands around the undersides of her knees, holding her lower body in place so that she remained permanently deep-throating the tip of her cock as she suckled and gurgled and felt the muscles of her throat itself contracting around that thick, oozing tip.

Her first orgasm, at least the first since she'd settled upon the beach, poured not only down her throat but out of the sides of her muzzle as she howled and gurgled and tried to gulp down every drop, but found simply too much for even her talented maw to handle. This time however she didn't hold back, she didn't slow her ministrations in the slightest, and within thirty seconds the shih-tzu howled yet again, releasing her erection's tip and spraying herself full force in the face as with her first orgasm barely beginning to fade away a second wracked every inch of her naked, trembling body.

For several minutes she continued to pump herself, spurting hot ribbons of cum over her head and far beyond the lounger's limits across the beach, and it was only when Isabelle heard a moan from a source other than her very own muzzle that she stopped stroking herself feverishly to the point where she could actually focus on anything else besides the rapture of her limitless, potent releases. Pulling herself upright, legs dangling over the sides of the lounger and her arms drawing her cock up between her breasts once again, Isabelle turned her head towards the source of the groaning, and giggled at the sight which awaited her. Her cum had shot even further than normal on at least a few occasions, passing the beach's golden sands entirely and rising up onto the grassy verge between the beach and the plaza. There, clearly having either been walking by or perhaps just observing Isabelle as she went to town on herself, two figures were rolling around upon the grass peeling one another's cum soaked clothes off, already yelping, wailing and fucking feverishly before their bodies could be fully bared to one another.

Through the creamy white cum, Isabelle saw Freya howling and shrieking as she sat up on her haunches and began to bounce hurriedly, greedily upon Beau's long, slender cock. She watched as the wolf finally tore off her shirt and helped Beau drag his open t-shirt up and over his antlers before finally lunging forward, her bouncing growing even more wild and her screams louder still right up until their muzzles locked together in a frenzied kiss. Beaming, always delighted to have a show put on for her rather than being the show for a captive audience, Isabelle pulled herself up to her feet and strolled over to where they were humping and writhing and rolling around together. Both Beau and Freya seemed to be taking turns to see who could fuck the other harder and faster as half the time they kissed, and the other half they stared wide eyed at the approaching sex goddess of a shih-tzu. Once she flopped down beside a nearby tree however, and casually took her cock back into her muzzle as she watched them going at it, the entwined, sticky pair wriggled and rolled and crawled their way closer to her.

Soon they were lying by her feet, yelping, bellowing, groaning as they watched that vast cock throb and Isabelle's delicate fingers return to squeeze her breasts around her shaft once again. By that point, other villagers had begun to gather around. More clothes fell away as muzzles pressed hungrily to pussies and cocks slipped into various eager, hungrily exposed holes. Isabelle groaned happily. Her eyes rolled back, and cum began to drip from the corners of her muzzle once more as she stared through glassy eyes at the beginnings of a full on orgy between each and every one of the island's inhabitants. Even Tom couldn't resist any longer, standing a little way off but with his already sticky shorts now in a puddle around his ankles and one hand pumping his swollen cock while the other groped his substantial, swollen balls. Isabelle's tail thumped against the base of the tree behind her, her toes wriggled in bliss once again, and she felt yet more cum surging out against the roof of her muzzle as she heard a voice moan from somewhere in the swelling, ever more wild and mindless orgy bursting into being all around her.

"S-soak us..."

It begged, followed by another, softer but no less desperate voice just a few moments later.

"God, yes. O-ohh... Isabelle... please. Cum on me."

She squeezed her cock more firmly between her heaving breasts, and gurgled blissfully, yet more cum spilling out of the corners of her muzzle as her exclamation broke the seal of her lips. She felt hands caressing her legs and looked down to see several of the clusters of entwined, fucking bodies around her with one or both partners stretched out so they could touch her, reverently fondle her as they lost themselves to their own pleasure. She watched a bold set of pale blue furred fingers dab at a spot of cum that fell from her chin and landed upon one of her thighs, then hurriedly stuff themselves into their owners panting, giggling muzzle.

The shih-tzu giggled back, and pulled her muzzle away from her cock at last with a lustful groan of acknowledgement, of benevolent adoration to her fellow islanders.

When Tom had first offered her this job, she'd been a little nervous about whether she'd fit in. About whether the island lifestyle and the lack of privacy it offered would suit her, especially given her needs. But now, as she kept on stroking her cock and began to angle it away from her breasts, sending hot ribbons of cum dancing out into the clear morning air before they splattered down all over the writhing, giddily wailing bodies around her, Isabelle knew that she had nothing to fear.

This island wasn't just the home that she'd always wanted. It was heaven, not just for herself, but for all the other horny, shamelessly lewd islanders who shared it with her and her vast cock. And today, though she had said as much barely half an hour ago, it wasn't just a good morning. It wasn't even a perfect morning, if she was honest with herself.

It was another perfect day, though just a handful of hours old with many, many more glorious, pleasure-stricken hours yet to come.

Another perfect day in Isabelle's glorious, cum-soaked paradise.

By Jeeves

Good Morning

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