Flattery and Faltering

Story by SnubbyNotSorry on SoFurry

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Final wordcount : 1706.

So... I recently stumbled upon DevoidDarcy's gallery, and I sort of really like her snake... to the point I was inspired to write this gift story, featuring Flint (at https://twitter.com/SnkCharmerFlint) ! It is mostly based on https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34787614 ! Honestly, go give Darcy a watch, preferably on her Twitter at https://twitter.com/Devoid_Darcy , she's such a neat artist already... (that's the last link I promise)

Been meaning to write more hypnosis, so this was the perfect chance... No one still reading, right ? Gosh I want to kiss the snake...

The sun was high in the sky ; Darcy knew there still was plenty of time for her hunt. Concealed in a large tree's branches, she waited, watching the path along the river, sure someone would eventually go through there The carefree passers-by on the promenade were all the more fun to snatch.

That being said, "hunt" was maybe not the correct term for Darcy's search. Maybe. Truth be told, she did not yet know what she wanted to do with whoever she would eventually catch. All she knew for sure is that she wanted someone to be in her coils, whether they liked it or not... and she knew they would like it. She had ways, delightfully cunning ways.

The unusual snake had picked her feral form for this task, offering her both better concealment and enough coils to bind about anyone she set her sight on. The purple of her scales was not good for hiding between leaves, but her back was covered with black fur, ideal for blending in with the shadows. With her bright belly powerfully curled around the branches, she only presented her dark hair, rendering her perfectly undetectable, save for a purple eye patiently scanning the surroundings. Occasionally, an equally purple tongue could be seen for just a flash, checking for a potential catch.

And then she saw him. It was a him, she knew the second she picked up his scent, her sense of smell quite acute. Some sort of lizard, it seemed. Of course, he was perfectly unaware of her presence, in fact probably thinking there was no one around for miles, casually strolling along the river's bank and eventually stopping to dip his feet into the cool water. Probably weary after a long walk. Good. Good...

Silently, the serpent moved to a tree near the spot her target had stopped at, and slinked closer behind him, keeping her presence a secret for the time being. She wanted a good look at her victim before moving on to the fun part. She observed carefully, but could not clearly put a name on his species, although he seemed to be a skink. His scales were a pleasant black, or maybe a very dark grey, with a light clay underside. As Darcy got closer, she also noted his eyes were the centers of red markings, pretty stains she was sure to get acquainted with soon enough. Already the prospect of it made the corners of her mouth stretch into a mischievous grin, and having gotten close enough for her liking, she did not try to stifle a hiss.

At the unexpected sound coming from right behind him, the skink quickly got up and spun around, brought to lift his head to see what exactly was the source of the sound ; just what Darcy needed for him to come face to face with his silent observer, his eyes immediately focusing on the centre of the purple spiral he was presented.

-- Oh hello you, the snake hissed wickedly as her hood flapped open. It's all right, don't be afraid to s~s~stare. It's only natural, the only thing for you to do~

The skink tried to produce an answer, but no word came out, and his mouth simply remained hanging open. If her single, spiraling eye was not captivating enough, her hood truly trapped his gaze within her world, all a realm of vibrant purple and perfect black. His eyes reflected the spiral branding his mind, and it only kept swirling inward ever deeper, absorbing his focus with each passing second, drowning his thoughts in her presence, her being...

Dary tested her influence by moving her head to the side, and her prey's gaze followed to remain on her. She flicked her tongue, pleased to see her spell take root in the reptile's mind. She swung her head the other way with serpentine grace, this time just to play, just to relish the power she had over him. And as her tantalising gaze swayed back and forth, so did the skink's, unconditionally remaining locked on the tantalising eye.

-- S~s~so... what would be my prey's name, then ? she asked assertively while her tail sneaked up to his ankles.

-- Uuh... F, Flint ? stammered the lizard, whom the pendulum of purple was making dizzy.

-- Flint... Flint. Yes~s~s, I'll enjoy owning that name, tss~ss~sk~

The snake was lidding her mesmerising eye seductively now, coaxing Flint into a sense of sentimental dependance, of longing to be hers. He was already incapable of imagining leaving her side, so she might as well make him enjoy his predicament, and thrive in this the whirlpool of scales and fur now engulfing his legs whole, and soon much more...

Darcy drove her tail up his defenseless body and claimed his arms, watching the comfortable touch of fur and scales ease his senses, his eyes starting to shut as relaxation made slumber an alluring offer. The higher the serpent's coils rose, the lower the lizard's eyelids dropped, and each time it became harder for him to open his eyes again. In fact, he might have stopped trying were it not for the bliss-inducing spiral still shining at him, a blessing he could not afford depriving himself of...

Humming mostly to herself while working on her catch's form, the snake made sure to fill in the gaps between her coils, covering Flint most entirely, the tuft of hair at the end of her tail tickling his neck as it prepared to lay the decisive loop around him. She carefully wrapped the soft collar around his sensitive neck, careful not to squeeze too tight so he may remain in his gleeful daze. Once the skink was perfectly ensnared, Darcy let her eye return to its usual appearance, and watched as the spools of her body lifted her guest up among the branches, where no one would disturb the fun she would have with him. Oh, she simply could not wait to have her ways with such a cute reptile, and so she eagerly followed him up into her lair.

Now that she had someone secured in her coils and deep in trance, it was only a matter of enjoying the fruits of her efforts, minimal as they had been. She placed the smiling lizard under a branch, holding him horizontally so she may enjoy the look of her spiral still dense in his eyes. Even though she was no longer presenting the charming swirl, she noted that Flint seemed pleased to see her face again.

-- Now, it is purely just you and I, my s~s~sweet, Darcy hissed. Better s~sit back and enjoy this intimac~c~cy~

-- Ooh... Comfy coils, he sluggishly slurred in response.

-- Mhmm, makes you want to never leave, right ? the serpent replied, encouraging him down the path of self-devotion.

-- P... pretty... eye, the skink further stammered.

-- Yes~s~s, you could lose yourself into that eye, and it would be so, s~so delightful... All you would have to d--

-- Pretty f-face, the lizard continued with a grin.

Now, Darcy was not expecting to be interrupted, yet alone with such a direct compliment. Flint caught her while she was flicking her tongue, resulting in her it hanging down her mouth for a moment while she processed his words. It did not seem that the hypnosis was wearing off, but rather the opposite : he was so deeply enamoured with his captor that he could hardly follow what she told him.

-- Uh... You think s~so ? Well, thank you... Uhm, anyway, as I--

-- C-c-cute face ! the skink clumsily blurted out, passion in his tired eyes.

This time, Darcy had to look away, feeling heat rapidly spread to her face. Why was she reacting like that ?! It only made sense for her subjects to be madly in love with her, her state-of-the-art hypnosis made it that way. Although, they usually were a lot more passive and a lot less vocal about it...

-- W-well okay ! Th-thank you, but, you can't just interrupt me like that !

The snake closed her eye and breathed in. This brief exchange had gotten her awfully flustered already, and she could not allow that to persist if she wanted to have her fun. She was the one in charge here, after all.

-- All right, where was I then...

-- Can you... hug me t-tighter ? the skink asked, wriggling in the predator's coils.

-- Wh... What ?! This is NOT a hug ! I'm j--I'm just--

Darcy stopped. As much as she hated to acknowledge it, by all accounts, holding him so closely in her coils was definitely a hug. She felt her blushing come back, and her blood pump heavily, a delicious sting in her heart. Like he had earlier, she felt woozy just looking at the lizard's face, seeing him smile shamelessly like that... His eyes fluttered, and he yawned :

-- I'm, tired... Can I stay, for slm, for sleep ?

-- Huh ? Uhm, I mean... I guess I can keep you here, yeah, that should be all right ?..

Darcy had answered under the pressure of stress, without taking the time to think. She was not sure she even wanted to play with a guy as overly affectionate as Flint proved to be under her spell.

-- Wah... Thanks, mrphh, miss... Comfiest bephd in a... in...

The snake watched as her prey yawned, and never finished his sentence. He simply closed his eyes and nuzzled into the top coil that was wrapped around his throat, his tranquil mind quickly draped over by the soft cover of sleep. Her cheeks still showed a faint hue of pink, and she could hardly blink. Somehow, Flint had (allegedly accidentally) turned the tables on her, and made himself home in her coils, when she was supposed to have complete reign over his person, his being. Never had that happened to her, never had someone had the audacity to deny her of her power, her unfaltering control.

Darcy tightened her coils around Flint, and placed her head atop of his, keeping him close to her.

She liked this one. She really, really liked this one.

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