Impish Delights

Story by SorenBluebird on SoFurry

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#4 of Comissions

Hey everyone! Thanks for being patient. Gonna hopefully start uploading more often now.

Tony would wake with a start. He would feel his master's small but powerful paw pressing flat against his muzzle. This was something he had grown accustomed to in the few weeks since he had signed The Contract, but it didn't stop him from blushing hard as he did every time this happened. He didn't know what possessed him to sign that accursed paper, bringing a new 'permanent' roommate when he did. The terms and conditions of the contract were outlandish at best, but now he could do nothing to stop the treatments he would receive... He had signed it, and there was no turning back on a contract with a demonic imp like Drum.

"Good good morning, bitchpet." The young imp laughed as he ground his small, musk-ridden foot against his plaything's face, "did you sleep sleep well?"

Before the blushing, moaning rat could even respond the imp would cut him off by shoving a thick toe into his mouth. He relished forcing his pathetic toy to brush his teeth with those red-tinted toes and gargle his foot sweat first thing in the morning. It brought him great pleasure to see the mix of frustration and pleasure in those ratty eyes.

"Yes sir." Tony found himself saying after the toes were removed, the words seeming to leave his lips before his mind could register what he would respond with.

Another effect of the contract no doubt.

"No more sir sir!" Drum responded quickly, prone to his decidedly and fittingly impish outbursts "Drum wants Master or Sire now now!"

"Yes Mast-!" Would be all that Tony would have time to say before his master's small but incredibly potent nuts would block his muzzle.

A muffled moan could be heard under those orbs as his tongue would lash out on it's own. The taste of the sweat pouring from that fleshy red sack wasn't new to Tony, but a demonic power kept him from ever getting used to it. Not many of his actions were under his own control at this point in time. To say all of it still wasn't as strange and... exciting... as it had been the first time it happened would be a lie. He couldn't help but get hard as the pheromone-laced, aphrodisiac-like musk started to crawl through his nose and into his brain before he even had a chance to sit up in bed!

"Drum changed his mind mind again. No talk, just polish master's balls!" He squeaked and cackled as the helpless rat continued to suck down that ball-sweat like it was the last few drops of water on earth.

The small amount of thoughts that Tony was still in control of wondered what went wrong. He was in his prime! His body was a perfect example of masculinity! He had a fully defined six-pack and could bench press nearly twice his weight. Despite all that, however, he couldn't even find the strength to push this disgusting, barely 3-foot demon off his face because of that damned Contract! He wouldn't remember this at all, especially when there were much more 'pressing' matters like those soft, hot orbs 'pressing' against his face, but signing his soul away wasn't exactly fully in his control.

The rodent had been minding his own business, on his way home from work, when he had spotted a small shop that he had never seen before. He had been walking the same route home from work for a few years, so something like this was cause for investigation. Even more so since the building it was in had appeared out of nowhere, sandwiched between two shops that he could have sworn didn't have room in between them. The last thing he remembered after opening the creaking double doors into the establishment was looking at his own signature on a scroll of paper with a quill in his paws. That same musk that was making it hard to think now had been hot boxed in that 'store' until anyone who entered couldn't resist its draw.

However, the exacts of the contract were dredged from his subconscious. It took in every secret, deeply buried, and perverse thought he held in his brain to create a specific contract for him. Nothing on it was random or generic. Every word was tailored specifically to his deepest desires. It just so happened that his desires gave Drum exactly what 'he' wanted as well.

"Hehee, ratpet is Drum' best contract in long long time!" The imp using Tony's snout as a ball rest taunted, eyes gleaming above the hapless rodent, "Now slutrat get to polish Drum balls and serve Drum for rest of short short mortal life!"

Tony's body shivered instinctively as he was reminded just how long that The Contract was in effect. He had signed away his entire life to this abomination. Every waking moment from here on out would be spent in service to one of the lowest beings of Hell, and that thought made him elated. He was helpless to do whatever was asked of him, no matter how demeaning, but that wasn't the worst part of it. The worst thing was...

Even if he hadn't been forced to do this...

Even if he had walked in those doors and been handed The Contract in full control of himself...

He still would have signed it.

The involuntary dragging of his tongue would slowly but surely begin to get increasingly more pleasant, and in turn it would become increasingly less involuntary. The fact that this ungodly power was forcing his body to do it only made it all the more arousing. His thin rat tongue licked with fervor.

Tony's room would be filled with the sounds of wet, smooth skin being kissed and suckled. The neighbors in the apartments surrounding his own would surely be able to hear the loud moans. Those demonic nuts were bigger than expected on someone so small, but they were still much smaller than Tony's own. The smell, however, was miles beyond anything he could hope to produce! All those days he spent working and sweating at the gym. All those days he laughed about being the manliest smelling there. All of it was stripped from him by someone who was less than half his height and not even remotely masculine, but those facts only worked to heighten his arousal. Even after all this humiliating, emasculating treatment he couldn't help but want...

"You want Drum to give you more more?" The demon sneered, baring his small but sharp teeth in a wicked grin, "Drum can read your thoughts. Part of The Contract. Remember?"

The poor rat could do nothing to stop himself from nodding fervently. He wanted nothing more in the world. He knew he actually wanted it too, and that it wasn't the small creature's powers forcing him to desire more. Even before he had met this devil incarnate, he had fantasized about being controlled and used by someone much smaller than him. His body was strong, but despite that (or maybe even perhaps 'because' of it) he longed to be overpowered by those weaker than him.

"Well, to give more more..." The wily imp started, Tony feeling the heavy sack on his face begin to grow with each passing moment, "I'll need to ' take take'!"

The rodent would feel something he hadn't expected to. A breathlessness overtook him, and his usual guttural moans were replaced with choked silence as his cock began to spurt thick, long ropes all over his lower half harder than it ever had. He had cum many times since he started rooming with his master, but this was the first and only time he had ever cum handsfree... and it had happened out of nowhere! His paws went instinctively to his cock, but the touch of his fingers only worked to make the spray even stronger.

To make things worse, as his throws of orgasm shook his body, he could feel the imp begin to weigh down on him further. No, it was only the little gremlin's balls! They were growing rapidly over his muzzle. Each soft sphere was increasing in size and drooping that stretching sack over more of his face. It filled his vision within moments, and it didn't take long after before he felt them touch the ground on either side of him. In his completely incapacitated state, it was hard to process anything, but it was hard to miss that his cock was shrinking in his grip. The thick, sticky ropes of cum would start to shoot directly into his palm rather than giving the ceiling a new coat.

"T-take take that cock!" The imp moaned, obviously having his own issues concentrating as he grabbed his own growing member with both his hands, "Make make it mine!"

Tony finally was able to produce a sound, a pathetic whimper that could only be heard by himself. The orbs covering his face were easily the size of cantaloupes now, pinning him firmly to his pillow and generating near waterfalls of sweat. The smell had only become more intense. Even though half his room was now coated with manly spunk, the only thing he could smell was Drum. The feeling of those nuts bouncing up and down as the little imp struggled to hug and jack off his own 2-foot dick would only make him cum harder.

He would feel his cock shrink between his fingers before being left as a tiny nub. A centimetre or two of a dick and pea-sized balls were all that was left as his orgasm tapered off. His once proud masculinity had been all but stripped from him. Master Drum finally got off him, flapping into the air on tiny wings that barely seemed to keep him hovering at this point. His face and pillow were drenched to the point where it still smelled exactly as it did when those balls were straddling his snout. He could now see the ecstatic imp, in all his massive glory. His cock was easily bigger (almost thicker even) than the rest of the imp, and his bowling ball-sized testicles dangled far below.

"Yeess! Drum is... biggest imp... in world!" The well-endowed wonder said triumphantly, still humping into his own arms as a cascade of pre slid down and splashed on the floor.

Tony could only whimper and pant, his body nearly useless after an orgasm of that magnitude. He wanted to be annoyed. He wanted to be mad that his pride, his freedom, and now even his cock had been taken... But he couldn't find it in him. He knew his Master would get much better use out of all those things than he ever could on his own.

Mew's New Plaything

Mew licked his lips and glanced over the ledge he had been waiting at for some time now. Something seriously strange had been going down on this Route earlier, and Mew could still smell it on the camp below him. His small, cute body floated forward...

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A New Challenger Approaches

**A New Challenger Approaches** Mew sighed out as he felt the rush of his last 'encounter' fade. He had been rudely interrupted from his afternoon nap by a trainer looking to capture him, but after only a few moments he had broken her mind and...

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Gotta Jet

**Gotta Jet** Tony would wake with a start, his body lurching forward as the room around him shifted. Even in his sleepy stupor, he could tell that wherever he was, the 'building' around him was moving. The view of the room would slowly become...

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