Blood & Carrots - Episode 14

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#14 of B&C

So, you wish to hear the old bunny-tales of the misadventures of Alice Blackpaw, do you? Hmm, I suppose I can, but you may be here a while. My life was a simple one once, not unlike your own, but time and circumstance changed that. You ask if I'm a vampire? Yes, I suppose that is partially accurate, but there's so much more to the story than that. Love, lust, war, reinvention...

I see you're determined. Very well, I'll tell you the tale of how I came to be who I am today. It may be a long tale, but after all, we have nothing but time. So, rest your head on my lap, my pet, but I warn you... storytelling can make me a tad thirsty.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 14:

Now do you trust me?

The wiper blades chop through the water on the windshield as I drive in the darkness of the night. We drove through the dark country roads, you next to me as you had been for the last several days. I kept my focus on the road while speaking out. "My first hunt alone didn't go nearly how I expected it to..."

I grin and show my teeth while thinking back on things. "Yes... it ended up being an interesting hunt indeed..."


I hummed to myself as I got ready for my hunting trip with a quick shower. The autumn season began a few weeks ago and though the cold meant little to me, I figured safer to not dress in a skimpy skirt.

Finally, I decided on a tight set of skinny black pants that shined against the light, I looked at my hips in the mirror and wiggled my fluff of a tail. The style gave me fond memories of the kind that Val wore. A snug blue top that hugged my chest and long-sleeved black jacket finished the top portion of the outfit off.

A set of boots with a modest heel completed the outfit, bringing my height up a few extra inches. I grinned at myself in the mirror, satisfied with the look of shiny leather hugging my short but curvy frame. I lamented for a moment I didn't know how to ride a bike or I would consider a motorcycle as my ride.

I opted to keep my long blonde hair down for tonight, letting it cascade to the small of my back where it curled at the ends slightly. I chose a sparse amount of makeup, some simple blush and a thin layer of crimson lipstick. The final touch was some ruby hooped rings in my ears.

Giving myself a grin in the mirror I snatched the credit card and pocketed it in the back of my pants. I moved out of the room and quickly made my way to the garage. When I say garage I mean like the kind you would see at a showroom. The family had a few dozen cars to choose from, but I decided on a little red sporty number that looked like it had several years on it.

I hadn't driven in months and the little sports car certainly had more oomph in it than my compact I used to drive. It was a reliable little thing though and I frowned at the thought of it burning in an explosion. I knew it had been used by Katrina and Alex to fake my death and deal with Luciano's remains.

I reigned my thoughts in and focused on the driving, it was a clear autumn night and the moon was bright in the sky. I flashed my teeth in the rearview mirror and shifted into a faster gear while my eyes did their own shift to red. I knew I was easily doing over one hundred on some of the small stretches of dark road, but my senses were in full tune and it felt like I had to give the car time to catch up to my reactions.

Elias said it was an hour to the city, I decided I would make it in half that time. Once I entered the more populated areas I reigned control back in and let my eyes return to blue. The car also slowed to a more manageable and legal speed.

After a satisfied sigh, I felt the adrenaline tapered off from the chaotic driving and found myself feeling nostalgic, as I drove through the streets of my former home. I passed by my old job site and looked upon the large office building for a moment. I wondered how my co-workers took my "death". Probably the little carpool buddy of mine would have been the only one to really care.

I clenched my teeth and pulled from the curb, driving for several more minutes. I found myself at a small dive bar I had visited once before, in my mundane life. I decided this would be a good start and parked the car, stepping out into the brisk autumn air. I took in a deep breath and focused my senses. I willed myself to breathe and pump blood, making my heartbeat strong as my cheeks flushed, as if the cold was affecting them.

My first obstacle was a bored-looking doorman checking ID's, it was a Tuesday night, it stood to reason he wouldn't have seen much action. He gave me an expectant look and I showed him a cute smile and lifted my ears. "Silly... you just checked my ID, I just had to step back to the car for a moment." I pushed my will forward as I spoke the words and he gave me a nod and let me pass.

I grinned and slipped into the small bar, the scent of alcohol filling my nose. The place wasn't too terribly crowded which stood to reason given the day. Still, there were easily a few dozen people here. I felt multiple sets of eyes on me as I hummed to myself and swayed my hips while walking to the bar.

"Evening sweetie... Can you make me a gin and carrot juice?" I cooed the words to the bartender, a grumpy-looking older cat who looked like she hated her life. She took my card without a word, passing it back to me after processing payment. A moment later I had my drink in hand and hummed to myself as I spun around on the barstool I had perched upon.

I sipped the drink and frowned, not feeling anything from it. There was a faint trace of burn from the alcohol, but it was negligible and left no effects from ingesting it. "Well I suppose everything has its price..." I spoke dryly while scanning the bar, looking over the various patrons.

Like when I was with Val, it was as if I could feel their energy. The young exuberant energy of youth, the more dull and placid energy of the aged. I could feel the mundanes that were there for enjoyment, to drown sorrow, or just to hunt like me. Then I felt something unexpected, something not of the mundane variety.

A chill went down my back when I scanned over a young woman sitting alone at a table in the corner of the area. She had blonde hair like me, but whereas mine was more on the dirty blonde side of things, hers was a golden yellow. It seemed appropriate given she was obviously a dog and her ears and tail resembled that of a retriever breed.

Her eyes cut right to my own the instant I looked at her as if acknowledging she felt my presence. I clenched my teeth and sipped my drink while thinking furiously. This wasn't good, was she a member of the family I hadn't met, or another member of the court visiting? Regardless of what she was, I had waltzed into her territory it seemed and the last thing I wanted was to turn this into something.

I nodded to myself in a decision, before I stood from the barstool and made my way over to the retriever. Her folded golden ears lifted slightly at my approach and she looked up fully from the beer she had been working on, giving me her full attention.

"Hi, my name is Alice. May I take a seat?" I spoke the words politely, keeping all my will in check to show respect.

The dog shifted her blue eyes away in thought, then looked back to mine. "This is not my home, I cannot reject your request to sit. If you wish to sit I will simply move." Her words came out sharp but in a soothing gentle voice.

I lifted my ears and shook my head. "No no... I mean to say, may I sit and speak with you?"

The dog gave me a hard look and I felt her push her will forward in a warning. "I am not what you seek, vampire."

She spoke the words low enough that only I would hear them, but the challenge was clearly made. I set my jaw and pushed my own will forward, just enough to show I would not be pushed around so lightly. I huffed and pulled the seat out, sitting before the dog stubbornly. "How do you know what I'm looking for?"

"Because your kind always wants the same thing, blood, and death." The dog clicked her tongue and pushed away from the table to stand.

"Hang on. I'm not here to run you off, I'm just here to talk." I raised a hand submissively.

The retriever set her jaw and fixed me with a hard calculated look before setting her chair back. She took a sip of her beer then spoke out pointedly. "Then say what you have to say, then be away from my sight."

"Yeah, aren't you a ball of fucking sunshine." I growled the words, my patience wearing thin.

She set me with another hard glare. "Were I as such, you would be ash right now, would you not?"

"Oh, really clever doggy." I huffed the words and ran a finger along the rim of my drink glass. "Seriously, I'm not here to mark up your territory, so don't worry about pissing all over everything after I leave."

That got a reaction. She slammed her hand to the table and set me with a glare, her teeth showing. "Do not talk down to me, abomination!"

Several patrons all turned to look at us and I whistled at the display. I gave the dog a grin and forced my will out over the area before speaking. "Oh honey, please keep those pet names to private, people will stare!" I laughed the words cheerfully as the patrons awkwardly averted their eyes and returned to their drinks.

The dog showed her teeth but settled back into her chair. "Abomination is it?" I spoke out quietly, rolling the mostly drank gin around in my glass.

"What else would you call a creature that kills to sustain itself?" The dog spoke out dryly.

"Several creatures do that, but more to the point. I will have you know, I have never taken a mundane life." I fixed the dog with a hard glare. "Celestial."

She gave me a scornful look and frowned. "I have no reason to believe that nonsense, all of your kind are murderous monsters."

"Ha! So I was right... you ARE one!" I showed my teeth, letting the dog see the large sharp fangs in my mouth. "You know, I was kind of just taking a shot in the dark with that one!" I laughed the words cheerfully.

The retriever looked taken aback and confused by my mannerisms before composing herself. "Do you mock me, monster?"

I snorted and offered her a grin. "Of course not, but seriously... what's your name?"

"I will not give my name to such as yo-"

"Will you lighten up? I'm not here to end the lives of your flock, or whatever." I grinned at her and shook my head. "Look... from one paranormal weirdo to the next, lets try this again... My name is Alice, nice to meet you."

I saw her blue eyes shift over my form, calculating and trying to decide my motives. The dog finally gave a defeated sigh and sipped her beer. "Gloria." She muttered the name as she set the tankard down.

"Gloria the celestial golden retriever, It's got a sort of romantic flare to it, doesn't it?" I hummed the words playfully and wobbled my ears about.

The dog gave a faint bark of disapproval at the use of her name. "So you do plan to mock me!"

"There's a difference between mocking and being playful." I offered her a smile and gave a shrug. "So what's an angel like you doing in a dive like this?"

She gave an amused laugh and fixed me with another hard glance. "As if I would tell my business to the likes of your ilk."

I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat. "I was warned about Celestials, you know what I was told?"

"What?" The dog asked me sharply.

"I was told they would sooner smite our kind than talk to us, yet here we are talking. I wonder what that says about our prejudices?" I hummed the words cheerfully as I sipped down the last of my drink.

"It would be difficult to smite you in a bar full of people." The dog showed her teeth and growled the words.

"Truly." I grinned and showed my sharp teeth. "Yet here I am... trying to talk to you, trying to reason and not just flee or strike out with hostilities."

"A ruse I'm sure." Gloria huffed the words and folded her hands on the table.

"Let me tell you something Gloria, I'm new to this game, but I don't buy it... I don't buy this whole, we gotta kill to survive. I've been at this for over a season now. I've drunk a lot of out of date blood from hospitals but I've not killed a thing, even left some of my 'victims' better off than they were." I drummed my fingertips on the table while staring into her blue eyes.

"Why should I believe such lies?" The dog growled at me in response.

"Why should I fabricate such lies?" I spat back in a retort. "I came here to hunt, but I didn't come here to kill. Times have changed and most of my kind get by without ending lives."

She showed her teeth and stared hard into my eyes. "I do not like it..."

I lifted one of my ears curiously. "Like what?"

"Your eyes show you speak the truth, It does not settle well with me." The dog grumbled the words and sipped her beer once more.

"Wow! Is that some cool celestial power? Like a detect lies spell?" I spoke out excitedly, my tail flicking about and leaning closer to the dog.

Gloria flinched at my excited tone and leaned back slightly from me. "What? N-no... I'm just a good judge of character when I stare at someone's eyes, it's nothing like that."

I settled down and nodded. "Well, thank you for believing me. I'm not here to hurt anyone, Gloria." I gave her a playful grin while I spoke.

"How could you feed upon someone and it not cause them harm?" The dog cocked her brow at me in question.

"Mm? Well, being fed upon actually feels really good. It does leave them a little weak, but its... well it's like a really good round of sex, ya know? You're winded and fatigued, but so worth it!" I huffed the words and flicked my tail, my hips squirming a little while I grinned.

"S-sex? What does that have to do with any of this?" She snapped the words out sharply, her voice taking on an uncomfortable edge.

I felt the momentum shift and capitalized upon it. "Ha... Gloria... are you celestial's afraid of sex? It's quite fun you know..."

Her soft cheeks flushed and I saw the look in her eyes, that I had struck upon something she was not guarded against. "D-don't be absurd, such sinful things are beneath us."

"Yeah... sinful..." I cooed the words and pushed my will forth faintly, testing the waters. "You know it wasn't blood that sent me out here tonight, it was sex."

The dog frowned and set me with a look of surprise. "You aren't hunting for blood, vampire?"

"C'mon... I've used your name several times, can't you use mine?" I gave her a playful pout and folded my ears.

The retriever looked away awkwardly then cut her blue eyes back to mine. "Why are you not hunting for blood, A-Alice?"

"I'm not hungry for it." I gave a shrug. "I told you, It's easier to get it without hunting for it. No one gets hurt and we don't have guys like you trying to smite us."

"But you're out looking for sex?" She asked questioningly.

"Sure, but... I mean look at some of these losers in here... there's half a dozen guys in here doing the same thing." I grinned as I spoke the words.

Gloria shifted awkwardly in her seat while looking around the room. "I suppose that's a good point."

"So let's hear it. I've told you so much... why are you here, Gloria?" I hummed the words curiously.

She sighed and looked down at her empty tankard. "I suppose it can't hurt to tell you. I was recently assigned to this city to watch it. To protect it from any evils preying upon the populace."

I put my finger to my cheek in thought. "Interesting... you're going to be bored though, none of my family kills..." Of course that wasn't true, but I planned to inform Elias upon returning home so he could warn the few members that did occasionally do so.

"Are you serious?" Gloria met my eyes skeptically.

I knew I couldn't roll with the whole family spin but I could cement it with a solid topic shift. "Gloria..." I met her eyes directly. "Even the head of our family doesn't kill."

Her eyes widened at the words and I caught myself looking into them during her moment of shock. They were deep blue like the ocean, compared to my own eyes which were more sky blue. I found myself getting lost in them for a time, my heart rate picking up slightly.

"I want to believe you, but it's so hard to comprehend..." She whispered the words and noticed she was staring back into my own eyes. She gritted her teeth and quickly darted her view away from mine.

"Well that's how it is. If you're waiting on vampire attacks in this town, you're going to be very bored, Gloria. Unless you get random weirdo ones that aren't in my family doing it, but we kill those as soon as we find out." I gave another casual shrug.

"Wait... you kill your own for preying upon mundanes?" The dog looked at me skeptically.

"We have laws, Gloria... Even the family's that do hunt to kill, it's within boundaries." I fixed her with my own hard look. "You celestial's can think what you want, but we are not mindless monsters slaughtering the masses."

She was unsettled by the look I gave her, as if I had shattered all the truth she had been fed. She stared into my eyes once more and then averted her own. "I don't..."

"You're new to this, aren't you?" I spoke out gently.

She hesitated before nodding. "This is my first assignment. I came here thinking I would strike down the evils of mankind... you're the first 'evil' I've run across in the last three months."

"You've only been a celestial for three months?" I asked curiously.

She nodded slowly. "Yes..."

I flicked my tail excitedly and leaned over the table. "Ha... that's exciting!"

"W-what?" Gloria blinked at me in surprise, her posture shifting awkwardly at my proximity.

"I've only been like this for three months or so as well, we're both having to learn all these new things. Isn't that exciting?" I spoke the words and gripped her hands, grinning at her.

Her eyes widened at my touch, as if she was shocked that it was happening. "How... how are you t-touching me?"

"With my hands?" I spoke the question with a playful smile and tilted my head, squeezing my grip against her hands.

"Y-you can't! That makes no sense!" She barked the words in shock but didn't pull from my grip, just stared at my hands holding hers.

"Why not? Should I let go?" I hummed the words gently keeping my will in check.

"I was told... I was told our touch would burn the undead." The dog set me with a look. "Have you enthralled me?"

I gave a grin and shook my head. "Silly... I've done no such thing... though if you wish me to let go..."

Gloria looked down at my hands once more, her cheeks growing dark but I didn't feel her pull from my grasp. "Ah... I've not felt the touch of another in sometime... it's comforting... you're warmer than I expected for an undead creature."

I showed my sharp teeth in a smile at her. "I apologize, Gloria... I did not mean to, but it seems I have misled you to a degree..."

The dog cut her eyes towards me in surprise and I saw them take an edge, as if she were ready to guard herself. "What do you mean?"

My eyes flashed red as I grinned and the world went black for the both of us.

"Ngh... wha?" Gloria yelped out in shock, finding herself sitting on a simple plain bed in an undecorated room.

I stood before her, my arms behind my back glancing around. "Huh... your bedroom is very boring, Gloria... not even a TV or radio?"

The dog barked and quickly jumped from her bed, moving into a martial stance I didn't recognize. "What have you done!"

"Relax, we're still in the bar holding hands, we're staring upon one another as if we were in love right now." I spoke the words with a smile and flicked my ears.

Gloria ran the numbers in her head, I could see her going through the knowledge she had no doubt gathered from her education. A few moments later she thrust a finger at me and snarled. "Succubus!"

"Ha! The puppy got it!" I clapped my hands, my breasts bouncing slightly at the movement. I saw her quickly avert her eyes and I looked down, realizing I was in my little black silk gown. "Oh gosh... I'm sorry Gloria, here." I hummed to myself and flourished my hands for a moment, my outfit changing to the leather and boots I was currently in.

"This... So I'm already dead if we're here... aren't I?" She gave a defeated sigh and sat upon the bed.

I smiled and sat next to her. "Why would you say such a thing?"

She shook her head and folded her ears. "Once a succubus is in your dreams, they have you and you're doomed."

I giggled and stood, making a dramatic pose, my arms outstretched like a zombie from a movie or video game. "That's right Gloria, your brains are mine! Aaaahhh!"

The dog fixed me with a smile and shook her head. "At least you humor me in my final moments. I thank you for that..."

I rolled my eyes and willed a chair under me as I flopped back and crossed my legs. "No one is dying today Gloria, be at peace."

The dog lifted her ears and looked up at me. "You mean it?"

"I do... I have no reason to lie to you now that I am here." I hummed the words casually.

"How... your aura... you were most certainly a vampire..." The dog growled the words in confusion.

"Would you believe me if I said I'm a little of both?" I cut my eyes to her and kicked my foot lazily in the air.

"How is that possible? One is undead, the other is a daemon!" She snarled the words, clenching her fists.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know? The guy that turned me was ripped apart by a werewolf before he could explain things." I shrugged and climbed from the chair.

"Fine... then why... this?" Gloria spread her arms.

"Because it was the fastest way to show you my truest intent. Here you know I have your life if I want it. Here you know I could break your will and dominate you. Am I wrong?" I fixed the dog with a strong hard look.

She showed her teeth and looked away. "You are not... my life is literally in your hands right now."

I raised my hand dramatically and snapped my fingers, breaking the dream. "And yet here we are..." I spoke the words pointedly to her, face to face as we held hands at the table in the bar.

Gloria gave a shocked gasp from returning to reality, then looked down at my hands still holding hers. I gave her a playful grin, showing my sharp teeth. "Now do you trust me a little more?"


Once she let her guard down, the two of us talked for a few hours at the bar. I was the first friendly contact she had with someone in months and I could tell the retriever was thankful for it. Her eyes kept meeting mine and I could feel the interest building, but I tried to keep my mojo in check. I didn't want to push her too heavily.

Finally, the bar made last call and everyone had to leave. She followed me to my car and we stopped in front of it. She frowned and rubbed the back of her head. "This was... it was nice..."

Standing before me I could finally get a good look at her figure. She was about a foot and half taller than I, which was of no surprise to me, I was used to being the short one. She wore heavy boots, jeans and a long coat that no doubt had various tools and weapons in it. The shirt she wore beneath was baggy but I could tell her chest was of moderate size, probably smaller than mine but still showed nicely in the fabric. Her figure was lean but well built, just what you would expect from a soldier.

I grinned up at the dog and put my hands behind my back. "I agree..."

"Well uhm..." She looked away awkwardly, holding her hand against her arm, staring off into the empty streets of the city. "See you ar-"

"Come for a drive with me." I cooed the words and tossed the car keys in my palm a few times.

Her ears lifted and I saw the blush on her cheeks form. "Why me?"

"Because you're cute... and I like you." I hummed the words and reached for her hand, pulling her gently to me.

"Ah... are you enthralling me, Alice?" She spoke the words nervously.

I gave her a cute grin and let her see my eyes flash red. "That's only happening if these are turned on..."

She barked out in surprise, then I shifted them back to blue and smiled. "No... I'm not coaxing you... well I am, but not with any powers."

"Given what we are, isn't this wrong?" Gloria spoke the words thoughtfully, even as I started pulling her to the car and opened the passenger door for her.

"I haven't seen any rules on it, I'm sure someone would disapprove on both sides of our team though." I hummed the words as the dog sat down. I shut the door and quickly trotted to the drivers side, my tail flicking about excitedly.

"This is a bad idea..." She whispered the words while I sat down.

"This is gonna be fun!" I huffed the words and put the car into drive, pulling out onto the street.

The drive didn't last as long as I thought it would, maybe an hour at best. We talked but our conversation devolved quickly to flirting, then to desire. I felt my will playing a hand in things, but I was trying to keep it her decision to make. I could feel the months, maybe years of solitude that had taken their toll on her and she was desperate for the affection.

I gripped the collar of her coat and shoved her hard up against the wall, standing on my toes to reach her mouth. Gloria slid her hands into my hair, rubbing at my ears while we kissed frantically. I felt her tongue move against my own in an awkward but endearing way.

Parting from her mouth with a hungry smile, my eyes were red now as I pulled her with me to the king-size bed. The hotel I booked was a fancy place in the heart of the city, I wanted it to be a nice place for her.

Gloria stood before the bed with me and I raised on my toes to slide her coat off her shoulders. The thick material hit the floor with a heavy displacement of air. I could see several things in the folds of the coat, including a handgun, dagger, and various other tools. "Ha... you're like a walking armory, my lovely angel."

"It's a dangerous job... I usually carry a rapier too." She growled the words and I shivered at her confidence as she moved in for my throat, kissing at it eagerly. I shuddered and dug my nails into her back while she lapped at my skin, tasting me.

"Ngh... I'm not enthralling you, just making that clear." I moaned the words, feeling her hands roam my smaller body, moving over my breasts, squeezing them through my top before she stripped my own jacket away.

"I believe you... I want this... I want to be with you..." The dog panted the words against my throat. I giggled at her hot breath against my skin and bared my neck fully for her in submission.

A growl filled my ears and I was upon my back in the bed, Gloria quickly tugging my heeled boots off, then grabbing the front of my tight black pants. "Ha... so quick to the matter..." I panted the words and flicked my ears drunkenly while grinning at her.

"I want you... I will cuddle you after I taste you." She spoke the words dominantly and I felt my heart skip eagerly.

"Yes yes... whatever makes you happy my beautiful dog." I helped her peel my pants down, then deftly tugged my blue panties down as well, leaving me in just my snug blue top and bra.

Gloria didn't show any hesitation as she climbed upon the bed and spread my legs, shoving her mouth between them eagerly. My tongue lolled out and I moaned blissfully once her hot tongue found my folds.

"Ngh... good dog... such a good dog..." I moaned the words and shoved my hand into her thick curly blonde hair, gripping a fistful of it as I shuddered. Her movements were clumsy but she lapped hard and eagerly at my spot, easily coaxing my first release forward.

"Huff! Y-you... you taste amazing..." Her voice sounded drunk while she lapped up my honey.

I felt my eyes smolder and I cooed out while stroking her hair. "Well let me up, I want to taste you as well..."

Gloria looked up at me and gave a defiant snort through her nose. "Give me another first..."

I grinned excitedly as she went between my legs once more, her tongue now more confident with its movements. I panted and cried out happily for her, feeling my body eager for the attention, then shivered after several moments and gave in once more. "Ha... S-so good to me..." I sighed the words in euphoria while she dragged her tongue over me, tasting what I had given her again.

Her tongue dragged up my body eagerly, her hands sliding to grip my blue top and peel it up off me. I raised my arms feeling her tug it away, my blonde hair spreading out over the bedsheets. I gave her a playful grin as she unfastened my bra and my breasts spilled forth. "Hum... well, this is hardly fair, you've got way too many clothes on compared to me."

She didn't answer and shoved her mouth to my left teat, sucking hard on my breast. I felt her tongue roll and tease at my nipple, her fingertips sliding over my drenched folds to tease and stroke at my sensitive little spot. I clenched my teeth and then lolled my tongue, feeling her force of will push against my own. She was a giver that was for certain, I could feel her energy growing more potent with each pleased sound I made.

My body shuddered from her demanding fingertips and I gave a soft gasp when she pulled from my breast, the area near my nipple looking slightly bruised from her sucking so eagerly. "Sorry if I got a little rough..." She panted the words before pushing her mouth to my own once more.

I kissed her back eagerly, forcing my tongue into her mouth while my hands grabbed at her own jeans. Her tongue rolled with mine and pushed into my mouth to explore and I felt it graze my sharp fang. The dog gave a huff of a yip at the cut and my eyes widened as her blood spilled upon my tongue.

I felt the taste of divine blood fill my very soul and shoved my mouth to hers more demandingly, my tongue violently lashing at her own to taste more. Gloria moaned out as I stripped her jeans and pulled down her pair of plain white panties. I felt myself slipping, felt myself giving in to the blood and the desires it brought.

'She is already yours, bare her throat and drink!' The words filled my mind and I pulled from her mouth with a snarl. My fingers reached to her golden locks and grabbed a fist full of her hair, wrenching her head back to expose her throat. The dog lolled her tongue and obediently offered her throat towards me.

I parted my lips, my teeth grazing her skin, faint drops of blood spilling upon my tongue. I felt as much as heard her pulse beating like a drum in my ears. 'Take her!' The voices in me cackled and my eyes snapped shut before I dragged my tongue over her wounds, closing them. I then shoved Gloria fully onto her back, moving her tempting neck from my mouth.

Her eyes seemed to regain their focus and she processed the exchange. I loomed over her and grabbed her knees, spreading her legs before me. I would take her on my terms, not my demons. I bit my lower lip as her wet folds came into view, a cute little tuft of curly golden hair just at her crotch.

"A-alice? Are you oka- Ngh!" I didn't think, I just shoved my mouth to her, lapping and tasting, desperate to silence my demons and enjoy her, to please her.

Her soft yips and pants filled my ears while I rolled my tongue against her own sensitive little spot. She was pent up to be sure, but I would break her walls down and please this beautiful creature. I heard her give a savage groan and felt her hand tangle into my hair and grab my ear.

She tugged hard and my scalp ached while I felt her give in against my tongue. Her whole body shuddered violently and I sighed with a pleased moan, lapping at her honey and feeling her divine energy flow into me. I shivered and continued to lap at her gently, trying to control the flow of things and not drain her.

I felt her wrench at my hair and jerk at me. I followed her tugging and climbed over her. She blinked up at me, her tongue still slightly bleeding. I gave her a playful grin, my ears wobbling drunkenly. "So rough with me..."

She bit her lower lip and eased her grip on my hair. "S-sorry... I don't mean to be..."

A grin spread on my face and I shook my head. "Do not worry, I like you..." I hummed and tugged my head against her grip, feeling it ease until my ear and hair were free. "Let's get a little closer..."

Gloria blinked her eyes wide in confusion at my words. It took a little explaining to get her into the right form, but soon enough we were tangled together in a scissor position. Katrina was very fond of us doing it this way, actually.

"How about it? I hope it's okay..." I cooed the words, shifting my hips eagerly against the dogs, feeling her folds and spot grinding messily against my own.

Gloria clenched her teeth, gripping my ankle hard in one hand, her other set of nails digging into the sheets. "Huff... good... so good... I really like you..."

"I like you too Gloria, my lovely dog..." I sighed the words and ran my hand up her leg, feeling the definition of muscle along her smooth flesh. My hips worked more intently, trying to keep up with her own frantic movements.

"Ha... my... b-beautiful rabbit..." She shuddered as she panted the words, trying to play along with my wordplay. I grinned and folded my ears, pushing my will forth to mingle with her own energy while our bodies ground and bucked against one another.

I listened to her breath grow more erratic with each jerk of our hips. We both frantically ground and moved, desperate for the release. I felt her energy pour forth, my ears filled with her satisfied moans while her nails dug into my leg, blood welling up at her fingertips. She gave in hard and my tongue lolled, feeling my own orgasm tear through me.

Our wills flooded into one another and I felt my body pulling deeply from her energy. I did my best to return what I claimed, I didn't want to hurt her or break her trust.

Once our throes passed, I weakly climbed over her and collapsed into her arms. I rested my head against her chest, my tongue lolled and panting heavily. I felt her arms hold me possessively and grinned, feeling our energy swirling about like a maelstrom in us. We stayed like that for several minutes, simply recovering from our session and holding one another.

Gloria finally broke the silence after several minutes, I had actually started to doze since the sun had risen by now. "You almost fed upon me..."

I gave a yawn and blinked at her with a smile. "Yes... I'm sorry..."

"You didn't though... you had me enthralled and baring my throat for you..." She spoke the words solemnly and frowned.

"I..." I smiled again and shook my head. "I like you... I didn't want to hurt you, or break your trust..."

Gloria looked at me curiously and lifted her drooped ears. "Would I turn if you drank from me?"

I giggled and smiled. "No silly... you would just be weak and a little fatigued, like donating blood."

The dog met my blue eyes with her own and bit her lower lip before speaking. "Ah... you can if you want to then..."

I gave her a shocked look and cocked an eyebrow. "W-why would you offer that?"

She frowned and rubbed the back of her head with the hand that wasn't holding me. "You... you were good to me and you-"

I grinned and put my fingers to her lips. "Hush now... I wasn't doing any of that for your blood. You owe me nothing and I'm happy to just lay here in your arms."

Gloria blushed at my words and gently hefted my body closer. I climbed over her and pressed my lips to her own, settling against her chest. My breasts pressed into her own while we kissed and my small tail flicked happily.

Her fingertips ran through my hair gently then she broke the kiss with a gasp of realization. "Ah... wait... the sun is up, are you going to be okay?"

I gave her a playful grin. "Sure, unless you go throw those curtains over there open."

She pursed her lips in thought. "Oh, I'm sorry... I kept you out and now you're stuck here..."

I giggled and rubbed my head where she had gripped at my hair. "You know, for being such a rough lay... you're quite considerate and doting after the fact."

Another blush crossed her cheeks and she looked away awkwardly. I grinned and moved to cup her face in my hands, bringing her gaze back to mine. "Silly dog...I'm teasing you..."

Her eyes blinked into my own and she gave me a gentle smile. "R-right... sorry, I'm not used to this sort of thing..."

"I can tell." I hummed the words and pecked her lips before settling back down into her arms. She held me possessively once more and I grinned.

"Won't your family worry about you not returning?" She spoke gently into my ears after a few minutes of silence.

I gave a soft grunt, feeling myself roused from my sleep once more and blinked. "Mm? Nah... I sent my master a text before we left the bar."

"S-sorry for waking you..." The dog spoke out apologetically.

I smiled and gave a yawn before shaking my head. "It's just the nature of things, when the sun is up, if I'm not focused, I fall asleep."

"I will let you sleep, I will try to rest as well..." She spoke the words gently into my ears and I nodded and laid my head back down.

A few minutes passed and I found myself sitting upon the simple bed in the unimpressive room. The retriever's head was resting in my lap and I grinned down at her with a coy smile. "And here we are..."

Gloria blinked up at me in shock but didn't move from my lap. "Ah... in my dreams again?"

"Yup." I moved a hand to stroke her curly blonde hair and rub at her ears.

"W-won't this keep us awake where we don't wake up rested?" She asked curiously.

"That's not how it works, my dog." I hummed the words and fondled her ears playfully.

"Ah... It feels... it feels like you're really touching me..." She blinks up at me with a smile.

"That IS how it works, my dog." I giggled and stroked her hair lovingly. "So here we are and we have all day... ask me any questions you wish."

She pursed her lips and gave it some thought before meeting my eyes. "Are you single?"

The question took me off guard and I parted my lips to speak, unsure of how to respond. "Ah... yes? Sort of?"

She smiled at me and showed her teeth in a grin. "So what's this about a master?"

"The head of my family and my personal Master. That would be Elias." I hummed the words proudly, my ears flicking about.

Gloria blinked at me and sat up. "Elias... what is your family's name, Alice?"

I frowned and thought about it, wondering if it was wise to say as such. "Ah... G-Gloria... why do you ask such a thing?"

The dog saw she had caught me off guard and shook her head. "My apologies... I wasn't trying to pry..."

"It's okay... but like you, I'm new to all this, I'm not sure what is within the restrictions of our laws. I mean..." I rubbed the back of my head and frowned. "If your people discovered my family..."

"I understand... I don't need to know, do not worry." She gave me a reassuring nod and smiled, gripping my hands in her own.

"T-thank you... I just don't want to cause my family problems." I gave her a smile and squeezed her hands, then raised my ears. "What do you know of an Elias?"

Gloria gave a shrug. "One of the more powerful arch-vampire lords, Elias of the divine flames."

"D-divine flames?" I blinked at her in confusion.

"Yeah... he wields unearthly blue and white flames that can purify and cleanse. No one knows how a vampire came to obtain such power though. His wife also is said to have a similar power." Gloria spoke the words as if she had read them in a textbook several times.

"How can you tell if something is divine, Gloria?" I asked curiously.

"Well, beings like myself are inherently blessed, we feel the pulses of divine energy or the lack thereof." She gave me an awkward glance. "It's why I knew what you were when you walked in, you were devoid of any divine energy whatsoever."

I frowned and looked into her eyes. "Do you think I'm evil?"

Gloria shook her head right away. "No, I don't... I won't lie... meeting you tonight, it's rattled some things loose in me. I don't know what to think, but I know for certain you're a good person, Alice."

"I don't know if I'm a good person, Gloria. However, I don't want to be one of the bad guys either, ya know? I just want my family to live happily." I climbed from the bed and paced a few times in thought.

"What troubles you?" Gloria looked at me curiously.

I decided I would go for broke and just get my answers now. "Do you feel any divine power in me right now?"

Gloria shook her head. "None... you're a void of any radiance whatsoever."

I nodded and thrust my hand forth, summoning my flames. The golden-haired woman jumped back several paces in shock. I held my hand aloft, blue wisps pouring off my fingertips. "How about now?"

Her eyes widened and her mouth gaped. "T-that's impossible... you're giving off more radiance than some of the elite celestials!"

I snorted and pulled heavily from my reserves, bringing my flames to a glowing white, like I had done during my training with my master. "What about now, celestial?" I spoke the words in a haughty voice, the energy pushing against my will.

Gloria had to shield her eyes from me and winced. "C-can you stop? It hurts..."

I frowned and doused the flames at her pained voice. "A-are you okay?"

"Yeah..." She shuddered and rubbed at her eyes, as if she had been staring into the sun. "We see divine energy on a different spectrum, that was... scary..."

I shook my head and stepped towards her to take her hands, but she flinched back slightly and I frowned. "Gloria..."

She shook her head and frowned. "What are you Alice? Do you even know what you are?"

I shivered and turned away, looking down. "I guess I don't... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shake you..."

I felt her arms around me and drawing me against her chest from behind. "I'm sorry... I was just in shock... I still think you're a good person though... don't be sad..." Her words came out gentle, like a saint speaking to a lost soul.

I blinked and leaned into her, letting her hold me. "I really don't know what I am anymore... I don't even know if I'm what I was, to begin with..."

"That's normal..." She spoke the words pointedly into my ears.

I showed my teeth and growled. "What the fuck do you mean, it's normal? How is that normal?"

She kept me held close and I felt her shrug. "Life... the world... it changes us. That's the nature of things. Existence is constantly adapting and changing. Do not let it weigh on you... so long as you keep your principals, so long as you strive to be a good being, it will be alright..."

I felt myself ease in her grip, felt her will wash over me. It wasn't like Elias's energy. His was an aura of strength and comfort, hers was of a gentle and motherly nature. I sighed and relaxed, letting the concerns fade from me for the time being.

We stayed like that for a time, I'm not sure how long. It was the dream world after all, it could have been seconds or hours. A thought crept into my head and I lifted my ears to speak out to her. "Gloria?"

"What is it, Alice?" She hummed my name in a way that made a shiver cascade down my spine. It took me a moment to recover from the sensation.

"Ah... what about you? Will laying with me cause you problems?" I looked back to her curiously.

The celestial gave a shrug. "If it were revealed? They would surely brand me a heretic. I would no doubt be summarily executed." The dog spoke the words with a surprisingly casual tone.

I pulled from her arms and gave her a shocked stare. "W-why? Why did you lay with me then?"

Gloria gave me a gentle smile. "You showed your honor plainly to me, you showed I could trust you. You offered yourself to me in such a pure and simple way and..."

"And?" I tilted my head curiously.

The golden-haired retriever gave me a bright grin. "I like you."

My eyes widened and I felt tears form in them at her honest words. I felt something change inside me and pushed my forehead to hers with a grin on my face. "I like you too..."


I click my tongue while pulling onto the road that leads back to the mansion. "The way of things changed after that... I realized I had bigger consequences to consider in my actions. I also came to the realization I had another person to protect, only this one from a force of divine wrath I couldn't even comprehend."

I give a bitter laugh and shake my head. "I had so many irons in the fire and still do to this day... even after all that's happened..."

You give me a concerned look at my display of emotion and frustration. I offer you a gentle smile in response. "Do not look upon me as an infallible mistress of pleasure and knowledge, my pet."

I cut my eyes to you and shake my head. "Just as I mentioned with the drink early in my story. There is always a cost to pay. Even you will have prices to pay when the time comes. Never forget that my sweet."

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode.

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