Blood & Carrots - Episode 15

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#15 of B&C

So, you wish to hear the old bunny-tales of the misadventures of Alice Blackpaw, do you? Hmm, I suppose I can, but you may be here a while. My life was a simple one once, not unlike your own, but time and circumstance changed that. You ask if I'm a vampire? Yes, I suppose that is partially accurate, but there's so much more to the story than that. Love, lust, war, reinvention...

I see you're determined. Very well, I'll tell you the tale of how I came to be who I am today. It may be a long tale, but after all, we have nothing but time. So, rest your head on my lap, my pet, but I warn you... storytelling can make me a tad thirsty.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 15:

I could've danced all night

"Sir Val had forewarned me of things to come, however, I didn't realize how quickly they would spiral. A small part of me hoped it wouldn't be as bad as Elias and Val had told me to expect." I give you a sad smile and shake my head. "I talk a big game, but I just simply wanted everyone to get along and be happy."

"You want to know about that first encounter? There will be no saucy lovemaking to be had in that story my pet." I speak the words of warning to you, but you persist.

"Hum... very well. I did build-up to this after all, didn't I?" I look to the fireplace in thought before beginning. "I parted from Gloria the following evening..."


"Can I see you again?" I lifted my ears with a playful smile, standing outside of her apartment. I had taken her to dinner once the sun set and now was dropping her off.

"I would very much like that..." The golden-haired dog gave me a gentle smile and moved her hands to grip my own. I felt her will flood into me from her touch.

Pushing closer to her, I rose up on my toes and pushed my mouth to her own, eager to taste her one last time. I heard the growl in her throat as she embraced me, pulling my smaller body possessively to her own, our breasts mashing together while we embraced.

Several moments passed and I felt her pull away from my mouth. I rested a hand on her face, staring into her deep blue eyes. "You have my number, call or text me anytime..." I spoke the words lovingly to her.

"Likewise... I will miss you." She whispered the words into my ear and I grinned childishly at them.

"I am not far my dog, I can be to you within half an hour easily." I pulled from her arms and put my hands behind my back. "Unless you pine for me in the middle of the day, then you may have to wait."

She barked a laugh and gave me a long look. "Will you speak of me to your lord?"

I clicked my tongue and looked away awkwardly. "I feel I have no choice, I am sure he would smell and feel your energy upon me, Gloria..."

"Will it cause you problems?" She drooped her tail and frowned.

"Unknown... but my master, he is a kind and understanding fox. I am sure I will be fine." I hummed the words and gave her a reassuring grin.

"Alright, just let me know how things go..." She spoke the words, her voice sounding unconvinced.

"Will you be alright?" I asked her with worry in my own voice.

She gave me a smile. "I think so. It is not uncommon to go years without seeing a superior. Some taint from living amongst the mundanes and fighting the evils is to be expected as well."

I showed my teeth in a snarl and my eyes flashed red. "Gloria... you tell me if you end up in a situation. I will come for you... I will go through hell for you, or heaven as it were..."

The dog showed me a smile. "You're a silly thing, Alice..."

"Swear to me! Swear you will tell me if you have any problems!" I snapped the words and clenched my fist, blume flames starting to lap off it.

Gloria flinched at my words. Swearing to your word in the supernatural world could have dire consequences and she knew it. Some beings were so strongly bound by oaths and honor, that breaking one's word could actually strip them of power. That's nothing to be said for what others in their circles may do if they heard of broken words. Even demons took the oath of swearing your name to be a serious matter.

"A-alice... that's a lot-"

"I swear on my family name, if they come for you... I will make them go through me first!" I spat the words out and showed my teeth in a glare.

Gloria bit her lower lip and nodded. "Very well... you have my word. Upon my honor. I will see you are made aware if something like that came to be."

I gave a sharp nod and moved to her once more. My eyes were still red as I looked up upon her. "Call on me any time. You have my heart and my sword arm."

The dog gave a chuckle and ran her fingertips through my hair. "Alice... can you even use a sword?"

My cheeks grew warm as I looked away awkwardly.. "N-no... it just sounded cool I thought..."

The dog barked a laugh and I felt her hand reach back to smack my butt hard. I huffed and felt myself push into her chest for another hug. "Silly thing... I will call upon you if I ever need anything."

I nodded and smiled against her chest. We shared one last kiss and I let her be on her way.


I took a steadying breath before walking into the mansion. I wasn't sure what to expect from Elias or Katrina over this. I had called them on the way home and they told me they would be in his study awaiting my return. The servants were already giving me shocked glances when I strode in and I bit my lip.

Upon entering my lords study, he and Katrina both sprang their ears up and met me with shocked gazes. I blushed awkwardly and looked away. "Uhm... I'm home?"

"Alice... are you okay?" Katrina quickly moved over to me and looked me over.

"I'm fine, why?" I watched the cat examining me like a mother checking a child for injury after a fall. Her hand cautiously reached up and brushed over my cheek. I blinked up at her and lifted my ears.

"Well... she seems fine..." She spoke back to Elias, a frown on her face.

Elias folded his hands on the desk. "Alice, what happened? How are you still with us?"

I felt irritated and clenched my fists. "What are you two talking about? Still with you? Checking to see if I'm okay?"

"You're giving off strong taints of divine energy, celestial energy specifically." Elias spoke the words with deep concern in his voice.

I clenched my teeth, finding the whole process of concern and awe rather annoying, my irritation cresting. "Yeah, because I fucked one. I guess I didn't shower thoroughly enough... oh wait, we did it in the shower too."

The fox gaped his mouth and Katrina blinked at me in shock. I blushed and looked away from both of them, crossing my hands behind my back. "Have I broken some terrible law and now I have to die or something?"

"No... but... how?" Elias spoke the words, his voice still in shock.

I cut my eyes back to him and frowned. "The same way I have sex with anyone? She was a girl so there was lots of licking and grinding." I glanced over at Katrina and gave her an apologetic look. "Uh... sorry if talking about it bothers you, my love..."

The cat shook her head and smiled. "That's okay, I'm just glad you're alright..."

"I am! She was a nice girl, we're going to see one another again. I like her." I hummed the words and flicked my ears.

"Alice... you play a dangerous game..." Elias spoke the words gently to me.

"You know... fuck the game..." I spat the words out at my master in a matter of fact tone, earning him a shocked look.

My teeth clenched and I paced towards his desk, summoning my fire forth. "I don't buy it... we build these fucking walls... we set these lines in the sand... yet me and Gloria were fine once we got to talking..."

I glanced back at Katrina, blue flames flicking from my fingertips. "Everyone is so out of touch, did you know they still think we just rampage and kill? None of them even realize we have laws and balances in place."

"Wait... how much did you tell this celestial, Alice?" Elias spoke the words in a stern tone of voice.

I glanced back at him and shrugged. "Nothing to jeopardize us or the court. She even respected my decision to not tell her my house name and didn't even pry to get me to talk."

Elias relaxed and settled me with a calm look. "I'm glad you're safe... we didn't know there was a celestial in the city."

"Well there is and she is here to watch it, so I suggest to make any of the members of our family that kill, be on high alert." I showed him a frown and rolled a small ball of blue flame over my fingers. "Or tell them to grow up..."

"Alice. It is not your place to judge what other family members do within the constraints of our law." Elias snapped the words at me.

I gave him a look that must have looked like one of a defiant teenager. "I do judge them, I judge them harshly... There are no excuses for it in this day and age."

"We are what we are Alice, to deny that would be to-"

"Have you ever tasted divine blood, Elias of the divine flame?" I asked him curiously, seeing him flinch at the name.

"Katrina... leave us." The fox growled the words at the black cat.

"Elias..." Katrina frowned and hesitated. "Do not hurt our rabbit... or you will have to answer to me as well." She spoke the words fiercely and left the room.

"What were you told." He spoke the words in commandment towards me.

"That you willed divine flame that could cleanse. That no one knew how you came of the power, but that you were a mighty vampire lord." I spoke the words in a bored tone of voice, tossing a small sphere of white flame up and down in my palm.

"Did you show her?" He asked pointedly.

"I did, in her dreams. I showed her the full degree of it and it hurt her to look upon it. She said I gave off more radiance than some of the strongest celestials she had ever seen." I hummed the words and doused my flames, everywhere but upon my palm that kept tossing the flaming sphere about.

Elias peaked his fingertips and sighed. "What was her name?"

"Gloria." I caught the sphere on a final landing and doused it. I then folded my hands behind my back and faced him properly.

"Is she a good girl? Treated you well?" He asked gently.

I gave him a smile. "She is... she was very kind and worried about me, worried about me coming home."

He gave me a smile. "I'm glad you met a good girl. Will she be okay?"

"She better be... I hold the same stance with her I do with all of the rest of you." I set him with a fierce look. "She said if they find out, they would execute her. I told her they will go through me first."

Elias winced but nodded. "I know I can't change your mind, let us hope it doesn't come to that."

"And if it does?" I asked him pointedly.

"Then I won't try to stop you. Nothing else, spirit her away and we will see about harboring her if they can't track her somehow." He shrugged. "Hypothetically speaking."

I gave the fox a fierce grin. "You would so readily trust her?"

"I would readily trust anyone whom you trusted, Alice. That is the truth of the matter." He folded his hands and gave me a level look. "I believe in your judgment of others."

My eyes grew wet and my vision blurred at his words. "Ha... thank you, Master..."

He stepped from his desk and moved to me, a hand resting upon my head gently. I felt his energy pour into me and I hugged him tightly. I felt him flinch slightly and blinked up upon him. "What is it?"

He gave me a gentle smile and shook his head. "Nothing... I just haven't felt purity of divine energy in a long time, and you are rife with it right now..."

I frowned. "Is this permanent? What will the council say?"

"It should fade within a day, but I surmise Lorelai will easily pick up on it." He frowned and folded his arms in thought.

"W-what should I do?" I felt a little panic well up in me.

He gave a shrug. "No point lying about it, if she asks... you tell the truth."

I gave him a frown. "Okay... and when she decides I'm an abomination and strikes me down, Then what?"

"Then she strikes us both down. I will not allow it." He showed his teeth and I felt him pull me possessively to him. I shuddered at his force of will and nodded, holding close to him.

We held one another for a long moment before I spoke out gently. "Are you upset I laid with her?"

"I am shocked... I didn't know such a thing possible... I am not upset with you though, merely concerned." His words came to me strong and gentle while he stroked my hair and ears.

I nodded and set him with a strong gaze. "It will be okay, my Lord... I think... I think things will change with this."

"Do you really? Are the winds of change blowing in our faces now?" He spoke the words with a coy grin.

I flicked my tail and grinned back. "I do! I think this will be a good thing in the end."


The following evening we boarded our flight. We were heading into the desert region to the southeast of us. House Sandshore was appropriately named, the city it was in bodied a major river delta that cut through the desolate wastelands of desert.

I dressed formally since I was to meet with Lorelai, dressing in a pale blue dress that hugged my hips but breathed enough to offer relief from the heat. I chose a modest set of flats instead of heels, I wanted to be able to move around if needed. My hair was in a bun and set with a few ornate sticks of blue, small jeweled tassels hanging from the ends

"Do I look the part, my lord?" I asked Elias with a smile.

The look in his eyes said he liked what he saw. The fox drew me close and growled into my ears. "You look stunning, I will enjoy tearing that outfit off you when we get back to the hotel..."

I bit my lower lip and pulled from his arms playfully. "Of course, Master... but focus on your duties for now." I gave a cocky grin and put my hands on my hips. "And not to worry, I have my guns in a holster at my thigh."

He gave me a serious nod and moved to walk into the nondescript warehouse. It was a surreal experience for me. Seeing the five chairs lined up before the one lone chair. Two members were already present and I recognized both of them. The first of course was the head of the council and the only member I had seen that was my size, Lorelai. The other was a member I knew fairly well.

Elias made his formal greetings and I presented myself to the two of them with a polite bow. "Nice to see you again, lady Lorelai and you as well... lord Harold." I gave the large lion a playful smile.

"It is good to see you again, sister. Please let us treat together once this business is finished, I want to hear how your life is going." Lorelai spoke to me in a stern but friendly tone before I smiled and nodded to her.

I then turned my attention to the lion and grinned up at him. He was bigger than Alex and I found my tail flicking for some reason. He gave me a long pause before offering a nod. "You are well, sister?"

"I am, and it's a pleasant surprise to see you, brother." I frowned and folded my arms in thought. "Wait... is it appropriate for me to say that, or should I always address you as sir?"

The lion gave a hearty laugh and pushed a hand hard down upon my head, gently patting my hair and ears but not disrupting my bun. "You worry too much rabbit. Simply address me as Harold if it suits you."

I flicked my ears against his hand, feeling his will push over me. I gave him a cocky grin and pushed my own will back, overwhelming his. He lifted his ears and widened his eyes. "You have grown strong..."

"I have..." I hummed the words and put my hands on my hips.

He showed me a challenging grin. "Perhaps that time of me coming to call will not be long."

I showed my own teeth and clenched a fist. "No need... invite me to your house, I would love to see it."

He gave another laugh and opened his arms. "You're already here, Alice. This evaluation is for my newest family member."

My ears lifted in shock, then I smiled and nodded. "By the way Harold..."

"Yes?" He spoke to me curiously.

"I like you more this way, you're more relaxed and less... stuffy." I showed my teeth in a grin.

"Stuffy am I?" He growled out and folded his arms.

"You can be pretty uptight during these." Elias barked out from next to Lorelai.

The sheep nodded in agreement. "It's true, you like to play bad cop, sir Harold."

"Heh... well he is my family member, I suppose there are no reasons to put on airs. Still the... bad cop?" He grinned at the sheep in amusement. Lorelai gave a small smile and turned back to Elias.

"In all seriousness though... Harold, sir..." I fixed him with a strong look. "I would love to test myself against you, I want to be strong and protect my family. I have heard from several court members that you are the most powerful warrior in our clans."

He showed me a grin, his chest swelling with pride. "You heard right, Alice. I have not been bested in one on one combat in centuries. Do you think you could challenge me?"

I giggled and offered him a smile. "Surely not... however, I feel I would learn so much from sparring with you. Please consider my request when you have time, sir."

He folded his arms in thought and rubbed his chin. "Of course... come to my house when you have time, I will teach you to be a master of any weapon you choose from my armory."

"Really?" I spoke out excitedly, my tail flicking about.

"That's enough, Sister. You can speak to Harold at length, later. The time is almost upon us." Lorelai spoke out to me. I gave her a polite nod and moved next to Elias.

The fourth council member arrived, a stocky boar with a thick bayou accent. He lamented the long flight from the southeastern regions but seemed a jovial friendly sort. The four members made small talk until the hour struck.

The marquess of Silverpaw arrived last. Sarnai didn't so much walk as flow into the room. She moved with a lithe grace of fluid elegance. She looked to be about a foot taller than Katrina in height. Her hair was silky and black like ravens wings and seemed to cascade down her back to the base of her tail. Her elongated black ears looked larger than Elias's and her thick black tail seemed to have more body to it.

Her deep brown eyes met the other fox across the room and I felt the tension fill my lord. She quietly moved to the group, dressed in a regal looking fur vest and skirt. The outfit was adorned with colorful badges and medals. It was as if someone had taken tribal Mongolian wear and infused it with European military dress. A large composite bow was strapped to her back, but she showed no signs of a quiver. It was obvious it was a uniform piece to her outfit.

"Sarnai." Lorelai gave a nod to her. The black fox gave a polite nod in return.

I felt Elias's energy change in that moment. The dog who was always so strong and powerful, I could feel his apprehension. I could only imagine what it was like for him in this moment. I wished nothing more than to hug him and comfort him, but I knew it would be improper during council affairs.

"Where is your second?" Lorelai asked pointedly.

"To me, Jennifer." The black fox spoke in a silken voice of command. A small figure speedily moved from the door to her side in the blink of an eye. A small mouse who was shockingly, a little shorter than me. Her drooped and slightly rounded ears pushed out of shoulder-length brown hair. She was dressed in a similar garb of ornate fur vest and leggings. She made no effort to hide the dual scabbards at her back housing large glaives within them.

"Jennifer, it's good to see you again." Lorelai gave the mouse a nod.

The mouse dropped to a knee and bowed respectfully to the sheep. "Always a pleasure, my lady."

Lorelai gave Elias a look and then Sarnai another. "You two have duties and obligations to fulfill. I expect this to go smoothly, is that understood?"

"Yes, lady Lorelai." Both of the foxes answered in time together.

The sheep nodded, her curly white hair bouncing slightly on her head before moving to take the second seat of the five. "Terry, will you do us a kindness and take the fourth chair?" The boar gave a nod and took the fourth chair, creating a buffer between the two foxes.

Elias and Sarnai stood facing one another for a long moment. The white fox showed his teeth and opened his palm, motioning for her to choose a seat first. The black fox showed her own sharp teeth, her eyes filled with malice before moving to seat herself in the center chair.

Elias took the fifth chair and I took position up behind him, my arms crossed over my stomach. I cut my eyes to the mouse named Jennifer, seeing her look upon me as well. We both stood there for a moment sizing one another up before our attention shifted to Harold as he spoke.

Harold opened the hearing very similarly to how Elias had done with mine. The candidate was a young male cat, perhaps a breed similar to Katrina. I felt for the poor thing, imagining he probably had the nerves I had when this was happening.

The lion opened with the same question and Lorelai asked her same question. It stood to reason they would have the same questions, why change things up? It's not like the candidates would know.

When Sarnai asked her question, my ears lifted. It was the same question Elias asked me. I could feel the anger on my lord and swore I heard a growl from him. It was a minor thing to be sure, but a simple jab at him before the rest of his peers. The boar asked his question and then my lord asked another question without missing a beat as if he had expected such a thing.

Lorelai stepped forth after the process and spoke out. "We will now put things to a vote. The following portion is council only, I will ask that the seconds please step outside." She fixed me and Jennifer with a hard look. "I will remind you, any inappropriate conduct during this business will be met with swift and final consequences, am I clear?" We both gave her a nod and stepped away to move to the exit.

The mouse quickly slipped to the door and I cocked a brow as she held it for me. I gave her a nod of thanks and walked out into the autumn air. We were in the desert so it wasn't anything but warm and dry.

I put my hands on my hips and looked out over the small harbor that connected to the river. "Your name is Jennifer, yeah?" I spoke out casually and looked back at the mouse. She set me with a cold look and said nothing.

I sighed and looked back out over the river. "My name is, Alice." I clicked my tongue as I spoke the words. The air filled with silence and finally, I gave a roll of my eyes before I spoke out again. "Okay, or don't try to make conversation, that's cool too."

"I don't make it a habit to speak to the enemies of my lady." She spoke out in a dry neutral voice.

I showed my teeth and folded my ears. "Funny, I thought our houses weren't at war. Why am I your enemy?"

The mouse fixed me with her green eyes as if calculating my words. "I will not play your game, rabbit."

"My game of common courtesy? Yeah okay..." I mumbled the words and felt irritation building up in me. Her eyes stayed on me even after I had turned away, so I turned to glare at her. "What?" I snapped out.

"Just seeing how open and vulnerable you leave yourself." The mouse gave me a challenging grin.

"You'd be surprised, rat." I mumbled the words and crossed my arms. "Go for my back anytime, see how many limbs you pull away." I sneered the words and flexed my fingers.

She offered me a sympathetic smile. "You are a fledgling, I've centuries on you. You wouldn't blink before your throat was cut."

I folded my arms and grinned. "Older and bigger things than you have told me that, don't write checks you can't cash little girl."

The mouse showed her sharp teeth and put a hand to one of her blades on her back. "You will not speak in such a way to me!"

"Thought you weren't playing this game, bitch?" I snapped out sharply, my eyes turning red as hers did.

There was a blur of motion, steel on iron, sparks filling the night air. She had both blades drawn, one holding my left gun away, her right to my throat. I had my second gun pressed to her temple, making sure to dig the tip of the barrel in nice and hard. "Silver rounds, blessed by a celestial... you want that in your brain matter, Minnie?" I spoke the words mockingly, my teeth showing and blue flames flicking at my fingertips.

The two of us stayed in that position for a heartbeat before the door of the warehouse slammed open and both Elias and Sarnai stormed out together. Obviously the two foxes had felt our energy churning up.

"Alice, are you alright?" Elias barked the words, his fire already lapping at his ears and tail.

"Jennifer, are you hurt?" Sarnai spoke the words in a commanding but motherly tone. She had flames flickering at her own tail and ears as well. My eyes widened at the sight of them, they weren't blue or white, they were black like shadows, with red flare ups in them.

"Well... you wanna do this together, or do I need to be the bigger female metaphorically as well?" I sneered at the mouse with a cocky grin, unable to pass on the chance to make a height joke for once. Jennifer fixed me with a glare and I felt her pullback as I did the same.

"What happened?" Elias barked out in demand.

"Just girl talk, Master." I spoke the words dryly while putting my guns away and tugging my blue dress back down over my thighs.

"Jennifer, did she attack you?" Sarnai spoke out. I could hear the eagerness in her voice to make it into something.

The mouse fixed me with a long gaze and spoke pointedly. "Just girl talk, my Lady..."

"Elias!" Sarnai spat out at him. "Can't you keep your goons under control?"

The white fox showed his teeth, his flames growing brighter. "You will not speak of her in such a way."

The black fox folded her hands over her ample breasts that were on par with Katrina's. I could see the fury in her eyes as she spoke. "You think I don't smell her all over you? This is the best you could do after me?"

"Ha ha... that's cute..." I laughed and spoke out as I casually walked over to the two foxes. I felt Jennifer tense upon my approach and Sarnai give me a contemptuous glare. "Now you see... you keep talking like that, and we're going to have a little throw down right here, you bitch. No one talks to my fox that way..." I spoke the words jovially but my eyes were already red and crackles of blue energy were coursing through them.

Sarnai fixed me with a calculated look as I grinned up at her, showing my teeth. The black fox glanced to Jennifer and thrust her hand out. "Away with you."

I threw my own hand out. "Master... Please step back..."

"Both of you, that's enough!" Elias shouted out towards the two of us, his flames rolling in anger now. "I will not stand here and watch you two tear one another apart!"

"One another? You think this scrap of a female could touch me?" The black fox glared at the white one. "And who are you to give me orders! I could easily burn the two of you to ashes."

"Ha... well, you could try..." I spoke the words in a bored tone and summoned forth my own flames to match Elias's. That got Sarnai's attention and she gave me full focus.

"Not... How?!" She screamed the words at me, her teeth showing in a furious glare. Her own flames came to full now, shadows of black and red lapping at her ears. "You cannot have that power, this is trickery!"

By now the other three council members had arrived upon the scene. Lorelai folded her arms and looked upon the four of us for a long moment before calling out. "Elias, to me."

The fox flinched before showing a defiant glare at the sheep. "I will not stand down and leave my rabbit to die!" He shouted the words back at Lorelai and I heard his voice cracking with concern.

"Go to her, I will not be dying today." I spoke the words calmly and kept my gaze intent on the black fox before me.

Lorelai didn't wait and simply moved to us. "I grow weary of this, Sarnai and Alice. If you must duel for satisfaction you may do it, but it will be non-lethal this day. Will you agree to that?"

I showed her a grin, the eagerness in my voice evident. "Sure, I can avoid burying the cur this time for you lady Lorelai, just because I think you're so damn cute." My flames were white-hot now and the haughty succubus had full control of my dialog.

Sarnai snarled at my words and whipped her tail around, black flames slashing at the air. "Fine, I can kill her another day. Now away with both of you so I can put her in her place!"

Lorelai gave Elias and Jennifer a hard look. "You two with me... leave the rabbit and fox to their business."

Elias gave me a hesitant look and I nodded at him. "Go. I will bring honor to your name." He gave me a quick nod and moved with the mouse back to the others.

Lorelai rubbed at her temple and waved a hand. "Go on then, but if either of you strikes the other down, I will end you myself!"

"Oh ho... look at that bitch, we get to dance together after all! Shall we waltz, or perhaps a ballroom strut?" I showed my teeth, feeling the divine fires having full grip on me and feeling something else fueling them I couldn't put my finger on.

Sarnai fixed me with a level glare and said nothing before simply blurring out of sight. I felt her presence behind me and then a wall of force slammed into my back as she delivered a roundhouse kick to my head. I saw stars and slammed to the ground, catching myself on my palms and rolling forward.

I shook my head to clear my vision and showed my teeth. "One of those kinds of girls eh? Fair, fair..." I hummed playfully and summoned a small sphere of white fire and hurled it straight at her. The fox sidestepped but I had already moved. She gave me a shocked gasp when I was before her and delivered a fierce punch straight into her belly.

Sarnai coughed and clutched her stomach as she doubled over. I raised my foot and dropped my heel right on her head, forcing her to topple to the ground in a heavy thud that sent chips of concrete about from the impact. "Heel dog..." I cooed the words out mockingly.

She snarled and grabbed my ankle and I showed her a grin as I spoke. "Yeah, I guess I should have seen this one coming, eh?" The black fox hauled herself up and flung me several yards. I crashed into a parked forklift on the dock and gave a weak laugh as I slid to the ground.

My eyes blinked a few times as I saw a large flaming ball heading towards me. I pursed my lips and decided I should probably be more serious about this. I quickly darted to the side as the energy slammed into the forklift and didn't so much explode as just draw the thing into a void and crush it.

I bound back over to the fox and wagged a finger. "Pretty sure that was a very lethal attack." I hummed the words playfully.

"You will not continue to sully my honor!" Sarnai spat the words at me furiously and glared at me, her sharp canines fully bared. The black flames turned to full red as she thrust her hand out to me. "I am Sarnai Silverpaw, Marquess of house Silverpaw and I demand satisfaction!"

The momentum shifted and I was happy to have it. "You want it serious, fine!" I turned the flames of my fire up and thrust my own hand out, showing the fox a wide grin. "I am Alice Blackpaw, Countess of house Blackpaw! You have shown great disrespect to my lord, to MY fox!"

The black vixen screamed and launched herself at me. I met her charge and we exchanged a flurry of strikes and parries. We traded blows several times, flames of red mixed with white, bursting off each strike and block. "You are a fledgling, how do you have such strength!" She spat out at me.

"Nothing special, maybe age is just catching up with you!" I spoke the words mockingly and sidestepped a jab before slamming my forehead into hers with a wide grin.

We locked into a grab and she slammed her forehead back to mine. I grinned through the stars in my vision, our white and red flames spiraling around one another. "You can't beat me, girl! I'm your better!" The black fox snarled the words while fixing me with a hateful glare.

"You think I don't know that?" I laughed the words and dug my nails into her shoulder hard before showing off my sharp canines. "You're such a fool, Sarnai." I felt her blood well up at my fingertips and flashed my teeth, taking a snap at her throat.

She blinked her burning black eyes at me trying to make sense of my seemingly mad words. Her teeth then grit and she shoved hard against me, jerking her head away from my bite. With a snarl her forehead slammed into my own again and I could feel my feet being pushed back from her force, but I just kept grinning all the while.

She howled out furiously and broke from the grip and shoved her hand to my throat, holding me up off the ground. I felt the red flames threatening to quench out my white ones and made an amused choked laugh. "Why do you laugh, rabbit! Can you not see you are beaten?!"

I gave her a toothy grin and grabbed her wrist with both my hands, my fingertips covered in her blood from the deep wounds I left in her shoulders. "Ha... you haven't figured it out! Ever since you touched... my ankle!"

Sarnai glared furiously at me and released my throat, but I just kept gripping her wrist, refusing to let go. Her eyes widened and I showed her a victorious grin. "Let go of me!" She spat out and pulled at my grip.

I bit my lower lip and hummed cheerfully, wagging my own ethereal tail of white flames. She snarled and jerked from my grip at last, backstepping several paces before glaring at me, a pant of fatigue on her breath. My nails had torn large tracks through her wrist, blood pouring off her fingertips..

Dragging my fingers over my tongue, I tasted her fresh blood. "Out of breath already, puppy?" I showed her a coy smile and held my hand out. The white flames faded and then black and red shadows formed in their place. I gave a mocking huff as I admired the dark wisps drifting over my fingertips. "I could've danced all night..."

The black foxes mouth hung agap and most of the onlookers did as well. Everyone's but Lorelai's and Elias's.

"That... is my power... no one can have that but me!" Sarnai snarled the words in fury, her pupils jerking erratically.

"Well not any more toots." I hummed the words and held a hand up to Lorelai. "I tap out, she wins!" I gave Sarnai a cocky grin and started to walk past her, lapping her blood off my fingertips.

"You're not walking out of this rabbit!" The fox jumped on me and shoved me to the ground, her hands closing around my throat.

"Sarnai! Your opponent has yielded, stop!" Lorelai commanded the fox and she returned a glare to the sheep.

"I will not! Not until she returns what is mine!" She spat out the words and tightened her grip on my throat.

I showed my teeth and grabbed her wrists hard. The fox yipped out in shock and finally started to feel it. I spoke out teasingly. "Ha... you don't learn do you? Well I'm drinking if you're buying..."

I heard a panicked bark escape her throat as she felt me pulling her life force away. She struggled against my grip before breaking away and stumbling back. Her tongue lolled out in a heavy pant as she tried to compose herself, her knees shaking weakly. I may have been a little cruel and been feeding her desires a little during the contact.

I stood and rolled my shoulder, giving the fox a coy grin. "Glad you enjoyed it, next time buy me dinner first, okay?" I hummed the words and put my hands on my hips.

Her teeth snapped in a furious growl at my manipulation of her body. "H-how dare you!"

"Enough!" Lorelai stepped between us, her own force of will pushing out over the two of us. I bit my lower lip and calmed my flames. Sarnai showed her teeth in a growl but forced the flames out.

"You had your fight and she yielded, your honor is intact." The sheep glared at the fox and folded her arms.

"Are you blind!? Did you see what she just did?" Sarnai spat the words out, her pupils shaking again in rage.

"I saw you pick a fight with a very powerful succubus, one that you just gave even more power to." She fixed the fox with a stern glare. "And one that just willingly ceded a duel you were on the cusp of losing."

"I was not losing to her!" Sarnai screamed the words, her composure shattered now. "She stole what was mine, I demand it back."

A bitter laugh was my reply. "Sorry honey, once I punch that card, there's no take-backs..."

The fox fixed me with a cold glare, drawing her composite bow and training it on me. A flaming black arrow formed in the pull string of it as she leveled the tip right at my chest. I showed her a defiant grin in response.

"You knock that arrow loose, Sarnai... and you will not leave this pier alive." Lorelai spoke the words in a cold tone of voice. "Please... my fox."

The fox glared at me and I casually raised my hand up and shot her a one-fingered salute, my fingers still covered in her blood. "Go on... I will deflect it and I get to watch you be butchered, win-win for me."

Her teeth ground together in a furious glare before she shouldered the bow. "Jennifer, to me! We're leaving!" She barked the words which sounded more like a scream and stormed off.

I showed her a contemptuous smile and then cut my eyes to the sheep who was now glaring at me with her arms crossed. "What? She started it."

Lorelai scowled at me. "You and Elias have a lot to explain." She spoke the words and moved back towards the others.

"Harold, I apologize to you and your new family member for having to deal with this." Lorelai spoke out and gave him a polite bow.

"Ha! You kidding? This was great, now I want to spar with her even more!" He pointed to me and grinned. "Sandshore welcomes you at your earliest convenience, Countess Alice. I look forward to seeing you."

I flicked my tail and grinned. "Thank you, I will see you as soon as I can!"


Lorelai saw the other Marquis off and then I and Elias found ourselves alone with the sheep in the warehouse. She sat in the chair and crossed her legs before resting her palms on her knee. She had arranged three of the chairs to face one another. "Elias... explain yourself. Now..."

He hissed out a breath through his teeth and rubbed the back of his head. "Alice is... she was-"

"Luciano was the one that sired me." I spoke the words out pointedly.

Lorelai parted her lips for a moment, then nodded her head and put the pieces together. "That explains some things..."

"I did not intend to deceive you. It was after her evaluation we realized the extent of her powers." The fox spoke the words in a humble tone of voice.

"Yet you did not come to me after the fact, why?" Lorelai gave him a stern look.

"Fear..." He spoke the word simply.

"Elias... we are old friends and family, I would have done nothing to you." Lorelai frowned at him.

"Not me." He barked and clenched his teeth before jerking his gaze from hers. "I... I didn't want to lose her..."

Lorelai pursed her lips and looked to me in thought. "I had smelled it upon you two and felt how your energies had intertwined... Still it is not unheard of for a lord to partake of their vassals. This is more?"

"I love him." I spoke the words without hesitation. "I love him, Katrina, and all of my family. He did not want to lose me and it is all my fault. Do not side any of the blame upon my lord."

"That's enough, Alice..." He spoke the words gently to me.

Lorelai sighed and shook her head. "This is a mess to be sure. Elias we have not had a chimera in our court in over a millenia."

"Wait... isn't a chimera those mythical primitive lion things with snake and goat parts?" I asked curiously.

Lorelai nodded her head. "More accurately, it's simply a hedge term for having multiple genetic heritages in one creature."

"But... Luciano?" I asked and put a finger to my cheek in thought.

"He had broken law two times in the past to sire and both produced normal members of our court that simply fed on blood. He also showed no signs of what you are doing" Lorelai sighed and shook her head. "I saw your flames and energy during your evaluation, I had a feeling then... I should have checked upon you sooner."

"Lorelai..." Elias spoke out with hesitation in his voice. "I can't lose her..."

The sheep pursed her lips and looked down at her folded hands. "In truth... few would know but me what you are. Sarnai no doubt believes you are just a powerful succubus and your theft of her power will be temporary."

The sheep casted her brown eyes at mine and spoke out pointedly. "Explain to me why I feel celestial power in you."

I lowered my ears and gave a defeated laugh. "Because I banged an angel a few days ago."

She frowned and blinked at me in disbelief. "You have to be lying, but I sense you speak the truth... how are you not horribly burn-" She pursed her lips, already having the answer and nodded. "So you speak the truth."

"I do... her name was Gloria, she was a wonderful dog and we're kind of dating now." I spoke the words sadly and folded my ears. "Ha... provided I live to see her again, I suppose."

"I have no intentions of putting you to the sword, Alice." Lorelai spoke to me gently in an unusually gentle voice..

My ears lifted and I felt a little relief fill my soul. "Really?"

"I should!" The sheep snapped out sharply, showing her sharp teeth to me. "By court law you should both be executed and you know it, Elias!" She huffed the words and shifted her gaze to the fox.

He lowered his head before giving her a nod. "I realize that, yes..."

"Master... you were risking your own life for me all this time?" I blushed and shook my head, feeling pain fill my heart at the thought of it.

"Enough of all that." Lorelai cut me off and waved a hand. "Alice... you are something different... yet you are the same as us. You are not dead and yet you are."

"I'm pretty sure I'm dead, I feel my heart stop all the time." I laughed the words and grinned at the sheep.

"Your heart slows to a crawl, but it is still working. The demon blood in you wouldn't allow it to stop and now..." She pursed her lips. "Celestial blood... for us, it fades after a time, but I'm not sure how you will react to it."

"Ah... I only had a few drops, I'm sure that's fine." I hummed and grinned. "She even offered to let me drink but I wouldn't."

"A drop of taint is all it would take, Alice." Lorelai thrusts her hand out and speaks authoritatively towards me. "Halt your heart."

I nodded and willed the blood to ease and my heart to slow. I felt the pace ease and slow but not fully halt. My ears fold and I frown in concentration. "Ah... I... can't?"

Elias looked upon me in shock and Lorelai gave me a sad smile. "You are a mess, rabbit..." The sheep spoke the words sadly.

"Is she going to be okay, Lorelai?" Elias asks her, the concern in his voice obvious.

"She will be fine, old friend. Well... in theory." She spoke the words and looked back at me. "Let me see If I understand your situation... You have vampire, demon, and celestial energies at work within you. Yes?"

"I... I guess I do? Me and Gloria only had sex once... erm... okay six times, but only were together one day." I gave an awkward grin.

"Divine and unholy fire, both being fueled with celestial energy... By the elders..." Lorelai sighed and shook her head.

"She has also harnessed Katrina's power." Elias spoke to Lorelai with a nod.

The sheep gave him a shocked look. "We only have a handful in our entire court who can do that."

"Well she is now amongst them. She has even started fusing fox fire with it." He spoke the words as he pulled out a small necklace from his shirt. the small maroon chip of steel I made him, now worn as a gem, with casings of gold shielding the sharp edges.

"That is... it almost looks like something not of this world." Lorelai stared upon the blood steel in curiosity.

I finally spoke out, the anxiety of everything getting to me. "Lady Lorelai.... What should I do?" I drooped my ears with a frown.

She took a deep breath and gave me a composed look. "You will continue your life. You will remember to always bring honor to our court and your family." The sheep shook her head and shrugged. "Other than that... keep our veil and you are free to love whom you wish while being yourself."

"Thank you Lorelai..." Elias gave her a sad knowing smile.

"Thank you..." I smiled at the sheep and flicked my ears happily.

"Elias... Sarnai, she will feel disgraced today, regardless that Alice ceded... she will intensify her means to seek war with your family. The madness to have her wrongs righted will intensify." Lorelai spoke the words gently to the fox.

"Well if she wants me to kill her, I will happily take what she has left." I showed my teeth in a grin and folded my arms.

"Do not show misguided confidence, Alice. Sarnai was weak and had not fed in some time. Had she been at full strength the initial blow would have taken your head off your shoulders." The sheep sharply reprimanded me.

I clenched my teeth and looked down at my feet. "I see..."

"Furthermore, she knows to avoid direct contact with you now. You have traded your greatest ace for a small flicker of her power." She looked at me directly, her brown eyes staring hard into my blue ones.

"S-so what should I do then?" I felt panic fill me, realizing I may have only spurred things into a faster movement.

"All you can do. The power is yours now, strengthen it and temper it. Perhaps the new found celestial powers you have will further benefit you." The sheep gave me a shrug. "Get stronger and smarter. You outfoxed the fox this time, will you be so lucky next time? See that you stack the deck in your favor."

I gave her a grin and nodded. "Yes, lady Lorelai... thank you."

Elias fixed me with a look. "I will also make an effort to increase your training of fox fire and see that Katrina does the same with your thaumaturgy."

"Okay! Let's do that as soon as we get home!" I grinned and clenched my fist, flicking my tail eagerly.

Lorelai stood from the chair and looked at the fox. "Elias, I have a request."

"Of course, anything you need." He bowed his head respectfully.

She lifted a finger. "Let the rabbit stay here for a few days. I wish to speak with her at more length. It will also give her a chance to visit upon sir Harold. He is a mighty warrior and could teach her several things."

"Of course. Is that alright with you Alice?" He asked me with a smile.

I finished sending off a text message and nodded. "Yeah! I just texted Katrina, Alex and Gloria to let them know I would be gone for a few days!"

Lorelai gave a smile and nodded "Very good then, we will part here. To me Alice, I will share lodging with you and we may council further. Then we will see about getting you to visit lord Har-"

The sheep looked back to see me sitting in my master's lap. My arms were thrown around his neck and my small body pushed to his own, our lips pressed together in a deep kiss. I parted lips from him and pulled my tongue back. "I will miss you, Master..."

"And I you..." He growled the words and moved a hand to rub at my hair and ears gently.

I nuzzled his cheek and huffed out while grinding my hips against his lap. "Take care of Katrina for me... I will long for both of you..."

"Of course, try to learn a thing or two, eh? We will be fine until you come back." He whispered the words in a doting tone into my ears.

"Yes Elias, my Master... I love you." I hummed the words into his ear and gave it a playful nip.

The fox held me close, growling into my ears before easing his grip and gently patting my butt. "Alright... off with you now rabbit..."

I hopped up and blushed, giving the sheep an awkward smile before moving over to her. "Sorry about that..."

Lorelai gave Elias a judgemental look and shook her head. "You would think you know a guy after almost six centuries... perverted fox..." She stuck her nose up as she walked towards the exit.

"Hey... that's hardly a fair assessment of me." He barked the words with a grin and followed after us.

"Hmm... it sounds like you lay with her and her sister... I recall Katrina's evaluation. I never would have assumed..." Lorelai hummed the words and I could hear the teasing in her voice.

"In my defense... that is a recent thing and a certain rabbit instigated it." He spoke out and grinned at me.

"It's true... I still need to try to hook her and Alex up as well." I hummed the words cheerfully.

Lorelai looked between me and Elias then pursed her lips. "You have... a very complicated household, Elias."

He folded his arms and smiled. "Well... I didn't used to be..."

"It's not necessarily a bad thing." Lorelai gave my hand a gentle tug and started guiding me to her waiting car.

"Take care of yourself, Master, see you in a few days!" I called out cheerfully as we parted there, his driver taking him to the airport while I left with Lorelai.


My hand moves to my chin in the thought of your question. "Why am I so calm and collected now? Well, time does that to a rabbit. I was a young thing, drunk with my newfound powers after all. Rest assured the fury and rage is well alive within me, my pet."

I grin and push my bangs from my face in a dramatic flourish, which probably didn't look nearly as stylish as I had hoped. "Any that stands against my family will face me and though there are much stronger beings than me out there, I am not one to be trifled with."

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode.

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