My Sister, the Sore Loser

Story by ThatchMew on SoFurry

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IT'S BEEN A MINUTE. I put this together for fun and after being inspired by a few incest pieces I seen on here.

It's also my second M/F piece. I thought it would be a fun challenge!

This story contains consensual M/F sex between two characters that are both over the age of 21.


Jack the arctic wolf loves his sister. A lot. He attends every hockey game to root her on. When Molly loses a frustratingly close game, Jack does what he can to cheer her up and tend to her aches as the evening goes on.

Seconds were left on the clock. Skates carved the ice, players shouting orders and obscenities at each other. The crowd went wild.

Jack watched from the sidelines, the thin white-furred arctic wolf sitting up straight in his seat. His eyes were locked onto one particular player amidst the various species on the ice. He blew his long messy brown hair out of his glasses, watching with bated breath.

Down in the rink, Molly Abergale, number 50, checked another player against the boards. As always, his older sister was relentless on the ice.

"Look at her go! 50 can move!" A mother lioness said next to Jack.

"That's Abergale. She's an absolute monster on the ice." A deer on the opposite side of Jack commented, pointing toward her.

"Look at number 50! She's untouchable!" another voice from behind yelled.

The score was 25-26, both teams competing for the puck like a pack of wild animals fighting over meat. Jack watched as his sister, decked out in a black and red jersey, skated and collided again with another. The puck now belonged to her. Closer and closer, Molly moved toward the enemy goalie. Though her helmet obscured her muzzle, Jack saw the fire in her eyes even from afar. She reeled her stick back and slapped it violently against the ice, sending the puck flying like a speeding bullet. Everything seemed to slow down. The buzzer rang, overtaking the crowd's cheers for a moment.

Everyone in the stands watched the puck enter the glove of the other team's goalie.

The opposite team all clumped together, holding their arms up and screaming joyously. Molly's team idly skated around, some of their heads low, including Molly herself. Jack splayed his ears on his head. From afar, he knew and felt the frustration that burned in her like a torch.

He saw Molly scan the stands for him. Jack stood up and waved, stepping down to the window and moseying past families of lions, retrievers and deer. She skated up to it, grinding to a halt and throwing her helmet off. The look on her muzzle said it all.

Her anger had a look that could kill. She peered downward, refusing to look into Jack's eyes.

"Don't worry, you played really good tonight, Moll." Jack said, eager to remind her of her skill. "You got a bunch of goals in and you were the people's champion."

Molly shrugged, removing a glove and running a paw through her short, tomboyish violet hair. Her fur was matted with sweat, her tongue lolling from her maw. The fire in her eyes were still burning. Though she seemed cold as ice, her muzzle was slim and narrow that held a warm smile topped with a pair of half-lidded azure eyes that Jack had seen light up many times before.

"Doesn't matter." She said. "I'm gonna go say good game to everyone, even though it wasn't, and I'll see you in the hall."

"It was a really good game, Moll!" Jack said.

"Uh huh." She said, skating off.


The ride home felt like Jack's mouth and thoughts were snowed in. Neither of the two siblings had said a word to each other. The younger of the two gulped, his paws gripping the steering wheel tightly. All of the right words floated in and out of his mind; it was impossible to choose what to say.

Molly, on the other paw, rested her head against the window. A green hoodie with the hood covering her face and a pair of black yoga pants replaced her hockey gear. Her arms were crossed and she turned her whole body away from Jack, folded up like a flower that refused to bloom. He sighed, his eyes darting on the road in front of them.

"Do you want to get beer on the way back?" Jack asked, the younger sibling choosing to break the silence. He heard Molly take in a deep breath.

"..Na." She said lowly. "I kinda just wanna go home and die. Maybe throw on some shitty documentary or something if you want to watch."

"Yeah, I'd totally be down to watch. Don't let this one get you down, Moll. You kicked a lot of butt tonight and everyone in the arena knows you were still the people's champion." Jack said. Though his eyes were on the road, the brooding aura in the passenger seat couldn't be ignored. He rubbed the back of his head, turning the steering wheel until they were down their street.

"Just wasn't enough." She said, sitting up and flipping her hood off. There she was. Even though he had to focus on the road, just a split look at his sister's face and muzzle relaxed him. Disappointment, not anger, was written on her face like a book. Jack smiled, reaching over and patting her thigh.

"Everyone loved you. You body checked the shit out of like, half their team. Even the folks I was sitting with were commenting on your plays." Jack said. He heard her chuckle. Easing into the parking lot of their apartment and stopping, Jack continued, "It's just a small league game, dude. Don't take it so seriously. I'd even go so far as to say you're still the Cyclone's top player."

"I did my best, Jackie. It's just really shit when your best still isn't enough to win, but that's the fuckin' way she goes I suppose." Molly said. She rubbed over her arms, wincing and growling softly, as if to hide the pain. "Fuckin' muscles feel like they burst during that game.. This sucks. Everything sucks. I immediately regret not saying yes to the beer idea."

"Do you want me to give you a massage?" Jack asked, his ears perking up a bit. "You poured your heart and soul into tonight's game. Maybe the ol' magic paws will help alleviate you of your woes, Moll. Star player like you has to take care of that body, no?"

Getting out from the car and looking over at her, Molly rested an arm on the roof, looking at him with those sleepy azure eyes of hers. Jack raised his paws up and squeezed at the air with them, shooting a goofy smile to his sister.

"..You're a fuckin' dork." She said, walking past him. "Sure. Lemme shower first. Do whatever you gotta do to take my mind off that awful ending of a game. If your paws don't alleviate me of my woes, I'll alleviate you of your last piece of cheesecake in the fridge."

Jack watched his sister raise her tail, the woman before him taking the lead up the steps to their apartment as usual. Biting his lip, watching that toned ass of hers flex and relax in perfect unison within those yoga pants.

His paws tightened up, suddenly eager to service that robust body of hers.


Lavender scent filled the room, making Jack's nose flare with each breath. He had to admit, his sister's favorite candle was a good choice.

As always, both of them had shed their clothes the moment they walked into their apartment.

On their bed and beneath the squish of Jack's paws, Molly moaned. Slowly, carefully, he rubbed down the length of his sister's back, his eyes having difficulty staying away from her round ass. He worked into her snow-white fur, squishing and tending to the muscle underneath and each time he pressed, Molly would shift or groan out in pleasure. Even though this kind of work was Jack's forte, when it came to massaging his sister's nude body, it always made the air around him harder to breathe. Every inch of her was to his tastes and he couldn't deny the raw passion he held for her.

"How the fuck do you do that?" She asked, her tail wagging a little bit. Jack's eyes darted to it, eager to get a look underneath, still doing his best to focus on ironing out the kinks in his sister's muscles. "Goddamn, Jackie, it's like your paws are magic.."

"You can kinda feel where the muscles are most stressed." He said, his paws moving down her back further. He bit his lower lip again, his paws now just above his sister's ass. They serviced her a bit more, working into her lower back and producing another soft sigh.

Gulping, Jack watched Molly's tail lift up and out of the way, revealing her perfect ass fully to her brother. His tongue lolled from his maw; just the sight of that plump pear-shaped rear was enough to throw Jack off. Trying to maintain his focus, his cock started to stiffen up.

Licking his chops, Jack's paws rubbed downward until they began to squish against the flesh of Molly's butt, spreading both of her cheeks. Her anal ring gave a reflexive wink at being exposed, and Jack could easily see her pussy was starting to get wet. Jack's cock twitched, precum already glistening at the head of it.

Roughly, he began to knead his paws around and over her ass, hips and juicy thighs, working into each of the individual muscles while straying near her sensitive areas but never enough to touch them. Each time he did, she writhed and groaned softly. Every time he teased her, her ears would fall flat against her head and then perk back up when his paws strayed away.

"You're turnin' me into butter, Jackie.." She said in a sultry tone. Slowly, her legs parted. "..Do you wanna..?"

Without a second thought Jack crawled up on the bed and straddled his sister's backside, pressing the length of his rigid cock between her cheeks, just underneath her tail. Molly's arms folded under her pillow, biting her lower lip as Jack rutted up against her ass.

"Ready..?" Jack asked. Molly wriggled her hips left and right. Then, she nodded.

Slowly, he pressed the tip of his thick cock against his sister's folds. Molly moaned out sensually as her brother inched inside of her. Jack mounted over her, burying his muzzle into the fur on her neck. Now balls-deep inside, he humped once, twice, looking down at his sister's butt as his hips made contact with hers.

Over time, the bed creaked with the siblings' activities, Jack's pace quickening already. Molly had parted her legs enough for her brother's sizable balls to swing more freely, slapping against her on the occasional thrust. The older wolf sibling licked her chops, her toes curling as waves of pleasure coursed through her body. One of Molly's paws reached back and gripped Jack's hair, turning her muzzle around to pull into a dominate kiss. Her tongue invaded his maw and he gladly took it in, eagerly sucking on it.

More and more, the bed beneath the pair creaked. Each hump was getting audibly louder. Molly's body, despite being a little larger than Jack, rocked forward a tad every thrust. She gripped the sheets, her fangs bared lightly.

"J-Jackie.. Pull out for a sec.." Molly whimpered, the older of the two pushing her brother back, turning over on her backside and spreading her legs again, exposing her wet pussy to him, her chest rising and falling quickly. A sense of need had accompanied the fire in her eyes. Jack's tongue lolled from his maw looking down at the beauty before him.

"Come here." She demanded.

Jack crawled back on top of her, slipping inside of her wet pussy again with ease. Molly's legs wrapped around him, locking him in place as the pair's eyes were fixed on one another's. Jack picked his speed up, his cock twitching and pulsing inside of his sister, her legs tightening around him.

Both of their tongues lashed against the other, both of the younger wolf's paws holding onto his sister's own, their digits twined together. Jack didn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

Jack's eyes rolled back in his head. Molly's scent, the taste of her fur and her sweat. The way she moaned, the way her body rocked and flexed those worked muscles of hers. Jack's claws dug into her dips, humping into his sibling relentlessly.

"God _ damn _, Molly.. I'm.." Jack whispered. She kissed him firmly again, her body quivering a bit.

"You know what to do.."

Jack railed inside of her fully, the both of them growling low as their lips locked once more. Jack's cock filled Molly's pussy with cum, his balls tightening up as they released their load. He hilted her, ensuring not a single drop would spill. Her legs tightened around Jack's hips with an iron grip, keeping him locked there while forcing her tongue into his maw again.

Molly's body tensed up, her maw shooting to her brother's shoulder as she buried her teeth in the fur, all of her muscles seizing up as pleasure rocked her body. Jack hissed, feeling her claws rake across his back. After awhile, she panted, her body relaxing, ears splayed on her head again.

In the afterglow, the only sound of the room was the sibling's soft noises and kissing, Molly moaning out whenever Jack would playfully buck into her, or Jack huffing as his sister's legs pulled him in.

"That was a hell of a fuckin' massage.." Molly said, panting. "Nobody makes me cum like you do, Jackie.."

"Gotta take care of my sister.." Jack said, kissing down Molly's flat chest and further to her toned abs. Jack looked up at her, his chin resting on her stomach.

"You really did play your ass off tonight, Moll. Win or lose, you you got people in the stands talking. Nobody was even talking about the winning team." Jack said, motioning her to turn over. Molly lay on her stomach again, same as when the two had started, lifting her tail and wagging it slowly. Jack licked his chops, his tongue grazing over his sister's plump ass.

"I'm not thinking about the game.. Just thinking about you.. How do you always know what to do to make me feel better?" Molly said.

"Because I love my sister and the last thing I want is for her to be salty over a hockey game. Plus, if it gets me close to the greatest butt I've ever seen.." Jack said, nipping the flesh of Molly's ass playfully.

"You fuckin' dork.." Molly said with a giggle, resting her cheek against the pillow. "Keep talkin' like that and this butt will sit on your muzz- Oh fuck.." She suddenly gasped, feeling Jack's tongue swirl around her anal ring. Molly sighed, pushing her brother back again and arching her backside, showing off herself off fully to him on all fours.

"..Massage me some more, Jackie.."
