Corruption In Space

Story by GerboiseBleu on SoFurry

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I know I know, it's a short story. I've been having idea troubles lately so I felt like I needed to make something.

The Spirit of Lust was travelling between worlds, looking for more worlds to corrupt. This time, he was simply flying through space in a world he was unfamiliar with. Eventually he spotted a ship and decided to investigate. He flew invisibly and intangibly through the walls of the ship until he found four creatures arguing.

"Damn it Wolf!" called Fox McCloud as he grit his teeth, "Miyu and I were just going to simply pick up my girlfriend Krystal and go back to my home to have a nice getaway with my crew, then you just stow away on the ship to take us hostage?"

"Thanks for pointlessly summing that up," Wolf mocked as he held his weapon to the other three, unfortunately weaponless. Miyu and Krystal grit their teeth along with Fox, unsure of what to do. The Spirit of Lust decided he could transform this into a fun opportunity. He transformed into an anthropomorphic feline and walked into the room.

"Who are you?" Wolf asked, "And how the hell did you get here?"

"I just wanted to know," The Spirit asked, "If the blue fox and orange fox are a couple, are you and the feline a couple?" Miyu had an almost insulted look on her face while Wolf just looked baffled.

"Uh, no," Miyu answered looking irritated, "Why does that ma--" Before she could say anything more, the Spirit of Lust simply held up his hand and the four of them fell under his power. Now that he could see into their minds, he knew more about the creatures he took control of.

"Well," The Spirit interrupted, "I'm going to change that. Now you are in a relationship with Wolf." He began instilling commands, fake memories, and new desires in all of them. Wolf O'Donnell was no longer a villainous mercenary seeking revenge, he was now a good friend of Fox and Krystal while also being the boyfriend of Miyu, who now loved Wolf very much.

"Now...this incident or whatever," The Spirit continued, "Forget about that. How about... the four of you having been friends for a long time and very confident in your romantic relationships, decided to open up to a poly with each other sexually. After all, space trips can be so long and boring. Sex is fun and can bring friends closer. You two male canines take thrill in pleasing both women, and both of you women find your boyfriend and other friend sexy." Krystal and Miyu eyed the two male canines lustfully, who now looked excited to have a sexy time.

"Good..." The Spirit smiled, glad to see his mind-altering powers as effective as always, "Now go ahead and start by switching partners. Show me how excited you all are to share your love." Miyu went to Fox McCloud and stroked his cheek with one hand while removing his jacket with the other. Fox blushed and smiled before removing his shirt and sinking to the floor in front of a couch. Meanwhile Wolf and Krystal were already passionately exchanging tongues in a french kiss, Wolf gently squeezing Krystal's already mostly exposed ass. Krystal then squatted to unbutton Wolf's pants while Wolf removed his shirt. Miyu was sprawled on the floor in front of Fox doing the same.

The two girls then began giving blowjobs to their current partners while adoring their bodies. Wolf and Fox were both quite muscular, Fox having a trained physique from his service while Wolf's was more rugged and natural from merely being bit in life. However despite being hypnotically altered to love each other, some personality quirks still shined through. After a small blowjob, Fox stopped Miyu and had her lay back down so he could lick her pussy. Wolf however instead pushed Krystal's head to deepthroat him, although the way Krystal's eyes sank, she was more than happy to do so.

The Spirit of Lust smirked, simply watching it all as the two girls got on their hands and knees to be fucked. As Wolf and Fox fucked them, moans began rising. Miyu and Krystal's blushing faces locked eyes in the middle, and the Spirit decided to give them thoughts about trying lesbian bonding. Now Miyu and Krystal wanted to exchange tongues and they passionately did so, much to Fox and Wolf's delights. After enjoying several minutes of fucking, the Spirit simply waved his hand and all four in quick succession came.

He figured that these four will make for a very entertaining space trip.

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