Mommy and me pt4

Story by Mark James FoXx on SoFurry

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Mommy and Me Part 4

My Attacker and My Savor

At school I walked out saying by to Megan I got on the bus and sat my friend Arron. He was a fox like me and he we looked related. He turned at looked at me. "Hey, Mark."

"Hi Arron." I smiled at him. "What's up."

He gave me a smirk and I think he puffed his chest out. "I saw a Samantha Videra's Breasts."

My eyes open wide. "Wow, how?" Samantha was one of the hottest cheetahs in the school with nice breasts. But she was also sleep with every thing that had muscles or a wallet. She was talked about a lot. She was caught in the boys bathroom with a line of guys in front of her cause she collected "Donations".

"My Brother had a party at the house and they played spin the bottle and something called beer pong." He said excitedly. I looked like it was fresh in his mind. "Her and a couple girls got drunk and started making out on my parents bed."

I laughed "Let my guess. You where in the closet pawing off as they made out." Which wasn't a bad idea.

He blushed. "You would do the same. I doubt you seen breasts at all."

I thought about my mother and how voluptuous her body and the roundness of her breasts couldn't be compared. "No, I haven't." Lying and keeping my little fun a secret.

"That what I thought." He smirked triumphantly, thinking he accomplished every boys dream.

The bus stopped at my house and I smiled. "Alright, see ya."

"Hey, Mark." Arron said. "You wanna come over sometime?"

"Maybe, when my teacher grows a soul and doesn't give me a book of homework."

He chucked. "Ok, see ya."

I walked off the buss and strolled down the driveway of my home and the car was there. Tory. My paws tighten on my backpack. I walked to the door and my paw reached out, the door open sharply. Tory looked down at me and growled a bit then smiled. He turned and walked away and I walked in behind him. My mother got up from the couch as Tory sat. That pissed him off. My mother walked up to me and gave me a big hug and kiss.

"Hi, baby. How was school?"

Like an animated message machine I said. "It was ok." I took off my bag "I got a lot of homework."

"Then get your books out and work on them and ill make dinner, ok." She smiled big and helped me with my books, putting them on the table. She set my last book down and then headed for the kitchen. Tory, like a lost puppy, got up quick and followed her.

After a couple minutes later, I heard kissing. It grossed me out. First, he wasn't my father and secondly all that fox could think of was sex, sex, sex. That's why he was smiling when I came in. it his way of saying " I will get her naked and make her scream." But for the 3 months of their relationship, no sex. I would always screw it up for him that's why he hates me. I heard a soft murring. I knew that sound and I had to stop it.

I grabbed my science book and called out for my mom. "Mom, I need some help." I added a little whine to it. It first knocks my mother back to reality and loses her mood. I heard growling and a simple apology of this wasn't a good time. My mother came to my side.

"What is it, Sweety?" She asked.

"I don't get this, Mommy." I told her.

"Ok." she smiled and started to read a little when the phone rung. She reached over and answered it. "Hello." She said in her soft tone. She listen to the phone. She smile. "Alright ill pick it right away." She turn to me. "Baby I got to go pick up something." I already knew what it was. It was her check.

She did her work at home. She did advertisement for a top designer. Her best friend Gary did design and he was good. He meet my father and mother when she was pregnant with me. He has wife and kids of his own. Sometimes I play with them but they move. When Gary and his wife heard of my father's death, they were instantly there for comfort. He offered her a job of advertisement so she can stay close to me.

Tory walked up to her. "I got to get going, baby"

"Ok." She smiled he kissed her and groped her for a split second. Then left. my mother grabbed the keys to her car, gave me a kiss. "Be right back, Hun." And left.

I grabbed my books and walked in my room and continued doing my homework. As I sat doing my homework I heard my bedroom door open slowly. I smiled until the door slammed. I jumped and turned. It was Tory. He locked my bedroom door and looked at me "So you like screwing with me you little bastard." He took a step towards me. "Everytime I think I'm gonna get some you fuck it up." I got so scared. He grabbed me by the shirt and threw me against the wall. My head bouced off the wall and my head began to throb. "If I'm not getting anything from her." He started unbuckling his pants and took them off. I began to breath harder as I saw his throbbing member out. I tried to run for it but he grabbed me and fondled my cock. He took my clothes off and her bent me over my own bed. I was crying trying to get away. "Shut up you little bitch." He hit the back of my head and rubbed my tailhole. He spit on his fingers and med his member wet. I screamed and cried felt his force come on me. I felt his hot cock rub up against my rump. I gave one final scream then I heard a door swoosh open and a loud crack.

I felt his paws loosen around me then his body slide off me to the ground. I looked at Tory eyes open but stone cold. I looked up and saw a tall fox standing over me. he wore jeans with black leather boots and a trench coat made of leather. He wore a hate with a brim that went all around and it hide his face from the light. I only saw his muzzle poke out. He reached his paw out and I flinched and curling up in a ball and whined with my eyes closed. His paw settled on my head. "You're ok." His strong voice calmed me. He turned to my dresser and gave me new clothes to wear. I open my eyes to him giving me them. I grabbed them and put them on as he turned and grabbed Troy's body. He picked Tory and took him out.

When I got my clothes on, I raced to find the strange fox. I found him outside in the misty rain, stuffing the body of Tory in the trunk another black figure grabbed the keys from Tory's body and got in the car. The strange fox shut the trunk and headed to the car. One thing was going through my mind. There something I had to know. I ran to him and grabbed his leg. "Wait, don't go." He stopped as he heard my simple cries. I cried. "Daddy, Don't go." He turned and bent down. He tilted his hat so I could see his eyes. They were so familiar, like looking in a mirror.

"Mark. I'm not your dad." He said. I started to cry and I grabbed his coat.

"Yes, you are." I shook his coat and cried more.

He grabbed both sides of my face gently. "Mark, I'm sorry. I can't bring him back." I forced my face in his jacket and cried. He wrapped his arms around me. In my mind I wanted a dad. I wanted a male that supported me and my mother.

"Come on, man. We got to go." A voice came from his car.

"Mark." He pulled me away and wiped my tears. "I want you to be strong. You hear me, Mark. Not only for you. For your mom also, ok?" I nodded my head and sniffled. He chuckled and rubbed my head. "You're going to be ok." I stood up and I saw him smile. I looked up at him and then lean forward and hugged his pelvis. He patted my back and pulled me away again. Turning he got in the car and both cars left.

I watch those cars left. I was soaked from the rain. Right when they disappeared, my mothers car came up. She parked and got out of her car. "Hunny, What are you doing out here. You're gonna caught a cold." she picked me up and carried me inside. She set me down and looked at me. "You know you...." I was still shedding tears. "Hunny, what's wrong?"

I took her paw and pulled her to my room. In my room she saw a phone inside my ripped clothes. She gasped and walked over to my ripped clothes. She picked up a phone that was in my underwear. I didn't remember a phone being there. She looked in the phone as I looked around my room whimpering, remembering what happened. I realized some of my toys were taken and my room a bit more of a mess. I looked up at her and tears streamed sown from her eyes. She took the phone and broke it in half and turned to me. she picked me up and carried me to her room without saying a word. She set my down and striped me of my wet clothes. I was completely naked. "Get in Mommy's bad, darling." She said in a strong but soft tone. I was shivering at this point from my wet fur. Climbing up in the bed my mother went in the backroom and came out in her night gown. It was see through. I saw her pink bra and panties. It made me forget about everything. She crawled on the bed and under the covers, holding me tight. She was so warm. Her body heat warmed me for the wet and coldness I was feeling. Her voice broke the silent. "Thank God, you were taking a shower when Tory broke in." I was so confused. That's not what happen but, If she did, she wouldn't be able to breath. Her voice broke like a bad record. "If... he hurt you... I'd never forgive myself." Tears streamed down her face. I looked in her eyes. She was so hurt. I saw her heart was shatter and her trust was gone. I had to do something to calm her down. She was crying harder and she started to shake. I wrap my arms around her and kissed her deeply. It scared her a little. Her eyes shot open and then slowly shut. I pulled away and looked at her.

"I Love you, Mommy." I smiled. She looked at me and smiled as she kissed me. she licked my cheek.

"I love you, too my little angel." She kissed me deeply slipping her tongue in my mouth. She started to caress my body, overwhelming my body with her love. I got a little horny and grabbed her breast. She took my paw off her breast and kissed my paw. "Not tonight my darling." She just kept kissing me. she rolled on top of me and start kissing my chest and lips. "You my little Kit, nothing will hurt you. Never." She started licking my chest and kissing my lips. Getting off, she held me and closed my eyes. I nuzzled her and snuggled in her bosom and fell asleep dreaming of my Attacker and my Savor

With My Mistress Ch 2

With My Mistress pt.2 Punishment WARNING-This story is rated M. It may cause boners or wet pussies. The creator is me Mark James FoXx. (C) this is mine and only mine. Steal it and I will kill you. Only can be barrowed for masturbation purposes only....

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tales of Mark and Krystal

**Tales of Mark FoXx and Krystal** Intro The wind was soft as the two figures walked down the main road. A couple was walking, holding each other paw. They walked side by side, loving each others company. The girl was a young fox...

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With My Mistress Ch1

With My Mistress pt.1 Interview WARNING-This story is rated M. It may cause boners or wet pussies. The creator is me Mark James FoXx. (C) this is mine and only mine. Steal it and I will kill you. Only can be barrowed for masturbation purposes only....

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