Blood & Carrots - Episode 21

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#21 of B&C

So, you wish to hear the old bunny-tales of the misadventures of Alice Blackpaw, do you? Hmm, I suppose I can, but you may be here a while. My life was a simple one once, not unlike your own, but time and circumstance changed that. You ask if I'm a vampire? Yes, I suppose that is partially accurate, but there's so much more to the story than that. Love, lust, war, reinvention...

I see you're determined. Very well, I'll tell you the tale of how I came to be who I am today. It may be a long tale, but after all, we have nothing but time. So, rest your head on my lap, my pet, but I warn you... storytelling can make me a tad thirsty.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

An obligatory swimsuit episode? Yes, please! Lorelai and Alice both in a swimsuit? Oh hell yes! That's right, we're going to be revisiting our favorite sheep, my lovely!

It won't just be splashing around though, there's still plenty of bonding and drama to unpack in this episode. Why perhaps even a little danger to be had as well!

Let's jump right in!


Episode 21:

You are selfish but you are mine.

"Why don't we revisit my favorite sheep?" I hummed the words playfully, eager to pull the story away from the talk of death.

I wagged a finger and winked. "Seeing lady Lorelai in a swimsuit was something I had dreamed about since our first night together. I knew when she said we were going to a tropical island for our vacation, I would finally have my chance..."


"I won't!" Lorelai crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly.

I pursed my lips and gave her a pout while holding up the small hanger with the blue two-piece swimsuit on it. "Come on... you would look amazing in it!" I spoke the words with a grin, my little tail flicking.

The sheep shook her head and I saw she had her heels dug in on the subject. "N-no... my body type is far too pudgy for such a thing."

My cheeks puffed out as I gave her a fussed look. "You're not pudgy or fat, you're curvy and I love how your body looks. Like a sexy classical era pin-up model!"

Her brown eyes darted away, her cheeks growing a little dark. It made my heart sing to see her let her guard down and act so normal with me. She sighed and put her hand on her hips, returning to my gaze. "You can't always get what you want, No."

I frowned and folded my ears, racking the swimsuit back. "We came out here to the islands, it seems such a waste not to see you in a swimsuit."

Lorelai sighed and folded her arms once again. "Alice, does my opinion mean so little to you? Can you not simply respect my wishes and comfort level?"

"O-of course I can! I wasn't trying to be a brat... just..." I bit my lower lip and met her eyes. "I think you're gorgeous and wanted to show you off... even if it will be at night."

The sheep gave a grunt and I saw her posture shift as she moved her hands to her curvy hips once more before frowning. "Fine... I propose a trade."

I lifted my ears curiously and gave her a smile. "What's that?"

She cut her brown eyes to me and I could see her gaze wandering my body. "I will wear a swimsuit for you, but not something that I'm falling out of, It must be a one-piece."

My ears flicked and I clapped my hands together as I grinned. "Really? I do not want to make you feel guilted into it."

"You have a funny way of showing that," Lorelai said in a stern voice.

I flinched and folded my ears. "I'm sorry... I've been trying to not act like such a brat so much... I know I get demanding and overbearing a lot of times..."

I felt her palm gently rest upon my cheek. "It is okay, I enjoy making you happy." I felt her grip my chin and she jerked my face back to hers. "You have grown a lot these last few seasons, but remember what you are deep down. Do not lose yourself to appease those around you, Alice."

I nod while staring into her soft brown eyes, then widen my gaze as she moved in and pushed her mouth to my own in a dominant kiss. I could feel her will behind it and my knees threatened to buckle from the gesture.

My arms wrapped around her neck and I pushed my body into her own eagerly. I still loved the fact that she and I were level with one another. It was nice to kiss someone without having to rise up on my toes or be picked up.

A small tone filled the sound system of the store and we parted lips, both our ears lifting, "Attention shoppers, the time is nine-thirty. The store will be closing in thirty minutes, please finish your shopping and make your way to the registers."

"We are short on time..." Lorelai spoke the words gently, rubbing my cheek affectionately.

I gave her a nod and reluctantly pulled from her arms. "R-right... let me find a nice one piece."

The sheep showed her teeth in a confident grin. "There is more to my stipulation, my rabbit..."

I met her gaze and blinked, my cheeks darkening at the haughty confidence in her gaze. "Yeah? Tell me, my sheep."

Lorelai trailed her finger down my throat. "You must wear a green swimsuit for me, a two-piece."

I felt my composure and maturity shatter. I gave her a fussy pout and folded my arms with a sulk. "T-that's not fair, why do you get to demand me in a two-piece?"

"Because I hold the cards in this exchange and life is not always fair, my cute little bunny," Lorelai hummed the words and pushed closer to me, patting my hip gently.

I gave a soft huff at her movement and confident attitude. The sheep pushed her forehead to mine and gave me a playful smile. "Well... time is running out, go find a nice one-piece for me, I'm off to pick out a two-piece for you."

She pulled away from me and showed a playful grin before moving further into the swimsuit area. I shivered at being outplayed by her, loving her confidence. I quickly began to sort through swimsuits, looking for one I could agree with.


We returned to the beachside hotel after our early evening shopping trip. I stopped by the front desk to ask for a few hurricane glasses on the way to our room.

"What are those for?" Lorelai asked me as we stepped from the elevator and made our way to the penthouse suite on the top floor.

"You will see, my sheep." I gave her a childish smile as we made our way into the room.

Lorelai came out of the bathroom several minutes after going in and had a frown upon her face. "I should have examined this more thoroughly, you sneaky rabbit..." She spoke the words and gave me a shake of her head.

"Hey... I followed the rules." I hummed the words and sauntered over to her, my hands resting upon her curvy hips. The swimsuit was a matching green to my own and clung to her curves like a second skin. There was a nice low cut near the top which made her breasts bulge and round against the material, showing a lovely deep cut of her ample cleavage. There was a small diamond shape at the center that was cut out, showing her navel.

"You are an underhanded lover." Lorelai squirmed on her feet and tugged at the top, I could see her peaks showing through the material while she fussed with it.

I gave her a laugh. "Seriously? At least your swimsuit has support for that fine round butt of yours!" I put my hands on my hips and turned away from her, showing my backside. The green swimsuit she picked out was thin in the back, barely covering any of it. "It might as well be a thong at this point."

"It's perfect." Lorelai gave me a playful smile and I felt her hand lightly smack my butt before rubbing it. I gasped out at the impact to my mostly exposed rear, my small fluff of white tail flicking about erratically at her touch.

"You gave me such a lecture then put me in something so lewd." I turned to face her, crossing my arms under my breasts, letting them push forward. The green fabric hugged under the swell of my breasts to support them, then came up my chest, barely covering my nipples before crossing at my collar and moving behind my back.

"Once again... life is not always fair." The sheep gave me a cocky grin, her ears folded. I felt her hands move over my breasts, teasing at the tips of them with her fingertips.

I blushed and bit my lip, looking to see she had done so just so my peaks would be pushing out of the material like hers were. "You... really are a lewd sheep." I spoke the words and pulled from her grip, moving back into the kitchen.

"Aren't you happy I've gotten comfortable enough around you?" Lorelai gave me a smile and stood on the other side of the small bar adjoining the kitchen.

"I am! It... it makes me happy..." I blushed and gave her a smile before I set out the curvy glasses from the front desk.

"Why is that?" Lorelai asked me curiously, her eyes giving me an inquisitive look.

"Just deep thoughts you probably don't want to hear..." I glanced away from her piercing gaze.

The sheep stood on her toes and leaned over the bar. She grabbed my chin and moved my gaze to meet her own. "Something weighs upon you... tell me, now."

I blinked into her brown eyes, seeing the words were not a request. I bit my lower lip and tried to pull from her grip but she tugged my chin back to stare upon her. I folded my ears and sighed in defeat. "I've just been worried about my partners lately..."

"Are you having problems at home with your lovers?" She asked me curiously and tilted her head.

"No... nothing like that..." I felt her grip ease and pulled from her before stepping deeper into the kitchen. My tail flicked about as I ran my fingers through the back of my hair. "I just... Lorelai... I really like you, I really do. When I say you have my heart I mean it..."

She folded her arms and gave me a long calculated look, that detached look I would see when I was speaking with Lorelai of the council, not my lover. "Alice... are you about to break up with me?"

"What? No!" I spat the words out and quickly moved to her. My hands gripped hers and I pulled them to my lips, kissing the top of her fingers. "Not at all... I adore you and never want to lose you..."

I saw her gaze soften and then saw something else in her eyes, relief. She moved to cup my face and looked into my eyes with her own. "Tell me... just tell me plainly, what weighs upon you, my lovely rabbit?"

My body shuddered at her touch, I could feel her will wash over me both in comfort and compulsion to obey her. I nuzzled her palm and rested my hand on her wrist. "Have I stretched my love to thin... I asked Alex this a few weeks ago as well. Do you feel I cheapen our relationship, that I don't lo- like you as much as you deserve?"

Her eyes widened at my caught words and then narrowed back to their normal size. She read me like a book, staring into my soul and then pulled her palm from my own before she stepped away. I frowned when she turned her back to me and clasped her hands behind her. "Elias has never returned your love, has he?"

"He has not... he has beat around the bush, telling me he adored me, that he couldn't lose me, yet... He has never returned the words to me outright." I folded my ears and frowned.

"It will come in time, he and I are old and the words are more closely guarded. It does not mean we do not feel them, but to say it... to say it, opens something up inside us. It brings us to a vulnerability, one we have no doubt had stripped bare again and again in our time on this earth." Lorelai spoke the words in a forlorn tone of voice while looking out the windows at the beach below us.

"I suppose I'm being selfish again..." I sighed the words and shook my head.

"You are... but what is more selfish than love, Alice?" Lorelai looked upon me questioningly from the corner of her eye. I said nothing and simply nodded at her.

The sheep turned to fully face me and walked back to me. "You almost said the words to me, you stopped yourself though. Did you do so because you do not feel it, or you fear I will not return it?"

I shivered and shook my head. "D-do we... must we speak of this?"

"We must, and we will. Look upon me and answer my question, if you do not, I shall make you." She showed her teeth, her arms folded, the tone absolute and authoritative.

I met her eyes simply because her willpower demanded it, my teeth grit and I felt tears form in my eyes. "I... I hate it when you do this to me... when you strip my will and force me to speak..."

"And I do not like to see you in pain, nor sulking like a child." The sheep clicked her tongue and shook her head, her wooly curls bouncing slightly. "I am an old being, set in my ways like Elias, but I will hear your feelings for me. I will hear your true nature of what you think of me, of us..."

I wanted to pull my eyes from hers but I couldn't, her will was absolute and I couldn't even fathom disobeying her. I gave a defeated sigh and folded my ears. "Yes... like Alex, Katrina, Gloria, and Elias." I spoke the roster of names just to make myself feel disgusted as I uttered the words. "I feel love for you, I want to proclaim it, but I fear for more rejection as I do with Elias."

"We have been seeing one another for around seven months now. Do you know what that compares to in my time of existence? It would be like a single day to a mundane." She showed me a frown while gazing upon me. "And we do not see one another on a daily basis. I get a few days a month with you."

"Yes! I know, I'm stupid, childish and I don't know what love is! I get what you're saying to me, Lorelai!" I spat the words out bitterly and jerked my gaze away from her.

"I said none of those things, Alice." The sheep spoke the words to me gently.

"I said them myself! I already know!" I snarled at her and showed my teeth.

"Step before me and look upon me." Lorelai spoke the words and pushed her will forward. I didn't even try to resist and simply moved to her and looked into her soft brown eyes.

"You love me?" She asked again, in a pointed tone of voice.

I nodded and set my jaw, giving her the most resolved look I could muster. "I do. I don't care if it sounds insane to you."

I saw her gaze soften, I saw the sheep I knew on a personal level return to me. She looked away from me and shook her head. "What... did I tell you before... what was my advice when you asked about getting stronger?"

"You said... to live life, enjoy it..." I spoke the words softly.

"What else did I say?" The sheep had a faint hue of pink upon her skin now, the blood she had drank apparently going to work.

"Y-you said to make love like a hurricane." I blushed and gave her a weak smile.

"I didn't mean those words in simply the physical sense, Alice." She raised a brow to me curiously. "Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"

"That... it's okay to love you?" I asked curiously.

"It is... but..." Lorelai showed her teeth and I felt her frustration building before she shot me a glare. It was the eyes of the haughty fussy sheep I had grown to love. "Gods be damned rabbit! Have you not shredded enough of my barricades and wormed yourself deep enough into my soul?"

I raised my ears sharply and blushed. "Ah... Lorelai I don't-"

"Shut up! You are selfish, you think you are the only one to struggle with such things? Do you not consider how I feel, how Elias feels?" She showed me a glare and hissed the words bitterly. "To love someone... to love after so long, to let someone in like that... it is a dear, dear price to pay for us... that is... it is..."

"I'm sorry..." I lowered my ears and looked away.

"You stupid rabbit! You look upon me!" Lorelai spoke the words in a sharp heated voice and I jerked my gaze to her own obediently.

"Alice Blackpaw... you are an obstinate and selfish woman. You weaponize your love and don't even realize you do such a thing. You ask so much... too much... you assume it's easy because it seems to be so for you. Then you assume this mantle of martyrdom, that you are a villain for your feelings." The sheep spat the words at me while glaring into my eyes, tears filling her own as her teeth showed.

"You are a fool, you are a reckless fool! You are..." Lorelai huffed out and grabbed my shoulders, jerking me to her. She pushed her forehead to mine and snapped out the words. "Say it again, after everything I just told you, after tearing you down and telling you how wrong you are. Tell me again how you feel about me, now!"

I showed my teeth my eyes focused upon her. "Then I am a weak, selfish fool. Because I still say it and I mean it. I love you and you have my heart!" I spat the words out while glaring into her eyes.

I heard her swallow as she blinked at me several times and parted her lips. "You have... it's official... you have driven me mad... I feel the same. Gods and sanity be damned... You have my heart, you have my... love..."

I bit my lower lip hard, feeling the price she paid to say it, I felt her will weaken and her shoulders slump. "Lorelai... I-"

"No... still your tongue... you are a selfish child Alice, you have taken something from me. Something I have locked away and guarded for over a century... you were not satisfied... you had to have it... and now you do... you have it and for the first time in nearly two centuries... I am exposed and vulnerable..." She pulled away from me and turned, shivering as she hugged herself.

"I promise... I promise to take good ca-"

"I said still your tongue!" Lorelai shouted the words at me, tears flowing from her eyes. I nodded and pulled her into my arms, holding her in silence. We stood there for a time, I could see her reflection in the window, her teeth were clenched and though she didn't sob, her tears flowed forth.

Time seemed to drag and we stayed like that for several minutes before I felt her pull at my grip. I didn't want to lose her warmth and hugged tighter. "Just... a little longer... please?" She said nothing but slumped back into my arms to let me hold her.

"You... were wrong that night..." Her words came to me after a few more minutes, they came to me composed and calm, but not calculated.

"What do you mean?" I asked gently into her ear.

The sheep pulled from my arms and took a few steps away. "I was not lonely or sad... I didn't need companionship or affection." She turned to look upon me, her arms behind her back. "I didn't need your touch or affection, Alice..."

"I see..." I looked away from her gaze. "I do not mean to be so self-"

"I will hear no more of your self-pity. Start taking responsibility for yourself, rabbit." She spat the words out at me sharply. I bit my lower lip and nodded at her.

"You now have the prize you so sought, how do you feel?" She spoke the words in a calm calculated tone.

"It was not a prize... I never sought to win or coax you." I muttered and shook my head.

"Did you not? Were you not desperate to hear the words from me, like you had been with your master?" Lorelai took a step toward me and I flinched at her words.

"Lorelai... please... I wasn't trying to-"

"I said no more self-pity!" She spat the words at me and showed her teeth.

"Then what the fuck do you want from me!?" I shouted back at her, showing my own sharp canines. "Do you hate me now for my love? I never wanted anything but to make you happy!"

She gritted her teeth and shook her head. "I do not hate you, far be it..."

I gave her a ragged tired breath and shot her the strongest glare I could manage in the wake of her willpower. "I say it again... what do you want from me?"

Lorelai jerked her gaze from mine and stuck her nose up into the air. "I have given you something no one has had from me in over a century... You now have something from me I swore no one would ever have again, do you understand?"

"I can only fathom... but I understand as best I can... yes..." I spoke gently.

"If you hurt me... there will be no forgiveness for you... I will never speak to you again... I will never so much as look into your eyes. Do you understand?" Her words came out soft and weak sounding.

"I would sooner take a walk in the noonday sun than hurt you, Lorelai..." I stepped to her and moved a hand behind her head, pulling her gently against me.

The sheep closed her eyes and pushed her head into my chest, nuzzling at my breasts gently. "So it is... you have it... You have my love... I love you, Alice."

"I love you too, Lorelai. I will never betray your feelings..." I whisper the words and move my lips to hers, pushing her into a kiss with me.

Her body grew weaker at my touch and I felt her fingertips grip my shoulders. She pushed back against my mouth, kissing me in return. I felt her lips part and moved my tongue to her own while we embraced.

Lorelai pulled from my arms and parted from my mouth. "You are nothing but trouble... you are selfish..."

"I do not mean to be..." I said, and slipped from her arms, returning to the kitchen.

"You are mine though... I question if I will not simply take you from Elias and the others in earnest." The sheep spoke the words casually while folding her arms over her stomach.

I shivered at her words and blushed. "Y-you... you're not serious are you?"

"If he were to hurt you or be unworthy? If the others did not treat you well? I justly would." Lorelai gave a shrug and moved to the counter of the bar.

I frowned but gave her a nod. "I... I do not think he or they would hurt me and all of them are more than I deserve, just as you are... I do not deserve any of the love I have..."

"I believe Val is fond of saying... we are not the gods, we do not get to decide what we are worthy of." Lorelai wagged a finger and her gaze relaxed.

Smiling, I took out the things from the grocery bag, including some carrot juice and white rum. Lorelai gave me a look and folded her arms. "What do you plan to do, Alice? We cannot gain anything from alcohol."

"No... but, I still want to make you a drink since we're at the beach." I grinned at her and took down a cocktail shaker from the cabinets. I then hummed to myself as I stepped to the refrigerator and took out a sports bottle of blood we had brought. "Besides, I do not think the bartender would be willing to add this to it."

The sheep smiled and shook her head, watching me put carrot juice, white rum, and blood into the shaker along with a few ice cubes. I shook the drink while my breasts bounced and swayed in my swim top, my cheeks darkened as I felt her watching me so intently. "M-must you stare so intently?"

"Hush and make my drink, rabbit." She said with a haughty grin, her small tail flicking.

"Yes ma'am." I poured the mixture into the hurricane glasses, then presented one to my sheep.

I saw Lorelai focus as if willing her tastebuds to work before she took a curious sip from the cocktail. "Well... the sweetness of the rum and carrot juice lends well to the blood, I will admit."

"Thank you, I'm glad you approve of it." I hummed gently and moved to her before I gripped her wrist. Pulling her along with me, I walked out to the balcony of the hotel, eager to look upon the ocean with her.

Lorelai leaned into me slightly and sipped on her cocktail. "Would you like to walk along the beach after this? The moon is high and the surf is a beautiful white."

"That sounds lovely... can we have sex on the beach as well?" I hummed the words playfully to her.

The sheep folded her ears. "I would rather not! Sand is not fun to get in such intimate areas." She gave me a playful huff and put a hand to her chest. "You may have me in an area with grass."


Lorelai gave me an excited bleat as I laid her down in the grass, my lips pushing to her own. I felt her happily give me full control of the situation and I quickly reached to the straps of her swimsuit, pulling the green fabric down her arms until her breasts spilled out of the material.

"Gods, I love your body..." I sighed and moved to shove my mouth against her right breast, suckling upon her hard peak eagerly. My sheep moaned happily then gave a disapproving groan as I pulled from her and started kissing further down her body.

"I missed you... I've been thinking about you for weeks..." She panted then bleated out again as I grabbed under her knees and jerked her legs wide apart. "A-alice, at least take the swimsuit off!"

"No need... the material is thin, I made sure of it." I hummed and shoved my mouth right up against the soft green material stretched over her folds. Lorelai clenched her teeth, then I felt her hands reach out to grab at my ears and hair. I grunted at the pull to my scalp but happily continued to roll my tongue against her spot through the material. I could plainly taste her through the fabric, her own wetness and my saliva giving me a clear outline of her.

Lorelai blinked down at me, tears filling her eyes and shaking her head. "S-stop... stop... ha..." I felt my ewe shudder and give me a weak defeated moan. I panted softly, watching her small sheep petals clench and convulse within the swimsuit.

"Did that feel good my... love?" I hummed gently and began to peel the rest of her green swimsuit away.

"Yes... oh, I missed your touch so much..." Lorelai panted weakly and bit her lower lip, watching me strip her before reaching to peel my own bottoms off, leaving me in just the green strapped top.

I pulled her leg up slightly and wasted no time moving into position with her. Her small pink tongue was showing in a pant, then she clenched her teeth and drooped her ears, feeling me push my folds to hers as we began to grind. I panted out softly while making love to her, looking into her red eyes as she blinked up at me. "Huff... I love how you feel... I love the sounds you make..."

She showed her teeth again and shuddered before grabbing at my top. I gasped out as she pulled at the green fabric, my own breasts spilling out while she clutched the straps and writhed beneath me. "Ha... don't stop... please give me... ngh!" She looked up to me with clenched teeth, blushing and staring into my own red eyes while I drove her over once more.

"My gorgeous sheep... my sexy little ewe..." I moaned and leaned over to rub her cheek while my hips ground desperately against her own. Our folds were slick and drenched with one another's lust. "One more... I know you've got another in you..."

She shook her head and lolled her tongue. "I- I don't... s-stop..." She bleated the words and I just kept working my hips hard against her own. My hand moved down over her body to rub and knead at her left breast, my other still holding her leg.

"You do... now give it to me..." I shoved my hips hard and ground myself against her, giving her nipple a hard little pinch. The sheep bleated out sharply, her eyes wide and looking upon mine as I forced her over again. Her body shuddered and she gave a weak defeated moan before collapsing into the grass with a heavy pant.

"Good girl... that's the sheep I love..." I whispered as I climbed over her and gently kissed her lips.

"Ha... I... I love you too... " Lorelai spoke the words weakly and then blinked upon me and widened her eyes as I pulled my hair from my throat and bared my neck. "A-Alice... what are you... doing?" I saw her teeth show, her eyes smoldering red.

"I am yours now, yes? Take from me... have me and make me feel I belong to you." I sighed the words lovingly.

I felt there would be more coaxing her, but I saw her teeth show again and she grabbed my shoulders with surprising force before rolling me over into the grass on my back. My sheep grabbed hard at my hair and jerked my head further to the side, fully exposing my throat. I willed my blood to flow hard, making my heart pump violently for her. "All yours my ewe..."

Lorelai bared her teeth and I felt them plunge into my neck as I gasped sharply and dug my fingertips into her shoulders. My teeth clenched hard while I felt her drink from me, then my tongue lolled as the euphoria gripped me. I lazily tangled my fingertips into her wooly hair, holding her close while listening to her gulp down my blood again and again.

"Yes... claim me... take what is yours my she- ngh!" My eyes widened as I felt her hand dart between my legs and begin to pinch and rub at my sensitive pearl.

My hips thrashed and I moaned at the dual pleasure, feeling the euphoria of her touch and feeding in tandem. "Oh f-fuck.... Ha..."

The sheep snarled and made a final hard pull from my wounds, taking a big gulp down and pinching at my sensitive little spot. I cried out in a shrill moan of unrestrained release, feeling my body violently shudder and give in from the stimulation.

"G-guh... L-lore...lai..." I panted out in a weak moan, feeling her drag her tongue over my throat, closing my wounds before settling against my body and giving her own satisfied sigh. I somehow made the effort to put an arm around her before passing out.


"Hey... wake up, Alice." Lorelai's voice filled my ears and I furrowed my brow before groaning.

"Ngh... how long was I out?" I muttered the words, blinking my eyes open, then widening them as I saw the sky starting to take on a dark orange color.

"Too long, we need to get moving." Lorelai spoke the words with urgency in her voice. She had already put her swimsuit back on and I looked down at myself to see my own back in place.

"R-right... thanks for dressing me." I gave her a childish smile and climbed to my feet, still a little light-headed from the blood loss.

"Of course... now let us go. I didn't confess my love to you just for us to both die in some stupid way like this." Lorelai pulled at my wrist and tugged me along.

I grinned and moved to match her pace and looked upon her profile while she walked ahead briskly, a focused look on her face. I had never seen her in the morning light and it made my heart throb to see her like this, to see my beautiful sheep. "Hey... I love you..." I spoke the words childishly and grinned.

Lorelai gave me a wide grin and looked back into my eyes. "And I you..." Her eyes widened at the horizon and she clenched her teeth. "O-okay... uh... plan B... run!"

"What?!" I yelped as she gripped hard at my wrist and started to run down the beach. I had to struggle to keep my footing in the sand as we sprinted. I couldn't help but giggle at the desperate situation and grinned.

"Uhm... there are people around but... we might have to cheat a little!" Lorelai came to a stop and turned. "On my back, no questions!"

I grinned and hopped on her back and the elder vampire gave me a quick nod. "Hold on tight... I don't want to lose you... ever..." She gave me a toothy smile over her shoulder then was gone. I gasped as she slipped from sight but I still felt her against my flesh. I realized I couldn't see my own arms or anything either.

"Woah... are we invisible?!" I shouted out excitedly.

"S-shut up..." She whispered to me and then the world around me blurred as she started moving with supernatural speed. We left a mysterious odd sand cloud kicked up with no obvious source, drawing shocked looks from morning joggers.

She stopped at the base of our hotel and I gave an excited grin, hugging tight to her as I felt her jump. We rose several dozen stories into the air before she landed gracefully on the balcony. We both shifted back into view and she gave a winded pant before speaking. "L-let's get inside and draw the shades."

I nodded and took her hand, walking inside and quickly pulling the shades down on the windows. A beam of sunlight pierced in and brushed my foot and I felt it burn like someone had stuck a hot iron to it. I hissed and jumped back from the light and rubbed my foot.

"Alice! Are you alright?" Lorelai was to me in a heartbeat and sat me on the bed, pulling my foot in her lap to look it over.

"Ngh... yeah, it was just a graze..." I drooped my ears and frowned, seeing the worried look on her face while she examined my foot. There was a large red swath across the top of my foot, as if I had burned myself on a hot piece of metal.

"You're going to be okay... but it will take a few days to heal... nothing we can do about it." She gently rubbed at my ankle near the burn, frowning at me. "I'm sorry... I should have run faster..."

"I shouldn't have insisted we had sex near the beach and passed out." I frowned and wiggled my toes, feeling the constant sting from the pain. "Ha... it burns... can I do anything about the pain?"

Lorelai shook her head. "It's more acute because you've been almost a year like this. You use blood and energy to heal wounds right away, so pain is a brief thing we normally don't have to deal with for long. The pain should ease in a few hours."

I sniffled and nodded, feeling tears in my eyes. "O-okay... sorry, it just hurts a lot..."

"I know my rabbit..." Lorelai spoke to me in a motherly tone and pulled me into her lap, kissing my forehead gently. "I will stay up and dote upon you until it eases."

I leaned against her and frowned. "The sun... is really scary..."

"Yes... I've seen what it can do to our kind... up close and personal," I felt her shiver and pulled closer to her.

"It was really fun running with you like that... hand in hand..." I gave her a smile, my eyes wet with tears.

"It was...your foot should be okay enough to walk on when night falls. We can go for a run together on the beach." The sheep cooed the words to me, brushing her fingertips over my cheeks. I nodded, tears rolling down her fingertips and smiled at her.

Lorelai laid back and pulled me against her gently, careful to let my foot have plenty of room to be exposed. "Come now... sleep will help..." Her brown eyes shifted red and I felt her will come to bear and dominate my own. "Close your eyes my rabbit... close your eyes and sleep the pain off..."

I shuddered at her commands and nodded, giving a soft yawn before laying my head against her chest. "Yes mistress... I love you..." I whispered the words as I started to fade from consciousness. The last thing I heard was her words of love returned and smiled as the void surrounded me.


The following evening the pain had mostly left my foot. I was still shocked at how the touch from sunlight had lingered and was healing like a burn I would have gotten when mundane. Lorelai bound the top of my foot in a wrapped bandage since I was so self-conscious about walking around in my sandals with it showing.

It ended up being a minor inconvenience and by the third day of our trip was almost fully healed. I did have a newfound respect for the sunlight though, along with a much-deserved fear of it.

We had a week together at the islands and I was intent upon relishing every moment with my sheep. On the fourth day, I even convinced a local instructor to give us a very late afternoon surf lesson, claiming my 'wife' suffered extreme sun allergies. Lorelai even picked us up some rings to make the story more convincing.

"I must admit... I never thought I would get to learn how to surf." Lorelai spoke the words to me while hugging close to my arm.

"Learn is a stretch, I think we mostly flailed about and fell in a lot." I moved my hand over her back and drew her closer. The night had fully set upon us as we made our way back to our hotel.

The sheep giggled and shook her head. "I had to remember to draw in water and cough as if I were choking a few times when I tumbled from the board."

I gave her a smile and stopped my walk to face her, moving my hands to her own. She looked down at our hands seeing the simple gold rings on our fingers. I looked upon them as well, then moved my eyes to hers. "I'm really happy... happy I can still share new experiences with you..."

Lorelai's brown eyes shimmered in the low light of the evening. "The world is vast and even ten thousand years would not be enough to see it all. I want..." She smiled and her eyes drifted for a moment, then she fixed me with a determined look and clenched my hands. "I want to experience lots of new things with you. I feel... alive with you, like I have something to keep me going other than the court."

"We will... you have me Lorelai." I pushed my forehead to her own, smiling into her eyes, my hand moved to press against her cheek. I felt her push to my mouth and closed my eyes, happy to return her kiss.

We embraced in the moonlight while holding one another. My ear lifted and I heard a faint rumble in the air. We both parted lips to look out over the dark ocean, seeing heavy clouds in the distance, blue flashes filling them.

"Ah... a tropical storm is coming. They happen fairly commonly out here." She spoke the words and moved a hand to rest upon my hip.

I grinned and looked upon her. "We should make love in the rain later."

Lorelai blushed and shook her head, her curls bouncing around her face and horns. "There is no satisfying you, is there Alice?"

"This isn't a matter of satisfaction... it's a matter of addiction..." I leaned in, whispering the words playfully into her drooped ear before giving it a gentle nip.

She gave a small bleat, then grinned at me, gripping my hand. "Come along, my rabbit... the night has just begun and I wish to enjoy my time with you."

We made it back to the hotel just as the rain began to fall. I looked out over the shore and folded my arms. "Lorelai, shall we take in the sights of the nightlife, since the beach is out tonight?"

"We could, yes. Again we gain nothing from drinking or dining as mundane." She moved next to me and looked upon the rain with me.

"I get plenty from it..." I spoke out and moved my hand to grip hers.

"Oh? Do tell..." The sheep turned to look into my eyes.

I brushed my fingertips over the small golden ring on her hand, then gave her a grin full of pride. "I get to show off this wonderful gorgeous sheep as mine. My sexy little ewe wife."

Lorelai lifted her ears, her cheeks growing dark. "A-Alice! I am not your wife... this was simply-"

"A facade to cover our story?" I hummed and held my hand up looking the ring over.

"Y-yes..." She grumbled the words and nodded. "Simply... a prop."

"So I should remove the ring before we go out?" I hummed the words and moved to slide it from my finger.

The sheep flinched then quickly gripped my hand to stop me. "That is not necessary..."

"So you do enjoy it!" I showed my teeth in a victorious grin.

"Y-you! You are a selfish and troublesome rabbit!" Lorelai grumbled the words at me and folded her arms.

I turned from her and grinned, looking at her out of the corner of my eye. I raised my hand to show off the golden ring. "Ah... but at least for this trip, it appears you also wish for me to be your selfish and troublesome wife."

"Do not test my patience, Alice!" Lorelai snapped the words out sharply in that haughty little princess tone she would have when I had her number.

"My apologies... my wife." I cooed the words and turned to face her. I showed her a cocky grin as she flinched and her face grew darker.

"You take this role-playing too far, rabbit." Lorelai blushed and folded her arms.

"Do I really? If it truly bothers you, you know I can stop." I frowned and moved to her, pushing a hand to her face. "Have I been hurtful?"

She pushed her forehead to my collar and shook her head. "I have already given you my love. Understand if you ever wanted my hand, I would expect it unconditionally. No other partners, only me. You could feed from mundane, but you would hold no relationships but with me. That would be my condition."

I nodded slowly and bit my lower lip. "Does it weigh on you when I speak of the others?"

"It does not, I assure you of that." Lorelai stepped back and composed herself before putting her hands upon her hips. "They do not influence my love or feelings for you. Simply understand the concept of marriage is something I take seriously, perhaps it is my age. Regardless that would be my terms and... I find it endearing. I will keep the ring and facade up for the remainder of the trip. However please do not weaponize the words as you have been doing."

I folded my ears and put a hand to my chest. "I was not trying-"

"I know that. You may still play along and I shall as well, but do not use it in jest. Do not tease and flaunt the words. Do you understand, my w-wife?" She looked down while softly speaking the last word.

"I understand, my love." I smiled and folded my arms over my stomach. "Shall we change into some normal clothes before we leave?"

Lorelai nodded at me and composed herself. "I think that would be best, I do not wish to roam the town in a swimsuit all night."

"I dunno, I would be okay showing my wife off in a swimsuit like that." I hummed the words and patted her butt playfully.

She gave me a haughty glare and folded her arms. "How is it, I ended up with such a troublesome rabbit as my wife? I demand a do-over."

I giggled at her words and quickly kissed her lips. "Sorry love, you're stuck with me now."


We changed into some regular clothes and I borrowed an umbrella from the front desk. We left to make our way through the small coastal town to one of the night clubs, walking arm in arm.

We danced together and like when I went with Val, we seemed to command the attention of the whole place. It did my heart good to see her having fun, I could only fathom how many years or decades it had been for her, maybe even a century or more.

"It is surreal to have danced in victorian ballrooms and then to do so like this." Lorelai smiled at me while we sat at a small table with drinks. "I wonder if I will live to see a distant future where I look back upon these dances in such a way?"

I took her hands and kissed her fingers. "So long as you're with me in that future, I will be happy."

"You can be quite a charming rabbit when you want to be, my... wife." She showed her teeth in a playful grin as she spoke the words.

I bit my lower lip. "Dancing with you drove me crazy... all I can think of is taking you home and peeling that dress off you."

The sheep gave me a haughty look and stood, holding my hand. "Then let us close out our tab and be away from this place. I do not wish to be dragged into a bathroom or closet and I know how you can get."

I showed my teeth in an excited grin and followed her to the bar. The canine bartender closed out our tab then nodded to us. "You girls need me to call you a cab?"

We shared a look and smiled, then Lorelai gave the doberman a polite nod. "Thank you sir, but we are a short walk to our hotel and neither are intoxicated enough to be a hazard to ourselves."

He nodded and frowned. "Well just be careful, we've had some bad things happening here for a few months now."

We both shared another glance and Lorelai spoke out in a more authoritative tone. "Explain what you mean."

The dog lifted his ears and felt her force of will compel him to speak. "Several tourists have gone missing, at least two per week. The police have ramped up investigations but it's not gotten out too heavily from fear of hurting the tourism business."

"Two per week..." I spoke the words in thought.

"Yes... that sounds about right..." Lorelai gave me a nod.

"Do you have any other information on this? Where the attacks are happening, times, days of the week?" The sheep prodded the bartender and he looked a little frightened by her questions.

"N-no, ma'am. I told you all I know." He spoke the words quickly and I saw him shivering.

"Honey... you're cranking that mojo pretty hard, you're scaring the poor thing..." I whispered the words gently into her drooped ear.

Lorelai pursed her lips and I felt the will around us subside. "You've been very helpful, I apologize for my stern demeanor. Something for your trouble and consideration..." I saw the sheep pull a hundred dollar bill from her pocket and push it over to the dog.

"So what's this mean?" I asked Lorelai while standing outside of the club, the rain falling down against the umbrella we were sharing.

"It means, our vacation is on hold. We have work to do." The sheep gave me a stern glance.

"I've got your back." I gave her a nod and showed my teeth in an eager grin.

"Let us return to the hotel and decide our next move. We've only lost a few hours of the night. We will douse this fire quickly so my time with you is not squandered."

"And you call me selfish..." I cooed playfully and pulled her along as we made our way back to the hotel.


To be continued.

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 22

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 20

Episode 20: Repent for your sins It had been another full day before I could attend to you properly. I found myself upon the sofa in the den, your head in my lap. "I do so hope your days here have been well my pet. I regret that I cannot attend to...

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 19

**Episode 19:** **You've made my life very complicated** "So how are we doing this?" Alex spoke out while clenching his fists, his ears lifted sharply forward. "I say we just hit them by surprise. There's no mistake which ones they are. I...

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