Blood & Carrots - Episode 22

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#22 of B&C

So, you wish to hear the old bunny-tales of the misadventures of Alice Blackpaw, do you? Hmm, I suppose I can, but you may be here a while. My life was a simple one once, not unlike your own, but time and circumstance changed that. You ask if I'm a vampire? Yes, I suppose that is partially accurate, but there's so much more to the story than that. Love, lust, war, reinvention...

I see you're determined. Very well, I'll tell you the tale of how I came to be who I am today. It may be a long tale, but after all, we have nothing but time. So, rest your head on my lap, my pet, but I warn you... storytelling can make me a tad thirsty.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I left you on another cliffhanger, didn't I lovely? My sincerest apologies for that. It looks like our lovely rabbit and sheep have a bit of hunting to do, doesn't it? Well, no sense rambling on...

Let's jump right in!


Episode 22:

You've not seen anything yet

"So what's the plan?" I called out from the kitchen counter, while in the process of laying out a dozen silver bullets.

Lorelai snatched one of the bullets up and peered at it. "These... they are blessed with divinity."

"That's right," I spoke the words proudly and showed my teeth. "Gloria insisted upon blessing a box before I left."

"A boon to be sure. The touch of them does not bother you?" She asked curiously as she set the bullet back down.

I tilted my head curiously. "No... the silver makes Alex a little queasy, but it doesn't bother me at all, blessed or otherwise."

"That is fascinating to be sure." Lorelai showed me her fingertips, the pads of them looking faintly singed as if she had received a small burn.

With a frown I moved to her, gripping her hand gently before kissing her fingertips. "Are you alright? Why did you pick it up knowing it would hurt you?"

Lorelai offered me an amused smile and let me kiss her fingers. "Silly... I am not hurt." The sheep pulled her hand away before she dragged her fingertips over her tongue, the burns healing. It was a small thing but a clear indicator of her power that she could heal holy burns.

I gave her a smile as she showed her fingers to me once more. I playfully snapped down on her forefinger, piercing it anew and began to suckle upon it, my eyes shimmering red while I pushed into her.

She offered me a grin and used her free hand to brush my cheek. "Calm yourself, Alice. We have work to do... You may have me when we are finished."

Shaking my head I pulled from her finger and dragged my tongue over it. "Ha... must I? I long for you now, my love."

"Yes, you must." She gave me a grin and pulled from my arms.

"Very well..." I offered her a pout and returned to the kitchen. "So the blessed silver should hurt me?"

Lorelai put a hand to her chin and thought about it. "Undoubtedly... doubly so because of your demonic blood. Do Katrina or Elias feel anything?"

"I do not take the bullets near them. Usually, I have Gloria bless them on a need-by-need basis. This is the first time I've taken a surplus with me." I looked over the spread of bullets then back up at Lorelai. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I am fine... truth be told I expected a much more violent reaction, like flames and smoke." The sheep peered at the bullets before curiously resting another fingertip upon one of them.

"S-stop burning yourself!" I called out with a fussed look.

The sheep gave me a smile and pulled her singed finger away and licked the wound away. "It's odd though, they are no doubt blessed but the reaction should be much more violent to me."

"Could it be Gloria's blessing isn't as strong as what you've seen in the past?" I started to puncture my finger then paused and looked upon my sheep. "Could you join me?"

"That's not how blessings work. The silver becomes in tune with the divine, it doesn't matter the strength of the being that invokes them." Lorelai moved around to join me in the kitchen as she spoke the words. "Furthermore, they do not degrade with time, they simply cease to be blessed when the enchantment fades."

"What do you think it all means?" I looked upon her curiously.

She shook her head, the curls of her hair swaying before smiling. "I cannot say and since it is a quandary we have no answer to right now, let us focus on the pressing tasks at hand."

"Alright." I give her a grin and raise my fingertip. "I was about to draw forth my blood, would you like to do the honors?"

Lorelai snapped down on the tip of my finger in response. I felt her tooth pierce it, then bit my lip while I watched her sup from my wound, her brown eyes slowly shifting to red. "Ha... take that as a yes..."

The sheep gripped my hand and pulled my fingertip from her mouth. I watched a long trail of blood roll down the length of it before her small pink tongue dragged up the trail to lap it away. She pushed the tip back into her mouth and suckled a while longer while I panted out at the display.

"If you're hungry, my throat is yours..." I whispered the words gently and tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck to her.

She focused on me with crimson eyes and there was some hesitation before she pulled from my finger. "N-no... we have a duty to fulfill... I will partake of you later." She spoke the words with resignation and I felt her struggle to pull from my arms, finally stepping away.

I gave her a nod and focused my own desires back down. "Alright... sorry for teasing you with the finger nip..." I turned to my bullets and began to quickly apply the blood to them.

"I appreciate the gesture and I enjoy your teasing." Lorelai offered me a hungry grin. "It will make our time together all the sweeter when we have it."

I nodded and quickly finished the dozen bullets and licked my finger to heal the wound. "Ah... shouldn't you contact the local lord about this?"

Lorelai tilted her head. "We are on a small tourist island, Alice. There is no local family here. There isn't enough population for it."

I frowned at that. "Then who keeps the paranormal baddies in check?"

"No one. Small villages and towns are at the mercy of whatever happens upon them." The sheep gave a shrug of her shoulders. "It's sad but that's how it is. We simply don't have the population to be a peacekeeping force."

"So what keeps something from just marauding and slaughtering people?" I opened the chamber of my revolver and started feeding bullets into it.

"Word gets around and we hear about it, or other factors hear about it. The mages circle, the celestials, or even hunters." Lorelai watched me work while she rubbed her chin in thought. "The smart hunters keep their victim count low and no one gets involved."

"So two per week is unacceptable?" I locked the chamber in place, then began to load my speed loader with the other six rounds. I had only brought one of my revolvers with me.

"It's not per se... but these are still council lands. They hunt within our borders, even if they are not patrolled well." Lorelai frowned and put a hand to her cheek.

"What if they simply don't know the laws yet? Will we still strike them down for their crimes?" I slid the revolver into the waistline of my pants, at the small of my back.

The sheep shook her head in response. "Do not misunderstand my intent, Alice. I will speak with whatever it is first. This is not an execution mission unless it has to be."

"I'm relieved to hear that, my sheep. Just know I've got your back no matter what." I showed my teeth and pulled my whip off the counter, hooking it to my belt.

"That means the world to me, Alice." She watched me adorn the whip and smiled. "Had I known we would be potentially going into battle, I would have packed my own things."

"Oh? We have not talked about your martial proficiency, my lovely sheep." I peered at her curiously. "What do you use as a weapon?"

She gave me a smile filled with pride. "What don't I use? Next to Harold, I am probably the most weapon proficient member of our court."

I gave her a laugh and put my hands on my hips. "Fine... tell me a weapon you would like, I will make it here and now!" Pride filled my chest as I spoke, Lorelai didn't know the extent of my blood steel trick and I was eager to show it off to her.

"Make it?" The sheep folded her arms curiously but smiled and played along with my words. "Make me a bow..."

I flinched and rubbed the back of my head. "Uhm... O-okay... how about a weapon that doesn't have moving parts or strings?"

"Very well, something small and easy for me to wield. Make me a wakizashi." The sheep curled her lips into a smile, seeing the confusion on my face.

Refusing to deny her again I quickly grabbed my phone and looked up the weapon. I took a few minutes to study its shape and size. "Okay... y-yeah... I can do this for you!" I spoke the words and left the kitchen, moving to the den where I had more room to work.

"What are you doing, my rabbit? You cannot make a blade without steel and a forge." Lorelai spoke the words towards me like a parent amused at a child trying to perform a task beyond them.

I fixed her with a confident glare. Now I would definitely make this work, just to give her pride in me. "Just you watch, I will make my wife a splendid weapon all her own."

I pierced my thumbs on my canines then let the blood flow forth. I willed it to gather before me in a small sphere that grew and grew. I forced my blood out of my wounds rapidly until I felt I had a large enough amount to work with.

I saw Lorelai watching me with a morbid fascination over all the blood and my control over it. "Thaumaturgy truly is a bizarre thing..."

I suckled on my thumbs to heal the wounds then showed her my teeth in a grin. "You've not seen anything yet." I hummed to myself and pulled my phone out, pulling up a time-lapse video of a wakizashi being forged. I held the phone in my left hand, my right maintaining the will over the blood. This was a similar technique I used when making my roses.

I formed the blood to a length of a shaft of steel, then curved the angle and began to focus upon forming it into the shape of a blade. I had a secondary sphere of blood that started to form from the refuse I trimmed off while sculpting the blade in the air.

It took me several minutes, possibly even an hour to get every detail to satisfaction. In hindsight perhaps a lot of needless time wasted. Regardless Lorelai stood there watching me, both in curiosity and fascination.

"Well... let's see how that works." I hummed to myself and willed the blood to harden to the touch. "Come take it, see how it feels." I held my left hand aloft to the blood sword suspended in the air.

Lorelai moved to the blade and snatched it up. She rolled it in her hand a few times, giving a few practice swings. "The balance is off, you need to bring the tip down a few degrees and take about two inches off the hilt." She spoke the words casually and tossed the blade back to me.

I caught it and nodded before quickly reforming the hilt and adjusting the tip. "And now?"

The sheep collected the sword once more and gave it a few practice swings. "Hmm... yeah, that's a pretty decent fit. Color me impressed, Alice." She gave me a smile and I took the sword from her.

"Who said I was done?" I gave her a cocky grin and held the wakizashi in my palms and focused my will. Red flames erupted from my hand that held the hilt of the blade, white flames from my left hand that the blade of the sword resided in. I licked my lips and focused my will, pouring the flames over the blood again and again, like a blacksmith folding the metal of a sword.

I snatched the blade into my hand, feeling it still hot to the touch and felt the energy upon it. The whole thing shined of deep maroon. Lorelai lifted her ears and rose a finger. "Ah... this is like the stone Elias wears, isn't it?"

"Yes and no." I hummed the words with pride and tossed the blade to her. She caught it and admired the detail. "I channeled the focus very specifically, can you tell?"

Lorelai brought the side of the blade end to her hand and I saw her eyes widen before she looked back at me. "It... it burns... you infused divinity into the blood steel itself..."

I showed my teeth in a wide proud grin. "But I used my unholy fires to temper the hilt where you grip it. So you can wield it with comfort."

The sheep grinned as she looked upon the blade and my heart leaped into my throat as I saw the look of pride in her eyes. "I can call this nothing short of an artifact... You have made me something that is one of a kind to be sure."

"She's not just a pretty face either." I hummed the words proudly and plucked one of my long blonde hairs from my head. Moving to her I held the hair in my fingers before her. "See for yourself."

She quirked a brow and brought the sword to the hair and lightly moved the blade forward, the edge clefting it with ease. The sheep huffed through her nose and looked into my eyes. "I will have a saya and tsuba commissioned for this first thing upon my return."

I gave her a grin and rubbed the back of my head. "What's that?"

Lorelai gave me a smile and I saw her eyes shining with pride. "It's what they call a scabbard to hold the blade. The tsuba is the handguard between the blade and hilt."

"How educational," I spoke the words and flicked my tail. "I am filled with pride that you like it."

Lorelai nodded and moved to the counter. She laid the sword across it and took out a spool of medical tape from the first aid kit in the bathroom. "I will have the finest grip made for it when I get home, but this will do for now," she spoke the words as she wrapped the tape around the base of the blade.

"I'm really glad you like it." I hummed the words and showed my teeth in a grin before moving to collect a bottle of blood from the refrigerator.

"I love it..." The sheep spoke the words while wrapping the tape around it, then her eyes cut to me while I was drinking. "And you... I can feel your love in this and it overwhelms me. It will remain on my person at every council meeting. It will be a badge of honor, proclaiming proudly who has my heart."

I coughed out at her words and almost snorted blood out of my nose. "L-Lorelai... are you serious?"

The sheep finished the intricate wrap of tape and held the blade aloft giving it a few more swings. "I am... I had already decided I would no longer hide what we were after I confessed my love to you. This simply buries any doubt I had left."

"Is... is that okay?" I asked with concern in my voice. "I do not want you to jeopardize your council position."

"We have no laws about such things. You need not worry and I shall tell Elias in person." Lorelai clicked her tongue and looked the blade over. "I will need something to hold it in... It is too sharp to just dangle at my hip..."

I took a heavy pull from my bottle and wagged a finger. "I can easily craft a simple scabbard for you," I spoke the words then continued to drink heavily from the sports bottle while moving back to the den. I pulled an extra belt I had packed from my bag and grinned over at my sheep.

"Haven't you done enough?" Lorelai blushed at my offer and frowned.

"This is nothing but a scrap of what I owe you for your love." I took the blade from her and easily cut the head of the belt away. I laid the soft end of the belt over the length of the blade and gave a nod. "This will do just fine."

"Y-you owe me nothing, I give my love willingly and you know this!" The sheep bleated the words and flicked her tail.

"I do..." I smiled at her before piercing my thumb on my tooth and quickly willed the blood forward. I folded the belt over the sword before crafting the blood into a long shaft about the length of the blade. It was a simple matter of thrusting the blade and belt into the liquid mass, then shifting until I felt I had a good fit. From there I willed the blood to harden around the blade and makeshift leather casing. I focused and molded around the leather as well as the steel, then pulled the blade free, dislodging it.

It took a little more effort than I expected, but nothing like the blade itself took. I had the sheath completed in just a handful of minutes. "There. I used enough force to make it cling to the leather to hold the blade, but hopefully has enough give to withdraw and sheath it. It's crude and will wear out pretty quickly, but it will get the job done until you can have a custom one made for it."

Lorelai showed her teeth in a prideful grin and took the sheathed blade. I had made a loop in the material so she could attach it and she intertwined it with her belt at the back of her pants.

"Hum... yes... that feels good." The sheep bent at the knees and reached for the blade. The stance and position reminded me of that mouse that I had an encounter with, Jennifer.

The elder vampire clenched her teeth and I saw her eyes glow red. She drew the sword underhanded and I saw a flurry of motion. I didn't actually see anything but a blur when she moved but she made several lashes and strikes in a heartbeat of time.

The sheep slid the blade back into place and gave me an adoring look. "Oh, that's nice... I like this present very much, my rabbit."

"Anything for you." I showed my teeth in a grin.

'Anything?" Lorelai looked at me curiously.

I swallowed and gave her an awkward smile. "Ah... w-within reason?"

She clicked her tongue. "Are your preparations complete?"

"They are, my sheep." I offered her a smile as I spoke.

"Then let us be off, I am desperate to ravage you and the sooner we finish this task the better." She moved to me and gripped my hand, pulling me along as we walked to the balcony.

"I'm really glad you like it!" I said childishly and flicked my tail while she pulled me along.

Lorelai cut her eyes to mine and I saw her gaze soften before she spoke. "I'm really glad you like me... truly this is a treasure and I will hold it dear to me, just as I do your love."

"So what do we do now?" I asked her after we stepped onto the balcony.

Lorelai showed her teeth, a predatory look crossing her face I had never seen before. "Now my sister... we hunt." The sheep moved to the edge of the balcony and bounded up to the roof of the hotel.

"H-hey! Wait for me!" I spoke out and quickly moved to leap up to the roof after her.

Lorelai landed gracefully like a bird perching on a power line. I landed with a loud heavy smack of my boots and hands slapping the roof. The sheep gave me a knowing smile. "Not done much roof hopping, my rabbit?"

"Why would I?" I grumbled and my cheeks grew dark.

"It's something you become adept at when hunting in cities and running from the church." She called out while walking out to the edge of the roof, the rain having let up to just a faint drizzle now.

"So what do we do?" I moved to her side and put my hands on my hips.

"It's a small town... but even casing it from the rooftops would be a fool's errand. We are not comic book heroes and that never works anyway." The sheep cut her eyes to me. "Think back to when you hunt. Surely you know of that energy you pick up on the mundane. The one that tells you how strong-willed they are and how tasty they would be?"

"Never looked at it as a scale of tastiness, but yes I know what you mean." I moved a hand to grip her own.

The sheep closed her fingertips around mine and nodded. "Once you get old enough and more powerful, that will strengthen. You will be able to sense emotions such as jubilation and fear." Lorelai showed her teeth as she tapped her temple.

"Like being able to turn invisible?" I hummed excitedly.

The sheep gave me an apologetic smile. "You are... a long long way from that, my rabbit."

"How long?" I asked while cocking an eyebrow.

"Harold can't do it and you know he has over a millennia on you, need I say more?" Lorelai hummed the words at me.

"Oh..." I frowned and lowered my ears.

"Do not despair, you have so much more than you should already, my rabbit. Do not pine for things that will come eventually." Lorelai squeezed my hand gently. "I and you are here in this moment. That is more important than any power that is to come."

I smiled and nodded. "You're right. I will bask in our time together."

She clicked her tongue again and looked out over the small town. "As I was saying... you can learn to garner a sense of how things work in a town by looking upon it."

She thrust her finger out towards a small patch of homes, apartments and a few cul de sacs. "The aura there, fairly peaceful and domestic. Most of the mundane there feel at peace."

She moved her finger to another section of town, the area looking more run down and shabby. "There is more hostility and anxiety there. It's the bad part of town so to speak, more than likely the people walk the streets fearful of petty crimes."

"So we should look there?" I asked curiously.

Lorelai shook her head. "No... we should look... there." She thrust a finger out towards a large park with surrounding apartments in a fairly upscale area of the town. "There is a sense of dread hanging in that area, people have died there, frequently."

"The park itself, or the buildings?" I asked curiously.

"Hard to say until we get closer. It's time for your rooftop run lessons." Lorelai grinned and gripped my hand hard.

"W-wait, I'm not ready for this!" I spat out even as she started to trot towards the other side of the roof.

"You are, let us go!" Her trot became a sprint and I stumbled to keep up with her. "Five more strides and we jump on my command!" The sheep bound forward and I tried to keep track of the number in my head, then heard her call out to jump.

I bent at the knees but didn't so much jump as she just pulled me along for her own leap. I yelped out as she dragged me streaking through the night air and over an intersection of traffic. She landed upon the rooftop of a bank across the street. I didn't land so much as tumble and fall onto my butt.

The sheep offered me an apologetic smile and put her hand out to help me up. I took her hand and stood, grumbling as I rubbed my rear. "Shouldn't I be learning this under more controlled circumstances?"

"You want to learn it leaping over the gaping mouths of canyons, while a mob of villagers chase you? That's how I learned." Lorelai showed her teeth in a playful grin. "Or maybe leaping through the buildings of Rome while the church acolytes pursue you?"

"Okay okay... I get it..." I mumbled and flicked my ears. "I'm a spoiled modern kid that doesn't know hardships. Did you also walk barefoot to school, uphill in the snow?"

"Uphill both ways in fact, however, the return trip was usually in a heatwave!" Lorelai spoke the words playfully and snatched my wrist. She began to sprint once more and I quickly moved to keep up with her.

"Jump!" she snapped the words and I tried to not hesitate or hold my bend so long. I lept in a more uniform time with her and we leaped fully over one building before landing on a small apartment complex.

My landing was still a mess but I didn't outright fall this time. I took a few staggering steps to catch my balance then blinked back at the sheep. She gave me a prideful smile. "Very good... let's do the next one separately."

"O-okay!" I clenched my fists and grinned, feeling invigorated to hear and see her praise of me.

So the rooftop run training went. We bound from one building to another in the rain of the night. Lorelai told me how she only would recommend this method of travel on very cloudy or rainy nights, clear nights offering more risk of being discovered.

She pointed at the park area like it was close by, but it was literally on the other side of the city. I got plenty of practice in and by the time we had hopped our way to that section of town, I was making fairly consistent jumps. I didn't land like a bird, but I didn't flop onto the roof in a heavy thump anymore either.

"Good work, Alice." Lorelai showed me her teeth in a proud grin.

"Thanks, Lorelai, having your love and praise means the world to me." I slipped to her and embraced her.

The sheep returned my hug and pushed her forehead to my own. "Here is my advice to you, rabbit. So remember it keenly." I blinked into her eyes and nodded.

I felt her hand push to my cheek and she briefly kissed my lips before continuing. "The world is a big place and there are lots of unanswerable things that happen. Like rabbits and sheep jumping across roofs in the middle of the night." She gave me a smile then shook her head. "If you find yourself about to square off with something, never underestimate it. Treat every engagement you're in, like it's a fight for your life, because it may be that if you don't respect it."

I frowned and gave her a quick nod. "I understand..."

"Good girl..." The sheep showed her teeth as she rubbed at my ears and wet hair.

We pulled apart as the older vampire squatted and looked over the area, rubbing her chin in thought. I tried to focus my senses but all I saw was the surroundings, I could faintly feel the energy from a few of the passing mundanes below, but that was all.

"Do you think they're in the park?" I asked curiously.

"I do not... they may have gone missing there but..." She bit her lower lip and looked over the apartment buildings nearby. "Ha... there you are..."

"Really? Where?" I spoke out and looked upon the large building.

Lorelai pushed her finger out towards the third apartment building in the distance. "That one, fifth floor and on the left side. That energy though... hmm..."

"What is it?" I asked, feeling frustrated I could do nothing more than watch and ask questions.

"It's definitely demonic in nature..." Lorelai set her jaw and nodded. "Well... we will see... let's get to the roof of that building." Her gaze shifted to mine. "This is as much a hunt as training for you, Alice. Watch me, learn from it, and try to join in as we go. I will help guide you."

I gave her a nod and we bound our way to the roof of the building in question. I landed with a huff and looked to her. "So we just bust in on them or play it smooth?"

Lorelai walked over to the stairwell and grabbed at the door, feeling it was locked. She rolled her eyes and simply tore the whole handle and lock out of the door and tossed it onto the roof. "We will try to be smooth about it and talk with them. However, if they resist I will strike them down without hesitation." The sheep spoke the words in a matter-of-fact tone as she opened the door to the stairwell.

We descended down several flights of stairs before coming out to a well-lit hallway. I followed the sheep as she paced down the hall to a room with the number five-one-two on the door. She folded her arms and rubbed her chin, staring at the door for a moment. "Yes... whatever it is, it's in there."

I felt the tension rise and moved a hand to my back to rest on my gun. Lorelai saw me and shook her head. "Relax... we come as emissaries first and foremost. You said it yourself, they may just be alone and confused."

I frowned and nodded, moving my hands to my hips. "Alright, but if they try anything to hurt you-"

"It will be fine," Lorelai spoke out gently, then gave the door three heavy knocks.

There was shuffling in the apartment then after several moments, silence. Lorelai pursed her lips and gave the door three more heavy knocks. Silence filled the void and I pursed my own lips. "You think they fled out the window?" I asked.

"No... I can feel their energy." The sheep showed her sharp canines and gave the door another three knocks, pushing her will forth as she spoke out. "It is in your best interest to come to the door, now!"

The door behind us opened as one of the neighbors looked at us curiously. I quickly blurred to the older male and pushed my palm to his face, forcing my will and easily breaking his spirit. "Nothing to see here sweetie... close the door and forget you saw us." The old cat blinked a few times and gave a bored look as he shut the door.

Lorelai gave me a grin and nodded. We were met with more silence and she gave a frustrated sigh. "The next knock will be with my boot kicking the door open, imp!"

I lifted my ears at the words and moved back to her side. "Imp?"

"Yeah... I'm certain...You have to handle imp's a certain way. We're going to have to play bad cops here, I want you to follow my lead, okay?" She spoke the words and folded her arms before calling out to the door. "Five seconds..."

"Okay! Okay... what do you w-want?" A small voice quickly spat the words out from the inside of the apartment.

The sheep spoke in her council tone of voice. "I am Lorelai and this is Alice. We come here representing the council of bloodstone."

"T-thank you but I'm not religious, please go away!" The small voice chirped out from the other side of the door. I snorted out a laugh at the retort and then saw the sheep scowl.

"You will talk to us now, imp. Be it willingly or with a blade and gun to your head. Choose and choose now, my patience wears thin." Lorelai snarled the words as she reached to put her hand on her wakizashi and I showed a grin, drawing my revolver.

We were met with silence and I saw a look of fury cross my lover's face, her eyes turning red. "Stupid fucking imps, always the hard way..." She hissed the words and raised her booted foot to kick the door open.

"Wait! Okay! Fuck..." The voice hissed out from the other side of the door.

"Open the door... now!" Lorelai ground the words out through clenched teeth.

We heard the bolt throw and in a whirl of motion, my sheep had the door open with a shove. She had brought the imp down on her back in a flash, the maroon blade resting against the young female's throat, small wisps of smoke erupting from the divine blade.

"You speak a word, I take your throat here and now. Sit there and shut up." Lorelai looked at me with her teeth showing. "Get in and shut the door, lock it too."

I followed her orders and closed the door, throwing the deadbolt after stepping in.

"Get up and don't do anything stupid, you've already crossed my ire further than I should allow." The sheep stood and sheathed the blade.

The small female quickly sprang to her feet, she was thin of frame and had curly semi-long black hair with small folded grey ears drooping out of the locks.

Lorelai may have put her sword away but I still had my gun trained on her, aimed right at her chest. She had a large shirt with a band logo on it that looked three sizes too big for her and hung down to her knees. I could make out the peaks of her breasts though they were modest at best. Her legs were covered in tight leggings like the kind you would wear at the gym and her feet had plain white sneakers on.

"Are... you guys going to kill me?" The small woman whispered out, her dark brown eyes darting between the two of us, her back pushed to the nearby wall.

"Not unless you give us reasons to." Lorelai gave me a nod. "Put it away, Alice."

"Yes, lady Lorelai," I spoke out to her as if we were at council and slid the revolver back into my pants.

I glanced to see a long fluffy tail of black, brown, and white coil and flick behind the young imp. "What are you?" I asked curiously.

"She's a lemur," Lorelai spoke out pointedly to me.

"Oh! I-is that what I am? I had no idea... ha ha..." The young woman spoke out in an amused laugh.

The sheep showed her teeth and glared. "I do not take lightly to your mocking words, imp."

She threw her hands up and pushed up against the wall as if she wished she could phase through it. "No! I- I'm serious, I didn't know! I assumed I was a raccoon or something!"

Lorelai narrowed her eyes but eased her stance and put her hands on her hips. "Let's start from the beginning... What is your name and how did you get here?"

"O-okay... my name is... uhm- Kiley, and I'm not sure how I got here." She spoke the words rapidly and glanced over to me. "Uh... you're a sheep and rabbit, yeah?"

"Something like that, let us ask the questions for now. How do you not know how you got here?" I grumbled the words and folded my arms across my chest. I saw Lorelai give me a quick nod as if she approved of my question and stance.

"I really don't... uhm... can I show you?" Kiley asked us awkwardly, pushing her fingertips together and giving us a weak grin. Her complexion was of a dark tan and I could see small freckles spattering her cheeks. She had a thin frame but a somewhat round face, I couldn't help but find her cute.

"Alice," Lorelai called out to me.

"Yes, my lady?" I responded right away with respect in my voice.

"If she does anything stupid, shoot her in the lungs, I want her to suffer if she betrays us." The sheep spat the words out in a cold tone of voice.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and withdrew my gun once more. "As... you wish, my lady." I could hear the hesitation in my own voice, of course, the idea made me sick. Still, I decided best to keep pace with my sheep and hope it didn't come to that.

Kiley bit her lower lip and looked upon me as if I were the grim reaper. I frowned at her and gave a shrug. "You're good so long as you keep it straight, but if you do something stupid, I won't miss, I never do, crazy vampire reactions and all that," I spoke the words casually towards her and waved my right hand which wasn't holding the gun. "Off you go now, show us whatever it is."

The small black-haired girl nodded and stood up straight from her slump on the wall. She was actually taller than me and Lorelai by almost a foot, go figure. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and Lorelai gave me an understanding smile.

Kiley walked us into her kitchen which had a nice pile of dishes in the sink. There was dirt and grime all over the counters, with a funk in the air to match it all. I wasn't surprised considering the glance I had of the living room. It looked like a teenager lived there, takeout containers and cans piled around in front of a TV with a gaming system hooked up to it.

The lemur frowned and took a sheet of paper off her refrigerator and handed it to Lorelai. "I woke up in this apartment several months ago, all I had was this."

The sheep snatched the paper out of her grip and held it up, reading it out loud. "Dearest Kiley, you've worked hard and you are now an adult. I've paid this apartment up for one year and the bank card with this letter will have a balance of fifty thousand. You're on your own from here, be a good imp. Love Dad." The sheep snorted at the paper and handed it back to the imp.

"Dad?" I asked curiously.

"Probably a high-ranking pit lord or something," Lorelai spoke out and nodded at me. "This is how things work most times. Succubi, Incubi, and even Imps like her. They aren't born here, they are usually born in the netherworlds and then dropped off here as a sort of coming of age right."

"That's all I know. I wouldn't have even known my name had it not been on the paper." She drummed her fingertips together and frowned, her large tail flicking about nervously.

"So what happens now, my lady?" I asked her curiously, keeping my gun trained on the lemur.

"Now we get some more answers," Lorelai spoke the words and shifted her gaze to the imp once more. "How many people have you killed?"

"What? Woah woah... the only people I kill are in video games!" Kiley put her hands on her hips and showed her teeth in response to the question. I could see her canines looked razor-sharp but not elongated like mine or Lorelai's.

"Could she have not killed yet and something else is going on?" I cocked a brow and looked at how adamant the imp was refusing the accusations.

"No, she's a killer. She has the energy of one, Imps are flesh-eaters by their nature." Lorelai spoke the words in a matter-of-fact tone and folded her arms.

"Y-you can't be serious, I've never killed anyone!" Kiley whimpered the words, tears coming to her eyes.

"You've never woke up in odd places, or had mysterious blood stains all over your clothes?" Lorelai prodded and raised a brow.

"I... oh gods... I never thought..." The lemur slumped to the floor of her kitchen and looked straight ahead, tears filling her eyes as she processed the information.

"So like the frenzy?" I asked Lorelai.

"Sort of... I'm no expert in demonology, that's a question for Val." Lorelai nodded at me.

"That makes no sense though, what about the bodies?" I cocked my head curiously. It felt cruel to just hold a conversation like this while the poor imp sobbed on the floor.

Lorelai shrugged. "Most new demons do come to the mortal realm on their own, but they usually have a caregiver that cleans up after them until they find their legs. A underworld fairy godmother if you would."

I glanced around. "Would that fairy godmother pick a fight with us?"

The sheep shook her head, her curls bouncing about. "No, they are like a glorified janitor and nothing more. They keep them from getting discovered at first. We could take her head off here and now, there would be no repercussions."

"Really? But what about her Dad?" I unlocked the chamber of my revolver and spun it a few times before locking it back in place.

"That's not how it works. It's like species of ancient animals that would simply lay their eggs and leave. Once a demon leaves the nest, it's on its own." Lorelai clicked her tongue and rested her hand on the hilt of her wakizashi.

The lemur had stopped her sobbing and looked between the two of us with fear in her eyes. I had my gun at the ready and the sheep had her hand on her sword. "S-so you're going to kill me anyway?"

Lorelai sighed and rubbed her temple with her left hand. "You have two choices girl. Both involve your current life as you know it ending."

The imp bit her lower lip and gave a shallow nod. "A-alright?"

Lorelai showed her teeth and drew her maroon sword, the blade glinting in the light. "Your first option is a simple one, you bare your throat and the lights go out. I will make it painless..."

Kiley widened her eyes and scooted back on her palms, her back pushing into the refrigerator. "Uh... D-do I get an option where I get to keep breathing?"

Lorelai looked to me and cocked an eyebrow. "Alice, tell her the other option..."

I swallowed at her putting me on the spot. "Of course my lov- lady." I cleared my throat and looked upon the lemur. "Your other option is you may join one of our families, you will learn more about what you are. You will get the training to control your powers and not be a menace to society or yourself."

Kiley blinked up at me and bit her lower lip. "I-is there an option where I can stay here in this life, playing my video games and eating pizza?"

I showed my teeth and grinned at the lemur. "Sure! I will toss you back into that gaming chair right now and we will walk out of your life forever."

"Really?" She asked me with a hopeful tone of voice.

"Absolutely!" I drew back the hammer on my revolver and gave her a wide hungry grin. "I will even only leave one hole in your skull before we go."

Kiley's face flushed pale and she looked down at her knees. I had meant the words to be a scare tactic but I felt kind of bad seeing her knees knocking together like they were.

"The dream life of a teenager is over, Kiley. You come with us and learn to be an adult and control yourself, or you die." Lorelai spoke the words in a bored tone of voice.

"T-this is bullshit!" The lemur snapped the words out and glared at both of us.

"And that's option one I suppose." Lorelai nodded at me. "You going to do it or should I?"

"Wait! Wait!" Kiley shouted out and shook her head. "I will go with you!" She spat the words out bitterly and hugged herself, her grey ears drooping.

"Even if we did leave you, would you be okay knowing you were murdering people?" I asked the lemur curiously.

"Do you know how many I've killed?" She asked weakly.

Lorelai spoke out sternly. "A minimum of twenty."

The lemur shivered and shook her head, pushing her head to her knees. "That can't be true..."

"You know it's true, Kiley. How many times a week do you wake up bloody or in a strange place? Every Time you did that, you ended someone's life." I spoke the words sternly but I could only feel bad for the poor girl.

She showed her teeth and shuddered. "I'm a monster..."

"We're all monsters, Kiley. All you can do now is to become a better one and make amends for their deaths in whatever way you feel is best." Lorelai clicked her tongue and sheathed her sword. "Or kill under our laws, we will not restrain you in that way."

"Really?" She asked curiously.

"This can all be explained more at a later date. Up with you now." The sheep held a hand out to the lemur. Kiley hesitated but gripped Lorelai's hand and slowly stood, her knees looking shaky.

"Alice, will you be a dear and give Val a call, see if he has room for an imp?" Lorelai spoke to me with a smile while holding the young woman's hand.

I felt a little jealousy build up in me seeing that, but I brushed it off as my demons being stupid again. I snatched my phone out and dialed up Val's number.

"Alice... aren't you supposed to be locked in the throes of passion with a certain sheep right now, why call me?" Val's voice came out silky smooth in a playful tone.

Lorelai's eyes widened having clearly heard the words. "You told him of us?"

"I didn't, I swear!" I spat the words out, my cheeks heavily blushed.

Val called out from my phone. "I know you can hear me Lore, no I deduced it the first time I touched her after one of her 'council meetings' with you."

Lorelai stomped over to me and snatched the phone out of my hand. "You see here, goat!"

"Relax, have I said anything thus far?" He hummed back to her playfully.

Kiley looked between us then saw our hands. "Wait... you guys are married?"

"Wait... married?" Val asked curiously.

Lorelai's cheeks flushed a bright pink. "The stupid child knows not of what she speaks and that is the point of my call!"

"Okay... you can deflect this time, but we will revisit this later, my Lady." He cooed the words teasingly.


The long and short of it was that Val was happy to take on a new potential family member. We gave Kiley the quick and dirty version of what to expect before having her on a plane that very night, heading towards house Lakestone.

"That was pretty interesting..." I spoke out while holding Lorelai's hand, watching the plane taxi down the runway.

"It was not what I expected or wanted with our precious time together..." She muttered the words and I felt her pull my grip as she moved to leave the airport.

"Do you think she will be okay?" I asked her with a smile.

"She is in good hands, time will tell." Lorelai nodded and cut her eyes to me. "You laid with Val, an incubus who can pick up on such things... shortly after laying with me?"

I gave an awkward smile. "I swear I didn't know that he knew... I wasn't thinking at the time."

"You were more interested in your libido, as you always are." Lorelai showed her teeth while tightening her grip on my hand.

"H-hey... he was being a good sport about it... no harm was done, yeah?" I bit my lower lip and flicked my tail.

"I suppose that's true... it will matter little after this trip anyway." The sheep nodded and flagged down a taxi outside of the terminal.

"You're serious about bringing this to the light?" I gave her a smile while sitting next to her in the backseat of the car.

"I am, I have not had a relationship in cent- some time." She spoke out quietly, glancing towards the driver. "If anyone is due for some love, why not me?" She gave me a grin and squeezed my hand.

"I agree... once it comes out, will I see you more?" I spoke out curious and hopeful.

"Yes, I will make it work somehow." She nodded and I felt my excitement build.

"Oh, I'm so excited..." I moved her hands to my lips and kissed her fingers gently. "My wonderful sheep...I love you."

Lorelai showed me her teeth in a cocky grin. "I love you as well... and when we get back to our room, I plan to love you until you're a drooling mess."

I giggled and saw the awkward glances from our driver. "How did I end up married to such a deviant sheep." I cooed into her ears, my fingertips brushing the small golden band on her hand.


My ears lazily flicked to and fro while I hung on the thread of silence between us. I could feel the mounting questions and braced myself before they came.

I grinned. "Yes, I was rather mean to the poor Imp. Lorelai explained later they tended to get pretty skittish and run if you didn't demoralize them right away. This is when they are young, of course."

A laugh came out at your next words and I showed my teeth in a grin. "Yes, I do have pictures of her on my phone in a swimsuit, even a two-piece, and before you ask... no, you may not." I hummed the words possessively.

After a few moments of pouting, I got my next question, one I was surprised by. I shifted my gaze and frowned. "Ah... No, I do not think she was being mean to me at all over the confession."

I grinned and rested my elbows on my knees. "She was right... I was being selfish and childish. I still am a selfish rabbit today as well." I shrugged and shook my head. "I said it then and I say it now. I do not deserve any of them, all of them are beautiful, wonderful creatures and I am a selfish greedy rabbit."

I smiled at your irritation with my own self-deprecation. "My pet, you have known me for a glimmer of time. Do not dig your heels in and stand resolute over things." I stood from where we had been sitting by the fire and rolled my neck before looking down upon you while you still sat. "Please understand, I am not a rabbit to put a cape upon. I am by no means a villain. However, I am also by no means a good being either."

You argued and I pursed my lips. I felt irritation filling me but didn't want to push this subject. "Regardless, our time is at an end for the evening. I leave you with this thought." I clicked my tongue and gave you a stern look. "Never make your judgments based on one side of a story. I try not to flatter myself, but I cannot be in anyone's head but my own. All of us... each and every one of us is a villain in at least one other being's story."

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 23

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 21

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 20

Episode 20: Repent for your sins It had been another full day before I could attend to you properly. I found myself upon the sofa in the den, your head in my lap. "I do so hope your days here have been well my pet. I regret that I cannot attend to...

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