Sleepover (A Sequel to "Breaking Curfew")

Story by Andlat on SoFurry

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Tyler rode his bike as quickly as he could through the streets, desperate to get back home without any distractions. If this were any other summer, he would have welcomed distractions. He would be out with friends, climbing trees, swimming, or just doing anything in the summer sun. This summer, however, had taken an unexpected turn just a few days ago. Now it was just too risky to hang out with friends, for fear that they would discover his secret.

Just thinking about what he wore under his shorts made Tyler paranoid. He stopped and made sure that his shorts were still sitting high enough around his waist that no one would even suspect that under his black shorts he was wearing anything out of the ordinary.

Tyler dropped his bike on the front lawn and took the groceries he had been sent to get into the house. His father thanked him and then he headed upstairs to his room. He closed the door behind him. He caught a glimpse of himself in his mirror and sighed. Both his father and his brother Jake had the impressive build of a mature male wolf, but he remained thin and small like a cub. His parents reassured him that it was simply because he was only fifteen and probably a late bloomer, but he wasn't so sure. His eyes had become the gold of an adult, but the rest of his frame refused to follow suit. He flexed, but it was hardly impressive in the t-shirt and shorts that were slightly too big for him, being inherited from Jake.

"I'm fifteen, but I'm wearing what Jake wore when he was twelve." Tyler muttered. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it across the room angrily. Another glimpse in the mirror proved his previous statement wrong. Not everything he wore was handed down from Jake. He fingered the pink waistband that peeked out from the top of his shorts, decorated with white lace. Underneath his too big clothing was a pair of panties that fit him perfectly. His underwear drawer was full of more pairs of the same. Pair after pair of pink panties, all for him. Tyler hated having to wear panties, but the alternative was far worse. If he told anyone, Jake would tell, and show, everyone what had happened that night. Tyler blushed as he remembered what he had had to do late that night.

He put his shirt back on and headed downstairs to watch TV for a while. Jake was over at Nate's, so he was at peace for the moment. Television offered little distraction. Tyler's mind kept wandering. He felt as though something was off, but he could not figure out just what. With a shrug, he tried to lose himself in the show.

A few hours later, his parents had left and he had the house to himself. Both of his parents were currently working the overnight shift; his dad as a security guard and his mom as a pediatric veterinarian. Therefore, Tyler was used to them being gone. With Jake over at Nate's, the house had become quite peaceful, for which Tyler was grateful.

The evening was uneventful and around eleven, Tyler decided to just give up and go to bed. He ascended the stairs slowly. The downstairs seemed eerie after turning out the lights. He entered his room and immediately stripped off his t-shirt and shorts, reasoning that a shower could wait until the morning. He stared down at his unorthodox underwear with disgust. He wished, not for the first time, that he had pajamas to wear over the panties, but he had not worn pajamas since he had defiantly cast off the juvenile pajamas that he had worn when he was six. He had slept in his cartoon briefs, then tighty whities, then boxers ever since. That progression had added a new link just a few days previous, much to his dismay. With a sigh, he turned out the lights and climbed into bed, shuddering as the smooth material of the panties shifted against his shaft and balls. He closed his eyes and was soon asleep.

A few hours later, there was the sound of paws outside his door, but Tyler was too deeply asleep to register the sound. The door was eased open and two dark shapes slipped in. Tyler began to stir as they approached, but it didn't stop them. Tyler woke up just as the blankets were tossed off of him.

"What the?"

"Just think of it as a booty call." Nate said, throwing the wolf over his shoulder. As he was being carried out of his room, Tyler realized who his assailants were. Nate was carrying him and Jake was close behind. Both were clad only in briefs and by the looks of it, they were both quite horny.

Nate turned into Jake's room and Tyler was thrown onto the bed. He got up and turned around, only to see Nate and Jake passionately making out in front of the door, their cocks rubbing against each other. Nate pulled away and laughed.

"Look! The sissy's jealous!" They came around the bed and sat down on opposite sides of Tyler.

"We're a little horny tonight, so it's your job to help us fix that." Jake explained.

"You can start," Nate continued, "by jerking us off." Tyler sighed and reached over to Nate's crotch, releasing his mountainous cock. "At the same time." Nate added. Tyler's other paw reached over to Jake and pulled down his briefs. Tyler had never seen his brother's cock fully erect and he couldn't help but feel a little intimidated as he wrapped his paw around it. Jake and Nate moaned as Tyler began to stroke. He closed his eyes, willing it to be over quickly. Yet, he began to stir in his panties, much to Jake and Nate's delight.

"What a sissy!" Jake mused. "She loves cock!" Nate nodded.

"But, this is about getting us off, not the sissy." He pushed Tyler's paw away and stood up, his cock still fully erect and his briefs around his knees. "Sissies need to earn getting off." He grabbed something from Jake's dresser and came back over to Tyler. Without a word, the lion yanked Tyler's panties down. Even fully erect, Tyler's dick was nothing compared to either of the others and he blushed, ashamed. His cock began to wither, which fit right into Nate's plan. He fastened a chastity belt around Tyler's cock, forcing it down between his legs. Tyler whined softly. "A sissy's first concern is always pleasuring others." Nate said sternly.

"Why don't we move on then?" Jake suggested. Nate nodded.

"Turn over, sissy. Stick that cute sissy ass into the air!" Tyler strongly suspected what was coming next, so he hesitated. Noticing this, Nate immediately took action. He smacked Tyler's bare leg. "Now." Tyler whimpered as he rolled over, sticking his butt into the air. Jake went over to his dresser and grabbed a tube of lube, which he handed wordlessly to Nate. Nate wasted no time slathering it all over his cock before positioning himself behind Tyler. Tyler braced himself as best he could, but it was no use. He yelped loudly as Nate's leonine cock drove its way into his virgin rectum. Jake and Nate laughed as the lion began to ram Tyler again and again, the younger wolf whimpering every time.

"You'll learn to love it!" Jake said joyfully.

"All sissies do!" Nate panted. Tyler silently prayed from the ordeal to be over as soon as possible, but every thrust seemed a small eternity. Finally, Nate groaned and Tyler felt an explosion deep within him. "Good sissy." Nate whispered, rubbing Nate's bare backfur. Tyler felt a few tears slip down his face. This was so humiliating! Nate suddenly yanked his knot out of Tyler, causing him to yelp once again.

"Few more times and it'll be a lot easier." Jake said comfortingly, rubbing Tyler's back. For a fleeting moment, Tyler worried that his brother was about to take a turn, but Jake simply pulled the panties back up. "We'll give you a chance to rest." He said, pushing Tyler onto the floor. "Down there." Nate and Jake climbed onto the bed and began to innocently snuggle while Tyler gathered himself. His cock was straining against the chastity belt, but he wasn't sure exactly why. Was he actually enjoying this? He sat up and stared at the lion and wolf on the bed.

"How long do I have to keep this thing on?" Nate and Jake both looked at him.

"Until your training's over." Nate replied.


"Who knows?" Jake said with a shrug.

"What about... releasing?" Nate and Jake laughed.

"Well," Nate said, climbing off the bed. "If you want to cum, you have to earn it."

"How?" Tyler said, ever aware of his straining member as he watched Nate come over, his package shifting in his tight briefs. Nate's grin widened.

"It's simple really." He stopped a short distance from Tyler. "First, you let your master or mistress or whatever know that you're interested."

"How?" Nate's grin was practically from ear to ear.

"Come over here like a good sissy bitch." Tyler came forward on all fours until he was in Nate's shadow. "Now, just sniff my crotch. Tyler obeyed, his cock straining more as he got a full snout of Nate's pheromones. Before he could even register the thought, his tongue snaked out and he licked Nate's package. Nate moaned and Tyler saw his cock stir.

"Looks like you've got some work ahead of you!" Jake teased. Tyler looked up at Nate, who simply nodded. Tyler pulled down Nate's briefs and began to suck his cock, working as quickly as he could, hoping that this would earn him release. Nate moaned sensually as Tyler's tongue danced along his cock and balls. Tyler shut his eyes, shuddering as the lion began to thrust his hips forward, humping Tyler's face. At last, Nate erupted in Tyler's mouth. Jake and Nate laughed uproariously as a thin sticky trickle slid down from the corner of Tyler's mouth.

"Lick it up!" Nate ordered. Tyler, red-faced, obeyed, his tongue circling his mouth until Nate and Jake were both satisfied. Nate pulled his briefs up and then flopped down on Jake's bed. "Well, I'm satisfied!" He declared. Tyler perked up. His cock and balls were aching for release. He crawled over to his brother and began to sniff his crotch. The smell was so like his own, yet slightly different. More mature and dominant. Jake's cock fought against the material of his briefs, trying desperately to get out. With shaking hands, Tyler reached up and pulled down his brother's underwear. He was about to take Jake into his mouth when Jake touched his shoulder.

"Actually, just paw me off." He said. Tyler obeyed, sliding his paw up and down Jake's length. It felt strange to him, doing such a familiar action yet feeling none of it.

Jake's eyes were shut as he was enveloped in euphoria. Nate remained on the bed, but his cock was out in his paw as he watched. When Jake came, his seed was shot all over Tyler's face. Tyler whined as the sticky semen made streams in his fur.

"Lick it up, sissy." Nate commanded. Tyler obeyed, licking as much as he could, but there was still some outside the reach of his tongue. "Wipe it off with your paw and then lick it off your paw." Nate explained patiently. Tyler did just that until Nate and Jake were satisfied with his work.

Tyler looked up at them pleadingly. He was so desperate for release! Jake and Nate exchanged a look, but then Nate yawned.

"I don't know about you, Jake, but I'm wiped out." Jake grinned and yawned, stretching his arms high over his head.

"So am I." He bent down to pull his briefs back up. "We should get some sleep." Tyler whimpered softly.

"Oh! We've got a sissy to deal with first!" Tyler brightened up. Was it at last his turn? Nate looked down at Tyler. "Let's get you diapered like a good sissy, hmm?" Tyler's hopes were crushed. They were just going to keep teasing him! The lion nodded to Jake, who walked over to his closet and pulled out a package of diapers, completely full except for one. He reached in, pulling one out.

"Should we double it up tonight?" Nate nodded, and Tyler sensed that there was something further planned for him. Jake pulled out a second, returning the pack back into his closet.

"Lie down flat." Nate instructed. Tyler obeyed and Nate knelt down and pulled down the young wolf's panties. "Don't forget the cubby powder." Nate said with genuine concern. Jake nodded and grabbed it out of his closet before kneeling at Tyler's footpaws.

"How long's it been since you wet the bed, sissy?" Jake asked. Tyler shrugged, not wanting to answer. "It hasn't been that long." Nate teased as he lifted his brother's legs and slipped the first diaper under his bottom. Jake grabbed the powder and heavily powdered Tyler's entire diaper area. Tyler groaned as his cock tried even more to harden, straining against the chastity belt that held it between his legs as much as it could. Nate and Jake both noticed this and chuckled.

"A certain little sissy will be wetting like a good little girl tonight!" Nate teased. Tyler blushed yet again. Jake reached between Tyler's legs and lifted the diaper up and over his bound cock. He then carefully cut slits into the diaper with his claws and grabbed the second one.

"Don't you feel so safe and secure in your diaper, sissy?" Jake asked. Tyler looked away, ashamed by the truth of the question. Jake worked quickly to tape the second diaper around Tyler's waist and then patted the front of the younger wolf's diaper. "All set for beddy-bye!"

"I'm not." Nate said with a smirk. "I need to piss!" Jake grinned from ear to ear.

"So do I." Tyler was almost to his feet when Jake lay his paw on his shoulder and pushed him down to his knees. Tyler looked from the wolf to the lion. Did he have to suck them again? Nate whispered something in Jake's ear and he nodded. "You're right." He replied. Turning back to Tyler, he held out his paw. "Come on, up on your paws." Perplexed, Tyler cautiously took the paw and stood. Holding tight to Tyler's paw, Jake maneuvered him over to a wall and had him place his paws against it and lean forward. His butt was pointing out, so Tyler assumed the worst and braced himself. What came, however, was even worse to him than what he had imagined.

A warm stream hit his lower back and flowed down into his diaper as the smell of urine filled the air. He whined softly as the lion continued to pee, his urine washing over Tyler's confined cock. Nate moaned as he finished off, stepping away and allowing Tyler to relax.

"My turn!" Jake said even as the flow started. Tyler whined again and again as a seemingly endless stream of piss ran down his back and into his diaper. By the time Jake was finishing up, Tyler's diaper was yellowed and sagging between his legs. "Now we can go to bed." Jake said, returning his member to his underwear. Tyler sighed in relief and turned to leave the room. The moment he was out of there, he was going to take off this stupid diaper and return to at least some degree of normalcy. Before he could make it to the door, Nate beat him there.

"Nope, sissy. You're sleeping with us!" Tyler glanced at Jake's bed. It was hardly big enough for the two of them, not to mention him as well.

"We'll just have to cuddle." Jake said with a grin. Without warning, Nate scooped Tyler up and carried him over to the bed. Tyler was surprised by the action, yet something felt right about being in the lion's muscular arms, especially in a diaper.

"Can't I get changed first?" Tyler asked as he was placed next to Jake on the bed. Nate shook his head.

"Remember the rules? You have to poop before you get changed." Tyler whimpered, but couldn't bring himself to do it. Nate also climbed into the bed and Tyler was squeezed between them. Jake squeezed the back of Tyler's diaper and Tyler yelped as the piss in his diaper ran down his fur again.

"What a little sissy." Jake whispered with a chuckle. A few minutes later, they had all fallen asleep.

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Breaking Curfew

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Tyler rolled his eyes. "What do you care?" The larger wolf frowned. "I am in charge, so it's my problem that your curfew was an hour and a half ago." Tyler scoffed and tried to get around his brother, but the...

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