Bringing it Home

Story by JJ Richards on SoFurry

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#1 of Chris & Angie

Chris stuck his key in the front door of his house and wrestled with they sticky deadbolt until it came loose. He the stepped inside and dropped his overloaded backpack by the front door. He quickly discarded his shoes and trotted to the kitchen. Because the food sucked, Chris often skipped lunch at school, so by this time of day, he was famished.

He found himself a meal out of some lunch meat, and a bag of Doritos. He sat himself down on the couch, and like most 16 year olds, he turned on the TV. Chris sat and munched on the chips, orange dust coating the black fur on his feline paws.

Chris was almost entirely black, save for a brown streak on his head that looked like he had a Mohawk and a brown patch around one of his deep emerald green eyes. He had a medium build and not much of a claim to fame. He didn't go for sports and he sure couldn't play and instrument. No art skills, no writing skills, in fact even his academic skills were as "middle of the road" as you could get. This made it easy to blend in and hard to stand out. Chris wasn't sure weather or not he was glad things were this way.

As the show Chris was watching went to commercial, his cell phone buzzed in his pocket. He wiped his dusty paws on his pants, then worked his phone out of his skin-tight, boot cut jeans and answered it. It was one of his buddies, Kyle. He called to let Chris know he was on his way over.

Kyle and Chris were inseparable. They had been friends since they were young and grown up together. Odd mix, as Kyle was one who was a smooth talker and popular, while Chris dwelled an amenity, and his speaking skill were less than skillful. It was stranger still, that as Kyle grew more and more popular, Chris still was the guy every one recognized but no one could ever remember his name.

About thirty minutes later the screen door swung open and Kyle walked in without knocking "Honey, I'm home" he said in a mocking voice. Chris walked out from the living room and greeted Kyle, "Hey what's up man?" "Not much, you?" "Pretty much the same." It was about then that a second fur walked through the door, and this one was trouble. "Hey Chris" Angela said. Chris swallowed hard, "Hey Angie, what's new?" "Nothing much" she answer with a toothy vulpine smile.

She and Kyle were both fox, but it was obvious who had the looks in the family. Kyle was about six foot one, and had about the same build as Chris. Typical color for a fox, crimson fur, creamy stomach and chest, and black gloves. Angela on the other hand was a little different. She wasn't rail skinny, but that was because of her muscular build. She had a very toned stomach that she often showed off by wearing tops that ended just below her breasts. And speaking of breasts, Angie's were huge, quite out of place on a girl her size and build. She too had crimson fur and a creamy belly and chest, but the tip of her left ear was black and her black gloved paws ran up to her elbows.

Chris had always hung out with Angie, she had been one of the guys for as long as either could remember. When they were kids they would play together in the park and take bike rides, she was a close friend, but not as close as Kyle. The trio was a rambunctious bundle, Kyle often the ringleader. But as life works, each grew up, and changed, both emotionally and physically. Kyle got tall, and so did Angie, she stood at five foot ten. Chris was average for a guy, the same height as Angie. At first none of them really paid much attention to the other in a physical way, but one day Chris took notice of Angie. This lead to a number of masturbation sessions and then infatuation. He found himself acting more and more awkward around Angie, until now every time she entered the room he became a mess of feelings. None of which were easy to hide, but he seemed to be doing an adequate job, because Angie didn't act any different. That or she knew and didn't care.

Chris shook off the feelings that now swarmed him like a plague of locust, and brought his wandering mind back to earth, "Want something to eat?" he said motioning toward the kitchen with a thumb over his shoulder. "Yeah" the foxes said in unison and the three almost skipped to the kitchen. Being that they were all the same age, they ate constantly, quite a cliché to be honest. Microwave popcorn, nachos and cheese, chips, and fresh fruit were laid out like a buffet, and were feasted upon by the trio. Kyle told stories about his job as a retail sales associate at an arts and crafts store. Angie followed up with a tale from the locker room, and as usual, Chris just laughed and listened.

Snacking ended and turned to homework. Actually it was each doing one section of the math homework and then copying the answers of the other two to complete the assignment. Kyle was a writer, and Angie and artist, neither liked math; Chris wasn't too fond of it either. The deed having been done they all agreed to head back to Kyle's to play video games. Angie being one of the guys took as much pleasure in Call of Duty as the other two.

Chris's parents were divorced, his mother lived in Belize and his dad worked till midnight each night which meant Chris was alone most of his life. This often haunted him, made him weary. However, it was in these moments that his friends would come round and cheer him up. But even that was now complicated by these new feelings when it came to Angie. Was he destined to never be content in his life?

Back at Kyle's they all mushed their brains playing video games and eating junk food. The laughed, they teased and by midnight, wasted away the evening. Angie lifted her wrist and checked the time on her cheap Wal-Mart digital watch. "Oh shit" she said passively as she hoisted herself off of Kyle's bed where she had been laying for a couple of hours, "I need to take a shower." She headed for the door, "See ya round Chris." She obviously expected him to leave during the time she was in the shower. He probably should, it was getting late and even though he didn't have school tomorrow, Kyle's parents weren't keen on him having friends overnight, "Alright a couple more rounds and I'll go" Chris said with a smile.

The pair played three more matches on their game, as stated, and then Chris threw on his shoes and headed for the hall, "See ya Kyle, Chris shouted over his shoulder. Chris walked briskly down the long narrow hallway, and just as he passed the bathroom door, Angie opened it and stepped out without looking, wrapped in her bath towel. She and Chris collided. She grabbed Chris's shirt to stay on balance, but that set him off balance. On top of that her towel had gotten caught on the doorframe of the bathroom so when Angie fell her towel stayed, and as fate would have it, she fell and Chris fell on top of her.

This was awkward, Chris's eyes instinctively snapped to Angie's exposed chest, and then his better nature snapped them away, then over her stomach and away. His ears turned bright red, almost as bright as Angie's, "Oh my god!" she said in a panic covering up. Chris rose and unhooked her towel from the door and tossed it to her without looking. He turned his back to her so she could wrap the towel back around, "I'm SO sorry Angie" Chris said, thoroughly embarrassed. She chuckled, "Yeah yeah, it's cool, you probably enjoyed the view anyway. " Chris blushed and chuckled. He turned back around to see Angie turning to walk away. She took two steps and then coyly looked over her shoulder at Chris, "Just don't get used to it." She winked and walked down the hall. Chris's eyes ran down her back to her butt, which she had accidentally left exposed when she put the towel around her again giving Chris a pleasant view of her hips swinging as she walked.

Chris left and walked the ½ mile back to his house. He was glad the walk was long; he had a lot to think about. How did that just happen? Fate had finally given him a break. The girl he had gone crazy over just falls naked in front of him, imagine that! He couldn't have made that out any better if he tired. Chris thought about her body, toned, and glistening with water. Her scent, fresh from the shower. Then he stopped in mid step, "She wasn't mad." He said aloud just now realizing it.

The thought had slipped his mind until this exact moment, she wasn't mad at him. In fact she almost sounded playful when it happened. Then all his train of thought came to a screeching halt. "She just feels comfortable around me," he said aloud "cause she's one of the guys, not because....." he let his thoughts trail off as he couldn't bring himself to say it after the joy he had just felt. Chris shuffled the rest of the way home, hands in his pockets. He snuck quietly in the front door in case is dad had come home and was still up, but as usual he had gone to bed without checking in on Chris. Chris tiptoed up the stairs, which was easy for a cat, and stripped to his boxers and went to bed.

Chris's dreams where filled with the accident in the hall at Kyle's. He could see her soaked fur, her perfect breasts, muscled thighs and stomach, a goddess in every sense of the word. Then Chris woke up, back to the real world. Chris's eyes gave him a blurred, fuzzy perception of the room as his body slowly woke. He sat up in bed and rubbed his tired feline eyes. Chris pulled the covers off of him and was greeted by the sight of semen stained boxers, boner trying to rip its way free. Chris rolled his eyes and after checking the hall, made a bead for the bathroom. He got in the shower and washed the sticky fluid from the fur around his crotch and enjoyed the warm water over his body.

However, Angie kept creeping into his thoughts, and this only fueled the aching, throbbing meat that stuck straight out in front of him. Chris was big, but by no means huge, and much to his displeasure it had never been seen by any girl. One of the downsides to being invisible, is you never get laid. That having been said, he never really went out of his way to meet girls, he was shy and never was very smooth in conversation.

Chris sighed and rolled his eyes, this wasn't going to take care of itself. Chris leaned against one of the white tiled walls of the shower and wrapped his hand around his cock. He stroked up and down the thick shaft, sending a wave of pleasure over his body that awakened all his senses. Suddenly the warm water that was running over his body became a warm blanked, cascading itself over every inch, wrapping him in a sauna of gentle embrace. His mind went to Angie, thinking of her naked. He began to quicken his pace, rubbing, almost yanking himself. Chris closed his eyes and laid his head back against the wall of the shower, and released a long breath. He thought of Angie lying on a bed, legs spread, inviting him into her. He thought of entering her, pleasuring her, her moaning and her face, with a look of pleasure plastered across it. Not but five minutes later, he felt himself approaching orgasm, his increased his pace again. He closed his eyes tight and his mouth opened in a silent groan as semen exploded from his member. Streams of hot seed sprayed from him, and they kept going and going. Chris forced his eyes open to look; he had never cum so much in his life! Finally after what seem like eternity, he stopped. Chris inhaled sharply, realizing he had not breathed the whole time.

Chris turned off the water and stepped out of the shower; he wrapped a towel around him and went to his room. He felt pretty good, almost proud of the event in the shower. A smirk teased his lips and he got dressed. He walked over to the mirror and brushed the fur on his head, putting it into place. When he had finished, he ran his eyes over the image in the mirror. "Damn, I AM plain." Nothing about him stood out. Average build, average height, weight, looks, clothes; it was almost depressingly normal. His mind went to Angie, and his good mood melted into depression. "Why would she want a guy like me, she's hot, she can do hell of a lot better than me." He walked away from the mirror and threw himself face down on his bed. He groaned, rolled over, and starred at the ceiling. It was about then that his phone buzzed. He retrieved it from his pocket and saw he had a text message. Kyle had invited him over. Saturday was spent alone too, his dad worked every day but Sunday, and that's when he would do all his house work, so the two never really spent quality time together. Chris responded, letting him know he was on his way over. Chris got on his bike and peddled over to Kyle's where he knew Angie would be waiting to, further complicating his already confused thoughts.

By the time Chris arrived at Kyle's, he was a bundle of nerves. How would Angie react to him now that he had seen her naked? Would she treat him different? Did she tell Kyle? "God I hope not!" Chris whispered aloud. Chris walked up to the front door and took a deep breath before opening it and going inside. "Yello?" Chris shouted. "Come on up!" Angie shouted. Chris walked up the stairs slowly, and when he got to the top, he shouted again. "Come on back" Angie said coming from the end of the hall. Chris walked to the end of the hall and found Angie in Kyle's room, all alone. Chris became confused, "Where's Kyle?" Angie giggled. "I 'borrowed' his phone; he's gone for the day, at work." Chris was still bewildered, "So why did you text me?" Angie slid from Kyle's bed and sauntered over to Chris, "Cause we need to talk."

Chris's heart jumped, and at the same time his stomach dropped. He hopped for the best, but feared for the worse. Angie grabbed Chris by the wrist and led him into the room, she again sat on the bed and Chris claimed one of the circular game chairs across from her. She looked Chris in the eye and smiled, "So, about yesterday." Chris looked away, and Angie chuckled. "Don't worry I'm not mad," Chris perked up, "I just want to...." She trailed off as she thought of the right words. "I told you not to get used to it, I may have lied."

Chris's eyes snapped up.

"What?" he asked making sure that she said what he thought she said. "Well the truth is," she said, standing and walking around the room aimlessly, "I kinda was embarrassed by yesterday." "Why?" Chris asked, honestly curious. "Cause I didn't want you to see me that way, like that." Chris understood.... kinda. "I like you Chris, and not just in a friend way." Chris's heart skipped a beat. "I have for a while, and to be honest I didn't know how to get close to you without ruining our friendship, both with each other and with Kyle." Chris nodded trying to hide his sheer joy. "And I've thought about us, you know, being together." Chris listened closely trying not to smile. "And every time that I do I imagine the first time you seeing me like that being much more romantic than that was."

Chris stood up and walked over to Angie, "You seemed so casual about it last night though." He said coolly. "Well," she said looking away, blushing, "I didn't want you to know how I felt. I thought it was the wrong place and the wrong time for that." Chris was suddenly emboldened, he placed one finger under Angie's chin and raised her vixen snout to look into his eyes, "I've been thinking about us too, about, us being together," it was Chris's turn to blush, but he kept spilling his guts to her, "And, honestly it scared the shit out of me, thinking of how to tell you this, but, I think I'm in l-" Angie put a finger to his lips, she looked him in the eyes and smiled, gently, "I think I am too." She wrapped her arm around his neck and closed her eyes as she slowly leaned in and kissed him. Chris closed his eyes and kissed her back. Both of them held there breath and once they had to breathe they released and then locked muzzles again. Chris wrapped his arms around Angie and pulled her to the bed, down on top of him. Neither broke off, even when they fell.

Here, now, all the pent up passion imagining what could be exploded into what was. In a short jumbled conversation, the two discovered they felt the same way and now they shared all of what had been hidden with each other. Chris let his passion take over; he kissed Angie, holding her tightly. Angie had her hands on either side of Chris's face, holding his snout against hers. Their breathing from their noses was fast and loud. Angie gently groaned as she no longer hid any emotion from Chris. When they finally released both gasped for air. The two lay there, Angie propping her chest off of Chris with her arms, staring into each others eyes. Chris smiled, and Angie returned it. Angie giggled and bit her lower lip. Shy lay down on Chris and hugged him. Chris held her again and then dared to talk. "I can't believe you felt this way all along." Angie pulled back and smiled, "Ironic isn't it." The to chuckled and Angie looked down to her hips which were straddling Chris's.

It was then that Chris realized he had become aroused. Angie slid herself off of Chris and smiled, "I take it you liked that." She said teasingly. Chris blushed. Angie looked at the bulge in his pants and again, bit her lower lip. She looked at the clock on the wall, then at Chris. Chris could read the look in her eyes as if she had written what she was thinking on her forehead. Chris was going to speak, but before he could Angie had undone his belt and opened his pants. She pulled his pants down, roughly, quickly, and did the same with his boxers. She stared at the seven inches of throbbing meat that lay, waiting for her. She smiled and, while looking Chris straight in the eyes, slowly slid his cock into her mouth.

She clamped down with her lips and slid her head up and down his member. Chris's eyes rolled into the back of his head. He groaned as Angie went to work. She was inexperienced, but skillful nonetheless, she caressed him with her tongue coaxing a steady stream of pre from him, which she hungrily slurped up. "Good God" Chris said aloud. Angie chuckled without letting go of Chris. She continued to work, sucking, slurping, and finally she released for a breath. That didn't last long though, she quickly clamped down on Chris again. Chris was a mess of sheer pleasure, as he felt her tongue rub his shaft, her lips sucking hard, the warmth of her breath on his crotch, her saliva building in her mouth, mingling with his pre to further lubricate his member. He heart was pounding out of his chest as all his senses seem to numb save for his sense of touch, which had focused itself on where Angie was working. He groaned and shifted as his body couldn't sit still. His muscles flexed, and his breathing was long and drawn.

Angie was more than happy to be doing the deed. Chris couldn't see her, but he could hear her gunt and breath. He could her sucking tighter to himself and swallowing his pre in gulps. Every once in a while she would have to release and breath, and when she did Chris was able to open his eyes and look at Angie who was always jacking him while staring him straight back in the eyes, smiling, almost smugly. She knew she was in control and she loved it. Those moments where short before she went back to work with her mouth.

Six minutes of this was all it took for Chris to climax, he grunted and tried to tell Angie but she already knew. Chris groaned loudly and came with Angie still around him. Her mouth filled with Chris's semen, flowing, pump after pump, seemingly without end. Angie's expression changed when Chris kept coming long after she expected him to stop, she continued to jack him though, with her lips sealed tightly to his cock. Chris grunted with every pump, lying completely flat on his back. He looked up in time to see Angie's mouth over flow with his seed, she choked sputtered and coughed, splattering semen all over Chris and spilling much of the contents of her mouth all over Kyle's bed, it was about then that Chris finally stopped.

Angie coughed for a moment longer and then looked up at Chris smiling, "Wow,"

she said, "that was a nice surprise." Chris smiled, not just from the compliment but from the scene in front of him. His cum was everywhere, all over him, the bed, the wall, and Angie. Her crimson muzzle was now covered in Chris's cream which dripped off in long stringy stands. Angie cleaned up her snout with her tongue, slurping up and swallowing every last drop. Chris felt like a real man after that sight. He pulled his pants up and then the two got off the bed a looked back. "Ohhh," Angie winced. Kyle had a bed with black sheets and a black comforter, and both were covered in semen. "Lucky for you I do the laundry around here." Angie said laughing. Chris turned back to her, she was preoccupied with the bed situation, "All this time" the thought to himself. He stepped up to Angie; she turned her attention to him, and smiled. Chris looked her in the eyes and then leaned in and kissed her.

This kiss was different; she kissed him less out of lust and passion, and more out of sheer emotion. Chris felt this kiss on a deeper level than the first, at least that's how it felt. It may have been the blow job magnifying all his feelings toward her but deep down Chris hoped not. The two released and a strand of saliva and cum ran between their lips. Chris then tasted himself on her and winced, Angie chuckled, "Well, I'd say I'm sorry but....." She laughed at Chris's face and then began to take the sheets off of Kyle's bed. She headed for the door and then stopped. She looked back and Chris and smiled, "I love you"

Chris's heart swelled at the sound of those words, "I love you too." She smiled, genuinely, simply, transparently, only solidifying that what she had just told Chris. Chris sat in the gamer chair and starred off into space. This was the beginning, of an interesting road that took him god knows where. All he knew is Angie was now walking that road with him, and that made things a lot easier to handle, the real question now is, what will Kyle think when he finds out. Chris pushed the thought out of his head, "He'll find out when the time is right." Chris told himself, when that would be, and how, is another story.