Keri’s Jog

Story by Rowyin Darkwulf on SoFurry

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Keri's Jog

By Rowyin Darkwulf

It was a wonderful day outside, the sun high in the cloudless sky. Spring was in full bloom, so what better a day could one have to go jogging through the forest trails? That was Keri's thought that afternoon, having had a long morning at work. The orange tabby had taken little time switching out of her work clothes and into a pair of jogging shorts and a sports bra tight enough to keep her breasts from bouncing too terribly much. A bottle of water, fanny pack, and an MP3 player completed her jogging outfit. She left her home and headed straight to the park, hitting the trail and starting her jog out at a good pace.

She had traced her way around most of the trails in this particular stretch of the forest preserve in the past, but today she felt like exploring a bit during her jog, so upon reaching the first unfamiliar trail she headed down it, taking in the details of the foliage as she jogged by. Most of it was nondescript forest flora: an oak tree here, a flowering bush there, nothing really out of the ordinary. She slowed to a stop after a while, taking a swig from her water bottle, and as she drank she noticed something a bit off the trail. A number of the trees, about a hundred feet away from the trail, were knocked down in a circle. It wouldn't have looked so out of the ordinary if it didn't look as if it had happened recently, the roots still clinging tightly to the earth in which they were once imbedded.

Curious, she left the trail, stepping carefully through the underbrush towards the circle of downed trees. It looked like, as she approached, there was a large crater in the ground, the circular hollow in the ground going down a number of feet, clear of most brush. As Keri approached the lip of the crater, she could see a large rock in the center, but before she could examine it more, her foot caught in one of roots of the uprooted trees, sending the kitty headlong into the crater. She tumbled down the embankment, her head hitting something hard, and her world going black before her body came to a stop on her back near the middle of the crater.

Keri groaned as consciousness slowly returned to her, her head feeling like her brain were trying to play a drum solo on her skull. She slowly began moving her extremities, curling her fingers and wiggling her toes before she reached up to stroke the large lump on the back of her head. She noticed that the sun had long since gone down, the starry sky stretching out above her. She also noticed that for some reason from her shins down felt as if they were submerged in water. She looked down her body, finding that the rock that had been in the middle of the crater she was presently in was now missing, and her legs were submerged in some kind of translucent violet liquid.

She was thoroughly confused, never having seen a natural violet liquid, the disappearance of the rock only adding to her confusion. She attempted to roll onto her stomach to make her way back out of the crater, only to find herself somehow stuck. The violet liquid had the consistency of thick mud, the kitty struggling against it just to roll over. She attempted to claw her way up the curve of the crater once she had turned over, fighting to pull her feet from the thick grip of the liquid. The liquid suddenly tugged back at her, causing her to yelp loudly as she was dragged back towards the violet puddle. The surface began to vibrate, the viscous liquid clinging to the kitty's legs as it tugged her down. Keri began to panic, struggling with all her might against whatever creature this had to be.

A thick, tentacle-like pseudopod extended from the liquid, arching up over the kitty's body. Its slow movement belied its true agility, because with snake-like speed, the pseudopod split and struck Keri's wrists, restraining them together and then hardening and adhering to the very ground she had been clawing at. Once it was finished, the pseudopod separated itself from the goo restraining the kitty's wrists, slowly sinking back into the total mass of the puddle. Keri, despite having her legs spread and restrained by the mass of goo and her arms effectively glued to the ground, continued to unsuccessfully struggle against the goo, only succeeding in tiring herself out. She tentatively looked over her shoulder, and wished she hadn't.

The pool had practically come alive, a number of pseudopods rising from the goo's surface, all them arching towards her restrained body. She cringed away as she felt the cool goo press against the fur of her inner thigh, just beneath the leg of her shorts, and began pushing its way into her tight shorts. Her body shuddered, trying to wiggle away from the goo as it pushed its way into the crotch of her panties. The pseudopod left cool moisture around her mound, conforming around her outer lips and probing deeper.

Another shudder vibrated though her, the goo pressing apart her outer lips and probing its way into her cunny. She tried clenching her muscles to prevent the goo from pressing deeper, but it did nothing to slow the goo down, stretching her muscles as it filled her cunt. It stretched her wide, wider than any male she had taken before, conforming perfectly to the inside of her tunnel and stroking every inch of her in ways she would never have been able to reach. She failed to stifle a moan, her body betraying her as she slowly became aroused, her nipples hardening inside her sports bra. Her own juices began to leak from her filled cunny, seeping out onto the crotch of her panties, and soon through her panties and into the crotch of her shorts.

Her body bucked as she felt the pseudopod press against the end of her tunnel, pressing tightly against her cervix. She winced as it pushed several times against her natural dead end, until her cervix started to numb. With the pain fading, the pseudopod pressed harder against the entrance to her womb, finally spreading the tight entrance and pushing its way into her womanly depths. Keri let out a cry, the feeling of having the creature's pseudopod filling her womb causing an untold amount of pleasure to radiate from her middle. Unconsciously, her hips began humping back against the goo, some secretion of the goo spurring on her body's arousal.

She hardly noticed through the haze of her arousal the other pseudopods of the creature snake around her chest, pressing into the tight confines of her sports bra, the cool goo spreading around and encompassing her hard nipples. They seemed to tweak and tug at her nipples, a warm tingle building up in her areolas and sinking deeper, causing a breathy moan to escape the kitty's lips. The pseudopods began to engulf the entirety of her breasts, slowly kneading her breasts in a way mimicking milking a cow's teat. The creatures efforts were not in vain, for not long after the tingle Keri's breasts began to feel full, like she once had felt back when she was nursing. A trickle of milk began to leak out into the goo, flowing through the pseudopods length down to the bulk of the goo's mass. The trickle soon increased into stead spurts, milk disappearing into the goo.

The pseudopod pressing into her womb continued to stream into her, goo flowing through her vaginal canal and filling her womb past normal capacity. She could feel her midsection start to stretch around her womb, a small paunch appearing upon her tight tummy. New sensations quickly flooded her brain, the slow stretch of her belly around her womb bringing her to a quick, wet climax. She cried out into the dark forest, her juices absorbing into the goo. The waistband of Keri's shorts slowly crept down her belly as it pushed out further from her body, matching the size of a mother four and a half months pregnant. The pressure grew in her midsection, her goo-filled womb not only pressing outwards, but pressing up into her other organs as it filled.

Keri's tail lashed back and forth over her back, hips rocking as the goo took up more and more space inside her growing belly. After a few moments she looked well into a second trimester were she truly pregnant, her shorts' waistband cutting into her belly now, threads creaking and groaning as her belly put more pressure upon them. Her top had also become surprisingly tighter around her bust, her breasts having slowly increased in capacity as well as girth as the goo continued to milk her like a cow. Amazingly enough, her clothes held up the fight, even as the kitty's belly surpassed that of a woman eight months gone.

The total mass of the goo had shrunk considerably, a puddle remaining outside her. The pseudopods encasing her breasts finally relented, releasing her breasts and slipping out of her much tighter top to join the remaining mass of the goo on its trip into the bloated kitty. Keri let out a mewl, her cunny fluttering upon the girth of the goo inside her tunnel as she came again, her breasts soaking her top with the remaining milk her increased breasts carried. A few threads of her shorts popped, barely holding together as her full term-sized belly pressed harder into it. Her belly button had long since been ejected from its home, the pressure inside her belly pushing it into an outie.

The kitty's feet were soon freed as the last of the goo lifted off the ground, flowing past her shorts and panties and finally up into her cunny, her belly looking well overdue, perhaps even big enough to house a set of twins. As the last of the goo settled into Keri's womb, it allowed her cervix to return to normal, leaving a plug of its own mass to harden and seal up the entrance. The hardened goo around her wrists began to go brittle, falling to the ground in flakes and releasing her arms finally. She sat panting for a while, rolling onto her side and resting her aching arms and legs. She could feel the goo move every now and then, her bloated midsection shifting into oblong shapes before finally settling down fully.

She eventually got to her feet with a bit of effort, her head in a daze as she adjusted to the new weight in her middle. She didn't know what to do; her only urge was to get home to safety. She crawled her way out of the crater and carefully made her way back to the trail, her bloated midsection forcing her into a waddling gait as she tried to hurry back home. She was partially glad it was night, allowing her to return home without passing any onlookers. The trip up the stairs to her apartment, though, was tough, and by the time she made it though her door she was huffing and puffing, trying to get her breathing back to normal.

Now that she was inside, she peeled her torn shorts off her hips on her way to her bedroom, wanting to get a good look at herself in her bedroom mirror. She left her shorts and panties in the hall as she struggled to get the spandex of her sports bra up over her increased bust, the jostling causing her breasts to leak milk once again. Popping several threads in the seams, she finally managed to pull the garment over her head as she waddled into her bedroom. Stopping in front of the mirror, the kitty took stock in her drastically altered body. She certainly looked very pregnant, her belly easily big enough to contain a set of twins. Her breasts sat heavily atop her swollen belly, several cup sizes bigger than that had used to be, little trickles of milk running down their curves. She pressed her hand into her tummy, her fingers only sinking in slightly before the pressure inside halted them.

She contemplated that she could do. She didn't want to head to the hospital...who know what might happen if it got out? She just might end up some lab experiment of the governments or something. A sigh left her lips as she sunk down onto her bed, her belly laying uncomfortably in her lap, making her spread her legs. There really wasn't any option she had but to ride this out and hope it wouldn't kill her somehow. She couldn't deny the fact that having her belly filled like she was pregnant was a big turn on, her hands running over her body again. A yawn suddenly cut short the exploration of her body, a wave of fatigue washing over her. She would have to weigh her options the next day after a night's rest. She scooted her way up towards her headboard, throwing her covers over her bloated frame as her fatigue sent her off to sleep.

Keri awoke some hours later, the sun shining through the cracks in her blinds. She attempted to roll onto her back and stretch out her arms and legs, but upon her initial turn she found her midsection much weightier than the previous day. This fact roused her quickly from her half-asleep state. She was quick to assess her body, which had swollen into a mountain under her bed sheets. With a quick sweep of her arm her blankets were gone, her bloated belly rising hugely over her. The sheer weight of it pressed her down into her bed, and after a short time she was beginning to have tough time breathing. With much effort, the kitty pulled herself up into a semi-sitting position, her back pressed against her headboard, her legs spread wide to allow her giant belly to rest upon the bed. The curve of her belly was just past her knees, her hide around it stretched taut.

Keri looked worriedly over her belly. She could feel how tight it was, the internal pressure preventing her fingers from indenting even the slightest bit. She felt like she was an over-pressurized water she was ready to pop. As her fingers roamed over her belly, though, she could feel no stretch marks, no true signs she was stretched to or beyond normal capacity. What worried her more, though, was the thought that she just might be trapped in her own bed. She could feel how heavy her belly was, and didn't know if she would be able to even get out of bed to summon help if needed. That worry was suddenly washed away as a pressing urge to use the bathroom issued forth from her bladder. She didn't know if she'd be able to walk, but at the moment she was determined to try, lest she soil herself and the bed she was stuck in.

With several loud grunts, she managed to scoot her way to the edge of the bed and toss her legs over. With a hand gripping her nightstand tightly, she strained to get to her feet. She let out a cry of exertion as she pulled herself to her feet, her legs buckling a bit under the weight of her belly. She reached down and hefted up as much of her belly as she could, and took a few tentative steps along the side of her bed. It felt like she was carrying a boulder, but after several steps she was accustomed to her center of gravity, and the weight she carried. She hurriedly waddled to her bathroom, squeezing her belly through the almost too narrow door, and triumphantly plopped herself down upon her toilet. She let out an almost pleasured moan as she was finally able to relieve the pressure in her bladder. As she finished, and after a short struggle to wipe, she looked over to her large tub and decided that a long bath was in order.

She slowly hefted herself up once more and waddled over to her tub, setting herself down on its side as she turned on the faucet and plugged up the drain. She was glad her apartment had a large tub; she could easily fit her currently sized body inside and still have room to spare. Once the water rose up enough, she slipped herself carefully into the hot water, submerging her legs, back, and most of her full belly in the water before she turned off the faucet and laid back. The water certainly helped lessen the weight of her belly, only a small island of it sticking up out of the water which she brushed water over periodically. Sitting in the water let her temporarily forget her worries, the warmth of the water sinking in and removing the small aches in her muscles from hefting around her belly.

She lost track of time, almost falling asleep as she let herself soak, but was brought back from the edge of sleep by the sudden slow movement inside her belly. She looked over her stomach again, seeing bumps form at certain points on her belly before they disappeared. This continued for almost a minute before she felt something press down deep inside her, followed by the feeling of something shifting. She let out a loud gasp as her muscles suddenly contracted around her belly, pressing down upon her load. Something pressed itself against the barrier of her womb, her cervix hurting for only a few seconds before it dulled. She could feel it stretch slowly around whatever was pushing out from inside her, forcing her cervix around its girth as it pushed into her birth canal.

Whatever the goo had done inside her, it wanted out now, slowly pressing down the kitty's vaginal canal, stretching her almost like a thick shaft. Internally, her cunny was spread wide as the goo forced its way out, her cunny lips spreading as the viscous goo pressed out into the water. Keri moaned loudly as the thing wiggled its way down her birth canal, the feeling of it squirming feeling like she were squeezing out a thick living vibrator. Her muscles hardly had to push as the goo pressed out into the tub, but internally she felt herself close partially, the goo oozing out into the tub was somehow separate from the rest of the mass inside her belly. After the first, another began to squirm its way out of her, stretching her birth canal around its girth like the first one had. She cried out in pleasure as it squirmed its way out of her cunny, letting the next one fill her up. Her contracting muscles were rather superfluous to the process, the goo doing most of the work.

Keri hardly noticed the sound of the tub's plug being pulled, too involved with the pleasure each goo caused as it squirmed its way out of her steadily decreasing belly and quickly slipped its way down the open drain. The kitty let out a loud mewl as she hit a large orgasm, her feminine juices dispersing out into her slowly draining bath water. The size of her belly had decreased dramatically, once again looking only overdue, but as another goo squeezed its way out of her cunny its size decreased again. The last of the bathwater circled the drain as the last goo squeezed itself out from the kitty's cunny, her belly having miraculously returned to its former tightness. The ooze squirmed its way away, slipping down the drain, leaving the tired, overly busty kitty to rest in the empty tub as it went off to mature, and to find a new host....

The end?

The Walk

The Walk A quick story by Rowyin Darkwulf Edited by Evertide "Saph, Ame, come on down here!" a handsome Doberman yelled up the stairs of his home, listening as the two sets of footsteps from the second floor quickly approached the staircase....

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