The Walk

Story by Rowyin Darkwulf on SoFurry

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The Walk

A quick story by Rowyin Darkwulf

Edited by Evertide

"Saph, Ame, come on down here!" a handsome Doberman yelled up the stairs of his home, listening as the two sets of footsteps from the second floor quickly approached the staircase. The footsteps finally stopped at the top of the staircase, a pair of females standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at the Doberman male. The first to arrive was a short, patchy white and grey mouse. She smiled down the stairs at the Doberman, her big violet eyes sparkling in the room's light. She bounced a bit upon her heels, sending her long white hair and large breasts bouncing. She stood stark naked, one hand on her hip, the other caressing the large bulge in her midsection, fingers tracing around the second and third set of breasts bulging from the swell of her distended abdomen. She quickly descended the stairs, moving with speed and agility usually not seen in someone who looked like she should very well have had a child or two several weeks ago. She stopped at the foot of the stairs, now looking up into the face of the Doberman whose 7'0" frame easily towered over her 4'0" one.

As the mouse came down the stairs, the owner of the other set of footsteps moved over to the top of the stairs. Her blue eyes caught the brown ones of the Doberman, a smile gracing her skunk muzzle. She began to descend the stairs much slower than the mouse, a hand held to her back while the other held the banister of the stairs. She too was nude, her breasts jostling about atop her even larger, both in size and in comparison to her body, belly as she stepped down the stairs, a hand brushing a lock of her auburn hair from her face. If the mouse looked overdue, the skunk dwarfed her, looking close to term with a small litter. She sighed as she came to stand at the bottom of the stairs, smiling to the two other furs standing there. She too was much shorter than the male, but really only stood about a foot above the small mouse.

"Good afternoon, Master!" the two females quipped in unison, their heads rising, eyes closed. The sunlight filtering in through the front door reflected off of the metal finely engraved metal collars around the pair's necks. Engraved upon the mouse's collar was the word "Amethyst", and upon the skunk the word "Sapphire".

The Doberman looked over the two girls with a smirk before turning and stepping over towards the front door, taking a pair of chain leashes before looking back to the two girls. "We're going out for a bit," he said bluntly, stepping back over to the two girls. The mouse eagerly presented her collar for him, letting him snap the end of the chain to the D ring hanging from her collar.

The skunk was a bit more hesitant, one hand rubbing the rim of her collar, the other stroking over the swell of her belly. "But master...I'm so close now...what if-" she started, only to be cut off by the Doberman.

"Don't worry about it now...and don't talk back..." he said sternly, the skunk looking down and away with embarrassment. She raised her head when her master touched her chin, letting him hook the long leash to her collar. The two females followed after their master as he opened up the front door and stepped outside, falling in step behind him as he descended the stairs of his porch.

The trio began to walk their way down the sidewalk, the suburban streets loosely populated by others as they strolled. Sapphire felt her cheeks flush every time she noticed the looks they were getting, yet Amethyst seemed oblivious of them, walking just on their master's heels. There didn't seem to be any specific place the Doberman had planned to go to as they weaved down the sidewalks of the town.

Sapphire, as the walk went on, was beginning to feel more and more uncomfortable, her hands periodically stroking over her bloated midsection. She was having small cramps in her stomach, and was having trouble keeping up with her master and Ame. Several moments later, amid the populace strolling around the main street of the town, Sapphire loosed a cry that stopped both her master and Ame, along with several other passersby, all eyes focusing upon the skunk who was clutching at her pregnant stomach. Her own eyes were clenched shut, her breath coming in short pants. The skunk's thighs were wet, liquid running down her leg and forming a puddle upon the sidewalk. She soon relaxed, opening her eyes and staring pleadingly at her master. She took note of the smirk on his face, knowing that he had wanted this to happen in public, the skunk's ears turning bright red in embarrassment.

The skunk cried out again, the pressure inside her belly increasing as her muscles clamped down upon her load, driving it against her cervix, forcing it to stretch open. The skunk sank down into a squat, gritting her teeth as her belly contracted. Amethyst squeaked in concern, crouching down next to her "sister," her small hand running over the skunk's tight belly. The Doberman stepped up to the pair, hands still holding their leashes. Sapphire reached up and took hold of her master's pants, gripping the material hard as her belly contracted again. Her face burned with embarrassment, a crowd gathering around her as she labored, her hips swaying as she felt the pressure upon her cervix increase even more. She gasped suddenly, finally feeling something move inside of her, her cervix opening enough to allow part of her load to shift into her vaginal canal. She gave a few heavy pants, trying to ignore the many looks she was drawing in.

With the next contraction the skunk pushed as hard as she could, the sudden onset of labor not hiding the fact that she had done this before. Low between her legs, her nether lips slowly gaped open as she pushed the obstruction lodged inside her vagina. Whatever it was she was pushing out of her, it was big, her mound bulging as the obstruction was pushed closer and closer to her parting nethers. Amethyst pressed herself closer to the skunk, her own belly pressing into the side of the skunks as her other hand caressed Sapphire's back. Sapphire relaxed for a second as her current contraction ended, her inner muscles pulsing around the obstruction in her vaginal canal before the next round of contractions began again. She let out a loud grunt, something pearly white and round coming into view from inside her cunt, her lips beginning to stretch around its girth.

Sapphire grit her teeth again, pushing hard, the round, smooth object stretching her lips tight around it, the ovoid object slowly inching its way out of her with each strong push. She cried out as it finally passed its thickest part, her muscles pushing the sooth object all the way out, the object falling to the ground with a clunk followed by a spurt of her feminine juices. The skunk had cum simply from pushing out the object, which looked suspiciously like a large ostrich egg (large even by such standards as ostriches). The skunk panted heavily, resting a moment before her stomach muscles squeezed around the rest of the eggs in her belly, lining up the next egg with her already dilated cervix. She huffed loudly, her head looking up at her master's face. He was smirking at her as nonchalantly as ever, hands crossed over his chest as he watched her laboring over the remaining eggs inside her. Her eyes shot back down to the sidewalk, the skunk knowing full well that they wouldn't start moving again till she had laid all her eggs.

Amethyst removed the first of the eggs from between her sister's legs, setting it aside as the skunk's next egg began to crown. She pressed her comparatively smaller belly alongside the tightening bulge of Sapphire's, her hands returning to rubbing the skunk's back and belly as she labored over the next egg. The skunk let out a panting moan, her muscles pushing the egg down her canal, her lower lips spreading once again as the egg began to crown. Her body shuddered, lower lips spreading more quickly over this egg as she pushed it out, the sturdy egg plopping to the ground in the growing puddle of her juices. Her third egg was already slipping into her gaping vaginal canal as the second plopped out of her, her muscles almost working on instinct as they squeezed the egg down her cunt.

She let out a small moan, her eyes going seemingly vacant as she concentrated on the contractions of her stomach muscles. The crowd was gone; it was just her sister and her master to accompany her squeezing egg after egg out onto the ground. Ame kept in time with her sister's laying, moving each egg from between the skunk's thighs before the next one was pushed from her stretched cunny. The skunk's belly decreased in size with each large egg she laid upon the pavement, her large breasts resting less and less upon the decreasing shelf her belly as it shrank. She released her master's pants as she felt the final egg descend from her womb, her hands gripping her thighs as she pushed the last of her load out. A gush of liquid followed the egg as it finally passed its thickest point, her tight flesh propelling it out onto the concrete.

Sapphire sank back onto her rump, giving her sore ankles a rest, leaving her legs spread, vaginal muscles returning her cunny to its pre-labor state. She panted heavily, looking at the pile of eggs Amethyst had arranged to her side. She had laid fifteen of the pearly white eggs that were currently drying in the sun. She looked up embarrassedly to the smirking face of her master.

"Very good, help your sister gather up the eggs. We need to head to the market."


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