Xenobiologist - Pod Spider

Story by RabidRabbit on SoFurry

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#4 of Dr. Manny, Xenobiologist

Story and thumbnail based on this pic drawn by the wonderful FA Slug.

Standard adult entertainment warnings here: please be of adult age and not to be offended by homoerotic acts or adult fantasy. If you are alright with that, please proceed. Constructive comments, grammar correction, and thoughtful suggestions are welcomed.

Dr. Manny Xenobiologist

The Pod Spider

The tanuki zipped through a thick debris field in orbit of Urrus Prime. His shuttle's sensors guided him through to the beacon hidden somewhere on the planet below. Darx had hidden something that could help Manny in his mission to find Dr. Carter and he was in a hurry to get it.

Manny programmed the landing sequence as he cleared the debris field and approached the atmosphere of Urrus Prime. The planet had once been a popular spot for research because of the rich biodiversity found only in this system. It also had one of the sector's best strip clubs in orbit until a solar flare destroyed the space station.

All that remained of the once bustling station was presently a dangerous debris field of twisted metal and radiation. The doctor had some fond memories. It was where he met Drax. It was many years ago, and the xenobiologist was supervising a survey on Urrus Prime and while the interns busied themselves cataloging samples, Manny was nothing more than a glorified babysitter.

To fill in his abundance of free time, Manny ended up working part time at the club. On one particularly inebriated night, the tanuki got pulled on the stage for an amateur competition. Apparently, Manny was a natural on the zero G pole, his shapely body with his spacewalk training allowed the racoon dog to perform all sorts of twists and twirls in the air. The owners took notice and offered him a job.

On the night of the tanuki's debut, Darx was in the front row. The young dragonmorph had lust at first sight when he saw the doctor walk down the stage. The music was thumping in time with the lasers and lights as Manny began his performance. The crowd went wild and adorned the stage with station currency and partially soiled undergarments. There was even an instance where a lizard person detached their tail and flung it upon the stage.

Darx waved the tanuki over with a packed billfold. Manny grinned and strutted towards the scaly patron. Manny's shapely bottom bounced in his neon green booty shorts as he stopped in front of the dragonmorph. Darx motioned for the xenobiologist to lose the pants. The doctor grinned and twirled around in place. The tanuki's tail wrapped to cover his waist as he kicked off the shorts right on top of Darx's snout.

The audience cheered when the pants came off. Money and drinks came flying on the stage. The automated forcefields bounced rubbish back at the unruly guest who were jealous they could not secure a front row seat. Manny shot a wink at Darx and somersaulted across the stage, his tail and arm catching around the pole, revealing his bubblegum pink jockstrap. The tanuki's hefty orbs spilled out from the sides of the pouch and bounced within the elastic bands. Drax took a bill and reached out to stuff it down the doctor's crotch. The racoon dog was flattered at the tip, and the bulky dragonmorph was extremely cute. As his song neared the end, the tanuki finished by pointing at the dragon's snout and then at the edge of the stage.

Darx picked up on the gesture and placed his head at the edge of the stage. Manny cupped the dragonmorph's cheek and squatted right down on his face. His ample sac plopped right against the white scales of Darx's face caused an uproar through the club. The dragonmorph was in heaven, nuzzling and bouncing the tanuki's balls with his face. The sly dragon slid his long serpent like tongue and lapped at Manny's pucker before slipping in just a bit. This caused the xenobiologist to yip and jump up against the ceiling.

The doctor managed to catch the pole before flying too high and ended his set with an upside-down leg split. The lights darkened, and Manny scurried off the stage in a hurry. He wanted to slap and fuck the dragonmorph for doing that, which he did exactly that half an hour later. Darx was waiting for the tanuki outside the club. The doctor had to stand on his tiptoes to slap the dragonmorph before the two ended up in the tanuki's quarters.

Manny had many wild nights and parties on the space station with Darx. It was very much all fun and games for the two until Darx got himself arrested. The dragonmorph came from a long line of successfully unknown smugglers. Someone framed Darx, an anonymous tip to the station's security resulted in a search of the dragon's ship. Authorities found in his cargo hold, a single stasis pod with a child who claimed the dragonmorph had kidnapped them. The doctor knew that was impossible as he and Darx had spent the previous night exploring the 'secret compartments' in the smuggler's ship that were empty.

The doctor's testimony would only be worth the same weight to the station's commander. While Darx awaited his hearing, Manny ran his own investigation. The tanuki quickly discovered the child was not really a child, but a shapeshifting lifeform employed to make false accusations against the dragonmorph. All the evidence came to light when the xenobiologist forced the shape shifter to revert to its natural state using an electrical shock. The guards wrenched the zapper away from Manny but let him go quickly as they watched the twisted thing shriek and wail in pain as it reverted to its natural form. It attempted to escape and was gunned down before it could be further interrogated.

Even with his name cleared, the incident made it into a public record and tarnished Darx's reputation with other smugglers. He found an alternative and equally decent paying job of running cargo for the Union. Manny had put in a good word with the commander and they paid him under the table just like the doctor. Since then, months usually pass before the two happen to be in the same sector of space. Still the dragonmorph never passes up an opportunity for a wild night with the doctor.

The shuttle's turbulence was brief as it entered the planet's atmosphere. The doctor searched for a spot to land closest to the beacon. There was no humanoid life on Urrus Prime and the climate of this area was hot and humid. Manny was wearing only his shirt and pants, leaving his lab coat in the shuttle. The beacon was a few hundred meters away at the edge of a vast swamp.

The husky sized scientist cursed as he stumbled through the overgrowth, snagging holes and cuts into his outfit. After another few minutes of searching, he found what he was looking for. Hidden inside a long dead tree was a smooth black box. The tanuki tapped an intricate pattern on the surface of the box and the panel slid open revealing an encryption chip. This was what he needed to open a comm link to the smugglers network to get the intel. He closed the box and started to head back to his shuttle.

Already winded from his trek, Manny stripped off what remained of his shirt. The raccoon dog just had to cross a muddy thicket and return to the comfort of the shuttle's temperature-controlled interior. As he pushed aside the thick brush, something leapt at him from behind. Sturdy chitin covered legs tried to latch on to his back as he fought to shake whatever had jumped him. He finally managed to rip the thing off, but not before it finished shredding what remained of his pants.

Dr. Manny clutched the box, looking around the brush to find his attacker. The snap of a branch caught his attention and he spotted what looked like a cross between a squid and a spider. It had a glossy black pod of a head that ended in a long, tapered tip. The creature skittered around on six spindly legs sprouting from the base of its head. Hanging beneath the many legs was a fleshy tail that swayed around. Suddenly all its legs bowed in and it jumped at him once more. It shot through the air in a perfect arc towards the tanuki. As he tried to wrestle against its incredible grip, the tail of the beast whipped around and something sharp pierced his arm.

Manny managed to grab the tail end and pull it off him. He could see a stinger-like appendage retract back into the fleshy cord, leaking some sort of milky white liquid. The tanuki cursed as he realized this thing was venomous. The sting on his arm burned painfully before settling down into a tingle and numbness. The legs of the beast wrapped around his chest like a cage as it tried to pull its tail out from the doctor's grip. The xenobiologist did his best to reach the shuttle, but the venom was spreading rapidly.

As the doctor's steps began to grow sluggish, he continued to grip onto the tail and box. The shuttle was in sight, but the tail had finally wrenched itself from Manny's hand. It whipped around and jabbed him right in the neck. The tanuki fell forward onto the ground, and all the strength faded from his body. As he slumped against the dirt, the critter let go of the raccoon dog and skittered over his rear. All Manny could do was drool and groan as paralysis rendered him completely helpless against the pod spider.

Its legs hugged Manny's shapely ass and turned upside down. It began to press its smooth tapered head right under the tanuki's fluffy tail. Tiny pores that lined the pod like head secreted a slick substance that smeared against the tanuki's dark pucker. The legs pulled against his hips and began to spread his ring easily. The venom in his system made all his muscles slack, including his ass. The pod spider's head sank deeper until the entire length disappeared beneath his tail.

Manny let out a deep groan and a river of saliva ran from his slack jaws. Even though his muscles were numb, his prostate and guts were not. The smooth but firm head twisted around slightly as it settled in his guts. The tanuki's cock started to swell as the length inside him nudged against his pleasure nugget. The spider finally went still and soon a new pressure began to build, pressing from the inside of the doctor's stretched ring.

The creature's head began to inflate gradually. The tanuki's body twitched as he was powerless against the growing bulb lodged in his ass. It felt like someone was blowing up a balloon against his prostate. Each swell was followed with a small contraction before stretching just a bit further. The pod was beyond firmly lodged inside the defenseless tanuki, locking the two together indefinitely. The legs adjusted his hips, lifting his rump in the air as two legs hugged his rigid length and pulled it back towards his ample furry orbs.

Manny's dick was leaking pre from the bloated pressure crushing his prostate. The unusual creature's tail began to curl down, and its tip began to open. The stinger split apart to reveal a small mouth that latched right over the tanuki's cock head. The doctor could feel the tiny mouth suckling against his leaking tip, his member throbbing harder from the sensation. It slurped against his glans and more of the fleshy cord began to slip over his tip.

Once the pod spider's tail had secured itself, the bulb began to pulse inside of Manny's bowels. Inside the tail, a pair of tiny tendrils began to slip past the gushing pre and down the tanuki's cock. The tendrils followed the source of the fluid and slithered deep into the doctor's urethra. The thin tubes had just entered his prostate when the stimulation pushed Manny into a forced orgasm. The fleshy tail drank down every spurt that shot out. The exploring tendrils continued into Manny's tender prostate and wandered down his ducts until they ultimately settled into their destination, the tanuki's comically large testes.

His hefty orbs were plugged up as his body tried its best to ejaculate. The limp tanuki could not even whimper as he felt a new pressure start to build. The tiny feelers had settled themselves into each hanging organ and began to pump a nutrient rich substance, filled with eggs that were smaller than a grain of rice. The pressure grew into a dull ache as the ovipositors continued to pipe his balls full of pod spider eggs. By the time the last few spurts of eggs left the tubes, they began to withdraw from his now distended sac.

The whole time the pod spider's inflated head just stretched and pulsed like wild in the tight walls of the tanuki. It must have been twice the size of a football. Manny's belly jiggled from the giant plug jumping around in his guts. By the time the last eggs were laid, the pod spider finally began to deflate. Its ovipositors retracted back into its tail. The legs pushed against the doctor's rump and with a wet pop, the head slid out from his hole. The tanuki's ring had been so stretched it now hung open, occasionally twitching.

The creature skittered off back towards the swamp. By the time Manny regained feeling in his arms and legs, the sun had set. He scooped up the box and began to stumble back to his shuttle. As the venom continued to wear off, the doctor's ass felt worn out. The pressure in his balls began to swell and ache with need. He started to power on the shuttles systems and when the lights engaged, Manny gasped at the sight of his inflated sac.

Inside the well-lit shuttle, the doctor lifted his heavy nuts and took a seat. He examined himself, finding his once round orbs were now lumpy. The spider pod eggs had already begun to gestate in his testicles. Worried, he grabbed a spare scanner and held the device over his sac. As the xenobiologist studied the various readouts, it appeared he would not have to worry about it rupturing anything and sighed with relief. The slimy, nutrient rich solution the tubes deposited along with their eggs contained an enzyme to allow the host's tissues to become more flexible and durable.

At the rate the bumps began to twitch and shift against the taut skin of Manny's sac, he did not have long before they would have to come up. He rummaged through the nearby compartments until he found something he could use as a bucket. The closest thing was an emergency gallon water pack. The tanuki gulped down half and splashed the rest over his face. He shook off the excess water and groaned as he felt the pressure begin to shift. The ache began to push through his tubes and into the tight confines of his prostate.

Manny's flaccid member began to fill out quickly. His tanuki meat gushed with a thick stream of pod spider goop and he struggled to get a hold of the opening of the water pack over his tip. The discomfort was brief as the first tadpole like egg began to widen his prostate and pop down the doctor's urethra. An intense jolt of pleasure shot through the tanuki's spine as he arched and moaned. His dick throbbing hard and caused the next egg to slip through.

The raccoon dog set down the scanner and began to stroke his chubby cock, helping the clutch along. He let out a soft moan as he felt the first squishy bump begin to travel through the base of his tanuki meat. His tip kept gushing out a steady stream of slime as the first dark egg began to stretch open Manny's tip. There was no discomfort, only mind numbing pleasure as the oval pod shot out and into the bag. He continued to gently tug and pull on his dick, riding the constant orgasm of lumps that trailed through his prostate. For over half an hour, Manny gasped, moaned, and twitched as he emptied his balls into the pack. Panting hard, Manny gave one last spasm and an enormous squirt of goo as the last egg pushed out of his cock.

It was a bit difficult, but the doctor managed to cap the pack filled with growing alien spawn. He placed it in a stasis drawer and entered a course to rendezvous with his ship and Blue. Once the autopilot was engaged, Manny passed out with his fur matted in water and pod spider slime. When the tanuki came to, he still had half an hour before he would reach his ship.

"Let's see if this thing works," Manny said to himself as he opened the lock box. He took the chip and installed it into a spare communication device. He activated the unit's antenna and the chip automatically connected to an encrypted channel that the doctor had never seen before. A green light indicated he had made a connection.

"Thank you for connecting to the smuggler's network. How may I direct your call?" answered a cheerful voice.

"Oh, umm. Yes, I'm looking for intel," Manny replied.

"Spectacular! Are you inquiring about a person, place, thing, or event?"

"I guess this is for a person."

"Assassinations, blackmail, or other?"


"Please hold while I transfer your call, thank you again for using the smuggler's network. This conversation has been recorded and may be used against you later. Have a great rest of your day!"

The comm rang twice before a gruff voice answered, "Paul's data retrieval, Paul speaking."

"Hello, I'd like to request the current location of an individual," Manny said.

"Name and description?"

"Dr. Lorenzo Carter, white mouse."


"Umm, what about...the galaxy's greatest butt plug? It's all natural and environment friendly," Manny grinned as he looked over at the stasis drawer.

"Prepare to receive meeting coordinates and we can schedule a drop. I'll see if what you've got is worth the price of this information. Thanks for calling Paul's data retrieval."

"Thanks, Paul," Manny said and disconnected.

Surprised at the straightforward customer service experience. His comms blipped as they received the drop off coordinates. Manny was strapped on resources, hence why he traveled to recover the smuggler's codec himself. He hoped the pod spiders would make an interesting enough item for the location of that bastard mouse. His shuttle's proximity alarms sounded as his ship approached.

"Hey Manny, welcome back," said Blue's voice over the comm speakers.

"Hey Blue, good to be back. Prepare a shower, I'm docking now," said the tanuki as he parked into the bay. The hatch opened and the naked, slime covered doctor stepped aboard. Blue came floating down one of the corridors and spotted its dirty friend on his way to the shower.

"What the hell are you covered in?" Blue asked.

"Ran into some wildlife at Urrus, just let me go rinse off first."

Blue floated closer and could detect the foreign matter in his nuts and the doctor's still open hole. "I see, can't go anywhere without something pumping a load into you huh?"

"Come on Blue. It wasn't like that, the damn thing jumped me from behind!" Manny protested as he entered the shower.

"Sure. Whatever you say, slut." Blue chirped before returning to the bridge and set course for the drop off point.

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