Samel's Summer 6: Boar's Bed

Story by Apatapa on SoFurry

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#6 of Samel's Summer

Slammed on a bed by a hulking boar more than twice his age, 19 year old Samel is about to feel the real experience of Davie's love.

Woozy from the beer, Samel didn't have time to react as Davie lunged. The huge boar landed on top of him, pinning him against the bed. Davie's hands tore at the tiger's ass, spreading his cheeks wide. Davie plunged his tongue into Samel's asshole. He growled as he pushed it in, feeling Samel's insides contract as the tiger moaned. Davie squeezed Samel's cheeks to the point of pain as he slurped at the tiger. He thrust his cock down at Samel's face, not caring what it hit. It took multiple tries to find Samel's mouth, though he moaned at the warm sensation of the tiger's tongue brushing against him.

Davie moved his cock in far enough to enjoy it, but left enough space for Samel to breathe. At first the restraint seemed odd, but then Davie didn't stop slamming his tongue against Samel's ass. The boar was growling, his entire body shivering as he feasted on the tiger's butt. All Samel could do was suck. Davie's thick thighs surrounded his head. The boar's body lay over his and there wasn't a thing he could do about it. That was overwhelming in the best way. Samel's cock smeared pre over Davie's pecs as he put his whole body into eating ass. Hips gently thrusting, back arched and chest heaving. Hands groping and slapping as he ran his face all over. He bit one of Samel's cheeks. Samel gasped, the pain unexpected. Davie thrust his dick deeper down the tiger's mouth. As Samel got used to it again, he purred.

Davie's entire body tensed. He lifted his head. "Fuck." He humped Samel's face until the vibrating ended then lowered himself to keep poking Samel's hole with his tongue. Pleasure arced through both of them. The longer Samel stayed trapped under Davie's weight the hotter it became, and as Davie kept going, it started to become clear that this wasn't some short lived act of foreplay. Minutes passed and Davie kept licking, more and more intensely as he started slipping in a single finger alongside his tongue. Grunting and groaning louder than before, he gave Samel's ass a hard wet slap as a warning before he forced his cock all the way down the tiger's throat. He moaned loudly into Samel's asscheeks and gyrated his hips, robbing Samel of clear airflow every time the boar's cock descended. Panic ringed dull through Samel's mind, muted by all the beer that had been forced into him. If Davie wasn't aware how difficult it was getting to breathe with the boar's entire weight over Samel's mouth then there was little he could do about it.

Samel spluttered as Davie stabbed his dick in deep and held it there. Samel's lungs ached, fear grew as he pressed his fangs firm against Davie's cock. Just a warning. Davie's entire body seized up, he trembled as he moaned almost deafeningly loud. "Aw fuck." He moved his cock not even an inch, just enough for a big of motion against the tiger's fangs. Samel tensed his jaw a little more. Davie shuddered, lifting his hips. He rolled off of Samel, panting as his entire body shook. Samel gasped in breath as Davie yanked him by the tail and dragged him up to sit on the boar's chest. There was sweat and spit all over Davie's face, passion in his eyes as he grunted. "I need a moment." He managed between rise and falls of his chest. His cock twitched and jerked against Samel's back, lacing his fur with spurts of pre.

Samel nodded, still struggling to catch his breath. Davie touched a finger to the large smear of Samel's precum that slicked his pecs.

"Lick it off." He forced Samel's head down, breathlessly giggling as the tiger's tongue ran over his nipples. "Holy fuck." He scratched a meaty finger against Samel's ears. "Hardest orgasm I've ever held back." He laughed as he squished the tiger's ear and ground Samel's face in the pre on his chest. "Fucking slut." Davie forced Samel's head back under an armpit, the musk far stronger with all the sweat he'd produced. Samel nuzzled into it, rubbing Davie's sweat across his face. As he leant down, he brushed the tip of his tail against Davie's cock. The boar's entire body convulsed as he moaned. "Fuck." Davie panted. "Stupid whore." He clapped a hand down hard on Samel's back. "Don't fucking do that." He grabbed Samel's tail and gave it a harsh tug. Samel winced. "Make me cum too early and I will, fuck." Davie exhaled a short breath. "I don't fucking know, cocksleeve. But you'll regret it." He ran a hand up the tiger's back smearing all the pre more and more through the tiger's fur. "Was gunna get you off." Davie flicked Samel's boner, the tiger gasped. "But now you're gunna wait." He yanked Samel off of him and threw him against the bed before he stood up and left the room, he came back a moment later with his phone and another can of beer.

"Lightweight whore." Davie jumped back onto the bed and pushed the can into Samel's hands.

Samel stared at it, he was already feeling tipsy. Three beers was plenty, a fourth would really affect him.

"Go on, pussy." Davie held his phone up, obviously recording. "Skull it."

Samel cracked it open, a bit uncertain.

"Spill a drop and you're fucked."

Samel raised it to his lips, scowling at the taste. Davie leant forward, arm stretched back to record himself as he put his lips around Samel's cock. The tiger jerked, beer running through his lips as he moaned. "Ah." Davie smacked his lips, falling back to lie against his pillows, camera pointed down at his body. "Stupid clumsy cat." Davie clicked his tongue. "I was going to get you a bit looser but fuck that." Davie pointed at his cock. "Sit on it, slut." He reached a hand down to shake it tauntingly. "It'll hurt and I ain't helping. Get yourself all the way down."

Samel grinned. He raised his tail as he straddled Davie's hips, the alcohol was starting to get to him. He figured it'd be easy. He'd taken it twice before.

"And finish that beer."

Samel rubbed his asshole against Davie's tip and took a swig of beer. The boar moaned, keeping his phone steady. "Show me how bad you want it."

Samel pressed the tip of Davie's cock against him, groaning as it pushed into him. Davie's eyes closed as he muttered something. Samel breathed deep, pushing himself down a little more. It was tight, but it didn't hurt as much as he expected it to.

A smile split Davie's face as he opened his eyes. "Hey kid," he said, staring lustful at the young tiger. "I'm a fucking liar." He slammed his hips upwards. Samel shouted as the boar forced his way in. Pain surged through him, some of the beer sloshed over his hand as he tried to jerk away but Davie grabbed one of his legs and thrust again, forcing himself to the hilt. If not for the rough fuck at lunch time, there was no chance Samel could've taken that.

Samel shuddered, tears in his eyes as Davie growled, putting his phone down. "Stupid fucking cat." He groaned as he started thrusting weakly. This was the first time Samel had taken him without lube, and all that rimming earlier wasn't enough to make the difference. He had to wait for Samel to stop reeling and loosen up, and for his pre to coat the tiger's guts. Samel's claws were out and his fangs were bared. He hissed at Davie, putting a hand over the boar's belly, trying to steady himself. Shakily, he lifted the beer and took a long sip, wincing it down as he trembled from the pain. He'd hoped it would distract him from the hurt, and it did, but only a little.

"Fuck you." Samel breathed the words with a bit of force, eyes shut as he tried to keep himself down.

"Nah. Fuck you kid." Davie tensed his hips, and Samel jolted. "Told you what'd happen if you spilled any." He grunted as Samel pricked him with a claw. "Feisty slut." He grabbed a rough handful of fur on Samel's chest. "Relax so I can fuck you." He could feel the tiger's heart racing.

"Trying." Samel adjusted himself, wincing. "You're so fucking big."

"Yeah." Davie moved his hips a little more. Samel drained the can of beer. He pegged it at Davie's face. It bounced off a tusk. The boar laughed, Samel trying to fend him off only made him want to fuck the smaller feline more. He stared at the cat between his thighs as Samel used his knees for support. Every wince and gasp the tiger made came with constrictions in his belly that sent waves of pleasure through Davie. As more pre started to leak into Samel, he started to move his hips a little more. Samel whimpered, bracing himself against Davie's legs. He lifted himself up half an inch and whimpered as he shuffled back down. "That's it." Davie growled. "Keep doing that." He could feel Samel start to loosen, bit by bit. Part of him wanted to just go for it. Pump the tiger full of pain and cum and see what would happen, but that was too far, even for him.

A bit of pain was part of the pleasure, and Davie was sure Samel knew that. But he did care for the young tiger, what they had was physical, intimate and intense and that's all he wanted for now. He didn't want to ruin that. "You're so fucking good." Davie grunted as he stopped moving, letting Samel pick his own pace. The tiger whimpered with less urgency. He started to breathe deeper and relax as he pulled himself up and down on Davie's shaft. As Samel lowered himself back against Davie's pelvis, he smiled.

"Falling asleep?" Samel asked.

Davie laughed. "Just thinking about what I said earlier." He scratched at the tiger's thigh. "Do you love me?"

"Yeah." Samel's smile widened.

"And what's that mean to you?"

"That I'm your tiger slut." Samel bucked his hips. Davie grunted. "And that I want you to pound me until you collapse." There was a drunken lilt to Samel's voice that was only more arousing for Davie. Those words brought with them a surge of passion. Davie cupped an arm behind Samel's back and stood. Samel groaned as he adjusted to the new angle, it gave him some reprieve from the pain. Davie held him up on ten inches of boar cock and used his arms to jerk himself with Samel's ass. A wince broke into a low moan from Samel as Davie started humping him. The boar leant forward and kissed Samel hard on the lips, growling as he started thrusting from the hips. Once more, Samel was helpless as Davie used him for pleasure. Dizzy on beer, he hung loosely in Davie's grasp as the boar fucked him with building intensity.

Pleasure boomed through Samel's body, some pain still present but lost beneath the joy. He moaned with every exhale, only breaking the sound with rapid gasps of breath that quivered in time with Davie's full body thrusts. Davie rocked Samel with every swing, deepening the space he withdrew before slamming the tiger back onto his cock. As he started going faster, Samel's head rocked back, the young tiger's moans strengthening until he froze breathlessly. He purred loud, which sent shivers through Davie's body before he even felt the vibrations through his dick. Davie trembled, his momentum halted by the sudden spike of pleasure which ended just as abruptly as Samel let out a loud grunt. His cock twitched as the tiger came over Davie's chest. His hole throbbed as it tightened around Davie, but the boar kept going. Grunting with every strong thrust of his hips he kept shaking the tiger and pounding him more and more as an intense well of pleasure grew within him. His fingers went numb as he struggled to stay standing. He threw his head back to release a primal growl that shook his chest as he kept slapping his hips against Samel's ass. All the blood ran from his head until it took all he was to focus on weight in his arms and fuck, fuck for all he was worth. He couldn't even hear Samel's moaning as he shouted and stopped, the dam of pleasure broke in his chest. He stumbled forward, balance swaying as he panted and dropped to his knees, lying over the tiger as his cock jerked and sprayed three spurts of thick cum deep within.

He held himself there, panting hard as his vision cleared. "Fuck." He gasped, his arms gave way and he fell to the side. Warmth glowed through him as he tried to recover, heart thundering in his chest. Samel put a hand on the boar's shoulder and kissed him firmly on the lips. A second rush of pleasure left him with pins and needles as he smelled his own sweat so strongly on the young tiger.

"I'm your little tiger slut," Samel mumbled.

Davie could only stare, heaving in hard breaths until he was steady enough to pull Samel in a tight hug where they lay for minutes. Eventually, Davie rubbed a hand down Samel's back. Appreciation rumbled pleasantly inside him. "Kid." Was all he said.



Samel giggled.

"I'm not joking." Davie groaned as he took his cock out of Samel's ass. "Best fuck I've ever had." He rubbed at Samel's ears with a shaky hand. "I love you. Fuck it feels so good to say that."

"Best fuck I had too." Samel purred. "And I love you too." His voice was wild with drunkenness. He placed a hand over Davie's cock and shuffled down to lick some of the cum off of it. The action was slow and laboured, the tiger clearly exhausted yet still pushing on to pleasure the man that had opened up his understanding of such joy.

"Oh god." Davie let out a growl that shook his entire body. He had to push Samel away. "Feels so fucking good it almost hurts." He grabbed Samel by the scruff of the neck and pulled him up. "C'mere." He kissed the tiger so hard his tusks pushed against Samel's cheeks. He cradled Samel against him, gently stroking down the back of the tiger's head and all the way down his spine. Within minutes, Samel was snoring, all drunk and worn out. Davie chuckled, he pulled Samel up against a pillow. He grabbed his phone from where it had fallen on the floor and lifted Samel's tail to get a good shot of the tiger's ass, all wet with Davie's spit and dripping cum from his stretched hole. He took a few pictures, knowing how aroused they'd make him later. Then he got up, flicked the lights off and exited his bedroom.

He was in a tranquil mood as he sat on his couch, breathing steady. So at peace with what he'd done. All that guilt he'd been carrying over sexualizing a 19 year old evaporated. This was as good for Samel as it had been for him, he was sure of that now. It took him some time to get up again, contentedness anchored him in place. Eventually, he stood and started washing up his cooking utensils, stomach aflutter with the realization of just how intense his feelings for Samel had grown. He'd invited the tiger here specifically to ensure the kid hadn't tripped over his own heart and instead they'd started trading 'I love you's.

But they were different. Nothing romantic about those words. They were an acknolwedgement of just how sexually intertwined they'd become in so short a time. Those feelings were intense and there was no other word to describe them other than love.

Davie wasn't sure what that made Samel. Not a friend, not a partner. Something else, something purely sexual.

He finished up the washing and went back to his bedroom, settling down besides Samel. He pulled the tiger into his arms. Samel breathed peacefully in his sleep, his fur so soft and warm against Davie's chest. The boar planted a wet kiss on Samel's forehead. Smiling as the smell of his own sweat wafted off of Samel's fur. His cock stirred, not full arousal but he was sure he'd awake tomorrow morning with a painfully hard boner.

The solution to that lay in his arms, snoring lightly. Davie's heart glowed.

Fuck he loved having a tiger slut.