Twisted Whispers And Twisted Sisters, Part I

Story by GrimAuxilator on SoFurry

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#2 of Twisted Whispers And Twisted Sisters

The dice clattered along the table, eventually coming to a stop on top of a thick book, one coming up a one, and the other spinning on a corner. Soon it came to rest with a small sound, showing another one on its upturned side.

"Two damage." Said an equine, brushing back his blond hair from his bespectacled eye. I stared at him.

"Bullshit, two damage with a freaking greatsword?" I responded, dumbstruck.

"Clipped his fur, you did." Said another person at the table, an overweight badger with mocha-brown hair that hung down his back in a bound braid. The last person at the table, a female feline with a glint in her eye, gestured at the dice.

"They don't lie." She said. I shook my head, huffed, and sat back in my chair with my tail flicking, annoyed.

"Marbas, your turn. What do you do?" Said the equine, from behind the small cardboard wall that insulated his dice and books from our view. As the other player's turns continued, I looked out the window. A single outdoor light buzzed above the garage, barely illuminating a set of wooden stairs next to the garage door. They followed the wall as they ascended, the worn wood dripping in the steady downpour outside. My things sat in boxes in the room above the garage, only the bed linens unpacked. I didn't really care enough to unpack totally yet. Things had been interesting in the last week. Bereft of any place to live after a fire condemned my apartment complex, I moved in with my friends. They had a spare room above their garage, and I thanked them profusely for their kindness. It was my first night here, and I never adapted well to new environments.

After our game, we sat in the living room, the television blaring some old western that Ken, the equine, was watching intently. Producing my pack of cigarettes, I settled on the couch. Robert, the badger and Lisa, the feline, were chatting in the kitchen.

"What's this?" I asked, lighting the cigarette. The scent of cloves issued forth from the black cigarette, along with another much fainter scent of oranges. It was the only type of cigarette I could afford, and they were dreadfully expensive.

"Over The Red Hill." Said Rey, not taking his eyes from the screen. I took a slow drag off the cigarette, watching a grizzled old bear shoot a gun from a young human's hand. Travis and Lisa walked in, Lisa leaning against the wall and Travis sitting next to me.

"Thorn?" Said Lisa, looking at me. It was vaguely unnerving, but I easily shrugged off the thought.

"Yo?" I responded, looking at her with the cigarette between my lips.

"You're a demon. Can you...cast?" She asked. I looked at her, confused.

"No, you've been to a history class, right? We lost the ability shortly after the Great Manifesting." The Great Manifesting was the day that my ancestors showed themselves amongst the peoples of Earth, intending to overthrow them and expand the dominion of the pits. They suddenly lost their casting ability, their very power, and were forced to integrate with society.

"Just wondering." She shrugged and turned her attention to the western. I shrugged as well, doing the same.

"Well, I'm going to head to bed." I said, the cigarette half-finished in my mouth as I stood. The group wished me a good night, and I headed out onto the porch. The rain beat heavily on the old house, flowing down its gutters and pouring to the corners in great torrents, as most of the downspouts were so rusted they really didn't serve much purpose. I walked through the rain, my hand over my cigarette as the rain pelted my horns. It was an odd sensation, like someone was tapping on my skull. I hurried up the stairs and into my room, shutting the door and locking it. There were no windows, so I flicked on the light. Many boxes were stacked in a corner, one open and lying next to the bed. Setting my cigarette in an ashtray I undressed, revealing my deep crimson flesh to the air. I hated wearing clothing, it never felt right over my leathery, ridged flesh. But society demanded that I cover myself with something stylish, so I begrudgingly obliged. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Quickly picking up my jeans and tugging them on, I opened the door. Lisa hurried in from the rain.

"Sorry to barge in, it's just raining really hard." She explained. I nodded, understandingly. "So I really wanted to talk to private."

"Eh? Well, I don't have much furniture." I said, gesturing around. "I mean, I guess we could sit on a box or something."

"No, no, it's fine. I can stand." She looked a bit nervous though. "I, uh, wanted to's really hard to explain." I couldn't help but look a little annoyed, but I quickly softened the look on my face. "Uh. Well, it's just...weird things have been happening here, and I wanted to let you know."

"Go on..."

"Well, people have been seeing things. We've all been seeing ghosts, and Robert's defensive matrix is being damaged every night."

"Ghosts? Defensive matrix?" I blinked, suddenly getting it. "You guys think you're wizards or something?"

"No. We don't think. We know." Lisa looked deadly serious, and I had to fight to keep hope from dawning on my spined face. To the public world, and even my friends, I had no interest nor knowledge in the occult. But in private I studied it as voraciously as a starved man at a buffet. I took a chance.

"Promise that everything I tell you from now on will be kept between us?" I said, narrowing my amber eyes. She nodded simply. "I've been studying...such things...for a long time. It started as a vague interest, and now I can't get enough of it. Here." I walked over to one of the boxes, marked as the seventh of twenty, and pulled out a battered black journal, wrapped in black leather. It had seen its share of beatings, mostly from me being completely klutzy with claws at times, scrabbling for it at night to write down a possibly prophetic dream (they never came true) and dropping it numerous times down the concrete stairs of my apartment complex on the way to the library. I handed it to her, and she took it.

"All my research. Six years." I explained.

"Wow, you're...dedicated." She opened it, reading my scrawl.

"Insane, more like." I made a passing attempt to seem 'normal'.

"Some of this stuff is wrong,'ve got the basics down. Have you actually cast anything yet?"

"No. Never have been able to." She nodded, handing the journal back. I tucked it back in its place amongst the hentai and Conan books. "Don't think I can."

"This means you can be trusted with everything we do, though." She nodded smartly to herself. "But I did want to say something else before I left."

"Oh?" She blushed furiously, and I was immediately suspicious.

"Y-Yeah. Uh, this is gonna sound really immature...but...I think I've got a crush on you, Thorn." She shuffled nervously, and I could only stare.

"We've known each other for a grand total of four hours, Lisa." I said.

"I know...and it's probably just lust, but you know lust, right?" I almost shot back an acidic retort; demons were so rare people always held misconceptions, and I had never reacted well to them. "I mean...uh...s-say 'no' if you want, but...just once?"

"Wait, what are you asking, exactly?" I thought I knew, but I didn't want to go barking up a tree that slapped. Hard. No matter how thick your skin is, a woman's slap always critically hits. She looked up at me with those feline eyes, burning with a deep lust.

"Fuck me, Thorn. Ride me as goddamn hard as you can."

"...What." I said, flatly. I'm not an action movie star; this kind of stuff just doesn't happen.

"Felines go through heat cycles." She explained quietly, her voice trembling. "I look at you, and all I can see is the bulge at your groin, the throbbing cock under that, penetrating me..." She shivered, making a quiet purring.

"Look, Lisa, I-"

"Glad you agree." She kneeled at my feet, tugging down my loose pants. Before I could protest she took my flaccid member in one hand, stroking it quickly. "Mmh, you're as big as I imagined..."

"H-Hey!" I protested, but that was all the effort I gave it as her raspy tongue came to the tip of my member, licking the underside and the very tip of it. I moaned quietly at the texture, feeling it throb and slowly harden.

"God, you're big..." She said, as I hardened fully, giving it little licks here and there. I pointed almost angrily at the bed.

"Get on the bed." I said. She did so, undressing on the way. I followed her, leaving my pants behind. She spread her legs before me, her femininity already glistening with her juices. I knew for a fact she wasn't going to be able to take me without preparation, so I bowed my head between her legs and brought my pointed tongue to bear, dancing along her clit. She immediately tensed, letting forth a long, low moan. With a smile I added my index finger, slipping it inside with little warning. She yelped, clamping over my member. I began thrusting with it, searching her walls for that one little spot...and found it almost immediately. She tensed and yowled, increasing in volume as I slipped in another finger. Her first orgasm came quickly after, her nectar dripping off my fingers as I withdrew them and applied the wonderfully slick substance along my member. I rested it just above her vagina, lying along her belly.

"Oh my God." She said. I was easily as thick around as her wrist, throbbing powerfully. Her scent aroused me beyond all belief, my member dripping pre onto her fur. I settled myself over her, bringing my member to bear against her. She was hot and wet against the head of my cock, slowly spreading as I pushed. She panted and yowled as I pushed, holding my arms so tightly I felt her claws prick my leathery flesh. Suddenly I slid inside as she gave way with a cry and moan of pleasure, her flesh tight around my craving cock. My own moans mixed with hers as I began to thrust, our breath coming hot and fast as I settled into a rapid, strong rhythm.

Her next orgasm was almost painfully strong, and I continued thrusting straight through it. I brought my powerful leg muscles into the equation, bracing myself with one hand against the wall as I rammed with almost all of my strength, nearly pulling out entirely with each thrust. The air was thick with the sounds of her yowls becoming near-screamed pleas to take her harder, the wet sound of my member slamming home in her sensitive flesh, the subtle aroma of her musk and the intense odor of my own, a scent almost liked combined cinnamon and gasoline. Her body tensed around me, her hands going to my rear as I thrust, fingers exploring under my tail...

I gasped. Her finger slid inside my tailhole, hooking and stroking my own walls. I clenched around her, but didn't stop my thrusts. Eyes closed and panting, I knew I couldn't last much longer, especially if she cheated like that. My thrusts grew in intensity, the head of my member swelling, the small nubs lining the ridge of it growing as well. I pulled out quickly, avoiding becoming stuck with her. She took my member, stroking it quickly, using her own juices as lubrication. Her hand was wonderful, her other hand's finger thrusting deeply into my tailhole. I came quickly, unable to stand under such an assault. Her mouth came to the tip of my member after the first jet, swallowing down my hot seed as I tensed and cried out, the nubs along the head of it swelling to a much larger size. Soon, my orgasm spent, I slumped next to her.

"We...I..." I panted, my tailhole tingling slightly from the newfound sensation. She looked over at me after lying there for a moment, pressing a finger to my temple. Suddenly, I was asleep.