It's Better Than Losing

"Fine..." The lesser demon panted, his foe's blade at his throat. "You've bested me." He wore nothing, his manhood free. Black blood streamed down his left arm from where his foe had connected with a lucky blow, and the back of his right leg throbbed...

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Twisted Whispers And Twisted Sisters, Part II

I woke with a start, sitting bolt upright. The sheets were over me, and I was alone in the dark room. I heard voices outside, all familiar to me, so I stood and quickly dressed. Stepping out onto the tiny deck that served as a porch for the room, I...

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Twisted Whispers And Twisted Sisters, Part I

The dice clattered along the table, eventually coming to a stop on top of a thick book, one coming up a one, and the other spinning on a corner. Soon it came to rest with a small sound, showing another one on its upturned side. "Two damage."...

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