Lecture Day (Vore Story)

Story by mzmm on SoFurry

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This story was released 3 days early for my Patrons! Wanna see all my stories early, see WIPs and play early versions of my games, along with other cool benefits? Check out my Patreon!Like my writing? Want to support my work? Buy me a shiny! | Want to get a notification whenever I upload? Join my Telegram channel!


A commission for Asof! Jeffrey's vore class is having a hands-on lecture day, and the duck is just begging to get involved...

Today was the day.

Jeffrey walked into the lecture hall as bleary-eyed and drowsy as ever. It was another day of college, and his first class of the day was...well, it was usually a pretty good way to wake up. Vore was usually a subject that you only heard of in back alleys and on suspicious websites, but this university offered a class that looked at every aspect of the action. From self-defense, to gluttony and safe vore, It was all covered. And, today was going to be a very special day, even for a special class like this one.

The energy and anticipation in the room was palpable as Jeffrey made his way towards an open seat. The mallard could really tell that everyone around him was incredibly excited for what was happening today! Today's class would not only involve a guest lecturer, already quite preferable to a day of boring note-taking, but it would require...volunteers. Yes, today was the first in a series of guest lecturers and hands-on experiences with all the different types of vore. And today, well, today was Jeffrey's favorite! Today he was going to watch as people disappeared inside this guest lecturer's cock; and maybe, just maybe, he would get involved himself...

It took a few minutes for the excited class to get in their seats and settle down, though there was still plenty of chatting and whispering and questioning right up until the moment that their professor made his way down the steps and towards the front of the lecture hall. "Late, my apologies," the chubby raccoon said, doing his best to tighten and fix his ill-fitting suit before getting behind his usual podium. "Hello, class," the professor started. "As you know, today is going to be the first of our hands-on series of lectures. I can tell all of you are quite excited for these, so I won't take up any more of your time with pleasantries and such. Make sure to take plenty of notes, and don't feel jealous if you don't end up getting picked. You'll have plenty more chances in the future! But, without further ado, please welcome...Mr. Asof Yeun."

A chorus of claps rang out in the lecture hall as the raccoon professor stepped aside from the podium, clapping himself as a figure started to emerge from behind a wall in the back of the room. It was unlike any species Jeffrey had ever seen, and there was quite a variety of them walking around campus! The creature was clad in jet-black fur and clothing, looking like some strange cross between all sorts of different mammals; tusks jetting out of his mouth, huge bat-like ears, claws on the tips of his fingers and toes, a long bovine tail...Asof was a sight to behold, for sure. But, as the canine (?) settled in beside the podium, two things were immediately apparent; one, Asof was huge! He was easily double the height of Jeffrey's professor, and the raccoon was already pretty tall himself! The second thing, well, it was pretty obvious. Asof was nude below the waist, and...well...he had quite the large package swinging between his legs. It was inevitable with this being a demonstration of cock vore, but there was still a hushed silence among the group as all their eyes immediately locked onto it. Good God, his balls almost touched the floor...

"Good morning, class. As your professor said, my name is Asof Yeun...but, you can just call me Asof. I've been doing these lectures for almost 10 years at this point, and let me tell you..." the canine trailed off, reaching down to his shaft and hefting it up to accentuate his point, "it does NOT get old.

"I'm not going to sit here and bore you with a slideshow or a presentation. Rather, I'm going to let the prey-inclined among you take a dive, and let the predators among you take plenty of notes. How to safely get them inside, how to release them...what state to release them in...that sort of thing. I'm a safe pred myself, mostly, but some of you out there may be more digestion-inclined, and, well...I'm not qualified to speak on that."

Asof paused, perhaps to allow a laugh or two from the crowd. Nobody laughed.

"...All right then. Well, first, I think I'll need a volunteer to show off the process as a whole. Raise your hand if you want to participate..."

Jeffrey's hand shot up in the air almost immediately. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see thralls of people doing the same thing, each one hoping to slide down that unbelievably thick and large shaft...the room seems to be split pretty evenly, about half of them raising their hands and the other half sitting quietly, presumably not interested in being prey. A few of them were even rooting around in their bags, most likely getting out laptops or notebooks to take plenty of notes on what was about to happen! As for Jeffrey himself, though, the mallard's eyes were dead set on Asof as he scanned the room looking for volunteers...teasing them too, hefting his shaft up and down and seeing what his package was interested in today...

"You." Asof said, his arm suddenly lunging out and pointing at someone in the crowd. It wasn't Jeffrey. The mallard turned around to look at who had been chosen; it was a pink, very fuzzy-looking poodle girl...and, well, she seemed more than excited to be picked! She dropped everything on her desk and started to make her way down the stairs and up to Asof. "Don't worry, don't worry, there will be more opportunities for volunteers today. I'm not done yet. But for now, you all should sit back and pay attention. You never know when something like this might come in handy..."

The poodle stopped in front of Asof, honestly not sure what to do at this point...the guest lecturer's cock was almost as big as her entire body! On top of that, it was continuing to grow as Asof brought it to life, the canine stroking up and down his thick hog to make sure it was at full mast. "The first step, obviously, is to make sure your equipment is fully ready..." the canine started to say, his shaft slowly coming to life as he rubbed up and down and up and down. A few people in the front row were starting to get a whiff of the lecturer's musk, all reacting to it in different ways...but the poodle girl was absolutely front and center for it, and she seemed more than receptive to the pheromones! The intoxicating scent pulled her in a little bit, and she even hesitantly started to reach out for a touch herself - a motion that was welcomed by the lecturer. "Go ahead, don't be shy..."

Hesitantly, the poodle reached out and placed a hand against the lecturer's shaft, her face blushing madly as she felt the thick flesh throbbing underneath her palm almost immediately! "I suppose we could try showing off the feet-first method to start things, hm?" Asof asked, not bothering to wait for a reply before he just reached around and grasped the poodle from both sides, picking her up like a sack of potatoes! The young dog whimpered a bit in surprise as she felt herself being lifted up into the air so casually, the ground below her now being replaced with the deep, dark opening to Asof's shaft...! Her paws were dangling only a few inches above the cock slit, and both of them knew she could just slip inside of the thick meat at any moment...and that everyone would be able to watch as it happened! Honestly, she was starting to have some second thoughts, but it was far too late for the student to change her mind.

"Now, now, just relax. I promise, this will feel amazing for the both of us..." Asof said, trying his best to calm the poodle down as he gradually started lowering her into his shaft...a few seconds later, the two made contact, and Asof's shaft reflexively clenched and squeezed tight around the dog's toes...and then, they pulled inward. Asof let out a quiet moan as he started to stuff the poodle down his cock, a bulge already showing for the whole class to see on the underside of his pink, thick dick! The poodle cried as well as she felt the rippling, squeezing flesh pulling and yanking her down on all sides, sinking knee-deep into the lecturer's cock in a matter of seconds!

"So-*hah*-as you can see, your body is actually relatively well equipped to handle the swallowing process rather well, though I have found that doing kegels can help make things go a bit smoother..." Asof continued to explain, even someone as experienced as him unable to stop himself from making little huffs and gasps as the poodle continued to slip inside of his shaft. "Stroking and massaging downwards, that can help relax your flesh and make it easier for your prey to slip inside, as well..."

Everyone around Jeffrey was intensely scribbling down notes whenever Asof spoke, but the mallard found himself completely stunned at the display happening in front of him...after all, the duck was in one of the front rows of this lecture hall, so he ended up being quite close to the action! Perhaps it was a bit of the musk that had intoxicated the poodle pulling him in as well...he even found himself daydreaming a little bit as he watched all of this happen, thinking about what the lecturer had said about more volunteers and hoping that he was the one who ended up being chosen! As he watched the poodle continue to sink deeper into the canine's thick, pink cock, he imagined himself in that situation, feeling that warm, musky flesh slipping up and over his body...

Just the thought sent shivers down the duck's spine, only being snapped out of his fantasy by a cry of passion from the poodle herself as another rippling clench of flesh pulled her a few inches further inside of Asof! The cock had now swallowed her up to her chest, little more than her fluffy head and poofy ears sticking out of the welling, dripping shaft...some sticky pre-cum was already leaking down the side of the lecturer's cock, helping to lubricate him up as his hand continued stroking and massaging downward! "N-now, as you can see, she's still got a ways to go. Once your body starts producing enough lubricant to make the process go smoothly, it's important to make sure that you slicken things up as much as possible to make the process easier on yourself. Take advantage of what your body gives you!" Asof continued, though a lot of the class could see that he was starting to have a bit of trouble articulating properly...it seemed like, even for a seasoned veteran like himself, it was difficult to keep his composure in the moment! This must have felt even better than what he was used to...

All the eyes in the lecture hall were on Asof's big, sagging balls, resting against the floor of the stage and patiently waiting to be filled up! The poodle was little more than a bulge sinking down inside of the shaft now, her head sinking even further into the hybrid's cock and whimpering as she felt Asof's cock clenching and squeezing so tightly around her entire body. "Now, once they slip out of sight, they aren't coming out unless you cum them out. So-ah-make absolutely sure that you're certain about this before taking the final plunge..." Asof continued advising, the canine reaching forward and placing a finger on top of the poodle's head. "Take a deep breath, dear..."

A few people in the crowded gasped as Asof pushed down, quite the audible and wet *sshhLLRRPP* bouncing around the walls of the lecture hall as the poodle volunteer entirely disappeared inside of Asof's shaft. A few beads of musky pre dribbled down the sides of the teacher's thick shaft as the bulge that the poodle made continued its steady descent, the bottom of said bulge starting to rub up against the entrance to Asof's balls...and, everyone could see how close she was to curling up inside of those orbs, as well! The lecturer absent-mindedly stroked over his cock as one would stroke over the mane of a horse they were tending to, feeling every minute detail of the poodle squirming around inside of his loins. "So, most of the time your prey will just slide down into your balls no problem, but sometimes..."

Asof stopped speaking for a moment, closing his eyes and clenching his jaws a little bit as he seemingly started to push or squeeze against something...and then, with a loud and deep squelching noise, a few people gasped as the last of the poodle disappeared from inside of Asof's cock, reappearing a few seconds later as a heavy, sloshing bulge in the canine's balls! Asof let out a pleased sigh afterwards, before continuing with the sentence he had trailed off on. "Hah! You got to push a little bit harder. But, now that she is all tucked away inside of these..." the canine trailed off once more, reaching down and rubbing at his engorged sap as the poodle squirmed around inside, "you've got quite a few options, of course.

"There's the simple one. You can just wait and let your body do what it does naturally. Turn them into a thick load. Though, at first, you may find it more than a bit difficult to keep them inside for that long...which is why I recommend catching and releasing a few times if you want to go down that route." the lecturer continued, talking about something so fundamentally foreign and odd as if it was perfectly normal and something everyone ended up doing! "Of course, if you can control what your body does down there though, you can keep them inside as long as you want to in there...though, that usually ends up being even harder than just letting them melt into jizz!"

A lot of people around Jeffrey were still scribbling down notes or half-heartedly laughing at the jokes Asof attempted to make, but the mallard himself was laser-focused on those hefty, sloshing balls in between the canine's legs. It was so entrancing to look at the bulges squirming around inside, imagining how full and hot and musky it had to be inside of there...fuck, he couldn't possibly wait for the next volunteer opportunity! He felt so immensely jealous of the poodle currently inside of Asof's sack, imagining how every squirm and kick she made would feel if it was him inside of there...he wanted it so badly.

"Well! She's been squirming around in there for a good while, don't you think? I think it's a good time to show how to safely let out your meal. And, well, the easiest way to get it done is pretty much exactly the way you're thinking of..." Asof continued to lecture, idly stroking at his shaft with both hands as he talked through the process so casually. "It's pretty much like a normal session, though you do have to be a bit careful to not go too hard or fast, or your body might start melting them up against your will! It's a bit hard to strike a balance, but with enough practice, it's certainly doable..."

Asof started talking less and less as he basically masturbated away on stage...but the last thing that the canine said tripped up Jeffrey just a little bit. It made him realize that he would be putting an immense amount of trust into whoever he ended up doing this with, and it would be so easy to just get melted away into spunk...but, honestly, the more Jeffrey thought about that, the hotter it became? There was a lot going on in his mind right now, and he couldn't imagine how it felt for the people who were thinking all this and trying to take down notes at the same time!

The poodle continued squirming around inside as Asof kept masturbating, still making quite a few bulges on the outside of the sack she was contained in...there was quite a bit of musky jizz sloshing around inside with her, so much that she was basically bathing in the stuff when she arrived...and the walls were only producing more as time went on! It was getting so hot and humid inside of here, with those walls constantly squeezing and rubbing against her body...but all those contractions were pushing the poodle towards a specific part of the chamber she was in...and, that was the opening to Asof's balls, of course! The cream around her was starting to bubble and activate a little bit as well, all pushing her up towards that opening as Asof continued stroking himself off...

There was almost a hushed quiet in the lecture hall as everyone's eyes were trained on Asof, everybody waiting for the time when the canine would finally blow...and, thankfully for the length of the lecture, they wouldn't end up having to wait much longer. Jeffrey watched with his eyes as wide as they could as a bulge traveled up Asof's shaft, the canine spurting out his load all over the classroom floor without a second thought! A few students cried out, a few averted their eyes, but most kept looking, a few even taking down some pretty intense notes throughout the entire process! But it took a moment for anyone to actually see but was coming out of Asof besides sticky, musky jizz...a huge glob of cum shot out of the tip of the lecturer's cock, landing in front of him with a wet *THUD* and dripping onto the floor as the last of the canine's orgasm finished up. Asof took a moment to catch his breath, and to let everyone absorb all of what had just happened up on that stage, before he continued with his lecture, barely skipping a beat...

"And, there you go! Of course, if you do this to somebody, you probably want to offer them up a shower or something like that..." the canine chuckled, reaching into a bag he had kept behind the podium and taking out a towel to wipe himself off and to offer to the young poodle girl he had just sent on one hell of a ride! "But, that's the simplest catch and release type I can show off. Of course, though, I promised there would be another demonstration...a demonstration of a longer stay. Not digestion, mind you, but...well, you'll be in there for a while.~" Asof teased, reaching down and hefting his balls up a little bit as he scanned the room for volunteers once more. This was it. Jeffrey was ready. He stared straight on, hand as high in the air as it could go, begging that Asof would choose him...

"You there. The...duck? You look quite eager! Come on down." the lecturer said, pointing one of his clawed fingers directly at Jeffrey. In that moment, the mallard's heart kind of stopped. He looked around to see if there were any other ducks that Asof could have possibly mistaken him for...but there weren't any. The canine was really pointing directly at him! The duck almost immediately jumped out of his chair, putting aside all of his belongings before making his way down the lecture hall stairs and towards the small stage. "Haha! You look rather eager, don't you? Well, hopefully you'll be ready for a very long stay inside of these..."

Asof accentuated his point by it looking down to those balls, which just moments ago had been filled with a squirming, nondescript bulge...a bulge that was going to look quite similar to the one Jeffrey was going to make inside! The mallard almost immediately wanted to just go up and touch and stroke over the lecturer's fat package, but he felt strangely apprehensive about going in that quickly, even though he was literally about to be shoved all the way inside...

Once Jeffrey was on the stage, standing right next to the cock that was about to swallow him up, Asof started to speak once more. "Now, not only are we going to show off the head first method here, but we are also going to talk a little bit about how to keep somebody safe from digestion inside of here. There are a lot of different methods, so I'll be sure to go over at least most of them..." he trailed off, before turning to the duck that was standing next to him. "It's pretty high up there, so I'll have to lift you up to get started...are you ready?" Asof asked his volunteer, Jeffrey completely unable to even respond verbally to the canine's question. He was so enamored with the gigantic package just twitching and throbbing in front of him, so much so that all he could do was nod and smile. His obvious nervousness seemed to amuse the lecturer a bit! "Someone's a little bit star struck. That's fine, though! I'll just reach down and..."

Asof cut himself off as he did exactly that, reaching down and picking up Jeffrey casually before lifting him up into the air, to the point where the bird's talons were dangling just a few inches above the tip of Asof's shaft! "Now, the blood might rush to your head a little bit, so just try and relax..."

That was the last thing the teacher said to Jeffrey before flipping him around, Jeffrey's bill soon pointing directly downward and staring right down the opening he was going to be shoved inside of! Slick strands of fluid glimmered in the blinding light of the lecture hall, and Jeffrey swore he could even see the flesh pulsating and clenching...the hole was still shut relatively tight, but the duck got the feeling that it wouldn't last long in that state. Especially as Asof started lowering him down towards that opening. Jeffrey could practically feel the heat and smell the musk radiating off of Asof's shaft as he approached, until...


Jeffrey's bill made squishy contact with the opening to Asof's cock, his entire bill more than fitting into the opening all by itself and actually acting as a sort of pry bar to open up the rest of the cock so that Jeffrey could slide inside! Asof had a firm grip around the bird's ankles, taking his time and slowly pushing Jeffrey further down as the cock slit opened up to accept the mallard inside. Jeffrey was so focused on what was happening to him that he couldn't even hear what Asof was saying...and, as his head continued to slip inside, it became even more difficult to hear! The canine's words were gradually starting to become muffled, drowned out by the squishy, deep sounds of Jeffrey's own consumption. So wet, messy, and thick...and his head wasn't even close to all the way inside! Asof's cock head was clenching tight around the duck's beak, pulling inward and gulping down his head as the canine kept pushing downward...

Another powerful contraction, and Jeffrey felt the cock swallow him all the way up to his neck, the flesh clenching tight around his gullet like a collar as it continued to tug and pull him further down! At this point, it was impossible for him to listen to anything Asof was saying; the words were just completely drowned out by the sticky, slimy, fleshy noises that surrounded him on every side, which only got louder as he was pulled deeper down...it felt quite weird to Jeffrey to be suspended in the air like this, the only thing keeping him from sliding right down inside being the lecturer's grip on his ankles...and, honestly, it was a grip that the canine was having trouble keeping solid, due to just how good it felt to shove Jeffrey down his shaft! It was clear to the students that he was losing his composure a little bit, stammering his words and spacing them out as he continued to try to complete his lecture in spite of it!

"So of course, the hardest thing about head first is being able to *hah* keep the prey's balance. It helps to be a lot bigger than your meal when you're starting out..."Asof continued to lecture, having a bit of trouble keeping that balance himself with Jeffrey...! He didn't know why, honestly. Maybe it was the fact he had just blown his load, but the canine was feeling extra sensitive down there, and any movement Jeffrey made only seemed to arouse the canine even further...huff, well, once he got Jeffrey all packed away inside his balls, at least the lecturer could have some time to himself! "But, if you're big enough or strong enough, then you should be able to handle anyone you can shove down your shaft with relative ease!"

Asof grunted as his shaft spasmed once more, slipping over Jeffrey's shoulders and immediately taking a good few inches of the bird's chest with them! The musk that had attracted the duck was even stronger inside of here, making him feel a little bit loopy and dizzy from how strong it was...or, maybe, that was the overwhelming heat! Every clench just shoved him down into this musky, humid, slimy slide, making the duck wonder just when he would be pushed out into those fat, sloshing balls. It couldn't be too far ahead; he swore he could hear them, bubbling and sloshing around with every move the canine made...

"*Ahn!* and, just like with the feet first method, once your shaft has a good enough grip on its *hah* meal, it will start to do most of the work for you..." Asof continued, one of his hands that was wrapped around his meal's legs moving down the shaft to start stroking and rubbing along the bulges Jeffrey made inside...the duck could certainly feel the extra pressure as well, coming in waves alongside the clenches that greedily swallowed more and more of him up. It was really only his tail and legs sticking out of the teacher's engorged cock at this point...certainly a strange sight for someone walking into the lecture room to see!

"So, the simplest way to make sure somebody isn't melted in your balls is an anti-digestion serum. You can get them at most pharmacies, they're just simple oral solutions. Guzzle them down and whatever you've eaten will be safe for at least a few hours..."Asof continued to explain, making his way over to his podium once more to grab one of those files from behind it. His fat ballsac was weighing him down quite a bit at this point, but he was still able to move somewhat, even as the mallard in his shaft continued to slide down...Jeffrey could feel the squeeze getting even tighter around his body with every clench, feeling only the tips of his talons left in the outside world. And even those were difficult for some of the students to see! And yet, he wasn't inside the lecturer's balls, at least not yet. He felt so tantalizingly close, though...

In the middle of Asof grabbing that bottle, he felt his loins clench unconsciously and swallow the rest of the bird down into his shaft! The canine couldn't help but moan out aloud, whatever was left of his filter being absolutely destroyed by the powerful cock swallow! The pressure around Jeffrey increased to a truly astronomical level, the bird having absolutely nowhere else to go but down into his lecturer's balls...so that's exactly where he went! He was shot face first into a boiling, bubbling cauldron of hot cream, the lecturer having already replenished his supply quite a bit from when he orgasmed to just a few minutes ago. The walls around him practically oozed the thick stuff, rubbing it into his skin and sticking that thick musk to his feathered form...it was all he could breathe, and it was so powerful that it made his nose tingle! But damn, if it didn't smell good...

Asof took a moment to compose himself, before continuing with his lecture. "There's also more targeted forms, like this lotion. You just rub it along your stomach, balls, rear, basically anywhere you're holding someone, and you can keep them in there for as long as you apply it..." he said, before guzzling down a good portion of the bottle he was talking about earlier. "Aah...the strawberry flavor is the best."

Jeffrey couldn't hear what Asof was saying anymore. And, to be frank, he didn't really care. He was in heaven right now, caressed on all sides by warm, wet sac walls and bathing in a pool of thick spunk! It was so tight, yet so active, and every breath of his was filled with the most intoxicating musk he could imagine...the duck was tenting hard inside of his pants right now, completely lost to his own arousal as the world around him sloshed and swayed with every motion Asof made...the canine's lecture had finished up for the day, so he was beginning to pack up his things and make his way out while much of the class did the same, though a few stuck behind, envious of where Jeffrey currently was. The duck didn't know what lay ahead or where he would be taken to, but he didn't care. His situation was already perfect, no matter what happened to him afterwards...!

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