Orange Slices 3: Spa Day Cliché

Story by Benji Bay on SoFurry

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Good morning, afternoon, or evening, readers! I come to you with another installment of Maxie and his sexual adventures. I hope you enjoy it!


I cast a suspicious glare across the table at Steven, an eyebrow cocked and a half-frown on my face. I studied him carefully, measuring every flick of an ear or twitch of an eyelid. To his credit, the big husky didn't flinch under my gaze, keeping his face level and not betraying a thing. The tension between us was practically visible. I held the glare for another dozen heartbeats before smirking.

"A6," I said, calmly and confidently.

Steven's iron demeanor broke immediately into a shit-eating grin. "Miss," my big canine said.

"What? NO!" I cried in disbelief.

"F4," Steven said, his grin widening.

"Hit. You sunk my battleship," I groaned, leaning back into the chair as Steven threw his fuzzy fists into the air in triumph.

"Victory! You're doing the dishes tonight!" He cheered, forcing me to smile at his energy. He jumped up and did a quick victory lap around the table as I cleared up the remains of our dinner, plates clattering together as I picked them up. As he rounded near my chair a second time, I took a playful swat at his tail and caused him to yelp in surprise. Balancing my burden carefully, I deposited the soiled flatware in the sink and started clearing the table of leftovers.

"Hun, you've displayed your tactical superiority. You can stop dancing," I said, not looking over my shoulder. I heard the sound of padded feet abruptly stutter to a halt and smiled to myself. Such a pup sometimes, I thought. I heard him scamper off into the living room and busied myself with cleanup detail, dutifully deploying dish brush and soap to eliminate my culinary foes. After I had sufficiently cleaned our leftovers and deposited the dishes in the dishwasher, I dried my paws on a dishrag and went to find the goofy husky I live with.

It only took me about a minute to find him, draped across the couch and head lolled back as he enjoyed his hard-won victory. I flipped the TV on and started up the show we had been watching on Netflix, then dropped lightly on top of him and snuggled in. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me tight and I began to purr involuntarily as I enjoyed his warmth. We settled in to enjoy our show when my phone vibrated on the coffee table. I eyed it with disinterest and battled with answering it and leaving Steven's sheltered warmth.

Luckily, the husky solved the problem for me and used his free arm to grab it for me and deposit it on my lap.

1 new notification: Twink Bun the screen read. Catching my interest, I unlocked the screen and opened the messenger app.

Hey kitty, are you tied up right now or do you have a minute? The message said and I rolled my eyes nearly hard enough to sprain them.

Quickly swiping out a response one-handed, I sent a message back to Tyler, Marcus' boyfriend. Unlike you, I don't need to constantly fuck my man to maintain basic life functions.

Seconds later, Tyler fired back: First of all, Marcus would fall apart without me giving him his workout. Secondly, rude. Third, are you guys busy this weekend? Marcus has off and wanted the four of us to go on a double date.

I smiled at the victory of my small barb with the smartass rabbit and looked up at Steven, "Feel like meeting up with Beauty and the Beast for a double date?"

Steven breathed deep and sighed, scratching gently on my exposed belly. "Yeah, it could be fun. What did they have in mind?"

I asked Tyler and got my response quickly; there's this new couple's spa that opened across the harbor. I figured we could all go get pampered and then grab dinner afterward.

Relaying the information to Steven, we quickly agreed and set up our plan to meet up with Tyler and Marcus the following weekend for our double date. The week practically flew by once we had something to look forward to and before I knew it, Friday night arrived and I found myself in our shared bedroom trying to figure out what was appropriate to wear to a spa.

Steven stepped into the bedroom and slid up behind me, his massive frame getting cut off in the mirror as I swapped between a couple dress shirts. "You do know that we'll be effectively nude in a spa, right, kitten?" he rumbled.

I frowned and gently hit his chest with my head. "I know, goofball. But we are going to dinner after the spa. Can't do that nude."

Steven chuckled and patted my head. "Knowing Tyler, I wouldn't count on that." He stepped over to his side of the dresser and threw on a simple polo and jeans, simultaneously making me jealous of his casual decision and more than a little bothered as I watched his muscular frame stretch that shirt.

"Focus, kitten, or you'll be going to the spa in your underwear," Steven said, just holding off a bout of laughter. I blushed hard and turned back to my drawers, pulling out a similar getup and surrendering to casual uncertainty. A few minutes later, we found ourselves standing in front of our building waiting for our ride share to pick us up. It was late summer in the Pacific Northwest, so the air was cooling, but wasn't cold enough to warrant a jacket. For me, at least. Steven had so much undercoat he could probably run nude through snowdrifts. Right around now, he started fluffing up really bad as his coat thickened in preparation for winter. This gave my normally muscular man a very huggable figure and as we waited for the Uber to pull up, I found myself digging my fingertips into the thick fur under his chin.

"Maxie, if you don't keep your hands to yourself, we won't make it to this couples' spa in a decent state," Steven rumbled, his tail thumping madly behind him. I grinned maliciously and dug my clawed tips deeper into the solid muscle of his neck and scritched with a righteous fury. I had nearly got him to start stamping his leg when the sand-colored SUV pulled up with the window down.

"You Max, cat?" the driver shouted from his seat. I pulled my hands from thick neck fur and checked my phone that we had the right car and then nodded at the driver, a middling sized beagle. He mirrored my nod, then unlocked his doors with a solid thunk and let Steven and me into his car. We settled into the back and the driver pulled back into traffic. We had a trip of about half an hour ahead of us and the driver was nice enough to leave us to ourselves. At least, that's how I remember it. Honestly, I was too busy continuing to not keep my hands off Steven to really notice anything beyond about a 2 foot circle around his musky, muscular form. After a few eternities later, a very bothered Steven pulled my face off his chest and unclipped his seat belt.

"Kitten, enough. We're here," he said, getting out of the car and almost dragging me with him. I released my hold at the last minute and freed myself from vehicular safety before tossing a hurried "Thank you!" to the driver and hopping out behind the big husky. I found myself standing on the pavement in front of a building that looked more or less how I'd imagined a spa would look. Tasteful full glass fronting, wood accenting in the lobby, calming tones and a large check-in counter barring entry to the land of relaxation. A sign had "Pacific Breeze Day Spa and Health Club" written in looping font, the letters backed by a mint-green neon glow.

I followed Steven through the double doors out front as I popped open my phone's messenger and sent Tyler a quick text letting him know we were here. I didn't get a response right away, but I figured they had beaten us here and were probably in the locker room changing. Putting my phone away, I stepped up to the counter and smiled at the receptionist, a pretty chestnut mare nearly as tall as Steven who reminded me of Ellie if you washed the white splotches off her. "Hi, we're here meeting a friend. Should have the reservation under Tyler?"

She smiled and tapped a couple times on her computer before looking up at me, "Yes sir, deluxe package for 4." She reached under the counter and produced two wrist bands of gold-colored plastic, gesturing for us to put them on. Sliding one on each of us, she tapped a couple more times and looked up at us again. "The rest of your party is in room 6." She turned and pointed at a pale-colored wood door with "Customers only beyond this point" on it. "Through there you'll find our locker room. Feel free to strip down as far as you're comfortable, then proceed through to the other side. Room 6 will be just at the end of the hall. Have a wonderful time!"

We thanked the friendly horse and followed her directions, finding it laid out exactly as she said. There was a pile of mint-colored towels of varying sizes with a small sign that said "One per guest" on it. We each grabbed one of an appropriate size and headed towards the banks of birchwood lockers. I flipped a locker open and tossed my house keys and wallet in first before flipping my shirt over my head. Tossing that in as well, I started to undo my pants when I felt a soft slap on my rump just as the waist dropped enough to reveal them. I yelped in surprise and glared up at Steven. "Hey, kitten. Only fair after you molested me the whole ride here," he said through a huge grin. My cheeks heated immediately and I huffed before turning back to task and trying to hide my growing arousal behind the spa towel. I heard the huffing laugh unique to my boyfriend and blushed harder, slipping my paws through a pair of provided slip-ons.

"Ready, you randy mutt?" I asked, turning to face Steven. This time, I only lost myself in his body for about a heartbeat, and was still aware enough to catch him saying yes. I turned and led the way out of the changing room and into the comfortable hallways of the spa proper. We didn't have to walk far to find another birchwood door with a curvy 6 on it, so we pushed the door open and stepped inside. The first thing that I noticed about the new room we found ourselves in was that it was a delightful combination of a few spa favorites like a steam room, massage tables, and in the back corner I thought I spotted a shower cubicle. The second thing I noticed was that it smelled very much like sex. It took mere moments for me to locate the other half of our group, Tyler and Marcus were seated in the steam room, nude save their own spa towels, and had an almost guilty look shared between them. Tyler, prone to modifying his fur color at the merest whim, was a delightful sunset orange color this week. Of course, his characteristic half dozen piercings clattered as he hopped up and practically bounced over to the steam room's glass door and opened it, mouth moving in unheard words until the door seal slipped open.

"...wondering when you guys were gonna get here!" The bit of sentence I could actually hear echoed slightly in the room. "We were worried you might have gotten too busy or lost or something!" He finished his bouncing approach to us and pulled me into a tight hug, his fur only slightly damp with a mix of moisture and sweat. He then pulled my towering husky down into a similar hug before turning to walk back to the steam room. "Marcus, honey, say hello you goofball!"

Ever stoic Marcus greeted us with a pleasant smile and a friendly wave, shifting comfortably in his spot and leaning his head back to continue enjoying the heat. Tyler plopped himself on the bench next to Marcus and took a similar posture, but keeping his eyes on us. "Well? Come on in, you two. This is a spa, start relaxing, dammit!"

Steven shuffled awkwardly for a moment, scratching the back of his neck. "Tyler, you know I don't do well in heat."

A familiar predatory grin crossed Tyler's face and he giggled, "Then take the towel off, fluffbutt. Can't help you past that."

Steven whined for a moment before turning to me, "You ok with that, Maxie?" He said, clearly uncomfortable putting his goods on display with Tyler and Marcus around.

I let the question hang for a handful of moments before turning and fixing my gaze on Tyler, "You owe me for this, bunny." I then tugged Steven's towel off and threw it over my shoulder, my head swimming temporarily from the concentrated crotch smell it afforded me.

"You can take yours off, too, Maxie. We're all friends here," Tyler said, a lilt in his voice and his eyes roving my body. I narrowed my eyes as he attempted an innocent look on his face. "What?" he asked, his facade cracking up slightly.

I took a deep breath and my towel joined Steven's over my shoulder. I strode with trembling false confidence into the steam room and dropped my fuzzy rump on the bench opposite Tyler. Steven joined me and immediately sprawled wide and began panting. I patted his shaggy thigh and smiled at him. He smiled back and said, "Hey, on the plus side, you don't have to keep your hands off me in present company."

Tyler and Marcus chuckled and I gave him a playful slap to his fuzzy belly, then got comfortable on the bench, letting the heat and steam soak into my fur and skin. I closed my eyes and sighed pleasantly as I felt my muscles relax and my pores open up. It was fairly quiet for a few minutes save the muted panting of the giant dog next to me. I was slowly drifting off in a half-sleep when I heard the swish of Tyler shifting on the bench, then the soft pat pat pat of his feet as he crossed the distance between us.

I opened up my eyes and looked at the sun-colored rabbit, who was smiling wide at me. I cocked an eyebrow questioningly.

"So. Maxie. Marcus and I have been thinking. Well. Mostly me, Marcus is already sure, but that isn't the point," the rabbit said.

"Careful, bunny, you might fry your brain straining that hard," I teased.

"Rude! Anyway. Marcus told me he gave you the story of how he and I met and he also mentioned he may have spilled the beans that I was, well, interested in you," he said, the insides of his ears turning a shade of pink. This caught my attention because I'd never seen Tyler blush, so whatever came next had to be interesting.

"Now, it's totally ok if you say no, I'd completely understand, hell I don't even know if you are even in to this kind of thing and Marcus, the big lug is no help because he just goes with the flow all the time and I love that about him..." the twink bunny fired off in rapid succession.

"Tyler!" I said, getting his attention and interupting the word waterfall.

"Oh! Sorry, Maxie. I ramble a little when I'm nervous," he said. He took a deep breath and shuffled his feet for a moment, then looked me in the eye. "Would you and Steven be interested in swinging?"

Steven stopped panting and I looked up at him, both of us slightly surprised. I looked back at Tyler, "Like, you and me?"

Tyler's ears jingled lightly as he nodded his head, the piercings clacking together. "Again, only if you want to. Say no and I'll never bring it up again."

I held his gaze and, to my surprise, the twink top looked uncertain. Gears turned in my head and I looked up again at Steven. He smiled down at me, a look in his eye saying It's up to you. I turned back to Tyler.

"Ok, we're game."

Tyler brightened like the sun for a moment and then bounced in place a little. "You won't regret this Maxie, I promise."

I waited a few silent moments, looking at Tyler looking at me. "So, uh. What now?"

Tyler laughed, "Well, first, we enjoy the steam room. Then, we can really enjoy the steam room. I still need to sweat off the fast food we grabbed this morning."

I openly scanned the expanse of near-copper colored fur, "Really? I can't see how you'd need to."

Tyler ditched his towel and retook his spot, his oversized rabbithood on full display now. He giggled lightly, "That's because you don't have the exacting standards for the amount of body fat you carry like I do, Maxie. I have a look I like to maintain. We can't all be naturally lithe and loveable like you."

I grinned sheepishly and leaned back as well, relaxing as I settled into the situation. My mind was racing about what this trip had suddenly turned into, so I closed my eyes and took a steadying breath. The heat and steam was doing wonders for my tension, though, so I was completely physically relaxed. The four of us passed the next bit of time in relative silence and I soon started dozing as the steam room did its job. Aside from the light bubbling of the steam, I could only really hear the muffled pants of Steven, the big white fluff unable to keep his natural reaction down.

"Hey, Maxie," Tyler spoke up after what felt like an age.

"Mmm?" I grunted in acknowledgement.

"You enjoying yourself?" he said, a smile in his voice.

"Mmhmm," I agreed.

"Good. Hey Marcus?"

"Yeah, Hunbun?" Marcus grunted sleepily.

"You recovered yet?" he half said, half giggled.

"Yeah, I'm good," the big elk said, chuckling himself.

"Ok, then you wanna swap seats with Maxie?" I leaned forward slightly and opened one eye, leveling my sleepy stare on Tyler, who had lost his towel since I closed my eyes. Noticing my gaze, Tyler beamed at me and gestured for me to come over to him. I turned to Steven and he smirked at me.

"Guess Tyler's done waiting, Kitten. I'm surprised he lasted this long in a room full of hot guys," Steven chuckled, until a mint-green towel flew across the steam room and landed firmly on his snout.

"Quiet, dog boy. Enjoy that for a moment and see if you're still laughing," Tyler taunted. A quick huffing sniff from Steven and I saw an immediate reaction.

"This is Marcus' towel, isn't it Tyler?" Steven asked. The elk and rabbit laughed in unison as Steven's scarlet tip poked from his thick sheath, drawing my attention.

"Just warming you up so I can have my fun, pup," the sunset bun replied, then turned to me and patted next to him. "C'mon Maxie, I won't bite unless you ask me to."

I chuckled and stood as Marcus did the same and noticed as he did, he left behind a cloudy white spot where he was sitting. Tyler followed my gaze and saw what I did, then turned half lidded eyes on me. "Sorry, Maxie. I can only keep it under control for so long. I hope your boy doesn't mind sloppy seconds."

Steven laughed and his tail started to sway, "Tyler, you know I don't mind as long as they're willing." Marcus blushed and took the spot I vacated, while I took the side of Tyler that wasn't a puddle of his body-warmed cum. Steven and Marcus were clearly familiar with this particular setup, as they immediately began exploring each others' chiseled forms with comfortable familiarity. The sight of my hunky husky and the equally jacked elk warming each other up did wonders to my own arousal and I felt my barbed member stiffening in response as I watched.

Then I felt a soft hand on my shaft and I almost flinched in surprise, having forgotten about Tyler while watching the two bigger males getting worked up. "Hey, pussycat. Don't forget what we're doing here," he purred into my ear, stroking me gently. I shivered slightly in delight and moved my own hand down to his groin, finding a rigid rod of tapered bunnyhood jutting straight out, nine inches of it hot and throbbing against my pads. The sunset-furred rabbit turned slightly and gave me better access to his member, pulling me closer as we both gently stroked the other to the sight of our other halves exploring each other.

Steven had fiercely pressed his lips against Marcus as his hands gently grasped the elk's rump, helping the bigger male shift into his lap as the husky's crimson rod started to inflate in between the firm cheeks of the other male. Marcus gasped in delight as Steven probed a thick finger into the leaking tailhole of the elk, grunting into the husky's shoulder as he tested his looseness and then coming away with a cum-soaked finger. He held it in front of Marcus' nose, who dutifully cleaned it off with a soft moan, sucking on the finger in his mouth.

"Hungry boy," Tyler whispered huskily in my ear as his hand gently squeezed my shaft. I gasped slightly in response and noticed that his shaft had deposited a warm drop of pre onto my palm. I hesitantly pulled my hand away for a moment before bringing it to my nose and taking a quick sniff, Tyler watching me the whole time. My barbed cock stiffened immediately as the scent of aroused rabbit ratcheted up my arousal tenfold. The bunny giggled in my ear and placed his other hand on my hip, drawing us together completely. His fur was hot and soft against my thigh and his breath was warmer than the steam around me in my ear. He shifted his hand on my member to give a gentle squeeze to my fuzzy pouch and then patted my hip. "Wanna hop in my lap and watch the show, kitty?"

I bit my lip and moaned softly, nodding in answer. Tyler gently moved to support my hips as I stood slightly to take my position on his soft thighs. Lowering myself, the head of his cock gently brushed the underside of my sack and then pushed its way between my thigh and my own throbbing member as he pulled me against his chest. He cooed softly as I settled in and my tail subconsciously wrapped partway around his waist. "There, comfy Maxie?" I responded by gently shifting my ass into his groin, getting a soft gasp and a surprised twitch from the rabbit. Wanting to keep things going, I took soft hands and wrapped them around our shafts, pressing mine against his and stroking softly as I watched my boyfriend advance things on Tyler's.

While Tyler and I were busy, Steven and Marcus had wasted no time in moving from groping to real action, their world having collapsed to just the two of them. Marcus was on his knees in front of Steven, the red shaft of the husky buried to the sheath in the elk's copious maw, soft sucking noises coming from his lap. Marcus busied himself with my man's cock while stroking his own as his used tailhole slowly oozed rabbit seed. My lust fogged brain started filling my head with images of me alongside Marcus, my own rump used and my lips on Steven's tasty shaft. Tyler, unwilling to be passive or forgotten, slid his chin onto my shoulder and his hands over my chest, his fingers lightly pinching my nipples hidden under my short fur.

"Look at how much fun they're having, pussycat. Look how dutifully my big Fuck Buck cleans your boy's cock," he purred, his fingers teasing over my sensitive belly, trailing ever downward. Marcus pressed his lips against the fat sheath of his partner and I heard Steven take in a sharp breath before grabbing the antlers jutting in front of him. They held that posture for only a moment before muscular husky hips started to roll in delight against the elk's face as Steven started to use Marcus' mouth for his pleasure. I moaned softly as the sight combined with Tyler's trailing hands and I felt a warm bead of pre drool from my own tip onto my hands, slicking both of the shafts I was stroking and causing a shiver of delight to run down my spine.

"Ooh, does the kitty like what he sees? Hmm?" Tyler purred, his breath now hot down my ear, his lips brushing the soft fur at the base. I leaned into his mouth and he playfully nipped my ear in his buck teeth, my cock twitching in response and my moan loud enough to draw Steven's gaze. Although his eyes were lidded with lust, I could tell he was appreciating the sight and that only furthered my passion. I gently writhed in Tyler's embrace and let out a purr-laced moan. The rabbit's questing hands reached their goal and he encircled mine with his, gently squeezing down on our joined cocks. "Is the kitty ready for his taste?" I had just enough sense to nod and gently began to slide my body out of his lap and onto the padded floor.

My tail danced as I felt the thick, heavy rabbit shaft trail my cheeks before turning in place and meeting it head on. Ducking under the bobbing bunmeat, I buried my nose into the space between shaft and sack and took a deep, intoxicating breath of Tyler's musk. My own member bobbed appreciatively and I trailed my raspy tongue from base to tip, eliciting a shiver from the rabbit. "Ooh, Maxie, that tongue of yours is dangerous. I could pop just from it alone." I smirked around his tip, then began to swallow inch after steady inch of turgid rabbit shaft. He moaned softly in delight, his big rabbit toes curling in delight as I managed to hit his halfway point before I had to really start to work.

With ease brought on by practicing on knotted red rockets, I relaxed my throat and quickly swallowed the remaining inches, pressing my nose to the soft fur about his dick as Tyler gasped in a mixture of pleasure and surprise. A hand gently found my ear and played with tufted tip as I held myself to the hilt for as long as I could. The seconds seemed to tick by slowly as I felt my brain get fuzzy from lack of air. Tyler was gently pushing against my head, but I knew my limit and I wanted to do at least one thing to impress the twink dom. Thirty, thirty five, fourty. I dutifully buried that hot dick in my throat for a full minute before pulling off it with a soft slurp and a few panting breaths, saliva joining the pulsing shaft to my tongue for a handful of moments.

"H-holy fuck, Maxie. You just deep-throated me like a pro!" Tyler gasped.

"My Kitten is only happy when he has his nose pressed against your crotch, Tyler. Don't you worry about him," Steven called from his side of the room while still fucking Marcus' face.

"You taught him well, Huskypup," Tyler purred. I grew impatient, however, and took the rabbits soft palms and placed them on my head while repositioning my mouth on his cock. "Oh my. Fuck Buck, it looks like you've got competition."

Shifting in his seat for a better angle, Tyler steadily fed me more of his dick with a roll of his hips, eyes locked on mine to look for signs of distress. I gave him none, obediently sucking down inch after inch. He grunted and shifted slightly, angling himself more upward and forcing my head back slightly, opening my throat more. Then he began to gently thrust, his sizeable balls gently tapping on my chin on the first downstroke. Familiar with what was to come, I relaxed my throat and focused only on breathing when my maw wasn't crammed full of rabbit fuckstick. We settled into a healthy rhythm of gentle taps of rabbit nuts on my chin followed by soft gasps of breath from me. I was almost in heaven. The only way I could've been better off is if my husky was taking me from behind right then and there. But for now it was my job to polish this rabbit's rod until he was ready for more.

Tyler thrust away at my willing mouth for blissful minutes, his breath coming more rapidly and his fur slicking with sweat. My own arousal began to increase in need until one particularly deep stroke brought my nose a double-barrel blast of sweaty crotch fur and my brain exploded alongside my dick. My spined shaft heaved gently and began to spill my load onto the padding between my knees as I moaned throatily around the rabbit dick I was servicing. Tyler groaned in response and his legs trembled slightly.

"Oh fuck, Maxie. Oh f-fuck." That was the only warning I got before Tyler jerked to a sudden stop and I felt hot pulses race down my throat and into my waiting stomach, completely bypassing my need to swallow. He shuddered against my spasming throat and claimed it with spurt after spurt. A handful of heavy twitches in, he pulled free of my mouth, causing me to reflexively gasp as he spurted thick ropes onto my upturned face. We held there in lust-drunk stillness for a heartbeat until I heard a throaty growl from Steven.

"Tyler, you know I got him marked just the way I like him before we got here," his deep voice rumbled, thick with lust.

"Huff. Sorry Stevie. He was just so greedy," Tyler panted.

"Don't worry, bun. I know. I just have to pay your buck back in kind," he chuckled in response, picking up his pace and the noise I could hear from my spot between Tyler's legs. Moments later, I heard a familiar deep-throated growl and knew the Steven had finished his turn with Marcus' mouth.

"Oh, husky boy. You coated him, good. We both have a lot of work ahead of us, though," Tyler said, a sing-song note in his voice. He looked down at me and patted his lap again. I crawled back up and kneeled in his lap, facing him before pressing my mouth against his. My breath was heavy with the taste of his cum and he didn't hesitate for a moment, wrestling with my tongue for control. We made out passionately for a few minutes before I felt a familiar swelling between my cheeks and broke the kiss.

"Rabbits are known for their stamina, kitty cat," Tyler said, seeing my look. He reached down and took two firm handfuls of my rump, squeezing appreciatively. "You know, Maxie. If you started hitting the gym with me, we could have that ass of yours knocking studs over from a mile off."

I blushed and panted softly, pushing my head under his chin as he gently spread my cheeks. I was helpless under this femme bunny's hands and he knew it, taking his time working me up for round two. He didn't need to wait long as I was there already, leaking and trembling with need. In short order, I could feel Tyler's entirely significantly-sized member beginning to press more urgently on the swell of my rump. I gently rocked my hips back and forth, running his tapered shaft between my cheeks as my rabbit partner kneeded my ass with enthusiasm. He firmly squeezed, and then chuckled, "Ok, kitty. Enough beating around the bush. I'm ready to show you what has Marcus walking funny most days of the week."

I shivered in anticipation and nodded against the side of his face, reaching down behind me to grasp the throbbing member and angle it towards my waiting hole. It was hot and iron-stiff as if he hadn't just used my face like a fleshlight. I bit my lip and pressed the tip to my pucker and sighed as I lowered myself gently onto the first half inch. I looked over my shoulder briefly to look at the progress of the other two and found Steven laying on the bench with Marcus straddling his face, the big husky's snout pressed deep into the elk's rump. Steven had just begun to minister to Marcus' rump when he caught my eye and winked, pulling away for a moment. "What? You know I don't like sloppy seconds, Maxie. Gotta clean this big guy out first." He dove back in, a small trail of sticky whiteness mixing with the wintry white of his fur on his chin. Marcus let out a harsh moan of delight and his own sizable member jumped in delight and I knew pretty much why. Steven was as skilled with his tongue as he was with his dick and I had been left a puddle of dog jizz and sweat often enough to feel slightly jealous what the elk was in for.

My attention was drawn back to Tyler when the dommy rabbit clapped a hand on my ass, a stinging slap that caused my hole to clench around his tip. "Hey, Maxie. Focus. You're about to be reamed by the only bunny with the know-how to push all the right buttons." I blushed slightly as my dick twitched in response and he smiled at me. Then, without warning, he forced me down another 4 inches of his rapidly-widening shaft, stealing my breath and causing me to nearly cum right there. The feminine rabbit let out a light giggle very much out of sync with his behavior and he gently pressed on, spreading me wider and wider until every nerve in my body seemed to be carrying only the signals of crippling pleasure from my tailhole. As I bottomed out on nine inches of turgid rabbit flesh, I took a centering breath and attempted to walk back from imminent climax, but Tyler was as lusty as I expected and he insistently bucked his hips into my ass.

I gasped in delight and took the hint, starting to steadily work my way up and down his cock, my hands braced against his petite chest, sweat running down both of our bodies. Tyler shifted his hands to my thighs and helped steady me as I worked the pace up, his long shaft probing me in almost all the right ways. Sure, he was long and thick, but he was missing a certain extra feature that drove me wild and had me yowling like my female counterparts. However, he was definitely skilled enough to rapidly clear my brain of the last bits of thought not dedicated to getting fucked senseless, and I leaned back slightly to better press his delightful dick harder onto my own pleasure button, triggering a drool of pre from my cock.

Tyler panted hard beneath me, his own slight hips jumping in time with the drop of my plush rump, causing a very loud clapping to start to echo around the steam room. As my body jumped in time with his thrusts, Tyler shifted a hand to play across my twitching shaft, needy and sensitive, the barbs like tiny points of electricity to my brain. I surrendered to the pleasure of it all and started to put my feline flexibility on display, bending almost completely in half backwards, laying myself across the bench. This afforded me a view of Steven pounding Marcus into the padded flooring, his broad mitts wrapped around the elk's rack of antlers for leverage as Marcus let out surprisingly high-pitched gasps and moans with each deep stroke of my boyfriend's knotted cock. My husky boy winked at me and I was only able to form vague "o" shapes with my mouth as Tyler reshaped my insides one thrust at a time. For several moments, the activity continued at pace, the only sounds panting and the clapping of hips to asses.

Suddenly, Steven leveraged Marcus up, wrapping his thick arms around the other male's chiseled chest and hoisted him to his feet, pushing him towards Tyler and I with every thrust of his hips. My brain vaguely attempted to figure out his intent until Marcus' thick thighs landed with a soft thud on either side of my face and my view became filled with nothing but elk balls and the flashes of scarlet as the husky thrust into him. Without even thinking, I wrapped my legs around Tyler's waist and reached up to pull the joined pair closer to me, pressing my nose right into Marcus' tailhole alongside the canine shaft currently giving Tyler's territory a healthy test. I dutifully licked at the point where the stretching cock plunged in, tasting the tang of Tyler mixed with Steven's own musky pre.

Tyler groaned in delight as my hole clenched tightly around him and he began to work my shaft in earnest, forcing me to moan deep into the rump of the muscular elk above me. I worked my way down from Marcus' tailhole to his copious sack, pulling one clenching orb into my mouth and delighting in the sounds that came from above me. Our little foursome worked greedily to mutual release, everyone panting, moaning, gasping and grunting as we all tried to force another to be the first to climax. Much to my shame (and secret delight), my white-hot burst of pleasure came first, painting Tyler's hand and my own belly with my seed. I didn't stop thrusting my hips into the bunny's lap or working over the huge elk's groin and was delighted when I heard the deep bass notes of Steven hit, his thrusts shortening significantly as he tied his lover. In short order, he pressed tightly against Marcus and shuddered, his own fuzzy sack dancing on my forehead as I tried to bring Marcus to climax as well. A few short seconds later, I was rewarded with a grunt, a groan, and the warm sensation of sticky wetness landing to mix with my own spent load.

Tyler chuckled as the rest of us slowed down, our climaxes robbing us of energy. "Aww, can nobody keep up with me this time? Oh well, guess I'll just have to double down on the pretty pussycat." He looped his arms under my thighs, pressing me double and leaning forward to capture Marcus' mouth with his own. I barely had time to register the change before his speed picked up immensely and my oversensitive hole clenched sporadically in response. In a moment that felt like it lasted an hour, the femme bunny pounded me good and hard before hilting himself deep and filling me with a blooming warmth. He rolled his hips gently as his climax pulsed its way into my ass before pulling back from me with a contented sigh.

Our foursome separated with gasps, pants, and happy sighs and everyone flopped tiredly back onto the benches. Tyler withdrew from me and walked over to Marcus, who had sat back up on his bench. The big elk opened his arms wide and the sunset-furred rabbit sat on his lap and curled into his chest like a doll, very much a reversal of just moments ago. My own better half padded over to me and gently lifted my tired frame into his arms. "C'mon kittycat. Let's let the two of them recover. I need to clean you off and get you proper again. I'm starving!" He said as he walked out of the steam room and towards the showers.

Arriving in the spacious stall, he turned the water on and stepped into the stream, the water pleasantly cool after all the heated lovemaking. My husky gently set me on shakey feet before steadying me with strong hands on shoulders. With firm but soft fingers, he rubbed me down, pushing the soothing stream through my fur. I leaned my head back into his fuzzy chest and sighed happily. He pecked me on the nose and then turned me to face him. He dropped down to my level and licked my face, his broad tongue working its way over my cheeks. He licked ever lower, cleaning my body of the mixed seed of three people and I stood there and delighted in the care and affection.

I let Steven lap over me until he deemed me clean, then took my turn running my sandpaper tongue over his own chiseled form, paying extra attention to the plump sheath that smelled so delightful. He played his hands over my tufted ears and elicited a warm purr from me as I stood up and wrapped myself around him.

"You two fuck machines ready to go get dinner?" Steven called, catching the attention of the snuggling pair in the steam room. They roused just enough to get both sets of eyes on us and Tyler nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, Stevie! I know just the place to recharge our batteries!" The perky bunny called from his spot.

I cast a sharp look at him, a suspicious look leveled at him. "This isn't some kind of swinger's diner is it? I'm all fucked out for one day."

Tyler giggled and shook his head, "No, Maxie. We're done for today. I was actually thinking this really nice Japanese place just down the street. Get you fed, get everyone else entertained."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Entertained?"

Steven patted me on the shoulder, "I may have spilled the beans about how crazy you go over those hibachi places, especially when they toss shrimp your way."

I widened my eyes in surprised and playfully swatted the firm abs of my man. "Jerk!"

"Oh come on, Maxie," Tyler lilted. "You're a cat. Everyone knows your kind goes crazy for fish."

"True, but you don't have to out me like that," I said with a huff. I yelped in surprise as Steven suddenly hoisted me over his shoulder. He strode to the door and pushed it open, playfully swatted my sore rump and called out, "Last one there has to pay for Maxie's bill!"

Orange Slices 4: A Celebration

I've always been terrible at giving gifts. For my mom's birthdays as a kid, I'd always go the easy route and make a card. Surefire success: moms love that kind of thing. For my three siblings, I'd usually get them gift cards for whatever online game...

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Orange Slices 2: The Second One

# Orange Slices 2 It was another busy night at the Mixer, the heavy bass of the club music thumping in my lungs. I had just come off the dance floor after what felt like a year of wiggling and gyrating among other sweaty furs and had taken my favorite...

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Orange Slices

Well what can I say really? The name's Max! Or, well, I go by Max, but my full name is Maxwell Bailey. I've always thought I was delightfully average. I never stood out in a crowd with my average height, auburn fur lacking any eye-catching patterns,...

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