Training For Lumiose

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#6 of Cassidy's Journey

Fenny woke up an hour after the sun rose. He sat up on the couch and rubbed his eyes while yawning. Fenny still didn't feel his best. He wanted to take his mind elsewhere. Cassidy brought up training last night, so maybe he'd ask her if she could train him today. She'd likely find her most timid pokémon wanting to be trained for battle odd, but Fenny knew he could use the experience.


Cassidy entered the living room later on and greeted Fenny while walking past and toward the kitchen.

He couldn't help but eye her frame as she passed him by. It was as if he gravitated to her being, and that included everything below her waist. It didn't help that she took off her skirt, which left her in her leggings. She'd also switched out her purple shirt for a black tee.

"Here." Cassidy returned in minutes, handing Fenny a poképuff.

Fenny gently took it in his right hand while looking up at her face. She broke the silence.

"I don't think we'll train today. I-"

'I want to...'

Cassidy heard him interrupt, and she shot him a look, almost doubting what he told her at first. "You... want to?"

Fenny confirmed his statement by nodding.

Cassidy didn't know where this was coming from, but since he was willing, she wouldn't deny it. "Okay, let me get ready." Cassidy left Fenny sitting on the couch and went into her room to slip into a new pair of socks and black boots. What she currently wore would be fine for a casual training session. Cassidy returned to the living room once she was done. "Ready?"

He stood up, having just finished his snack.

"Come on, then." They went to the front yard. There was enough grassy space to train. "Psychic, ember, flame charge, and..." Cassidy listed three out of four moves that Fenny knew.

'Iron tail.' He helped her recall while standing a few feet in front of her.

"Ah, right... Haven't used that one in a while. Let's see you present all four to start."


Time passed moderately quickly. Before Fenny knew it, over an hour had flown by. He'd practiced his agility, a bit of gracefulness, and the optimization of his attacks overall.

"We'll stop for today, Fen. You did well." Cassidy took a few steps forward and caressed her tired Fenny's cheeks in her tender hands' palms.

Of course, Fenny thoroughly enjoyed her touch, resting his cheek against them.

"What made you want to train this morning, hm?"

'It... I dunno. I guess I want to get better at battling... after that gym.' He was a terrible liar, so Fenny imprudently made that up within the few seconds given to him to respond before any suspicion would rise.

Cassidy was taken aback by the sudden behavioral change, although Fenny's reasoning made sense. "Is that so? We'll train a lot more often, then. Does that sound good?"

'Yeah... thank you.' That didn't sound good at all, but Fenny wouldn't scratch the record and blurt his emotions to Cassidy. That would be a complete nightmare.

"Come on, I know you're thirsty, Fenny." She gently patted him on the head and walked back inside with him accompanying.

'What are you doing, Fenny?...' he thought to himself after entering behind Cassidy. Was he that nervous? He had Cassidy think he was changing, that he wanted to battle regularly. It made him feel worse about himself. Fenny began to feel it in his chest.


He looked up, shaken from his thoughts to see Cassidy holding a small blue cup in front of him. Fenny took it in his hands and momentarily grinned up her.

"We leave for Lumiose in a week, so we've got more training ahead of us. Rest." Cassidy sighed tiredly and walked into the bathroom beside her room. She leaned against the white counter, holding its edges with her hands while staring into the mirror. She would have to efficiently train her three other pokémon as well and hurry to Lumiose. Of course, Cassidy could take her time, but she wouldn't allow herself to slack. Besting the Elite Four was her most prominent goal. She didn't want to push her pokémon too hard for her achievement, however. Cassidy had to find a way to create balance in her life, something she wasn't good at anymore.