Fenny's Confession

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#7 of Cassidy's Journey

Seven days dragged by. Cassidy woke up shortly after dawn and was choosing a good outfit to wear in her room before heading to Lumiose.

'She has to think I want to battle regularly now. I can't have that...' Fenny was sitting on the edge of the couch while Garna stood nearby. Even though he wasn't speaking aloud, it was easy to see the apprehensiveness in his expression.

'You can't run from it forever, Fenny. No matter what the outcome may be, you will be glad you told her.' Garna watched him.

Fenny's eyes scanned the floor. He then took a deep breath and closed them. That made sense. Fenny didn't want to lie and keep everything bottled up. He would feel better once he got this off of his chest, a lot better. 'I'll tell her, Garna.'

'Will you, Fenny?'

'After the gym... I'll tell her.' Just thinking about it made his heart slightly race, but Fenny had to.

"Are you two ready?" Cassidy asked while stepping into the living room. She already returned Añu and Violet to their pokéballs.

Meanwhile, Fenny had been thrown into a trance by Cassidy, her body, of course. The outfit she chose to wear very much complimented it. The black jean short shorts she had on revealed her plump upper thighs, and the matching thigh highs she wore tightly hugged them, resulting in a visible and slight squeeze around her thighs. Cassidy kept on the same boots but switched out her shirt for a black and white tank top with a dark purple denim vest layering it.

"...Fenny?" Cassidy questioned again. It pulled him from practically salivating at the sight of her legs.

Fenny was no longer an innocent fennekin, and a part of him didn't realize this. The part that did brought him a pinch of guilt that he shouldn't view Cassidy in this manner. Fenny nodded at her question.

"Okay..." she said, straightening her clothing. "See you two soon..." Cassidy returned Fenny and Garna to their pokéballs and was soon on her way to her favorite city in Kalos.


It took thirty-five minutes for her to arrive, give or take. Lumiose made any amount of walking worth it to Cassidy, however. Upon entering, she stared up at the many buildings towering above, cafés and marts everywhere she turned, and the bustling population. Cassidy loved visiting the large central city, but she'd never want to live in such a busy area herself. Cassidy used her map to pinpoint where the gym was. "Rouge Plaza..." She wasn't far. After Rouge Plaza would be Centrico Plaza. Cassidy kept north until spotting it ahead. Tall, white-colored buildings encompassed grassy terrain with a pointed red statue in the center. This plaza was also home to the Sushi High Roller, a profoundly popular restaurant in Kalos. Cassidy went there plenty of times with her parents years ago but never again since.

After ambling through both routes under the sun, Cassidy saw the gym ahead. It wasn't hard to spot. Prism Tower was overbearing, but a magnificent sight all the same. Cassidy eyed the white tower for a minute. "Time to get this badge..." She gave herself a positivity boost and entered the gym.


With no ground types on her team, the battles weren't as much of a breeze as the last gym, but, fortunately, her pokémon were well prepared to fight on this gym's required level. Cassidy mainly used Añu to battle as Fenny had recently fought most of Coumarine City's gym, though she did use Fenny toward the end of the final battle against Clemont. Cassidy trained her pokémon exceptionally well, and it showed. It wasn't too surprising. That was what she spent much time doing.

"I can't believe it, Fen. We have only three more badges to earn." Cassidy held the yellow triangular badge between her index finger and thumb and genuinely grinned down at it while walking toward the gym's exit, Fenny walking beside her. She noticed it was completely silent in her head and looked to her right to see Fenny gazing at the moving ground. "Something wrong?" Cassidy questioned and eyed Fenny with concern. Hopefully, she wasn't overworking him.

As they stepped outside into a drizzle and gloomy weather Cassidy wasn't dressed for, Fenny seemingly mustered up enough courage to respond. 'I... lied," he told her reluctantly.

"Hm?" She stopped under Prism Tower and turned to him.

'About wanting to train more often, I lied.'

"Fenny... What do you mean?" Cassidy pressed and proceeded to lean next to him, which only made Fenny feel apprehensive.

'I... I used it to cover up how I felt... or feel.'

"Fen, tell me. Tell me now." She placed her right hand on his cheek and slowly turned it, so he looked directly at her. Cassidy especially wanted to know if she did something wrong but was concerned about Fenny's well-being in general.

Fenny swallowed and closed his eyes for a split second. 'I miss... how close we used to be- I know it's stupid. It was the past. I should be over it.' Already, he felt much emotional weight release. Garna was right; it didn't matter what the outcome would be.

"Awe, Fen..." Cassidy eyed his face. She could see a hint of sorrow in his orange eyes. The rain started to fall harder, but it stirred neither of them. "There's a reason I stopped it once you evolved, Fenny, but I suppose... I could make a few exceptions since you miss it so much. You have to tell me when you're feeling down, though, okay? You don't have to hide anything from me."

He emitted a relieved exhale. 'I will. I was just unsure how to.'

The rain dampened Fenny's fur and was wetting Cassidy's hair and clothes a great deal. The environment was growing colder by the second. She glanced at the sky. "We should go before this weather gets any worse." Cassidy caressed his cheek.