[Commission] Bound Rivals

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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When Frick the wyvern discovers that the dragon whose territory neighbors his own has disappeared, he has two chief concerns: what happened to the dragon? And how much of his territory can he claim for himself while he's gone? Unfortunately for him, finding the answer to one can get in the way of the other...

TThis story is a commission written for Frickingdragon! Interested in a story of your own? Check out the Commission Info tab on my Furaffinity Profile.

The wyvern floated easily on the wind. It was a good day to be up in the air, which for a creature as graceful in the sky as he meant most any day up to and perhaps even including stormy weather, but today was especially good. A steady light breeze, bright sunlight, and best of all, there'd been no sign of his boastful, arrogant neighbor in nearly two weeks.

Frick tilted blue wings, banking to the south and scanning the low mountains before him, wondering what had become of the brash red dragon. He had always been quick to chase an interloping wyvern from his territory, yet every day for the past week he'd been able to fly nearer and nearer to the dragon's lair without so much as a roar of challenge, let alone a show of snapping fangs or a blast of fire to warn him to keep to his own stretch of sky. Perhaps he had moved away? Injury or illness was also a possibility, if the proud dragon wished to hide until he was back to full strength, and Frick snorted at the thought. It'd serve him right. Though he'd also picked up some rumors and hints that his grouchy and aggressive nature was merely a front, and that around other dragons he was more playful, even submissive, and that the dragon kept a collection of restraints in his own size that his fellow dragons used to tie him up--and more...

Maybe some other dragon had had enough of the fierce displays and abducted and bound him to force him to be more submissive and respectful, Frick thought, chuckling to himself as he flew. Now that would be what the conceited dragon deserved. The high and mighty attitude, the disdain and insults he flung at the wyvern for being less than a 'proper' dragon even while Frick flew rings around the bulkier, heavier creature, it'd been grating enough that he'd more than a few times considered tying him up himself! See how eager he was to insult a wyvern with a gag crammed in his jaws and those precious front legs he was always claiming Frick was so inferior for lacking stuffed into mitts and bound against his body so he couldn't use them, and see how much he struggled when forced into the posture a wyvern used every day... That'd knock the smug dragon down a peg or two.

Hopefully he had been dragged off to some other dragon's lair. And hopefully they were humiliating him endlessly!

Abruptly the dragon's cave itself came into view, and Frick checked his flight, broad wings stretching out wide as he caught the wind and floated, tail flicking back and forth to keep him stable. Still no sign of him, and he'd come all the way here! Taking a breath, he screeched, letting his distinctive call fill the air and waiting for a response. Surely if the red beast was home, he'd have to respond to such a challenge, issued hardly a thousand feet from his home! Unless he wasn't there. Or unless his own roars were presently muffled by a heavy muzzle... Oh, he sure hoped so. He forced the fantasy out of his mind and drifted lower, watching the entrance warily, scenting the breeze for any sign of his--or another dragon's--presence. If he entered the cave and found the dragon's prized hoard gone, he'd know he had left and would be free to claim the territory as his own: what a prize that would be! If however his treasures remained, then it would tell him the dragon meant to return, and while he could try to move his borders south, they'd be challenged upon his reappearance. He could also be hiding within to recuperate, or be bound within... Or it could be a trap.

He was loath to credit the blustering dragon with the patience or the cunning to have laid such a long-term trap just to sink his claws into him at last, but the smell of dragon still seemed plenty strong here, and on the ground, enclosed in a cave where he couldn't quickly take wing, was the place a dragon's bulk, power, and grappling forelegs would provide the greatest advantage. If he went in, and the dragon was there--and unbound and uninjured--he could easily be brought down, and the dragon would be sure to make him pay a price for such an intrusion onto his lands.

Again Frick screeched, and again there was no response. He flapped, he drifted lower still, as if he might actually land, and then with two great thrusts of his wings he beat back up to altitude, deciding to play it safe. He didn't have to look inside the cave to start to expand his territory; he'd start hunting on the dragon's lands first, and if that didn't draw him out, he'd know he didn't have to be so cautious.

The forest at the base of the dragon's mountain was vibrant and alive, full of prey that seemed ideal to hunt yet knew to fear the sound of beating wings; but he was far more swift than that big brute of a dragon and managed to catch a wild hog with little trouble. The meal was all the tastier knowing that the prey was stolen from the dragon and that he'd made the kill on new lands that might soon be his own, and he was sure to make a bit of a mess of things, the better to ensure the smell of blood would drift back towards the dragon's cave and, if he was there, he would know that he'd trespassed. Full and feeling quite satisfied, he cleaned himself up and then took to the skies once again, heading for home.

The good feeling lasted until he reached his own lair and crawled inside. The scent of human hit him at the same time a heavy weight did, a weighted steel net dropping from the ceiling and when he flinched backward it at once tangled up his wings and tail. One of the weights even thumped him right between the eyes! Seeing stars, he hissed and snarled and tried to thrash his way free, but the cords of the net seemed to cling to him despite his wriggling; by the time he could see straight again he found himself surrounded by humans, and they sprung at him before he could manage to collect himself.

"What is the--mmmnnn!" His roar of protest was cut off by a heavy belt lashed around his snout, pulled tight and buckled down, and he couldn't seem to pull his wings free from the tangled net enough to reach forward and get it off again! Making a muffled growl, he glared at the humans and twisted on the ground, one way and then the other, trying to force them back and get himself--out-- Come on! At last he managed to get a wing free, though his shoulder ached from the strain, but before he could set a claw against the belt on his muzzle one of the men pressed a cloth soaked in some sharp-smelling liquid against his nose. The instant he breathed in the whole world seemed to spin around him, and his senses dimmed and all his limbs went slack; he could hear the humans speaking to each other, but the words slid through his mind and back out again without purchase. Dimly he was aware of them working together to push him this way and that, and though he felt them free him from the net, he also felt them replacing it with other things, far more tight and secure. He felt his legs pinned together, he felt his wings bundled and pressed to his sides, he felt his tail squeezed and yanked about and at last bound behind his back, between his wings, then he drifted off entirely.

When at last the world took on some recognizable shape, he found himself strapped down onto the bed of one of the large trucks he sometimes saw on the large, straight highway on the far edge of his lands, his snout pointing towards the rear of the trailer and the road rolling away beneath him as the truck carried him along. Cautiously he flexed his limbs, finding it hard to remember more than a few snatches of what the humans had done while he was incapacitated, and found that he was restrained just as thoroughly as he'd feared. The belt around his jaws had been replaced by a heavy leather muzzle, clamping his mouth shut and fully encasing his snout save for two openings for his nostrils, while his wings had been wrapped in heavy bags with straps buckled over these, and his wing-fingers within felt as if they'd been covered or tied in some way was well. Or perhaps the sacks were simply tight enough over them that they had no room to bend--either way, his wings were furled in tight, and he could hardly move them save slight flexes of his shoulders! He definitely wouldn't be extending them or flying unless he got free. A few cuffs and chains secured his tail, nearly folded back on itself to keep it pressed to his back between his wings, and his hind legs felt as if they were nearly encased in a long, tight sleeve that pinned them together, though a strap pinning his neck to the bed of the trailer wouldn't let him turn his head to see. Even his hind claws were bound, trapped in snugly fit mittens that kept those sharp points at bay.

At last able to look past his snout at his surroundings, Frick found that the truck he rode on had already descended from the hills, and was now carrying him into human-populated lands. He kicked weakly against the restraints, but in addition to the bindings on his limbs, he was strapped down in several places and to his dismay he found that he could hardly budge an inch! Rolling an eye back, he tried to sight one of the straps, and see how close a wing might be to reaching one, if he could maybe wiggle his wing-claws free and use them... But no such luck, it seemed, and he groaned to himself, letting his body go limp after a moment. He'd have to wait for a better opportunity; for now, he was stuck tight! Even the slightest attempt to move was enough for him to feel the restraints resisting him, and despite none of the humans seeming to be back there with him he still tried to swallow his groan. Of course this was not a familiar position for the wyvern, but there was a certain thrill in having all his powerful limbs restrained, and when he'd heard the rumors about his neighbor's desires he'd done some pondering himself about how it might feel to be tied up...

He sure knew now, that was for sure, and how it was making him feel made his snout flush hot. He twisted, he wriggled, and he growled softly, but he couldn't seem to find any relief from the tight bonds, and in the end all he could do was watch as the scenery slipped past. Watch, and wait, and squirm, his mind wandering as he rode. What did the humans want him for? They certainly hadn't told him anything, at least not that he could remember through the drugged haze, but while dragons were legendary for how they antagonized humans, he certainly hadn't behaved that way himself, so why had they captured him? What did they want?

And why was this turning him on...

Frick growled again, kicking his legs another couple of times. Worse, he could feel pressure building in his slit: if he wasn't careful, he'd be slipping out soon, and that was the last thing he needed right now! So he ground his teeth and hissed to himself, trying to bury that arousal beneath anger and indignation at having been so unceremoniously wyvern-napped right out of his own cave. He hadn't attacked humans frequently before, but now they'd more than deserve it, as soon as he got free!

The truck ride didn't last much longer; soon the noisy vehicle slowed, and turned a few times, and after a stop and a short wait it rolled into some vast building, broad and high-ceilinged with doors that looked so wide that he might fit through them with his wings unbound and spread as far as they could go. An aircraft hangar? The truck rolled slowly, turned, and then reversed, and for once his nose was pointed in the direction to see exactly where they were going: some sort of long corridor with alcoves on either side. They stopped at the very first set of openings, and he blinked in surprise: not only could he smell human, smell machinery and metal and all their usual odd materials, he could smell dragon. A familiar dragon at that!

The humans transferred him from the bed of the trailer to the floor and dragged him into one of the bays, where they fit a collar around his neck and anchored both this and his bound legs to the floor, and at last when the truck rolled away again he could see across the hall: there was his red-scaled rival, trussed up just as tightly if not more! At once the dragon bucked and glared and growled at him, his voice even more muffled than Frick's own, but he plainly wasn't going anywhere no matter how riled up he became: those front paws he was so proud of were trapped inside padded bondage mitts and cuffed to his hinds, forcing him into a strict hogtie, and with those chains anchored to the floor he couldn't move from the spot. He too was muzzled, though it looked as if his jaws were parted behind it as if something was stuck between them, and his wings and tail were strapped to his back. The position left his snout and his hindquarters pointed towards the hall, thus he could also see a belt of steel latched shut between the dragon's hind legs, and the base of a plug seated in the dragon's rump.

Frick felt his blush returning, even as he savored the dragon's humiliating predicament. What were the humans doing here, and why had they captured them? And--would they do the same to him as they'd done to the dragon? Something about the thought made his slit swell a little more, the very tip of his length peeking from it no matter how he tried to focus on the importance of learning what was going on, and finding a way to get out of here.

A new human walked into view between dragon and wyvern, meeting the one who'd drugged him, evidently in charge of the group of men who'd captured him. "I take it things went well?"

"Yeah, smooth as could be. Never saw us coming, and he didn't give us any trouble. Even easier than the other dragon, with fewer parts to tie up."

Frick snorted, but the dragon's own protest was far louder. "Hhmm! Hhmf nnmm mm mmrgmmnn!" he grunted indignantly, and even with his voice so muffled beyond understanding by his gag Frick knew exactly what he was complaining about. Of course the pretentious dragon would object so loudly at being lumped into the same category as a 'mere wyvern!'

The first man spun around, striding to some sort of screen embedded into the wall of the corridor next to the dragon's niche. "When will you ever learn to behave and stop complaining so much!" After a few taps on the screen the dragon shuddered, and writhed, his voice jumping higher in a way he'd never heard before but struck him as betraying high arousal! Indeed, after a couple of moments his hips jerked and then he started to thrust, his hind end twitching back and forth, and then an odd greenish light rippled along the walls and ceiling and even the floor beneath the dragon, spiraling inward from the edges of the room to the center and then racing back out again. With a start he noticed for the first time that letters in some unfamiliar language had been stenciled into each face of the room, and that the patterns of runes surrounded him as well, on all sides but the opening into the hall.

His adversary moaned again, and he couldn't help but rumble in amusement. So the whispers he'd heard were true: the big, fierce dragon did like being tied up!

"There. Now if you value your air, you'll keep quiet," he scolded, before returning to his kidnapper. "I must tell you, Mark, that this time you've brought me a wyvern, not a dragon," he said, and while this assuaged the dragon even as Frick felt tempted to growl himself, that was quickly turned on its head when the man continued, "which is just the same, if not better suited to my needs! Go see Ben, and he'll give you your full bounty." The man, evidently Mark, nodded and left at once, and after a moment the remaining human wheeled a cart into the room.

Frick shivered when he saw the fat, tapered butt plug that sat on the cart, but there was no protecting himself, bound as tightly as he was! He could hide neither his rear nor his emerging shaft, and though he tried to growl at the human, they paid him no heed. "You too, hmm?" he mused, as he started to slather some sort of lubricant over the plug. "Your friend over there was just as eager and excited when we brought him in. I suppose all of you dragons and wyverns are simply that kinky. Considering how you creatures look in bondage, I can certainly see why..."

"Mmnn. Nnnnf! Snnph-- Lllnnt mm mmmmf!" he growled through his muzzle, trying to kick and struggle, but it was useless, and the dig at his arousal only made him blush hotter, feeling conscious of both the man's and the dragon's eyes on him as his cock steadily slid free and stiffened, even before the man wedged that toy into him! But his desire didn't spare him from the toy, and the human pushed it in firmly under his tail, ignoring any grunts of protest--even smiling a little, seeming pleased or perhaps amused when the complaints turned to moans of sensation from the feeling of the toy spreading his rear, prodding against some very sensitive places, making him feel stuffed rather full! And the pleasure of it only brought him fully hard, the distinctive head and knot shapes forming on his shaft, and though he resisted for now he could feel the urge building in him to thrust, to find a way to touch himself and to grind on that plug in him, oh it'd feel good wouldn't it...

"There we are, that should keep things flowing nicely." The human stood, scrubbing his hands in a basin further down on his cart. "Wyvern, you are here so we can collect your body's inherent magic. You'll feel the mana wells surrounding you draw it out of you as you squirm; it won't hurt, so long as you don't try to hold it in too much. Just a little tingle, or so I'm told. Feel free to struggle--it helps with collection--but do try not to make too much of a fuss, or perhaps you'll need to join your friend over there in chastity."

It was hard to find the teeth to growl, while strictly bound, stuffed, and with his erection gently throbbing against his belly, but Frick managed after a few breaths. Just because the human had at last told him why they were here didn't mean he was just going to let them harvest his magic like that! "Rrrmmgh. Lmmmf... llmmt mm gmmf!" he said again, and he wrenched against his bonds, trying to kick his paws free of the chain that tied them down, or slip a wing or finger out somehow. But the bonds all held firm! And not only that, but similar to the dragon's cell across the hall, the floor and walls and ceiling lit up in response, light tracing along the path of the runes, collecting in the center of each spiral before darting away once again... True to the man's word, he felt a draining, tingling feeling in his scales as the room leeched magic from him.

"That's the spirit!" said the human approvingly as he rolled his cart back into the hall. "Here, I think a little encouragement should help you settle in. Keep feeding us magic, and we'll take very good care of you." He paused, poked his fingers at something he couldn't see, and then at once the plug newly seated in his rear began to gently vibrate.

"Nnnh!" He jerked and trembled when the toy began to buzz, the constant hum against his prostate making him grit his teeth, shaft already beginning to pulse and to slowly drool pre. "Nn-nnnhh-- smmph!" he yowled, trying to meet the human's eye, but they were already walking away--just leaving him there, trussed up, throbbing hard and teased! Tensing up, he jerked and thrashed back and forth, feeling almost like a snake with his wings tucked to his body and legs pinned together--and with about the dexterity of a snake, too, with no way to free his limbs. The only thing that was free was his aching cock, which wasn't helpful at all!

After a few more rough grinding motions and a few more hard throbs left him dribbling more pre, he slumped down with a groan and turned his snout to examine his bonds, trying to think. How was he supposed to get out of this? He looked himself over, or at least he tried to; he found himself giving more than a few lingering, longing glances between his legs, where his hard shaft throbbed continuously, urged on by his plug and gently aching in lust... He tossed his head and groaned, trying to force himself to look elsewhere. That wasn't going to help him escape! But what options did he have? His claws, both wing and paw, were wrapped up and useless. His tail was bound. His snout was totally encased, which meant no fangs and no flame either... Magic? He cast a wary eye at the runes that surrounded him. Even if he could concentrate properly to do something, shapeshift perhaps, the room might siphon the magic off of him before it even took effect! But what else was he going to do?

Muffled sounds intruded on his thoughts: not just horny moans, this time the red dragon across the hall was trying to say something despite how thoroughly gagged he was--not that he was successful, as Frick couldn't even begin to guess what the words were meant to be; at best guess, he seemed to be somewhere between aroused and irritated, and certainly he seemed to be glaring across the hall at the wyvern, plus a few glances at the rest of his body. Frick's head tilted briefly, uncertain, but the way the dragon's hips jerked to accompany his next frustrated groan made him smirk despite himself, directing the most smug gaze he could manage back at his rival with nearly all his snout concealed by the muzzle. The dragon was larger than he was, and while that almost certainly included his endowment--under normal circumstances, anyway--the chastity belt that locked the dragon in his slit meant that in this small matter at least the wyvern was superior! The next time he saw the dragon's attention wandering, he did all he could to show it off, arching his back and rolling a little to make both his cock and his gentle thrusting motions against the plug as attention-grabbing as possible--even if the stimulation and tease of it made him groan softly, he simply couldn't resist the opportunity to one-up the red beast, and he felt no small satisfaction in how he growled and narrowed his eyes even as he made those impotent pent-up chaste thrusts against his own vibrating plug!

Briefly he wondered how long the dragon had been trapped in that belt--and trapped in this hangar, for that matter. If he was so irascible when bound as he was out in the wild, it was no great stretch of the imagination to imagine he'd been bound and chaste since the last time Frick had seen him, which would make nearly two weeks bound, gagged, and pent up, oh that'd be just the humiliation that dragon was sorely in need of, better yet they could just keep him here until he was willing to be subby and even chaste and restrained all the time! See him say rude things and try to mock wyverns then!

Of course, if Frick wanted to actually get a chance to enjoy the humbling of his adversary, he'd have to avoid being given just the same treatment, yet the more that vibrator teased and teased, the more he found himself thinking less of freedom and more of a good climax! Trying to act before things grew even more difficult, he drew up his magic to shapeshift into a smaller form and slip the restraints-- But the runes only flared brighter around him, and the magic was sucked out of him so fast he felt dizzy at the sudden sapping of his strength. Shuddering, he slumped back against the floor with a louder moan, and for a few moments he could only lie there panting as he recovered, and ground himself against the toy, and his cock continued to dribble and ache...

"Hhhmmmm. Mmmm hhmmmf mmff," mumbled the dragon.

"Bmmm cmmmnf," was pretty lame as far as retorts went, but it was less muffled than whatever the dragon had tried to say, at least. So magic wasn't an option either, and he was tied up very securely it seemed, not to mention very, very horny. "Nnnnnngh." Could he deal with that at least, and then figure out escaping afterward? Though the vibrator felt good, and it--and the bondage itself--were far more arousing than he'd care to admit, it was awfully gentle, and didn't seem to be getting him much further than a tease... If he wanted to actually get off, he thought, he'd have to do the work himself to make it there! But due to his bondage, that was just as much a quandary as freedom: not only was his snout tied shut, but thanks to the collar and the cuffs, he couldn't reach back far enough with his head to even nuzzle his twitching shaft, and his tail was tied up too! Pulling against the chains, he tried to reach as far as he could, fighting the collar until his neck hurt, and though he could get a good, up close look at his cock twitching gently with his pulse and drooling a little more of that slick clear fluid, he simply couldn't reach! "Cmmnn-- nnnn!" He growled and he humped and tried and tried to get close enough, but it was no use, his nose couldn't even get within a foot of his aching length.

Frick lay back with a groan of frustration, just in time to hear a muffled rumble from across the hall that might have passed for a chuckle; he glared back at the dragon and looked pointedly at the steel plate that covered his slit. What did he have to be so amused about? He couldn't even get an erection! The dragon only huffed, and writhed in his hogtie, thrusting a few more times in useless lust, a little fluid leaking from beneath his chastity belt. He hoped the irritating red-scale's dragonhood really ached under there...

But thinking mean-spirited thoughts about the dragon didn't do much to lessen his own predicament no matter how much he deserved it, and it didn't do much to distract from how badly he was really starting to want an orgasm either. Grumbling, he shut out the dragon's moans, as satisfying as it was to hear his voice so frustrated and so muffled by his gag, and how nice it would be if he could never badmouth wyverns again because his jaws were never freed to speak... "Mmmmnnhh!" Focus. Gotta find a way to cum... He glanced briefly at the floor, the only thing he could conceivably hump without slipping anything loose, but it was solid concrete, and while it didn't harm his scales, the flesh of his shaft would be another matter entirely. Not an option. Could he pivot his thighs forward far enough-- Nope, no matter how far he pulled his hips back, the collar pulling one way and the cuffs on his paws pulling the other kept him strung out and unable to bend very far! Could he just... hump the toy fast and try hard to make himself get off, and maybe it would be enough? Loath as he was to try what the red dragon had been doing presumably without success for nearly two hopefully chaste and orgasm-free weeks, it was all he could think to do, and rough rapid humping sounded increasingly appealing to his worked up, pent up body!

He twisted as close as he could get to lying on his back without crushing the base of his tail, looked down at where his throbbing dick rested against the scales of his belly, and for a moment he blushed hot and shuddered and groaned at himself: what was he doing? He'd been kidnapped, bound, and violated by the humans, and all he was doing was trying to climax? But then another pulse of the vibrator in that plug pushed the thought out of his mind and he went right back to being eagerly, almost desperately horny, his lust irresistible. Tense, his breaths coming in shallow bursts, he thrust short and rough against the toy in his rear, again and again, gritting his teeth and clenching his eyes and his claws. The effort felt good, and the pleasure felt better, almost addictive in its intensity, but though he was definitely getting closer the effort was also exhausting! In under a minute his legs began to ache, then his neck, his abdomen, even his tightly bound wings! He paused a moment to gather himself, shaft pulsing harder than ever from the lingering sensations, then tried to redouble his efforts--and had to give up almost immediately, thumping back against the floor gasping for breath, cock standing up proudly from his belly in a display of lust and helpless denial perhaps even more humiliating than the dragon's chastity! Or at least, might have been humiliating if there had been anyone there to witness other than a dragon who probably hadn't even been allowed an erection in a couple weeks...

Frick groaned raggedly in frustration, fitfully thrusting and struggling, but the effort had drained him as much as the magic siphoning had, and as he slumped back to his side he felt more powerless and more horny than ever. He was spent in every way except the way he really wanted to be, and his failed efforts only made the restraints seem tighter... And he didn't even know how long the humans intended to keep them! Was he meant to be the dragon's replacement, meaning that he'd now be here a couple of weeks himself... Or would they be trying to keep both of them imprisoned as magical batteries indefinitely? And just as importantly--was the dragon so pent up because he was just that horny for bondage, or was he just as denied as Frick imagined--and did that mean he couldn't hope for any relief of his own either! Still recovering, he watched as the dragon's attention turned towards his own hips and hogtied paws once again, watching him yank fruitlessly on the cuffs, press his useless mitts together, and grind his hips against big vibrating toy and achingly tight chastity belt.

"Mmmmmhhf. Mmmmmngh. Mmmmhhh, mmmf, mmmmmmmm!" The dragon thrashed, but the rattling of his restraints and the muffled, needy, helpless moans were music to Frick's ears; or they would have been, if he didn't feel nearly as horny himself, his shaft still throbbing hard from how close he'd pushed himself before running out of strength... As it was, he'd have to settle for enjoying the sight of his rival so thoroughly bound and humbled, and as he imagined what relief he'd feel if he could cum--could escape, he kept losing track of which he wanted more--he couldn't help but also fantasize about taking the dragon back to his territory to keep bound, chaste, and pent up, to make him be submissive and subservient until he'd done enough to make up for all of the insults and offenses, all the times he had mocked both him and wyvernkind, and of course to make up for the great favor of freeing him from their prison when the oh so mighty dragon could not escape himself...

Frick moaned, long and low, as the fat buzzing plug coaxed him into a few more languid thrusts and his hard cock drooled another slow, thick string of pre. First things first. First came orgasm--no, escape, then orgasm, and then he could worry about showing his helpless, horny adversary which species was truly superior.

He just had to figure out how...

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