Rexville 12: Fan Letter

Story by IslanderWave360 on SoFurry

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#14 of Rexville

Chapter 12 of Rexville! Enjoy! And Chapter 13 is also coming up soon!

Chapter 12: Fan Letter

The university's football game came out victorious! Once again, the Roaring Rexes won two of the most popular sports this season. Soon the volleyball team, the baseball team, and tennis will seek their victory, but that's another story for them.

It was a great game, defeating the West Coasters was like teaching them a lesson that the Roaring Rexes have improved over the years. The football teammates are celebrating in their dorms' living room area with an adjacent kitchen. It was all the fuzz and ecstasy. Bringing some beer and loud music to party with. Time moves on as they one-by-one left to their bedrooms with some companion along the way. Xerxes was lucky too, he got himself a fellow ferret-girl for a nice intimate time. They didn't drink too much to be wasted, it seemed like Xerxes was maybe hoping to let out some steam after some intense game match. Just like in the Olympic games' village, the athletes go into a frenzy of lust after a big game session. High on hormones or testosterone, they are among the highest condom consumers in the world with record-breaking sales you cannot imagine.

His sex life was wonky but he enjoyed it back in high school, his first time with a girl wasn't a bet by his friends nor a stupid fling, it was motivated by love with proper consent, both were nervous but they relaxed and made love under the sheets, only to be a little awkward but still enjoyable.

In his bedroom, clothes were scattered on the floor, male and female. Xerxes laid on the bed with hands behind his head, sweaty and satisfied with his blissful afterglow as he huffed for breath with a goofy smile on his face. The ferret-girl named Kaitlyn was slumped on top of the dragon satisfyingly exhausted.

"Hah, how was it?" sighed Xerxes pleasurably.

Kaitlyn chuckled and smiled at him, "Don't you know you're not supposed to ask that? But to be honest, I've had better."

"Oh, really?" one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, but you were really good. I guess I was wrong about you." She stood up from him on the bed and pick up her underwear and clothes.

"Wrong about what?" Xerxes said as he picks up the pillows so he can sit up on the bed.

"What some of my friends say about you, you know, being gay or bi."

"Oh, that." He groaned with a palm on his forehead. "Really? Because of my skin color?"

"Well, not anymore to me, Xerxes." She said and finished dressing up. "Hey, how's Terrence? He didn't play this game's match."

"He was suspended for one game after committing a hit-and-run."

"Hit-and-run?" she perplexed.

"Yeah, I heard that Vicky broke up with Terrence by phone and he was so mad that he kicked a mop bucket and it spilled on a student I know from the second floor in the library."

"Oh...I see." she lingered in her thoughts. "Wow, Vicky, you really did it."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Xerxes, I used to date Terrence before, remembered?"

"Wait, what?" he startled.

"I don't think you were around."

"I only remember Vicky dating Terrence from last spring break."

"Yeah, that was it. I dated him before her, so it's... I don't know... I think he needs some time off; you know? Vicky told me a few weeks back that he was kind of possessive which was also my reason to dump him."

"You too? Man, what is wrong with him?"

"I don't know but claiming a girl like a trophy is not really appealing these days. I don't want a guy telling me what to do and keeping me on track all day where I'm going and where I'm hanging out with. That's really toxic."

"Jeez...I wonder what's his problem."

"No one knows, but there's always an origin." After a quiet pause. "Hey, have you seen, Amy?"

"No, I don't think -- Ah, wait! I think I saw her with Julio, you know, the hawk."

"Oh, never mind, then. See you tomorrow, Xerxes. I really had fun." She waved and smiled and left Xerxes' room with the door shut.

After a sweet, calmed Sunday, Monday appeared for all. As the midterms are coming around, students are making their efforts snappy as possible. Taking notes and looking for sources for their projects, and research for their next exams. Time sure flies for Keanu as he spent most of his time at the library in his free time after classes. Keanu has settled along with some of the students that he takes classes with, for example, in History of California class, he hung around with Oliver Olivera and Frankie Edwards for their history essay they need to hand it over to Prof. Sheehan tomorrow.

"One history essay is done, finally! I'm beaten." Oliver the rabbit sighed in relief.

"Don't hold your breath, Oliver, I bet Prof. Sheehan will turn our essays into final-term exams." Joked Frankie.

"I don't think he'll do that, Frankie," Keanu remarked.

"You... know I was joking, right?"

"Oh, well..." the wolf rubbed the back of his furry neck, "he did say he'll put all previous exams into one."

"He'll do that?" said Oliver. "Oh, come one!"

"I think he's messing with us," Frankie said. "He did say that these essays will provide us extra credit for the exams if we fail."

"Ah, good, I cannot believe I got a C because of that."

"See, if you keep it up you won't get an F or D if you make an essay."

"Yeah, please keep up with the essays over one-thousand words... oh, help me." Oliver jokingly whined.

"Keanu, what about Hunter? He should be doing his essay, too."

Keanu's tail flinched, now that he thought about it, where he has been up to? "I don't know." He looked around cluelessly at the library. Hunter will occasionally go to the library to print out his homework with his USB flash drive to finish his homework from home. "He could be anywhere, isn't this for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but he should have done it sooner, this kind of essay is kind of easy." Said Frankie.

"Except for me, how do you do it?" said Oliver.

"Takes practice, and you can watch some videos online for a quick learning tutorial, you know."

The three students made their way to the printer and copy machine, charging cents per usage. Each student with their USB flash drives inserted it and looked up at the small screen with the file's names on it, pressing the touch screen, their respective essays came out cleanly done on paper. Good thing there was a staple that was leashed on the table next to it.

"I remember that one time I stupidly stapled my thumb in middle school." Said Oliver.

"Was it from a bet you did?"

"No, I was fidgeting with it, and without warning - clack!"

Hunter finally appeared into the library with a USB flash drive on one hand. "Any more room for an essay to print out?"

"Sure, we're done here." Said Frankie as she stapled her essay.

"So, guys," said Oliver, "have you seen that plane from last week flying over the university?"

"No, I haven't, but I felt the shake and the roar of the plane when it flew over the dorm." Answered Frankie.

Hunter answered along with a smile of enthusiasm, "Oh yeah, Keanu and I were just heading to the train station and it flew right over us."

"No way!" said Oliver, "I was in my dorm room and heard the jet and ran out by the balcony and I saw it; it was huge!"

"I'll be going for lunch..." Keanu sounded so disinterested, looked the other way, stapled his essay and put it inside his backpack, and as he was about to leave the library....

"H-hey, w-wait, let me finish my homework and I'll join you." Said Hunter and he inserted his flash drive to the copy machine. What's up with him all of a sudden? He thought.

Keanu didn't leave but stood by the upper tier of the stairs away from hearing lousy subjects such as the plane that flew way too low. Hunter finished printing out his essay for tomorrow and stapled it, and he rushed upstairs to meet up with his wolf friend.

"Hey, what was that for?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing, it's stupid." He softly deadpanned. He walked forward to the reception entrance; Hunter followed.

"It's only a plane with loud engines, nothing to worry about, or... why, are you afraid of flying?"

"It doesn't matter," Keanu didn't look at him, "I only take the train."

When Hunter opened the door for him, he caught how his brows sunk into a heavy sterned frown, is he upset on something. Keanu somehow forgot to thank him for opening the door.

"I don't mean to pry, but why are you all upset all of the sudden?"

"I'm not upset, I'm just annoyed that's what people been talking about lately." Keanu finally put up his words together what he feels for once. He took a deep breath. "And I don't like flying, so what?"

Defensively, he raised his hands at him, "Sorry, I won't bother you about that." Hunter understood his point, he even wasn't interested in hearing about his father's workplace, so no more questions.

Keanu took a relieving breath. "Sorry I've been brash to you, Hunter. It's been a tough day for me."

"Hah, you have no idea." Hunter cheerfully chuckled and placed both hands behind his brown-furred head. Trying to keep things optimistic for the two wolves. "We still have mid-terms, so get ready."

At lunchtime, as usual, the fellows have gathered around the table with food on their trays. Everyone seemed to be talking about their plans for Halloween on 31 of October. A special Halloween party will be held that night at the campus under the stars.

"I like Halloween and all," said Broderick, "but what's the catch?"

"They are holding a competition," said Sergio, "the winner will get two tickets to Sunshine Park."

"For best costume?" Xavier guessed.

"No, something about recreating a live puzzle-solving game of Clue." Said Milagros. "Whoever guesses the right suspect, weapon, and room, wins."

Weird, Xavier would have expected Sol to make an annoying statement of parrot stereotype of dressing himself as a pirate. The glanced at the leopard who was staring at a piece of paper with a face that he had not seen before. It was a serious, concerned frown.

"Sol?" Xavier started, "how long are you going to stare at that piece of paper?"

Everyone noticed, but Sol simply put the paper in his backpack. "What are we talking about? Halloween?" he said it as nothing happened.

Broderick grinned with one palm from being heard from Sol, "He's got a secret admirer."

"Fuck you, Broderick." he deadpanned.

"It's about time, Sol." Said Xavier hopefully so Sol can be busy with love and stop his teases and flirts toward him.

"Don't you usually get letters like that in your locker?" said Milagros. "I did the same thing when I was rooting for a football player back in high school."

"Actually, I did, back then when I started playing in my first year here." Explained Sol. "I don't usually respond back to all of them since most of them were girls who sent me those."

"And this time is a guy, Sol?" said Hunter.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting that when I read it."

"Who is it then? How many people know you're gay?"

"How should I know; I don't keep track that kind information."

"Sol, do you have a Grindr or Tinder account?" Milagros asked a little serious.

"Yeah, both of them..." Sol fetched his phone and checked the Grindr app, he had not been active since summer, a couple of familiar friendly faces appeared, but no newcomers texting a hi. He felt a dead end. "I don't think I can find someone without..." he snorted, "why bother, guys? I'll deal with this by myself. I not afraid of some secret admirer stalking my ass all day, if he wants to play the stalker, I'll stalk him back."

"Don't play with someone else's feelings, Sol." Said Milagros. "Can a guy express his newfound feelings to you."

"You know," started Hunter with arms crossed, "for someone who had been almost with Sol the most, I don't recall you having a boyfriend before."

Hunter had a point there; Sol never had a real boyfriend. Yet.

Xavier bounced his green eyebrows in interest, "You know, they say when you stop humping on other people, you know who's the one."

"Please, birdy-boy, sorry to break it to you, but I choose who to hook up with and not fall in love."

"Aw my god, I knew you were one of those kinds of guys who only go for a shag and never call back."

"Yeah, best part of my sex life." He proudly said. "You should consider seeing other people too, you know; to cure that poor self-esteem and self-loathing personality of yours."

All the green parrot could do was stare at him and let his left eye, deadpanned, twitch. Seconds later, he opened his mouth with one raised index finger to fire back his retorted comeback.

"I'll have you know that I have dated--"

That's when the reindeer jumped from his seat, a bright light bulb popped above his head. "Holy shit! I've just realized!"

Everyone froze and eyes fixed on him. "What is it, Broderick?" Sergio was quick to ask.

"That raccoon!" he turned at Sol. "Didn't you see a raccoon in the locker room, Sol?"

"No, I didn't see a raccoon." He shook his head.

Broderick quickly turned at Xavier, but he immediately replied a no in Spanish. "Damn it!"

"When did you saw the raccoon, Broderick?" asked Hunter.

"Just when I was leaving the locker room, he just passed by just as I walked through the door. I didn't think much about it until now. Do we know any raccoon on this campus? He's kind of skinny and about...Keanu's height."

"Huh?" Keanu looked at him in bewilderment.

But everyone thought thoroughly, but no raccoon in their classes or seeing him by around campus that bases on Broderick's description.

"He might as well be a first-year for all we know." Said Milagros.

"There is Prof. Esteves from Calculus." Said Hunter from his first-year memo.

Keanu slowly catches on after Broderick's physical reference to the said raccoon on him. "I think he's in my in English class on Mondays and Wednesdays." Everyone curiously looked at him.

Keanu's English class with Prof. Lovett every Monday and Wednesday mornings he's always greeted by a kind raccoon-boy student he had acquainted with. He seems very ordinary under his perspective.

"There! Boom! Case close." Said Sol, ending his mysterious secret admirer.

"How can you close the case if you haven't heard his name yet?" pointed Xerxes.

"I think his name is Rains," Keanu reckoned.


"Hmm, I think that's his last name. It's Robin Rains... I think that's his name." Keanu said calmly as he figured it out the times when the Professor listed out loud the names when class started.

"There! Boom! Case close, I'm out!" Solomon sat up from his seat and left the table.

"Well, that's very unusual of him," said Milagros as she turned back at her lunchmates.

"Yeah, he hangs out with dozens of guys, and then suddenly someone is interested in him," said Sergio.

"But what does the letter say?"

"Oh, it was cheesy." Said Broderick.

"You've read it, Broderick?" Hunter asked intrigued. "Tell us."

"Yeah, it goes like this: 'The moment I saw you in the field, I knew you were the one~'."

Everyone laughed, doubting his description of the letter.

"Oh, that's just too cheesy!" said Xerxes.

"Did it really say that or are you making this up?" Xavier doubted.

"A little, but yeah, Sol didn't let me read the rest."

"But really, is he afraid of falling in love? Can he just simply decline the offer."

"Without hurting the person's feelings, of course." Said Milagros. "I heard guys freaking out when a girl asks a guy out."

"Yeah, I remember how Jessica was rooting for me." Said Sergio with one hand behind his head, a little embarrassed. "She took it way too far than I expected."

A low shrilling scream made towards the table; it was Natasha coming in distress. "Oh my god, guys help me here!"

"Loca, que pasa?" Xavier startled.

"Natasha, what's wrong?" Milagros said.

"I was finishing my homework for chemistry class and..." she raised her shaky hand with her USB flash drive, "'s not working! I think it broke! And I don't have enough time and I have to send it today, but all I have is an error all over the screen!"

"The flash drive is corrupted?" Keanu said.

"I just got it new a few days ago and now it betrayed me! This is way worse than a printer!"

"Okay, okay, I can help you, Natasha." Said Sergio and sat up from his seat. "I have an application in my laptop that helps recover lost files on broken flash drives."

"There's a thing to save lost files?" the cat-girl was bewildered. "We really are in the future! Come! Take me with you! You're my only hope!" Natasha took the coyote-man by the arm and dragged him out of the cafeteria. Leaving six occupants on the table.

"And this is why I always safely eject the drive before pulling it," muttered Xavier.

After a short beat. "So, speaking of flash drives," said Xerxes, "does any of you know how much space it has my flash drive? Mine is completely full. I don't know how much space it has."

"Full?" Xavier asked. "It should say it in the drive somewhere--or--you can look it up in your computer by clicking right and look at the properties to see the storage percentage."

Xerxes fished out his flash drive from his small backpack and hand it over to Xavier. Upon examination, it didn't show any specifics on the outside of the blue rubbered bracelet flash drive. It was way too small to fit around on Xerxes' thick wrists. "Xerxes, where did you get this?" Xavier asked in wonder.

"Uh, since orientation?" he scratched his chin as he refreshed his mind.

"Figures," Xavier remembered his orientation day. They gave him free stuff such as a little gift bag of school materials like a pencil, pen, notebook, pamphlet, and a rubber bracelet flash drive with the university logo on it. Xerxes' flash drive bracelet had the logo worn out from constant use. "Last time I've checked, these cheap flash drives are about one gigabyte of storage. Useful, but not enough."

"And how much is that?" Xerxes asked.

"About one-thousand megabytes, plenty, but not much in our standards," Xavier answered as he returned his flash drive. "Mine's 64 gigabytes and that's a lot."

"And mine's 128 gigabytes," Keanu added in. "I can do pretty much everything with it."

"But seriously, Xerxes, what are you holding in there?" Xavier asked. "Homework?"

"Yeah, lots of old homework."

"Are you sure you're hogging up all the porn in there, Xers?" sneered Broderick. Keanu carelessly let out a chuckle.

"No! Holding this out in public and then lose it somewhere on the campus? Who knows who would find it before I do?"

"Good point there, Xers." Said Xavier. "But if you have old homework from your previous semesters, you could just delete them and make space."

"But what if I need them for any future purpose?"

"I seriously doubt that unless you're repeating classes. Either delete them or buy yourself a new flash drive with bigger storage, they are very cheap to buy, you know."

At Sergio and Xavier's dorm, Sunfish Seven, third-floor, door S-31, Natasha half-dragged the coyote-man inside his dorm. He tried to calm her down, but she really wanted to get it done and save her homework. He fetched his laptop, and both sat down on the couch, Natasha flapped her hand, keeping a weird smell away.

"Really, Sergio, what smells in here? Do you usually sleep on the couch?"

"Do you want me to save your files or not?" Sergio snapped. Probably a mix of his sweated musk on the couch that smelled from the recent solo video he made last Friday morning.

"Sorry, sorry."

Sergio turned on the computer, a random landscape appeared on the screen as he typed the password. For some reason, he left the webcam on as a small window displayed two people staring at the screen, Sergio flicked his pointed ears at the sight. Natasha didn't bother what he had left on his laptop. He clicked off the window, but another window appeared from behind and showed a picture of the coyote with just his bare torso lying down comfortably on the same couch displayed at them. Good thing Sergio wore pants in this faceless picture. Natasha gasped and covered her mouth at the sexy sight and flushed and laughed. Sergio flushed the hell out of it.

"Sergio, what is this?"

"Uh..." Sergio had to lie, this picture he took was for the Pornhub profile. "...just forget about it, it's f-for dating." He continued, clicked off the seductive picture, and doubled clicked the application for recovery of lost and deleted files, a window open for them.

"Okay, just give me the drive," Sergio ordered, Natasha gave him the corrupted drive, and inserted it into his computer and just like it had been feared as he looked upon it, all files showed an error and cannot open it.

"See? All files are lost." The cat-girl said.

"Okay, and here is how it works. It won't take long."

Sergio uses the app and clicked on scanning on lost or deleted files both waited.

"Do you have another spare?" Sergio asked.

"Yeah, I have the old one," Natasha explained, she bought a new flash drive of sixteen-gigabytes to replace her old eight-gigabyte drive. Good thing for her, she only has two gigabytes of occupied space.

The scanning was complete, and all her files were recovered including some pictures she saved. Even her chemistry homework is saved. All recovered files were safely transferred to the old flash drive. "Oh, thank you so much, Sergio." Said Natasha. "You're a lifesaver."

"It's nothing, really." He rubbed the back of his head.

"But really, what's with that pic of yours?"

"Just looking for dates," he sheepishly lied.

"Seriously, why guys always show off their bodies on dating sites, it's like they claim they have everything." She shaded.

"Well, I'll take it as advice and not put it on my dating profile." Going with the flow pretty much effective in keeping with the lie going.

"Oh, and don't do that serious, facial-less look with your face, because lots of guys do that, and it irks me that they don't show any personality with just a blank face alone." She added.

"Advice considered." Sergio looked away somewhere as he put his laptop on the table from his lap. "So, anything else?"

"Nah, I'm fine, thanks again with your help, Sergio." She briskly left his dorm.

Sergio sat there for a quiet moment, he let out a relieved sigh for that close call, he was careless when he left the webcam on and that picture left unattended. Who knows who would see that in the future to whoever accesses his device? This is his laptop and Xavier had his own sitting quietly on the desk.

A while later as he sat up on what to do, he then realized that he had not finished his enchilada.

Rexville 13: His Preference

Chapter 13: His Preference Keanu's art class with Milagros and Xavier on Thursday started and was going to be a busy one. Easels with big sketch pads in place and pencils readily shaven, the students were waiting for Prof. Zamora to come to class as...

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Rexville 11: Roaring Rexes VS West Coasters

Chapter 11: Roaring Rexes VS West Coasters "Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the first match of the soccer season in Rexville University! Today, the Roaring Rexes are playing against our visitors; the West Coasters from West Coast City, NorCal...

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