Rexville 13: His Preference

Story by IslanderWave360 on SoFurry

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#16 of Rexville

Chapter 13 of Rexville. Seriously, where on earth can I get that magazine! Enjoy!

Chapter 13: His Preference

Keanu's art class with Milagros and Xavier on Thursday started and was going to be a busy one. Easels with big sketch pads in place and pencils readily shaven, the students were waiting for Prof. Zamora to come to class as she is bringing a volunteer student to model for her pupils to draw a live person, she had discussed this in class on Tuesday, so they were fully prepared beforehand.

"Who do you think she'll bring to class?" said a girl in the class discussing the anticipating volunteer.

"Last year, Tammy said one falcon guy from the baseball club volunteered with a baseball bat with just his jockstrap." Said a barn owl-girl who flushed all over her spaded face. "I saw her drawing."

"Are we seriously doing this?" Keanu said to Xavier and Milagros. He was sitting on the stool next to his easel and blank paper, waiting for the professor. "Please tell we're not drawing someone naked."

"Keanu, that's up to the student who decides if they want to show off half-naked if they are not ashamed." Said Milagros.

"And no turning back," Xavier said with arms crossed. "I've never done this before, so it's gonna be an experience."

"Also, it's a struggle for Prof. Zamora to find a willing student to at least stand in the middle of the class for an hour or two."

"So, who do you think will be?" said the barn owl-girl.

The door opened and Prof. Zamora appeared with a satisfied look on her face as she walked behind her desk. "Good morning, students, I've finally done it!"

"Did you finally got an Aphrodite?" said Xavier. "Or an Adonis?"

"Yes, even better than those two." Said Prof. Zamora. "Please come in, Xerxes."

Only three out of twenty students reacted poorly, the rest reacted in intrigue at the seven-foot-tall pink dragon-man of the football team.

Keanu could not believe it as he sat there. He is going to sketch Xerxes of all people! Every corner of his build is huge and there is a lot of detail going on behind that teal blue shirt and brown shorts. He would better not take off his clothes!

"Aw mah Gawd," Xavier muttered as he did not expect him.

"Xerxes, you're volunteering?" Milagros said.

"Oh, morning, guys." Xerxes waved at the three with a good morning smile. "You guys are gonna draw me?"

"Yup and all these girls are going to eat you alive by their own eyes." Xavier gestured.

"Okay, class, please settle down, I know most of you have been expecting this for mid-terms and I was originally going to pick a student from the soccer club, but changed his mind at the last minute, so luckily, Coach Herrington was nice enough to let me borrow one of his pupils.

"Xerxes, please stand on this little stage, so all students can see you standing high and visible like a statue, make sure you pick comfortable poses for the next two hours and feel free if you want to undress or not, so I'll let you be in your own discretion if you tolerate the air conditioner of course."

"Sure, no problem, Professor." Xerxes beamed.

Prof. Zamora got a call and left the classroom, cueing Xerxes to start to undress casually. Lifting his semi-tight teal blue shirt from the hem, revealing his scaled abdominals and broad chest, his underside color is cream that contrast entirely his main palette color. Keanu eventually looked away sitting behind his easel and waited but he's still going to see him half-naked anyway. Xerxes unbuckled his belt and shuffled his shorts away and shoes. He only kept his gray boxers on that hugged his nether parts well.

Milagros turned at the blushing Keanu, knowing his orientation by default has shown a decent amount of dignity and respect than the other few students who were ogling the dragon alive. "You can look now, Keanu."

This is awkward but he's not the only one alone in the class with the dragon. Keanu quietly looked and Xerxes stood there smiling shamelessly. Now exposed in the middle of the class he's one large fellow of pink scales everywhere full of body mass. He's fully capable of blocking any opponents during a game match. He wondered if he's wary of his own strength.

"So, how this works," Xerxes said to the students, "should I make a pose?"

"That's the idea," Xavier said. "Standing there like a soldier is kinda boring."

Standing in the small stage and posed a variety of positions that would appeal the students to draw. He did "The Thinker" pose, then pretending he was launching a spear by using a long ruler, then a rather seductive pose when waiting for your partner in bed with a rose on his mouth. Also known as the "draw me like one of your French girls" pose, or boys in this case.

No matter what poses Xerxes made, it flexed and rippled his muscles naturally. Keanu felt innocently vulnerable and cannot properly focus on his drawing. He decided to do The Thinker pose and took a picture of it with his phone. Then Xavier reminded him that he must draw at least three different positions and picked the spear pose and... Keanu shyly asked him if he can make as if he was throwing flames from his mouth with fury.

"I could do that, but you know I can't breathe fire," Xerxes said.

"You can't?"

"With all the fire and safety regulations, it's downright dangerous." Said Xavier. "The last thing we need is a cold misty shower above us."

"I meant that I'm not the fire-breathing kind."

"Oh, but still..." the parrot shrugged and continued his drawing.

Keanu holds his phone and Xerxes took a lungful of air and blew out air furiously with a screwed face. Keanu shuttered for the right moment. He will add the flames later.

"Man, who knew this was hard." Said Xerxes as he stood there. "I thought it was just standing here and look pretty."

"And you're right, Xerxes," said Xavier focusing on his drawing without looking, "you're giving yourself a nice view for your new admirers here to see. Isn't this the main reason you came here for? To show off your rocking body to girls?"

Some of the girls were giggling or chuckling behind their easels and honored to draw him live.

Keanu quietly drew him, he had to admit, the dragon was outstanding, like a warrior's build. Even the spear pose he drew made it even better, so he added an armor suit to cover his parts with dignity and look cool. He wondered if it were Hunter, that would be interesting.... He had seen him shirtless before when he came over for a swim with his cousins. He was very dreamy in his imagination.... He shook his head out of his thoughts and resumed his drawing, still blushing at the existing former in front of him.

Time calmly passed and Keanu finished the three pictures, he looked carefully at them as his flush subsided.

"Seriously, what's with girls dating tall guys? Anything above six, it's a keeper." Said Xavier in a conversation with Milagros.

"It's like some sort of social status or something."

"Hey, I'm seven feet, without the horns." Said Xerxes still resting, half-naked on the small stage. "What does that mean for me?"

"It means that any girl will date you unconditionally for being over six," said Xavier, "you say anything, she'll laugh for no reason." Then Xavier made a mocking girly laugh and shaking his green head. "Ha-ha-ha, you-so-funny."

"Envious much?" Milagros retorted.

"Not really, but I think it's such a waste for women to find that kind of guy to meet up their expectations, then friend-zoning him, saying that I love you as brother and would rather date an a-hole."

"Mm, true..."

Finally, the class ended, and Xerxes put his clothes back on. And ran to the restroom, due to the air conditioner, he was holding a filled bladder. As Keanu and others leave the class, he let out a relieved soft sigh. "Hah, I'm glad that's over." He quietly said.

"Are you sure you did enjoy that?" Milagros teased.

Keanu flushed, crossed his arms, and looked away from her, "Well, dragons are not my type."

"Is that so? So, what are you into then?" she continued.

"Uh, well..." Keanu turned back at the coyote-girl and she doesn't seem very demanding, she was smiling with patience as if she were waiting for a yes or no answer, so... "Y-you won't tell anyone, would you?"

"No, it's not worth it anyway." She assured.

"Okay, so uh, I'm... I'm into... wolf-men..." he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Wolf-men? Keanu, you're also a wolf, it's very natural to love your own kind. So, that means you like Hunter?"

His heart skipped a beat at the mention of his small crush, but before he could answer her, Xerxes came out busting the restroom door with a relieved sigh and zipped up his shorts. "Hah, that's better." He sighed. "Oh, hey! Can I look at your drawings?"

"Save it for lunch, Xerxes." Said Xavier who was holding the glass door for them. "I'm craving for some Cubano sandwich."

Luckily for Keanu, he did not answer her.

At lunch, Xerxes glanced at his friends' drawings, each with a different art style. He started with Milagros and the first thing he saw was a necklace. "Hey, I wasn't wearing a necklace!"

Milagros grinned, "Yeah, I thought it would look good on you, so I drew the Heart of the Ocean!"

Xavier and Hunter laughed as they looked at Milagros' drawing. A lot of artistic licenses were taken.

"At least you look badass with the spear on this one." She said.

Hunter was holding Keanu's sketch pad, the young wolf was flushing a lot and looking away as this was his first time to draw someone half-naked. At least he wasn't the only one who done this alone, Xavier and Milagros were there with no judgment. He felt a little guilty, ever since his outing, with Xerxes who's straight but volunteered to model for them, but he did not mind if Keanu was watching.

"They're really good, Keanu." Said Hunter. He was also thinking the same thing but smiled none the less.

"I... I practice." Keanu sheepishly said, fidgeting his hands. "Prof. Zamora is a good advisor." He doesn't like to admit that he had liked it.

"If you like, I can volunteer next time when I'm available." Hunter winked at him.

"You've done it before?" Keanu turned redder than ever, and his tail exposed him even more. The thought of him lying on a couch with just his underwear or none was too romantic like the movie Titanic.

"I'm kidding," Hunter chuckled. "But I did ask Sol to help me out to finish my final exam in Art class."

"Oh... y-yes, Xavier said that before."

Xerxes then looked at Keanu's work with his tail tapping on the floor excitingly. "Not bad!" he said as he glanced the spear-throwing pose, "At least someone decided to make me look like a warrior than wearing a heart necklace." He pulled the next page and glanced the fire-breathing pose. "Nice! You really did a good job with the flames."

"Uh, thank you." Keanu couldn't handle the praise he' getting. Rubbing his neck repeatedly and blushing. When it's going to end?

Finally, in the late afternoon, Keanu, as usual, left the library after finishing his homework in his free time and proceeded to the streetcar station. Hunter later caught on, sometimes he walks with Keanu to the station, but depending on the time and schedule like today they just met up in the station. Hunter had missed the train on several occasions, and, even if he liked the company of Hunter, Keanu cannot wait for him to accompany him all day. Their train arrived smoothly on schedule and the wolves boarded and took a seat.

"Man, I wish I have my own car, you know?" said Hunter.

"You can drive Hunter?" said Keanu.

"Yeah, I got the license since sixteen."

"But... how come you take the train then, aren't you the elder brother?"

"I am, but Dad told me to let Rylan drive to school with his siblings since all of them go to the same school and that I'm better off taking the train to campus."

"Ah, I see. Wouldn't it be cool to drive instead of taking the train?"

"Yeah, and that way I don't have to miss the train like yesterday."

"What's wrong with your schedule, Hunter?"

"Oh, nothing's wrong, it just that I'm just heavily depended on during in engineering class."

"Oh, I see, then. So, do you have a car of your own?"

"No, Rylan is using Dad's car and Mom is using hers. Man, I would die to own one." He whispered the last sentence in desire.

"Well, at least you can drive," Keanu said as he received a text message from his father, a small list of groceries. "Oh, I have to go to the convenience store."

"Want me to come with you?"

"Sure, I don't mind, it won't take long."

The train arrived at Oasis Boulevard Station, their respective homes across from each other. As they stepped out of the vehicle, another train across stopped and dropped a few passengers. A wolfwoman was the last to leave before the doors closed shut and resumed its journey.

She saw her son standing there with his friend next to him and smiled. "Ah, good timing, Hunter!" Mary Montana said.

She made toward her son and kissed him on the cheek, "How are you, and how was school?"

"Just fine, Mom. Wait, don't you drive home?"

"The car it's on maintenance, son, it needs a new battery, I'll get it back tomorrow." She turned at the young wolf. "And you must be Keanu."

"Hello, Mrs. Montana. It's nice to meet you." Said Keanu.

"Likewise." She turned to Hunter, "Hunter, I need you to buy some groceries for tonight's diner, it won't take long."

Hunter's ears perked up, "Oh! I was about to accompany Keanu to the convenience store."

"Oh, how nice. Well, have fun, boys." She handed over a piece of paper to Hunter and waved as she made toward the pedestrian bridge.

"She seemed nice." Smiled Keanu.

"Yeah, if you are careful." Hunter rubbed the back of his neck.

The convenience store was up north of the boulevard since it was so close to their homes it was easy to get things done as now that Hunter and Keanu were tasked to buy ingredients for diner, this won't take long and have a chance for themselves to buy something nice once a while. The wolves split up for their to-do list before meeting up at the cashier.

Keanu had picked up what his father told him to get as he holds a small basket on one hand. He walked through a magazine aisle and something caught his eye. He made a few steps back and there he saw it: A Just Beastly magazine; wolfmen edition.

He stared at it for a moment as he analyzed the magazine cover of a hunky, shirtless, muscled wolf-man scowling at the reader. The magazine was almost an inch thick, full of juicy content of the most attractive wolfmen he could ever imagine. He looked both ways of the aisle and picked it up, the back cover had some sort of deodorant spray brand that could help shield it from suspicion, his heart was pounding at what he was buying into. Not only that, but Hunter is also with him, probably waiting for him at the cashier, if he sees it, he will die of embarrassment and teased by him for a long while. He had already told Milagros his preferential taste on wolfmen and it is too much for him to handle if Hunter found out his interest. They may be gay, but it's still his private matter, or maybe he'll buy it next time...

No there won't be the next time, it's the last copy on the shelf. Well, here goes nothing...

He put the magazine on the very bottom of the basket and all the stuff he picked up on top of it, so maybe Hunter won't notice it. Just act naturally as a normal customer as he approached the cashier, Hunter is already purchasing his things and handed over the money.

Hunter picked the paper bag full of the fulfilled to-do list. He turned around and smiled. "Got everything you need?"

Keanu nodded with a small smile. His heart is pounding fast to all this adrenaline rush, waiting to end it for good, and to achieve something he would never do it again in his lifetime.

It was his turn and greeted the cashier, he didn't minded if she saw the magazine, but Hunter was still standing behind him, he picked out the stuff from the basket so the cashier scanned the items for purchase. He brought a six-pack of root beer on the counter which left the basket near empty, one item left: the magazine...

"Ah, I forgot some root beer!" cried Hunter behind him. He walked away to the drink section aisle.

This was it! He handed over the magazine still on the backside cover since it has the scanning markings on it, the cashier didn't give a flying heck and just told Keanu the total price. Keanu handover the money and all the purchased items were safely placed in the paper bag.

Hunter came back with a six-pack of root beer. "You like root beer, Keanu?" said Hunter.

"Yeah, I like root beer." He satisfyingly said. "Ginger ale flavor is the best."

The two wolves exited the store with full paper bags on their hands, Keanu was so pleased, his tail was wagging satisfyingly of his achievement.

Tonight, he'll have some fun with pictures of wolfmen in nothing but their underwear.

Shortly after they split up, Keanu entered the lobby and put his magazine in his backpack before coming to his home apartment. He knew his father is now home at this time for asking him to do small errands before coming back home.

The evening was smooth, Keanu and his father Kendall dined together on the table. His father was getting more relaxed and gladder that he sees his son openly talk about today and his fellow friends in college as he hung out with them at the cafeteria. But when his father brings up about Hunter, Keanu's tail thumps against the back of his seat. Always with the same answer that he likes him as a friend, he had not yet told him that Hunter is gay and nor his coming out at the get-together party from last month.

His father always told him to be discrete about his sexually ever since he came out to him at sixteen. Kendall was scarred after the hate-crime incident at his old high school in Little Lake. He had the odd impression that he came out to the whole school and attacked him on the spot, but he was lunching when it happened.

In the end, Kendall Winters gave Keanu a good old talk about the birds and the bees if he gets a boyfriend. Much to Keanu's embarrassment.

Late at night, Keanu finished some quick homework left, his father was watching his television series on Netflix. Most of the show he watched was always about the crime genre which Keanu wasn't into. By the time his father went to bed and bade him good night by the door, Keanu quietly closed the door.

The room was lighted by the blue and white lava lamp on the nightstand. Keanu picked his backpack and unzipped open for the magazine, looked and smelled new. The Just Beastly magazine was in front of him as he holds it at his face.

He sat down comfortably on the bed next to the nightstand and turned on the other lamp and flipped the first pages and let his imagination run wild.

Just a few pages and already got the attention of a hunky wolf-man soldier. Three shades of gray fur from dark to light with bright blue eyes stared intensely at Keanu, wearing nothing but blue, gray, and black camouflage-patterned pants with black boots. Posing next to a hummer vehicle with both hands on his waist, exhibiting his muscular torso of light gray fur to see.

Next page was a beefy older red-furred wolf-man in his late thirties, with a graceful red mane of fluff and beard scowled at Keanu with those green-eyes, wearing just his black trousers with an unbuckled belt and sitting on an office desk. His torso of white fur showed his marked abdominals and pectorals.

Next page and trying to remember to breathe, a similar-looking brown and white wolf-man in his yellow underwear lies chillingly on a bed with one hand resting on his crotch, he almost looked like Hunter, but only this one is a bit larger in mass and has yellow-glowing eyes.

So many of them, so many to fantasize about and Keanu cannot keep a straight face while binging on wolf-men, but there's a part of him that's doing a better job keeping him straight...

Keanu's member had risen under his cotton shorts and its asking for attention as both hands are busy holding the magazine.

He flipped the next page and a hunk of a full-black wolf with fierce yellow eyes appeared before him in gray underwear which Keanu could make out an interesting outline under that bulging underwear, his smile was nasty with white canine teeth showing, asking him to join him to the party. Keanu wondered if this guy was the type for cuddles or snuggles when in bed.

When Keanu finally paid attention to his lower region, there was a spot of moisture on his cotton shorts, and slowly spreading further. He put the magazine aside and pulled down his shorts to reveal an even bigger spot of sticky wetness on his underwear, he also took it off and so as his gray undershirt, he was bare naked on his bed.

If Keanu made noises, what's between Keanu's and Kendall's bedroom was the bathroom in the corridor and the master bedroom's adjacent bathroom, so the three thin walls might do the job to absorb any reverberating echoes. He turned off the lamp, leaving the blue and white lava lamp to dim the room alone.

The lotion for his skin and fur was in the bathroom corridor, so he skipped it, and proceeded his needs. He lied down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, and let his hands do the work and closed his eye.

Hah...he needed this...

Keanu lingered at the ceiling, slightly sweating and catching up his breath. He reached a box of tissues on his nightstand and cleaned himself up in the bathroom with a towel on and washed up.

Back on his bed with his clothes on, he peacefully fell asleep and all that was left in his mind was an imaginary image of a certain wolf with his muscular arms comforting Keanu from behind his back (which was a big pillow spooning him), he had always wondered how it feels to be sharing a bed with a guy ever since he discovered his sexuality.

How long he has been lonely? He doesn't want to know about it, but he's glad to meet wonderful people in his life. Especially Hunter Montana.

Rexville 14: The Challenge and Closure

Chapter 14: The Challenge and Closure That night, Sol the leopard could not sleep, so he unlocked his phone for anything happening outside or around the campus on social media. Unfortunately, nothing was interesting going on to keep himself distracted...

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Rexville 12.1: Xerxes' Post-Game Match

Chapter 12.1: Xerxes' Post-Game Match It was a great game, defeating the West Coasters was like teaching them a lesson that the Roaring Rexes have improved over the years. The football teammates are celebrating in their dorms' living room area with an...

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Rexville 12: Fan Letter

Chapter 12: Fan Letter The university's football game came out victorious! Once again, the Roaring Rexes won two of the most popular sports this season. Soon the volleyball team, the baseball team, and tennis will seek their victory, but that's...

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