An Unlikely Pairing, Part 8
#8 of An Unlikely Pairing.
An Unlikely Pairing.
An Unlikely Pairing.
By Wolfie Steel.
Part 8.
Authors Note: This story will contain bad language, violence (Mild) and homosexual acts, if any of these cause you the reader a problem such as being under age or easily offended, then do not read on. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank all of the furs that have agreed to appear in this story, including my new mate, Rion Kagemon who for this story stars as Daniel Kanon. Guys, thanks from the bottom of my heart.
The first shop that we hit is a shop that has links to the academy so all the uniform and stationary supplies that a student would need can be found under one roof, it takes us just over an hour to get the new uniform and stationary sorted. We head to the checkout and I pay for the goods.
I can't help but feeling that the only clothes that Hank has in the whole world are the ones that are on his back at the moment, so I tentatively ask the question.
"Hank, please don't take this the wrong way but I was wondering if you had any clothes to wear outside of school?"
Hank's head bows in embarrassment and he gently shakes his head. I put a paw on his shoulder and continue.
"Ok, do you go for trendy stuff or are you happy with just a shirt and jeans?"
He looks at me with his mouth slightly agape and then speaks.
"Tyler, you have paid for my tuition fees, bought me a new uniform, I can't expect you to buy my out of school clothes too, I mean sure I have no money to buy anything so I will just live in my old uniform when we are off campus"
I quickly look him over and I make a decision.
"Ok Hank, getting you a mate is going to be difficult enough as it is, if you keep wearing your old uniform it will be practically impossible, now forgive me, but my gay eye sees you in white silk button up shirt and a pair of blue denim tight fit jeans, after all, under those scars and bruises you have a beautiful body and as I said in the locker room, you have an ass to die for, so we need to show your hot body and ass off to their best potential. I will also get you some smart casual wear then you can get yourself a part time job that doesn't involve taking your clothes off and being fucked by numerous perverts, and Hank, don't even think about going against me on this, if it makes you feel any better, when you get a job, you can pay me back some of the money I have spent on you, but only some, the rest you will use to live"
Hank lets out a huge sigh but then nods his head in agreement. I must have hit a raw nerve when I was talking about his body, because he is now blushing as red as a stop light. I see the blush and decide that we should head for a cafe in order for him to calm down a little. We find a place and I order us some drinks and a bite to eat, once our order arrives I decide that it is time to let Hank know a few things about my own puppyhood that might ease his feelings.
"Hank, it's ok to be too proud to accept a helping paw when it is offered, you feel as though accepting help from me means that you are a failure, let me tell you something, the fact that you started to be a male prostitute just so you could keep your schooling going tells me that you are far from a failure, true there were other jobs out there that you could have done, but being a male prostitute would I imagine mean that you could command quite a good price. Now I'm not going to sit here and tell you that what you did was wrong, you see I have never had the problem of having to find money for my schooling or my next meal, but that makes my life boring. Now though, I have a chance to help make a difference in the life of someone less fortunate than me, given the chance I think you will do quite well in later life, so if it means that I have to pay for everything for now, I am willing to do just that"
Hank solemnly nods, I offer my paw and he takes it in his, he then looks deep into my eyes and for the first time since meeting him I see a hope beginning to grow. We enter a clothing store and we begin to search through the racks and table tops to hopefully find some new clothes for Hank to wear outside of school. After twenty minutes he picks up a couple of pairs of light blue jeans, to the untrained eye they are nothing fancy, he also picks up two plain white tee shirts, again on their own nothing special, he then picks out a black leather jacket. With his arms full of clothing Hank heads to a changing cubicle.
After five minutes Hank makes his appearance from the cubicle, my jaw drops at the sight, the blue jeans, white shirt and black leather jacket alone meant nothing to me, but now that they were working together to cover Hank's body they are just......WOW.
"Oh my god is that you Hank? Jesus, turn around and let me get a good look"
Hank blushes but turns around, oh my god, the jeans bring out the true beauty of Hank's butt, he turns back and I see that the shirt has done wonders for his slightly defined muscles, all of this topped off to perfection by the stunning black leather jacket, a grin graces my muzzle and I speak.
"Hank, if I weren't already taken I would be mating you myself, you look absolutely stunning, how do you feel?"
Hank blushes again and replies.
"I have to admit that I feel a little out of place, but on the other paw I also feel a lot more confident, I guess it's true what they say, clothes really do make the man"
Hank then looks at the price tag of the leather jacket and hurriedly takes it off; I stand there with a slack jaw trying to work out why he has removed the jacket.
"Tyler, I can't have these clothes, I will try and find something cheaper"
I walk over to him and take the jacket from his paws; I then begin to put it back onto him as I speak.
"Hank, it's time that you cut yourself some slack, you have been down at heel for far too long, it's time that the world was shown the real Hank Miles"
Next we head to the formal wear section, having had a chance to get an idea of what would look good on Hank, I decide to pick out his formal wear for things like job interviews and stuff. I settle on a matching black suit jacket and pants, with a pure white button down shirt, topped off with a plain black tie.
Hank heads back into the changing cubicle to try the suit on; when he reappears I get the full formal effect, if potential employers pass this hunk of a dog over for employment, they are obviously blind.
"Hank, what can I say? You look so good it is scary, suddenly you have gone from a pup that was down on his luck, and to a dog that is not willing to be messed with, now to go along with that I want you to give me your best 'business like' stance"
Hank straightens up his back then he offers me his paw.
"Hello, the name is Hank Miles; I'm here for the job interview"
I let out a giggle but I happily play along.
"Ah Mr Miles, no need to interview you, your hired already"
We both let out a laugh as he heads back to the changing rooms to change back into his old uniform, with that done we both head to the cash desk and again I purchase the items for him. We head out from the clothing store and head towards our final shop, it is the shop that I will be spending the most money in, on my shopping list is a new school bag, art and writing equipment, and finally an absolute must for the school student of today, a laptop computer.
I give Hank his part of the list and tell him to go and find what he needs and then to meet me at the cash desk, it's my intention to have already paid for his laptop and have it wrapped up before he meets up with me. Hank heads off in the direction of the stationary department and I head off towards the technology department. I find what I'm looking for and ask the assistant to complete my purchase and then to wrap it up so that Hank will not see what I have bought him.
With the laptop now purchased and wrapped up, I head to our meeting point, the main cash desk area, I arrive just moments before Hank, he looks at the package that I hold under my arm with some confusion, but then thinking that it was something for me he laid his supplies on the cash desk and allowed the assistant to swipe them through the cash register. With the last of the items bagged up I hand the assistant my gold card and he completes the purchase.
With the shopping now complete, I decide that I'm going to call Daniel and ask him to meet us at a posh restaurant called The Lounge, Daniel tells me that he is on his way and will be with us in ten minutes, which gives me and Hank just enough time to get there ourselves.
Before we get to the restaurant we pass a public convenience, and knowing that The Lounge has a strict dress code being smart but casual, looking at Hank as he is now there is no way that we will get in, so I send him into the toilets and tell him to dress in his new shirt, jeans and leather jacket. Hank does as I ask and heads into the toilets, five minutes later and he emerges wearing his new outfit. We enter The Lounge and are met by a large wolf wearing a smart uniform, the wolf looks at Hank first and speaks.
"Excuse me sir, we don't allow jeans in this establishment"
I place a paw on the wolf's shoulder and then with my other paw I pull out my gold card and make a reply.
"He is with me, there will be a large horse here shortly by the name of Daniel Kanon, he is also with me, now, there are many more fancy restaurants that I could take my business to, but I have chosen to frequent this one as I have done on many occasions. I would like you to ask your manager Mr Anthony Downs to serve me personally, then you can explain to him how it is that the son of Tyler Winthrop Senior, has been so badly treated"
The wolf looks at me and gulps.
"You're Tyler Winthrop III aren't you?" He lets out a deep sigh and then continues "My apologies sir, it's just that we do have a strict dress code here at The Lounge, but as you are one of our most prominent patrons, I think we can overlook the jeans issue, just please don't bring my manager out here or I am as good as fired"
I agree to hold back on getting this wolf fired from his job and he dutifully shows us to the table that is usually frequented by my father, he hand me three menus and assures me that upon Daniel's arrival he will be led to our table.
After two minutes the smell of cologne hits my nostrils and I look up to see Daniel dressed in his best outfit. This is the first time that I have seen my mate in what I would call his Sunday best and my jaw instantly hits the floor, he is drop dead gorgeous. I quickly rise to my feet and pull out a seat for my lover. Daniel takes the seat and offers his hoofed hand to Hank.
Hank begins to shake a little but takes Daniel's hand and shakes it whilst introducing himself. With the introductions now complete I look at Daniel and wink as I lift the wrapped package up to the table top, Daniel instantly knows that I have bought something for Hank that he knows nothing about and gives a gentle smile. I push the package towards Hank and speak.
"You have made some huge leaps today my friend, I'm proud of you, so I have bought you a gift"
Hank's eyes go wide as dinner plates as he looks at the wrapped package, a tear forming in his right eye, with shaking paws he begins to slowly unwrap the gift, his eyes go wider as he sees the new laptop and carry case, his mouth begins to move as if trying to say something but no words come out for a few seconds, then suddenly he finds his voice.
"Tyler, what the hell is this? I can't accept this; you have already done more for me than you needed to"
Daniel stands from his chair and stands behind Hank and gently puts his hands on Hank's shoulders, he leans down and speaks quietly into Hank's left ear.
"Tyler wants to see you make a new start, he wants to give you the tools you need to make something of yourself, my advice to you is accept those tools graciously, don't become another down and out statistic"
Hank's muzzle breaks out in a weak smile as he thanks me for the gift. A waiter arrives at our table and we place our order, Hank gently stands the laptop and bag between his chair legs and places his own legs either side of it for security. Our meals arrive and seconds later so do our drinks, so we begin to tuck in.
Having now finished our meal and paid the bill, the three of us head back to the campus and our respective dorms for the night. As Daniel and I get to our dorm he lifts me up in his huge equine arms and carries me into our room. With his right foot he kicks the door shut and then lays me on his bed, he then returns to the door and locks it.
With the door now locked, he returns to his bed, he looks down at me with a lustful smile and speaks.
"Sweetheart, what you have done for Hank today is nothing short of wonderful and such a generous gift should not go unrewarded. We have been together for a while now and we haven't gone......all the way, but tonight, I think that it is time that we explore each other a little more.....deeply"
Daniel begins to slowly undress, first removing his shirt. I get to see the wonderful six pack that my horse lover possesses, my Dalmatian pride begins to stir at the sight of his gorgeous upper body. I keep my eyes locked on his hoofed hands as they slowly lower to his belt buckle. I let out a gentle whimper as he slowly and lustfully removes his belt.
Next his hands undo his pants button and zipper; the pants slowly fall to the floor and reveal his boxers which are now struggling to contain his huge package. Knowing that I like butts Daniel turns his back to me and begins to lower his boxers, instead of letting them fall idly to the floor he purposely lowers them by hand causing him to bend over.
My cock stirs more as I see the godly ass cheeks of my mate; I know that soon my Dalmatian cock will be buried deep within the gorgeous mounds of flesh and fur. I sit up on the bed and tentatively push my muzzle into the valley of Daniel's butt, I begin to lick at his glorious tail hole savouring his taste and needing more. As I rim my mate I hear his throaty moans of pleasure, after a few seconds of this I know that I won't last, so I stand and hurriedly remove my own clothing.
It's now that Daniel turns to face me, oh my god his cock has to be at least fifteen inches long and at least three inches in girth, I lick my muzzle whilst Daniel opens the drawer of his bedside table and takes out a bottle of lube. He opens the bottle and pours copious amounts on his horse cock and massages it along his length, he then tells me to get on my paws and knees which I do without question, and he smears some of the excess lube onto my tail hole making sure that it is completely coated, both inside and out.
Next he climbs onto the bed and slowly moves himself over my back; he lowers a hand to his cock and aligns it with my tail hole. I feel the gentle pressure of his cock tip against my passageway, he leans his mouth to my ear and whispers.
"Sweetheart, I know that this is our first time but I promise you I will take you slow and gentle, but I want you to tell me if it gets to be too much for you, the last thing I want to do is do any damage to the one that I love"
I nod gently and brace myself ready for the initial entry. With a slurp Daniel's cock slowly enters my hole, I let out a slight hiss with the initial pain, but this soon fades into pleasure and desire. Daniel pushes his cock in an inch and then stops to allow me to adjust, and then he pushes again. He continues to do this until I have what must be about twelve inches of premium horse cock buried deep inside of me.
Daniel stops pushing forward and rests a while so that I can accommodate the monster piece of meat that has impaled me. I slowly look back and up into my lover's eyes, I see true conviction and love in those wondrous orbs of sight, I gently lick his muzzle and nod my head to give him the all clear.
Daniel begins to thrust inside of me, though being so mismatched in size means that he only needs to give me short thrusts. I moan out in pleasure and he begins to grunt as we both give ourselves to each other, I feel Daniel's cock head begin to flare inside of me, his hot and short breaths tell me that he is on the verge of filling my colon with his oh so hot and sweet love juices.
My lover's cock begins to tremble inside me and then I feel the warmth of copious amounts of premium horse spunk spewing deep inside me. As Daniel fires his first load he lets out a loud whiney and then he begins to nibble lightly on my neck.
It takes a herculean effort from me not to explode right there and then, but I want to fill my lover's ass as he has filled mine, with every ounce of will power that I have left, I hold my own orgasm back. I can tell that my lover is disappointed with my climax not happening, but I gently lay a paw on his hand. Without words I see the light of realisation dawn in my lover's eyes, he knows that I want to save my climax for his gorgeous rump.
After about two minutes Daniel's climax comes to a dribbling end, I feel his flare begin to shrink and slowly he begins to withdraw from my butt. More slurping sounds can be heard as his softening member pulls free of my passage. Daniel climbs off my back and then takes up his position on his hands and knees, his tail swishes back and forth as he waits for me to make my move. Some of his horse cum has leaked from my tail hole so I dab my paw in it and then smear it on my throbbing Dalmatian cock.
I take hold of my lover's tail and raise it high, then slowly I approach him, wincing every so often with the soreness of my butt. I'm determined that nothing is going to stop me from taking my mates ample butt, I know that the seed I have to offer will seem like a dribble compared to his, but I just hope that he knows that I give it freely and with love.
I slip my cock deep into my lover, he winces a little but I know that my cock entering him wouldn't be half as painful as his cock entering me. After a minute I am hilted deep inside my lover all that is left in the fresh air is my ball sack and slowly forming knot, Daniel looks back at me and speaks.
"Tyler my darling, you have taken my flare, and I know that your flare sorry I mean knot is set in a different place, but I want to feel it inside of me, I dearly want you to fully mate with me.......tie me Tyler, breed me like your bitch"
I don't need any more words and I begin my doggy thrusts into Daniel's butt, my knot forms to its full size and I let out a huge whimper as I push it inside Daniel's butt. Instinctively Daniel's anal ring contracts around my cock and knot causing the tie, the feeling sends me over the edge and my Dalmatian ball sack delivers its payload.
I have been with other canines and my climax was good, in some cases legendary, but here and now I am firing the largest load of my young doggy life, which is testament if one were needed to the love that I have for this heavenly horse, my lover, my boyfriend, my partner, my mate, my Daniel Kanon.